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Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:23 pm
by ShadowBladeX
DogKama wrote:
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Yeah, I'm kinda wondering just how much an Alp's form can change when true acceptance of her womanhood comes about.....she can't develop better than a Lilim, right?
its up to the reader there... its said if they accept their new forum then they're more lustful and lude then a succubus so they could be about the same lvl as a lilim :)
I see it like this: An Alp who has fully accepted their new form become more lustful and lude than most succubi (From your run of the mill succubus to even the more higher level ones) but will be below the level of a Lilim. Main reason I say this is because the Lilim is basically the personification of lust and as they are the daughter of the Demon Lord, I can't really see an Alp being able to compete with a Lilim nor do I see an Alp being on the same level.

Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:27 pm
by DogKama
ShadowBladeX wrote:
DogKama wrote:
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Yeah, I'm kinda wondering just how much an Alp's form can change when true acceptance of her womanhood comes about.....she can't develop better than a Lilim, right?
its up to the reader there... its said if they accept their new forum then they're more lustful and lude then a succubus so they could be about the same lvl as a lilim :)
I see it like this: An Alp who has fully accepted their new form become more lustful and lude than most succubi (From your run of the mill succubus to even the more higher level ones) but will be below the level of a Lilim. Main reason I say this is because the Lilim is basically the personification of lust and as they are the daughter of the Demon Lord, I can't really see an Alp being able to compete with a Lilim nor do I see an Alp being on the same level.
^ exactly. I can see Alp's hanging out with other Alp's or succubuss as well, hell maybe being friends with Lilims alot just because they think alike and could learn much in the art about sex.

Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:30 pm
by ShadowBladeX
DogKama wrote:
ShadowBladeX wrote: I see it like this: An Alp who has fully accepted their new form become more lustful and lude than most succubi (From your run of the mill succubus to even the more higher level ones) but will be below the level of a Lilim. Main reason I say this is because the Lilim is basically the personification of lust and as they are the daughter of the Demon Lord, I can't really see an Alp being able to compete with a Lilim nor do I see an Alp being on the same level.
^ exactly. I can see Alp's hanging out with other Alp's or succubuss as well, hell maybe being friends with Lilims alot just because they think alike and could learn much in the art about sex.
Honestly, I can see an Alp and a Lilim being friends. Hell, one idea I had was a Lilim helping an Alp fully accept her new form through kind word, reassurances, and just being there as a friend should (And some added sexy time here and there. they are succubi after all :lol: ).

Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:38 pm
by DogKama
ShadowBladeX wrote:
DogKama wrote:
ShadowBladeX wrote: I see it like this: An Alp who has fully accepted their new form become more lustful and lude than most succubi (From your run of the mill succubus to even the more higher level ones) but will be below the level of a Lilim. Main reason I say this is because the Lilim is basically the personification of lust and as they are the daughter of the Demon Lord, I can't really see an Alp being able to compete with a Lilim nor do I see an Alp being on the same level.
^ exactly. I can see Alp's hanging out with other Alp's or succubuss as well, hell maybe being friends with Lilims alot just because they think alike and could learn much in the art about sex.
Honestly, I can see an Alp and a Lilim being friends. Hell, one idea I had was a Lilim helping an Alp fully accept her new form through kind word, reassurances, and just being there as a friend should (And some added sexy time here and there. they are succubi after all :lol: ).
ShadowKnux made a story like that except it was about an alp after just turning and finding a succubus that helps her accept being an alp. Why not write a fanfic about an alp and lilim's friendship? :) If not I could attempt one.

Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:49 pm
by ShadowBladeX
DogKama wrote: ShadowKnux made a story like that except it was about an alp after just turning and finding a succubus that helps her accept being an alp. Why not write a fanfic about an alp and lilim's friendship? :) If not I could attempt one.
Yeah I read that one and while Knux is a bro of mine, that particular story...well, best way I can say it is that it felt off to me. It was most likely just me though.

Also, a fic about an Alp/Lilim friendship? I could try, but I would have to wait for the inspiration to hit me before I tried to do so, but I'm up to reading it if your write it first.

Re: Alp

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:50 pm
by DogKama
ShadowBladeX wrote:
DogKama wrote: ShadowKnux made a story like that except it was about an alp after just turning and finding a succubus that helps her accept being an alp. Why not write a fanfic about an alp and lilim's friendship? :) If not I could attempt one.
Yeah I read that one and while Knux is a bro of mine, that particular story...well, best way I can say it is that it felt off to me. It was most likely just me though.

Also, a fic about an Alp/Lilim friendship? I could try, but I would have to wait for the inspiration to hit me before I tried to do so, but I'm up to reading it if your write it first.
I see not every story as to be about sex so I have no problem making one, so i could start later tonight. But at the moment im writing part 3 of another story I wrote first.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:48 am
by FlashGrenade0
Huh. Sounds like a good idea ta me. I just hope that when ya DO get around ta writin' it, the bishieness isn't expressed as strongly.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:46 pm
by GorgonMage
I think the Alp is the second most disturbing of all the monstergirls. But some people love them. It's just the whole "used to be a man" think that freaks me out. (Says the lamia with snakes for hair.)

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:18 pm
by FlashGrenade0
Well that's just it, ain't it? For most actual dudes, bein' with a Succubus that was literally a dude before and still retains some mentality of their dudeness is an immediate red flag right then an' there.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:39 pm
by Oersted
Personally, the fact that the alp used to be a male doesnt bother that much, its in the past and I believe one should look at the present instead.

Heck, if an alp kept complaining about it I'd probably smack her behind the head before telling her something like "Yeah, you were a guy, so what? You're a girl now, and there's nothing you can do to change it, so deal with it."

...You know, I'm not sure if I would want that "talk" to succeed. >_>

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:46 pm
by FlashGrenade0
Yeah........that'd probly just make the feelings she's havin' even WORSE bro.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:51 pm
by ShadowBladeX
That's why you have to take things slow with the Alp in question. She's not gonna accept her new transformation right off the bat and one who really doesn't like what happened to them is gonna most likely spend months trying to deny that part of her and look back at the past. It takes patience to help the Alp see her transformation as basically another chapter in her life. To help her understand that she doesn't need to truly lose anything from her past, but to also help her look at the present and be there for her in the future. Only when she truly accepts who she now is, that's when she'll be more willing to love her new form, but also maybe keep a lot of her old traits from when she was a guy.

...Yeah, for some reason, I seem to go into romance mode when talking about the Alp. Don't know why.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:54 pm
by DogKama
ShadowBladeX wrote:That's why you have to take things slow with the Alp in question. She's not gonna accept her new transformation right off the bat and one who really doesn't like what happened to them is gonna most likely spend months trying to deny that part of her and look back at the past. It takes patience to help the Alp see her transformation as basically another chapter in her life. To help her understand that she doesn't need to truly lose anything from her past, but to also help her look at the present and be there for her in the future. Only when she truly accepts who she now is, that's when she'll be more willing to love her new form, but also maybe keep a lot of her old traits from when she was a guy.

...Yeah, for some reason, I seem to go into romance mode when talking about the Alp. Don't know why.
I think its more of wanting to be there for them in their time of need, and your instincts to protect her might have something to do with it. or you like playing the "HERO" :D

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 10:57 pm
by FlashGrenade0
Definitely sounds more heartfelt in my opinion bro. Though personally speaking, I'd go nuts. Like srsly. I would NEVER be able to accept that I was a Succubus. I'd be all kinds'o disgusted with mahself for bein' that way.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:00 pm
by ShadowBladeX
DogKama wrote:
ShadowBladeX wrote:That's why you have to take things slow with the Alp in question. She's not gonna accept her new transformation right off the bat and one who really doesn't like what happened to them is gonna most likely spend months trying to deny that part of her and look back at the past. It takes patience to help the Alp see her transformation as basically another chapter in her life. To help her understand that she doesn't need to truly lose anything from her past, but to also help her look at the present and be there for her in the future. Only when she truly accepts who she now is, that's when she'll be more willing to love her new form, but also maybe keep a lot of her old traits from when she was a guy.

...Yeah, for some reason, I seem to go into romance mode when talking about the Alp. Don't know why.
I think its more of wanting to be there for them in their time of need, and your instincts to protect her might have something to do with it. or you like playing the "HERO" :D
Hmm...I say that all of those reasons apply to me. I have a little "Hero" in me so I wanna play as her hero and at the same time, I wanna help her out in accepting her new for and help her through the emotional turmoil she's going to go through. That and seeing her genuine smile after everything is said and done would just melt my heart.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:00 pm
by DogKama
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Definitely sounds more heartfelt in my opinion bro. Though personally speaking, I'd go nuts. Like srsly. I would NEVER be able to accept that I was a Succubus. I'd be all kinds'o disgusted with mahself for bein' that way.
^ if such a thing happen to me I know I wouldnt be able to accept myself either.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:03 pm
by ShadowBladeX
DogKama wrote:
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Definitely sounds more heartfelt in my opinion bro. Though personally speaking, I'd go nuts. Like srsly. I would NEVER be able to accept that I was a Succubus. I'd be all kinds'o disgusted with mahself for bein' that way.
^ if such a thing happen to me I know I wouldnt be able to accept myself either.
Yeah. This is one of those things that would take years of help and therapy to even partially accept. Honestly, I can see myself being able to fully accept becoming an Alp myself. That would be one of the hardest things for me to ever fully accept.

Re: Alp

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:07 pm
by Oersted
FlashGrenade0 wrote:Yeah........that'd probly just make the feelings she's havin' even WORSE bro.
I know it wouldnt do any good, but people that keep complaining about things they can't do anything about just gets on my nerves for some reason, and since I tend to act without thinking...

Re: Alp

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 5:34 am
by FlashGrenade0
Well yeah, that annoys me to no end too, but then again can you really expect anything less than outrageous denial if it's SRSLY something they never wanna deal with despite knowin' deep down that they really CAN'T do nuthin' ta change it?

Re: Alp

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:23 pm
by Katsoro
"she" is cute and all but.... I don't think so good for a fan fic but it's a little to weird for me in lass it was like a copy of me then things would get fun.