
Hey. How's it hangin'?

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Post by Burke »

Good evening, all. I apologize in advance for the length of this post. Brevity may be the soul of wit; if so, consider me lacking.

Hi. I joined your lovely forums because I was searching for an "official" PokeGirls world map. I discovered one here, but perhaps more importantly, I realized that the story I'm interested in writing does not have to be limited to the PokeGirls universe. Eye-opening!

I'm curious if the "Battle Mamono" world is based on / borrowed from PokeGirls, or just a pastiche of various monster-girl worlds and mythologies?

Since I'm not great at introductions, never knowing what to say about myself, I've borrowed the intro questionnaire from a similar forum and will use it here. Aaaaand that's basically all I have to say as preamble. You're not obligated to read the questionnaire, so if you're in a hurry, you can just sneak out the back now...

What are your reasons for joining?
Specifically, I wanted access to those maps. And then I got intrigued. And now I'm thinking maybe I'll actually have the courage to try some roleplaying. I haven't actively played any social RP games in over a decade, but used to have a regular D&D / White Wolf / homebrew schedule with friends.

I have lady parts but am for the most part androgynous.

A confirmation that you are over eighteen (18) years of age.
I'm 34.

Confirmation that you understand our rules.
I haven't read everything on the boards yet, but I'm a quick study and a generally polite person. I plan to read any big stickied "THESE R OFFICIAL STUFFS" posts ASAP. (If I break any rules, let me know.)

Your native language(s) and what region you are from.
I'm a native English speaker and I live on the East Coast of the US.

Tell us how you found us, please?
Google, my friend and yours.

What aspects of our community are you interested in?
Right now, I want to get started on this writing project, and if the community is interested and allows it, I'd be pleased to post it here. Depending on the level of activity here and other general stuff, I might dip a toe or two into roleplaying.

How do you feel about males writing as female characters or females writing as male characters?
I sincerely don't care.

Your sexual preferences.
I'm bisexual, more accurately pan / omnisexual, or even more accurately demisexual and panromantic, but that makes me sound way too fond of Demi Moore and Teflon. These words don't work and I'm still trying to pin everything down. I'm not a crazed sex fiend or a drooling deviant, most of the time. I'm happily straight-married and (un?)happily pining after various ex-girlfriends (which is probably why the whole "subservient monster girl" concept appeals to me). The concept of roleplaying graphically sexy scenarios with others doesn't hold any appeal for me. I wouldn't be opposed to roleplaying romantic scenarios though. When. If. I like elegant "fade to black" scenes in my RP more than I like "shades of grey", if you catch my drift. wow what a long and complicated answer I just really enjoy smooching some people sometimes okay now let's move on

How do you feel about sexualities besides your own?
Hey, you do you.

Are you willing to accept and make friends of other sexual natures or enthusiasts of various kinks even though you may want no part of them?
Sure. I have had some kinky friends who really wanted me to endorse and share their kinks, though, and that's not cool. As long as we can respect one another and be clear about boundaries, it's all good.

Let us know about your pet peeves or other things that bother you.
Inconsistent characterization? Character growth is a good thing, but if you establish that a character is, for example, scared of cats, and then decide to change that because you think it would be fun..
People who confuse OOC drama / events with IC drama / events.
I really don't like being sent repeated messages asking for a response or some action on my part. That's pretty stressful, and not likely to get a positive reply. Sometimes it takes me a while to respond to people. I'm socially skittish.. try to be patient.
Pretentiousness and arrogance bother me. I have both qualities, and they annoy me when I notice them in myself. Don't censor yourself but be self-aware.

Are you new to role playing?
As stated above, "I haven't actively played any social RP games in over a decade, but used to have a regular D&D / White Wolf / homebrew schedule with friends."

Elaborate on what you consider a roleplaying partner to be
I have no idea. This is a new format for me. Someone who isn't afraid to improvise, who can offer constructive criticism without judgement, who allows creativity and flexibility and expects to be allowed the same?

Crazy questions, a writing prompt, both or neither?
It is all equally terrifying. Subject me to it. I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

thanks for your time
if you read all of that, you deserve a treat
again, my apologies for length
have a pleasant evening

~ B.
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Re: Greetings!

Post by TehDanimal1 »


That's great you joined us, in short we are inspired from many things when it comes to creation of stories and RP, stick around peruse our galleries and tell us more about yourself if you'd want to
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Re: Greetings!

Post by Feathers »

Welcome the the TMM monster party. If you are looking for Battle Mamono and RP it can get active when something gets going! ^.^
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Re: Greetings!

Post by IceRegalia »


Hope you enjoy it here, it's been quite cozy.
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