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Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:11 pm
by Helios Leinheart
I'd like to get back to making these sometime.

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:23 pm
by Feathers all 3 of these are really good I never knew you made profiles.

Personal favorite would be the C.Slime, although her text alignment is off, you should nudge it over to the right just a tad so it's not touching the light grey and then PERFECTION! The picture is phenomenally well placed for her profile and matches it great. I LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO! ^_^ Kind, gentle, and "sweet" inside and outside? Can't beat that! :mrgreen:

Didn't care too much for the wicked mask's art or description, but still an interesting and original concept. *thumbs up*

I couldn't help but laugh when you used a wererabbit as the Gremlins picture though. ^^; I like how you took canon from the Gremlins movie (or maybe you got it somewhere else? That's where I remember it though..) and incorporated it into your profile! Brilliant idea!

Great work Helios, I should read your stuff more

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:28 pm
by Helios Leinheart
Feathers all 3 of these are really good I never knew you made profiles.

Personal favorite would be the C.Slime, although her text alignment is off, you should nudge it over to the right just a tad so it's not touching the light grey and then PERFECTION! The picture is phenomenally well placed for her profile and matches it great. I LOVE CHOCOLATE TOO! ^_^ Kind, gentle, and "sweet" inside and outside? Can't beat that! :mrgreen:

Didn't care too much for the wicked mask's art or description, but still an interesting and original concept. *thumbs up*

I couldn't help but laugh when you used a wererabbit as the Gremlins picture though. ^^; I like how you took canon from the Gremlins movie (or maybe you got it somewhere else? That's where I remember it though..) and incorporated it into your profile! Brilliant idea!

Great work Helios, I should read your stuff more
Thanks a lot bro. It's good to hear that you think the choco slime image goes perfectly with the profile. Half the people on gelbooru didn't seem to think so.

Thanks go to Lilith_Notashi for the choco slime image. I remember we had both spent half a night looking for something that would work. She really came through with that image.

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:48 pm
by revanwolff
I'll Take the chocoslime too. Awsome work dude. As tony the tiger says YOU'RE GREAT! :D

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:04 pm
by Helios Leinheart
Nah, you're great.

I did have about 5 others that I never took the time to make into actual profiles. I think they were as follows.

Soul Leech
Lava Slime

Unfortunately, they were lost when the club on doujinstyle was shut down. They're probably still on MGU, but I'd have to dig for them.

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:05 pm
by Tsar CUBE
Helios Leinheart wrote:Nah, you're great.

I did have about 5 others that I never took the time to make into actual profiles. I think they were as follows.

Soul Leech
Lava Slime

Unfortunately, they were lost when the club on doujinstyle was shut down. They're probably still on MGU, but I'd have to dig for them.
You should really dig them up, I remember some of your girls even got on Gelbooru somehow :XD:

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:24 pm
by Helios Leinheart
Yeah, I put them on there. I remember Chocoslime wasn't so warmly recieved.

Btw, that search bar sure is handy. I found them.

Lava Slime
Spoiler: show
A slime that resides deep within mountains near lava flows. They can leave the lava for brief periods of time, but they must keep their body temperture above a certain level to keep from hardening. Unlike normal slimes, lava slimes have lived for thousands of years. It is said that they are indestructable and do not age. Hence they have become wise and are capable of complicated speach. Personalities vary, but most lava slimes are friendly and loyal.

Lava slimes must mate with human men in order to multiply, but because they live in such remote areas this is a rare occurence. This is also why there are so few lava slimes in existence. When a lava slime does find a man, they will tempt him into intercourse by taking on the shape of a well endowed woman. Most men fear that the lava that makes up the slime's body will melt them, but the lava slime is capable of lowering it's surface temperture to a safe level, allowing it to mate without killing it's lover and allowing it to keep it's fluid form. Men have described the feel of a lava slime while mating to be that of a relaxing (albeit hotter than usual) hot spring.
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-Young girl with golden hair and star shards that levitate in the air around her-

Starborn are born when someone makes a wish on a shooting star. The common misconception is that when someone wishes upon a star, their wish will come true. This misconception was founded when a man wished for a friend and was granted when he came upon the starborn that was born from his wish.

Starborn are born pure and honest with basic knowledge of language. However, they are still children and are completely ignorant of everything on earth. It is not uncommon for a newborn starborn to ask about simple things like trees and houses on a constant basis.

Starborn instinctively seek out the person that gave them life from the moment they are created. When they find him or her, she will explain about his wish and offer her hand in friendship. Starborn are widely considered to be very good luck and are normally accepted as friends. However, in the event that the starborn is rejected by the person, she will disintigrate and return back to the shooting star that housed her spirit.

Starborn are lifelong friends when accepted. They have the characteristics of a child, but are always willing and wanting to help around the house and play fun games. Starborn do not age and do not mature, but the knowledge they learn will stay with them for eternity. When their friend dies, the starborn will offer the soul of the deceased a chance to join her in the heavens. Where they can be together forever.
Soul Leech
Spoiler: show
Habitat - Swamps and small bodies of water
Disposition - Fluctuates between mischievious and caring
Diet - Semen and energy of humans (male or female)

Soul leeches are an especially dangerous breed of Monster Girl found in swampy areas and sometimes jungles. They lie in wait beneath bodies of water for a male or female to venture into the water. When a soul leech spots prey in the water it will swim at incredible speed toward the lower body of the person. It will then wrap it's lower body around the legs of it's victim and then latch onto the person's reproductive organs with it's mouth. The mouth of a soul leech contains powerfull suction cups and special glands that release a very potent neurotoxin in the victim's blood should it try to escape. The nerotoxin disrupts the signals to the brain and prevents the victim from moving or feeling pain.

When the soul leech latches onto a victim, it will begin to suck semen and energy from the male or female until the soul leech is sated. This usually results in the victim becoming exhausted and passing out, but on rare occasions a soul leech will release the person without exhausting him or her.

A soul leech will release it's victim if alcohol is applied to the edge of the mouth. Also, a soul leech's neurotoxin is an extremely valuable medicine, so it's not uncommon for people to tame soul leeches and milk them for the toxin on a daily basis.

Soul leeches are incapable of speech, but it is said that they do experience human emotions and express it in their faces. So it is possible for a soul leech to fall in love with it's victim and grow emotionaly attached to him or her. So if you can please a soul leech when it has targeted you, you may have a chance of escaping.
Spoiler: show
-Aqua blue with small yellow tentacles that spread out from the bottom.-

Out of all the slime species, healslime is the least dangerous and the most helpfull. They can be found in valleys, forests, and sometimes even beaches. Healslimes are the second most intelligent variation (the first being Lavaslime) and are commonly welcomed into villages and homes. Healslimes are gentle, loving, and only wish to help humans in times of need.

Very much like a shark, a Healslime can smell blood from hundreds of miles away. They can also determine if the blood is that of a human, monster, or animal. If it is a human, the Healslime will rush as fast as possible to the origin of the smell. The small tentacles that stick out from it's bottom allow it to move much faster than the average slime. When she finds the injured person, she will use her gel like body and envelope the wounds of the person. With or without the person's consent. In the event of massive hemoraging or internal injuries, the Healslime will fully envelop the person inside her body. The gel of her body contains special enzymes that keep the blood oxygenated by injecting it painlessly directly into the bloodstream.

The Healslime will then sacrifice it's own energy in order to heal the injured person. Even if it results in her death, she will give all that she has to save a life. After the person if fully healed, she will release him/her.

The Healslime feeds off of bodily fluids just like all other slimes, but she is normally too shy to request such an act. However, most humans know of the sustenance that slimes require, and will usually offer to "feed" the healslime in return for her assistance. There is no fear of dying in a healslime's sexual embrace. She will never feed more than she must or more than the person wishes.
Spoiler: show
A thrall is the brainwashed female human slave of a vampire. A vampire usually keeps at least 2 thralls in it's employ at all times for daytime duties and general chores. A vampire uses a form of hypnotism to brainwash a human into serving her, and only when released by her master's will or by being converted into a vampire will the slave be released from it's servitude.

Thralls are gifted with a portion of the vampire's magical energies, hence they have higher physical capabilites and some magic abilities. A thrall uses these magical abilities to subdue suitable humans that will feed their master.

Thralls can also be used as feeding if the vampire is in dire need, but the feeding process is different. So as not to convert the thrall into a vampire (releasing it from it's slavery), a vampire will instead have sexual intercourse with the thrall to obtain sustenance. It is not uncommon for many thralls to feed their master at the same time in this manner.
Spoiler: show
Habitat - Alternates between the sea floor and the surface
Disposition - Playful, forceful, selfish
Diet - Rays of the sun and men's semen for reproduction

Seaweeds are a form plant monster that resides in the ocean. They tend to cluster near beaches and docks for these are locations that most often attract men into their waters. Seaweed lie in wait near the water's surface for a man to pass over their long leaves. Much like a fly in web, the instant that the man's body touches the leaves, the seaweed will spring into action. She will coil her leaves tightly around the man's legs and arms. The leaves of a seaweed are incredibly strong and slick, so the chances of a man escaping while on the water without the aid of a knife are extremely low.

When the seaweed is confident that the man is properly restrained she will kick off from the seafloor and appear before the man. Seaweed are incapable of speech, but their intentions are always blatantly obvious. The seaweed will waste no time in sexually assaulting the man, using her leaves as very effective bondage. Seaweeds can be playful when the man is willing to engage in sex, but should the man resist she will become very selfish and forceful. Tightening the bondage on the man until he submits. The wise decision should you ever be assaulted by a seaweed would be to play the nice guy and let her have her way. Only then will you even have a chance of escaping her.

On a sidenote, the leaves of a seaweed are incredibly nutritious. Almost rivaling the nutrition of holstaurus milk, the leaves of a seaweed can increase stamina, resistence to disease, and also increase your longevity. Forming a lasting friendship with a seaweed is a good way to lead a healthy lifestyle. Just make sure that you know who's really in charge when you enter her waters.
If anybody has an image that would suit any of these profiles that don't have one, please post it.

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:06 pm
by Love4all
I love the style of your profiles in your first post. Though all of them in generally I find real cool.

I like the slimes. And the Gremlin is real cute too. :^^:

But I actually have a question. How do you make profiles in that style? Cause I'd like to be able to do that to. Is there a specific program or template or something you can get to make profiles in that style? I've seen a lot of people use that same kind of style for profiles. How do you do them?

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:27 pm
by Raet
Love4all wrote:I love the style of your profiles in your first post. Though all of them in generally I find real cool.

I like the slimes. And the Gremlin is real cute too. :^^:

But I actually have a question. How do you make profiles in that style? Cause I'd like to be able to do that to. Is there a specific program or template or something you can get to make profiles in that style? I've seen a lot of people use that same kind of style for profiles. How do you do them?
It depends on what you are going for, for my profiles I modelled and lit a 3 Dimensional book in blender, I also made the embellishments myself. I also used a greyscale, textureless version to displace the profile text and art. It is easier though if you just find pictures from the internet obviously.

I made the book in the spoiler too, this one was for Boomerang.
Spoiler: show

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:53 pm
by Helios Leinheart
I just used MS Paint.

Always classy!

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:29 pm
by Feathers
That's the old MGE layout. Not a fan of instant 3D effects myself, or 3D in general, when it comes to anime style. They always seem to look off, unless they use a toon shader, anyway (in my opinion).

Re: Leinheart Profiles

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:01 am
by Raet
Except it isn't instant, modelling that book, texturing it and lighting it correctly and then rendering it took at least two hours. I tried to create a sense of realism in that it is like you are actually looking at the book.