Raet's Atrium; s'er bunny complete

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Re: Raet's Atrium; Harpy Complete

Post by Raet »

Sorry feathers, I didn't see that post, I'm glad you like her!
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Androgyne

Post by Raet »

Here is androgyne. This one was actually completed earlier this year. When the first demon lord was spawned in the Plains of Naigiss, where the angels of mercy dwelt, those who had already taken on a gender became succubi who at the time were a feared and horrific species. Those who had not yet chosen fled to huge surviving structures called factories and threw themselves into a particularly large time space suspension unit freezing their time until the unit was opened again. Various demon lords would discover and then forget the location of this device, but when found they would always remove a few of these beings as consorts. Finally the previous Demon Lord greedily removed all of the beings from suspension who quickly warped into a strange form of succubi, but the demon lord was so distracted by them, that he was easily defeated by Seretique vi Alloriel after the failure of her mentor Delurihah Meludrae at the tail end of the Crimson Cleansing, a civil war which killed off all monsters who would not accept co-existence.
Today androgynes resemble genderless mamonme with feathery succubus wings, a remnant of their angelic past. They are confusing in their appearance as cannot quite tell if they are male or female. Once they find the one who will be theirs they take on the characteristics they require which can range wildly. In the instance of finding someone they like will approach as merely a friend, but as the two spend more time together, their efforts will eventually lead to their beau being unable to only think of them as a friend anymore.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Dark Angel Complete

Post by Raet »

My most recent completion. A species of angel living in Limbo. They are typically born to Nephyrum who have acquired a partner and tend to form the caste found just beneath the Nephyrum. In Limbo they operate typically as maids and henchmen to their Nephyrum masters, however even these masters do not often fully control them.

They typically resemble pale skinned women with pitch black hair and wings. They also tend to wear a shimmery black raiment fastened to a collar which drapes over their chest and descends to about their hips.

Dark angels are rarely encountered in the Mortal World unless it is at the behest of their Nephyrum master either in a raid or in an operation in this world. Those who are encountered are typically mocking and gleeful in their wickedness, giggling incessantly taking great pleasure in hounding their targets. However some may turn on their master to join a human who they have fallen for. In this instance they are completely innocent in regard to love and relationships and while being completely used to the sordid lifestyle of Limbo, will blush like a virginal maiden at simply holding hands or sharing a loving kiss. They will also become extremely possessive wanting no-one else that they deem a threat to come close and may fantasize about dispatching all of those women who even look their beloved's way.

They are the yandere type, loving their partner and wanting nothing more than to get rid of any woman who tries to get in their way.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Androgyne and Dark Angel Complete

Post by Feathers »

Limbo Angel, between dark and light, sounds like a winner.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Androgyne and Dark Angel Complete

Post by Raet »

Thank you Feathers, yeah, she's been a project for ages, those wings were a mission to shade. here are some pictures of a dark angel and her sister who have both fallen for a human in the RP on the Praxis forum on discord
Umbriel (name means Shadow)
Bjomolf and Sarael sparring

Sarael confiding with the hobby har Chaya
Sarael and her Nephyrum mother
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Androgyne and Dark Angel Complete

Post by Feathers »

The concept of dark/light angels always interest me because I know a pure angel wouldn't seek a human companion since they are forbidden in most cultures. The fallens angels are only out to do bad. But a dark/gray angel is the most interesting since they can be light to their lovers, but a nightmare to their enemies.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Androgyne and Dark Angel Complete

Post by Raet »

I never actually posted this, but last year I finally completed Cat Si which is the variant I chose for my settings cat girl mamonme.

Not the full profile but, I looked into a few different legends to create her profile

It is unclear when these felines first appeared, however it is rumoured that in the distant past, there existed a large feline known as the kaellas which stalked the highlands of the northern continent as well as the forests of the south and central regions of the world. Many myths were spread in folklore in these regions. Some claimed the cats could steal the souls of those who had passed away before the gods could lay claim to them. Others told of a feline named Great Ears, a demonic being in the form of a kaellas who would grant wishes as long as the populous set fire to living kaellas felines for four days and nights. Still more claimed that a king of these felines known as Irusan was the size of a large kudeluk and extremely dangerous. He was said to appear in areas where cats had been ridiculed to defend his species' honour.

During the Grand Changing these creatures were given the gift of a human body with the dexterity, flexibility and agility of a kaellas. They were named as cat si and drafted into the Demon Kingdom's forces as assassins. The plan quickly fell apart as they were found to be easily distracted and won over by acts of kindness by their would be targets.
Cat Si_complete.png
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cat Si and Praxis Landscapes

Post by Raet »

I don't only draw mamonme for my setting, I believe you should be able to picture the world so I create landscapes as well. We use them a lot in the RP in my discord server.
fields near the town of Initium
fields near the town of Initium 3
The central plains intercontinental Palachia and Calavier
Southern regions.png
The Scenery of Southern Palachia
Mozurs searching the fields for prey
The Heartlands near the city of Karpathia
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cat Si and Praxis Landscapes

Post by Raet »

Incomplete, but a typical day at Sino Nomine Lake
A dirt road close to the town of Myrrlee, this is a town with many bovitauride residents
A hill covered in ferns and silver shoals, a species of tree
The Southern Regions 2, this area is close to Crystal plinth
A forest camp at night
field nightsky2.png
Night scene with the northern night sky visible as well as the moon Aillaeah
Lake Myrralen, Myrrlee's one attraction a picturesque and romantic area
the environs near the town of Luhblume, low rolling hills and the soil gives way from the red soil near Initium to the dark quartz rich soil of the north
the Lucaeant Marshlands
A gorge in the upper central regions of Palachia
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cat Si and Praxis Landscapes

Post by Feathers »

Thems some nice landscapes. Good natural and colorful look. The beach scene with the girls really stole the show.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cat Si and Praxis Landscapes

Post by Raet »

Thanks Feathers, yeah I post them all on the discord channel usually, there's a section for plants of Praxis and also one for landscapes. I'm still upset that you had such a bad experience last time, I have no idea why Luci started posting those futa images, and unfortunately Rapture as soon as he sees someone post one picture will incessantly post pics to try and one up the OP. He does the same thing on the MGU discord
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cecaelia complete

Post by Raet »

Well I haven't completed the profile yet, but here is cecaelia, my octopus mamonme. Her personality, traits and abilities will all be based on actual octopus behaviour as well as some octopus myths and a little mythos nod
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Re: Raet's Atrium; Cecaelia complete

Post by Feathers »

Looks awesome especially the heart pose on the tentacles! I think she could use more color variations though especially around the "skirt" or "frilly" area. Maybe some more jewel variations too. It all kinda blends together into all lilac.
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Re: Raet's Atrium; s'er bunny complete

Post by Raet »

Yeah, I specifically did it that way to avoid clashing colours. In art it's often very important to have colours that go together. So the pink, orange and blue tend to mix together well. I used the gold as highlights.
My latest completion, s'er bunny. Her species is based on br'er rabbit which I loved reading as a child. She frequently gets into feuds with nandis, werewolves, hulijing and zenko, usually through their own mischievousness. They are particularly skilful and can turn the environment or use weapons very easily thanks to their resourceful nature.
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