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A 'Thorny' Situation

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:32 am
by Love4all
Having discovered Felarya first regarding monster girls, many of my monster girls were generally meant to reside in Felarya. Though they have very different personalities and behaviors then the monsters they are amongst though. Let's start off with the dryads.

Barb and Thorn are both Dryads I had planned originally to take up residence within the Dridder forest of Felarya. However, their vast differences compared to their Felaryan "cousins", allow them to reside or appear in universes other than Felarya. However, a couple of the "resources" they use to capture their victims happen to grow exclusively in Felarya alone. And this 'unique capture technique' is reliant on those particular items.

Thorn originally came up with the technique, but when her rival Barb started using it too, Thorn became miffed. She accuses Barb of 'stealing' her technique. To this date they will squabble over the fact. But for the most part they tend not to associate with each other if they can help it.

Unlike their Felaryan "cousins", they are more spirit than tree and are notable bound to their own respective trees. They are a distinct rarity in this setting and don't fit in well. They don't even share a spiritual link with their cousins or have a spot within their network. Though as it turns out, the Felarya dryads often want nothing to do with them.

Barb and Thorn; especially Barb; have a promiscuous nature that relies very little on vore if at all. But what makes them detestable to the other dryads is their mischievous and dark attitudes aside from their lewd behaviors.

Dryads are often depicted as benevolent, sweet, and wise. However, Barb and Thorn's actions contradict that greatly and seem to "sully" the reputation of the dryad race. Because of this they are thoroughly disliked and outcasted.

Barb and Thorn both are bound for the most part by the traditional lore of dryads, aside from their own unique differences that sets them apart from the others.
Spoiler: show
*Being bound to one tree, most commonly an oak. If the tree is damaged in some way or cut down, she will die.

*Not being able to go too far from their tree, namely 360 yards. If she strays away too far she will get ill. If she stays away from her tree longer than 4 days, she won't survive.

*Possess the ability to "forest walk" or move through different trees, at times moving great distances, and they can do so rather quickly.

*Generally benevolent and non aggressive. Have an especially strong respect for nature including fauna and life and will go to great links to protect it. They are very knowledgeable about all the plants in their location and are said to hold profound wisdom.

*They can speak to, understand and converse with plants and animate the ones in their location at will to suit their needs, such as defense or driving someone away.

*Can supposedly open a "doorway" in one tree and through it teleport to their own tree.

*Aside from camoflauging into nature, they can also cast illusions and can charm or mesmerize people with appearance, gestures, and/or spells.
She can call apon her "charmed" to act as bodyguards or charm in self defense, turning an enemy against his own party/team.

*They can meld into trees and are said to take "charmed" individuals into their trees to stay with them. If they are released, it's supposedly after 4 years time. An individual who has been charmed can only be released from the spell at the dryads death or if said dryad chooses to let them go of her own accord.

*They can bind with another individual, but generally only one. If she sets sights on a mate, they are bonded for life.

*Dryads have a spiritual link, a network amongst their race. They can communicate and call for help if need be. One can also choose to shut down her connection with the others if she wishes for some personal alone time. They can also share this link with another individual. They also have an empathy reflect ability and can feel each others emotions. Though if the link is shut down between one and the others temporarily, the disconnected one isn't effected fully.
Barb and Thorn share many similarities, but they still have their differences.

Name: Barb
species: dryad
Age: Unknown
Location: (When in Felarya) At the opposite end of the Dridder forest from Thorn. Resides somewhat near the outer edges of it close to the Ixtapal Marshes and Myriad river.

Bio: (continued) Though alike Thorn in many ways, she has a somewhat more chaotic evil alignment. Fending for herself often, being an outcast, she has to make her own fun in a setting that otherwise openly shuns her. Whenever she can get the chance to get a hold of someone she doesn't hesitate to do so.
She even has her own little spot she uses to capture people. It's a good distance from her tree, but not too far as she remains bound by the traditional lore of the dryads where they can only go so far from their tree.
The spot she uses as a trap, consists of a small thicket amongst a gathering of trees, all sporting numerous vines. There's an alignment of shrubs and bushes off to the one side and beyond them a few feet away, the opening of a small cave can be seen. At times, she will see a dridder emerge from the cave and pass through.

At one point she had taken upon herself to talk to one and managed to convince it to help lure victims in her direction or at least to that spot in generally. She also questioned a rogue Naga named Nathaira at one point, whom is at constant odds with the environment she's in, as Dridders are known to openly detest nagas. All the same, sometimes Nathaira rises to the task of luring victims to Barb.

But why that small thicket in general for a trap? Well, because it consists of at least 2 essential items she uses for her technique when capturing prey. One is a glowing lotus bloom with the likings of a sneeze pod, only it spouts a sleeping gas like pollen. The other is a closed pod, sitting beside it.
When the pod opens up fully it reveals a small hole in the center of it, out which spurts a special sap that can alter the sensitivity of whomever's skin it touches, usually the victims'.

These 2 plants' actions combined take on the likings of a Gloom lotus. A plant that grows exclusively in dark areas, especially caves, emitting a faint purple glow. Though they themselves aren't a gloom lotus, they've been specifically altered by Barb to fit her needs. She will often double check on them, to be sure these "prized flowers" of hers haven't undergone damage of some sort.

Although if it ever came to having to do so, the flowers can be moved in their own special way and be brought to her tree for safe keeping in the event she should suddenly be somewhere other than Felarya in the same storyline. Generally this doesn't happen though.

The thicket that houses these "special" flowers is also accompanied by Gripper vines, which are the vines seen winding the trees nearest them and are another Felarya based flora. These vines can also emerge from underground in this spot aside from striking from the trees and catch the victim by surprise and hold them in place.
She often refers to this area as her "Special Booby Trap."

Typically the capture technique works as follows.
Spoiler: show
She will get intel from the plants in her area about who's around and be alerted if a victim is being lured her way. Following the info, she will wait in hiding by her "Special Booby Trap" until the victim arrives. She will generally try to distract the victim with conversation, but if the being in question proves too troublesome, she may reduce to using her thorn on them.

One unique feature feature she and Thorn share that's different from all other dryads, is the ability to sprout vine like 'tentacles' from their bodies. But generally only from their sides just above the hips. They have 2 pairs of these 'tentacles' that they can also retract at will to hide them.
One of these vines has a single thorn on it and when one is jabbed with it, it'll induce a temporary paralysis, which makes it easier for her to take down someone tougher.

Aside from paralyzing the victim, it'll also drain their strength to struggle and get free. Though not enough to kill them. Just enough to make them too weak to resist capture. The gripper vines in the booby trap will then ensnare the victim.

Once the victim is properly bound, she will proceed to expose them to the actions of her special flowers. Following that, she will call apon yet another altered vine that is designed to hold special nectar that when ingested make you too disoriented to tell what's happening, further weakening your resistance. The victim will be force fed this nectar before being carried off to her tree and further seduced until they break.

Once under the spell, if they are further fed the nectar, they will become more bound to her and develop somewhat of an addiction to it. When enough is ingested, they are considerably tied to her and soon start to become one with her. At this point their only hope of escape is if she chooses to let them go of her own accord. If the victim stays long enough, and becomes tied enough to her, he may even start to develop an earthly attribute.
Such as:
Being able to converse with plants or retain knowledge of them and even animate them at will.
or develop their own 'vines' that they can reveal and retract at will.

If the victim is released for whatever reason following such developments, the dryad can withdraw her influence on them at most. However, any earthly attribute developed during their stay she can't undo. She has no control over the chief earth element itself. Anything further that develops with the victim after release is beyond her control.

In traditional lore, the way to free someone from a dryad's spell was to kill the dryad, namely by destroying its tree. However, in Barb (and Thorn)'s case, she has an ace in the hole. Once the victim is bound to her by the nectar, their only true hope of release is for her to let them go of her own accord. Killing her would be disastrous in this sense because since they are now bound, the victim would die too. So, a rescue party is typically at loss in this situation and can only hope to convince her if possible. She has them over a barrel, so to speak.

When a victim finally breaks and falls under the spell following capture, they lose all sense of free will and pleasing her becomes their number one priority. They become carefree and forget all the troubles of the world and desire to stay in the bliss she provides. Quite often they will be giddy, euphoric and giggly as if constantly on 'cloud 9' in terms of undeniable pleasure.

This is made all the more possible due to the sap that she'd had them covered in, which constricts to fit the form of the victim and dries into their skin, altering the nerve endings and modifying them to be especially sensitive to pleasure and the mere touch of something. All the areas that aren't as sensitive are now sensitive and the areas that are already real sensitive are....well, I'm sure you can tell where this is going. :twisted:

As mentioned before, Barb is of a chaotic alignment. Somewhat leaning towards evil is she is not a little already. Quite often she will grab guys just to play with them and eventually release them. However, if she has a victim she favors, she will hold onto them for far longer.
She will often refer to her "spell bound" victims as her 'toys' or 'pets' and sometimes even 'slaves'.

Though she engages in pleasuring them daily, it's worth noting that none of them really "enter" her if you get my drift. The only time she considers actually having them enter her in terms of full on intercourse is if she especially likes the individual and even considers having them be her mate. If this should happen to be the case, she is generally looking to have his offspring. She will only do this with the one she likes best, rather than wasting time with this on the 'toys'. Such is her fancy for 'playing' with men, that she may vy to have more than one 'toy' at the same time sometimes. In these instances, she may amuses herself by experimenting with her control over them and have them 'play' with each other.

For the most part though it's F/M interaction if nothing else and she remains dominant over them as they play the submissive, often having their bodies relax and fall otherwise limp as if a ragdoll or turned to jelly as they take the pleasure.

Although her tree is a fair distance from her booby trap, it's a fairly good size. Onlookers would clearly mistake it for just a tree with no knowledge as to what lies inside it. Within the tree, she has her own hollowed out living area decorated in a vast aray of different flora and beautiful flowers.
She also has plenty of moss and soft ferns that she will use as make shift 'beds' for her spellbound victims. The ferns acting much like a snug blanket. The moss is also soft and very comfortable.

I guess its safe to say that if she captures you, you get the works. Unfortunately, your brain is otherwise more or less mush due to her spell. But you no longer have a care or worry in the world at least.
It is so far unclear just how such a unique species of dryad came to reside in the Felaryan environment. But it is known however that they are misfits there.

Name: Thorn
species: Dryad
Age: unknown
location: (When in Felarya) Opposite end of the Dridder forest than Barb, likely somewhere between the wizard mansion and the ruins of old supprozad.

---I'll edit this with more a little later. Until then, TBA.