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Iron Harvest

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 6:55 pm
by Observer
I just wanted to tell you about this game I'm hyped for.
Based on Polish painter Jakub Rozalsky's depictions of mecha in a post-WWI Eastern European countryside setting. His other works are also worth checking out.

Had a very successful Kickstarter campaign which achieved all of its strech goals, though I regretfully didn't participate. Their aim is to stay as independent as they can, while seeking a publisher.
The gameplay is basically that of Company of Heroes, with an emphasis on infantry cover. Cover which can be destroyed or created from vehicle husks. Infantry can equip different weapons to change their role. They also emphasised that the game will be more tactical, rather than an APM fest. And there are mechs. Did I mention there are mechs?
The 3 factions are dead giveaways to their real-life counterparts.

Well, I don't know what else to say, so here is a link and some trailers to speak for me.

Currently still in alpha.

Re: Iron Harvest

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:09 am
by Feathers
Wow looks pretty awesome I must say.