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Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:00 pm
by Oersted
Alvan and Erin followed along with the others for the meeting, and as it went on all the information was making Alvan a bit glum what with how many powerful enemies they had to contend with, meanwhile Erin had her usual cheerful smile during the whole meeting, which one might take to mean that she wasn't listening to the others... Somewhere towards the later part of the meeting Erin muttered to herself "Formotosis, huh? Where have I heard that name before?" she could swear she knew the name from somewhere, but she couldn't quite remember where she had first learned of it.

(Well, I know this isn't much but its still better than complete silence on my part, right?)

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:00 am
by Scrapmaster
-Henry -


Henry blushed slightly as both girls held onto his arms, Nymph was fine, although Ristine had a pair of breasts which no doubt pressed against his arm, flustering him a bit but he didn't say anything or show much emotion at that, as everyone began to take their seats in the meeting room, Henry sitting with Nymph and Ristiene right beside hi, he watched the briefings with attention, frowning at Xicor's argument which was swiftly defused.

"So basically, we have four enemies we're going up against, Formotosis army." He said holding one finger up, "The order and synapse" Holding out another two, "And Illias and her angel army." he said as he held out his fourth finger, "All are a great threat, and we can't exactly go all out against one, that leaves us vulnerable against the other three...this is a pretty bad situation." He said with a sigh as he put his hands on the table. He then looked at Keith, "While Keith's plan has a good point, I don't know...Lisa, Allen, what should we do?" he asked.

- Alex -

Alex's usual serious expression turned into a small smile and amused expression as he saw the castle's image, "Didn't expect anything less..." he praised, hiding his lightning glove below his long sleeves, "Lets see what we can get ourselves into Vaida" Alex said with a small smile, as he was ready to go.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:44 pm
by L337 m4n

"I wouldn't underestimate Subliminal there Mr. Xicor. He is craftier than you think and he isn't one for serving the Chief God unless it serves an agenda of his or for furthering the light and its spread." Lord Shadow spoke leaving a corner and taking a seat. "Allen is right with my desire to deal with him and I will. Though I will have a disadvantage with a certain threats interested in me like Alice to name one. Also have their scientist as well to deal with, Promestein." Lord Shadow gave a thankful look to Allen before looking towards Lisa knowing what was discussed earlier with Aliphese in regards to certain parties.

-Hot and Ace-
"Right if we know where to go Nemo what's the plan? We got a dragon to save in our group after all." Tsuru spoke looking towards Nemo while waiting for things to be decided along with the others before thinking of what to when they went to rescue Purima. Their role in the upcoming battles would be specialty missions and sabotage most likely considering the level of threats were going beyond what most could handle with the exception skill-wise of Nemo and Hisui, and Braminda. Strength-wise they have the numbers in their group though if calculated right.

(Been a while. Hope we can get a flow of sorts)

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:40 am
by Pokemonaces
Dianca: "..." Dianca took a glance at Erin for a slight moment, hearing her, but quickly shrugged it off as she kept her ears open to Lisa, who heard Luminy speak up first regarding what she knew about Ilias and Minos

Lisa: "Working together, I somehow doubt that together is the best way to put their relationship..." Lisa said as she had a servant bring tea to her as she took a sip "Ilias...she is the youngest of the Goddesses. A spoiled child who thinks everything within her grasps is hers and hers alone. I doubt she would want to work together with Minos as they both have personalities that equal greed..." She said. Aliphese spoke up as she got a cup herself, using the flowers on her hair to drizzle her drink

Aliphese: " probably using Minos to simply further her own goal. But what confuses me is whether Ilias, Black Alice, and Promestein are still working together." She said pondering to herself

Tamamo: "As foolish as Ilias is, I doubt she would ally herself with those who have tried to betray her, even if she had known of their betrayal, besides..." She said before taking a gander at Shadow, simply smiling "Promestein seems to have found herself a new interest." She said before turning back to the group at hand. Hearing what Keith had to say, she spoke up again "That's not a bad tactic. And while we can share information on how each enemy fights and their weaknesses, only experiance with such adversaries can truly act as comfort when confronting them. But I maybe too old to say my part in this, so I trust the others to make that decision for me..." Tamamo said as she looked at me. The other soon stared the same way, waiting for my response

Allen: "I believe that..." I took a deep breath "We should take cooperative action against them!" I said out of nervousness from being looked at, with Xicor simply breaking a awkward silence as he burst in laughter

Xicor: "Ahahahahahaha!" His laughter soon subsided as he wiped a tear from his eye, clearly entertained by my flop of a speech "Listen dick weed..." Xicor said before pushing his chair back, having his feet hang at the table "Let's split the group with fighter which they are most familiar fighting together with." Xicor said before using the lightning on his finger to create a high plasma beam concentrated on his finger, drawing on the table "The enemy will no doubt come at us at unpredictable numbers and order, so let's pair up in groups that are familiar with one another's capabilities. A perfect example would be Scott and Tyson." He said looking at Scott "The two can fight side by side without having to worry about scuffles with one another and can cover each other's weaknesses. That's what you were trying to say right?" Xicor said as he looked at me, waiting for a reply

Allen: "Yes...that was the point I was getting at." I said before standing up "As Xicor stated...grouping up with familiars is probably the best way to win, but we also have to focus on those who we know we must fight. Whether it is to fill a personal vendetta or a promise. Here's what I have to say. I want me, Lisa, Henry to go against the Demon King Formotosis." My mother looked surprised by what I said

Lisa: "Son, why have me with you two?" She asked

Allen: "I want to keep you safe during this entire battle. I know you're strong mom, but you're the very reason the Chief God...or Zeuss fights, so I want to keep you by my side. Plus, you can act as a moral compass for the two of us." I said smiling before looking at Lord Shadow "I hate to say this Lord Shadow, but I believe having Xicor with you would be the best option. Xicor may not be good at heart, but he does have the ability to open the gateway to heaven, your only way of fighting Subliminal, as I'm sure he will be there to act as the Chief God's guardian." I said before Xicor smiled at Shadow

Xicor: "Well...hear that mister you and I will be working together. Isn't that great?" He said before smiling, with Sula staying silent

Allen: "Naturally...the four heavenly knights will go against Ilias, alongside lord Aliphese." As I spoke up, I felt a presence familiar to Henry, but it was of light

Luka: "Naturally...this time I'll be with my lover to support her..." Luka said as he walked to Aliphese, smiling as she smiled back "So who will deal with the Synapse then?" He asked

Allen: "I believe Keith will be best since he originally came from an era similar to my own back on the planet I used to live on. He would have a better grasp of how their technology works." I said "Plus he would have his two partners, who used to work with Minos, to help as back up." Saying that, Wilma and Hilda smiled as they got their cannons ready. "As for the rest of us..." I said before looking at the others "You guys run support..." I said looking at Alvan "Alvan, as well as others who have the other maidens will go against your rival elemental carriers." I said. Dianca smiled as she wrapped her right arm right next to Alvan "So it's Raiga then!" She said before Reiland simply smiled at Scott as he simply knew what that would mean, with Hailey and Granberia staring with her and smiling as well. Then Isabaeu spoke up

Isabaeu: "Allen...where does that leave Skyla and Dialenche then?" She asked me. It was hard pressed for me to decide since we had only engaged in battle with either of them once

Allen: "I honestly don't know who. Those roles will be filled later I imagine..." I said, pondering of Hannah could possibly take one of them on, but knowing her, I was worried for her safety first "So I want you guys to discuss and train with the partners I suggested. If you guys feel that the partners you got are wrong in anyway, speak now." I said as Minagi, the maidens, and other girls were quiet, simply waiting for the others replies

Ikaros: "Master...I suggest we await for Tyson's arrival to inform him of the new information provided to us..." But Hailey then got up and patted Ikaros on the shoulder

Hailey: "Ikaros, since you can get there much faster than we can, why not go to Tyson and inform him of the new info. That way when he's finished, we can start our discussion and plans for ahead

Ikaros: "Good idea Hailey. Master I shall be back then..." Ikaros said before she flew off from the window from the castle and moved towards Tyson's location.

Daedalus: "..." Daedalus looked at Ikaros fly off before she heard Scott's question " put it simply, we use light magic. Angeloids for example have a core in their bodies that act like a human heart, but instead, carry the very essence of their being and can be digitally stored. So let's say that Ikaros body were to be destroyed, as long as her core is saved and stored, her will and existence will still live on." Daedalus said before everyone in the room started to scatter

Xicor: "Tsk..." Xicor walked towards Lord Shadow, standing beside him, his arms crossed and silent with Sula following quietly

Nymph: "Okay Henry, I guess we know our plan of action now." She said as Ristiene nodded in agreement

Ristiene: "Indeed, we must prepare ourselves." Looking at me, the girls pulled him to bring him with me as Isabaeu stood up and stood silent by my side. My mother walking towards me as well, she simply smiled before waving to Henry

Aliphese: "I hope your years of absence hasn't left you rusty Luka..." Aliphese said looking at him, but he simply shook his head, then smiling softly as Aliphese blushed at the rare sight of his smile

Luka; "I haven't...I promise that most of my time alone was spent training to keep you safe." Luka said before Tamamo stood next to him, her tails wrapping around his arm as she smiled to him, welcoming his return

Minagi: "I guess that leaves us as support. Going wherever needed..." Minagi said as she looked at Nemo "But knowing'd be fool hardy to assume you would sit idle. So we shall discuss with Allen later on accompanying him, so we may reclaim your friend Purima." She said

Yuka: "This will be an interesting battle...I really hope you're ready Keith." Yuka said before she placed both her hands on his shoulder, looming on his right side as she smiled "Let's skewer these misguided fools and make it rain a beautiful crimson red snow of blood." Yuka said with a giggle

Braminda: "Geez..." Braminda simply said as she was next to Nemo, disturbed by Yuka'a dark enthusiasm

Granberia: "..." She stood next to Scott, seeing Luminy who still seemed shy around him, she smiled as she picked her up and put Luminy on her shoulder "Come on, cheer up." She said "I'm sure you'll be great help to us. so just hang in there..." She said


Vaida: "Hell yea!" Vaida said as they both went through the portal, with Kimora following them shortly. Passing the portal, they had reached the inner castle. There Kimora walked past the two before smiling

Kimora: "It seems miss Lisa had finished her conversation..." As the doors opened, Lisa was the first to come through, seeing Kimora "Milord..." She said bowing, but Lisa, showing an unprofessional front, tackled Kimora like a love struck woman as she nuzzled Kimora's face between her chest

Lisa: "Kimora! Oh my god it's been so long!" She said as she move her hips back and forth in excitement

Vaida: "Uh..." Vaida was left speechless as I stood beside my mom, trying to stop her, but Isabaeu, as embarrassed as she looked, held me back. Kimora managed to pull herself off before blushing bright red

Kimora: "Please miss Lisa! Behave yourself!" She said before trying to calm down "Ahem...I have two new recruits for you now." She said

Lisa: "'re no fun Kimora..." She said before looking at Vaida and Alex "Nice to meet you two, my name is Lisa Holesvein." She bowed before speaking again "Being picked by Kimora probably means you re of exceptional skill...I look forward to seeing your efforts in action." She said before walking past them, smiling at Kimora one last time before leaving as I passed them


Hiruko: "Excellent. We now have the forces of the sea with us..." Hiruko said as Erubetie nodded, with Lidia nodding afterwards. But she heard a very loud noise before what appeared like a pink blur appeared from the water in the temple. The blur turned out to be Ikaros, shaking off some of the sea weed that had got caught on her body, she walks towards Tyson

Ikaros: "Tyson...I have come here to give you an update on the situation. Allen had proposed we formed groups in order to take on our perspective enemies. Allen had appointed you with my master Scott to be his partner

Lidia: "I see...a group effort. It would be foolish to go against the enemy alone, so small groups would work to split the enemies apart and give us chances to deal with them as we see fit..." Lidia said

Erubetie: "A sound strategy...of course I shall stand by your side." Erubetie said as Ikaros nodded. Then turning her attention to the Kraken

Ikaros: "I suspect that Lord Aliphese will be needing your presence as well. Once everyone has gathered, I suspect Allen will explain where each of us should head for." She said


As the white dragon clad in blue flew through the sky at fast speeds, they had soon saw the castle in the horizon, there Elimine had smiled a little

Elimine: "I can feel fellow sisters...only one has not awakened yet..." She said as she held her hands together "I suspect that lord Lisa has plans already made..." She said

Oregano: "Miss Daedalus is with the group as well. When we arrive, I must speak to her, so I will take my leave for a moment when we get there

Elimine: "Understood..." Elimine said before looking back at Ivadi "I'm sure Lisa would be glad to see another ally joining her cause...and maybe..." She said holding her stomach a little "Ask her about a certain someone..." She said smiling


Hanon: "Hannah..." She said before closing her eyes, smiling a little as she looked up "My fellow sisters...all but one has awakened...I need to join their side..." She said before looking back at Hannah. "Come have finished the task at hand here...we must now go back the Demon Realm castle. I have a feeling milord has plans for what's to come..." She said before Chaos flew towards Hannah, carrying Florina "The elven tribe..." She said seeing Florina.

Florina: "Mistress Hanon..." Florina tried to bow down, but before she could, Hanon grabbed her by the shoulder and shook her head

Hanon: "Thank you for guarding this place. I cannot thank you enough, your people have safeguarded this sacred grounds for years. I am forever in your debt, and promise to forever dedicate my life for this cause until peace is guaranteed." She said before Hanon's body started to fade "I shall reside back in the bow Hannah, now go..." She said before her spirit went back inside the bow

Chaos: "Mommy, we can go back to daddy right?" She asked before spreading her wings open, closing in on her as she turned into her adult form again. Grabbing Hannah around her waist "Hold onto my neck mom..." She said before looking back at Florina "Thank you Florina." She said as Florina smiled and waved to them before Chaos took off, flying back from the entrance they came through and back outside

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:46 am
by hothead1021

After taking this all in, and hearing what everyone had to say Scott smiled at his lived ones knowing full well the part he had to play in all this. though it was interesting to him to see the others views on this before turning to his fair ladies and seeing Luminy with them, he smiles warmly at her "I do not think we have formally met, I apologize for that, my name is Scott Volcanus, heir to the Volcanus line"


Hearing that he will be battling along side Scott again, Tyson smiles happily "heh heh, together again, though, I wonder....if i will be able to catch up to him now?" he said to himself before stretching out a hand "heh heh, to think, before the start of ALL this....we were nit only rivals...but equals, striving to one up the other. but after everything thats happened, we both grew and moved forward, but you moved to somewhere I cannot reach...I doubt I can fight on the same level as you....but I won't slow you down." tyson said gripping his fist as he contemplates his current relationship with his friend Scott


Ivadi blushed softly at what Emiline said "o-ohh...whatever could you meaan?" he said not really sure what she means but tries not to let his imagination stray

@Poke & L337

After listening to the meeting and Minagis words Nemo nods "yes we WILL save Purmia, no matter what!" he said before looking at Minagi "Hey, Lady you....feel something wierd? like....three sources of light....heading towards this castle?" he asked as he focused as Hisui looked surprised "wait really? could they be friend or foe?" she asked

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 7:03 am
by KillMoves
Allen elaborated their plans of dividing their forces to facing the people whom they are most experienced. Keith listened on who was confronting who before arriving at a conclusion. "Wait a second! We haven't switched enemies at all!"

If Keith agrees, he will get a free ticket to Disney World, all expenses paid.

"That is the most brilliant plan I have ever heard, Allen! You are so awesome! Bear my babies!" Keith immediately changed minds from seemingly nothing. "That ticket better not be expired like what you did to Ian." He then whispered to no one.
Yuka wrote:"This will be an interesting battle...I really hope you're ready Keith. Let's skewer these misguided fools and make it rain a beautiful crimson red snow of blood."
"Yeah! We'll kick that Synapse Guy's ass along with that giant laser cannon thing he has in space." Keith agreed. "Somehow..."
"If Cadmus can do it, we can do it too!"
Cadmus did not destroy the Watchtower's orbital weapon. They hacked it and used it to make the Justice League look bad.
"Hey, that sounds like a plan."

"Also, are the four of us the only ones facing down the Synapse Guy?" Keith asked. "Not that I'm worried about being outmatched or anything but anyone here wants to join us? There'll be home-baked cookies!"
Keith can recruit Lumira to his force.
The Nightmare that was forgotten once Hilda and Wilma showed up.
It took a few moments for the mercenary to remember. "Oh yeah. I forgot she was a character."
"I thought we kept silent about her disappearance because we didn't like her."
"Hey! I like Lumira. It's just that I like two-legged, stranger women a lot more."

"Oh well, the cat's out of the bag." Keith turned to Yuka. "Hey, do you know what happened to Lumira? Haven't seen that purple, dream-invading gal for a while now."
"Yuka probably turned her into glue."
Considering her current personality, that is not an implausible thought.
"...Did you turn her into glue?" Keith added.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 5:47 pm
by L337 m4n

Lord Shadow stared at Allen with a slight twitch before facing who would be his partner. "*Sign* So were partners for this. Alright, let's head out then. It'll be nice to deal with Subliminal for this war at least. Even nicer if we can deal with threats like the Chief God's lackies or holy annoyances." Lord Shadow looked around as everyone partnered up and looked towards Sula before looking around for his usual assistant. "Konoka we have a new job and partner. Make nice with them." Lord Shadow spoke quietly before the kunoichi slinked out of the shadows.

@Hot and Ace-
"Three holy signatures? Probably threats if their rushing at us without warning." Mari assumed a battle stance and looked ready for whatever would pop through.

"Maybe their friendly? Be nice if we didn't have to kill every holy creature that attacked us." Tsuru tried to be optimistic in the event things went south.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:34 am
by Oersted
Alvan and Erin stayed quiet as the meeting continued, until the point where Allen looked at Alvan and said that him and the others who had a maiden with them were to go against their opposite elemental carrier, to which he nodded and Erin on her end just said "So I'm doing support then, huh? Fine with me." in her usual carefree demeanor although she looked like there was something nagging at her... But she waited for the meeting to be more or less done before speaking up about it "Um, hey Alvan? I'm not sure if I should talk about this here, but I have the most horrible hunch that mother might get involved in this conflict sooner or later..." she said in an unusually nervous manner "And I get the feeling that when and if she does she probably won't be on our side, what with the subject of her researchs." she added, causing Alvan to sigh "I wouldn't put it past her to do that, yeah." he replied before shaking his head "But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?" he told Erin, trying to comfort her, unlike him she probably didn't hate their mother anywhere as much as he did, and in all honesty a part of Alvan really wanted their mother to get involved just so he could pay her back for all the horrible things she did to him.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:22 pm
by Scrapmaster

Henry stood silent as Allen shared the plan of action with everyone, he liked the idea of Keith, and the plans Allen brought up made sense, fighting the opposite elements to who had a maiden, meanwhile Shadow and Xicor would tackle the order together, Henry, Allen and Lisa would face formotosis, albeit Henry was a bit surprised at Allen's decision to bring his mother into this, Henry didn't exactly ask.

"Alright, I agree with the plan, lets do it." he said plainly as he was soon pulled by Nymph and Ristiened, along with Allen, using his hand to wave back at Lisa as he let a small smile, as he managed to keep up the pace, instead of just being dragged about Ristiene and Nymph, "Speaking of preparing ourselves I wonder how the smiths are handling my armor...I wonder what the spirits are doing too, can't leave Sylph unchecked..." he said shrugging and sighing as he walked alongside Allen, his mother and Isabaeu.

It was until they came upon three people, one guy, with White robes with golden outlines, a Dragon woman of sorts, and Kimora, one of Lisa's subordinates, who Lisa was just as happy to tackle down, as Allen and Isabaeu tried to stop Lisa, Henry was just as confused as the two other people who they met, "Well this is awkwards..." he said scratching his head.

Alex simply looked at the scene, with a frown, right beside Vaida, who was thorougly confused, but as everything was said and done, and Lisa introduced herself, Alex Bowed in respect, "Lady Lisa, My name is Alex Dextros...adoptive son of Kaste Dextros, It is a pleasure to meet you, and she sends her regards as well." he said as he looked at Allen, "My educated guess is that you are Lisa's son, Allen Holesvein?" he asked in a polite tone, as he turned to Henry, and frowned, "And you..."

"My name is Henry, nice to meet you too Alex, and your friend." Henry said introducing himself to Vaida and Alex, also Kimora.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:36 am
by Gamergirl64
Lumina patiently listened as they continued discussing. Luckily, it sounded like the very little information did come in handy, when coming up with a strategy. Still, she didn't feel like she contributed as much as she wished. The tiny, black-winged Angel was about to hide behind Granberia, when the scaly women decided to pick her up, and put Luminy on her shoulder.She blushed at Granberia's words, but then sighed and looked down. The thought of what exactly happened to her was a trauma she may never be able to get over, but it is also the whole reason why she decided to fight for the same cause. "The thought of being able to take down Illias single-handedly is far from realistic, considering I was never created for fighting...", said Luminy, before clenching her fists, and looking at Granberia. "But I'm ready to do everything I can to help." Then she turned to Scott, who introduced himself to her. "Oh, hello!" She said, with a small smile. "My name is Luminy, banished angel of Illias." She didn't feel comfortable giving herself a title like that, but since Scott introduced himself with a title, Luminy thought that she should do the same. It was enough to explain her black wings, as well.

"Yes, of course." I nodded to Chaos, as I put my new bow on my back, I wrapped my arms around her. "Thanks again, Florina." I said to the white-haired elf, right before Chaos flew away. As we left, I looked down, to get one last good look of the forest knowing I won't be back for a while. Something wasn't right though. When we flew over the general area my house was in, the trees were a charred black, and leafless. The ground was covered in an ash gray color. I could practically smell the smokey scent that was left behind. There was no fire present, though it looks like there was one, that just recently went out. To my horror, it looked like the little cabin I grew up in was also caught in the wildfire. No, it wasn't a wildfire. A wildfire would have spread throughout the whole forest, and while it was a fairly large part, it still stopped. This fire was controlled, and aimed towards my general area.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the horror that was underneath us. My own home, the place I knew by heart and grew up in, destroyed. "Oh my gosh..."


@nobody in particular: (if you have been waiting for Moyasu's secret to be revealed, you might want to read on ;))

Moyasu had just finished training with his fellow elite order soldiers, when Arashi came up to him.

"Heyy Moyasu! There you are!" said the dark-haired swordsman with icey blue eyes. "How was your mission?"

Moyasu turned to Arashi with a nuetral expression. "Oh hey Arashi. It was alright, I guess. Didn't get a lot of information off the guy we found, but it was apparently enough to appease the general." He said. "How was yours?"

"Easy as always." Arashi answered, confidently. "But what do you expect, from a mission as simple as chaperoning a bunch of trainees. All I have to do is make sure they don't get in over their heads."

Moyasu chuckled. "Well, as long as none of them were anything like you were as a trainee."

Arashi laughed. "You have a point there! I applaud our surperiors at the time for putting up with someone with such ambitions.

"They only put up with you because I managed to get you out of trouble." Moyasu pointed out. "It came to a point where they looked to me, whenever you acted out. For the love of Zeus, you challenged the demon lord!"

"And I probably would have won too." Arashi remarked, causing Moyasu to let out an annoyed sigh. "Anyway, I need to talk to you in private."

"Fine. Make it quick." said Moyasu, before the two of them proceeded to go to a secluded nearby area by Arashi's lead.

"So..." said Arashi. "As a part of our mission, we set off for the great forest, right? I went to that place where we tried to capture the demon kid. Do you remember that place?"

"Yes, I remember it." answered Moyasu in a more serious tone.

"Well... I came across this old cabin, and decided to loot the place for anything valuable."

"..." Moyasu continued listening to his story. While his expression didn't change, he felt his body tense up.

"Well, we didn't find anything worth taking, since it seems it's deserted at this point, But there was this one closet that I opened, and in all of the junk there, I found this." From Arashi's black coat, he pulled out a small booklet, titled 'Gasa family memories'. The elite stared at Moyasu, seeing if it sparked any kind of reaction. "I thought the title seemed strange. After all, 'Gasa' is your last name, right? Most of the book consists of pictures of this one blue-haired werewolf and her pup, but there was this one picture, that really intrigued me."

Much to Moyasu's horror, Arashi opened the book up to a page in the very center, and showed it to him. On that page was a single picture. A picture consisting of a family of three. One blue-haired werewolf with bright yellow eyes, next to a 19 year old Moyasu, who was smiling, and had a gentle look in his eyes. In between them was a three year old werewolf pup, who shared Moyasu's hair and eye color, and didn't have the fur on her arms and legs that her mother had.

Arashi closed the book. "That girl..." He said. "The wolf that we've seen with that demon boy. The one you calmed down and carried to him, after the fight with that angel named Chaos. The one you actually smiled for, and you NEVER smile, Moyasu." A smile began to form on the corners of his mouth. "That girl... Is she your daughter?"

Moyasu looked down at his feet, clenching his fists. He figured someone would have found out sooner or later, but he wouldn't think that it was Arashi, to find out that he let his own daughter live. Being one of his closest friends, Arashi did know about how Moyasu's fiance became a werewolf before their marriage, and that he eloped with her, since they were raised in an anti-monster village near that forest. Up until now however, Arashi always thought that after his wife's death, he left his daughter to die, and rejoined the order. However, it was quite the opposite. He lived happy with his family, but when his wife died of an illness, he planned on continuing to raise Hannah, up until he recieved a letter saying order officials would arrive to draft him for the war against monsters. He knew that if someone were to find out that he had been raising a monster, he and his daughter would be killed without hesitation. So he trained his daughter to hunt and fend for herself, then left her at 7 years old, hoping she could make it on her own. Much to Moyasu's relief, Hannah did in fact, managed by herself, despite being left at such a young age. He didn't care if he were to continuously be seen as an enemy by her, as long as she still survived. Moyasu even interrupted Arashi's first fight with Allen, and let Allen escape, when he saw that Hannah was with him. Moyasu especially felt better when he saw Allen's reaction to him carrying her unconcious body after the fight with Chaos, as he knew Allen would assure her safety. Even as he fought alongside the order as the head of elite soldiers, secretly, Moyasu was on the side of the demon realm alliance.

"Don't worry, I do not intend on reporting this." said Arashi, as he tossed the book for Moyasu to catch. "This will be a well-kept secret between the two of us."

"If you have done anything to her, Arashi, I swear-"

"You don't have to worry about that either" Arashi cut Moyasu off. "I couldn't find her, so she didn't die by mine, or any of the trainee's hands."

Moyasu sighed with relief. "Thank-"

"Instead, we decided to burn down the forest!" Again, Arashi cut Moyasu off, with a cheerful tone.

Moyasu stood silent. His eyes slowly began to turn from their usual blue color, to a light orange color. Trying to keep from taking his rage out on Arashi, he barely managed to mutter a few words through his tightly gritted teeth. "You... Did what?"

"Well, not the WHOLE forest. Just a farely big part of it, mainly in the general vicinity of your-" Arashi was cut silent, as he was grabbed by the shirt, by an infuriated Moyasu, who was literally steaming, as his skin started to glow red. Arashi could feel the greatly heated temperature from his left hand on his shirt, and watched his right hand curled into a fist catch fire, raised and ready to punch him in the face.

"GIVE ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY I SHOULDN'T JUST BURN YOU TO ASH AT THIS VERY SECOND!" shouted Moyasu, as he held a sweating Arashi (part because he's nervous, and part because Moyasu's temperature is so high, he is about to become pure fire due to his rage), close to his face. Luckily, no one else could hear them.

"E-easy easy." said Arashi, trying to calm down Moyasu. "I have a perfectly reasonable explination for this."

"Yeah?! Well spit it out, before I decide that I let you live for FAR too long!!" Demanded Moyasu, his skin starting to turn a light orange. He's trying his best to hold back, but anything could set him off, and he wouldn't hold back from murdering his own friend right now.

"I did it..." Arashi grabbed Moyasu's arm, and with his ice powers, cooled down his forarm, causing Moyasu's grip on him to weaken. "to protect you" he said. "If the general found out, the nicest thing he would do is fire you. And may cheif god help you if the church found out." Arashi's cooling powers spread further up Moyasu's arm, and eventually started to slowly spread through Moyasu's body. Arashi hoped that cooling Moyasu's temperature would also cool his temper.

"..." The fire from Moyasu's raised fist began to extinguish. Half because he realized how Arashi did what he did with good(?) intention, and half because Arashi is literally cooling him down.

"Not only that, but as head of your elite division, my safety is in your hands." explained Arashi. "If I were to so much as go missing, it would be on your head."

Moyasu hesitated to finally let go Arashi. "Like I care about my position in the order, anymore..." He said, before starting to walk back to their base.

"Moyasu, I'm still your friend. I've gone through all this trouble to protect you." said Arashi, "Even if you give up on whatever you may be fighting for, I'll still be there to help you, regardless."

Moyasu stopped. "Arashi..." He said, without turning around. "Can I even trust you to call you my friend?"

Moyasu silently started walking again, with Arashi in tow, neither one speaking to each other.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:38 am
by Pokemonaces
Granberia: "Hmm..." Somehow knowing of Luminy's depressed state, Granberia stayed silent as she waited for Scott and Luminy's introductions to end. After their exchange of words, Garanberia turned to Scott and spoke up "Alright, now this wasn't mentioned in the meeting, but we also have a different task we must do." Granberia said looking down, feeling guilt, Hailey took only a moment to stare before smiling and knowing what she meant

Hailey: "Don't worry...we'll get Sara back!" Hailey said saying what Granberia had in her head. Reiland came with them shortly

Reiland: "Indeed...she may have fallen to the enemies hands now, but we shall get her back. For now though, we must wait until Tyson's arrival to come up with a plan of strategy. In the meantime..." Reiland said, but she then felt a radiating presence that was all too familiar to her "'s about time she had awakened...took awhile from our perspective..." Confused, Hailey looked at Reiland with a curious stare, but she soon felt a very radiant, almost relaxing aura from one direction, heading straight for them


Ikaros: "I shall move on ahead now that the message had been relayed, master Scott awaits your return Tyson." Ikaros said bowing before she spread her wings before dipping back in the water, making a straight course back to the castle

Lydia: "This battle is finally starting to come together..." Lidia said as she gripped her custom four bladed Scythe, then looking at Tyson, she lays her left hand on his arm "Don't worry, you'll catch up to him Tyson" Lidia said, softly smiling before Kraken spoke up

Kraken: "It will take time for me and my partner Poseidoness to find a temporary guard here, so go on ahead and we shall follow suit." She said with Erubetie nodding before she grabbed Tyson on the other arm

Erubetie: "Alright, we have no time to waste, let's go Tyson." She said as her and Lidia start walking with Tyson back to the entrance to make their way back to the castle. Hiruko, who stood silent as she saw Tyson walking with them, looked back at Kraken

Hiruko: "I shall see you then at the castle Kraken. There we can finally end this war once and for all..." She said before heading to the exit with Tyson, increasing her pace until she caught up to him


Xicor, seeing Shadow's initial reaction, gave off a smug smile before turning to Shadow

Xicor: "Just so you're aware...I won't be holding your hand in this fight. If you so much as slow me down when fighting, I won't hesitate to cut our ties." He said, but Sula then smacked him on the back of his head, using this chance as he staggered from the hit to force him to bow as she did too soon after

Sula: "It'll be an honor to work with one of the faction leaders that Lisa has in her alliance." She said before Xicor got up and started yelling at her

Xicor: "What the hell was that for Sula?!" He asked, but Sula sighed before speaking

Sula: "Isn't it obvious. We'll be working with Lord Shadow, we have to work as a team since as strong as we are, we can' take on the Order individually let alone Zeus...believe me..." Sula said as her tone and behavior slightly changed, remembering her past as a weapon spirit that was loyal to a previous wielder which she held dear in her heart "He's much more powerful than you can imagine..." She said, but she then felt an aura of light, one that unlike Xicor's, was caring and even relaxing "So she has awakened at last..." She said

Xicor: "What the..." Xicor, who was one with light, felt strange as he felt this aura, he seemed to have relaxed as he simply stood silent, waiting for whoever had the aura to appear


Minagi: "Very well then. It would be at our best interest then to head straight for master Aliphese castle, where Formotosis is likely to head. He may have Purima captive with him. There we can intercept and hopefully get her back." Minagi said, being as supportive as she could despite the limited amount of time she was with them

Braminda: "The problem is...the spell he used to capture Purima is extremely powerful. As strong as I am, I can't undo dark spells of that caliber. The only way to free is to..." Braminda then started ti feel a presence of light, one she had a great disdain for despite knowing who it was "...well speak of the angel...fuck not her again..." Braminda said as she gave off a disgusted tone as she awaited who she knew to come.


Dianca: "Hmm...I guess our role would be to protect the castle. Though Formotosis soul was already released...he knows that our castle is an important landmark that he has to destroy to lower army moral..." Dianca said abruptly in between Erin and Alvan "We'll act as Vanguards to make sure the castle stays intact. I'm sure the enemy will no doubt send a general here to take this place down." Astrea, who at the time of the meeting, was silent as she was still processing what little information she could remember, simply went to Dianca

Astrea: "So basically...just defend the castle right?" She asked as Dianca simply nodded" Okay, I can just ignore that other stuff and focus on that then!" She said as she smiled. Then they saw J and Mizune, who saw Alvan and a distraught state. Mizune immediately crawled around Alvan, hugging him tightly before nuzzling her head on his chest

Mizune: "Alvan what's wrong, you look so sad?" She asked before looking up to him. J knew what it was and decided to stay silent, smiling softly at Erin before she felt a light presence "What's this..." She said as Dianca noticed it right away and smiled

Dianca: "AWW FUCK YEAH!" She yelled out with a smile "About damn time you sleeping motherfucking beauty!" Ignoring her foulmouthed tone, Dianca seemed excited as her hair spiked up

Mizune: "I feel so fuzzy all of the sudden." Though Mizune couldn't understand what she felt, she did know that it felt radiant and welcoming


Chaos: "Mom..." Chaos, who saw the forest burning, could feel the pain that her mother felt, only pulling Hannah closer until her chest pressed against Hannah's back. In her adult form, Chaos had breasts bigger than Hannah's "It's okay mom...we'll make new memories with daddy..." She said, as they soon see the castle. There Chaos gently flew down at a large window where she saw me. Landing right next to one of the windows at the throne rooms exit door, I saw Chaos and Hannah

Allen: "Hannah, Chaos!" I said with a smile before I ran up to Hannah and picked her up, twirling her a few time before hugging her "Haha I'm so glad you're alright." I said, but Chaos tilted her head before using her wings to cover herself up, changing back into her child form as she shrunk once again, she ran to my right leg and hugged me from there

Chaos: "Of course she was safe daddy. She was with me after all." She said as I patted her head

Allen: "I know...thanks for looking out for mommy..." I said as Isabaeu, simply smiled before Lisa turned to see Hannah

Lisa: "Hannah right. We've met before, but I doubt we had a formal way of introducing ourselves. I am Allens mother Lisa. But of course, you can just call me mommy if you feel like it." Lisa said as she held Hannah in her arm, though a succubus she was, her hug was very gentle "I'm thankful for being so kind to my boy...thank you." She said before letting go and looking at Chaos "And thank you for looking after your mommy..." She said patting Chaos on the head

Vaida: "Huh...I guess this is a really complicated clusterfuck of family ties..." Vaida said as she saw he rather confusing family line that I had, but she shook her head before speaking again "I'm Vaida...I'm a monster that, due to the influence of Demonic energy, transformed from one of the most viscous monsters of the 1st generation, a stygian zinogre." Vaida said as she bowed to Lisa and Henry

Lisa: "I'm glad to have you by our side. And of course even more so that you have turned into a beautiful woman rather than what the actual monster, as Stygian's are far more aggressive that their regular counterparts." Moving to Alex, she looked at him more closely "Ah...your more of a hands on fighter I see...I bet you're a more aggressive fighter. So perhaps a position to put you in is at the advance division." I smiled at moms idea

Allen: "Yes...we do need people who are aggressors in the war. Perhaps someone who attacks the enemy stronghold to destroy and incoming reinforcements." But as I finished speaking, I felt a moist feeling on my back before I saw Mashiro, who had sneaked behind me. Pressing her chest against my back, I blush before jumping back "Mashiro!" I said before she looked at Hannah

Mashiro: "..." She took glances at Hannah, simply moving slowly as Chaos, who was wary of Mashiro's aura, kept her guard "...another one..." She said before looking at me "You need to tell me when you add more girls..." She said before I felt the water behind me change shape. The moisture on my back turned into a sharp needle aimed right for my aorta "Do we need to go over this again..." She said

Allen: "Ahaha...sorry Mashiro...I...uh was busy and couldn't really..." Stuck with no excuse to say, I felt instant relief when Slyph came with the other spirits. Taking Mashiro's attention off me "Phew..."

Sylph: " did the meeting go?" Sylph said as she came back along with the other spirits.

Salamander: "Judging from the large mass of people that are here...I say we either got here in time for the meeting, or are late." Salamander said

Nymph: "Yea, sorry but you guys just missed it. I'll relay the information later." Nymph said as Undine nodded, with Gnome stood silent, walking to Henry as she tugged on his pants. She then pointed to where Gigi and Bria. Bria had with her a new dark armor which was covered by a big, brown blanket

Bria: "We finished. It's not what we expected, but it should work for you just fine..." Bria said as she revealed the armor. It looked more like cloth rather than armor as the material it was made off looked like thin clothing

Gigi: "To say the least...this was an unexpected build. We wanted to create an armor with a mix of chainmail and steel, but in the middle of the melding process with the four spirits...the dark energy, which they had slowly inherited from you turned it into a cloak." She said, but Undine spoke up afterwards

Undine: "But what it looks like isn't what matters. To our surprise, the cloak itself is far more durable than we thought..." She said as Bria nodded before taking out a a giant hammer shaped like an anvil. She swung it at the cloak, only for it to react as the cloth like material extended. Wrapping around the anvil hammer before squeezing the hammer. The sounds of metal being crushed could be heard before it let go, migitating the size of the anvil from one that was the size of Henry's chest to a size of a fist.

Salamander: "The cloak developed a unique self awareness, seemingly defending itself. It came to be when us spirits combined our power and infused it in what was supposed to be a metal based armor." She said before Gigi spoke again

Gigi: "This is a hunch, but I'm sure that only you can wear it." She said to Henry
Spoiler: show
Bria: "In anycase...we hope it's to your liking..." Bria said as both Gigi and Bria brought the cloak to him. But afterwards, they felt a powerful light presence closing by. It felt serene and calming "What..." Bria said as she reacted first. The spirits stayed silent, simply looking awestruck as they felt the light

Allen: "That feels so gentle...completely different to Xicors..." I said as my mom's eyes widened

Lisa: "It's god she's finally awake..." Lisa said with a smile as Isabaeu smiled with her

Isabaeu: "A little late, but better than never I say..." Isabaeu said with a smile. Ristiene was confused, but she stayed silent as she felt the light as well, somehow feeling a familiar presence to it


Yuka: "Oh the little dear? If I remember correctly...fuck..." She said as she looked guilty for once, leaving Lumira alone and forgotten in the infirmary after knocking her out during Keith's scuffle with Wilma and Hilda "I'm sure she's fine..." Yuka said as she played with her fingers

Wilma: "Lumira? Is she another ally of yours or something?" Wilma asked Yuka

Yuka: "Well...Lumira is a Nightmare centaur that we had as a companion for a bit. But during the time you and Hilda attacked, I decided to knock her out and take her to safety as she's not nearly strong enough to fight. But I got caught up with what happened that I kinda...sorta...maybe forgot about her..." Yuka said

Hilda: "Some ally you are..." Hilda said as she and Wilma looked at Yuka, who for one of the few times, felt genuine guilt. But the twins felt a light presence that shut them up. Yuka who felt it too smiled warmly

Yuka: "Oh...looks like the only exception of the eight maidens have finally awakened..." Yuka said as memories of nostalgia overtake her as she awaits her ally's arrival


Elimine: "Well...let's just say that if my hunch is right...I'll be reunited with a much needed encounter with someone I swore to protect long ago..." Elimine said as she was fairly cryptic. Soon the white wyvern had reached it's destination. Landing on the entrance of the castle. Elimine and Oregano got off, waiting for Ivadi before the wyvern had relaxed and rested. "Yes...I sense her...I'm glad she's safe..." Elimine said before she started to walk first. Passing the entrance, she saw the many Mamono around her, who looked at her with awe. Oregano walked along with her with a seemingly unresponsive tone

Oregano: "Hmm...everyone here seems to be silent...only staring at your with awe..." Oregano stated to which Elimine blushed

Elimine: "I don't think my presence is that great of significance..." She said as she moved on with Oregano. Then reaching the gateway to the throne room, there she see's familiar faces" I could sense you all way before getting here...but nothing beats seeing comrades face to face..." Elimine said as she saw the other maidens. Isabaeu was the first to move to Elimine, nodding before shaking her hand

Isabaeu: "Nice to see you again old friend..." Following suite, Reiland placed her claw like hands at Elimine's left shoulder

Reiland: " has been many years since we had last seen each other." Dianca then placed her hand on Elimines right, feeling the weight of both hands as Elimine awkwardly smiled at the two

Dianca: "Fuck yeah! You're finally awake! The odd one of the girls!" Giggling in a rather awkward, but nostalgic tone, Elimine smiled warmly at the two afterwards

Elimine: "You two are as strong as ever I see. And Dianca, you must watch that mouth of yours." She said with worried tone "As tomboyish as you are...speaking in such a vulgar matter ill suites you." She said before she saw Yuka "And and Yuka, you never change..." She said clearly able to sense a side of Yuka that was less than pleasant

Yuka: "You're one of the few who know me best afterall..." She said, but then Elimine looked at Hannah, Walking towards her, she took a closer look at what looked like a withered bow, but she knew all too well what it really was

Elimine: "Your ability of stealth and illusion is rather amazing Hanon, I'm surprised the other girls haven't sensed you." Elimine said before the bow glowed until it changed form, looking like a solid bow with a golden cast handle. The handle had a red velvet like cloth that made using and holding it look comfortable as the string itself was so fine, it took the reflection of light to make it visible. Then manefesting into her physical form, Hanon appeared. Taking a closer look, Hanon had dark skin like an amazon, but her tail was colored a light green color, and the scales on the tail itself looked more rigid as it reflected light. Her hair was also different as it was colored black with grey highlights at the tips of her hair. Her eye color was a lighter shade of grey. But the most prominent feature she had were her markings. The markings looked like ancient letters from the olden days of the world, covering her from head to toe. The only recognizable shape she had on her body was the half heart symbol on her chest, which was purple in color rather than black.

Hanon: "I'm surprised...I wanted to surprise Lisa and Isabaeu, but damn you always manage to detect me Elimine. I'm glad to see I wasn't the only maiden who had awoken recently." She said smiling as Yuka smiled, her left palm open as she created a fist with her right hand and slammed on her left palm gently as if solving something

Yuka: "Hey...I just realized this now. The weapon master maidens are now all awakened!" She said smiling a she had Maltet, the ice spear wielded by Keith. Durandal held by Scott Volcanus with Reiland as she stod proudly with Scott. Dianca, who forcibly grabbed Alvan by the left leg and hoisted him up like a ragdoll with a bright smile while holding Armads with her other arm. Then finally, Hanon, who had her eyes shut, but smiling gently as she stood by Hannah's side

Braminda: "Well good for you guys. As for us Magic is still slumbering in her chamber..." Braminda said as she appeared behind Elimine. Unlike the other maidens, Braminda didn't seem all to thrilled with her appearance as she simply looked at Elimine with a scornful look, but then smiled sarcastically "The deserting angel bitch. Thought your other half had died by the hands of Zeuss right?" I bet it was painful..." Braminda said digging up painful memories for Elimine, remember that her soul was ripped in half by Zeuss once, splitting the renegade and loyal side of her.

Elimine: "I...cannot deny that I am not an angel worth saying grace for. Far be it from me to even ask of your forgiveness Braminda..." She said as she bowed to her in apology, despite not doing anything wrong "I know the very presence of my aura is a great burden on you, but please hear me when I say that I regret whatever biased feelings I had of light in the past. I do not expect forgiveness, but only your recognition of my sincerest apology..." Elimine said as Braminda stood silent, turning around, she turns around and smiles before letting out a small giggle

Braminda: "tsk...I was just kidding...pull the pole out of your ass will yah. For now...let's hope Aria joins us so we can finally fight as a team again..." She said before going back to Nemo, staying silent afterwards

Daedalus: "So you're the angel of light, the defector of the Order..." Daedalus felt the angelic presence of Elimine, who felt completely different from Minos or Chief God. "I sense no evil aura you are the literal embodiment of what light should be..." She said before Elimine shook her head

Elimine: "I...have not yet reached that honor. However I can say for a fact that you are not much different in the aura you exhibit. It shows love and devotion to those that you created. A sense of compassion and effort went to those you nurtured..." Saying that, both Nymph and Astrea blushed as they saw Daedalus as a mother of sort. Oregano stood silent, but unconsciously nodded at Elimines statement. Daedalus was left in awe with Elimines words, simply smiling before speaking again

Daedalus: "Such a beautiful woman...with words that are only matched by your beauty. Elimines appearance was vastly different from the other maidens. Being an angel, a goddess angel infact, her wardrobe consisted of a fine looking silk that modestly covered her body from chest to legs in a veil of glistening cloth. White in color, she had a long, scarf like cloth that was resting on her shoulders, blue and purple in color, ones that matched her radiant blonde hair. Her green eyes were dark green in color. The only part of her body that separates her appearance from being human was her wings, which were filled with soft, white feathers, but the feathers also radiated a faint yellow light with her halo standing above her head, circular in nature and simple.
Spoiler: show
Lisa: "Elimine!" She said before hugging Elimine. Letting go shortly afterwards, she looked like she was in tears. "You're finally awake..." She said, then looking at Hanon, she used her tail to pull Hanon with her as she hugged Hanon too "Of course I wouldn't forget about my sharp shooter archer now would I?" Blushing from the hug, Hanon pushed herself off before nodding

Hanon: "Yes Lisa...I am awake to once again act as your watchful eyes, ever on the guard..." She said before bowing. Elimine smiled with the reunion. But she finally took notice of me first. She walked towards me as I felt a gentle aura surround me. It was so soothing that my eyelids felt heavier and heavier as she got closer

Elimine: "This child..." She said before holding my cheeks. Her hands were so gentle and soft "Lisa...this boy...he has the demonic energy you have flowing within him. He must be the unborn child, the miracle himself. My I'm so glad it was actually possible..." Elimine said, but then noticed something strange "But...why does this child...only have your energy. Alucard was your lover right? Alucards light essence was very powerful. I thought it would have passed down on the boy..." She said. But Lisa shook her head

Lisa: "It's a very complicated scenario. But to tell short, my son during the time of which Jean had transported him to another world, was somehow cloned, splicing out the half of which the dark energy and light energy. The son you face right now is Allen. He's supposedly the original of the split bodies. He inherited my dark energy. The other son I have had inherited all of Alucards light energy..." Pointing to Xicor, he looked at Elimine as she got closer.

Xicor: " your spa..." Xicor, for one of the very few times, was at a loss of words as I saw Elimine effortlessly walk to him with no sign of fear. Elimine looked puzzled at first, but upon touching Xicors cheeks, she had noticed immediately and smiled. But her smile was short lived as she suddenly frowned, but it was that of pity and remorse "Wha..." Xicor's body relaxed before he felt limp. Hugging him gently, Elimine brought his chin to her right shoulder and stroked his hair

Elimine: "I see...this what a terrible be treated so seems even humans are capable of inhumane acts of cruelty and greed. Your poor...poor child..." Xicor snapped out of it before gently pushing Elimine away "You are not alone anymore little one..." She said with a smile. Xicor who backed away slowly, had a dumbfounded face. He couldn't say and witty remarks at all as he simply turned to the door

Xicor: "...I need...some fresh air..." Xicor said before walking out of the castle. Sula was about to move, but Elimine stopped her

Sula: "Elimine..." Sula said as she shook her head

Elimine: " carried the memories of your previous master...though close to him as you have been...trying to comfort Xicor now would only induce more bad memories." She said before looking at Lisa "Lisa...go...he needs you." She said before Lisa nodded before she followed Xicor quickly to catch up. As Elimine saw Lisa leave. She felt one more presence in the room. She didn't notice due to the mass amount of people, but she took one look at Henry, and her eyes widened in what looked like a shocked expression. Her eyes started to tear before she ran towards Henry, tackling him as it looked uncharacteristic for her as she hit the wall behind her on her back. She rested Henry's head on her bosom before Henry could feel her tears running down his forehead to his cheek. The tears that ran down reached his lips as it left a bitter sweet taste as she smiled to him "Henry! Waaaahhhahah..." Crying in what looked like happiness, I was rather confused as I saw the whole scene take place. Reiland smiled as she knew all along, knowing it was coming.

Ristiene: "Pardon me but..." Ristiene said as she was rather confused, only recently manifesting herself, Ristiene didn't know Elimine. But Elimine knew her very well

Elimine: "Ahh..." Elimine said as she wiped her tears "I'm're...Meruiclius. You finally awakened in your physical form. You may not know me...but you certainly know my husband...after had entrusted yourself to his care after abandoning Formotosis did you not?" Elimine said as her words, gave a pretty obvious hint of who she was to Henry, and how important she was to him

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:20 pm
by hothead1021

As Emiline and Oregano left to meet the others, Ivadi stayed behing and hugged Akairuis head happily "you did well flying us this far, thank you." he said before looking at the nearby mamono, "could I get some meat here for my friend? he's earned it." he said as they nod and get meat to feed the wyvern.

Scott and Nemo, curious about whats outside went to the front gates before staring mouth agape at the sight in front of them. Ivadi cuddling a White Wyvern that he most likely rode on. Nemo came first as he and Iva stared at one another for a bit before they both smile acknowledging each other as friends.

"Holy Crap that is awesome." Scott said as he approached Ivadi who smiled "umm...thanks..." he said "How did you two meet?" Scott asked as Iva chuckled before telling the two his story on how he met Emiline to get her spellbook, how they met Oregano during the quest when he saved her, and finally proving himself to Akairui here that he's worthy before flying here.

After taking all that in from the former Order Hero, most likely trying to replay the events in their head up to the point of him riding the wite rath, the two said one sentence in unison "I want one..." they said getting a chuckle from Ivadi and a giggle from Hisui who arrived at that moment with the girls

Tyson smiled back at Lydias comfort and hugs her before they headed back. "come on guys Double Time it, the sooner we get there, the sooner we can get things rolling." he said

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:57 pm
by Gamergirl64
@everyone: (So many characters to reintroduce. :@_@: Sorry for yet another long post.)

I was caught off guard by Chaos trying to comfort me. Despite being close to my height if not taller in her adult form, I forgot that she had her adult form to begin with. Her words were comforting, I almost felt like crying. I didn't though. I wanted to stay strong for Chaos. Plus, Allen would worry too much if he saw me upset when we got back. "Yeah..."

Then we arrived. I smiled to Allen. "Oh Allen, I'm so glad to see you-", I was cut off when he twirled me around and hugged me. I couldn't help but giggle, as I hugged him. "The little adventure we went on was interesting. The elven tribe was surprisingly nice to us, once it was clear that neither of us arrived with any malicious intent." I said, then Lisa introduced herself as Allen's mother. "Oh, you're his mother! It's a pleasure to meet you, lord Lisa," I said, before she hugged me and said I could call her 'mommy' "I-I... Thank you." Albeit, it was strange that she accepted me so quickly. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of being a part of Allen's... Intimate lifestyle. Well, it was intimate compared to what I was used to, being stuck by myself for so long. Then she mentioned Chaos taking care of her 'mommy', and Vaida mentioning the complexity of all these family ties. "I'm not used to it either, to be honest." I said, laughing. "Though Allen and I decided to act as Chaos parents, after our... Encounter." I pat Chaos on the head, gently. "Though we're not married, I thought it was a good idea to give her a family."

Then Mashiro approached Allen. I wasn't quite sure what to make of her, but my instincts told me she was dangerous, and so my initial thought was to guard Allen and Chaos. However, I decided not to do anything, seeing as she was one of Allen's other lovers. Having lived my childhood in a nuclear family, I knew this will take a while of getting used to. "O-oh. You must be one of the other girls, Allen told me about..." I said. I will admit, I was less than comfortable with the thought of having to 'share' Allen with a few others. I swallowed my pride though, as I knew it was something I had to tolerate. "Mashiro, right? My name is Hana Gasa. Call me Hannah, if you'd like." I said, about to extend my hand for her to shake, but then then Sylph came in, averting her attention.

I simply watched as the following events played out. I felt like I had no room to say anything, up until Hanon came out, and had her reunion. "Oh, Hanon!" Having her appear out of nowhere still caught me off guard, but Elimine's presence kept me calm enough to keep from being startled. Despite seeing it happen twice beforehand (once meeting Isabeau, and once meeting Hanon), I really have to get used to the fact that there's a woman living in my weapon. "I guess I should have probably expected you to know some of the people here already" I said.

Luminy on the other hand, was very confused about everything that went on. She saw Chaos, an angeloid who looked to be about the same size as her, though taller by a foot. She could feel a great power coming from her however. Then Elimine showed up. Her pressence felt so pure and clean, Luminy almost thought that it was one of Illias' soldiers coming to attack. Then she realized that it felt different from even them. Very calm and relaxing. She looked beautiful. The talk of being a 'maiden' let Luminy know that she had great power. "So many strong people... I feel so out of place." She said, laughing a little.

Just then, a familiar black-winged angel came in through one of the windows. It was none other than Tenebris Lux, the commander of the dark angel army that Luminy was a part of. "I hope I'm not too late." She said. "I was told to come after the meeting was over?"

"Commander Lux!" Luminy fluttered down off of Granberia's shoulder, and bowed down in front of her. "Yes, commander, the meeting just finished."

Tenebri smiled. "Excellent." She said. "Raise yourself, Luminy." Luminy stood up, as Tenebris walked over to Granberia. "Thank you for letting her be with you. I hope that Luminy was on her best behavior." She said, smiling. "Though, I do feel a stronger pressence within her. It seems some of her powers have finally unlocked."

"Granberia has been training me, commander!" Luminy said, cheerfully. "I had some practice with Reiland, too." She pointed to Reiland.

"Ah, I see." Tenebris smiled to Reiland and Granberia. "I have both of you to thank. Luminy's fire magic come from an angel who was once the strongest of Illias' army. If Luminy could gain full control of said power, she has potential to be very strong in battle." She said.

"Oh, I-I don't think I could possibly match Averiel's strength. I'm not supposed to have these powers in the first place." explained Luminy, somewhat timidly.

Tenebris kneeled down to Luminy and smiled. "What did I say, soldier?" She asked, patting the tiny angel's head. "Forget about who or what you were in the past. It's who you are now, that matters."

Luminy blushed. "R-right! I'll remember that." She said.

Tenebris stood up. "That's what I'd like to hear!" She said, but then turned her attention to Alice. "Lord Aliphese." She bowed down in front of her. "I do not believe we have properly met, before. I am commander Tenebris Lux. I lead an army of 100 fallen angels that once belonged to Illias. We are on your side now, so you have permission to deploy us however you like." She said.

Just then, two more familiar faces showed up. A boy with bird-like features, about 18 years old. The lightly yellow-featherd lad was none other than Kai, the harpy queen's son. Next to him was the harpy queen Lilian herself, with lavender feathers and light blue hair. They both walked to Aliphese.

"Hello, lord Aliphese." said the queen. "It is good to see you again. I thank you and your knights for helping us, back then."

Tenebris stood up. "Your highness. I hope the harpies are well."

"Yes, they are alive and well, as am I." Said Kai. "All except for one."

"Oh no." Tenebris looked worried. "Did I..."

"No, it wasn't because of you. Despite being able to recover, she passed due to a different cause." Explained Kai, then turned to Tenebris. "By the way, you could have just explained your motives."

"R-right. I apologize." Said Tenebris, lowering her head.

"Hmph. Some commander." Remarked Kai, much to Luminy's annoyance.

"Kai, be nice!" said Lilian. "She too is an ally, please treat her like one!" She turned to Tenebris. "I'm so sorry about him. He hasn't been... himself lately."

(EDIT: I seriously need to pay more attention to what I'm reading before I post anything. :XD:)

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:45 am
by Scrapmaster

Henry nodded to Vaida as she introduced herself, "Welcome aboard." he said to both Vaida and Alex, he never saw a stygian zinogre, and was surprised at how she looked, but his thoughts were soon taken from him as the spirits came, along side Gigi, with the armor complete, Henry had a excited look on his face, almost like a child's, as his expression returned to a confused look as the armor was revealed, surprised at it being cloth, albeit for the best, it was light, and with what it did to the hammer, tough, also self awareness too, that was a nice touch. "I see, well why don't I try it n-" before he could say anything else he felt a spike in holy energy nearby, a calming, serene aura, but that wasn't what puzzled him, this felt familiar to him...somehow.

"What..." he said as he went with everyone see what it was, and it was a goddess, or at least he thought, but a friendly one, so he didn't raise his weapon, in fact he wouldn't even if he had to, he could not grip his all, for some reason, almost instinctively, he couldn't understand why, or how. he saw the woman introduce herself as Elimine, and seeing everybody else's reaction to her, she seemed noble, and with a royal look in her actions, collected and reasonable, something he could respect, surprised that Xicor was flustered as he is, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit, as he watched the further interactions.

But much to his surprise, as she made eye contact with Henry, he froze up to meet her eye to eye, with a respectful composure, but...the simply tackled him down, much like something akin to Lisa, he was dumbfounded and had no reaction whatsoever, he just stood there, confused as she laid him on her bosom, and tears began flowing down her face and into his with a bittersweet taste, "What." He said with a flat and confused tone, althought...she, felt rather familiar to him. But it was all revealed as Ristiene appeared and Elimine spoke with her, mentioning her husband, the last wielder of Mericiulius, "But wasn't the last fath-" he stopped my sentence as his eyes widened in shock and realization as he simply looked at Elimine, eye to eye, and back at Ristiene, then at Allen and Reliand, who was smilling for some reason, then back at Elimine. "I-what-how-" he could not even make a sentence at this reveal, as he simply hugged Elimine back, on instinct. "M-mother?!" he asked.


- Alex -


Nodding to Lisa's analisys of him, on point, his favorite position, attacking, and he was sure Vaida would like doing the same thing, before he could say anything else however, overhearing the brief conversation between Hanna and Vaida for a second, he kept his normal serious look as he watched as the goddess, Elimine, arrived, and greeted everyone, hugged Lisa, spoke to Xicor, and everything else that occured.

After she tackled Henry down, He simply walked over to Vaida, "Im starting to think we came a bad time..." he said simply.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 1:28 pm
by Oersted
Alvan looked to Dianca when she spoke up "Right." he said, still kind of troubled by what his sister had just told him a moment ago, and apparently this was pretty obvious because when J and Mizune entered the room Mizune immediately wrapped around him and asked why he was so sad, in response he hugged her and spoke up "Its nothing important, not at the moment anyway." he told her, even if it was a half-truth he really didn't want her, or anyone else really, to worry about him and besides its was Erin who was the most troubled by it not him.

Following that though the Devilwhim siblings both felt a presense, apparently Dianca knew what it was because she got excited all of a sudden, they soon saw why as some new people showed up, one of them, the source of the presense they felt, was seemingly one of the maidens and this led to a rather heart-warming moment... Up until the point where Dianca grabbed Alvan by the leg and lifted him up immediately prompting him to ask Dianca to put him down as Erin laughed at the scene, not very inclined to help out her brother with this.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:41 am
by L337 m4n
"Thank you Miss Sula. Yes the fighting won't be easy but with some proper planning I'm sure we'll make the best and deal a blow to the Order, Zeus and Subliminal." Lord Shadow nodded respectfully to Sula before facing Xicor. "Also if your going to be a punk I won't hesitate to use you as a shield when fighting anyone god-level. Otherwise I hope we can get along as I do with your brother." the shadowy leaders face showing the faintest twitch before calming down.

When Elimine appeared he nodded towards her and saw everyone run up and welcome her. He wouldn't mind but would do so when everyone wasn't crowding around her. It was nice to meet a kind soul but, her light was a little off-putting when it reminded one of the enemy they dealt with daily.

@Ace and Hot-
"A wyvern! Is that going to be our ride?" Tsuru looked at the wyvern and honestly wanted to run up and pet it.

"So Braminda, is everything fine? Saw how you reacted to Elimine and want to make sure this isn't going to go badly." Mari took in the appearance of the angelic Elimine when she appeared and saw how everyone welcomed her save a select few. It was curious and heartwarming but unusual for a spectacle.

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:47 pm
by Pokemonaces
Reiland: " that we all have met again..." Reiland said before going to Scott, she grabs his shoulder "Come, I'm sure Tyson will be near the entrance waiting for us as he gets. We should be ready for his arrival." Reiland said beforeGranberia walked up with him

Granberia: "And as soon as we do, we make a plan of action..." Gripping her sword firmly, she looks down before smiling again "Alright, Luminy, this time you'll be with us. So that way you can learn how Scott and the others fight." She said before Ikaros was seen coming back, landing near the group as she looked at Scott, who still seemed mesmerized by the white wyvern before him

Ikaros: "I have returned master. Tyson is on his way as we speak. I have informed him of the situation and is happy to cooperate." She said before walking past Scott and going to Granberia where she looked at Luminy "Luminy...don't feel s down, your significance in this group will be apparent soon." She said before Hailey came behind Ikaros and gave her a thumbs up

Hailey: "Good'ol Ika is right! I'm sure you'll be a force to be dealt with once you realize your potential." With reassuarance from everyone, Hailey smiled before Hanon walked up to the group

Reiland: "Hanon, what's up?" She asked before looking at her "Oh right...I forgot you were awakened too, I guess we got so caught up with Elimines awakening..." She said somewat embarrassed

Hanon; "While I do agree with the last statement...I was rather drawn by the little angel on top of the dragon kin..." Hanon said before she stared at Luminy "I want to take a wild guess and say that you use fire right?" She asked before waiting for an answer, but just before she could get an answer, Tenebris showed up along with Kai. After their exchange of words, both Reiland and Granberia blushed at Tenebris's words

Granberia: "Not at all...we simply saw a room for Luminy to grow...and we seeked it out..." She said before Reiland nodded in agreement

Reiland: "Indeed...with practice, I'm sure Luminy will master using fire..." Reiland said. When Aliphese heard Tenebris speak, she smiled before replying

Aliphese: "Ah, so you are Tenebris. I do have some questions to ask of you, but for now, it is rather pleasant to meet you." She said as she shook Tenebris's hand, then seeing the harpy queen Lilian arrive, she turned to say hi to her as well "Hello again queen of harpies. And please don't mention it. I'm just glad we were able to get there in time." Aliphese said before Luka spoke up as well

Luka: "Aliphese..." Luka said before looking at Henry "I'm going ahead to you-I mean...our room. I need to rest a little..." He said before walking away

Aliphese: "Alright. I'll be there soon..." She turned to see Lilian again "Lilian right? Let's go have some tea and discuss what had just transpired to catch up alright?" She asked before she went on ahead, waiting for Lilian to follow along with Kai and Tenebris

Hanon: "Just as I thought...Reiland...has it ever crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe that this child is the one to awaken the last maiden. Her affinity with fire is much different from yours. It seems to be more effective as a ranged attack rather than one that is applied physically..." She said before Reiland's eyes widened

Reiland: "Perhaps you're right..." She said


Swimming alongside Tyson, Lidia, Erubetie, and Hiruko swam as swiftly a they could back to the demon realm castle with a new goal set in mind

Erubetie: "Tyson..." Erubetie said suddenly out of the blue as she was next to him "Remember the first time you and I met. I was sure that you were just a normal human being who posed no threat. But as we danced in the battle field...I take a moment to realize that your mastery of water manipulation is a rare one. Such an elegant style, yet effective. It perfectly contrasts Scott's more aggressive approach. You truly are worthy to be Scott's true don't get so down..." She said with a small smile

Lidia: "That's right. I felt the same way with me and Hailey...seemingly outclassed by her...but as I came to hone my skills...I came to my own version of awakening and realized that I do I have a chance if I train hard once we get there...let's train some more in preparation for our battle with the enemy...then our rivals..." Lidia said

Hiruko: "I may not have been around for awhile, but I can definitely tell a talented fighter when I see it. Keep striving to match your rival, and I guarantee that you'll surpass said rival one day." As all the girls encouraged Tyson to do his best, they had soon reached shore where they saw the castle in the distance "Come on, let's go." She said before she started to run ahead

Erubetie: "She's must faster on water...but her speed on land is still remarkable..." Erubetie said as she was amazed at how much distance Hiruko covered as she ran.


Allen: "Hehe...we'll I'll leave you guys to catch up for a bit..." I said before I took Hannah again and lifted her up, carrying her bridal style "Now as for you...we need to catch up a little and tell me how your adventure went." I said smiling, but sensing Mashiro's blood lust at the sight of us two, I felt a chill down my spine "Of're welcome to come with Mashiro..." Mashiro took a deep sigh before speaking up again

Mashiro: "'s fine..." She said before she walked passed me, turning around to face Hannah "I hold my promise to you as highly as you do to mine. I suggest you tell Hannah about said promise..." She said before her aura momentarily turned murderous as the atmosphere around her darkened, only her red eyes visible "And the consequences if said promise is broken..." She said before she calmed down, bowing before leaving us be

Chaos: "Daddy...just how many wives do you have?" Chaos asked me. I laughed nervously, but spoke up

Allen: "Well...Mashiro was technically my very first love interest. I promised that I'd prioritize her happiness above my own. A promise that she held dear even now. Then there's Melie, my cousin by law that tends to be overprotective, but also has feelings for me. Next was my mother Lisa, who can't replenish her demonic energy with ordinary men,which is why she needs me. Isabaeu...we never made love before...honestly I think our relationship is simply master and sword. Alma was next afterwards, but she forced me to be with her. I didn't even get a chance to say anything before she declared me her property. I have Hannah afterwards." I took a breath before speaking up, looking right at her "But...the feelings I have for you Hannah...I don't's far different from the other girls. It feels so natural...something that felt like it was meant to be. I can't imagine any woman with a decent mind set, let alone yours to tolerate a man who commits adultery like I do. But I was so happy that despite all that you accepted me with open arms. Once this war is over, I'll settle things with everyone..." I said before I smiled "Till then, we have some catching up to do." I walked with Hannah on hand back into the castle, heading to my room where we could relax for a little

Chaos: "Wait for me!" Chaos said as she ran to catch up

Isabaeu: "Hmm..." Isabaeu left Allen behind, deciding instead to follow Lisa to see what would transpire between them


Xicor: "...what the hell..." Xicor said to himself, pondering who that woman was "Her aura...though we both use light energy...her's was completely different at the same time...but...even more so...the way she talked to me..." He looked up, not really knowing how to act after what happened. But he then felt a soft sensation on his back as Lisa hugged him from behind, pressing her chests against him "Wha? How did you-" Lisa interrupted him before he could finish

Lisa: "If you weren't so distracted, you would have easily sensed me. The fact that I surprised you means that you have something in your head that's bothering you. To be honest, I had an idea of what it was. But I was afraid of how you'd react. But after Elimine told me what she did, I came to realize that what I did to you was selfish..." Xicor looked confused as he turned his head to look at her. His eyes then widened in surprise as he saw nothing but tears coming from her eyes

Xicor: "What...why the hell are you crying, and what are you talking about?!" He asked. He felt Lisa's grip around his torso getting tight

Lisa: "You are my son...just as Allen is my own son. I neglected to treat you as such...leaving you to sulk in envy and despair. I never really considered it at first with how tough you acted. But no amount of excuses can ever make up for what I did. And for that I'm sorry son..." Getting annoyed, Xicor pushed Lisa away. Landing on her butt from the push, he pointed his finger at her in anger

Xicor: "What's with the sudden change in heart huh, now that you saw Elimine hugging me, you do the same fucking thing?! Fuck that!" As he pointed to her in anger, his eyes started to tear up, unconsciously getting emotional "Damn you and your constant loving attention to Allen! I may not be the same as Allen, and for all I know, I may just be a clone...a mistake, but you have no idea how much I suffered! The shit I went through both in Earth and this fuckin planet! I just wanted to kill Allen god fucking damnit! The constant praise and admiration he gets, it's so fucking annoying!" Lisa looked down in shame at Xicor's words, knowing well that all he said was nothing but the truth "So don't come to me apologizing now just because Elimine came! You have no fuckin right...none..." Falling to his knees, he felt Lisa hugging him again from the front. Pressing her chest against his face as if to relieve him

Lisa: "I know...I'm sorry son. I was so unfair to you. If I had known what suffering came to you...I would have come as soon as possible. But I want to make up for it. So please...give me a chance Xicor, you are my son just like Allen. And with how strong you are and how you carry the powerful aura that your father once had, I am so proud of you..." Kissing him on the forehead, Xicor finally felt what it was like to have a loving mother. Longing for it, he simply hugged her back and silently cried

Sula: "..." Sula silently observed, smiling slightly, she turns back to leave the two alone before going back to Lord Shadow "Lord Shadow, Elimine may very well know a few things about your arch enemy, after all, she was once on their side." Sula said remembering the time when Sula was still with Alucard


Braminda: "Well...I'm getting tired of seeing this scene...let's go..." Braminda said to Nemo before dragging him with her using her own tail. Afterwards she heard Mari's question "To put it simply...I never agreed with Elimines view's...I do admit that we are allies, but I don't like her because of her idealistic thoughts of true peace. The way she talks, acts, and tries to be nice with everyone is what really pisses me off." Braminda clearly seemed annoyed with the subject, but for a second, she relaxed herself "But....I won't deny that Elimine has a few fair to be hate towards her is pretty biased. All the other girls agree with Elimine a hundred percent." Minagi then placed her hand on Baminda's shoulder, reassuring her

Minagi: " may be a sense of admiration you feel for Elimine. For having a kind heart to everyone despite their own problems. It maybe my first time meeting her, but I do sense that Elimine is a woman who wants nothing more than to befriend everyone around her, and to end the war as soon as possible. We should focus on that goal. Of course, that means everyone has to be free, including Purima. In that process, we have to get our hands dirty, which is where your views come in handy Braminda." Minagi said smiling to her "You do have a caring heart just as big as Elimines does, you just have a different way of approaching it as all..."


Dianca: "Fine you little baby..." Dianca said putting Alvan down before she smiled to Erin "Well...I guess the meeting's over for now. We should get something to eat before we get prepped for defending the castle." Dianca said as she grabbed Erin by the wrist "Come on Girlfriend, time to chow down!" She said forcibly dragging Erin with her to the dining area

J: "Always thinking with her stomach huh..." J said awkwardly before she looked at Alvan "Come on dear, let's get something to eat as well." J said offering her hand as she helps him up "You know...I feel somewat underwhelmed..." J said out of the blue "I wonder if I'll have any use in this army..." She said doubting herself

Mizune: "Of course you do mom! You help keep bad fishes away from us!" Mizune said as J patted her head with one of her tentacles, smiling weakly to her

Astrea: "Yea, don't stress out over the little details. You'll find what you do will be helpful to us. But as Dianca said, I'm hungry too, so I'm going on ahead. See yah!" She said following Dianca to the dining room


Vaida: "Yah...maybe..." Vaida said before Kimora tapped her and Alex of them on the shoulder

Kimora: "Let's leave the two alone for now. I have to give you two a proper tour to the castle afterall..." She said before hearing Vaida's stomach growl "Oh dear...well I guess the dining hall first then." She said as she led the way

Vaida: "Well...that was embarrassing..." Vaida said as she blushed slightly red before following Kimora "By the way Kimora...what's your relationship with Lisa?" She asked before Kimora stopped briefly in the middle of the hall

Kimora: "Lisa...she gave my life purpose as all. That's the only reason really." She turned around to face Vaida "She recruited me at a young age and trained me in combat. It's no exaggeration to say that I would have nothing without her. So I protect Lisa and act as her royal maid. But ever since the war, I had been separated from her due to the lack of generals we had. But now we have recruited promising soldiers, I can finally be at Lisa's side once more." She said with a smile

Vaida: "I see..." She said smiling back "That's pretty cool story, she must mean the world to you. We'll protect the future of whatever Lisa holds."


Elimine: "'s been quiet awhile son. It was have to leave you that time...but I'm glad I lived long enough to see you once more." She said as she wiped her tears of joy, simply smiling before she looked at him in the eyes "It seems your father's genes have greatly surpassed the ones you inherited from me. I can barely trace any hint of my aura in you. But it is there...just very faint..." Getting up, she helps Henry up before calming down "I have found the wielder of Aurealo. I'm sure you've heard of it, but it's a spell of light that can pierce the darkest depths and blight evil." She turned to face Ivadi "This is what I was talking about Ivadi.Though I never imagine I'd actually see him ,I'm glad I was able to." She said

Salamander: "Sorry to keep it hidden for so long Henry, but we thought it'd be best if you found out for yourself rather than tell you." Salamander said smiling

Undine: " are the child of not only the hero who had fought alongside with Heinrich but you also carry the blood of the legendary maidens. You have the blood of two legendary icons." She said

Sylph: "Just like that Allen guy!" She said with Gnome simply nodding

Nymph: "The son of Hainzo and Elimine. I've heard of you two. But where did Hainzo go?" She asked Elimine, to which she fell silent

Elimine: "I'm sorry but...I do not know myself. Me and Hainzo followed our own paths once we had given birth to Henry. We had to do something important, but it required us to split up. I had to safeguard Aurealo...while Hainzo came to aid Heinrich in his battle." Elimine said "I'm sorry Henry, I don't know much about your father after that. But regardless of that..." She said smiling to him "I'm glad to see you grow up to be such a man..." Leaving the two to talk, Bria and Gigi simply left the armor on the rack as they went back to their rooms.


Kalen: "..." Kalen, who saw the fire grow from the great forest, saw what had transpired "I see..." Kalen said to himself before he felt a strange presence in the air "Hmm..." He felt two distinct power spikes from two locations "These spikes...they're spacial abnormalities..." He said to himself before Meilie appeared behind him " felt that didn't you?" He asked

Meilie: "'s kinda similar to the energy spike created when we got here. I'm going to check the spike on the Southern area, you check the Eastern." She said before going south straight to the Order continent

Kalen: "..." Kalen didn't say a word before moving to the east, specifically the dark woods.

(This is were you cue your two characters in Kill)

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:37 pm
by hothead1021

Scott nods as he follows Granberia and the others. after hearing the exchange between Reiland and Hanon, he looks at Luminy and smiles "So the last of the Maidens will be revived by you huh? that's amazing." he said


Tyson smiles as he recived encouragement from his loves before getting new determination as he follows Hiruko "yes but we cannot get left behind." he said as they dashed with her

Hearing Emiline mention him, he simply waved at them as he rests by Akairui as he helps himself to a nice meal provided by the castle staff ["I guess I am not needed."] he thought as hes simply content with resting for now

@Poke and L337

Nemo sighs as he lets Braminda carry him by her tail. Hearing Braminda and Minagis exchange Nemo smiles "thats true, while Our time together is very short so far I can put my entire trust in you." he said to Braminda as Hisui giggles "seems like she's a bit of a tsundere, kinda like Mari <3" she said leaning on her

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:14 am
by Gamergirl64
(Kalen sees all. :XD:)

"Tea sounds lovely, thank you." Said Lilian, then she looked at Kai and Tenebris. "Come on, you two! Let's go have some tea." She proceeded to follow Aliphese.

"Yes, it sounds very lovely." Said Kai, as he followed both Lilian and Aliphese, with Tenebris in tow.

"I would love some, thank you." She added.

Luminy wasn't quite sure what to make of Hanon's approach, though before she could she could say anything, the prideful Amazon talked of her awakening the last maiden, and talked of her fire magic. "M-maiden? Awaken? I-I..." Then she heard Scott. She looked at him. "... Me?" Then, like something magically connected this with the conversation she heard between Hanon, Elimine and the other maidens, Luminy realized exactly what they were talking about. She turned to look at Hanon once more. "You really think I can awaken the last maiden??" She asked.


When Allen picked me up bridal style, I blushed, but then giggled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "And you need to tell me about everything YOU did while we were apart." I said, but then the sense of Mashiro's blood lust sent chills down my spine. I could feel that she would much prefer to take my head off. She mentioned the promise, and then left. I made a mental note to sleep with one eye open tonight... And for the rest of my life, if I were to live it with Allen. Then Chaos asked about Allen's wives. While I didn't know most of them aside from Mashiro and Lisa, he also mentioned Isabaeu. "Wait... If Isabeau one of your lovers, would that make Hanon my-" I glanced over to Hanon, who was busy talking others. The concept of having a lover of the same sex seemed so foreign and strang to me. I blushed lightly, and decided to quietly laugh it off, before looking at Allen again. He started talking about how his feelings for me felt natural. I couldn't help but blush, and smile. "A-Allen... You're making me sound like a big deal..."I said. While it is true, I ended up accepting the fact that Allen has more than one love interest, I wasn't sure if 'with open arms' would be entirely fitting. Yes, I accepted Allen with open arms, but I'm still trying to learn to cope with the fact that I have to share him.

Then Allen carried me off, with Chaos in tow. Finally, we'll have some time to relax...

(I should probably point out that being raised in the forest away from society, Hannah has never been exposed to things like polygamy, or homosexuality. The only romantic relationship she witnessed was the one between her mother and her father.)

Re: The Great Alliance RP

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:48 am
by L337 m4n
"If she truly knows anything related to my enemy then I will ask her right now. The Light is growing too powerful right now and needs a reminder that darkness stands tall as well." Lord Shadow would give Xicor his moment and get what he needed from Elimine. If she has even a clue he could make a step forward in making a potential thorn be dealt with.

@Hot and Ace-

"i-Idiot. . . you always have to see the good in everyone. . . always have to put yourself at risk." Mari looked to the side trying to ignore those yellow eyes that always seem to see right through her. Is this what Braminda deals with from Elimine? Makes sense if what Minagi said is even half true.

"Awww, Mari and Braminda may act tough but really you two are big softies aren't you. So cute with your tsundere act." Tsuru gushed out while flitting above the group.