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Super Monday Night Combat

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 5:50 am
by Fanfic Fetishist
Okay! This is a fun-looking, class-based shooter in a futuristic setting. It's not a Team Fortress 2 ripoff, but it has the same level of fun.

From what I've seen, anyway.

I downloaded it, but even after lowering the world textures, character textures, and shadows my framerate's so damn low, resulting in gameplay so choppy that I can't even play it. Can anyone give me advice on how to improve my framerate?

Re: Super Monday Night Combat

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:00 am
by Aekrid
Alright i can give you a bit of detail for those that are actually interested.

SMNC is completely different from MNC, they've fixed, tweaked, changed, gutted, lobotomized, and added lots of things from the original MNC.

Please think of SMNC as a third person MOBA game.
MOBA stands for Multi-Online Battle Arena.
ARTS stands for Action Real Time Strategy
Examples of games like this most commonly DotA, LoL, HoN, Demigod, Rise of the Immortals, Smite, AirMech.

They have added maybe half a dozen-dozen new PROS, the games champions/characters you play.
Added a jungle, a sectiong of the map that is above or below the main playing field, a good indications is the area with a giant red button that says "Annihlator' and grey colored robuts that attack anyone they see.

Lemme get this outta the way, the REAL CASH SHOP for skins for Pros and weapons as well as taunts and emotes for in-game TO ME are totally not worth it unless you have a surplus of cash to burn and can't think of any other games to better waste it on(i buy skins in LoL). If you ever do play with me you will only see that i have Veteran and TF2 Gear cause i owned MNC and TF2 prior to SMNC.

So if your familiar with MOBA style games, you know the basic premise, push lanes, protect your own base and turrets, BUT whats different is that in SMNC bots or lane minions play a much larger role than just Money Bags with Legs, bots are the only ones capable of disabling the shields on your OBJECTIVE, the enemys Money Ball and there are several variants of Bots that also do alot of damage to players.

Jack Bots - Biggest, burliest, and most expensive bot in the game. Shit ton of HP and hits like a truck, downside is he is slow so enemy long range or artillery PROS can take it down and there goes a lot of money, but jack bots can be game changers that help you push your lanes to victory as they can smash the ground to knock back nearby Pros.

Gremlins - Small Assassin bots that are very lethal early on and to low hp pros in general. They are permanently cloaked until they attack. Low Hp, High Dmg. Goes only for pros.

Bouncer - Bots in the shape of a Gorilla, fairly tough and goes only for pros. For some players this guy is a pain since if you let him get too close he will grapple and bite a chunk of your HP unless your a tank or bruiser, but they still hurt.

Scramblers - Bots that will push lanes along the designated routes like the normal cannon fodder, but they have the ability to drain enemy players skill meters as well as grapple so they have less options to deal with your wave and the allied Pros pushing it.

Fujibots - Highest dmg and armor for the common lane pusher bots. Nothing spectacular to say here, just a tank for lane.

Field Resources:(does cost gold farm)
Endorsements - these will be scattered around the map, from health regen, ammo, juice, defence, speed, jumping power

Ejector Pads - You will see these strategically placed around the map, most commonly around the push lanes/lines. You can use these to hold back a bot wave or pros, separate enemy team, or launch an ill fated sucker into the waiting jaws of your team or into the abyss.

Annihlator - a LOOOONG cool down timer on this resource and a decent activation timer, smack dab in the center of any map. Highly contested and for good reason, if you can dish out the cash, you can WIPE OUT ALL ENEMY BOTS AT THE TIME OF USE, doesn't matter if they have fucking 10 Jack bots on the field. You just layed down a nuclear bomb that can literally win you the game even if you were on the hair of defeat a second ago. Don't worry the announcer will be glad to tell you when this bad boy is up so your cyber overlords can watch you beat the ever loving shit out of each other over this little red button.

Jump Pads - do i really have to explain?

Also fun fact:
-the closest thing in SMNC that can be compared to "HUMILIATION!" or "Shamefur dishpray!" (Shameful Display but with a super racist Asian accent, FYI I am Chinese) or "You have dishonored the famiry!" is Ringing out your Enemy, so its self explanatory, whether by using an Ejector or your Pro's Grapple move and knock enemies into the bottomless abyss.

I'll make another post about Endorsements and Perks depending whether or not people are interested.