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Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 11:11 pm
by Phantom77
"Ricard, how long will it takes us to reach Colm from here?" Inquired the team leader.

"Hmm, on foot it would take at least a few days. However, using my projection and wind cards, it should only take about 7~10 minutes." Said the duelist as he pulled out two of his cards.

"That should be good time then. It's time to disembark." At Ruecian's words, Ricard made began to invoke his magic yet again.

"Gate of Cosmos and Gate of Wind, combine your might at land us to our destination. To Colm!" The group was enveloped by a dark orb as the wind around them started to pick up speed. Soon, the orb shot into the air and dispersed into the sky, leaving little particles of energy in view.

The party was soon on it's way to the village of Colm. The village laid south of quite an expansive forest, which happened to be home to various mamono species. It actually a well known fact that the village has a somewhat friendly relationship with the mamono denizens of the wooded area. However, due to the lustful nature of said denizens, it would be easy to infer that they are the cause of the disappearances. But if that would be the conclusion that Rue's team came to would be a whole other matter altogether.

After several minutes, A familiar dark orb could be seen descending down on a stretch of road not too far from the village in question. As it touched the ground, the light emitting from the sphere vanished and the guild team became visible.

"Here we are, a little farther than I had hoped, but still not too far off." Ricard said as he dusted off his cloak.

"I swear those wind rides get worse ever time..." Moaned Sheena as she wobbled a bit on her feet.

"Nice work Ricard. I believe that only took around 6 minutes? You defied your own expectations!" Complimented the unit leader. As the group gazed upon the village, vermilion sparks and small stacks of smoke could be seen coming from it.

"Leader, the village!" Giselle shouted.

"Hey, hey! The hell's going on?! We haven't even started fighting yet!" Sheena added.

Rue turned to Drake with a grave expression. "We have to hurry! It seems to villagers got tired of waiting for assistance..."

With that the group made its way to the village post haste.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:12 pm
by Creator_Drake
Drake, and many who knew him, would consider himself to be a well travelled warrior. However, no one could really claim to have been everywhere before. Nearly every place Drake had been to had something to set it apart. From the people to the buildings to the atmosphere. He'd never been to Colm before now, so the town was new to Drake. The town being under siege, however, was not.

As the man kept pace with the others, his mind swirled with ideas on how to approach this. He cast a side glance to Rue.

"How do you want to approach this? We can cover more ground by splitting up, but unless we have a means of talking to each other long distance we won't be able to share info on the fly. Staying together will be the opposite. Also, what role do you want me to fill?"

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 3:35 am
by Phantom77
"Actually, we won't have to split up, just sit back for a moment." Said Ruecian, weapon in hand. He began to run ahead of the group, drawing his blade enough so that around half of the blade was visible. As he made his way to the riot, the angry howls of the citizens could be heard.

"We've had enough of your lies! Our friends and medical practitioners are gone because of you sluts!" Shouted one villager.

"Can't you understand that we need herbs as much as you do! Our friends are missing too, they wouldn't just abandon us or this place!" Yelled one of the mamono denizens.

"Enough you bitch, you can't talk your way out this!" The man began to throw a rock at the mamono, who turned out to be a lesser succubus. "Leave my wife alone, you bastard!" Another man who appeared to be the succubus's husband stepped in front of her, preparing to defend against the stone.

At that moment, Rue phased into the air in the blink of and eye, and then shouted out an attack.

"Dragon Thunder Howl!" Sheathing his blade with tremendous force, the motion shout out a large lightning bolt at struck the foot of the village. The deafening roar it made almost instantly stopped the rioting -including the man about to cast the stone. The frightened villagers turned to see Ruecian appear before them, staring with bewildered eyes as he approached.

"W-Who are you? What do you want from us?" Asked one of them.

"Please be a peace. My only intention was to stop the violence, I mean you no harm. My name is Ruecian, I am a mercenary from the Lux Guild assigned to assist with the crisis the village of Colm is facing currently. I'm also here with my team. Please, tell me what has brought your people to this point"

As little bit after Ruecian made his statement, a sickly old man came out from the village entrance. "It's alright, this man speaks the truth, as I am the one who called them here." The man had a very morbid cough as he walked, or rather limped, with his cane.

"Elder Morgan, no, you should be resting!" A couple of concerned citizens rushed to their chief's side.

“Hard for an old man to rest when there are children needlessly fighting about!” Said the old timer in an irritated tone. “All of you, return to your homes at once! I have business with this man and his team.”

Though hesitant, the villagers all began returning to their respective homes, some still muttering curses and scowls. The man and his succubus wife had walked toward Ruecian before heading back.

“Thank you. I don’t want to think what would’ve happen to me and my wife had you not shown up!” Said the man with a warm smile.

“As long as you are unharmed, all is well.” Replied the swordsman.

Rue’s three subordinates began walking up as well. They were somewhat flustered, as if not prepared to deal with such a situation.

“Leader, that was impressive! You quelled the rioting with just one well-placed strike.” Praised Ricard.

“A little flashy, but I suppose if all is well…” Said Giselle

“Hey, old man, are you alright? You should be laying in a bed somewhere.” Said Sheena, concerned for the elder.

“Do not worry about me, I’m more concerned with the state of our village…Ack!” Near the end of his sentence, Chief Morgan began to cough up small amounts of blood.

Giselle rushed to the elderly man, medicine in hand. “Leader, we need to get this man to proper bedding. We should also see if there are any other sickly.”

“Yes, of course. Drake, lets help this man.” Said the swordsman as he began to help carry the man.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:43 pm
by Creator_Drake
Drake could only shake his head in amusement while watching Rue rush on ahead. He agreed with Giselle about the move being flashy but he would admit that it quickly turned things around. Arms crossed, he gazed about the villagers with a calm gaze, thinking. Something wasn't right, he could feel it. That alone made him almost discard his earlier hypothesis for the cause of this whole situation. Hearing the hack of blood from the elder brought Drake from his thoughts, walking forward as Rue helped Morgan move. The warrior turned to one of the remaining villagers, the young succubus wife.

"Could you lead us to the elder's home? We'll place him in bed and help him settle." Nervous from Rue's earlier display the woman was a little hesitant but gave a nod.

"Y-yes, this-this way please." Turning she began to hastily walk in the direction of the Elder's home, her husband in tow. It didn't take long for the group to reach the elder's home, the woman holding the door open for the group to enter. The young husband helped Rue place the elder in his bed while Drake cleared the table for Giselle. After putting down the bag, Drake joined the elf inspecting the herbs.

"Hmm, ginger, ragweed, violet, jasmine... this'll do nicely." He nodded to himself before turning to the young succubus, who had been ringing her hands nervously.

"Miss, could you please heat up some water? I plan on making a tea for the elder to help sooth his throat." She blinked a moment before nodding more readily this time.

"Of course milord." Without another word she grabbed a pot and with a spell, poured some water into it. Drake turned to the rest of Rue's, and his, team mates while grabbing a few bowls and herb grinders.

"I know I'm not the leader here, but I could still use your help if you're all willing. Giselle..." He turned to the young-looking elf. "Could you help me prepare these herbs? While I know the tea will help, would you happen to know of a paste or oil mixture that we can apply to the elder's chest and throat? It should help clear his airways." He then turned to Ricard, nodding to his cards as he began crushing some jasmine leaves.

"Could your cards be used to inspect the Elder's body and show us where the infliction is located?"

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:42 am
by Phantom77
"Yes of course, I know of an old remedy that should do the trick." Said the young elf as she began reaching into her pouch.

Ricard pondered a bit on Drake's question about his cards. "Well, I do happen to have an anatomy card that could do it. I'm not very good at using it, but I'll try my best!" Said the mage as he pulled out a violet card.

"Card of Anatomy! Reveal the inner workings of this troubled man!" At his command, the card glowed for a moment before dissipating. Then, the light from the card appeared on Ricard's hand, and it would be that he could now move his hand along the man's body, the man's flesh and skeletal features could be seen under where the light was shone.

Upon closer inpsection, Ricard halted when he arrived at the man's lungs. There appeared to be some form of irritation on them. Problem was, it wasn't something he'd ever seen before...

"I..I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm too keen on diseases, but this infection doesn't look like anything I'm familiar with. Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, I'd rule all these out.

Giselle made her way over to the bedside and began to administer the remedy. "Here you are, Sir. This should help ease the pain."

"You have my thanks, dear. You all do, but I'm afraid no medicine like this will aid me." Said Morgan, who began to bleed from the mouth.

"I suppose I have nothing but my stubbornness to blame. I should've contacted your guild sooner, perhaps things wouldn't have gotten this bad otherwise." The group look with perplexed eyes at the village elder's words.

"I'm afraid I've contracted a terminal illness, an incurable one. The villagers believe I can be saved if they gather enough herbs from the forest. We lack the funds to hire professional doctors, and we're the ones who supply the surrounding towns within the area with medicinal sundries. This, combined with the pain of having their loved ones disappear with no explanation is what fuels the rage of my people."

"Elder Morgan, how have you contracted this illness?" Asked Ruecian

"I'm afraid I don't really know, son. All I can say is that I got it sometime after returning home from business." Giselle wiped the blood from the chief's mouth after he was done speaking.

"Sir, did something happen to you during your travels? Anything would help, no matter how small. Did you inhale something, get bitten, perhaps you accepted a drink from someone?" Rue tried to analyze every angle as he probed the old man.

At that point, Morgan's eyes lit up at an apparent thought. "I...I do seem to recall accepting a canteen of drink from a passerby while on the road. Now that I think back it did taste somewhat strange, but when I asked he just said it was some new juice he made.
the drink tasted pretty decent and it was refreshing, so I though nothing of it. Was I too naive, perhaps?"

"Do you remember what the man looked like?" Rue continued to inquiry

"I remember he had brown hair, it was rather shaggy. He also wore large bottle cap glasses, their size created a glare that hid his eyes. He was short, standing only at about 5'2, and his clothes were typical of a wanderer." After speaking, the Elder had another coughing fit, perhaps worse than before.

"Leader, we should let him rest." Said Giselle.

"Yes of course. Hmm, we still don't have much to go off of right now. I have an idea of our next more, but I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter Drake." Said the young swordsman as he turned to the honorary member.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:09 pm
by Creator_Drake
The man simply hummed to himself in thought while crushing the various herbs. He was chopping up some ginger when Rue turned for his opinion.

"First and foremost we lack intel. Investigating the kidnapping site should have some evidence of what transpired. Speaking with the villagers might help as well, but our best bet on that route would be if someone here survived the kidnapping." Finished with the ginger he looked up at the group.

"The biggest thing on my mind is that our mission has two objectives now: first was to figure out these kidnappings and return the villagers safely. Now our second is to figure out who had given the elder this illness and solve it to save his life. The only hiccup I can see at the moment is that both of these events may not be connected other than coincidence. I do acknowledge though that there isn't any evidence to either support or deny the connection, so all we can do at the moment is investigate for both as we can." He looked about at the others before resting his gaze back on Rue.

"I was thinking of going in pairs, two people check the site of the kidnappings while the other pair ask about the villagers to see if anyone knows anything about either the kidnappings or the elder's illness. The other option is to go as a group, and choose whether to first ask the villagers or check the site. As for me I was going going to stay here a little longer, it's going to take a few more minutes to get the tea ready for the elder. Once I'm done here I'll come find you. What do you think?"

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:18 am
by Phantom77
“Hmm, my thoughts exactly.” Replied Ruecian

“As for going out in teams, that would be the fastest means for gathering information. However, I don’t believe that going in pairs will be enough.” He looked at his three protégées.

“Giselle, Sheena, and Ricard. All of your skills will be needed if we are to investigate the forest. Also, you will be able to cover each other in case anything goes awry.” He then looked at Drake, who was still preparing tea for the elder.

“Drake will remain here and tend to Elder Morgan for the time being. I’ll ask around the village myself.”

“Leader, are you sure about this? You don’t need an extra hand?” Said Giselle after she finished applying the remedy.

“No, I’ll be fine here. You all just see to it that you investigate the forest with caution. At first I thought this may have been the handy work of some forest mamono, but now I’m not so sure. Be on your guard.”

“I suppose I’ll be the one in charge of this little three man squad, then?” Inquired Sheena, her hand grasping the large sword on her back.

“Indeed. Sheena will be the one calling the shots, just like before. Go ahead and head out. Time is of the essence.” The team began making their way out of the house at their leader’s words.

Before they left, Ruecian gave them one last bit of advice. “Oh, and one more thing – strive for teamwork.”

“Yes leader!” Said all three of Ruecian’s subordinates as they rushed for the forest.

“Alright then. Drake, I want you to stay here for the time being while I go around asking villagers about what’s been happening. “He then turned to the young couple still present.

“I beg your pardon, but could the two of you assist me in my little task?”

“Uh, yes, of course!” Said the young man. “Shall we go, dear?” He turned to his wife, who nodded, albeit hesitantly.

Rue, sensing the reluctance of the young succubus, folded a single arm over his chest as a salute of sorts.

“Worry not, I will not allow any harm to come to you or your husband. You have word. I also apologize if my earlier display startled you.”

“Oh no, that’s quite alright sir. I’m sure your more than capable of protecting us if need be. It’s just…everyone has been on edge. Loved ones have disappeared and our town’s economy suffers with each passing day. I fear for the future of our village.” Said the lesser succubus.

“I promise my team and I will do all we can to ensure that Colm’s future is a bright one.”

Her spirit slightly lightened, the couple made their way to the door, waiting for the swordsman to finish his business.

“One more thing Drake. I’ll return here after I’m done asking around and relay any useful information I come across. After that, I want you to go check on the others in the forest. They’re all skilled in their own regard, but they lack experience.”

With that, the other three began walking inward into the town.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:53 am
by Creator_Drake
Drake nodded easily with a smile, glad to see Rue work out the plan as he did. He began crushing some jasmine when Rue's team mates left, and had poured the powdered herb when the younger swordsman spoke to him. Again, he gave a nod.

"I'll await your return then." With the elder resting and no one else in the small house Drake began to really work, his moving moving as blurs as he created the tea mixture. Pouring the last of the powder into the bowl he stirred in with a mixing stick, before dumping everything into the pot of hot water. Using a weak fire spell Drake kept the water at the right temperature, else the tea wouldn't have the right strength. In what seemed like no time the tea was ready, the aroma filling the room like an incense. He poured the mixture into a cup before taking a seat next to the elder.

"Alright, time for that tea I promised." He spoke while helping Elder Morgan sit upright. "Now while the drink has an interesting taste, it does have a mildly bitter aftertaste. You need to drink 2 cups worth in total before you can get some sleep. For the first, after you've taken a couple sips and get used to the temperature I need you to gulp down the rest of the cup as best you can. The second cup on the other hand you can drink as you wish." Drake held the cup for the elder to grab, it's warmth would feel pleasing to elder Morgan's hands.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:46 am
by Phantom77
The elder watched with intrigue as the middle-aged man brewed the tea with break-neck speeds. He then looked intently at the finished product that was being handed to him.

"I see, it seems you've steady hands with more than just a blade!" Said the old man in a tired but jovial tone. He nodded at Drake's instruction of consuming the tea. The elder savored the flavor for a moment each time he took a sip, so as to get used to the aftertaste. He then began gulping it down as best he could, being careful not to cough any of it up so as not to let a single drop go to waste. After he finished, the elder let out a relaxed sigh.

"I see that young guildsman has faith in his teammates, yet he also cares for them quite alot. I dare say, Sir Drake, do you truly believe those three are up for the task. That forest is quite spacious, and it is very much a natural maze. I understand that with the Minotaurus and lady elf navigating the woods will be a great deal easier, but when their leader said that they lacked experience I grew weary of their safety."

The Elder had a rather somber expression on his face as he put the empty cup on the table next to the bedside.


Having made their way out of the village, the trio of guildsmen were making their way to the nearby forest on the little winding road that laid to the north of Colm.

"I can't imagine what we'll find in that forest, nothing about this adds up." Said Ricard as he looked over his deck of cards.

"My wish is that the missing villagers are still safe, and that we are able to put an end to this whole ordeal swiftly." Said Giselle, who was adjusting the string on her bow

"Well, that's the whole point of us going to this forest, to get some needed answers and same some village folk." Said Sheena, who grasped the hilt of her broadsword. "And this puppy made by our town's best blacksmith is gonna see to that!"

Giselle shook her head at her current squad leader's comment. "A boorish, but perhaps an effective means given the current situation. Also, you seriously couldn't go a few hours without mentioning your crush. Honestly, he makes one unwieldy weapon just to get you off his crotch, and it only makes you want it more. At this point you might as well be his cheerleader..."

A large vein pulsated on Sheena's forehead at her elf comrade's statement. "It's better than that flimsy ass, rotted piece of wood you call a bow! Why don't you call Cupid and have shoot an arrow for you, ya virgin forest rat!!"

The elf now dawned an aura of rage to meet her teammate's, her body enveloped by a golden light. "This bow was given to me by my grandmother, crafted from the finest wood my home village has to offer. And I won't have it be insulted by some gnat-brained, flea-ridden bovine slut who opens her legs every time a man gives her a present"

At that point, both their mana outputs were at their peak. Sheena already had her sword drawn and was ready to deliver a blow, where as Giselle already had a bolt aimed at Sheena. "Don't worry Sheena, I won't kill you, but I promise it will hurt like hell. I believe it's time you learned your place!"

"That's mine line, you cocky bitch. Remember who's the leader here." Snapped Sheena, as the ground beneath her began to crack at the force of her mana.

Ricard shot a nervous glance at both before letting loose a sigh. "It gets worse every time with you two, I swear..." He said as he began to ready a card.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:03 pm
by Creator_Drake
Grabbing the empty cup Drake quickly made to refill it.

"He cares for them a great deal that is true. This will be a trial by fire in a sense for them I believe. They have succeeded in prior missions, though I am not privy to the details. I can sense that they have strong hearts about them and that they can succeed here, but as they are young they simply need some...refinement." He paused for the last word, making it appear as if he was trying to find the right word. In truth he had felt the spike of mana from both the girls in the forest. He could feel that they were agitated and, not sensing anyone else there aside from Ricard, could only guess that they were agitated with each other. Right after assuring the elder...

Shaking his head he grabbed a piece of parchment from a hidden pocket and quickly wrote a message. Still facing awat from the elder, Drake opened a small portal before him and dropping the paper into it. Closing the portal Drake took the newly filled cup back to the elder.

"As for the forest being a maze, you are correct in that the Minotaurus and Elf will help a great deal, don't discount their male companion out just yet. The boy has great versatility with his card magic. He will likely find a means to broaden their search area with that wit of his. The day is still too early to let doubt creep upon you my friend. Now come, drink up. Once you've finished the second cup I'll help you get comfortable so you can rest."


In the air about Rue's guild mates a portal opened without notice. A piece of parchment fell through before the portal closed. An easy breeze passed through the branches, helping to carry the parchment to it's destination. With a soft thump the parchment rolled before stopping at Ricards feet. Once he opened it he would find a message from Drake.

I could feel the mana spike from Giselle and Sheena. Does this require either Rue or myself to intervene? Drop the parchment when you're done writing and I'll get the message.

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 7:13 am
by Phantom77
Ricard was about to ready his card as a peculiar note fell from the sky above them. Shortly thereafter, Ricard would find the note at his feet. Puzzled, Ricard picked the parchment off the ground and slowly began to open it. He then carefully reads the contents of what appears to be a letter, telling him that the mana of his two teammates could be felt by the writer and asking if he needed help from the writer or his guild captain. Even more puzzled, Ricard gently grasps the letter in his left hand before looking in the direction of Colm.

“The letter bore no name or identity. However, judging by the context of the writing, I can imagine who wrote the contents. Fascinating, I wasn’t aware that he was so adept at sensing mana signatures, or perhaps they’re really just that angry.” The young mage thought to himself.

On that note, Ricard made his way over to Giselle – probably because she was the safer of the two, and gently placed the note in her hand. “Giselle, it seems that Sir Drake can sense your frustration. We’d best forego bickering and focus on the matter at hand.”

“Dammit Ricard, quit buttin’ in!!” Sheena snapped. The Elf on the other hand, shot a glance at her mage comrade before reading the note. After reading the message, Giselle let loose a sigh to calm herself down. Afterward she began to speak. “Sheena, Ricard is right, we can save our confrontation for later. Right now, the lives of a village’s people and its economy are on the line.”

The mino, still angry, begrudgingly let her emotions go as she gave in to the words of her comrades. “Whatever, I guess our reputations are also on the line here as well. Just so you know, this ain’t over yet, you stuck up snobbish brat…” Snarled Sheena. “By the way, what were you two talking about earlier about that note? You said something about that Drake dude?”

“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.” Replied the elf, handing the letter back to Ricard. “Don’t mind it too much Sheena.” said the mage. “Sir Drake was simply asking if we needed assistance is all.” The mino just stood there with a confused expression on her face at her squad members’ words. Ricard then began writing his own message on the parchment, as per the notes. After receiving the message, Drake would read it as such: "Thank you for the offer and your concern, but we are fine here. I know my friends can seem quite short-tempered and impatient, but when there’s a job that needs to be done, I can’t think of anyone who can before more reliable. Except for our fearless leader of course! Don’t worry, we’ll be back with the missing villagers before you know it!”

After finishing his passage and re-wrapping the parchment, it instantly vanished in his hand in a veil of green light, much to the intrigue of the guildsman. “The hell was that supposed to be?” Inquired Sheena.

“That means that Drake got our message.” Replied Ricard. “Now then, let’s begin our investigation, shall we?” With that, the three then venture into the forest. While walking amongst the trees, Ricard began to ponder their situation. “I know what I said in the letter, but I can’t help but shake this uneasy feeling I have. I sense a dark foreboding ahead, we need to be careful.”


In the deeper pits of the forest, a man could be seen running frantically through the wooded area. Appearance-wise he didn’t have the look of a villager, the robe he wore marked him as a researcher of sorts. His medium length brown hair swayed heavily in the wind as he continued to run. Having a panicked expression on his face, he apparently talking to himself.

“Damn that scaly bitch! What the hell is someone like her doing here?! That blue-blooded elitist told me that this would be an easy job. Oh, it’s ok, no one will think to investigate some backwater boon village. Take as many people as you need for study, you’ll be handsomely compensated for your efforts.”

As he ran, he almost tripped and tore a bit of his pantleg off on a tree root growing out of the ground. “After my protests, all they did was provide us with cheap magical weapons! A lot of help those were against her! She took them all out without breaking a sweat! I…I can’t do this anymore! I have to cut my losses and get out of here! I have to salvage my research!” The man could be seen making his way to what appeared to be a large camp within a clearing in the woods, complete with tents and various equipment.

A little ways way from the man could be seen quite the imposing and yet alluring figure. Standing atop a high branch on a tall tree was a salamander overlooking the area. Quite the beauty, she wore an elaborate light green dress that had slits that went up to her hips. The top part of the dress made visible her impressive bust. She had slender claws and talons on her feet and wore a golden choker on her neck. She looked around with a salute, her long crimson ponytail swaying with her head.

“Scared men move quite fast down they? How aggravating, at least his friends had the courage to fight me.” Said the aqua-eyed Salamander. Behind the Salamander were dozens of other men crumbled in pathetic defeated heaps. They looked worse for the wear, riddled with bruises and their weapons broken in two. “Then again, they were so weak that it’s not really saying much for their case…”

The innocent-faced Salamander had a bored and annoyed look on her face as she contemplated if chasing the researcher down was really worth the trouble. She was about to call it quits and move until she smelled the scent of others heading toward the general vicinity. Her peach-colored tail perked up slightly as she sensed their approach. She could tell there were three: a minotaurus, an elf, and a human man. “Ooh”, she thought, “They must have been the rising auras I sensed earlier~” She jumped off the branch she was on and gracefully landed on another in the blink of an eye. There, she saw the trio walking along the forest path. If they kept going down that way, they’d eventually make it to the campsite the researcher ran to.

At that point the Salamander, looking at the trio with a single eye covered by her index and thumb in the shape of a telescope, made a decision. “I think I’ll have some fun with these kids~” As she utter those words, violet flames began to coarse from her tail and she dawned a creepy smile that would make a Cheshire Cat proud.


"Ah yes, thank you my good man" Said the elder as he drank more of the tea. "You know, you're quite good at this! I Imagine you have quite alot of experience making tea. To brew it with such speed and craftsmanship is truly remarkable."

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 1:19 pm
by Creator_Drake
A small laugh came from Drake.

"You give me too much credit, I am merely a well worn traveller whose learned a thing or two. You are most welcome all the same." Feeling a shift in the air he gave a small nod.

"Excuse me a moment, I might have forgotten something." Standing he checked the table, where he found the parchment Ricard had sent back. Standing between it and the elder, Drake quickly read the message. Giving a small nod to himself Drake wrote another message before dropping the parchment back into a small portal. Grabbing a small herb leaf the man returned to the elder's side.

"Almost forgot to add this herb to the mix. Once you've finished the tea should kick in and you'll start to feel drowsy; it'll help you with a dreamless sleep. Now then let's get you situated." In truth the herb would do nothing but release a pleasant scent when mixed with the tea but the elder didn't need to know that.

After dropping the leaf into the cup Drake then helped the elder get more comfortable in his bed. Once done he merely waited by the man's side, waiting for either the elder to fall asleep or for Rue's return. Whichever came first.

Speaking of, Drake wondered what Rue was up to. Sensing the man everything seemed calm, the villagers not as agitated as before which was a good sign. For now it was the waiting game.


The parchment would once again find it's way before the trio of guild members. When picked up the message would read: "Good to hear. The elder should be asleep soon and Rue's well on his way talking with the villager's, so he should be here to brief you once you return."

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 6:24 am
by Phantom77
“Hey guys, I’m pretty sure I can smell the scent of humans in the air, and iron.” Uttered Sheena, as caution began to fill the wind.

“I agree, the trees are giving off a dank and eerie vibe. What has happened in these woods?” Said Giselle in response.
Indeed, as they walked further within the forest, the more apparent and chilly the vibe became. Little did they know; however, they were being watched by a peculiar stalker. Masking her presence and scent was merely child’s play to the Salamander. She quietly followed the trio as they walked, nearing the camp clearing a little way north.

Eventually Drake’s second letter would appear from the sky, but this time it wouldn't be making its way to the guildsman. For the Salamander snatched the parchment out of the sky as soon as it appeared with one swift movement of her tail. As she opened it she read the message that was originally intended for the man’s teammates. After she was finished reading, she clenched the note in her hands with intrigue.

Interesting. From this I gather that they’re on assignment. This Rue fellow is more than likely their squad leader", Thought the Salamander to herself. She wasn’t sure about the person who wrote this message though. She believed that they too, would at least be worth investigating. She then decided she would give them the message, as they were to be the true recipients anyway. But, she would first “alter” the letter so to speak.

She placed the tip of her tail near her hand; the tip of her tail began to form a violet ball of fire, which she then placed in her claw. The fiery lizard them held her hand over the letter and gently began waving it. The violet aura began to alter the contents of the text, and soon the message would be read quiet differently.

Good to hear. The Elder should be sleeping soon. However, Rue has stated that he hasn’t gotten much headway in talking with the villagers, so you’ll have to find the answers within the sea of tress. He expects you to make good progress on your own and will be waiting for your debriefing upon your return.

While the message had been altered, the handwriting was not. Using her magic flames, the Salamander was able to perfectly copy the sender’s handwriting. She then threw the message at a tall tree that was ahead of the travelers. The trio wouldn’t see it, however, as they would only witness the letter stumbling down it. Eventually the letter made its way to the trio’s feet, where Ricard would be the one to pick it up yet again. A normal person would wonder why would someone go through the trouble of this deceit. That’s simple – to see if the prey she’s eyeing is worthy!

As Ricard read the altered letter, he began to wear a curious brow on his face. “He…would actually make us do this whole mission ourselves?” He said in disbelief.

“That would make the whole purpose of him volunteering to go into town pointless, wouldn’t it?” Replied the elf.

“Maybe he’s just screwing with us? Or...maybe he really believes in us?” Wondered the mino.

After a short pause, the three looked at each other with disgusted looks of their faces before letting loose a collective sigh. They figured it was too late to protest anyway, so they may as well see the mission all the way through.”

“Whatever, we’d better a bigger cut of the reward for doing this.” Whined Sheena

“You should be more worried about the missing villagers.” Retorted Giselle

“I am, now give it a damn rest!” The mino turned to her elf comrade with an annoyed face, having snapped at her again.

“Alright, that’s enough you two. We’ve got a job to do.” Said Ricard as he finished writing his reply on the paper.

His message reads: “Very well Sir Drake, we understand. Please tell our leader that he can count on us. However, Sheena may want a larger cut of the reward after this…” With that the parchment vanished and would soon make its way back to Drake.

The Salamander giggled a little while watching the trio bicker amongst themselves. “They're still a little too green, but they made have potential. Especially that young man and the elf~” She mused to herself.

The peach-scaled fatale then began to sense more humans coming, friends of the fleeing researcher she thought. Good, this will be a great opportunity to see how skilled the trio was in combat.

Robed assailants wielding strange weapons similar to the ones the Salamander defeated soon appeared before the squad; they had desperate and hostile looks on their faces. “Hey, more mamono?! They must be with Yūhi! Take ‘em out!” One shouted.

"Be careful, the man with them has the look of a mage!" Proclaimed another one.

Sheena, already with sword in hand, had quite the confused look on her face. “Who the hell is Yūhi?” She said.

“Afraid I’ve no idea. However, we appear to be in a rather tense situation due to their actions.” Replied Ricard reading his deck.

“I was hoping to avoid conflict if possible.” Said Giselle, with bow and arrow in hand.


The Elder was sound asleep in his bed as Rue made his way back to the cabin. “Greeting Drake, I had returned the couple I was with back to their home. I was actually able to get some useful information from a few of the town’s traders regarding some suspicious individuals”

Rue looks around the cabin for a moment before turning back to the fellow swordsman. “How are things with you? I see the others haven’t return yet..”

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:03 am
by Creator_Drake
Drake looked up from the letter. Standing, he approached the table. "Things went well on my front. Good to hear you were able to get some info." Drake didn't stop talking as he put away the various herbs back in the bag.

"I was able to send a message to the others when I felt their aura's flare. Nothing went wrong so they should be fine, however..." He paused, as if looking for the right words to say. "...I've got a hunch our mission is about to get more complicated than originally planned." Taking a moment the man closed the bag, now filled with leftover herbs.

"When I head out I'll watch the three from a distance, acting only if I need to. I sensed a different signature from the three when I sent my last message, one that was faint. The aura felt somewhat muddled in a sense, likely cloaked to keep average sensors from detecting them. It was definitely a mamono, one that seems to like playing tricks." Drake held out the parchment for Rue to read. As the other swordsman looks over the parchment Drake continues.

"You'll notice everything seems fine until you read my last message and Ricard's return message; it came back moments before you did. This means out little guest tampered with our messages, and made a mistake." He pointed to the parchment.

"They had to use magic in order to change my message yet keep my hand-writing." A smirk appears on his face. "Seems this little Salamander thinks she can have some fun at our expense. She'll learn soon enough otherwise is the case..." Closing his eyes Drake was silent for a short moment, his head twitching to the side a few times.

"Seems our new Salamander friend is merely keeping their distance from Sheena and the others for now..." Drake opened his eyes then looked into Rue's own.

"Likely because of the troup of sorts that the group has encountered. I can feel a large number of human signatures huddled about in a small area, their aura's feel very agitated though there doesn't seem to be any fighting yet." He took a moment to let Rue process his words.

"Shall I be going as planned or will you join me?"

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:01 am
by Phantom77
“No Drake, I won’t be coming with you, it’d be better for me to remain at the Elder’s bedside.” Said Rue as he finished reading the tampered message.

“Besides, your tone of voice suggests that the humans are of no real threat, the real target of interest must be this Salamander you keep babbling about. I’m impressed you can tell the exact species just by signature alone.“

Rue paused for a moment, as if wondering something to himself.

“At any rate, I’d rather go into detail about my findings when everyone’s returned. For right now I’ll say this - this village may be the victim of organized crime. More specifically, the mafia.”

As Drake made of the door, Rue sat at the seat next to Morgan’s bed, looking to be lost in thought. “Hmph, a Salamander who knows who to use magic, don’t hear that everyday.” Said the young squad leader.

“Try to keep those three kids out of trouble for me, will you? See you when you return.”


The three guildsman were making quick work of the assailants, which isn’t saying much, they weren’t putting up much of a fight. Ricard’s card magic took out a whole bunch in little time, Giselle quietly incapacitated several of them with skilled precision using her golden bolts. Sheena, of course, simply knocked the rest around everywhere with her large blade and impressive strength.

The Salamander chuckled lightly at the sight of the defeated enemies. “They’re better than I thought, now I’m even more interested~”

“Disappointing, this is the price you pay for needless violence.” Said Giselle with a cold gaze.

“Seriously? Your manhood must not be worth much if that’s the best you can do! Ha!” Spat Sheena with a hardy laugh.

Ricard remained silent as he observed their surroundings. “That appears to be all of them for the time being. We should move onward, I believe we’re about to reach a climax of sorts.” Said the mage as he put away his deck.

“I believe it’s safe to assume that these fools are behind the disappearance of the villagers.” Said the elf.

“Well, I thought that might have been obvious at this point. Still, I’m wondering who this Yuhi person is. Someone else they were fighti-“ Ricard cut his sentence short when two more attackers made their way towards Sheena with lethal intent.

“Sheena look out!” Shouted her teammate. Sheena wouldn’t be able to react in time - By the time she turned her head, they were already near her throat. As Giselle tried to ready her bow, a violet energy erupted from where the two assailants were. A large gust of wind enveloped the area, and in an instant the two attackers laid unconscious on the ground several feet in front of the Mino. There was a third one who stood between them: a certain reptilian woman who had been watching from the sidelines.

“Yo!” Greeted the Salamander as she bade a friendly wave to the trio, her tail still glistening with purple fire from her earlier attack.

The trio looked at the mamono with surprised expressions, as they came to the forest to save the missing villagers – not to be saved themselves.

“Wh-Who the hell are you?!” Said the bewildered Mino.

Giselle just looked on with a cautious expression.

“Such power, who is this woman?” Thought Ricard to himself.

The Salamander looked around at the other humans defeated by the squad, she then wore a pleasant smile on her innocent face as she began to speak.

“That was quite an impressive display. However, it appears you missed a couple. Do take care to be more mindful of your surroundings. There won’t always been someone around to bail you out~” Said the Salamander with a warm, but underlining snide tone.

“By the way, would you all happen to be here to save the denizens of Colm as well?”

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:07 am
by Creator_Drake
"Hm! I'll do what I can. See you then." With that Drake left the elder's humble abode. Closing the door he looked about; seeing and sensing no one around Drake vanished with the slight sound of displaced air.

He reappeared in the forest a ways off from his Sheena and the others. Knowing he was alone he snapped his fingers, opening a blue ringed portal before him without a sound. Stepping through it closed just as it opened. Another portal appeared beside a branch overlooking the trio plus Salamander. Stepping onto the branch Drake was glad it didn't creak.

As the portal closed behind him, Drake crouched on the branch. His eyes narrowed as he watched, catching the Salamander saving the young Minotaurus from a mortal wound. He remained silent as the group talked. Even though the Salamanders back faced him, he could just make out her words with how quiet the forest was. Though the branches around him held his visual cover he kept his signature as hidden as he could, Drake wouldn't want to tip this new mamono off just yet.

'She's got a bit of power to her no doubting that. It may not be up to Rue's level from what I can tell but she clearly outstrips those three. Let's see how these greenhorns do.'

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:22 am
by Phantom77
“I imagine you were hired by a third-party contractor to investigate this forest as well?” Responded Ricard. “I also presume that you are the one these fellows were referring to?”

“It’s certainly possible~ ” Mused Yūhi “My, aren’t you perceptive~”

“What business would a third-party have here? As far as we know, we were the only ones the village contacted regarding their missing citizens.” Inquired Giselle, rightfully suspicious of the Salamander.

“I’m afraid that is something you’d have to ask my employers~” Sassed the lizard as she wagged her right index finger. “I’m not at liable to discuss the nature of my contracts

“Whatever, it’s not like we care anyway. As long as we don’t get in each other’s way, we should get along just fine.” Said Sheena in an indifferent tone.

“Hmhm, is that anyway for you to address someone who just saved your life?~” Retorted Yūhi. “I know the hide of Minotaurus are thick and durable, but anyone can be left vulnerable if inattentive.”

“I would’ve been fine, but I guess you have my gratitude. And keep your damned advice to yourself.” Snapped the Mino.

“Aww, don’t be that way~ I was hoping we could work together on this mission. After all, we’re here for the same reasons, aren’t we? ⭐

The scaly agent’s proposal filled them with even more caution, “Was this person really to be trusted?” They thought. At the same time, however, she did go out of her way to assist them not a moment earlier.

“That...should be fine for the time being.” Ricard’s answer came as a shock to his two teammates.

“Ricard your judgement must be brought into question! We have no way of trusting this person, what if she betrays us?” Giselle’s protest didn’t seem to faze Ricard in the slightest. “Besides, you can’t make decisions like that on your own!”

“You are correct.” Replied the mage. “Our captain placed Sheena in charge while we are on the field. Ultimately, the final decision rests with her.”

“Damn right.” Added the Mino. “And as the acting leader, I move for allying with her for now. That’s two votes against your one, elf girl.”

Giselle’s expression of disbelief grew more profound at her head’s statement. “Sheena, why would YOU of all people agree to this? Did you hit your head in that last battle?”

“No, I just don’t have it up my ass like you do. She’s in the same situation we are right now, she has no reason to trust us either, but she’s still offering us her assistance.” Sheena sucked her teeth for a moment. “Besides, I don’t like owing people favors and ignoring kindnesses is bad karma.”

Giselle began to stutter somewhat. “But..thi-“

“Don’t make me repeat myself, I gave my order, didn’t I? For now, we’re gonna ally ourselves with this Yūhi chick. We clear?”

Ricard nodded in agreement. Giselle, although hesitant, also gave a sign of acceptance.

“Excellent~” Yūhi began to speak in a cheerful tone. “It’s all settled then, I promise not to slow you down~ ” She turned to Sheena with a smile. “Wow, you’re pretty level-headed for a bull monster!”

“For your sake, don’t make me regret my decision or test my patience. Now, let’s go already!” Sheena began to storm off in the direction they were heading in before.

“Well, let’s all try to get along, shall we?” Ricard began to follow Sheena deeper into the woods

Giselle silently followed her teammates, but not before shooting a glance at their new coworker.

Yūhi made sure to walk so she was just behind the trio. She began to ponder to herself. “Teehee, they’re more careful minded they I thought they would be. How boring; it appears I’ll have to change things up a bit. ♦️

As she walked, she looked back for a bit over her shoulder and grinned. She began to move her tail in a way that looked as though she was waving at someone. She couldn’t pinpoint their exact location, but she apparently knew that someone was watching from the shadows.

Sit back and enjoy the show! I promise I won’t be too rough with them~

Re: Emblem of the Lux

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:52 am
by Creator_Drake
'Good instincts with this one, perhaps.' Drake would admit, if only to himself, that he was mildly impressed. The list of warriors with capable battle instincts at this level were few in this world. Then again, he did put focus on the woman in question which is probably what tipped her off. Now that he had an inkling to how well she can feel out intent, Drake knew how to figure out her limits.

He grinned; it had been a long time since he had to truly use his stealth skills. As the group walked ahead Drake centred himself, eyes closed, breathing slowed. He went through the steps like a well learned kata, making his presence and intent slowly disappear from the world around him. Green eyes opened as a small bluebird landed on his shoulder. Absentmindedly he used a finger for the bird to hop on before letting it jump to another branch. He was ready.

With little fanfare he vanished, reappearing in another tree to the side downwind of the path. The group would be coming up soon. Time to see how well the little lady could really feel the world around her.