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Loving Her True Self.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:03 pm
by ShadowKnux372
Funny how now you don't feel like you have anything to worry about, despite all your nervousness before. A lot has changed in such a short time, and yet none of it feels like it was for the worse, rather something for the better, for both you and her, now that you were in the position you were in.

To think, you trembled when you confessed your attraction to her. You shuddered when she expressed some doubt. Then she murmured as she passed you..."Could you love a monster?" Those words milled in your head the entire day. You worried what the implications were, you theorized what sort of "monster" she was secretly, imagined what you would have to do to acclimate yourself to this fact...

...Then decided none of that mattered. All that mattered was your feelings for her, and you made sure to tell her that later in the day, when you had managed to find her again. With your heartfelt declaration in the air, she just gave a soft smile, a small look of surprise having preceded that, before she led you away to somewhere even more private.

So now here you were, already disrobed, as her violet hair falls and caresses your face, while she kissed you daintily over the face...and the myriad of thin, yet firm appendages from her body caressed the rest of you, a chilly, smooth feeling against your body. How funny it was that she turned out to be a Roper, a creature you hadn't thought of the possibility of her being. Perhaps it was lucky you decided none of that mattered, as you reached up to hold her face so that you could kiss her directly, your tongues mingling, as the pleasure of your kiss causes those tentacles attached in myriad places to her body to wriggle in pleasure and anticipation, before resuming their self appointed duty of caressing you at your arms, your legs, your chest...all over you.

She laughs a little as your lips separated from each other. "My, it's been some time sense they've been this excited." she teased, her hand rubbing against your cheek affectionately. As you lay disrobed beneath her, she sat up, allowing her full form to be viewed, all the luscious curves, the beautiful breasts, tasty lips, smooth violet hair, bright violet eyes gazing lustfully down at you, while all her additional appendages wriggled as they waited for their next assigned position. A pair of these dark-colored tentacles curled around her breasts idly, further emphasizing their beauty.

Finally, it was time, as she shifted herself and positioned the entrance to her most sacred place at the tip of your erection, and the heat of your privates meeting hers already filled you with sensations that would make you shiver, before she speared herself onto you, pushing your entire manhood within her, to feel every sensation of her folds, her internal walls. She let out a gasp of pleasure when she did this, her tentacles stiffening in place before hanging limply from sudden stimulation. Her face expressed great pleasure and desire as she smiled at you, before she already started moving, lifting her body up and down as it slid over and around your shaft. Perhaps it was a facet of her Roper body, but it felt as if thousands of tiny villi stimulated you beyond the normal stimulus, making the experience so much greater.

The tentacles began their own work, not forgetting their job. A pair of them wrapped around her breasts, restricting them from the bouncing movements they previously had been doing, before extending their tips to swing and tease the nipples, eliciting louder moans from your beautiful partner as she continued to ride you. Other tentacles decided they wanted you, as you felt a pair wrap around your legs, surprising you with their strength and just how...good being restricted by their cool smoothness felt. Another sought out your chest, snaking back and forth over it with no other mission than to simply tickle and tease your chest as it did so. Another seeked out the area below your current frenzied coupling, and caressed below your shaft, at the scrotum, eliciting a sharp intake of breath as it began to playfully tease against it, far gentler than you would have expected from these sort of things.

In all your pleasure, in all these sensations, you weren't lasting nearly as long as you would have hoped beneath her ministrations, and you knew your time would come soon, and her current ride would be over. Breathing heavily, you reached up towards your lover, who continued to ride you in a frenzy, uttering screams and shouts of pleasure at a quick pace, before she noticed you reaching. With a smile, she reached out to you, and no sooner that your hands interlocked, did a tentacle wrap the entire length of your arms, keeping your grips bound tighter and closer than it could possibly be between any normal couple.

With the pleasure and closeness too much, you finally had all you could stance. Your cries of pleasure mingled with the moan of ecstasy from your lover as she was flooded from the inside with your sperm, which you could tell just from the pulsation inside and the happy twitchings of the tentacles still close to your body, was being eagerly lapped up by her body, fuel for her lovably monstrous form.

She collapsed against you, and the tight grip her tentacles had on you loosening, as they limped to the side for the moment. She looked up at you with a soft smile, as her head rested on your shoulder. She didn't say anything, and you didn't feel there were any words necessary, either. You simply wrapped your arms around her, and held her closer to you.

To which your response was to have her tentacles all move as one, and wrap around you from waist to torso, gripping you closer still. She simply smiled up at you still, a more mischievous look in her face, one that made you smile and almost want to laugh if you didn't want to ruin the mood. Here in the grip of your tentacle-covered lover, you felt safe, and closer to her than ever.

Re: Loving Her True Self.

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:03 am
by Tsar CUBE
Ah yes, your infamous Roper fic that made me sympathise with them :@_@:

I must say that before i read this one back in the day, I wouldn't even considered sex with one at all, however after reading this one few months ago my stance changed on them. :^^;:

But yeah this was a pretty sexy and cute fic, I love her hair colour by the way :nosebleed:

Still waiting for you to do a Vampire fic some day :^^: