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Praxis cuss-word challenge

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:18 pm
by Raet
So I am challenging the community as a whole, who can think of some cuss-words to be used by Praxis residents? If we think of the Wheel of Time it can be quite colourful, from such delightful ones as "Mother's milk in a cup" to "burn me", "blood and ashes", etc...

What can you come up with as words used by either mamonme or humans or both?

So far my contribution is still

"lantern lighter" a derogatory word for members of the Luminaire and eventually extending to anyone who is particularly bigoted

Re: Praxis cuss-word challenge

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 11:44 pm
by Hood
Raet wrote:"lantern lighter" a derogatory word for members of the Luminaire and eventually extending to anyone who is particularly bigoted
How about "matchstick"?

Re: Praxis cuss-word challenge

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 12:42 am
by SIERRA-116
How about "Shatter"?

Re: Praxis cuss-word challenge

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:19 am
by Raet
Not bad, how about these?
Boomerang flash:
Deadly insult to landbound Minotaurides: You couldn't maze a rock.
Ureonggaksi swearing: Salt! or Salt and boiling oil!
Amoris angry with herself: I'm such a boob!
Hobby Har wishing someone ill: Shadow spit you out!
Any mamonme angry with a human: Go light a lantern and shove it!
DarkEmperor wrote:A derogatory term for all draconic individuals, "Lizard"

Here is another:

"This has turned into a gulon's mess!"

Gulon are a type of feline prized for their pelts and meat. They are extremely gluttonous however and are famous for the putrid messes they leave behind when relieving themselves.