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Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:47 pm
by Blake81
Apeman Family -- Beastman Type

Habitat: Tundra, Snowy Mountains
Disposition: Cheerful, gentle, honest
Diet: Omnivorous, what don’t they eat?

As a type of beastman that lives in snowy mountainous areas, they are clad in layers of fluffy white fur. Despite their naturally high body temperatures, it is impossible for them to not feel the frigid cold of their homes. Despite this, they are still able to continue moving about in even the most furious of blizzards.

As a friendly, cheerful, and kind-hearted race, if they see a traveler in distress during a snowstorm, they will approach his frozen body and hug him, using their high body temperature to warm him back up. Even in sub-zero temperatures, those held in the gentle arms of these girls won’t feel the cold, even if they were buck naked to the elements. During particularly fierce snowstorms, many of these girls have also invited humans back to their homes and shelters – a kind act saving the lives of many travelers.

No matter whom their companion is, these girls have a strong desire to hug those around them and will get their cuddles one way or another with these girls being the sort that use their bodies to express their emotions, from joy to arousal. Those around them will find these girls very affectionate and cuddly. When embracing a human male, these girls’ hugs are even tenderer, hugging the man close to themselves, though not only to provide him with warmth. For these girls, these hugs are a form of courtship. Generally, these girls are fairly proactive when pursuing a man since they are monsters, targeting men depending on their reaction to being embraced and cuddled by their fluffy arms.

If, while embracing a man, their hug is returned, these girls will become happy and declare their intentions to the man. If he doesn’t struggle or try to leave, these girls will become more active with their courting behavior and hug the man even tighter against themselves. During this time, her body’s temperature will rise due to her arousal, and this heat, combined with her gentle embrace, causes many men to get an erection, a sign these girls will take to mean it is time to have sexual intercourse. While tenderly holding this aroused human male, her thoughts will begin to turn to having his child before she gleefully begins to have intercourse with him.

While these girls are gentle and quite docile, you must remember that they are still monsters. These girls always dream of finding a man who won’t struggle and reject them. While these girls have amazing physical strength and could easily pin a man down, something anyone hugged by them would know, they would rather use their natural charm and body heat to fascinate and seduce a human male before coupling with him.

During these girls’ lifetimes, they will help save the lives of many people. If however, a human male raises a “flag” by responding to her fluffy hugs and having sex with her, she will become his wife.
-- Profile and Art Copyright Kenkou Cross @

Translation done by Amanomiya
Spoiler: show
Yeti? Zasquatch? The Abominable snowman made MG? Seriously KK, you've certainly impressed me...

Rant: Finnaly! I found a profile before everybody else!

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:56 pm
by Flare
Wonder what the typing would be, and would there be a relation to a Yuki-onna.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:03 pm
by Kaijin
Considering what happened last time I gave an opinion I'm not gonna give an opinion as long as I live (or rather as long as my stay here lives).
But I'll leave this particular addition here though:

This + This = Yeti

.P.S.: Gulin, who is actually here aswell, was the first to find it. You techically speaking are the first staffer to upload it.

Wonder what the typing would be
According to Gulin Beastman type, Apeman family.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:09 pm
by Pierce
Considering the weather I just got this morning, couldn't be more fitting than this.
Spoiler: show
Now I'm curious if her personality is similar to a "Mean Old Yeti" I recall in an old cartoon...

Though I'll have to wiki the original creature to get a proper beading on the origins prior to the KC variant.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:11 pm
by Gamergirl64
Oh, this is new. Much different than the recent ones we've been getting.

She looks pretty cute. :^^: I wonder if she has a playful personality.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:18 pm
by Kmon13
Okay she looks cuite and something tells me the Yukionna's of the mountains won't like them as new neighbours or rivals for their potentials husbands.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:06 pm
by Rezeed

I totally called it. When I'm right, I am really right. I saw this one coming a lightyear away.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:41 pm
by Blake81
She looks so cute, her expression seems to be saying ``Hug me´´.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:56 pm
by musical74
She looks quite playful indeed, almost like a cold-weather-version of the weresheep as far as cuddling goes

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:08 am
by Chaos
I could really use such warm ad fluffy friend like that. It's been dropping to frigid temperatures these last few weeks. *puts on parka, ready to go out and search*

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:55 am
by Jinouga87
Not my fave looking but okay.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:12 am
by Shadow of Legend
Like I said elsewhere, she's not my type, but she's cute.

As for warming up and/or keeping warm, I think any of my top three would be perfect for that. The Salamander with her flaming tail and stuff, the Dragon with her undoubtedly warm body and fire breath, and the Lizardman with her warmth. ...Anyway, with us frequently doing the sideways shuffle, the two of us would stay plenty warm no matter which scaly beauty I was with. :haha:

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:46 am
by Vendettadabeast
Dear god, when did this get released, i can't believe i'm just no seeing this, she's awesome.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:59 am
by Gamergirl64
It was posted today, so I don't think you missed much.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:01 am
by Kmon13
Yeah it was ... interesting Monster girl No?

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:12 am
by Oersted
Hmm, well, she looks nice but I wonder if she plays nice?

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:13 am
by Kmon13
I guess we'll find out when the translations are done.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:17 am
by Kmon13
I guess we'll find out when the translations are done.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:17 am
by Amanomiya

Apeman Family
Beastman Type

Habitat: Tundras, Snowy Mountains
Disposition: Cheerful, gentle, honest
Diet: Omnivorous, what don’t they eat?

As a type of beastman that lives in snowy mountainous areas they are clad in layers of fluffy white fur. Despite their naturally high body temperatures, it is impossible for them to not feel the frigid cold of their homes. Despite this, they are still able to continue moving about in even the most furious of blizzards.

A friendly, cheerful and kind hearted race, if they see a traveller in distress during a snow storm they’ll approach his frozen body and hug him, using their high body temperature to warm him back up. Even in sub zero temperatures, those held in the gentle arms of these girls won’t feel the cold, even if they were buck naked to the elements. During particularly fierce snowstorms many of these girls have also invited humans back to their homes and shelters, this kind act saving the lives of many travellers.

No matter whom their companion is, these girls have a strong desire to hug those around them and will get their cuddles one way or another, these girls being the sorts that use their body to express their emotions, from joy to arousal. Those around them will find these girls very affectionate and cuddly. When embracing a human male, these girl’s hugs are even tenderer, hugging the man close to themselves, though not only to provide him with warmth. For these girls, these hugs are a form of courtship. Generally, these girls are fairly proactive when pursuing a man since they’re monsters. Targeting men depending on their reaction to being embraced and cuddled by their fluffy arms.

If, while embracing a man, their hug is returned, these girls will become happy and declare their intentions to the man. If he doesn’t struggle or try to leave, these girls will become more active with their courting behaviour and hug the man even tighter against themselves. During this time her body’s temperature will rise due to her arousal, this heat, combined with her gentle embrace, causes many men to get an erection, a sign these girls will take to mean it is time to have sexual intercourse. While tenderly holding this aroused human male her thoughts will begin to turn to having his child before she gleefully begins to have intercourse with him.

While these girls are gentle and quite docile, you must remember that they are still monsters. These girls always dream of finding a man who won’t struggle and reject them. While these girl’s having amazing physical strength and could easily pin a man down, something anyone hugged by them would know, they would rather use their natural charm and body heat to fascinate and seduce a human male before coupling with him.

During these girls’ lifetimes they will help save the lives of many people, if however, a human male raises a “flag” by responding to her fluffy hugs and having sex with her, she will become his wife.

Re: Yeti

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:26 am
by Gamergirl64
I KNEW it! I knew she was the cheerful friendly type!

Likes to hug, too. I like her even more! ^_^

I was expecting pretty much all of that, just by the way she looks.