Yugiaruji, Duel Monster Girls: Duelist Academy

Real life X MGE X Yugioh Crossover style Universe

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Yugiaruji, Duel Monster Girls: Duelist Academy

Post by Rezeed »


Long ago when the pyr- just kidding. Based on Yugioh and Yugioh GX, this takes places in modern times. After dealing with much hardship with the war against the order and all monster girls, the demon lord decided in order to ensure the survival of all "races" she moved a part of the demon realm to another universe where monster girls can more likely be much more beloved and accepted with open arms. That happened to be our world and she brought every monster girls(there was no MG that was left behind). Of course there are still MGs in the monster girl world and this war is still going on. Again, this was used a way to make sure their no race becomes extinct.

On this part of the demon realm that now exists in our world, one of the Lilum, who became a yugioh card game and Yugioh anime fan(thinking the stuff that goes on in this anime is normal in our world. Because of this lilum, MGs that came from the MG world also think this), constructed a duelist academy and invited random humans to become students to this school. All students are issued a duel disk that ACTUALLY works that comes in any design of their choice. However, the color of it is based on the dorm they are in(I'll go more into the dorms later).

Now interestingly enough, the school which is a part of the demon realm and has expanded to be the size of a small country(and will stay that big) is located on a uncharted island. Now this island, has mountains, rich forests/jungles, a desert, lakes, meadows, beaches and all sorts of terrains.

Different Demon Realm, Different Traits:

Another interesting fact is, unlike any the demon realm that's in MG world. This imported part of the demon realm's properties have changed vasty and no longer has any tentacle plants(or anything like that). This imported part of the demon realm, is literally unable to turn people into succubi, let alone incubi. With that, unfortunately, dark matter can't be found in this imported demon realm. However, woman can still turn into other MGs, but it's now based on their favorite card and dorm.

Along with this, the magic of the demon realm has a funny way with the duels. Anyone that challenges others to a shadow game, it will work JUST LIKE a real shadow game except instead of being banished to the shadow realm, you are magically forced to uphold any bet/wager that you have made for this shadow game. Interestingly enough, this is rather popular, with dark elves, ogres, scylla, werewolves, lizardmen, Orcs, and Jorou-Gumo. With this however, monster girls CAN'T RAPE and can't attack anyone unless they beat them in a duel.

Dorm System:

Unlike yugioh GX, there dorms systems is a lot different. Based on your main deck or the kind of MG you are(if you are a MG), that's the dorm you will be staying. The reason this system was crafted was this Otaku Lilim's way of making it a match-making method of hooking men with women.

Now there are four major dorms based on some of the Major Factions in the MG world:

Order white, Pandemonium purple, pheroah (pardon spelling) yellow, and posiden blue.

Posiden blue resides, near a beach and close to the mountains so MGs that would normally live there, reside in this dorm.(All dorm rooms for all dorms are modified to house humans and MGs that would live in such terrains).

Order white, resides between a plain and meadow(Place for warrior type duelists as well).

Pandemonium purple, resides within proximity to the caves. This dorm also houses MGs that don't have a distinct type of habitat or one that wouldn't be found in the MG world easily(IE heaven, pandemonium, and the demon realm).

Pherroah yellow, resides in an oasis, that's near a forest, but close to the desert.

Please keep in mind that none of the dorms doesn't actually follow the beliefs that the major power their dorm is based on. The main building, resides in the center of the island and that's also were the classes take place. There are libraries there, gyms, pools, and cafeterias(dorms have them too, but it allows people to meet people from other dorms easier.) There are also duel fields for proper duels that gets used for tournaments and major exams.

Academy Rules and Regulations:

Now there's three golden rules that have to be followed in this school:

If you have a problem settle it with a card game. The next rule is if you don't appear within the hour of the appointed time of a duel, you automatically forfeit the match. The ONLY exception is an emergency. The last one is, how the rules work(I am refering to banned card listings).

Normal duels and shadow duels go with traditional rules, exam duels go with no rules. Tournament duels go with advanced rules(they do match duels in the semi-finals and finals). Anyone, that doesn't follow the ban listings that are paired with each type of duel auto forfeit the duel. There are some extra rules, but that's something for us players. we can only update our decks once every 2 weeks IRL time. We can only use RP decks which are deck specifically made for the RP and used by our characters, not our actual decks.

[As final notes, all RP duels will be done on yugioh virtual desktop/duelist(details on how to use it and where to get the program, you can ask me and I'll give the details via PM or YIM). I am NOT going to run an RP myself, but I hope someone else would be up for running it. This RP uses the shadow games concept.]
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