Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

A visual novel/boardgame made in RPG Maker

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Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

Post by Rezeed »

I thought I'd mention it since it may interest others.

Basically, this is a visual novel/dating sim with boardgame and RPG elements to it's gameplay. What makes this game pretty cool is that along with what's there, you have the option to add custom characters into the game or just plain add whatever character you want.(Including MGs to reenact any "Familiar stories") You can also insert yourself and customize it to your heart's content then share it with others.

And with that, here are some images of it's gameplay.



The Negima character's aren't actually in the game, but they can be.
Click the Image to be drawn into a world of Fantasy, Science, Romance, Mystery, Action, Adventure, and Endless Wonder.
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