Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

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Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

a Group of custom mamono profiles i have planed, thus far i am planning on;
roc, boogieman, qilin, griphon, selkie kelpie, sea serpent, phoenix, basilisk,shaman, chimera, banshee, wyvren, manticore, jinnie, reaper, troll and mindflayer

first up is Qilin


Centaur Family Reptile Type
Habitat: Ziapangu, Remote Forests, Rivers and Lakes
Disposition: Reclusive, Timid, Kind and Compassionate
Diet: Herbivorous, Mostly Wild Fruit

Often called the Eastern Unicorn, Qilins, or Ki-rins, serve as protectors of pure and natural lands, which they call groves, and they safeguard them from the intrusion and consumption by humans and other mamono alike. Qilins patrol their charge regularly and tend to it with an almost mother-like affection, guaranteeing that the land they protect remains clean and healthy as long as they remain there.
From the waist up a Qilin has the body of a human woman, although their forearms are often scaled as with a dragon, and below the waist they have the body of a deer, although instead of soft fur they sport vibrant scales. Atop her head she sports either a single curved horn or a pair of small antlers, the distinction between the two horns is unknown and seems to be random at birth.
Qilin are very timid and secretive able to remain completely hidden and always silent within their grove rarely if ever venturing beyond, what this means is that you will see a Qilin only when she wishes to be seen.
When a human or mamono crosses into a Qilins grove unwittingly the Qilin starts by following them from the secrecy of the trees to determine their purpose. If she finds them intruders or dangerous she will use subtle shifts in the wind and small illusions to cause the intruder to double back leading them out and refusing to show them anything of value within the grove. On the other hand if the Qilin judges the trespasser to be pure and safe she will use the same small shifts and illusions to guide them to whatever they need, be it fresh water, a safe place to sleep or even just the way out of the forests.
Such Kindhearted humans and mamono often return to the grove which to them always seems to offer to them exactly what they need and with time the Qilin may grow comfortable enough with them to approach them directly. Often inviting them back to return more and more frequently as her shyness and caution slowly fall away.
The heart of a Qilin is very slowly won, taking much longer than most mamono to offer shows of affection and love, and usually only after they know such feelings are reciprocated. Once she is certain she will Invite her interest to spend the night in the glade with her, and she will lead him to the very center of the Grove, a place even close friends are never shown, there beneath the moonlight she will declare her love and offer herself up to the target of her affections.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by Drazzimyr »

Not to detract attention from this really good profile, but you already have a topic for custom profiles. Would you like me to merge the two topics, or keep them separate and delete the other?
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

thats the setting information, its not a profile topic ^^"
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by Drazzimyr »

kekkres wrote:thats the setting information, its not a profile topic ^^"
Oh okay.

Anyway, the Qilin profile is really quite good. I like the way you described her appearance and the illusion abilities you gave her were very cool.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

now sea serpent

Sea Serpent

Lamia Family Reptile Type
Habitat: Ocean Reefs and Small Islands
Disposition: Confident, Friendly, Clingy, Overprotective
Diet: Fish and Shellfish

An enormous sea-faring race of lamia Sea Serpents are among the largest of all Mamono. Patrolling the Tropical and Arctic seas alike, and sailors have long brought back tales of them toppling ships and even snapping smaller boats, when confronted with these accusations responses are mixed, some sea serpents claim that such strength and size is an exaggeration other insist that they would never be so violent and still more hold that the ships in question had it coming.
Generally living amongst shallow reefs and small islands sea serpents are a rare sight close to the shore of the mainland and seeing one inland is unheard of, The reason being the enormous length and weight (although the latter is best not mentioned within earshot) that Gifts them with such speed and power in the Oceans is far more of a burden on land, slowing them down greatly and generally getting in the way.
Despite the reputation of viciousness gifted to them by sailors, sea serpents are actually rather easygoing and are normally cheerful if perhaps over inquisitive when they approach ocean vessels and other aquatic mamono although approaching storms can and will make them very temperamental and can be prone to lashing out both verbally and physically.
Sea Serpents will often gather around sinking ships in an effort to bring as much of the crew as they can and carry them to the safety,y of their island homes, where they until they are delivered, small groups at a time, onto a suitable passing ship. Some more outspoken anti Mamore voices insist that these men are held on the island as a small harem of pleasure toy, despite the fact that the rescued crew members themselves always report being treated very kindly and being well provided for. It is worth noting that as often as not a few members of the crew are never returned, presumably staying for a more permanent residence with the serpent in question.
Sea serpents tend to be very proud of their partners, often for no particular reason and they can often alternate between making small shows of how wonderful their husband is and making it absolutely clear that he is HER husband and that despite how wonderful he is he isn’t available in areas where they don’t have time to tell this to everyone individually they tend to just stick as close to their mate as they can usually clinging to the side of him, often to his confusion.
What time sea serpents do spend on land they generally spend sunbathing, spreading themselves out along the beach just out of reach of the surf and napping, letting the incoming tide work as their alarm clock.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by Tsar CUBE »

QUilin/Ki-rin is quite interesting, I was wondering a while back f KC would ever make one.

Her extreme timidness is rather cute, but how do they act after they are "married"?

also, the following is a typo I think:
Such Kindhearted humans and mamono often return to the grove which to them always seems to offer to them exactly what they need

As for the sea serpent, I was planning to draw one very soon :^^:
and weight (although the latter is best not mentioned within earshot)
^ loled hard at that :XD:
as much of the crew as they can and carry them to the safety,y
^ Typo :)
homes, where they until they are delivered,
^ I think the word "wait" is missing? :3

Also, considering how clingy they are to ther husband, why do multiple sailors not return occasionally? Is it because they are "given" to her friends? :blushing:
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

next is kelpie whos info is drawn from both general lore and their most famous member


Fairy Family Shapeshifter Type
Habitat: Deep Lakes and Swamps
Disposition: Bashfull, Nervous, Curious, Easily Startled
Diet: Fish and Lakeweeds

Kelpies are very Wary and secretive mamono, to the point that seeing one at all is a real rarity and many doubt their very existence. Kelpies are an aquatic race of mamono with shape-shifting abilities. While on land and dry they would appear as a normal centaur although one with a slightly off, sickly-green complexion, this changes however once they immerse themselves in water or are drenched in other ways, such as rain, as soon as they do their form will immediately and dramaticly shift, her Horselike Lower-body being replaced with a smooth hairless body that has 2 pairs of rubbery flippers in place of legs and a long paddle-shaped tail.
Kelpies generally are at home in deep lakes swamps and channels but any deep murky body of water will do. Generally they will spend most of their time hiding at the very bottom, and if they notice a diver in the water they will quickly retreat putting as much distance from the potential observer as they can. Occasionally when they feel themselves to be truly alone they will surface and bask in the moonlight letting themselves float around on the surface, most sightings are generally people who stumble upon a kelpie basking.
Kelpies as a whole are prone to paranoia, convinced that everyone who is not a kelpie is out for them, hunting them and trying to capture them. Bright flashes of light aggravate these fears significantly and they utterly dread the idea of someone holding an image of them in any form. This has led to their nervous secretive lifestyle.
Despite this they are very curious and thing will watch anyone and anything that enters their water from the safety of their hiding spots. They have a very limited understanding of the outside world so even the most mundane activities tend to fascinate them. Occasionally something will perk their curiosity to such an extent that they will want to follow it beyond the shores of their home, and they take on their centaur-like form. While the phisical form is rather convincing, they are completely inept at acting the part so their jumpy nervous and overly curious personality shines through. Kelpies as a whole seem unaware of this particular drawback.
Even with the disguise they are very nervous and will generally only observe from a distance, that is until something new catches their curiosity at which point anyone nearby will suddenly be subject to a barrage of questions about the usually very mundane object of interest. Even while destraced they will always pay attention to the weather and will make an obvious exit from any company if she feels rain is coming. A kelpie cought in the rain will immediately revert to her aquatic form which is far from mobile on dry land. This usualy only ever happens to a kelpie whos curiosity leads her indoors for a prolonged period.
When looking for a partner kelpies take on a third form, that of a young beutifull woman, who is usualy nude and always dripping wet. While in this form she will stand just out of sight, either an image climpsed through the trees or a figure swimming near the far shore. She continues and repeats this process until curiosity draws someone closer, once that happens she will attempt to, rather clumsily, seduce them drawing them slowly closer until they eventualy touch the kelpie, at which point they will find themselves magical adhered to the kelpie who will immediately shift form and drag their victem swiftly to the bottem of their home where they keep an air filled cave to live in.
Kelpies are not at all picky about potential lovers, literaly anyone who might fall for the ruse is fair game, including other mamono. They are however picky about who they keep, most lovers taken are found again a week later on the shore with at best fuzzy memories of the last week and usualy none at all.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

Now Basilisk


Lizard Family Reptile Type
Habitat: Desert wastelands and rocky mountains
Disposition: Cold, devoted, dominant, mischievous
Diet: Stone

Basilisks are an ancient splinter of the Lizardman family who, though lacking in their sisters martial skill, make up for it with Magical Prowess. Basilisks appear much like a normal lizardman though there some important differences. Basilisks have a small ridge of spines running down their back, their scales are a stony gray rather than vibrant green and some Basilisks posses a long prehensile tail smiler to a lamias though shorter. More distinctive, they possess a second set of arms and eyes of a crimson rather than white hue.

Basilisks live in remote and desolate areas usually within small family tribes, and by in large these groups keep to themselves. With the exception of the occasional passing caravan, contact with humans is rather rare. They hunt these Wastelands Both above and below ground with their distinctive eyes. Any creature who looks a basilisk in the eyes is Susceptible to being completely and immediately petrified. Basilisks can chose when to turn on and off this ability and can just as easily restore an accidental (or temporary) victim. Basilisks find nourishment in eating portions of the resulting stone sculptures, though all any non basilisk might find would be ordinary stone.

To outsiders and strangers a Basilisk will appear very cold, speaking only when spoken to and responding with short curt replies. And in general they seem to regard non-basilisks with a certain element of disdain or disapproval, However beneath this imposing exterior you will find that they are actually very sweet and sociable, Humans who enter a basilisks tribe are often shocked by how differently they carry themselves in their homes.

Basilisks Do not at all get along with their more common cousins and the best possible outcome of the two meeting is a cold indifferent silence. At worst they will attack each other on sight. This feud is ancient and both groups have differing accounts of what split the once close tribes apart. What is for certain is that the Basilisks lost the resulting conflict and where driven out into the harsher climes.

Basilisks Abhor physical and martial training thinking of it as thuggish and simple, despite the fact that they are generally more powerfully built than their cousins. Instead they devote their free time to the practice and refinement of their magical arts, pursuing it with a fervor and dedication rivaling the lizardmans martial training, And while they lack the raw Magical ability of some mamono, Basilisk spells can be among the most complex, effective and foolproof due to how much honing and refining they go through.

When a young basilisk Nears adulthood they leave their tribe and venture out to find a husband, these journeys typically take 2 or more years do to how few humans inhabit the surrounding lands as well as the standards basilisks set for their husband. Basilisks look for dedication in their husband, it doesn’t matter what they are dedicated to, but if a man does not have a passion and drive for something comparable to a basilisks passion for magic, then he is not a suitable partner for her.

Once a good husband is found the basilisk brings him (occasionally by force) back to her tribe with her. Basilisks are very dominant over their husbands but at the same time they are very playful and mischievous often teasing and pranking their husbands relentlessly. This trend Carries over into the bedroom where a basilisk will often pin her partner with one pair or arms and then proceed to tease him relentlessly with the other pair, toying with him ruthlessly sometimes for an hour or more before she will actually begin to make love to him.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »

now we get another from the brittish isles the selkie


Seal Family Beastman Type
Habitat Rocky Islands and beaches, Arctic Seas
Disposition Playful, Childish, Mischievous and Friendly
Diet Shellfish and Sea Weeds

Selkies are Friendly Sea dwelling mamono who, while Superficially resembling mermaids are closer to werewolves and their kin than they are to the sea maidens. From the waist up a selkie resembles a young woman, almost always with a soft fur Mantle wrapped around them, from the waist down they have the hind portion of a seal, slick and smooth covered in soft waterproof fur.
Selkies have a very Childish outlook on life and almost never take anything seriously. As far as they are concerned, time not spent having fun is completely worthless and so they almost never devote themselves to anything that could be called “work,” they have very little in the way of practical skills as a people, this has earned them a level of disdain from some of the more aloof and serious mamono. And at the same time a level of envy from the more carefree mamono who cant get away with such a lifestyle quite so easily.
Selkies make their homes at the coastline and spend about half of their time each on land and in the sea. Usually preferring more out of the way locations, however despite this they are not at all adverse to humans and in fact will enthusiastic bring any stranger to their homes in hopes of finding a playmate or at the very least a subject for them to direct their endless mischief toward.
At nighttime selkies will occasionally remove their fur cloak and take on the outer appearance of women, and while the moon shines down on them they will frolic and play inland, pranking and tricking any travelers they may happen to meet though never with any malice. They are especially attracted to celebrations and festivals which they will take part of ecclesiastically. However as soon as the first glints of light find the horizon they will depart and find their way back to the shore, take up their fur mantle again and return to the sea.
There is an old rumor that any man who can find a selkies fur and hide it from her will trap her on land and earn her as a wife. This is a half truth, as they did at one time use a game of hiding and locating their furs as a means of selecting mates but they have never been consistent about such things. While selkies generally use some form of game to test a potential mate each selkie is free to choose her own game and occasionally often forgo the game all together and make selections based on whim.
The selkies fur is a magical object, which gives the selkies their Seal body and allows them to breath underwater. A selkie can wrap another person in their cloak with them sharing with them the water breathing. Whats more it is said that a woman who sleeps covered in a selkies fur will wake to find she has become a selkie herself, with a fur of her own. This is uncertain as there is no real way to disprove it and when asked selkies will playfully and unconvincingly plead ignorance to the whole rumor.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »


Undead Family Spirit Type
Habitat: At the shore of Rivers, Streams and other isolated bodies of water
Disposition: Quiet, Possessive, Lonely, Obsessive, Unstable
Diet: Spirit Energy

Passed humans leaving a ghost behind is a relatively well known if not understood phenomena. However the sister specter, the banshee is something most have never heard of and tangible information on them is hard to come by.

What is known is that banshee are the result of certain types of mamono who die alone and in very specific circumstance. What is left behind is a spirit that laments never finding a lover and stewing in jealousy for those that have. These feelings quickly snowball growing larger and larger until the obsession consumes the soul at which point the transition to a banshee is complete.

No matter what race she was before hand, banshee all share the same basic build with some variance. Banshee have long straight hair that is generally unkempt and uncut, continuing to grow longer and longer eventually trailing along the ground behind her. Her canines lengthen very slightly and her eyes pale with the pupil disappearing completely, leaving a hollow looking result banshees. In addition banshee constantly weep, regardless of the emotions they may be feeling tears will always flow from her eyes. Her face keeps its general proportions as does her body though banshee almost always look like an underweight to borderline anorexic version of their own body. They are clad in a tattered and bloodstained burial shroud with their arms and legs hanging down lankly.

One of the most notable aspects of a banshee is her wail, which is paralyzing to those that hear it and seems to drain their warmth, banshees will occasionally wail, seemingly at random at those who pass them by. Once they hear the wail it is inevitable that ruin will fall upon the person in some form or another although weather this is the banshees doing or a prophetic warning is unknown.

Banshee gravitate to damp cold bodies of water where they will lean over the waters edge try to was out their own burial shrouds, sometimes for hours, it is generally considered a bad omen to see a banshee washing her clothes. And indeed if the banshee takes note of the observer may decide to follow them from afar, these people often become the target of the girls obsession

and she will take up residence within their house and decides that she will have themas a lover, and while not directly ever contacting their interest directly, beyond little gifts and chores she offers for him, they will constantly torment anyone else who enters the house, particularly hose in clear relationships, however only people she sees as a valid threat to her “relationship” are in any actual danger from her actions. Throughout all of this they will never reveal themselves to their interest and unless their 'lover' takes action this state will remain.

There are three ways to deal with a banshee once you realize you have one. Firstly you may drive her out by openly rejecting her which will always cause them to leave, this is a dangerous path as even though they will leave their house they will hold a vengeful rage for this perceived betrayal that they will act on if they see their lover again, generally by trying to drown them. The second method is to have another man or woman (depending on her preference) spend a good deal of time in the house and express regular interest in her, this can be enough for the banshee to change the target of her interest but is by no means a sure thing and in the end doesn’t solve the problem.

The last and final way to stop the haunting is to accept her, returning her affections, she will generally be distrustful of this confession and it normally takes many times for it to sink in but once it has the banshee will appear before her lover and take a permanent corporal form, amusing that things go well from there the banshees temperament tends to improve vastly becoming less distrustful and spiteful of others and taking more care of her hair and body. Banshees become very clingy but also amazingly affectionate to their lover while generally retaining a cold face to everyone else.
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Re: Kekkres's Custom Monster Girls

Post by kekkres »


Scylla Family Mollusk Type
Habitat Deep ocean waters
Disposition Selfish Arrogant, violent, Irritable
Diet Fish

The self proclaimed queens of the seas, krakkens are the terrors of the seas and the bane of every sailor. Krakkens are deep sea mamono who make their home in fridged seas. Krakkens style themselves as warlords of the seas taking wide swatches of the ocean as their territory and forcing any occupants to swear loyalty to the krakken as part of their army or force them to leave.

Once they have assembled what they consider to be sufficient forces they will set out to wage war on all other krakkens excusing their own mother. They assemble their armies and go to battle on a regular basis but these battles are almost exclusively conducted between the krakkens in question and the armies of drafted mamono have little practical function beyond a cheer leading squad. These battles while never lethal are none the less brutal in nature and krakkens wear the resulting scars as a symbol of toughness and strength.

The loser of these conflicts forfeits part of her kingdom to the winner along with any of her army who may live there. The 'soldiers' rarely mind as all their lords really ask of them is to dress up in armor once a month and stand in a hoard to watch their current queen in battle.

While krakkens certainly consider each other to be enemies they are united against the a common foe of the air breathers, any ship a krakken notices sailing above becomes an immediate target and she will rush to the surface immediately boarding the ship and pinning any resistance with her powerful tentacle. Once the entire crew is subdued she will thoughtfully search the vessel claiming everything of value or that she happens to fancy. Once she has claimed all the matiral objects she wishes she will take one of two courses of action, if the ships crew is purely male she will destroy the ship leaving the crew clinging to wreckage as she drags them down to the her stronghold at the bottom of the sea in batches, however if there is at least one woman on board she will sympathize with her and take only nonessential crew so that she may return to land.

The men taken like this are one by one ravaged by the krakken and those she fancies are added to her personal harem, those she doesn’t for whatever reason are offered out to her army as part of their wages. Husband just means the favorite in the harem and while they do know love as with any mamono they see monogamy as something below them for their entire active life. Krakkens prefer strong partners who they can 'conquer' so victims who struggle and resist when being raped in general are more prized than those who submit and take it, although this is not a hard rule. The harem is considered a sacred aspect among krakkens and even when a queen loses her whole kingdom in war her harem will never be taken from her during the pillaging of her palace.

Rarely a krakken will take such a liking to their first harem member that all following member will simply not live up to that standard, when asked about this by other krakkens she will stubbornly insist that she simply has bad luck when it comes to men and only gets the bad ones. Despite this effective marrage however she will still take any “war prisoner” at least once before lowering them down to her army.

Krakkens hoard all of their pillage almost like dragons and aside from passing it down to their daughters or losing it in battle they refuse to ever part with it. Because none of the treasure ever leaves krakken possession and it has been accumulating for millinia krakkens are very rich indeed. It is said that krakken palaces are so stuffed with treasure that it is difficult to move through them.

Krakkens will generally rule for around 20 years before they decide to start preparing to calm down. They will then attempt to conceive. Each krakken can only give birth once and it will always be to two twin girls, she will then spend the following years grooming and training her daughters in the ways of battle and once they have reached maturity she will divide her kingdom and her army along with her treasure and retire spending the rest of her life with her husband, she will offer to free the remainder of her harem but many have grown too accustomed to palace life to wish to leave.

Old sailors tails often describe krakkens as mammoth creatures the size of a small mountain and while they are very large generally breaching nine feet when they don’t slouch, the massive sizes claimed simply do not exist and it is now generally thought that these reports are simply excuses made to hide the fact that fully trained battle ships have been toppled by a single woman.
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