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Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:33 pm
by Shadow Mann2330
"Since you disturb me from my mate hunting..." the snake woman said as she grabbed one of its arms with her tail, "I'm going to reveal to the entire Demon Realm your true face and make you my mate instead, Lord o-"
Washu abruptly backhands the snake woman from behind so hard she felt bones breaking inside her hand,
The pain did not really strike her but instead fueled her rage for this woman, no these things that had shattered her existence as a human.
Nothing else seemed to happen to Washu only the fact that she hated this woman before her, her forceful nature, her willing ness to rape a child, and her forced declaration of marriage only added to Washu's already tragic day.
all in the period of less than and hour Washu had been raped, robbed of her humanity, forced to commit rape of an innocent man. Not to mention she was torn from her students who were most likely being raped at this moment, adding plenty of fuel to the fire of her hatred and malice.

Using every ounce of her strength she wrapped her left hand around the womans waistline and pulled as hard as she possibly could yanking the massive woman over her torso, and falling backwards into a one handed German Suplex slamming her head into the cement with a terrifying force.

(Now this next segment is only if the Suplex actually happens with such forces as i hope it does not trying to be a god poster or anything)

Washu moved the snake off of her body and leaped to her feet, tears streaming down her face as she begins to kick the snakes face into the floor, unaware of any other bystanders.

"This is for Bobby!, and this is for Heinrich!, And this is for Ella! and this !…." Washu continues to kick the woman naming every child she had visualized being raped as she named them between sobs and lungfuls of air.

It's very clear that whatever strength had been granted to her is now gone as her woes rob her kicks of their force, doing almost nothing to the woman's face. Eventually she began to miss her head completely, one of them makes her now high heeled foot twist sideways causing Washu to topple to her knees gasping for breath in between sobs.

Eventually Washu stops sobbing and looks to her right hand cradling it in her left as she assesses the damage never speaking a word.

Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 3:38 am
by ShadowBladeX
WodanYmirthe2nd wrote:
Spoiler: show
"Come out from where you are hiding, boy!" a shout was heard nearby, "I know you're here!" it said as objects and furniture are forcefully thrown around, "I know you are here!"

"Hmmm..." the Ender Demon looked at the direction from where the shout came from, "Methinks we should help out that boy first, boy." he suggested to Tamaki as he looked around, "I can smell horsetits and alcohol from here and those Centaurs are a bit of a pain to put down once they're drunk."

"AHA!" the voice shouted out of success, "You've been hiding under your bed, eh?!" she said a loud clunk was heard, "I'm gonna enjoy giving you a good time, boy~!"
Any answer to Tamaki's questions were interrupted when the sound of a scream, a woman's he had initially guessed, reached his ears and caused him to flinch. he listened carefully and nearly jumped where he was when he heard the sound of furniture and any other objects being thrown around the area.

'...Wait, that's near here!' Tamaki thought to himself, then flinched when the Demon confirmed that a woman or rather, a Centaur, something that caused him to pause. For a few seconds Tamaki processes the information that a real life Centaur was here, but the thought of his fellow classmate being in potential danger had done it's job of shaking him out of his thoughts. Tamaki then nodded at the Demon and grabbed onto his wooden sword, made sure his pants were still secured tightly and took one last solemn look at Claveria before motioning the Demon to follow him.

"Come on, there's still time to help the guy out." Tamaki called out to the Demon as he exited his room and using his ears, followed both the sound of the supposed Centaur and the shouts of his fellow classmate, himself reaching the area where the other young man was and with a sigh, puts his back to the wall next to the door and starts to speak out to the Demon.

"Okay Demon. How exactly do we handle this 'Centaur' anyway? From what you're saying, Centaur's are a handful sober and really hard to take on when drunk. Best I can think of is that I'll distract her while you do to her whatever you did to Claveria."

Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:03 pm
by WodanYmirthe2nd
to Oersted:
Spoiler: show
"Indeed..." the older man said to Grey as he starts up the bus, "You might want to take a seat and hold on to something, boys and girls." he added, "We're gonna be having a bumpy ride."

The three saw a number of heads pop out from the cars and sewers. They seem to have taken notice of the engines that started up and some of them started advancing towards them. Luckily, the ones who are advancing are rather slow due to their slug halves and they are also cautious about going near a box that is beginning to roar at them. Grey took a seat next to the blonde girl, who is now hugging him, while Rod and Archibal took their seat at the back row. The two looked at the back window and saw a pack of bandaged women, hobbling towards the bus with their arms raised towards them.

"Doc, I'm seeing a pack of girls coming towards us from the back!" Rod shouted, "We should get moving now!"

to Shadow of Legend and Shadow Mann 2330:
Spoiler: show
From afar, Sol saw Washu, manhandling the snake woman and saved Ansem at the same time. The spectacle was quite brutal as the snake woman's face turned into a bloody mess and her limbs cringing after what the redheaded Succubus did to her. When he got near to the Gnome, he saw from afar the child next to Succubus walking towards the hunched figure. As soon as the child came too near him, the figure suddenly reacted to it by ...

"Stop! Don't come near me!" it immediately jumped away from his reach, "Stay back!" it ordered the child.

"Waah!" the child also backed off when he moved, "I'm-..."

"You'll be in more danger if you come near me." it said in strangely feminine tone, "I don't want to endanger the life that I've just saved." it added as its voice turn back to its cold and ominous tone.

The Gnome, who is now regaining her consciousness, slowly tries to sit-up. Her gigantic clay arms turned into slender, human like arms and uses them to support her upper half as she stood. She looked at Sol, who is now next to her, and smiled at him. All of the sudden, she hugged Sol and cried on his shoulders, whispering to his ears...

"Please don't let him stop me from having a new master..." she said, "I... I don't want to be alone..."

to Lone Wanderer and ShadowBladeX:
Spoiler: show
"No one's gonna save you, boy~!" she said in a sloppy fashion as her hands reach out for him, "You're mine now-..."

"OY!" a gruff voice shouted, "Nap time!"

Outside the room, Tamaki opened the door of Marcel's room. The Ender Demon opened its mouth and let loose a streak of black lightning. The Centaur was surprised when her body suddenly went into a state of convulsion before falling on the other side of the room. The bed that the Centaur was holding fell down and was about to hit Marcel's head until the bed turned into slashed bits and pieces thanks to the Ender Demon's claws.

In Marcel's eyes, he only saw Tamaki, standing on the other side. The pieces of his bed fell down on his sides mysteriously and none of them managed to even hit him. No one seems to be making any sound other than the Centaur's gurgles.

"Okay, I'm too tired now..." the Ender Demon said to Tamaki, "Call me when you need me. I'll be inside your body." it said as it poofs out from the scene.

to Kaijin:
Spoiler: show
"Someone..." a groan was heard outside, "They're too strong..." it added as a loud thunk was heard near Siegfried's door.

When Florin heard what was going on outside, she immediately stood up, choking back her fears and went out of the room to see what is going on. She saw a blonde little girl wearing nothing but tattered rags. The Dark Elf was shocked when she saw the legs of the little girl, growing furs that has the same color as her hair. The little girl's face now has tears streaming down her face and her body seems to have a black arrow sticking out on her shoulders. Florin tried to remove the arrow from the little girl's chest but the little girl said...

"Don't touch it!" she backed away from Florin.

"Shut up, Lisette." Florin came to her, "We need to remove that thing before you get even more infected!"

"Go away, Florin!" Lisette pushed her away, "I don't want you to try and do anything to me, okay!" she added.

"Why?" the Dark Elf asked, "We have to remove that before your condition worsen-."

In no time, the little girl began to convulse and grow fur on her arms as well. Her body began to stretch and grow big once more. Strange wolflike ears began to stick out from her head. Florin watched in horror as the little girl transforms. Lisette gasps and triesto speak to Florin as coherently as possible, saying...

"The Lescatians..." she said, "They're out and ab... ab... about..." she added, "Tell... Umbriel... They... They... AAAAAAAARGH!" her last word was replaced with a loud shout as her body ages from 7 to 27 and her chest grow.

Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:47 pm
by Shadow of Legend
WodanYmirthe2nd wrote: to Shadow of Legend and Shadow Mann 2330:
Spoiler: show
From afar, Sol saw Washu, manhandling the snake woman and saved Ansem at the same time. The spectacle was quite brutal as the snake woman's face turned into a bloody mess and her limbs cringing after what the redheaded Succubus did to her. When he got near to the Gnome, he saw from afar the child next to Succubus walking towards the hunched figure. As soon as the child came too near him, the figure suddenly reacted to it by ...

"Stop! Don't come near me!" it immediately jumped away from his reach, "Stay back!" it ordered the child.

"Waah!" the child also backed off when he moved, "I'm-..."

"You'll be in more danger if you come near me." it said in strangely feminine tone, "I don't want to endanger the life that I've just saved." it added as its voice turn back to its cold and ominous tone.

The Gnome, who is now regaining her consciousness, slowly tries to sit-up. Her gigantic clay arms turned into slender, human like arms and uses them to support her upper half as she stood. She looked at Sol, who is now next to her, and smiled at him. All of the sudden, she hugged Sol and cried on his shoulders, whispering to his ears...

"Please don't let him stop me from having a new master..." she said, "I... I don't want to be alone..."

So, some redhead succubus just stomped the shit out of a snake-woman*... Wait, she looks familiar... Is that Washu!? The redhead hottie teacher that we unmarried staff have "discussed" at length about!? Wow. And that Ansem guy... Is "he" really a guy? That voice sounded very womanlike. A reverse-trap, perhaps? Damn, if only I was capable of what Dark Schneider is! If I were, I could use a flight spell to fly over there and strip her! If it's a her, that is. I guess I'd start off by stripping him/her enough to confirm the gender, then finish if it's a girl. Heh heh ha!

Hmm? Oh, this earth-woman is waking up. I watch as her arms turn into a much more pleasant-looking shape as she sits up, then stands. She smiles at me. She's got a cute smile, I must say. Before I can smile back, however, she hugs me and starts crying on my shoulder, which leaves me stunned and unable to do anything until after I hear her whispers. I feel pangs of pain upon hearing that, knowing all too well the pain of loneliness that she has just reminded me of. Thanks a lot, damn it... I usually just don't think about it, and ignoring the fact that I don't have a "partner" has worked up until now, but this girl, she's not tugging at my heartstrings, she's yanking and jerking the fuck out of them, whether or not she realizes it. I'm not sure what she means by "master", though...

As soon as I've recovered from the shock of the sudden hug and her crying, I give her a half-hearted hug back, pat her on the back soothingly, and say, "Come on, let's go. From the sound of things, it's not safe here if that masked person is around. Let's find that draconic girl you were fighting, make sure she's okay, too, and then find a safe place so we can figure out what to do next, okay?" I then start leading her in the direction of the draconic woman's landing spot.

Spoiler: show
*I seem to remember that they were Medusas, but I'm not sure. Were they?

Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:45 pm
by Oersted
After Archibal sat down he looked through the window and spoke to himself in a low voice "Let's see...there's a few slugs over there, hm? What's this?" as he said that he noticed one thing, those girls seemed...cautious about the minibus, as if it was their first time hearing the sound of a car running, he took a mental note of this and then turned his attention to the back window, from that window he could see a group of bandaged women advancing toward the minibus, they reminded him of the mummies of ancient Egypt, except much less decomposed, still, he wasn't going to go and ask them if they were young or just well preserved, he'd rather stay in the "safe" minibus than risk being pinned down under one of those creatures again...

Re: Shrike International Academy RP (Group A)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:50 pm
by Kaijin
Spoiler: show
"Someone..." a groan was heard outside, "They're too strong..." it added as a loud thunk was heard near Siegfried's door.

When Florin heard what was going on outside, she immediately stood up, choking back her fears and went out of the room to see what is going on. She saw a blonde little girl wearing nothing but tattered rags. The Dark Elf was shocked when she saw the legs of the little girl, growing furs that has the same color as her hair. The little girl's face now has tears streaming down her face and her body seems to have a black arrow sticking out on her shoulders. Florin tried to remove the arrow from the little girl's chest but the little girl said...

"Don't touch it!" she backed away from Florin.

"Shut up, Lisette." Florin came to her, "We need to remove that thing before you get even more infected!"

"Go away, Florin!" Lisette pushed her away, "I don't want you to try and do anything to me, okay!" she added.

"Why?" the Dark Elf asked, "We have to remove that before your condition worsen-."

In no time, the little girl began to convulse and grow fur on her arms as well. Her body began to stretch and grow big once more. Strange wolflike ears began to stick out from her head. Florin watched in horror as the little girl transforms. Lisette gasps and triesto speak to Florin as coherently as possible, saying...

"The Lescatians..." she said, "They're out and ab... ab... about..." she added, "Tell... Umbriel... They... They... AAAAAAAARGH!" her last word was replaced with a loud shout as her body ages from 7 to 27 and her chest grow.
A sound came from outside, just from behind my door and that was more than enough to bring me back from my astonishment. I tried to tell Florin to not open the door, but when I was about to open my mouth, the door was already open.

On the other side of door was a little girl, judging her appearance she shouldn't be older than 8 or 9 years old tops, and it was quite apparent that she was a really close acquaintance from Florin... a friend even, judging by her reactions.
She had an arrow firmly stuck in her shoulder and it would probably really difficult to remove it just by the looks of that wound... But the thing that was worrying me the most were the effects that the poor girl was suffering...
I've seen it countless time in several media: cinema, literature, comics both Japanese and western, videogames... There was no mistake... that girl was suffering from lycanthropy.
I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing... How could that be happening? Did lycanthropes even exist? But how she could be turning into one by an arrow shot? It would normally take a bite or even a scratch to infect someone... in case they were to exist... But an arrow? Why would a werewolf shoot an arrow? Even more... how could a werewolf be able to even shoot an arrow? It didn't make any sense... but then again, I've seen weirder things in just one day...

The transformation process sped up and soon the kid began to morph, she stopped looking like a child anymore and she now looked like a full fledged adult... her chest are was even bigger than Florin's by that time.
"Listen carefully to me now" I started talking to Florin sounding incredibly calm despite my heart was racing like mad "I want you to leave now, search for survivors and join them" A fake and confident smile appeared on my face "Don't worry, I'll catch up to you".