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A nifty tool if you use Pixiv,

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:10 pm
by DragkeirDradon

If you use Pixiv, there might be a time where you run across an artist you like, and you might want to D/L their entire gallery because it's just full of amazing. By clicking that link, you will be taken to the github of Nandaka, the creator of PixivUtil, a simple and extremely easy to use Downloader that runs in a console command window of it's own. It can que up downloads from multiple artist, individual works, down to D/Ling just a single page. When it comes to the Ugoria, which can be a pain to DL yourself, it will create a Zip of pictures for that entire submission (Honestly, what the hell is up with those?). I myself generally use this to DL things like ongoing manga releases that they post publicly.

Pixiv Account
Windows 7+ (Don't quote me on that. Thats just the impression I got.)

I did not create this tool, nor am I being asked to recommend it. I just like using it, and it does everything I need.

Re: A nifty tool if you use Pixiv,

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:57 pm
by Feathers
Sounds useful, I'd love something like this to download new images from my favorites every day, since the pixiv "new releases from favorite artists" one always seems to fail to do that.