Praxis Tales New and Old (Praxis X Bioshock Part 2)

A series of tales under the Praxis setting starring several Praxis residents

Small one off stories and poems can be posted and read here.
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Praxis Tales New and Old (Praxis X Bioshock Part 2)

Post by Timiddarkspy »

To be honest I'm not a fan of reposting old fics, but as I write the next fic for Praxis the least I can do is improved my old stories with more fixed grammar, spelling, and maybe some extra snippets here and there. First focusing on the old...anyways Enjoy!


The Aurora of the Seas Part 1: Erumo
Spoiler: show
A small cargo ship with a crew of no less than twelve minus the captain sailed from a dock and carrying a variety of goods from Pallascens to Crystal Plinth. The captain looks over his crew from the bow of his ship, all seems to be in working order, but just to make sure...

“Give me a status on our engines and navigation!” The Captain ordered rubbing his mustache.

“Navigation is in working order. We're heading in the right direction. Engines are also at one-hundred percent efficiency. No problems to report sir!” His first mate reported.

“Excellent. Looks like another successful job. Nothing could go wrong,” the Captain assured.

Meanwhile several yards away from, and above the ship just out of the ship crews' field of vision was; at first glance what appeared to be a floating oval of pink blaze. Upon closer inspection one could see a body lying face up, soaking up the rays of the sun, and whatever else her flames appeared to be soaking. Clearly female with dark purple, short cut hair with two silver hair ornaments perched on each side of her head resembling still flames. Her soft purple eyes lidded from just waking up from a refreshing afternoon nap, a small smile on her pretty face. Her skin was a very light purple with a flush of red on several parts of her body including her cheeks, chest, and butt. She wore only a short length dress with an even shorter sleeve reaching just below the shoulders, and felt just a little tight on her body. Her dress from her chest to her stomach was open and just barely concealing her moderately sized breasts, but show off her cute tummy. The bottom half was cut on both sides of her hips to below her waist, and from almost every angle her butt was easily noticeable as her hips were also exposed. Her outfit had a constant heart shaped pattern with smaller intricate hearts on the inside of each heart. The braiding of the dress matched her hair ornaments, polished silver with several flame patterns, and matching colored ribbons keeping the dress on her.

She lazily lifted her leg, and glanced at the gentle pink flame on her ankle still alight, and vibrant as ever. She was ready to count off all the cool things about being an Erumo, but an internal rumbling inside continued nagging at her.

“Oh~ be quiet body you'll get food soon” she muttered to herself.

She lazily flipped herself over in order to let her backside feel the warmth of the sun, but one glance downward instantly called for a change of plans.

“A...ship? It is! It's a ship! Finally!” She squealed in excitement.

She flipped herself around, and was ready to make herself known until she had a sudden spark of literally she just sparked pink for a second, and had an epiphany.

“(What if I made such a stunning entrance that they would all be so entranced by me they'll all want to be with me? *Squeal* it's a sure fire thing!)” She thought to herself.

Working up a charge she formed a blast of pink electrical current, and waves in a spectacular show of lights even on such a sunny day, only to be obscured by a passing cloud below her. Unfortunately the effects of her show did not get obscured...

“C-captain!” Shouted one of the shipmates.

“Report” the Captain allowed.

“W-we lost all power!” The Shipmate exclaimed.

Before the captain could even react another crew member rushed in.

“Captain! Our navigation is on the fritz! Even our compasses are going haywire, the needle won't stop spinning!” The Crew-member stated.

“Our engine is shut off somehow!” Someone else shouted.

“And our backup engine?” The Captain shouted.

“Won't respond!” He stated.

“Captain! We're heading for a rock jutting out of the ocean!” A man on the crow's nest reported.

“Damn it! Quick turn this ship around, do it!” The Captain bellowed.

“N-no good! We're going too fast we're not gonna make it!” His first mate reported.

“Everyone! Brace yourselves!” The Captain shouted.


“Oh~ stupid cloud getting in the way like that! I hate you” the Erumo declared.

The cloud responded by being a cloud...

She turned towards the ship, only to see it had crashed onto something, and the constant screaming, and crying of those on board told her they weren't having fun.

“(Wait a second! This could be another chance, I can rescue one of them, and they'll be so touched they'll want to join with me!)” She realized.

Her imagination racing she could picture the whole scene all playing out, she would swoop in with grace, and beauty, and pick up an extremely handsome man with a deep fetish for girls with flames on her body, and soon the two would bask in the pleasure of ocean sex, and in the afterglow a passing bishop would come, and have them married, and following that would be more sex, and then they'll find a beach home where she would surprise him with silly faces, love jolts, back rubs, and more sex.

“Yeah~ it'll be just like that...” she mused to herself.

She looked down at the scene again, only to find several sea dwelling monster girls already at the scene grabbing anything that moves.

The Erumo gasped, and rushed towards the sinking ship, but by the time she reached the boat she found all of the men had been taken, and only the contents of the ship remained.

“Darn it...I really gotta learn to think ahead of time...” she mutters in defeat.

Several days later the news reports yet another disappearance on the infamous portion of the sea, the mystery continues to elude everyone to this day, and that was exactly what you were hoping for. Finally a chance to use that house boat you inherited from your great-grandfather, and you'll put it to use by going out to sea, and solving the mystery yourself, because if there's one thing you enjoy, it is a good adventure! Packing everything you'll need for a week long trip on the sea you head on over to your house boat, a quaint little floating home perfect for a bachelor such as you, and set out for the great ocean to become famous!

Days Later

Another whole day has passed, and you still haven't caught anything again!

“Man, where are all the fishes today?” You ask no one in particular.

Out in the middle of the Paeacenzi ocean, and a day away from Pallascens, there's isn't much to do. Especially when you're not entirely nautically experienced for this, but it's only slightly discomforting. You had already set up most of the equipment on auto-pilot, the radar occasionally blinking with several dots passing through, with the occasionally pair of dots one of which moving forward, and back against the second one. A small dish is propped on top of the mast used to find any abnormal signs of energy either natural, or otherwise, which upon doing so will prompt an alarm to notify you of it's presence. However it's been practically a week, and nothing unusual has come up, at the most the occasional friendly company of some of the sea life who wished to spend the day with you, but you refused them outright seeing as how getting laid won't get you any wish it did though...

Those days are long over for everyone. On days like this however, you kind of wish you took up their offer, as the boredom makes the day last for a lifetime, but as you contemplate as to how desperate you are for some company something else just above your equipment's detection range is contemplating on how to remedy that.

“Okay! Another boat, redemption time for you! Don't mess it up” the Erumo orders herself.

Being big, and showy worked against her, so perhaps doing the opposite will have a different effect?

“(This time I'll just sneak by him, and surprise him with my grace, glory, and funny personality. He'll be so moved, and instantly in love with me he'll pull the wedding ring out of his pocket, and propose to me right then, and there. Then two mermaids would leap out of the water, the splashing will cause a rainbow to appear above us, and we'll make love under the stars...yeah, it'll work exactly like that for sure!)” She thought to herself.

Her body's natural glow dim slightly, the pink flames on her wrists, and ankles regressed to excited sparks, and smoldering embers. Despite her dimmer appearance she couldn't be any more happy, and full of energy as this time she had mostly planned ahead, and dive-bombed towards the boat.

She stopped just inches off the disk shaped object on top of the mast. She observed it with sudden curiosity, seeing as how the target hadn't noticed her yet she decided to find out if it'll make a comfy couch.

“Hm~ it's nice, and warm from the sun, and it's giving off some soft little feeling making me all tingly, I kind of like it, but it's all metal, and hard...maybe I can put something soft to fix that? I'll give you a seven out of ten how about that?” The Erumo judged.

The satellite dish was stunned, and heartbroken, but was determined to try harder, and be more comforting for next year's competition.


Actually it did nothing.

“Now then, back to the matter at hand...” she remembered as she swooped in towards her sure thing instant husband on the bow of the ship, and stopped just inches on his back, enough of a distance that he wouldn't notice her breathing down his neck, and hear her stifling giggle fits as she knows exactly what to do.

Taking her right hand, and extending her pointer finger she instant charged it with electricity, but just enough to get a reaction, and slowly brought it closer, and closer to the man's neck.


Well it's official, this trip is a total bust, and if you don't catch yourself some food pronto you'll have to pack it all in, and go home empty handed. Not that you have a lack of water supply as your water purification tank is still in working order, but you're running out of places to put your excess salt it produces as a by product. Plus you're not gonna litter the ocean seeing as how it has enough salt in it's water already...that's logical thinking right?


A sudden stinging sensation hits the back of your neck causing you shout, and fall off your chair, you stumble in a confused stupor as to what had happen, and as you turn around you spot the perpetrator. A young girl old enough to be your age, give, or take a year, or two rolling on the floor laughing at your reaction to being jolted.

“Hahaha~ o-oh my gosh you-you should have seen the look on your face when I shocked you-hahaha~oh man priceless! O-okay, okay so gimme now” the young purple skinned girl proclaimed through burst of laughter, arms extended, and palms open. You also take note of the growing fire on her wrists, and ankles turning from dim embers to lively flames sparking with jolts of electricity, all in different shades of pink.

Shaking off the shock, and surprise only to be replaced with confusion you stare at her for a moment, trying to interpret what she wants with her hands open like that. You decide to do the first thing that comes to mind.

“Uh? Down low?” You ask gently slapping her palms with your own, not only did her hands feel soft, but you also felt another sudden jolt, but nothing painful, rather almost ticklish.

“No, no! That's not what you were supposed to do! You were supposed to give me the ring!” She exclaimed.

“Ring? You want an onion ring? I'm all out you know” you explain.

“No-no-no! If we don't do this the mermaids won't jump out of the water, and there won't be rainbows!” She panics.

…Oh dear, she must be suffering from what sailors call ocean madness, where inexperienced sailors grow crazy from the months at sea, and nothing else.

“L-look it'll be okay, I'll bring you a picture of a landscape, and you can go back to your-” you try to help.

“We can't wait any longer, hurry up, and marry me!” She declares.

“P-please don't hurt me! L-look what if I help you get over your ocean madness? Then we can get along!” You try to reason.

“Ocean madness? Dummy! I live in the ocean, I can't get ocean madness!” She explains.

“Oh~ you mean like the others who live in the ocean right?” You said calming down as your fear of dying by her craziness quickly fades away.

“That's right, though I live mostly in the air cause that's who I am. So really I don't have ocean madness, I'm just-” she begins.

“Weird?” You try to finish her sentence.

“Yes-wait no! I was gonna say funny, o-or something like you really think it's weird for someone to want to get married?” She suddenly asked.

For a moment you don't respond, rather you let that question settle into your mind for a moment as you may have set foot on a metaphorical minefield, and you need to watch your step. You observe her as she does you, growing quiet as she awaits your response, you also notice a sudden change in her appearance. Her once vibrant pink flames have steadied, and slow, soft fire resembling the flame of low burning candles.Her frown evident, and her eyes wracked with worry.

“No, no you're not weird because you want to get married” you assure her.

“Why?” She asked clearly doubting you.

Crap! You didn't see this part coming, usually they'll buy that first line, and that's it. This girl is definitely smarter than she looks, and she looks really really good, which means she must be really, really, really smart.

“B-because well, isn't it natural to be joined together forever with the one you love the most?” You say.

The young girl quickly nods her head, the flames on her body growing.

“S-so naturally everyone would want to get married since it's the tradition that's made to do just that, or at the very least it's an extravagant promise two lovers make to always be together forever” you conclude.

“R-really? That's so wonderful! S-so do you want to get married too?” She suddenly asks.

“W-well maybe, but I still haven't decided on who I want to spend the rest of my life with” you explain.

“Well there's no need to to decide because your special someone is right here~!” She sings as she flew back, and suddenly illuminated in a wave of pink aura, fire, and electricity. While your body may have felt a tingling sensation all, it was your ship that was affected. All your electrical gadgets flashed to life alarming you of the anomaly you had already talked to for the past several minutes, and then everything went quiet.

“Whoa~ that made a lot more noise than I had thought” the Erumo stated.

“Oh crap!” You shout out as you run inside your ship to inspect the damage.

“Hey-hey can I take a peek inside too? More importantly can I take a peek at where you sleep?” She asked poking her head just outside the door leading towards the bottom level of your ship where the engine is located.

You don't respond, but instead you come back several minutes later with the worst possible thing that could happen to a modern man's ship.

“The engine's gone...I'm stuck here...” you mutter.

“Ooh~ sorry to hear that, but you know it's not all bad, at least you have a cute girl to pal around with right?” the Erumo assured.

“Well, this explains why all the ships have been disappearing, and surely the crew-members have met a watery end...” you realize.

“Hey~ you up there! We just wanna say thanks for sinking another ship for us! We really appreciate the new husbands! A random Mermaid cried out from the surface of the ocean just a few feet away from the boat.

“Oh~ be quiet! Those were all accidents, I didn't mean to sink those boats, and I only kept going because you guys keep taking everyone away!” The Erumo exclaimed flailing her arms, her pink flames glowing brighter, increasing in size, and blazing.

“So all of this was your fault” you put two, and two together equaling five...-four

“L-look I know it sounds like I'm some sort of devious villain whose sole purpose is to sink ships, and send men to their watery prison, or as we call it marriage, but it's not like it, you gotta believe me” the Erumo explained.

“...It's fine, I believe you” you mutter.

“R-really? Oh thank goodness, that's such a relief, but...why do you look so sad?” she asked.

“Because, I wasted this entire trip for nothing, here I thought a big mystery was in these waters, and I was gonna get famous, and rich discovering it, but here I find out that it wasn't even on purpose. I wasted my time, resources, and now I'm stranded. It's only a matter of time before I run out of food” you reply.

“That's so sad, I feel just awful now for getting your hopes up like there~ anything I can do to make it up to you?” the Erumo asked giving him a sensual pose and soft purr to her voice.

“It's alright, no need to do a thing, I just want to fish my next meal” you glumly replied as you pick up your dropped fishing rod.

“Hey that's a nifty thing you got there, I've seen it a couple times before” the Erumo said.

“Yeah, a fishing rod, if I can catch just one big fish out here, it could feed me for breakfast, lunch, and dinner” you explain.

“I always wanted to try one of you have another one?” She asked batting her eyes, and clasping her hands in a begging fashion.

“Yeah, sure, I'll teach you the basics, and who knows, we might get lucky this time. Wait right here while I get the other rod” you reply as you walk inside your houseboat to retrieve the second fishing pole.

"Oh~ don't get me excited, I never tried two rods at once you know~" the Erumo purred.

"Don't get carried away~ it's just another fishing rod" you explain as you retreat to the bottom of your boat and hear your new guest giggling to herself.

“Yes! It may not have started the way I wanted to, but this is nice too, just the two of us, I can see it now...” the Erumo excitedly whispered to herself, and suddenly the whole scene played out before her once more

Her mind wandered to wild fantasies playing out left and right until it settled on one particular scene...

“Double drat, and triple darn, I can't catch a thing” he'll exclaim as a temper tantrum quickly grows inside of him.

“That's okay, all you're missing is the 'magic touch'” I will say as I charge my line with my magnificent finger, and cast it out to sea.

Moments later something pulls at my line, and as I struggle to pull the fish up, he will come from behind, grabbing my chest, and stomach tight, and help me pull the fish out of the water, and onto the boat.

“A fish, a fish! Look I caught one, I couldn't do it without your help” I'll cheer.

“Help? I just had the sudden urge to wrap my arms around your body” he'll state.

“Oh my~ you naughty boy, but now that we have fish I can cook you up a delicious dinner” I'll assure him.

“Dinner can wait, right now all I want is you” he'll say.

Then he'll carry me like a newlywed towards his room, and put me to bed with him laying down on top of me.

“Yes, my body yearns to combine with yours” I'll moan.

“And mine wishes to do the same with yours, don't worry, I'll be gentle...for a short while” he'll whisper in my ear shivering me down to my loins.

Then we'll mate till the sun comes up...twice!

Her erotic fantasies fade away and she snaps back into attention.

“Yeah, this time it's a sure fire thing...” she quietly assures herself

“Finally a reaction, I was starting to think you were gonna zone out there forever” You reply standing next to her and holding a second fishing rod.

“H-huh what? Oh-gosh, how long were you standing there?” The Erumo asked, cheeks blushing in embarrassment.

“For a while now actually, you just sort of stared off into space for some time. Anyways I brought you your fishing pole, are you ready?” You ask.

“Am I ever!” she cries out.

Two hours later...

“This isn't at all as I imagined...” she grumbles.

“What are you talking about, I'm happy, we actually caught some food!” You reply excitedly at the thought of evading starvation.

Despite catching several fishes nothing erotic, or exciting had happened. It's as if sex and fishing don't go hand in hand, who knew?

“Well this was a bust, hey! I have an idea, want me to cook up the fish?” The Erumo asked.

“But everything I have is busted” you explain.

“*Ahem* you're looking at a girl that can do everything you want, and then some!” She declares her flames flashing brightly.

“Well I guess that's true, okay let's give it a shot, I'll get everything set up, wanna help?” You ask.

“Sure! After all I do still feel a little guilty for leaving you stranded like this” she answers.

“Oh yeah...” you mutter

In any case you bring a frying pan, some different type of seasonings, and something that won't catch fire to set the flame onto it.

“Okay so you just plop the fish there, and work your magic, and I'll work my magic keeping the fire going” she instructs as she rubs her hands together under the frying pan, and very suddenly her hands much like her wrists caught on fire, with the occasional electrical discharge.

“W-whoa that's hot, I can actually feel it, so can you actually change the temperature of your flames, or something?” You ask.

“Well sort of, I can make it so it doesn't burn whatever I want, nothing special” she explains.

“Really? I'm a little new to all of this so sorry if I'm a little confused, do you have a dial, or something I twist like my stove to help control it?” You ask.

“No, but I have other things I want you to twist on me” she hints.

“...So you really are mechanical?” You ask.

“(This guy is denser than a block of lead!)” The Erumo shouted in her thoughts. “No I'm not really, just a little inside joke that's all. So! Teach me how to cook too?” She asked.

“You want to learn how to cook?” You ask.

“Yeah I do, I want to dazzle everyone with my amazing cooking prowess, and wow them with a dish fit for royalty!” She shouts to the heavens.

“...I don't think I have enough talent to take you to that level...” you mutter.

“Don't worry about it, just give me the the way, is the fish suppose to look black like that?” She asked.

“What? Oh crap!” You shout as you pull the frying pan out of the girly pink flames.

A little too late unfortunately as the fish has long been burnt, the salt, and spices added to it merely shriveled it up to a crusty strip of it's former self. After a teary goodbye you take out a second fish, and plop that on the pan. As you do you give your guest your best tutorial explanation on the finer points of cooking like a single man when he has too much time and ingredients on his hands. After a time the meal was set, and you quickly enjoyed yourself.

“Hey aren't you going to eat too?” You ask puzzled.

“Oh~ it's okay, fish isn't my cup of tea...and tea isn't my cup of tea either...y-you know what I mean?” She responds.

“Well sort of I think, maybe you can fill me in?” You ask.

“Well in a sense, you're suppose to fill me, but I can wait...but not for long” she hints.

“That didn't explain anything...” you remind her.

“I'm getting to that geez, anyways I'm an Erumo something of a ball of energy in the most basic of basic sense” she poorly explains.

“So you're like ball lightning?” You ask.

“No, well maybe, I don't remember what I was before I took this form, the most I can tell you is, I came to be, and that's it” she simply explains.

“Still not helping, I have more questions than answers now!” You reply.

“Well it can't be helped, do I look like an encyclopedia to you? I just know what I am, is what I am, and what's that on your shirt?” she says pointing at your chest.

You look down only to have your chin gently smacked by her finger, laughter quickly fills your eardrums as you watch the Erumo hover in the hair clutching her stomach, and laughing.

“Hahaha~I can't believe you fell for the oldest trick in the book-hahaha-oh~I've been wanting to do that for such a long time” she laughs.

“...Well that was completely random...and you're enjoying this way too much” you say.

“There's never a random moment for a little fun you know” she declares.

“Well I guess being stranded here means we have all the time in the world to decide that...what's that look on your face?” You ask after seeing her smile widen, and something akin to mischief is becoming more, and more evident.

“Wha~t face, I have no~ idea what you're talking about-*snicker*” she nonchalantly sings.

“H-hey look at me when I'm talking to you” you ask.

She turns her head to stare at you, but she could only hold herself for so long before she's struck with a fit of giggles. Well that isn't ominous in the slightest...

You take the plates away to your sink, luckily the plumbing still works, and the water runs free, though you make quick work of it in order to save as much fresh water as possible. You go back outside to see your new acquaintance cross legged, and hovering...okay.

“So you're planning on staying?” You ask.

“I already told you, I feel bad for leaving you like this, besides you're the most fun I had since forever” she explains.

“Well what am I going to do with an otherworldly young woman made entirely of electrical energy” you wonder loudly to yourself.

“Oh I have a few ideas” she says with a lewd face.

“Oh I see where this is going...” you reply with a lewd face of your own.

Moments later...

“Do you have any sevens?” You ask.

“Go know, when I said I had a few ideas, this wasn't one of them” she mutters

“Well to be honest, I don't have a lot to do here, I have a few books, I guess...” you say.

“Quick question, you're single right?” She suddenly brings up.

“Yeah, I am, didn't have any interest in dating for a while, spent most of my time just looking up mysteries, and exploring, taking this boat out on a few trips, but nothing serious until now” you explain.

“Well do you want a...girlfriend now?” She asked.

“This conversation is heading towards the awkward phase” you realize.

“But it feels great to fall in love, and be loved in return” she says.

“Sounds like you're one of those hopeless romantics” you comment.

“Hey! There's nothing wrong with a little hope!” She shouts, the flames on her wrists, and ankles blazing, and growing.

“Okay, okay! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push a button I wasn't meant to-and that's a metaphor, I know you're not mechanical now!” You quickly apologize.

“ long as you understand...*phew~* well how about this then. Just hear me out, tomorrow morning I'll take you on a crash course on how it feels to have a girlfriend!” She suddenly plans your entire next day.

“W-what? So suddenly, don't you think we're taking things too quickly?” You ask.

“I think you're taking too long” she mutters.

“I didn't quite catch that” you reply.

“No~thing~-anyways it's gonna be fun, and if you do a good job I'll 'reward' you~” she promised.

“How can I do a good job of you showing me what having a know what? Forget it, I got nothing else going on around here, you got a deal, we'll play your you have any fives?” You ask.

“Yes, yes, yes! Just you wait it's gonna be your best day ever! And I'll finally have some food too!...Oh, I do have a five” the Erumo cheers as the two of you continued your game of 'Go Fish'.

Soon the night approaches, and exhaustion settles in, still before you tuck yourself to bed you look up at the stars, clear, and bright with no clouds to obscure them. They're a beautiful dazzling display of just how small we really are.

“I love looking at the stars above the clouds, sometimes they feel so close, and yet so far. Don't you wonder what's out there?” She asks.

“Sometimes, but I leave the hard thinking, and star gazing to the experts” you say.

“Well I guess that's okay too, so show me where the magic happens” she purrs.

“Ha, magic, there hasn't been any magic in that bed for quite a while, turns out not a lot of people care if you have a house boat, unless it's called a yacht” you say.

You lead her towards the other end of the boat where your bedroom is, next to the kitchen, and on your left is a small bathroom, and shower barely room for one. The bed itself was king sized, though it was passed down to you when you inherited the boat so you had no say in it.

“Wow, it's perfect!” She squeals as she hovers over it before slowly drifting down to one side of your bed. “Oh~ it's so soft, and the blankets feel nice too, come on, there's room for one more” she invites patting the open side next to her.

“Wait, we're sleeping together!?” You exclaim.

“No~ we're not 'sleeping' together, we're simply sleeping together, I waited a long time, I can wait a little more. Besides it's midnight, so technically the day for me to show you the wonders of having a girlfriend has already begun, and the first step is the wonderful feeling of waking up cuddled by your pretty girlfriend!” She already begins the days activities.

“I-I guess it's a are you not catching my blankets on fire?” you mutter.

“I told you I can control it...unless you want me to catch them on fire, if it'll get your rocks off then I can-” she begins.

“That won't be necessary, and it's not gonna get my 'rocks off'” you quickly interrupt as you pull the blankets, and settled to the far side of your bed, only to have the Erumo scoot herself over to your side clasping your arm, and nuzzling your back.

“Like this, couples are suppose to be all clingy like this every night, besides I'm a lot warmer than a blanket, and I can get us all nice, and toasty for the night-oh! And I can do this-” she says before sending a quick painless jolt of electricity tickling your arm.

“H-haha-t-that won't be necessary, okay. I-I guess we'll go to sleep goodnight?” You start.

“Turn yourself over, and face me too, you gotta do some of the work as well” she instructs.

“L-like this?” You ask as you turn on your left, and face her shining purple eyes staring at you.

“Yeah, just like that, let me hold you by your chest, and rest my head there too, and you put your arms around me to keep me close” she whispers.

You do as she asked, her flaming wrists, and ankles settling to slow embers as you find your eyes grow heavy with sleep.

“Much better...mmm~goodnight” she murmurs as she falls asleep.

While you still feel a little weird to be cuddling with someone you just met it doesn't feel fact it feels really nice, she really does feel soft, warm, and toasty, and you feel something else about her you don't entirely understand. Maybe being stranded won't be so bad after all.
Aurora of The Seas Finale: Erumo
Spoiler: show
You slept like a log, surprising seeing as how at first the gentle motion your houseboat rocking back and forth along the ocean kept you awake through most nights. Tonight though, felt especially comforting, but you don't want to attribute it to your new guest just yet, though it is a possibility. However; once you open your eyes waking up, you find yourself alone in your room...was it all just a dream? You sluggishly roll over to the side of the bed where she had been laying, and find it strangely warm to the touch. I suppose this means it wasn't a dream, but just to confirm your suspicions you could faintly hear a soft humming mixed with several of your kitchenware clanking together, and soon your nostrils picked up the aroma of food cooking.

“(I suppose this is part of her game too isn't it)” You thought to yourself as you recall the conversation you had with her last night.

She wanted to show you the wonders of having a romantic partner, so for the whole day she would give you the grand tour of being in a relationship. And since you had nothing else to do, and she seemed like a nice enough girl, you accepted. You stretch your arms, and once out of bed get to work stretching your legs, and walk towards your tiny bathroom. Looking in your medicine cabinet mirror, your eyes widen as you gasp loudly as the thing being reflected back is you, yet something was completely off. Your skin, and hair were white, even your lips. Your nostrils begin to tickle causing you to sneeze, and suddenly you're coated in puffy clouds of white grain that gently fall to the floor. You quickly realize your situation.

“(Flour...I've been 'antiqued'...gee I wonder who?)” Your thoughts sarcastically muse

A loud, poorly stifled giggle was heard from inside your bedroom, you turn around, and find your Erumo guest hovering inches above your bed cross-legged, mouth covered by both her hands hiding a wide smile of accomplishment. Oh, and something else...

“W-where's the rest of your clothing!” You cry out.

“Huh? Well it's not meant for the kitchen, and I didn't want it to get dirty, it's my only dress, and then I remembered a couple of mermaids talking about how they would just wear this when serving their husbands breakfast! What do you think?” The Erumo asked floating upright from her cross-legged position so you can better see her get up. Which wasn't saying much, all she had on was your apron, reaching just below her crotch. Her hips, shoulders, and the sides of her breasts clearly showing, thanks to the thin straps, and overall narrow design of your apron. Admiring the attention you've been giving her as you gawk at her lack of shame she slowly turned herself around allowing you to see the rest of her. She was completely naked from the back, allowing you to see her slender feminine form in more detail, though you were more interested in her butt clearly showing. Firm, round, and appearing soft to the touch, she suddenly stopped her twirling, turning around with a lewd smile, and narrow eyes, cheeks blushing red.

“Like what you see?” She moans

You sputter out a response, but your mouth might as well be full of peanut butter, as you suddenly found conversation to be a difficult process. The Erumo giggled at your response, taking your gibberish as a yes, and twirled herself so she could face you directly, but not before you were able to snap a mental picture of her rear, and save it in your 'dat ass' section of your brain. You snap out of your trance, and find your ability to speak has returned once again.

“How does a girl who spends all of her life floating in the oceans know a prank like this?” You asked as you grabbed a nearby towel attempting to scrub off the remaining clinging flour.

“When you have nothing else to do besides sunbathing, and flying, you find yourself thinking of ways to have fun with that special someone.” She replies, removing her hands from her mouth revealing her grin to the world...mostly you.

“*Sigh* well I suppose lowering my guard around you was a mistake, but right now I'm wondering what that nice smell has to do with your little game right?” You ask.

“Oh! You noticed? Well you're right, having a loving partner means waking up to their delicious breakfast! I was gonna give you a morning kiss, but I thought filling your stomach was more if I kissed you, I might have lost control of my urges, and mounted you then, and there...” She explains, muttering that last part.

“That last know what, never mind I'm too hungry to care. So what are we having for breakfast?” You ask.

“Well I've prepared for you some healthy grilled fish with some juice I found, I'll be waiting for you outside, hurry back...darling-*giggle*!” She tells you as she floats down to ground level to walk herself out.

Of course she could have just hovered out, but you quickly realize what she was trying to do. With her back to you leaving your room she purposefully sways her hips back, and forth as she saunters away, teasing you with her butt, and giving you some eye candy before breakfast. She turns around one last time with a mischievous grin, and a quick wink of her eye, and she is out of sight.

“...I think this calls for a cold shower...” You mutter to yourself.

Ah~ that shower was...excruciating, but you're wide awake. You quickly don some casual wear and head outside where a small portable table awaits you near the bow of your ship, your Erumo pretend girlfriend for the day stands beside it.

“I worked really hard on it! I hope you like it!” She cheers.

“T-thanks I will,” you assure her as you were caught off guard by her bright, and happy demeanor.

Looking at the dish it looks awfully plain, but then again you don't have much to work with in the first place, and it does looks properly cooked. You take a nearby knife, and fork, and cut away at a piece of fish, the Erumo leans in close to your personal space wanting to get a better look. You glance at her, seeing a glimmer of hope, and excitement in her eyes. You place the food to your mouth, and begin chewing, the Erumo gasps softly as she awaits her praise.

“...Not bad for your first time,” you compliment.

“Really!? You like it?” She asks.

“W-well yeah, I know you don't have much to work with, but it's cooked well enough to eat, you put a little too much spice in it, but I can still taste the fish. I guess, so yeah good job” You critique.

“Y~eah!” She cries out leaping into the air, doing a little victory dance in the process.

“Come on, it's not that big a deal-” you begin.

“But it is! Do you have any idea how nervous I was making you all this!? I mean, this was my first time, and I didn't want to screw anything up, especially when I've come so far, but hearing that you like my cooking is such a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!” She exclaims.

“Well there's always room for improvement, but I always give credit where credit is due,” you assure her.

“So how does it feel? Do you taste the love I put in it? Because in a relationship that's super important too!” She asks.

“Love? I-well yeah you worked really hard on it, but I don't know how you're suppose to taste the love” you explain.

“Aw~ well...maybe I shouldn't have expected you to understand after just your first day, but trust me it's there, and once you realize it, you'll find that a meal especially one made by your soulmate tastes much more exquisite!” She assures you.

“Well if you say so, so what else do you have planned for us today?” You ask as you continue to feast on your food.

“Well couples always like to play games together, and we have to get to know each other more too, a-and maybe tonight I can get you even more comfortable in bed” She schedules the day.

“Play games? What did you have in mind?” You ask curious as to what she has in store.

“...I dunno? What do you have?” She asks you instead.

“(So in the end I'm the one who has to do the work?)” You thought to yourself. “Hang on, let me see what my grandpa left for me” You say heading towards a wooden trunk beside the boat, and attached to the wall. “Don't expect much though, my grandpa was a pretty serious businessman, how do you think he got the money for this boat?” You call out as you open the trunk, only to be left dumbfounded at it's contents.

A mat for playing 'Twister', a deck of cards for drinking games, promising most of it's dares were made for sexual conduct, a stack of pornographic magazine of both human women, and monster girls, several naughty toys all spread out randomly, rope which you're certain was not meant for the boat, and a large bottle of some strong liquor still more than half full.

“(Grandpa what the hell!)” Your thoughts scream as images of your grandfather using these to entertain his guests engulfs your brain...and suddenly you just traumatized yourself.

“What's in the box?” The Erumo speaks out from behind you.

You scream out in some strange foreign language in panic, and attempt to shut the trunk, but the Erumo quickly keeps it open, and peers inside.

“Wow~ look at all these games! You're grandpa must have been a fun guy!” She squeals with joy looking at his inventory.

“Please no more! I'm already in enough mental anguish as it is!” You cry out.

“O-oh? Okay~ about you show me how to play with this? I like the colored dots on it.” She asks pulling out the mat for 'Twister'.

“Fine-okay-anything to rid me of these mental images!” You moan out loud.

After some more rummaging through the trunk you find the little spinner thing, and find a nice flat surface of the boat to set the mat up.

“Okay so we spin this thing, and we have to do the action for whatever color, and body part it lands on. Whoever falls over first loses” you explain the rules.

“What does the winner get?” She asks.

“The winner...wins” you say.

“That's bor~ing, let's make it interesting” she hints.

“...I'm listening” you murmured.

“If I win, you have to give me a massage, I can tell a game like this can be a real strain on the muscles” she says.

“Fair enough, and if I won't prank me when I wake up in the morning” you say.

“...Okay~ I promise...” she says.

“...Look me in the eyes when you say that” you reply.

“Let's just play already I'm getting all excited!” She squeals.

“Fine, fine, but can you at least change out of my apron, and put on your dress?” You ask.

“Well~ I kind of feel really comfy wearing this, and besides, do you really want me to put on more clothes?” She teases.

“I..uh, well, you know what? Fine, stay like that, let's just play, I'm gonna enjoy beating you later” you say.

“Oh~ confident? I like that in a man, okay you're on, just remember to be gentle with me once 'I' win!” The Erumo states, returning your banter.

Well this turned out, just about as accurately as you expected, the first couple of minutes were no problem, your temperature was normal, your heart rate was average, your brain was thinking logically, and your manhood was behaving. Of course this is just one of those cases where the inevitable was just around the corner...

“*Ungh~ I didn't even know my body could pretzel like this...okay, spinner says...*-spin-*...right hand blue for you” the Erumo instructs.

“ are you spinning that thing, I can't see you behind me like this,” you ask.

“I'm zapping it, just a weak little jolt to keep it moving” she explains.

“That explains the smell of burning plastic” you realize.

“Can't be helped” she tells you.

The Erumo's body was bent into an arc shape face down, her arms crossed, and her legs spread as she struggled to keep this stance until her turn was next, as you are now, you are on all fours face down as well, but your position felt much more stable even if one of your legs was sandwiched between the Erumo's thighs on your right. You scan the pad looking for a blue dot that your hand could reach, and at last found it...only problem was the obstacle in between, the Erumo's supple breasts still keeping their firm, round shapes despite the lack of any bra. You think that maybe, just maybe you can snake your hand just under them without touching them, but man if a part of you didn't just want to accidentally brush against them even for a second, just to cop a feel. You attempt to snake your way under her, and slap the blue dot with your palm, with room to spare, but if you lift your elbow up just slightly you will end up nestling your forearm between her breasts, and yet keeping your arm straight in the position you are in is already causing tension.

“Mmm~ something tells me you were waiting for a move like that” the Erumo teases you with a hushed lusty whisper.

“J-just spin the wheel,” you stutter.

“Anything for you~,*-spin-*...oh! Left hand green! Well, well, well I see you, you little scamp, an~d got you!” She exclaims planting her left hand firmly on the green dot. As she leans her body slightly to her left, her breasts lightly rub against your arm sending you waves of tingling feelings you figure is coming from her natural flowing energy, and the other half is your natural response to feeling a pair of soft, warm feminine cushions touching your skin.

Another spin of the wheel, and it ends with you having to move your left hand on red, again you scan the mat, but to your dismay there is not a single red dot within your reach behind, to your left, or in front of you, and in yet another strange coincidence there just happens to be a red dot a few inches next to her. You lean your body closer, and with heavy strain you manage to grasp the dot with your fingertips, you are now cheek to cheek with her pretty face, rubbing against her soft, smooth skin as both of you struggle to keep your balance.

“This is a lot of fun isn't it?” She asks, turning her head to face you.

“It'll be even more fun once I win” you remind her.

Her eyes pierce into yours as she casually spins her next turn.

“Oh~ what's this? Right leg red? Well I just so happen to see a spot right over there...” she hints, her voice sounds too calm, to confident.

“Over where?” You ask.

Her eyes narrow to a gaze easily recognizable as one of lust. She's obviously planning something, but you don't know what, and in your position you were unable to tilt your head to look at what she may do, but those eyes of hers, the teasing smile, the sudden licking of her lips, you'd be lying if you said it didn't excite you in the slightest. Then you felt something rub against your crotch, the stimulation, and the sudden ticklish jolt of pleasure shook your body for only a second, but in that one second your hands slipped, and you collapsed on the mat defeated.

“I win, I win!” she screams in victory.

“Hey, that was foul play” you say.

“What? I was just putting my my foot on the dot, whatever I just happen to brush along the way was merely the way, you were already excited before I even touched you so there” she says with a confident nod.

“F-fine, you win, and I am a man of my do you want this to play out?” You ask.

“Well~ the bed seems like the obvious choice don't you think?” She asks.

“So you want this done now?” You ask.

“Why are you so hesitant to touch a beautiful woman?” She teases.

“I-I'm not, well I am, I just...look, it's kind of hard to explain, but basically, people...normal people can be very reluctant to just follow their urges, sexual urges included. We... As in humanity as a whole, are just very social creatures, we love talking, getting to know each other, all that good stuff. Then after some time, when we feel like we can trust a certain someone, we expose ourselves, we let loose all of our defenses, and reveal ourselves in our most...I guess vulnerable state, and experience something like that with someone after getting to know them better. Having learned so much about each other, it adds to the enjoyment, that's really...uh, good...yeah” you attempt to explain.

“Wow~ I'm a little surprised at how much you know about this” she replies, slightly taken aback

“No-no not really, I was just rambling, and besides it's more opinion than anything, I mean someone else could just tell you to drink a couple of shots, and that works just as well” you explain.

“Well, I'm going to enjoy getting to know each other more, and we can start by showing you where I'm most sensitive, is that what you meant by...revealing ourselves?” She asks.

“I-well, yeah, I suppose it's something like that, but this is just a back rub, nothing special, why don't we just leave it at that for now” you suggest.

“I suppose I don't mind, but will you be able to behave yourself? Because if I feel just a tiny bit of want, and desire from you, I won't hesitate to take advantage of that” she warns with lewd whisper.

“Well this is an interesting side of you, you're just full of surprises aren't you?” You say.

“*Giggle* I guess I am, I can't wait for you to find more of my 'surprises'” she hints.

She circles around you, her dainty finger touching your chest, and cheek before making her way towards your bedroom.

“(...Damn it boner we almost had it)” you scold yourself as you trudge inside.

You find her on your bed face down, a towel under her, and now completely nude, if she could just spread her legs a few inches you might see everything.

“Do you have any lotion, or anything?” She asks.

“Well, I have sunblock, if it's any help” you answer.

“Yeah, sure put it on” she invites.

You find the bottle and climb into bed, crouching to your knees to her left side.

“You know, even though this is because of a bet, it's still really sweet of you to do this for me” she thanks you, her head leaning on her arms, allowing her to cast a sideways glance back at you.

You can't help, but smile, while she seems to be a bit of a perv and prankster she can still be pretty nice at times.

“Well, okay I'm gonna start now” you tell her.

Putting a dab of lotion in your hands you place them just below her shoulders, and you feel her body shiver at your touch.

“C-cold!” She squeaks.

“S-sorry, just bear with it for a second later” you apologize.

You gently rub at her back up, and down in slow strokes, you're not too familiar about the art, or skill of massaging so you are a tad nervous, but eventually her squeaks of shock from the cold lotion turn to moans of pleasure.

“Y-yeah~ you're getting better fast, mmm~” she moans.

Your turn your attention lower, now moving along the curves of her hips, along the way you are heavily tempted to move your hands along her breasts pressed onto your bed. Your fingers already lingering just above them before you stop yourself, and continue forward, or rather downward. Moving towards her hips your hands gliding across her curves, feeling her soft and warm skin and a sudden gasp later you felt a jolt in your palms.

“W-whoa what the-” you remark.

“*Gasp*-sorry-*pant*-when you touch a sensitive spot I just react like that, but it doesn't hurt I promise, please. Keep touching my body” she moaned.

“Um, you know I'm almost done right?” You ask.

“Oh, just a little more, please? If you do, I'll return the favor” she promises.

“W-well, okay then” you mutter.

Wait, did you just agree to grope someone you just met? Then again looking at her more closely you're surprised you kept yourself together for so long, but you still had control, no pent up desires, or pheromones no matter how strong you feel them-dat ass! Your penis took control of your thoughts as her towel suddenly slipped off.

You train of thought gets cut off as you see the object of your secret desire! She's been teasing you all morning, defensive parameters have been breached the mass of perverted senses are surging through your mind, she did say lower right? Wait, restrain yourself, you're just doing this to get her to relax, it's not like you're doing this because you want to grope her, but if you just happen to enjoy it that's only natural right?

Shaking the rambling thoughts out of your mind you lower your palms slowly, and then you felt them, and then you felt the jolts less than a second later, as she moaned her loudest yet. You keep your hands pressed on her butt squeezing and rubbing them in round motions, but something is off. Her jolts have become consistent, as you rub, and massage her, even after moving lower to her thighs, and ankles, her breathing keeps grows deeper, and the jolts appear to be flowing into your hands and up to your forearms. To add to the strangeness the jolt is creating a weird reaction in your nerves. You find your hands to be overly sensitive all of a sudden causing you to let out a sudden gasp of your own. As you move to her ankles and feet you feel a burst of pleasure you can only describe as something akin to stroking an erogenous zone. Her jolts have suddenly affected your sense of touch, and you think you know what she's trying to do...

“H-hey, my hands feel weird...don't tell me this how you feel right now?” You ask as your breathing suddenly grew heavy, your manhood rock hard, and your body heat growing from simply touching her.

“Oh~hm~yes, it's not-*gasp*-as strongly as what I-*ah~*-I'm feeling, just a little t-taste-oh gods-*ah-ah~*c-cumming~!” She screams in ecstasy, her body tenses up, she lifts her head up as she cries out from the immense pleasure she was denied for so long until now.

If only she had left you any warning sooner you might have released her, but as she rode her orgasm, and you still having your hands on her ankles your body was force fed a large dosage of her energy. Your body began to vibrate your nerves tingled, body flushed and even sweating as you shared in her orgasm before slumping down beside her panting almost as heavily as she was.

“I-I thought you only affected machines, and stuff” you mutter.

She twists her body, and lays herself on top of you, just as the tingling in your body stopped.

“I like to spread the love around wherever I can, especially when it's a cute man like yourself” she teases.

“H-hey this is turning into something more than just a massage” you mumble.

“I know, isn't it exciting?” She asks.

“Rushed would be a better word for it” you reply.

“Come on, don't you feel it? The atmosphere, the body excited, and needing a release?” She purrs as she strips you of your clothes

“I-I thought you already did that?” You say as you suddenly found her shocking fingertips touch, and rub at your chest.

“Not mine, I meant yours...I-I need you to release inside of me” her sudden teasing turned to a soft plea.

“I-I don't understand, why do you sound so worried?” You ask.

“It's not really hard to understand really, you haven't seen me eat have you, and I bet you're wondering what my diet is?” She asked.

“Well I'm not that stupid, I have some idea, and now that I think about it...oh man, when was the last time you...ate?” You ask.

She doesn't answer, rather squeezes you tighter in her embrace, and averts her eyes away from you.

“*Sigh* I think I get the message, and now you have me worried. I-if you need to...feed, then okay, we can do it, but it's not like I'm doing this because I'm a pervert, or anything!” Your tsundere is showing.

“Really? Wow, that's, that's really sweet, I-I promise I'll make it feel as pleasant as possible, and now I can show you how a lover's three bases feels like” she hints.

Your mouth was suddenly being used to lock lips with the Erumo, who pushed herself onto you. The small bedroom quickly becomes drenched with the sloppy sounds of erotic tongues dancing in a fit of sudden passion, only interrupted by soft whispers for more attention. Her hands reach behind your head, gently pulling you closer to her. As if things weren't feeling odd enough you felt a familiar tingle on your lips, and tongue, the Erumo's giggling muffled by your kissing, but you might have some idea of what's going on by the faint glow under your nose. Suddenly you felt an intense feeling of pleasure as her influence invaded your mouth, her tongue sending waves of shocking bliss to even your teeth. She pulls away from the kiss much to your dismay, her tongue licking the tip of your nose, and sending a love zap in the process.

“How was it?” She purrs.

“My mouth is all tingly” You reply unable to word it better as your brain is currently on hold, and the boner in your pants is assuming direct control.

“*Giggle* told you~ and this is only the beginning, ready for second base?” She whispers in your ear, even her breath holds a gentle spark of excitement sending your body into a brief shudder.

She sits upright on top of you, her hands gently squeezing her breasts together.

“Come on now, I know you've wanted to feel me up, what are you waiting for?” She teases.

You know she's baiting you, but seeing as your brain has been usurped by your genitals you really don't care at this point, your hands reach out to her welcomed bosom, and upon contact your sense of touch has been overwhelmed with feelings of softness, warmth, and that familiar ticklish zap, that magnified the deep pleasure of fondling her perfect breasts.

“O-oh my-that tickles-*giggle* I'll let you play with them some more” she sighed showing her enjoyment.

She dropped her hands and pressed her chest onto your palms giving you full access, you can feel her hardening nipples poke at your palms as you rub her breasts up and down. They fit almost perfectly in your hands, you squeeze and give them a slight tug, each little squeak and moan she lets out causing your manhood to twitch in response as if impatiently wanting to get it over with and just fuck her already.

It isn't quite enough for you, you are almost concerned you are getting addicted, but you don't care, reaching out closer to her you moved your head closer to her right breast, and began teasing it with your mouth, and tongue.

“Oh~ there, th-that feels so good, how did you find my weakness so quickly? Ah~” she moan in pleasure.

You continue groping, and licking, occasionally flicking at her nipples eliciting a yelp of lust until she once again move herself out of your reach. You feel her hand against the back of your head pushing you and you take this time to suckle on her nipple causing her loudest moan yet, you feel dampness on your stomach where she's currently sitting and take it as a sign she's really getting off on this.

“Oh, god I'm so horny, It's time for third base, but first let me get you lubed up-*giggle*” She teased as she slowly crawled her way lower to your crotch, at this point you weren't even slightly reluctant to stop her.

She stares at your erection solid as a rock, her warm breath causing it twitch with anticipation, just begging for attention. She notices this, and looks up at you, a smile on her face. Oh no, you hate it when she smiles like that.

“Oh~ sounds like someone is eager, bet you want me to grab it, squeeze it perhaps? So many options to choose from, I can't decide” she says.

She looks back at your member, her left hand getting closer, and closer before she moves it away, apparently changing her mind. Then she moves herself more upright so she could sandwich your dick between her breasts, but once again she pulls away, giving you a wink.

“You tease...” you groan your annoyance.

“Sorry, sorry, just messing with you one last time, now then~ ah~” she assures you as she opens her mouth wide, and goes straight for the blowjob.

How you didn't cream yourself from the instant surge of pleasure hitting you like a ton of bricks is beyond you, but even if you didn't ejaculate you were already feeling close to climaxing. You tilt your head forward, and see her staring back at you; her eyes shine like purple pearls, her cheeks flushed red as she bobs her head up and down. As she continues you're wondering why you haven't felt that tingling jolt that sends your sense of touch over the edge, she's probably trying to keep you from climaxing so you can enjoy it longer...except it doesn't last any longer. Her mischievous side rears it's ugly head once more and suddenly your dick is bombarded with a strong jolt. You let out an involuntary groan of satisfaction as you unload everything you've had in stock over the past week. You clench the bedsheets until your knuckles turn white, and thrust your hips forwards forcing your cock deeper into her throat. She gives out a muffled wet cough, but keeps it in her mouth as you continuously orgasm straight into her throat. Like adding fuel to the fire her flames circling her wrists, and ankles flared up, her body giving off a faint glow as she continued to milk you for every drop.After what feels like an eternity you are spent, you collapsed on the bed taking in heavy breaths as she slowly, very slowly pulls pulled her mouth off of your member. You are already missing the feeling of her warm, wet mouth.

“Mmm~*giggle* oh~ it's tickling my throat, and making my tummy all warm. You're a great taste” she compliments

You cannot respond as you struggle to breathe normally, but apparently you aren't going to get the chance as she draws herself up, and you once again felt something moist, and hot rub at your flaccid member.

“Come on~*gasp* get hard for me again-oh~ I want to cum so badly~” she moans grinding herself on you attempting to get you hard.

I'm spent, I don't I-I~ what the?” You mutter as you look up, and see her glowing once again.

While her body may have started glowing the real light show was surrounding her pussy, and suddenly you felt the full force of her energy all directed to your crotch. This was different than the several times she had done this before, for one it was brighter, but the most obvious difference was that it was much, much stronger. After such a large helping of spirit energy she must be surged with new found power as you quickly found yourself on the brink of collapsing from sheer desire. Your cock despite just cumming was now standing tall in attention, and ready for more. The Erumo was giddy with excitement, as she propped herself up just above your cock.

“Hey~ you know, I-I um really like you, w-would you mind if we do this again? Like you know, as a couple? I-I know we just met, and all, b-but I just thought...” she says.

“(Well hell yeah baby let's fuck!)” Your penis is ready to respond, but your brain makes one ditch effort to take back control, and you stop yourself from saying that, to think clearly.

While for the most part she was very forward, almost to the point that you could call it forced, but you can't help, but believe that maybe she was doing this for a good cause. She's a tad eccentric, and is constantly doing things without your consent, but you don't mind a free spirit like that...for the most part. Her little pranks seem awfully annoying, but you doubt you'll be getting any broken bones out of them, and maybe once she grows, and matures she'll grow out of it...but maybe not. While you're not truly feeling love, you do feel hers for you, it kind of makes you all warm, and happy inside. Maybe you can't accept her strong feelings, but she fascinates you to no end, there's so much you can learn about her, and you feel like you've only scratched the surface.

“I can't accept your feelings, not entirely but I don't want to be apart from you just yet...I-I want to get to know you more. After this, let's go on a date...” you whisper between deep breaths.

You can't return her feelings, not entirely, in your hazy state of mind you remember that old saying, something about 'meeting half way'?

She gives you this sad smile, you almost feel like she'll burst into tears any second, but it never comes, rather she collects herself rather quickly.

“...Well, that's okay. I'm still happy you're thinking about me, about us...I hope you don't mind if I'm a bit of a screamer...” she hints.

And with that alert she plunges herself straight onto your stiff cock screaming a high pitched yelp of eroticism. Over her loud screaming you barely hear something else in the background, a crackling of some kind, but you're too engrossed in the sudden sensation to think clearly again. The two of you stay still, gasping for breath, suffering from first contact're pretty sure that's a real thing here. The Erumo smiles gently, a single tear of joy escapes her eye as she leans forward slightly, planting her hands on your bare chest to keep herself steady, guess in her current euphoric state she forgot she could escape the laws of physics, and simply hover. She started to lift her hips upwards, but the more your cock moved inside her even as she is pulling out the more it pleasures her further, and once she quickly lowers herself again it is the same as before, a loud scream, and that strange crackling noise. She pauses taking in deep breaths, her eyes lidded as she looks at you, her body glowing both with sweat and an otherworldly pink light.

“*Ha~ha~oh~* I-I guess it has been-*ah*- a body is all tingly, I can feel everything inside me, rubbing at my-*ah~* c-can you help me?” She breathes.

Well what kind of man would you be if you didn't do your part? You nod to her, and extend your arms grabbing her hips, you notice your body is also shaking a bit, but you don't concern yourself. You lift your head forward, the process suddenly much more difficult. Once within reach she extends her own arms towards you, wrapping you in a tight hug between her bosom, her skin hot, slick, and sweaty against your cheek. You lift her upwards, and plunge her down with your own strength until she is ready to piston herself on you. She yelps, and moans almost as loudly as the wet slopping noise of your sex, but out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of what was making that crackling noise. A single jolt of lightning pink in color appeared then disappeared in mid-air, while you're no scientist you take a guess, and assume this is the Erumo's doing. Again you felt to good to care and continue guiding her up and down your shaft.

“Oh! Yes, yes, yes! Keep fucking me! Till my pussy goes numb!” She cries out as you increase the pace.

Her body continues to glow a soft pink, and once again you take notice of her crotch area now slightly a blaze with electromagnetic energy. You continue to pound into her without rest, her pussy walls clenching themselves tightly around your cock, and combined with her energy threatens to nearly blank out your mind with erotic pleasure.

“E-easy-with-the-electri-city!” You pant between each thrust in, and out of her.

“I'm in paradise now~ this is bliss~ I think I'm continuously cumming! More, more~” she moans.

Speaking of cumming, you feel yourself getting close too, you notice the room around you began to light up like an overly pink light show with your sex partner being the source.

“I'm so close, I'm gonna-” you groan.

“Me too! Me too! I wanna cum together!” She shouts.

She thrusts as deeply as your cock can penetrate, and she shouts at the top of her lungs as you experience the strongest orgasm of the night. Suddenly a bright flash momentarily blinds you, you shield your eyes, but the activity was so strong you felt it to your very bones. An extremely fast moving pulse engulfs your body, rattling the junk on your shelves, and even rocking your boat, the light still consistently bright. Eventually the light began to dim, but your body was too exhausted to even allow you to open your eyes to investigate, rather you fall back on your bed. Seconds later you feel her soft body land on your chest. You sigh to yourself, one of satisfaction rather than disappointment as you reach a tired hand, and search for her head with your eyes closed. Once you find her mop of hair you gently pet her, causing a soft giggle from the Erumo. You finally manage to open your eyes, your vision blurry, and out of focus, but a quick shake, and a couple rapid blinks, and you find your sight back. The sight of the Erumo, meets your gaze , her face just inches away, her eyes shut, but her mouth is smiling widely, her hands balled into little fists playfully rub at your chest. You can't help, but chuckle at such an adorable sight, and to think just moments ago this cutie was fucking your brains out.

You look across your room, several objects on the floor, the medicine cabinet in your bathroom was forced open spilling some of it's contents onto your sink, but the strangest of all was that soft pink glow coming from your window. You tilt your head up, but from your angle you couldn't make out what was making that glow, but from the way the Erumo's eye's were dazzling as she too looked out the window you could tell something is out there. It took you literally minutes to simply sit up from your bed, and stand up, reason one being your recent sexcapade used up most of your energy, and reason two was the Erumo herself, who refused to let go of you.

“I'm tired, and my body won't move~ carry me outside~ carry me now~” she moans, and begs pawing at your chest.

After a brief bout of stumbling the two of you totter out of the room with a dry thick blanket keeping the two of you warm from the chilly night sky. You holding her across her shoulder while she nuzzled, and cuddled at your chest, and hugged your waist never loosing her sheepish smile.

Once outside you were met with an outstanding sight. Above your heads dancing in the sky a long aurora stream stretches into the distance, glowing many shades of pink, and purple. You are pretty certain you're nowhere near a sight where an aurora can form naturally, but you only have to glance at the girl staring up at the sky with you to know where it came from.

“It's so pretty~” she squealed in astonishment.

“Yes, it's very beautiful, and it's one of those things that makes you so fascinating to me” you reply.

She blushes at your comment, and nuzzles herself closer to you, you in return gently hold her tighter. The two of you remain quiet, preferring the warmth, and company while the spectacle in the night sky continues to shine for another half hour before it eventually fades from obscurity as the morning sun pokes at the horizon only moments away from ascending across the sky to radiate the morning light of a new day.

“*Yawn~ I'm feeling kind of sleepy now~” the Erumo yawns.

“Me too, same as last night?” You ask.

“You know you loved it” she teases.

“*Heh* in my defense we have a natural want to cuddle in our sleep...and yeah you're pretty cuddly when you can be” you explain poorly

She giggles at that, and the two of you return back inside the boat, along the way you pass the helm of the ship, switched off after your maintenance failed. She looks at it with a feeling of guilt shown on her face, but you pat her head.

“It'll be alright, so long as we have some fish, and water we can just wait it out until another boat comes” you assure her.

You casually fuck about with the controls not expecting anything to happen, but giving her a quick explanation in what they all did before you hit the sack.

“Then there's this, you gotta turn it with the key jammed inside” you explain turning the ignition.

A loud spurting was heard, and suddenly the engine roar to life much to your massive shock. The boat stays in place though only because you had it set in neutral.

“H-how, I-I thought-there's no way...” you stutter.

You turn to the Erumo who has as much of a clue as you did, and simply shrugs her shoulders.

“This is too amazing! I have to know why, but right now I just want to get out of here. I can study this better at my place” you say.

“Aw~ you mean we aren't going to sleep together?” She sounds disappointed.

“...You know, I guess a quick rest might be best, it's dangerous to work a boat when you're on the brink of collapsing” you are convinced as you shut off the engine, and keep the throttle on neutral.

“So if you're leaving, does that mean we'll have to say good-bye soon?” She suddenly asked. A hint of dread in her tone.

She has a look of grave worry and squeezes you tighter, she doesn't want to let you go, but you're also sure she won't fight against you leaving her either...

“We won't be saying good-bye, you're coming with me to my house aren't you? It's a small cottage near the beach, i-if you want you can crash at my place if you have nowhere else to go, and I can tell you don't” you invite.

She gasps, her eyes beaming, and her smile wide as she quickly jumps up to hug, and kiss you. You enjoy her lips meeting yours, but you gently pull away as her tongue soon comes into play.

“S-sorry, but there's no way I can go another round with you for a bit” you explain.

“I don't mind doing all the work this time~” she purrs.

“You're insatiable, besides I bet you're more exhausted than I am” you reply.

“I am-*yawn~*-...maybe a little” she answers.

“See? Come on, let's get some shut eye, but first let me show you this little radio I have here. It plays music being broadcasts to large areas of land, and sea. Did you know that couples would have whole songs dedicated to their love? Like the song that played when they first met, or kissed?” You explain.

“Oh~? The student became the teacher? Man I'm good” she says.

“*Chuckle* I've been kinda knowing that already you know” you explain.

“Do couples have a song for when they first fuck?” She asked.

“Well sure, any special moment a song has played in a relationship is special to the couple, how about whatever song that plays when I turn it on, that will be our song” you suggest.

She nods excitedly, as you turn to the radio box, and click it on.

*Click*-We're whalers on the moon-*click*

You quickly turn it off, the Erumo tilts her head to the side confused by your action.

“W-why don't we wait until morning for that shall we?” You ask.

You know this isn't gonna score you any fame, or recognition, rather you would say this was an entire waste of time, but the Erumo choosing to stay with you is proving that this waste of time wasn't such a waste after all. To you she was a curiosity, a mystery in, and of itself both personally, and physically, but the scientific method can only go so far. You already plan a few dates in your head, as questions buzz around your thoughts. Are there any long lasting side effects to being exposed to her? Can she manipulate her energy to both dismantle, and charge machines to life? Can she give birth?

You shake your head at that last question, but it keeps popping back into your head, quickly becoming the most important question you can think of. In due time, you think to yourself.
What's Not To Lichen Part 1: Lichen
Spoiler: show
Another boring day, turned into a dull night. You shut off the computer just as your clock strikes two in the morning. Life becomes pretty mundane for a shut in sometimes, but you can't help it; you weren't the type to make friends easily... or perhaps you were just too picky?

As you drag your feet across your carpet to your bed, you turn to your left and find your bookcase full of worn books, and comics of all kinds. One hard-covered book always sticks out from the rest. Taller and thinner than most, it is usually the first thing to catch your eye, but the last thing you pick up. Something about tonight though makes you want to grab it. Just a peek before you go to bed of course. You go to your bed and turn on your lamp to look at the cover.

Your High School Yearbook. This brings you back, but not by much. You open the book and look at your fellow students, allthe while remembering all the times you've had with them in your own way...

“Douche-bag, douche-bag, don't know, douche-bag, don't know, tease, don't know, don't know, school whore, don't know-hm?” You comment one by one until your focus is trained on one particular individual.

The green girl a year behind you, out of all the students you've know you found yourself being friends with her more memorable, though she did sort of force herself on you on several occasions. Long flowing, bright green hair that shone it's best during the bright sun, or a light rain, a little white grayish flower decorating the side of her head. Her emerald eyes were always full of life, and wonder, her smile happy, and excited. Out of all of the head shots everyone took that day you remember she was the only one who waved to the camera, hence why you could see her hand on the upper left hand corner.

You remember all the stunts she put you through, and the nights out camping at the park, she always did enjoy camping the most, in fact she was at her best outside. Why are you thoughts suddenly all about her?

You quickly turn the pages skimming through all the photos until you go to the back of the book, and find the blank pages. This was where everyone would write little farewells, and good lucks to each other as they leave school. Your pages are primarily blank with only a few semi-decent notes of 'good luck', or 'hope you get laid', here, and there. Frankly during this part of the school time you remember just sleeping, or reading up on a book, considering they were giving you free time to do so.

Then you get to the last page, and find a note written with a green marker, again coming from your old Lichen friend...

“I liked our camping trips, if you're up for an adventure we should do something after school! Call me! <3” the note read. The note even had numbers to dial

When did she write this? Were you really so far out of it that you didn't even see her write all that in your yearbook?

“(I wonder...)” you think to yourself.

It's been at least two years since you left high school, would she still be there if you call her? Would someone like her even have a MARE by this point?
You think about how droll, and boring everything has been in your life, maybe an adventure is exactly what you need. You might be getting your hopes up, she may be lost to you forever, but tomorrow morning you decide to give her a call, and see if she's still up for one more day of camping.

You wake up early morning, groggy, and still tired. You shower, shave, and brush your teeth to help rid yourself of the sleep, and finish it off for good with a quick breakfast. Once that is settled you turn your attention back to the yearbook, still open to the last page with her number was still there.

You suddenly find yourself nervous, and reluctant, until you remember how your life has been already. Determination, and hope find their way into your system. You grab your MARE, dial the numbers, and wait for fate.

“...Hello?” A woman's voice answers through your cell.

The fates have smiled upon you.

“U-uh hi, a-are you-” you begin.

“Wait a sec! That voice! I remember, you're-” she interrupted.

“From high school? Yeah it's me, um...long time?” you interrupt back.

“What took ya so long!? I was this close to thinking you didn't want to see me again!” She almost screams.

“Y-you know I can't see your fingers right?” You reply.

“You know what I mean! So, whatcha doin?” She curiously asked.

“W-well not fact nothing at all. That's kind of what I was calling you wrote about having an adventure, and-” you begin explaining.

“Don't tell want to go roughing it in the woods like old times?” She predicts your answer.

“Yeah, they were nice little outings, and I was hoping we could do something like that again,” you explain.

“Say no more. I got you covered! Do you live in the same area?” She asks.

“Yeah, why?” You answer.

“Hm~ I'm a little far off, but I can reach you in a few hours. Why don't you take this time to get yourself ready?” She asks.

“Now!? We're doing this now?” You stammered.

“Well duh! The weather's perfect for a camping trip with me. Trust me, you don't want a better time and place to go hiking than right now!” She assures you.

“W-well okay then, I'll buy some gear while I'm at it.” You agree to her terms.

She tells you where to meet her. Apparently you'll have to drag your gear a few miles outside of town, the farthest you've ever been, but she's an expert on camping; surely you'll be in good hands.

You dressed yourself anew with something light, a cream colored short sleeve shirt with pockets in the front, and some cargo pants you haven't worn since they were given to you a birthday ago. You wonder what else you may need for this trip, and decide a quick shopping trip is in order.

An hour or so later you get off your stop, relying on public transportation to get you as close to your destination as possible. It was still a walks away, but luckily you didn't bring much, so the burden you carry won't slow you down. As you walk you take into account all you brought with you for this trip: a simple kit containing the essentials for a short camping trip. Flint for a fire which you hope she'll show you how it works, a small knife, food to last you a day, and of course your portable MARE device that receives a clear signal even in a dense forest; these things are quite handy.

“Oy~ over here~!” A girl's sudden cry snapped you out of your inventory check.

You turn to your left and see your old high school friend. The Lichen was practically camouflaged to the background of the forest behind her with all the green she wore. Her hair had grown considerably longer since you last saw her back in school. It was a wavy, green as the jungle hair that reached halfway to her back. A pale lichen, resembling a flower, decorated her hair, just like high school. She wore a frilly half-shirt that only covered her shoulders, and extended just below her breasts, the opening kept pinned together by very, very thin strands of witch moss coming from under a larger white flower. She had a soft white collar on her neck that matched the same substance as her clothing. She wore no pants, not even a skirt, but rather a cloth that resembled matching white panties tied together with a red ribbon, and a soft fuzzy looking things on both her sides; you also notice the same stuff covering her legs like a pair of soft green stockings that end at her ankles. For some reason when you look at those fuzzy parts of her clothing you wonder if maybe they were a part of she grew them on herself.

Lastly, on her wrists she wore green wristbands that resembled moss with tiny yellow buds; they too had red ribbons tying them to her wrists. Her body was fit and thin with barely a noticeable curve on her hips and thighs; her breasts and hips being the only thing she was...slightly above average at best.

You couldn't help but be taken aback by just how pretty she came out to be, the years were good to her and she took great care of herself as well. As she ran towards you, you saw the glimmer of her eyes, the wide happy smile that took you back to a moment when having a friend was the best feeling in the world. You also notice a small light brown satchel on a long thin strap on her right shoulder.

“I'm so glad you can make it! My~ it's been such a long time, but you haven't aged a bit!” She complimented.

“Uh, thanks you-you look good too,” you respond.

She giggles at that, and saunters over to you.

“So~ what part of me looks especially good to you?” She asks, eyes lidded and fluttering.

“I see you haven't changed much, so what are we going to do?” You wave off her flirting as this was also a way she would often tease you back in the day.

“Well you asked for an adventure, and I'm gonna bring it to you! So let's not dilly-dally anymore, give me your MARE device,” She instructed.

“You mean this? Why do you need it? Don't you have your own?” You questioned her.

“I need it to start our trip It's really important, trust me!” She assured you.

Normally you wouldn't give your device to just anyone, but she was a long time friend even if it's been a while since you saw her. You hand her your communication device, and she looks over it with almost no interest.

“Hm, it's smaller than mine...newest model?” She asked.

“Y-yeah I just got it a few weeks ago it can-h-hey! What are you-” you quickly say.

“A~nd into the stream,” she casually says as she tosses your device into the gently flowing water to your left, much to your dismay.

You rush to the stream hoping it isn't too late, but the only thing you scoop out with your hands is water and small rocks.

“No time to splash about. We have to get moving,” She says, helping you stand up.

“...You just threw my expensive MARE into the water...” you mutter.

“Don't fret. We won't be in any danger, need to be rescued, lost, or any of that not-fun stuff. I'm all the guide you'll need. Now let's get moving! We don't have a lot of time now.” She urged you as she took the lead and headed towards the woods.

You're starting to have second doubts about this whole trip, but you follow her nonetheless. After all, she now owes you a new MARE.

Very quickly you find this trek to be harder than you had first estimated. you can blame this on the fact that your path goes up a slight slope, or your less than fit physique, or the Lichen moving at a pace that forces you to practically power-walk to keep up with her. Desperate for a break, but too proud to admit that you're tired after just fifteen minutes of walking, you try to start a conversation.

“S-so where are we headed?” You breathe heavily.

She stops finally, and turns to you all smiles. She digs into her satchel, pulls out a crumpled map, and opens it. She sits on a fallen log and pats the spot on her left, motioning you to sit beside her.

Sitting down next to her, you feel that the hard, rough wood on the trunk felt like the softest of cushions, considering how tired you were. The Lichen scoots herself closer to your side, your hips touching hers, and your cheek inches from her own as the two of you look at the map.

“We're here.” The Lichen starts off pointing at a spot beneath the border that leads to a monster friendly state.

“While we're close to the border it could still take two nights to pass it at our pace, so we have quite a trek to do if we want to reach here.” She continues pointing at a spot inches away from where you started on the map, above the border, and on the monster friendly state.

“Seems a little far don't you think?” You ask.

“Not really, I know you're not into the whole camping thing as I am, so I chose a beginner's course for us...altogether it could take us four nights to get to our destination. There we'll get some rest and relaxation at a buddy's house. We'll sleep in her shell for a day, or two, stock up, and go back to your house, but we have to get there before she suddenly decides to wander off, or we might be out of luck.” She explains the game plan.

“Three, or four nights!? I-I didn't bring a tent, or a sleeping bag, or anything like that. How are we-” you exclaim.

“Rela~x I got that covered too. See these little dots I drew on the map? These are checkpoints; places I built tents for us to sleep in for the night. But we still have to hurry, it's a lot safer to stay in these tents than to continue hiking in the dark...well for you it'll be dangerous. I'll do my best, but I can't protect you from anything that might want to snag you as a suitable husband. So, are you ready to keep going?” She asked. Despite explaining the dire warning, she still had that happy expression on her face, as if it was no big deal, though it did relieve you of some stress.

“...Y-yeah, I think I am. Let's go” you say.

“Goody! I knew you were tougher than you look. It's a real turn on you know,” she teases.

“Uh, right, thanks, b-but one last question...what about food? I only brought enough to last a day,” you explain.

“That's the least of our problems!” She exclaimed suddenly standing up arms outstretched. “This forest is a plethora of yummy food!” She cheers.

“Really?” You ask, doubtful.

“Of course! They're crawling up your pants now,” she pointed out.

You look down and see several grubs climbing onto your pants from a hole in the trunk. You quickly jump up and shake the clinging maggots off you while the Lichen stands and laughs at your display. At the very least she asked if you were alright in the end.

Hours passed and the sun was setting, casting a soft orange glow through the openings between the trees and leaves.

“We made some good time. Our first tent is just over this hill. Are you still alive back there?” she asked.

Your walking turned into a forced slouching as you moved to her pace. She looks you over with concern written all over her face.

“Gee, I'm awfully sorry for rushing you like this, but you gotta believe me when I say the sooner we get to our tent the safer we'll be...come on, I'll help you out” she offers.

She turns and walks towards you, grabbing your arm and slinging it over her shoulder while she grips your waist and helps you the rest of the way. You suddenly felt less of yourself having to rely on your partner for help like this. She looks to your eyes, almost as if reading your thoughts.

“Hey~ don't sweat it, first timers always find it hard on a hike like this. Don't push yourself past your limits here, it could get you killed you know. Just conserve your energy and don't be afraid to ask for help. That's why I'm here you know,” she assured you.

You nod your head in understanding and grip your hand on her shoulder a little tighter to hold on, as the two of you attempt to make it through the last hill before the tent appears. You notice a pleasant smell coming from her; it wasn't perfume, or anything cosmetic, but smells natural, like the smell of coming rain, or the smell of pines. It was faint... Maybe if you were just a bit closer... .

“Eh? Are you alright? Is there something on my hair?” She asked.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you realize you had your face softly pressed against the side of her long hair.

“N-no, it's nothing, just my imagination that's all,” you quickly say.

“...You smell like sweat,” she commented.

You flinch, and instinctively pull away from her to keep her from smelling you, but she pulls you back close to her.

“*Giggle* I don't mind~..I would be pretty confused if you smelled like roses, or something really good though,” she laughed.

You nod, yet again failing to find any way to respond to that, and continue walking with her close to you, only now you are sporting a soft blush. Once again she looks you over, and you get the sense that she's a possible mind reader.

“I know a spot in the mountains we'll be passing that has a natural hot springs. I don't think anyone knows about it too! It'll be our little secret.” She whispers in your ear sending a brief shiver of excitement rushing your body.

“Y-yeah, that might-uh help,” you stammer.

“Oh? You were thinking about me naked in a hot bath just now didn't you?” she teases again.

“S-shut up, it's not like...well-let's just get over this hill” you stammer.

She giggles again, and nods her head. Already you can see the tent she was speaking of.

The tent was sitting on the center of a round clearing of grass and weeds. You also notice a smooth boulder next to it and see the sun shining on the tent, compared to the little snippets of sunshine that cut through the leaves. You glance up, and see that a certain someone had been cutting through the branches to let the sun hit their tent.

“You like it don't you? The sun keeps the tent warm, and it traps the heat inside for those cold nights-brr~” she pretend shivers.

“Sounds like you thought of everything,” you grunt as you try to breathe normally again.

“Well I don't want to boast, or anything, but I am pretty cool like that. Come on over here, and catch your breath. After that we gotta find some sticks for our campfire,” she instructs.

She practically skips over to the boulder and sits on it, patting the spot to her right for you to lay down as well. You trudge along and lay on the boulder, the soft curvature of its smooth oval shape felt rather pleasant, and its sun-baked exterior made it warm to the touch.

“Hang on, let me make it comfy!” She exclaims.

She prods you with her finger in her way of telling you to stand up for a bit, to which you do, before she places her palms on the rock. Slowly but surely, something started growing, starting from her palms, and spreading through the rest of the top side of the rock until most of it was covered in soft lichen, suffice to say you were impressed.

“That's a really neat trick. How come I've never seen you do that during school?” You ask.

“I did! What did you think our tent was made of? I've been getting better at it lately...wanna see something neat?” she asks.

You nod yes, and turn to face her as she shuts her eyes in concentration.

Seconds into this her cheeks, chin, and upper lip suddenly grow fuzzy, and a thick wavy beard that would make any man green with envy sprang out.

“Ohohoho~ what would you like for Christmas little boy!” She spoke with her best impression of an old man.

If you were drinking anything at that moment you would have surely spat it out as you burst out laughing at her ridiculous display of power, and she too joined you in your loud laughter. Once the two of you calmed down she brushed at her face, and as quickly as it appeared her lichen beard was removed from her face leaving her complexion clear, soft, and smooth once more.

“That was some grade A talent you have there,” you reply.

“Aw~ I bet you say that to all the girls that can grow a beard,” she responds.

You chuckle a bit, lay your body on the rock yet again, and feel the soft, fuzzy texture of the recently grown lichen. As you lay down the Lichen does the same laying down next to you.

“Oh~ my body really needed this,” you sigh as you finally find you chance to relax.

“Yeah~ this feels really good. It's such a beautiful day; I'm glad we can enjoy it before it gets dark soon,” the Lichen responds.

She stretches her arms and turns to her side, practically rolling halfway across your chest, and on top of you. She gives you this serene smile with lidded eyes as her finger twirls around your chest. You feel your heart racing and your cheeks growing warm, but don't say anything.

“I really want to thank you...f-for giving me another chance,” she whispers.

“A-another chance? I don't understand,” you mutter.

“I-I thought, well you know, you didn't want to hang out with me anymore...when school ended I waited for you to call me so we could still go camping...but you never did,” she responds.

“I didn't know...were you waiting...I-uh, don't know what to say,” you reply feeling guilty all for ignoring her for so long.

“It's okay. You're here now, and that's what's are you having fun?” She asks.

“I guess,” you lazily respond.

“Come on, you can do better than that. How about this...are you having fun...with me?” She asks.

You were ready for another joking response, but as you turned to look at her you noticed her smile was replaced with worry. You suspect that she was more serious about this than she would let on, so you feel yourself respond in kind.

“...Honestly the trek itself is a pain in the ass, but you uh...well how do I put it? You make it worth it I guess, l-like if I have to keep walking like this just to talk to you some more I guess I would do is that a good enough answer?” You ask.

“Hm~ yeah, actually it is. Phew~ I feel so relieved now~! You have no idea how worried I was, thinking you didn't want to hang out with me, or you were just forcing yourself to do this. I mean I would hate to do that to you,” the Lichen sighed.

“It's fine, don't sweat it. In fact I think I needed this more than I think I do,” you reply.

“Well, now that all that tension is gone, is there anything you might wanna do? If you know what I mean?” She purred softly.

“So~ do you wanna grab some firewood now? It's getting kind of dark,” you ask.

“Mm~huh!? Firewood?...Yeah, firewood...*sigh* still as thick-headed as always.” She smiled as she stood up.

“Hey~ what does that mean? I recall having great grades back in school,” you reply.

“Yup! Still my thick-headed friend. This might take a while” she talked to herself.

“Can't take that long to find wood in a forest,” you mutter as you stand up as well.

She merely giggles, and begins gathering rocks.

“I'll make a little spot to put our fire in real quick. You can grab some wood and dry leaves,” she instructs.

“Sounds like a plan,” you answer her.

You gather what was requested of you, and once you've obtained a bundle of wood that should sustain a warm and protective fire, you went to work with your flint and knife. Only problem is...

“Why-*shink*-can't-*shink*-I make-*shink*-a spark!?” You grunt as your constant attempt to generate a spark to ignite the wood proves futile.

“Here, let me help. I think a little bit of this should help too,” she assures you as she pats the wood, leaving behind bits of dry lichen onto the fire fuel.

Kneeling close to you yet again, she takes your hands and guides you through the process of making a decent spark. Her hands were gentle and warm as they held onto yours, and in no time a small spark lit up your faces. The two of you blew softly at the little flame to let it spread through the rest of the wood. In no time a picture perfect fire is present, and the clearing is lit up in its warm orange glow. The two of you sit back away from the flame as you take out some dry food from your pack and begin eating.

“...This might be the last tasty thing I'll eat for a while...” you mutter to yourself.

“...Hey, you wanna try something a little new?” the Lichen suddenly asked.

You tilt your head in confusion, but nod nonetheless as curiosity got the better of you. She smiles at this, and takes out a small metal jug with a cork at the end of its neck. She swishes it about, telling you it was full of water before she uncorked it and brought it against the flames. You notice her hand is dangerously close to the fire, and you grow worried.

“H-hey what are you doing? You could burn yourself, or even worse,” you respond.

“It's fine, I can take the long as the fire itself doesn't touch me. I just need to make sure the water is boiling,” she explains.

She stays like that for a minute or so before she peeks into the jug. She nods to herself in approval before taking her other hand, and bringing it towards her fuzzy leggings. With a soft tug a tuft of her lichen was pulled off, and she tossed it into the boiling water, swishing the jug to ensure all the lichen was soaked. Another minute or so passed, and she began the arduous work of plucking strands of lichen out of the jug with her fingertips. Again you grow concerned.

“Isn't that water boiling hot?” You ask.

“No biggie, I've bathed in geysers hotter than I think this should be enough. Here, try some!” She extends a hand holding a chunk of lichen grown from her own body.

“...You want me to eat that?” You ask.

“It's not poisonous or anything, I made sure of that. Besides it's better than grubs,” she insists.

You couldn't argue with that, but still couldn't help but be a tad reluctant as you gingerly grabbed a few strands of her lichen. It was wet, and warm to the touch from the boiling water, and very slowly you brought it to your mouth, placed it on your tongue, and began chewing it. It was bitter like medicine, or aspirin, but you've had worse. You swallow it, and turn to your friend who looks you over with a curious smile expecting your review.

“Ah~ oh my~ you're eating me out, how lewd~ I'm camping with a pervert~” she playfully mocked.

“Hey-hey-hey it was your idea. If anything, that makes you the pervert!” You respond.

“I'm not the one who likes his Lichen hot, and wet” she teases.

“I-but're good...” you reply in defeat.

She giggles, and leans back slightly, looks up, and gazes at the stars. Soon, you're doing the same thing.

“So what are we gonna face tomorrow?” You ask.

“Three obstacles will challenge us. First the hot-springs, then a bridge connecting a deep ravine, and lastly we'll be climbing a mountain. It should take us about a day to get through each of them to get to the plains of the friendly state,” she explained in greater detail.

“It doesn't sound like a beginner's route,” you reply.

“You and I seem to have a difference in what we think a beginner's level is,” was her only response.

“Are we in danger?” You ask.

“Not as long as we have each other. If we work together, and really get in sync with one another, there's nothing that can stop us” she assures you.

“...But haven't you gone through all that just fine on your own-” you ask.

“*Yawn~* oh wow, I'm suddenly getting sleepy. Come on, I'll show you to our room,” she suddenly spoke out interrupting you.

She quickly stands up and opens the tent's door, which was nothing more than a thick sheet that splits in the middle. She crawls inside, and you see her dainty finger beckon you to follow her. You do so, and for the first time see its interior. A round spacious area covered top to bottom with her lichen, the floor especially was thick and fuzzy, tickling your fingertips as you crawled towards the center where your Lichen friend sat on her knees. You could feel the warmth inside soothe you into a relaxed state. You also notice the top of the tent was slightly translucent, allowing just a bit of the moon's glow to softly light up the area with a dim light blue.

“It's nice isn't it, and if you want a pillow I can make one for you,” she said, said, and before you could accept or refuse, she was already hard at work, piling and generating a thick brush of lichen to serve as a pillow.

“Oh! One more thing. Security,” she says, before she crawls out of the tent leaving you alone.

Minutes pass, and she returns hugging thick leaves on her arms. Even with your lack of knowledge of the wilderness you know right away what she is holding.

“Poison Ivy!? W-whoa keep that away from me,” you say, crawling away from her.

“Calm down, and just watch,” she insists.

She continues hugging the poison ivy tighter and tighter, as if she was wringing it like a wet towel. In seconds she seems satisfied, and drops them.

“One last trick,” she simply says.

She pulls at the sheet of green lichen serving as the door, and yanks it off. Gripping the top of the entrance she shuts her eyes and concentrates, much like she did when she grew the lichen on her face. Only this time no beard came out, rather her palms began growing what looked like yellow lichen which immediately covered the entrance, only without a slit to crawl through.

“W-what is that?” you ask.

“Yellow lichen...I suck all the bad stuff from my plant friends, and put it on my lichen to create this stuff. Anyone that touches it will get the same effect that poison ivy does, a real bad rash,” she quickly explains.

“Oh~ so that's what you meant by security."

“Yup! I can do that with just about any poisonous plant, even ones that act as um...well you know an aphrodisiac, only when I use that it turns purple...don't really know why that is,” she shrugs.

“Seems a little, I don't know, a prank, or something, but I guess it's better than nothing,” you say.

“Exactly, and besides it's not mean! The bright yellow tells people to stay away, you know like some animals, and plants that are weird colored,” she defended.

“Okay, that makes sense. So basically you cover the entrance with that, and when we want to leave in the morning you just make it go away?” You review.

“Exactly, still the quick learner I see,” she responds.

The two of you plop down on the soft lichen, and turn to each other one last time.

“So if we work together nothing can stop us huh? Well I'll trust you on that,” you whisper as you feel sleep quickly taking over you.

“Yeah, we'll make it through together as one...” she sighed.

You feel her arms drape over you hugging you tenderly, but rather than be put off by it you simply allow her, and slowly nod off to sleep, even when you feel something fuzzy slowly begin crawling up your body.

Tomorrow your true journey awaits...
What's Not To Lichen Finale: Lichen
Spoiler: show
So soft, and warm, such a great feeling from a good night sleep. The pleasant chirping of birds, and the soft light of the sun act as nature's alarm clock, not to mention the soft snoring of a Lichen nuzzled close, and yet as you wake up you feel something is off. You can't move, and all over your body you feel lichen, you open your eyes, and it takes everything in your power not to panic. Your body was wrapped shoulder to toe in lichen, and very securely tightened as well. You struggle, and squirm, but you are unable to even roll, it seems as if your binds are connected to the earth itself. You turn to your friend, her arms, and one leg wrapped around you still sleeping soundly as if all of this was natural.

“H-hey? Hey wake up, I can't move” you whisper loudly.

“Ehehe~I can't eat anymore yogurt~” she moans in her sleep.

You stare at her...

“Hey! I'm sort of stuck here!” you speak a little louder.

She moans, and her body shivers, but just as you think she's about to wake up, she nods off yet again.

“Heavy sleeper...just perfect” you mutter.

You worm your way closer to her only covering a few inches, but it was enough. You look deep into her shut eyes, her warm breath tickling your nose. Her lips parted in a small smile, she looked so pretty, so peaceful. You position your head until it is in the same level as hers just inches apart, perhaps just this once it's okay? She does like you after all, and doing it like this isn't so bad plus she doesn't seem to be the type to get angry.

“Hey?” you whisper as one last effort to ensure she's sound asleep.

She is still snoring which was all the answer you need as you close your eyes to do what you wish to do.

Suddenly you reel your head back as far as your neck can take it.

“Wake up!” You shout.

You deliver a perfect headbutt smacking her forehead with your own, the results were instant.

She squeals, and jumps back clutching at her head rolling on the floor.

“Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow~” she repeats while you wait out your own stinging head injury.

Finally she stops squirming about, and turns to face you. Annoyance written all over her face.

“What was that for!?” She asked loudly, one hand still rubbing her forehead.

“I was trying to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge! Had to take drastic measures...also why the hell am I like this?” You ask

“Whoa~ that's a lot of lichen, didn't think I had it in me” she marveled.

“That's great, and all, but how about a little help please? I can't move” you ask.

“Yeah no problem, the way you are right now you're 'bound' to get into trouble” she smirks.

You groan loudly.

“Just stand still, and I'll 'wrap' this up no problem” she continues.

You groan again.

“Well at least you're not-” the lichen went on.

“Stop, stop, I can't take anymore, just help me out” you ask.

“Okay, okay I'll help you out, don't worry, it's an easy fix” she assures you.

With quick pulls, and yanks the cocoon of lichen strapping you tight comes off. Your body is unscathed, but feels sore from the tight restraint you've been in the whole night. You stretch your muscles, but it only confirms the aches you feel all over.

“Oh~ my body, geez worse sleep ever” you groan.

“Aw man, I'm real sorry about that. Honest I didn't mean to tie you up like that, it just sort of...came out that way?” She shrugged it off.

“*Sigh* it's fine, nothing we can do about it” you reply.

“Oh! But we can! Remember? The hot-springs are just a few hours north by the base of the mountains, one dunk in them, and you can kiss your bedsores goodbye!” She assured you.

“Are they magical?” You ask.

“Nope, they were a hotspot for tourist back in the day, but the road that lead there was devastated by a landslide, so the only path cuts through this forest, and uh, not a lot of people will go that far for a bath” she explains.

“Think we'll have to share?” You ask.

“Maybe, we can't be the only nut-jobs that will rough it over there” she says.

You chuckle at that, and try again to get your body in working order. Still feeling sore, but gradually getting better you're about to crawl your way towards the entrance of the tent, until a hand yanks at your shoulder.

“Hey now! Did you forget, about the yellow lichen” she quickly stops you.

You turn back to the yellow lichen acting as a makeshift trap, and the Lichen herself crawls ahead squirming to move ahead of you to yank it off.

“There now, let's get something to eat first before we head out, we got a few hours of hiking to do before we reach the springs” she tells you.

“Well I guess I'll do my best...” you say unsure.

“Aw don't worry, you can do it champ!” She motivates you.

Breakfast consisted of some more boiled lichen which you still had trouble stomaching, but despite the taste it did leave you full, or at least gave the impression that it did. However a question suddenly stirred in your mind, as you recalled last night.

“Hey, remember when you talked me into eating your lichen the first time? How did you know you would taste delicious?” You asked.

“H-huh? Well, you know...” she starts.

“No, I don't...why don't you try tasting yourself, and see how you like it?” You challenge.

“O-oh my~ you want a girl to taste her own bodily contents? You're so naughty” she cried out blushing furiously.

“I'm sorry I even ask...” you sigh to yourself.

“Well here goes...but you know, when you stare at me like that, it's actually kind of embarrassing” she confesses.

“Never mind! Never mind, just-just forget I asked” you cry out turning away from her.

“Hm~ now that I think about it, if I eat myself would that make me a cannibal? A lichen cannibal?” She wonders.

“Can we drop the conversation before I lose my appetite” you plead.

She giggles, and nods her head, the two of you enjoying the rest of your meal in peaceful silence. By the end of breakfast you were short on water, and you would have to stock up at the hot springs. The food you ate gave you the energy needed to hike the next step of your journey.

“H-hey hey wanna hear a joke?” The Lichen suddenly as you leave your first checkpoint.

“Huh? Uh sure I guess” you agree.

“What do you call a house you can't find?” She asks.

“...I don't know...” you respond.

“A 'where'house! G-get it!?” She exclaims stifling her giggling.

You couldn't help, but laugh a little at that, though you're unsure whether it was because it was so bad it was good, or something else.

After an hour, or so walking you start to feel a little uncomfortable, not because the trip was grueling, and exhausting, but rather because you haven't said a word to her the whole way, you weren't much of a people person after all. Still for some reason you feel like you have to make yourself fun considering all the complaining she has been patiently putting up with from you.

“So~” you start.

“So~?” She repeats.

“Um~ nice weather we have” You start.

“Yeah it's very comfy...” she agrees.

It's silent again.

“So~” you repeat.

“Um, are you okay? It feels like you're trying very hard at something...and it's not the hiking” she asks.

“It''s nothing, how much longer do we have?” You ask.

“About hm~ two hours at the pace we're going” she assures you.

“I-is it because of me? Am I slowing us down?” You ask.

“You're not slowing us down, but you definitely have something on your mind, penny for your thoughts?” She asks.

“Just thinking how...out of my element I am...even back when we were in school I was always struggling to keep up with you. I just felt I don't know, so...helpless-” you explain.

“Let me just stop you right there. Sure you're not the best camper out there, but I think it's because you're doing it all wrong, and I'm not talking about starting fires, or setting a tent up. You try to conquer nature when in truth it's simply not possible. You have to try to work with nature, be in tune with your environment, not command it. Just let things come naturally to you, and I'll lend a hand when it needs to be. So yeah, nature can be hard, and even scary, but it can also be a fun, and a real life changing experience for the better!” She goes on.

“I think I understand...” you say still unsure.

“Don't worry about understanding it now, it'll come to you after all of this. Just concentrate on finishing this trek” she says.

You continue walking for another hour, the sun reaching it's highest point before it descends into the night, and suddenly the air around you feels humid.

“Do you feel the air?” The Lichen asked.

“*Huff* yeah, it's warm, and...humid” you explain.

“We're almost there, we'll be seeing geysers, and springs...and me” she hints with a wink.

“...That mountain looks...very tall” you see.

“Oh yeah, but before that mountain we have to cross a deep ravine, but for now let's get to those springs, and relax.

“So when you say we're almost there, are you talking about another checkpoint?” You ask.

“Yeah! Though I think we might have to knock first” she says.

“Why? It's your tent” you ask.

“Well we kind of leave our tents out in the open in case someone needs a place to rest, it's our generous gift to adventurers, and couples in love” she cheers.

“So what if we do find someone using that tent?” You ask.

“We kick em out” she states flatly.

“That's not exactly nice, or friendly” you reply.

“We'll say 'please'” she assures you.

You ask no further questions, as the saying goes 'we'll cross that bridge when we get there'. Another hour of walking, and you see your first geyser, a body of water several feet in diameter a few yards away, the soft grass now becoming rugged rock, and hot dirt as you begin to sweat a lot more due to the humid climate.

“Just a few more yards, you can see it right now actually” she assures.

Sure enough you spot it sitting by the edge of a large boulder towering the tent by several feet, you see noticeable steam rising around it, and the area around you.

“It looks like an outdoor sauna” you comment.

“Oh yeah, I'm a little of proud of my location, location, location for this one” she says.

“I don't see a lot of trees here, what will we do for a fire?” You ask.

“I stockpiled some wood for safekeeping, if no one's been in my tent beforehand it should still be there, plus this place is humid and warm day and night” she explains.

The two of you made it to base-camp, you spot small pools of boiling water a yard away from the tent, but precautions needed to be had before you can rest.

“Hello? Anybody in there?” The Lichen calls out.

No noise could be heard, you glance to the side of the lichen tent, and see a small pile of firewood.

“Hey, you were right we have wood here” you say.

“Always plan ahead” she cheers as she pokes her head inside the tent.

“So is it safe?” You ask.

“Yup, doesn't even smell odd either. Guess no one's been here in a while...” she mutters.

“You don't sound very happy about that” you say.

“Well, I guess I should be, but it feels a little lonely, not too many people are into hiking these days...” she states.

“Yeah, modern technology can do that to some people...not like I have a right to talk” you explain.

“*Phew* but yeah, it's been a while since I've camped here, sure is steamy” she says fanning herself.

The moisture in the air clinging to her body, she now resorts to using her top to fan cool air into her face.

“This is the first I'm seeing you sweat” You notice.

“Sweat? *Giggle* no silly, it's just so moist around here, the water in the air is clinging to my body. Liking what you see?” She teases.

“I-uh, well, I can't say no...let's just leave it at that” you mutter embarrassed.

“*Giggle* hurry, and put your stuff away, I'll stay out here” she says.

You nod, and crawl inside the tent, the humid air hadn't struck this little spot as of yet, the air here felt dry, but the warmth remained. You are quite surprised at just how well insulated it is, like a good home should be. You place you gear on the side of the tent, and crawl back outside, and spot your guide lounging neck deep in a small pool of boiling water.

“Ah~ it's like it's scrubbing all my troubles away~” she sighs leaning herself on a jagged edge of the pool. She turns her head, and spots you, her smile growing wider, and she starts waving at you to come closer. You do so out of sheer curiosity, and you'll leave it at that.

“I was wondering when we'll be doing something like this. So when's my turn?” You ask.

“Oh you don't want to do that here, look over there” she points out.

Just a foot in front of her was an egg bobbing up, and down the ripples of bursting bubbles from the boiling spring.

“I think it's just about ready for you” she says.

“Ready for me?” You ask.

“Yup, let me just...” she says picking the egg up, and blowing on it, before she extends it to your direction.

You grab it, instantly feeling the heat, it slips from you hand, but you catch it with your other, repeating the process until it's cool enough to hold.

“Do you peel your boiled eggs, or just bite them down?” She asks you.

“No way...the water is that hot? How are you-?” You wonder.

“Ah~ this is nothing for me, don't sweat it...even if you can't help it here” she assures you.

“...Well if you say so, and for the record, I just bite them down” you respond biting a chunk of the boiled egg.

“I do however know there's a spring a yard away that way that's warm enough for you to relax in with not trouble. It's the only one in that direction so you can't miss it” she explains

“Huh, well I guess that will work...” you reply suddenly growing nervous.

“Eh? Feeling alright there trooper? Is it the heat? Maybe you shouldn't take a dip after all” she says worried.

“No-no it's not that, just uh...never mind, I'll just be over there” you say heading towards the spring.

“'Kay~!” She cheers.

You trudge through the rugged rock floor that was quickly becoming a hindrance to your feet. You hope you won't have to travel like this for long as you reach the lone spring, crouch beside it, and gently prodding it. It's hot, but not boiling so you dunk the rest of your hand in. You debate whether, or not to jump right in, but the aches in your body nag at you persistently. Your body reeks, it's sore, and you came all the way here, there's just too many reasons to take this hot springs chance. You remove your clothing, and place them beside the edge of the spring, you stand naked with only your boxers, and very slowly you dunk yourself in. The water was waist deep, and you couldn't help, but sigh loudly in relief as the feeling was instantaneous. The hot water soothed your tired body, you lowered yourself further down dunking your head underwater for a brief second, and resurfacing. You wipe your hair away from your sight, and let your body relax, shutting your eyes. You were almost certain you would fall asleep.

“Hope there's room for one more” the Lichen called out.

Your eyes pop open, and you turn to her, standing just a few feet away, and entirely nude. Even the lichen acting as her leggings were removed, her hands together, and resting on her tummy. You get a clear look at her breasts, her nipples a shade of green darker than her natural skin color, and just barely poking out. It also turned out that she was clear of anything down there as well, completely smooth. You stammer for a response, your face redder than the hot springs could make it.

“Hm? Is something wrong? You didn't talk like this just a few minutes ago” She said as she helped herself inside the spring beside you.

“W-well you're n-naked” you stammer your answer.

“Well of course silly! It's a bath remember? Besides I was naked when you were talking to me just a while ago you know” she states.

“W-wait you were!?” you stammer turning away from her.

She giggles again, and scoots closer to you, she leans her chest towards you, her head resting on your shoulder. You could feel her soft mounds on your chest as you try your best to simply ignore her silly antics.

“Say, when you saw me yesterday did you notice how much I've grown?” She asked.

You swallow quickly knowing full well you had a thought about that as well.

“W-well I was thinking more about the uh~ trip that's all” you mutter.

“Oh really, you know I was looking forward to you noticing my growing bosoms, I worked really hard to get them this size” she teased.

You take a timid glance in her direction, and look down, her smile warm, and gentle, her cheeks darkened into a soft blush. You look lower under the bubbling clear spring water, she was pushing her breasts up, and covering her nipples with her arm, her hand now clasping your forearm.

“Okay-okay you got me, yes I noticed okay? T-they're nice...” you mutter embarrassed.

“So am I cute? Pretty? Sexy?” She continued asking.

“I-I don't know! Y-you're uh, naturally charming?” You compliment as you grow more irritated.

“*Giggle* I think I understand. Okay no more teasing let's just rest” she cooed snuggling herself close to you.

“I-I thought you were done teasing” you ask.

“I am, I just want to cuddle a little, that's all. A-am I bothering you?” She asked growing worried.

“No, not at all, it's okay” you mutter.

“...Hey? Were you lonely too?” She asked.

“Was I lonely? I don't know. I mean I didn't have any close friends, or anything. I live by myself, but I never felt lonely” you try to answer her.

“R-really? I see...sorry for bringing it up again” she apologized.

“I wouldn't worry about it, and uh...personally I like you better when you're not moping” you mutter just loud enough for her to hear.

“Yeah, thanks...I won't lose to this” she smiles.

She pressed her body closer, her breasts firmly squeezed on your chest.

“Don't be shy~ we're just relaxing, here, put your arm around me too” she whispered.

You nod, and she pulls away from you freeing your arm. You bring it over her shoulders, half tempted to just leave your arm hanging there, not touching her at all. However; you shake the thought almost immediately, and bring it down resting on her shoulders. Her smile grows, as she rests herself on you.

“This is nice~ cuddling feels so good don't you think?” She sighs.

You nod your head again as you take it all in, the softness of her skin, her overall beauty, and the relaxing pool of a natural hot-tub. You've never felt so relaxed, your eyes grow heavy as your mind spins, her voice suddenly calling out to you, but you have no idea what she's saying, she sounds so far away, yet you can still feel her soft breasts on your chest. Finally you shut your eyes completely.

A dreamless sleep is interrupted when you feel the presence of something wet on your forehead. You try to move, but something presses your chest down. You groggily open your eyes, and you find yourself awake, though not much has changed. It's still dark save for a small flicker of light in front of you.

“Oh thank the stars above you're awake” a familiar voice rang out.

“Where...what happened” you whisper.

“You're inside my tent, you kind of passed out from staying in the bath too long I think. I had to drag you all the way here so I can get you taken care of” She recalled the past events.

“B-but I was barely in the tub for a few minutes...” you mutter.

“Still if this was your first time, you were bound to pass out from the heat, it happens to the best of us the first time” she assures.

“Can't see a thing, why is it so dark?” You ask.

“Well you've kind of been out of it, for a couple hours so it's night out, and before you say anything, no we're not behind schedule” she explains.

“...Can we have some light in here?” You ask.

“Well...I suppose I can move the lichen blocking the entrance away. I started a fire a little while ago to help dry your clothes, in fact they're drying right now” she tells you

“Wait a minute...I only had my boxers on...” you mutter as it takes a moment for you to process what this means.

“So~ I take it you're a grower, not a shower?” She asks you.

You quickly sit up, and instantly regret it, as the wooziness sends you back down.

“...I was naked this whole time?” You question.

“Hey, so was I, you don't see me complaining” she says.

“Wait, if you can grow most of your clothing, why are you still naked?” You ask.

“Well I don't know-*giggle*-why do you think I'm still in the nude?” She whispers.

She crawls towards you like a crouching tiger nearing it's prey until she rests her body over yours, her lidded eyes staring into yours. A soft orange light emanating from the campfire lit the room around you.

“I-I-uh-I don't think we should...” you stammer for a response.

“Come on, I know you were a little curious back in school...I caught you sneaking peeks at me wearing my tight gym clothes, you were making it abundantly obvious” she whispers memories.

She must be exaggerating there's no way you were staring at her that much, true she did look really good wearing those tight shorts, and when she bends over...damn! Then there was that white shirt of hers that would cling to her body whenever it got wet. You shake the thoughts away before they could do anything, but it was too late.

“Aha! See, look at you know, I knew you were interested!” She squealed.

You couldn't help it, damn your secret fetish for gym clothes!

“You know, I think you're pretty handsome too, you have a natural look that stood out on it's own without hair gel, or anything like that. Also The way you stuck to your own way of life, never changing for anyone else even if it did leave you a little shunned. I thought that was really cool, maybe that's why I started liking you so much” she reveals.

“L-like me? I thought you just wanted to be friends?” You ask.

You gasp loudly as you suddenly fell a soft finger trail along your growing member.

“Oh, I was a little upset that I was friendzoned like that, but I was happy nonetheless, but when you called me to have another get together...well suddenly my feelings for you came back. I thought to myself 'this is my second chance, last time I was too easygoing, tonight I'll take the initiative'” she goes on.

Suddenly she stops teasing you, she stands on her knees, and looks down on you, suddenly growing a frown.

“I'm not being too forward am I? I-I just can't help it, I want you, I'm practically craving you at this point, my body is so hot. No amount of attention I've been giving myself all this time is enough, I just keep thinking about you...but-but if this is too much, I can take you home, and cut our trip short...” she says.

“I-I didn't know...was I really so thickheaded?” You ask.

“Like a brick” she teased.

“...You were practically the only person I could tolerate, and you were happy just doing things I did? Even if they were boring?” You ask.

She nods her head.

“If it was with you, I had fun all the same” She assured.

“...I'm glad you took the initiative then” you respond.

Her frown disappears in an instant, her beaming face could rival the sun. You smile in return, and clasp at her shoulders, bringing her up to your level, and very quickly you roll her until you're on top of her. She gasps, breathing heavily, her cheeks once again darkening, her chest heaving.

“O-oh my~” she swoons.

“Yeah, I'm hot for you too, can't help it, so if you don't mind, I'm going to make up for all the time we lost being together” you whisper your intentions.

“Please do, but first, there's something I want to absorb real quick, I think you'll like it” she hints

She reaches for her little knapsack, and pulls out several leaves from it.

“What is that?” You ask.

“Mint leaves, found them a while ago, and I was waiting for this moment to use them” she hints.

She brings them to her chest, and squeezes them tightly.

“There, let's test it...make love to my mouth” she purrs.

That set you off, you bring your mouth towards her, and you feel her cool breath before you lock lips. You couldn't help, but gasp as her tongue danced with hers, it was minty fresh, so minty that it was making your mouth minty fresh too. You continued your display of passion, she moans in your mouth, her hands grabbing at your back pushing you closer to her, drool escapes from both of your mouths, you bodies rubbing, and grinding onto each other. Finally you had no choice, but to breath, and you pull away gasping loudly for air, the Lichen breathing deeply as well.

“Mmm~ I didn't know kisses were” you joke.

“Was that a joke I just heard from you? First time for everything” she teases.

“Oh? Guess you're right, so should I start my first attempt at teasing?” You ask.

“W-what do you mean?” She asks.

You chuckle lightly, and bring your head down to her chest, her perfectly round orbs you have fantasized for some time, now yours to do as you please.

You grip her left breast, and play with it, while you bring your tongue down on her right breast, and begin teasing it.

The Lichen moans loudly, her body arching as her sensitive parts continue to be played with.

Your hand grope at her breasts gently tugging, squeezing, and rotating it, your tongue flicks at her hardening nipple flicking it back and forth and licking around her areola.

“Oh~ah~ that feels so good~ d-don't stop-a-ah~” she moans

You change up your technique, you play more roughly with her breasts pulling at her nipples and squeezing them harder, while you suckle and tug at her other breast with your. Her moans turn into brief yelps of pleasure, her crotch grinding onto you, and growing wet with anticipation.

“My body's tingling~ I'm at my peak! Take me!” She cried out.

You needn't be told twice, you undo your pants, and position yourself over her, her legs spread, her right hand playing with her womanhood while her left fondled at her breasts.

“You really want this bad don't you” you ask.

“C-can I be rude just this once?” She gasps.

“...Hm? O-okay” you allow.

“Shut up, and fuck me!” She cries out.

You prod at her twitching pussy, and immediately feel her tightening.

“Hng! Y-you need to let me in” you grunt.

“I-I can't help it! I-I'm gonna cum! I-I'm gonna cum just from your tip touching me-ah~!” She screams.

Her body arches even more, her loud moaning evidence of her ongoing orgasm. Finally she lays flat on the soft lichen floor breathing heavily.

“...Hope you're not too tired, cause I'm starting to get blue balls here” you reply.

“No~no don't stop, I want more~ I want more of you” she whispers.

“Relax, you worked hard enough for me just getting here, I'll do the rest” you assure her.

She sighs at your soothing words, and rests her head on a bundle of soft lichen, eyes closed, and smiling broadly. You try again, and find you can penetrate more deeply. She grunts, and yelps softly, but shows no signs of discomfort.

“A-ah! T-this is what it feels like? I-ah! I-I'm so happy you're my first” she squeaks through blushing cheeks.

I-I'm your first?” You ask baffled.

“Y-yeah! I was saving myself for you...cause...I-I love you! I-I love-ah~!” The Lichen cries out.

You thought she was about to shout your name, but hearing her declaration all of a sudden really got you going. While you're not sure why she isn't showing signs of the usual virgin being penetrated for the first time you weren't really in the mood to ask questions. You slide yourself deeper, then pull out, her walls clamping down on your member refusing to let you escape so easily. After some time you are able to slip in, and out of her with some ease, and now you can properly make love to her. She moans, and gasps louder, her legs lift upwards as you stay in the missionary position over her.

“Ah~! I-I love this! I love-! I-I love you! I love you!” She repeats.

She could repeat it a thousand times, and it'll never get old. To you, for someone to accept you even for all your bad traits, and still show genuine love. You never felt like this before, nor has this ever happened to you, but you can't say that you hate the feeling, in can't help, but feel whole for the first time in your life, and you didn't even know you were missing something

You look down at her face, and you see her crying, but smiling. Tears of joy welled up from years of loneliness as if she had just woken up from a long sleep, and the first thing she saw...was her lover waiting for her all this time...for you.

Her legs suddenly clamp at your back, any attempt to pull out when you feel so close to climaxing are now gone, but you don't care. You'll let nature take it's course, and whatever happens, you'll be happy with the outcome. Without any warning you orgasm as deep as you can, she screams her loudest as she undergoes her strongest climax yet. Your seed shoots deep inside her womb in thick globs, and by the end of it, you feel too tired to move. You collapse on top of her, her arms quick to hug you tight as the two of you quickly succumb to sleep...

You never felt such a soft pleasure before, not from pillows, nor blankets. You open your eyes, still heavy, and wanting more rest, but you instinctively know it's morning. You find yourself snuggled with the Lichen, your head resting on her chest like a makeshift pillow, her arms, and legs still wrapped around you. Lichen covered the two of you, but not so much a restraint, but rather a comfy blanket. You hear her soft snoring, and feel her breath swaying your hair, it still had that minty freshness.

“Hey~ wake up...” you whisper in her ear.

As much as you wanted to stay like this a little longer, you knew you had a schedule to keep...even if you didn't know much about it. This time however she showed no signs of her previous heavy sleepiness. Her eyes slowly open as well as the smile on her face.

“Morning” you whisper.

“Good morning” she whispers back.

She gives you a peck on the lips before she lets you go.

“That was...some night” you recall as you pull the lichen blanket away, and stand up. was magical...o-oh gosh I-I think I've said some embarrassing things” She squeaks.

“No you didn' spoke what was in your heart all this time, and I responded” you reply.

“S-so! When you say that, does this mean...” she gasps.

“Well it was sudden I gotta be honest...I never thought it would happen so quickly...but I think I...I'm actually starting to feel something for you” you timidly respond

She gasps, and stands up with you, quickly wrapping you in a tight hug.

“My feelings reached you-*sob*-o-oh gosh-I-I'm crying, but I'm happy? I'm doing it again aren't I? I'm such a dork” she sobs.

“Yeah, but I don't fact I think it's cute...but don't we still have something to do?” You ask stroking her hair as you hug her back in an attempt to soothe her. “There, there, I'm sorry it took so long...” you apologize.

“I-I'm not a little kid anymore...but keep petting me anyways” she purrs.

“*Chuckle* it's all gonna be alright now” you respond.

“Yup! So~ now all that's left is to cross the ravine, and over the mountain, and crash at my friend's place!” She reminded you.

“Well I feel great! I-I actually don't have any complaints this time” you say.

“I knew you'd get use to it in no time! Let's go! Adventure awaits!” The Lichen cries out.

“...Actually can adventuring wait?” You ask.

“Huh? Why!? I thought you were all stoked for adventuring” she pouts.

“W-well...we're still sort of naked...” you explain.

“Oh!” she realizes.

“Yeah~...” you say.

“...Well since we're already like this...want to do it again?” She asks.

“We just had sex last night, I think we should concentrate on moving forward” you say.

“Even if I pose like this~” she purrs.

She turns around, bends over, slightly, twists her upper body slightly, and turns her head to stare at you with sexy eyes, her hands groping her breasts.

“...U-um~ how about we have sex at our next checkpoint” you agree.

“Works every time!” she cheers.

“That was your first time” you deadpan.

You found your clothes dry, and in one piece outside beside campfire now long extinguished. In only a few minutes you had your clothes, and your backpack, the Lichen also clothed in the same getup she always wears.

“So which direction do we go?” You ask.

“Well, we have to take a sharp left from our usual straight line. We'll find the bridge there, and after that we have to climb the mountain.

“We don't have any mountain climbing tools” you remind her.

“Don't sweat it, we're not climbing up the tippy top, more like crossing the corner of it. Once on the other side we'll find the plains of the bordering monster friendly country, and from then on we should find my buddy nearby” she explains.

“Thanks for the heads up, let's go” you say.

“Oh? Anxious to get to our next tent? I wonder why~?” She teases as she takes the lead, giving her booty a quick shake.

You smile, and shake your head, and the two of you continue with your adventure. The Lichen assured you that the bridge the two of you needed to cross was a short way's away, but the new terrain made it increasingly difficult. The jagged path was torture on your feet even through your boots, and the trail just kept going higher, not to mention the occasional spot of loose pebbles that nearly trip you over. You look over your partner, and you see she isn't even breaking a sweat, moving swiftly up the rocky hill with no problem.

“H-hey, how come you don't have trouble walking through this?” You ask.

“Experience, let's just leave it at that” she answered quickly, not looking back at you.

“Come on, it can't be just that, do your feet like root to the ground-” you start.

“They don't do that! Can we just-please change the subject!?” She exclaims.

“I'm just curious that's all” you say.

“Well don't be” she ordered you.

“There's nothing wrong with asking a simple question is there? O-or maybe you had an accident, or something?” you suddenly wonder.

“It wasn't an accident! Can you just think about actually catching up to me for once!” she cries out.

You're a little taken aback by her sudden outburst, but you know better than to push a subject that doesn't need to persist.

“Okay-okay, I'm sorry” you mutter.

The two of you grow quiet the rest of the way, even during your brief breaks neither of you speak. You feel like you have to say something to her, anything, and the way she glances at you every now, and then makes you think she feels the same. After the most quiet moment of your trip ends you find yourself staring at a wide, and deep crack in the earth.

“This is the deep ravine, and the bridge is right there” she spoke lacking her previous enthusiasm

“It looks...old” you comment.

The bridge planks were a dark brown, cracked, and missing in several areas. The rope knots looked loose, and as old as the planks.

“I crossed it every now, and then, it'll hold” she assures you.

You only nod your head, conversation still feels awkward.

The Lichen takes the lead, even under her light footsteps the bridge groans in return. The same goes for you, and each step makes you feel like a nervous wreck.

“I don't like the way this bridge keeps creaking” you noise your complaint.

“We're halfway, just tread carefully” she assures you.

You hear a loud crack behind you, and see one of the planks had just snapped off.

“Don't look down” she warns you.

Well now you have to look down. You face a deep pit with a sliver of a river which from your height looks to be a centimeter thick. You lift your head up, and take a deep breath, and take another shaky step forward. You're now just inches away from the Lichen as the two of you near the other end of the bridge.

“See, no trou-” she tried to say as another crack was heard.

Suddenly she just dropped from your sight. You look down, and she her just barely clinging onto the plank in front of her with her fingertips. She is slowly loosing her grip, but not before the plank starts cracking, ready to crumble apart at any second. You quickly crouch down, and grab at her wrists just as the plank she gripped breaks completely.

“I got you!” You reassure her.

You've never felt like such a boss than saving your friend, but then you hear that same ominous cracking noise, and suddenly your fears return as you quickly realize the cracking is coming from beneath you. You work fast, pulling her up until you grab at her waist, she turns to you wracked with worry, and you jump forward with her. You land on other side of the bridge. The hard, but stable rocky surface is a small comfort despite the aches you feel landing hard on your side. You hear more loud cracking behind you as several more planks fall to the ravine below.

“T-that was close! I-I thought I was gonna lose you” you gasp as the adrenaline in you slowly secedes.

“Y-you saved me~*hic-sniff*” she suddenly starts getting watery eyed.

“Aw man, you're not gonna-” you begin.

She suddenly starts bawling, crying loudly as she wraps you in a tight hug.

“A-and after I said such mean things to you too-*W-whaa~!*” She cries out

“Calm down will ya? I-I said some insensitive things too!” You reassure her.

“I'm so sorry, I don't want to fight anymore~” she bawls.

“I don't think we were really fighting all that much...” you mutter. “I-In any case, we were both being dumb so let's just forgive, and forget” you say.

“*Hic-sniff-sniff*'re too good to me~” she cries as her tears slowly come to an end.

“ are you feeling alright? Nothing hurt?” You ask.

“No, I'm okay. Thanks to you-*chu*~” she whisper followed with a kiss on your cheek.

“W-well it's no trouble...” you mutter blushing. Oddly enough being kissed on the cheek felt more embarrassing than a kiss on the lips.

“*Giggle* come on, let's stand up, we'll have plenty of time to roll around each other when we get to the tent” she hints with a soft whisper.

The slope does not let up after you cross the bridge, another hour, and the two of you made little progress.

“This is where it gets tricky. Like I said even though we aren't climbing the top of the mountain, we're still crossing along the side like this which means we'll have to do some hands on climbing” she explains.

“But first the tent right?” You ask.

“Oh~? Anxious are we?” She teases.

“I could say the same thing to you, you've been practically pulling me to get to the tent faster. I don't think you've stop shaking with excitement since we crossed the bridge” you retaliate.

“Okay~ ya got me, but we should reach the tent soon if I remember correctly” she states

Sure enough after only a few short minutes they had arrived their third lichen tent. The tent looked smaller than the previous other two. Behind it you could see a rockwall, and further up you see the mountain itself, a large cloud shrouding the top of the mountain.

“Well here we are, my highest home thus far. I tried to make a tent up higher, but then I thought of you, and I thought it'd be better if the neighbors didn't see you” she explains.

“Neighbors?” You ask.

“Yeah, they live on the mountaintops, but we should be fine, they've all gone on blind-dates, or something so we have the mountain all to ourselves!” She cheers.

“That's good news, but man that was rough, I'm exhausted” you sigh as you feel your body, and especially your legs ache.

“Well my sore man, now we can just relax, and let our bodies recover naturally. Well have a cozy little fire started, and sleep in soft comfy lichen for the rest of the night” she spoke with a soothing voice.

“That, that sounds great” you sigh relieved.

Two hours later...

“Ah~oh-oh~ yeah, right there! T-that's my weakspot-ah!” The Lichen cries out as you continue to pound her pussy with your diamond hard cock.

Almost immediately after the fire was done, and the sun went down the two of you stripped each other, and in almost no time at all the Lichen was leaning against the wall bent over while you stood behind her penetrating her hot, wet pussy.

“(I-I'm gonna be paying for this in the morning, but...fuck it)” you thought to yourself.

“More-more! Feels so good! I-I think I'm falling in love with your cock!” She moans as she rest her head against the wall, tongue hanging out from her wide blushing grin.

You lean close to her, your right hand holding onto her waist while your other hand fondled at her breast. This went on for over an hour now the two of you climaxing twice already, but showing no signs of slowing down.

“Ooh~ I'm so close! P-please I just a little more!” She cries out.

You lean closer to her, nibbling at her ear. She gasps, and moans in approval, but you weren't done yet, it was time for the climax.

“I love you” you whisper in her ear.

Her eyes widen, her body tenses, and suddenly she let's out a high pitch cry as you feel her vagina clench tightly around your rod. Moments later you orgasm as well, and you feel yourself on the verge of passing out from exhaustion. The two of you slide to the floor panting, and tired.

“Mmm~ you were rougher this time...I liked it” she purrs.

“Good-*pant*-good night” you whisper.

The two of you sleep in each other arms basking in the afterglow of rigorous, passionate lovemaking. Of course the joyous afterglow of sex quickly turns sour once morning arrives.

“Ooh~ why~” you groan as you stir awake to a new morning.

Having pushed your body to it's physical limit, and then some having hot sex with your Lichen lover your body felt like lead, the aches you felt before magnified two fold, and spending all night having sex meant you had very little sleep. In other words you can't feel any more worse than you already do. You eye your partner snoozing contently. She squirms, and snuggles you closer to her warm bosom, you also notice several strands of lichen had clung to your body.

“Hey? Hey, you awake?” You whisper

You nudge her a little with your nose to stir her awake. Her eyes peep at you, and she quickly beams at you. She nudges her nose, and rubs at yours.

...Goddamn that was cute...

“Morning sunshine” she whispers.

“...Everything hurts...” you groan.

“I love you too” she declares.

“Still have a mountain to cross” you mutter.

“I was in heaven last night” she swoons.

“Are we gonna be okay?” You wonder.

“Oh we're more than okay now” she purrs.

The process of standing up was grueling, it took a whole two minutes just to stand.

“Oh~ last night was wonderful, I think I'm gonna be walking funny for a while” she goes on.

“Are you even listening? Are you still out of it?” You ask.

“I-I am I swear, I was just...uh~...” she mutters.

You turn to her, and see she's is in fact staring at you...or rather you just remember you were sleeping in the nude, and you haven't changed yet. The Lichen's cheeks darken, and her eyes narrow slightly with lust.

“Hey!? *Snap-snap* come on snap out of it” you snap at her, while snapping you fingers.

She squeaks, and jumps an inch, or two before staring at you directly in the eyes, and nodding her head.

After a brief change of clothes, and some morning stretches you start to slowly regain your strength, as well as your confidence as you stare up at the rock wall. The Lichen comes out of her tent fully clothed, and stands next to you looking at the sight.

“Here's the deal, we have some climbing, and the hardest hiking we have to do this entire trip, but if all goes well we should be seeing the plains of the border country, and from then on it's smooth sailing” she explains.

“After that we'll be meeting your friend is that right?” You ask.

“Yup! She's really nice, and she's always happy to lend her home to me. We use to be travel buddies for some time...E-eh!? No we weren't naughty with each-other!” She quickly explains, and denies.

“...I didn't say anything” you say.

“R-right! Yes of course!” she quickly cries out.

Once again you feel the urge to push the subject, but decide not to, as there are more important things to deal with at the moment.

“It's just like putting on your pants. Just one foot at a time” she advises.

You nod silently, and with nowhere else to go, you grab a jutting rock on the wall, pull yourself up, and begin your ascent.

This whole trip you were constantly behind her, trying your hardest to keep up. Now as you climb this wall with her, you aren't behind, but beside her. You never thought you could even pull yourself up let alone climb a mountain barehanded, but her guidance, and moral support push you forward.

“Hey! How are you holding up!?” She calls out to you.

You look to your surroundings, and notice a problem.

“I-I can't reach that rock up there” you call out.

The only rock you're able to grip is too far for your arm to reach.

“Here, take my hand, I'll pull you up!” She assures you.

She extends her hand towards you, and you grip as best as you can, you feel her pull you further up, just enough to grab onto that out of reach rock.

“Appreciate it!” You call back.

“Anytime!” She cheers.

Further up the climb you came upon nothing, but flat surface, your partner passes you a long thick rope of stretched lichen from her knapsack, at the end of it was a grappling hook.

“See that wedge up there, since your closer can you throw the hook up there? Make sure it's nice and secure there cause we'll have to rope climb it the rest of the way” she explains.

You grab onto the device without a second thought. You were certain you've seen this in a movie you saw once, couldn't be that hard. You twirl the hook in a small circle to give it momentum, and you fling it upwards missing the wedge completely. The Lichen giggles, and simply tells you to try again. Several attempts, and near head on collisions with the hook, and you finally feel like you secured it firmly in the wedge. You give the rope a few test tugs.

“Looks about safe to me” you assume.

“Awesome! Care to lead the way, or ladies first?” She asks.

“Nah~ I'm no gentleman, you know that! I'll take point this time!” You reply.

You grip the rope with both hands, and begin pulling yourself up.

For once in your life you didn't feel like a burden, or a nobody. As you pull yourself up climbing up a mountain on a seemingly sturdy rope of lichen you felt like something much more. As if you've woken up from a long slumber, and you're starting your life anew. You were even embracing the pain, and aches you've been suffering from through the whole trip, it embolden you, toughened you up, reminded you that you were alive...or maybe you were becoming a masochist...still you hope it was the first part that you were feeling.

Before you know it you had reached the wedge, and pulled yourself up to a rocky inclining surface. Your travel buddy follows soon after, and you give her a helping hand up, she instantly glomps you into a tight hug the moment she's on her feet.

“I knew you had it in you! I just knew it!” She cheers.

You turn around, and look at the panoramic view of the bordering country. A luscious green field with the occasional patch of flowers, and trees. Further ahead just withing your view you can see a small farmland with several crops of wheat, and other grown food, and snaking through all this in curves was a soft flowing river.

“Come on! Come on! Don't wanna be late!” She cheers pulling you forward again.

The two of you jog downhill to ground level with a cool breeze refreshing your tired, sweaty face.

“You think she'll still be there? What if we are too late?” You call out.

“Oh she'll still be there, she's never in a rush, and~! There it is! Come on we might just make it!” She cheers.

Several yards ahead of you, you could spot a web of streams leading into a wide river, you notice a few of the coming from the mountain.

“ it? I guess I'm do for a cool drink, or something” you respond.

She jumps into the thigh deep river, and splashes about, her hands frantically digging at the water.

“So how do you feel?” She asks.

“How do I feel? I feel like I've gain five times my normal weight, I can barely stand, or breathe normally, and I feel like I've been bruised on every part of my body” you explain.

“No, not that, I mean how do you 'feel'” she asked putting a lot more emphasis on 'feel'

“...Surprised I think...happy too? I don't know, I can't stop smiling for some reason” you respond as you turn back to the mountain.

“Yeah, you've been through a lot that's for sure, and maybe we had a rough start, but you shouldered on, and I bet you feel pretty good about yourself now do you” she asked.

She spoke the truth. Having traveled so far after you've spent years being a shut-in for so long. You couldn't believe just how much better life would feel after going through such hardship.

“And you go through this all the time?” You ask.

“Yeah, and it never gets old, the feeling of going from point A to B on your own like this, or with that special someone. People are missing out! Here catch!” She suddenly calls out to you.

She throws something she picked up out of the water, and you just barely grab it, though you almost drop it again in shock.

“N-no this-” you stammer.

“Yup! You're MARE device, the little fella had a journey of it's own, and we just barely caught up to it!” She declared.

You look it over top to bottom, and you are even more shock to find out it's still in working order.

“Huh? Guess the advertisements were right” you chuckle.

“Congratulations on a hike well done” she congratulates you.

The two of you shared a quick bath on the river, and continued onwards to the plains where her friend is located. Only half an hour later you stumble upon someone, and something from a distance.

“There! Over there, that's her!” She loudly whispers.

The person in question looked indeed to be a girl for the most part, though you notice her bottom half resembled something that of a snail, or slug. She also seems to be lugging what looked like a round, brown trailer.

“Whoa, that shell's hug-*mmph*!” you recall before the Lichen quickly covers your mouth.

“Shh~ she's shy, so we can't spoke her with loud noises. Let me set the mood” she whispers to you.

You nod your head in understanding, and keep quiet as you watch her sneak towards her friend-wait why was she sneaking?

She quietly makes her way behind her friend who was entranced in humming a gentle tune as she slowly, very slowly makes her way across the plains. The huge shell behind her decorated with adorable pink curtains on the back. The Lichen stifles her giggles as she sneaks close to her side, and then...

“HEY BUDDY!” She shouts.

The Ureonggaksi gave a loud yelp, and flung herself inside her shell, and shutting it tight.

“Buahaha~ Oh~ man! That was so adorable! Glad you haven't changed. Hey! Come on over it's cool!” She calls out to you.

The shell hostess peeks from her shell, and sees her friend giving a soft sigh of relief.

“Oh~ i-it's just you, can't you find a better way to say hello?” She asked.

“But you're just so cute when you hide in your shell like that. Reminds me of our school days, remember? Every time your crush past by you, you would jump into your shell in embarrassment” she recalled.

“Oh~ don't tease me, it took me forever to get to courage to talk to him...” she mutters.

“Hey, don't worry, there are plenty of cute guys like him that will like you” she assures you.

“Mmm, I-I guess. Anyways would you like to come in. I just got back from Pallascens where I got the most delectable tea” she invited.

“I would love some, and so would my guest” the Lichen approved.

You finally reached the girls just as your travel lover introduced you, the hostess looks over you, and blushes slightly, and looked as if she might just lock herself in her shell again, but she quickly collects herself.

“N-nice to meet you, I'm sorry, I don't talk to boys so you're with-” she begins.

“Yup! We finally hit it off!” The Lichen squeals.

“Oh that's so wonderful! I am so happy for you, please come in you two, I bet there's much to talk about” she invites.

“Thank you for your hospitality” you properly thank.

You spent the rest of the day relaxing in her cozy shell-home. Her couch massaging your sore muscles, the Ureonggaksi delicious cooking made you feel full for the first time in days, and you rather enjoyed her company. She was a little nervous about talking, but she eventually warmed up to you, and was a joy to talk to. Eventually it grew dark, and your hostess insisted you spend the night to rest your tired bodies for the long trek back to your house. Her bed big enough for the two of you was bliss on your body, and you quickly fell asleep alongside your Lichen partner. So deep in your sleep you didn't wake up as the shell you were staying in started to move in the middle of the night...

Hours passed, and the two of you wake up to find your hostess with a very sad frown.

“I am so sorry~ I-I couldn't help it! I completely forgot you two were still here” she cried.

You peek out her window, and find yourself at a loss for words.

“...You didn't...not wanderlust, not now” the Lichen muttered.

“I'm so sorry~” the Ureonggaksi bawled.

“Where...where are we?” You ask.

“*Sniff* just outside...Karpathia” the wandering snail girl revealed.

“Karpathia! That's a whole weeks trek from your house!” The Lichen cried out.

The room fell silent, all eyes trained on you as you took in that sudden realization.

“...*Sigh* guess we have no think we can stock up on the nearest town?” You ask.

“W-wait, you're not mad?” The Lichen timidly asked.

“Surprised, but...maybe, this won't be so bad...well as long as you're with me” you say.

“Do you really mean that?” The Lichen asked.

“Sure I do, come on! We're burning daylight already” you say.

The Lichen smiles at this, and immediately goes to grab her knapsack while you grab your pack. Your host apologizes to you once again, and as a way of saying sorry she has given you some money to help pay for whatever you'll need. You, and your Lichen partner exit out of her shell to start a whole new journey through the great outdoors of Praxis.
How To Train Your Loose Cannon: Wendy
Spoiler: show
“(How do I get myself into these situations?)” The girl wondered to herself.

“Don't try anything funny, or it'll be the last thing you do” the rugged criminal dressed in dark baggy clothing croaked.

He lightly pressed the edge of the blade along her neck to assure his warning. The girl shivered at the cold blade's touch.

She remembered the day going so normally just a few minutes ago too...

She was just about done shopping, her little weave basket full of groceries, and assorted goodies. Dressed in one of her more frilly long sleeve dresses. A white dress ending in several layers ending in more frills turning into a sharp blue color starting from her knees, and reaching above her ankles. She was feeling like a blue today, I mean green was cool, and all, but it just wasn' enough. She continued skipping merrily along the way excited for the treats she would enjoy later, her long dark red hair bouncy along with her every step. Atop her head two light pink horns curled inwards graced her head, not particular pointy, or thick she decorated them with thin light silver ribbons. In her happy state she thought of something extra happy, the thought gave her a brief state of the giggles, and her wings have a quick flap of excitement as well. Her bat-like wings span as long as her arms could stretch, the thin membrane colored a soft pink while the fingers where a darker shade of pink. The thumb of her wings were sharp, and several inches long, long enough that she thought it best to wrap both with the same colored ribbons that could also be seen several more times on her dress. To finish her look she wore long white socks, and brown, round shoes that she insists have not gone out of style several decades ago. Her tail flicked merrily, swaying left, and right as she continues her happy skipping. Her tail was thin, and almost flimsy looking especially considering what it was carrying at the tip of it. A large spade bigger than her hands, and thicker than her tail. In the center of the spade was an odd, organic substance that almost resembled a rapier. The bottom had three petals on either side of one another ending in a very thin pointy tip.

Suddenly in the middle of her skipping a loud commotion erupted from the marketplace, and people scrambled to leave. The little girl was pushed, and shoved in all directions before she found herself dizzy, and alone. As the spinning feeling left her she had no time to think as a pair of large hands grabbed at her, yanking her closer to her sudden assailant.

Now here she was, being pulled along by the man frantically looking this way, and that, until a soft rumbling was heard, growing louder, and louder. Suddenly the fireworks stand several yards away was destroyed, it's contents setting off all at once, and in a dazzling, blazing display of fireworks a motorcycle rushed through the flaming wreckage, a man not wearing a helmet was it's rider. He jumped several feet, landing with a quick wheelie before sliding sideways to a stop in front of the criminal holding the winged, horned, and tailed girl hostage.

“Y-you! Why won't you just give up! You can't stop our cartel!” The criminal roared.

The motorcyclist left his motorcycle standing, his uniform was clearly used by the city's police, but that motorcycle he owned was clearly not owned by the police department. He drew out a gun, a large revolver, and aimed it directly at the criminal's head.

“Let the girl go...” the man ordered.

“(Oh gosh! He's going to save me!?)” the girl thought.

“Don't do anything funny! I'll slit her! I swear! Drop the gun!” The criminal warned.

“(Don't push him you stupid idiot!)” the girl angrily thought.

Slowly the officer's grip on the gun went limp.

“Alright, you win, just let the girl go” the man assured as she slowly dropped the gun to the floor.

“(I can't wait to hang out with my new best friend!)” the girl squealed in her thoughts.

“Good, now kick it over here, no funny stuff, or the girl dies!” the thug threatened.

“No funny stuff here, I'm gonna slide it over to you, just release the girl” the cop said.

“(Oh~ heavens I want him so bad!)” the girl's thoughts shuddered.

The thug saw the gun sliding towards him, his attention drawn towards it, enough for the cop to pull a second pistol from his coat. The bullet soared just inches beside the girl's soft cheek, and struck at the thug's neck. He gargled in pain, his grip on the girl gone as she sprinted away from the scene, hiding behind a bench, looking on at the scene. The cop walked over to where his gun finally stopped sliding, and casually picked it up, he glanced at the now dead thug with little to no interest.

“*Sigh~* what a waste of a bullet” he muttered to himself caring more about his ammo than the human life he just took. He glanced at the girl staring at him with a mix of curiosity, and perhaps even a tad bit of fear.

He moved close, and crouched down in front of her in order to see eye to eye.

“You okay kid?” He asked

The girl just nodded her head with a soft whimper.

The cop looked sideways, and saw a basket with it's contents spilled, but relatively in tact. He reached out, and grabbed it, bringing it towards the girl.

“This yours?” He asked.

“Y-yes...” she muttered finally feeling her voice returning.

“Stay here, some cops will be here to take care of you, I gotta go. Probably to get my ass chewed out by the chief. Stay in school kid” her hero said.

He went over to his bike, and kicked it alive, and he was rushing out of the building like it was bat country, and he had to get the hell out of there fast.

“I-I don't go to school...” the girl spoke too late.

Later at a nearby police station which still held it's new building smell, but that's to be expected of a city just recently built smack dab in the middle of neutral territory neighboring the Stablefields. The Loose Cannon parked his bike at the garage before he heard the tell tale shout of his name from his chief.

“Where the hell is that bastard!” A loud gruff voice shouted inside the police station.

“Relax old man I'm here” a cop called out before entering the room.

“It's chief to you! Damn it! You're a loose cannon! A liability! You cause more deaths! Than a cascading catalyst core! I can have your badge for this recent asinine job!” The police chief shouted.

His chief looked as if donuts ran in his bloodstream, the loose cannon glances at a photo of his chief ten years ago in a more athletic figure with a second man next to him, both in their prime as officers.

“I'm up to my ass in property damage here, I'm getting too old for this crap” The Chief grumbled as he looked over his recent paperwork.

“Hey I got the guy didn't I?” the loose cannon scoffed.

“Damn it, that's not the point! I know what they did to your father, but that ain't no reason to break the code. You're a cop, not a vigilante” the Chief corrected.

“I don't need to hear this, I'm on patrol in an hour, and this cigarette ain't gonna smoke itself” the Loose cannon replied turning away.

“No you're not! There's been a change of plans, just this minute” the Chief now had a smile on his face.

The Loose cannon slowly turned around feeling a hint of dread, this wasn't the first time the Chief had something up his sleeve he didn't like.

“If this is anything like that time I had to clean the bathroom during burrito and enchilada night, then you can just take my badge right now” the Loose cannon warned.

“Nope, we have a special case child with us that you're gonna be looking out for, kind of like our visits to schools. She's a ward of the state, or to be precise, she's still hasn't even been recognized by the state. No family, living off Ureonggaksi and kind passing Lichen so she'll also be staying at your place for the time being until we can find her a foster family of some sort...or a job and apartment” the Chief explained.

“C-can't you just take my badge, it's right there on the table. Look here take it, please” the Loose cannon pleaded.

“She's waiting at our break room, and to make sure you two get along, I'm giving you three days off to spend time with her. We already got your shifts covered” the Chief said.

“What!? Couldn't you find someone-anyone to babysit a brat?” The Loose cannon asked.

“It has to be you! You're on thin ice as it is, and if the media traces your dumbass antics to our station, we're all gonna be up to our asses in issues. With you too busy to watch the kid, we'll be able to stoke the fire before it starts blazing...a fire in which you started. You should be kissing our asses for all the crap we're doing to help” the Chief scolded

“Man, I never asked for your damn help!” The Loose cannon grumbled turning away.

“...I know you didn't, but I made a promise to your dad that I'd look out for ya. Don't blow it because you're a little steamed up” the chief was solemn.

Once again the loose cannon turned back to the photo of the chief in his early days, more directly he looks at the man next to him a head taller than the chief. His dad could have been a lieutenant if he had been alive now...

“...Fine, I'll watch the kid, if it'll get you to lay off my ass for a week, then I'll take it as a vacation” the Loose Cannon agreed.

“Damn straight! She's at the break room chatting it up with the other staff, you might wanna get there fast, she's been talking about you nonstop since she got here” the Chief smirked.

“What!? Crap, why didn't you say that earlier! Damn it Chief!” The Loose Cannon exclaimed before bolting off towards the break room.

As he nears his destination the cop could hear audible laughing as a the sound of a young girl retells her tale with no sign of growing tired of it.

“A-and when I thought I was a goner, 'he' showed up in a motorcycle in a splash of fire and colorful lights!” The little girl drew in the crowd of officers containing their laughter.

“A-and how did you describe him again? H-hey Eric listen to this” A blonde female cop nudged at her partner.

“He was as cool as ice, with a temper like fire, and a passion just as hot as he took one look at me and decided then and there to rescue me. He was so~ handsome when he did it too~” The girl swooned.

Another loud roar of laughter filled the room just as the Loose Cannon entered the room, this only caused more laughter as they recalled the child's story.

“Shut up! Out! Out all of you!” The Loose Cannon shouted.

“*Gasp~* It's you! O-oh gosh, I forgot what I was gonna say-h-how's my hair!? Is it nice!?” The little red-headed started brushing her hair with her hands.

More laughter filled the room.

“He made me feel like I was a princess, and he was my knight in shining armor” the girl went on.

“Everyone out, now!” The Loose Cannon shouted.

The group disperses leaving the Loose Cannon, and the rescued child.

“What did you tell them?” The man asked.

At this the young girl blushed and turned away with a goofy smile, and fingers busy twirling themselves.

“I-um, well I was sort of telling them the story of how we met...and I sort of got, carried away?” The girl explained

“*Sigh~* whatever, so what's your name? No sense in calling you kid all the time” the man asked.

“It's Wendy! Just Wendy will do” The child perked up.

“...Chief said I had to take you in, what does that mean?” The loose cannon asked.

“W-well, I just came to your world-I mean you know, neighborhood. I-I don't have a home, or family here...” Wendy looked down to her feet kicking the air as she shuffles a little while sitting.

“Why can't you just go back where you came from?” The cop asked.

“W-well it's not bad...but it feels lonely after a while. I thought I could make some nice company to take with me-if they wanted to of course! W-with me” Wendy's voice rose and shrunk with each sentence.

“Geez, the headache you caused me” the man confessed.

Wendy was shocked at his words and her mood quickly dropped. The Loose cannon had a feeling Wendy was gonna do something he didn't like.

“I-I'm sorry..*hic*” the Wendy gasped as she suddenly lost what little emotional strength she had now started to cry.

“Oh~ man, d-don't cry” the loose cannon groaned.

“I-I'm not-*sob*-crying...” Wendy poorly lied.

“Why are you...not crying?” The Loose cannon asked.

“I-I just wanted to thank you, and-and make it up to you. B-b-but you hate me no~w” Wendy now went full on crying.

“Aw~ crap, kid-Wendy. I don't hate you, and don't shout things that can get me in trouble. Did you forget where we are” the cop hissed.

“So, I can stay with you-a-and we can play together!?” Wendy looked up to the loose cannon with hopeful eyes.

“I don't know about playing, but we'll figure something out that won't bore us” the loose cannon reluctantly agreed.

“Really!? This is a dream come true! Thank you-thank you-thank you!” Wendy squealed.

Unable to contain her childish excitement she rushed up to him and gave him a tight hug.

“Whoa-whoa kid, settle down there!” The cop exclaimed.

“Come on! There's so many things I want us to do today!” Wendy cheered as she tugged at the cop's sleeve and pulled him away.

All the other officers snicker and watch the loose cannon being dragged out of the police station as Wendy ranted on about all the fun! So much fun to be had.

Outside they stopped in front of the Loose Cannon's personal sixties dark red muscle car. Again not an official standard police vehicle, the only thing it has in common with a patrol car is the detachable lights and siren installed in the horn.

“Whoa~ is this yours?” Wendy ogled.

“Yup, five years of fixing her up top to bottom” the Loose Cannon replied with pride.

“Where's your motorcycle thing?” She asked.

“Garage, figure this might better for kids” the cop replied.

“I-I'm not a kid!” Wendy assured.

“Whatever you say, so where are we headed?” The vigilante cop asked.

“Oh! When I got here, I found the most prettiest flowers at a nearby park. I was hoping we can spend some time flower picking with a nice picn-” Wendy began.

“Nope” the cop flat out rejected.

“Aw~ why not?” Wendy asked.

“Just get in the car, and we'll do something I like to do for fun” The cop smirked.

“Oh! That sounds wonderful! Let's go!” Wendy was excited.

Several minutes of driving and the loose cannon took Wendy to the first destination of their sort of not really date. As a gentleman the vigilante cop knew exactly where to take a girl out on their first date...a shooting gallery just outside of town made personally by him.

“Come on! You haven't even fired it once!” The Loose Cannon laughed as he fired three more times hitting several empty bottles.

“C-c-can we do something else, please!?” Wendy practically begged as her hands were still trembling just holding a small handgun, her eyes quickly watering.

“Alright, alright. We'll meet halfway” the Loose Cannon allowed.

“*Sigh~* thank you” Wendy felt relieved as she dropped the gun she was holding.

“Whoa kid-don't do that!” The Loose Cannon exclaimed.

Acting quickly he swept Wendy off her feet and carried her just before the gun hit the floor. A loud bang was heard as the pistol went off in the area where Wendy was just standing.

“Don't just drop a loaded gun like that, it can go off!” The cop scolded.

“I-I'm sorry! I didn't know” Wendy cried.

“It's fine, don't worry about it” the cop assured.

“This is the second time you rescued me” Wendy swooned.

Still held in his arms Wendy felt a rush of strong romantic passion as her loving heart was all aflutter from another daring rescue by her knight. Her cheeks red with the thought of what she wanted to do next, she brought her face close to his and readied herself to kiss him as a reward.

All the cop could see was Wendy doing something weird again. Not wanting anything to do with where her lips were aiming he immediately let her go. Gasping and shocked she flapped her tiny wings as hard as she could but could only soften her landing as she fell on her butt on the dirt.

“Ow~ that was really mean” Wendy whined.

“I don't know what's going on in your head, but I don't care, we have places to be” the Loose Cannon replied.

Their next trip was to a local arcade he hung out a bit as a kid, and since it had a bar that served drinks after seven, he still continues to hang out there.

“So much noise and lights” Wendy took notice.

“Yup, still too early for the bar to be open, guess we'll just play some stuff” the Loose cannon went right for the arcade machine with the guns.

“M-maybe not that one” Wendy was still nervous.

“Fine, we'll try something else” the Loose Cannon reluctantly agreed.

Going for the ones involving the classic arcade joysticks both Wendy and the Cop had a rather surprisingly pleasant time. The Cop noticed that despite never playing such games, Wendy was a quick learner. Often than not she would be supportive when working together, and stiff competition when playing against each other. She even trumped the shocked cop with a win every once in a while.

“Welp there goes all my quarters for the day” The Loose Cannon lost all his change.

“That was actually a lot of fun! I didn't know there was such a magical place!” Wendy cheered.

“Well it gets really magical after seven, but whatever, who cares. So now what else can we do?” The Loose Cannon wondered.

“Um, I know you didn't like my idea, but I have something else we can do” Wendy said.

“Uh~ yeah, sure why not. Fair's fair and all that” the cop agreed.

“Yes! Thank you, I swear it's actually a lot of fun” Wendy promised.

Wendy directed the Loose Cannon to several shops to grab what they needed for her convoluted game, all the while Wendy explained the rules of said game she just made up. By the time they had reached the park the cop had over ten rules he had to memorize.

“Such a beautiful day, are you ready!?” Wendy asked.

“I think I am?” The cop couldn't be sure.

The 'game' felt rather awkward as what others may see a man and child running around chasing each other, it was actually in reality more complicated than that. About ten minutes in a small bickering was held as they reviewed the rules they agreed on. The cop defending his claim he broke no rule, while Wendy insisted he did.

“I'm telling you, you were out of the safety circle!” The cop pointed out.

“I wasn't! The safety circle changes every 2 minutes!” Wendy argued.

“That was three minutes ago though” the cop added.

“No~ I activated the safety circle after touching the bush over there two minutes ago” Wendy said.

“You said safety circle can't be made on a bush on a leap year!” the cop said.

“No~ I said you can't do it on a month that's different on a leap year! There's nothing different this time!” Wendy said.

“But you also forget that I activated the shield hammer by wearing the red headband” the cop pointed out.

“But the red headband has to be worn with the knot sideways” Wendy said.

“Yes, but to activate it I have to turn it to the front” the cop insisted.

“Only if it's your turn to be tower!” Wendy said.

“Wait, so who's turn is it to be the tower?” the cop asked.

“My turn!” Wendy pouted.

“...Oh~ now I get it...yeah okay that was my bad” The cop confessed.

Another hour of playing and both of them were completely exhausted, as the sun was on the verge of setting, the cop and Wendy settled to lay on the soft grass to collect their breaths.

“How, how did I waste so much time doing something like that?” The Loose Cannon could not believe it.

“I told you it was fun” Wendy said.

“I-well, it wasn't a complete waste of time I guess” the cop reluctantly agreed.

“Don't be like that, you had fun” Wendy corrected.

“Yeah, sure I guess I did. Guess it's getting late though, I better get back home” the Loose Cannon realized.

“Wait! Did you forget? I'm living with you” Wendy said.

“ really have nowhere to go?” the cop asked.

“No, please? Can't I stay with you? Pretty please?” Wendy pleaded.

“...Damm it, fine you can stay, you're just lucky I have a spare room for you” The cop surrendered.

“I...I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. I-I don't have any money on me, but I'll find some way to repay you!” Wendy promised.

“Just stay out of trouble kid-er Wendy, it'll give me less hassle if I don't have to pull you over for something” the cop said.

“No-no I got to do more! I-I'll think of something” Wendy said.

“Do whatever you want, come on let's go” the cop opened the passenger seat door for her.

Wendy gave a suppressed 'squee' at the gesture before skipping to her seat.

He drove her to a little suburban neighborhood where his house stood. As they stood near the front door, he could hear the loud barking of his two dogs waiting.

“(Aw crap, I almost forgot about them, maybe this isn't a good idea...)” The cop thought. “Listen Wendy, I have two pretty brutal dogs, they're like my assistants. Maybe we shouldn't do this” the cop said.

“No! I'm staying with you, I'm not scared” Wendy said.

“Alright, you asked for it. I'll try to keep them from biting you” the cop warned.

He opened the door, and the first to rush out was his first dog. A Mastiff from the far north east with a thick dark brown coat with a light brown coat on his chest and legs. His head was large compared to most dogs and his bite is second to none, the only exception being his other dog of course.

“Chomper, stay!” The cop ordered.

“Aw~ he's so cute! Look at how fluffy he is!” Wendy squealed as she stepped closer.

“Careful, his bite could rip your arm off it's socket” the cop warned, though he sounded rather proud of that.

To his surprise, Chomper showed no signs of biting, but rather licking at Wendy's cheek as she cuddled at his fluffy neck.

“*Giggle* hey, stop that-it tickles!” Wendy cried out as Chomper took an instant liking to her.

“The last time Chomper had someone like that he was gnawing on his torn neck...” the cop murmured.

Then his second dog came, his father's personal partner in the K-9 unit now passed on to him. A Shepherd dog almost the same as all the others, but his undercoat was pure white compared to most Sheppards trained in the force. And what he lacked in bite strength he made up with quick wit and even a sense of intelligence you wouldn't see in a normal dog.

“Hey! Ripper! Careful Wendy he's actually pretty vicious-what the...” the cop couldn't believe it.

“Aw~ you want your tummy rubbed? Here you go~ who's a good boy? Who's a good boy!? *Giggle* you're just a cute little puppy aren't ya!?” Wendy cheered as Ripper almost immediately submitted towards Wendy, perhaps instantly finding her as friendly.

“You too Ripper? Even I could barely control him” the cop said.

“He's just wants some love, don't you~” Wendy said as she continued to rub his belly.

“Is that how dad did it?” The cop wondered.

They stepped inside, the living room a complete mess of magazines, pizza boxes, movies and junk all around.

“...Guess I should clean the place up a bit sometime” the Loose Cannon said.

“It's not so bad~” Wendy tried to hide her disgust.

“Well, guess I'll show you to your room, watch the floor” the cop warned.

He lead Wendy through a less filthy hallway towards a room in between two doors.

“My room's to the right, bathroom to the left, simple” the cop said.

“Got it!” Wendy said.

The cop opened the door and saw a plain, but clean room. For the most part it felt rather simple with several drawers, a king size bed and creamy white curtains on the window.

“It's a little dusty, it was my dad's before he passed, I don't think he'd mind if you used it for a few days though” The Loose Cannon said.

“Oh, I'm sorry for your loss” Wendy said.

“Don't sweat it, I'm...getting over it” The cop left it at that.

“C-can I still say something?” Wendy asked.

“Say what?” the cop asked.

“Thank you for letting me stay in your room, your son has been really nice to me, a-and I'll promise to take care of him too. Please watch over us!” Wendy gave a small prayer.

“...You're a weird kid you know that” the cop murmured.

There wasn't much else to do after that, night quickly approached and the day was spent with the Loose Cannon taking Wendy through the rest of the building, including the kitchen, laundry room, and backyard. After a brief dinner it was already time for both of them to go to bed.

“Um~ maybe you can tuck me in?” Wendy asked.

“...You already know the answer to that” The cop said.

“Well it was worth a shot...good night!” Wendy said.

“Yeah, good night” the cop said as he left the room.

He dragged himself to his own room, a room coated with numerous magazines and weapons of blades and guns. Taking off his bulletproof vest he crashed onto his bed feeling more exhausted than he thought. He drifted off to sleep almost immediately.

Morning came and the Loose cannon awoke to another day. Stretching out the kinks in his arms and legs he unconsciously went for a bulletproof vest in his closet but remember he had the day off.

“Guess I'll do something else” the cop murmured.

Leaving his room he quickly heard some commotion in his living room. Finding something to do he followed the noise and spotted Wendy going straight to work cleaning the living room of all it's filth. He glances to the right where Ripper could be seen holding a trash bin with his mouth as Wendy throws more trash in. Looking across the hall, Wendy saw her new love interest.

“Ah! Good morning! I-I was hoping to finish before you woke up, but there's a lot of work here” Wendy said.

“Y-you really don't have to do all this” the cop said.

“No! I really should! After all you saved my life-twice! It's the least I can do right Ripper?” Wendy said.

Ripper gave a loud bark, as if agreeing with her. At that point Chomper came into the living room from the kitchen holding a lot of trash in his mouth.

“Okay Chomper into the bin like I showed you” Wendy said.

Chomper gave a muffled grunt before tossing all the trash into the wastebasket.

“No really, I think I should take care of the rest” the Loose Cannon said.

“Don't be silly, I can take care of this” Wendy assured.

Wendy reached under the couch and pulled out the reason why the cop wanted to do the cleaning on his own. An adult porno depicting two women dressed in cat get up on all fours, and facing away from the camera. The title simply read 'Pussy Paradise 7!'

“Uh~ yeah” the cop looked away unable to say anything else.

Wendy's hand shook as she grumbled something under her breath.

“What was that? Couldn't hear that” the cop said.

“No! I said no! I won't allow this...this...dirty thing in here! Chomper!” Wendy shouted.

Chomper rushed to her side jaws open, as if knowing her next command.

“Chomper!? H-hey what are you doing! Heel! Stop! That's a collector's addition!” The pervy cop said.

“Do it” Wendy simply murmured tossing the porno towards Chompers open mouth. Chomper proceeded to gnaw and mash away at the masturbation tool, destroying it with it's powerful jaws.

“So much for man's best friend!” The cop roared.

“...Ripper? Where are the rest of his...'collection'” Wendy muttered.

She was no longer a sweet, friendly child, but a girl on a mission with feverish intent on destroying all she claims is 'dirty'. Putting Chomper and Ripper to work, she searched the house for every other kind of porno and dirty comic she could find much to the Loose Cannon's anguish.

“No! Not my 'Succubus Harem'! Wait! Don't touch my 'Lichen Gone Really Wild 3'! Chomper no! H-hey wait! That's 'Blue Slime, Creamy Milk Concotion'! That's my first one-no~ my cow and slime girls~” The cop wailed.

Then Wendy came upon another one, as she was set to dispose of this one, she noticed it was rather different than the others. The title reading 'You Won't Believe These Girls Are Eighteen!' the cover displaying Sorceresses and magical girls in provocative attire, and half nude which can attract many loli enthusiasts.

“...I-I guess you can keep this one” Wendy reluctantly allowed.

“Oh that one? It's not even mine, do whatever the hell you want with it” the cop allowed.

This only angered Wendy even more as she went back to work removing everything else in the building. This was one of many hardships the Loose Cannon had to endure to gain something much more with being with Wendy.
How To Train Your Loose Cannon Finale: Wendy
Spoiler: show
The Loose Canon wakes with a jolt and covered in sweat. He gasps loudly as he pulls the curtains to let in the new morning sun.

“Oh man~ what a nightmare” the Loose Cannon heaves.

From what he recalled, he vaguely remembers taking in a nagging mom in a child's body who took control of his animals, ransacked his apartment and destroyed his most prized, pornographic possessions.

“At least it's all over” the Loose Cannon sighs.

“Honey~ I brought you breakfast~! Oh gosh! I just called you honey! *Squee* we sound like an old married couple!” A girl's voice giggled before the door suddenly opened.

The Loose Cannon turned to see the ire of his non desire. The little girl he just rescued called Wendy appeared holding a tray of toast, scrambled eggs, and two sausages. The man also notices she has donned her hair into a bun to which he suppose is to keep her hair from getting in the way. You also notice she was wearing a frilly white apron but from where she got it is unknown. The man notes the pink scribble she wrote on the apron itself reading 'Kiss the Cook' with her handwriting, as it that wasn't girly enough she drew several hearts around the sentence as well.

“...You're real aren't you...” the man murmured.

“Silly, of course I'm real, now eat up or it'll get cold” Wendy warned him

“Crap” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“Hey! Don't say things like that until you try it!” Wendy pouted.

All in all the Loose Cannon couldn't complain about the food, technically it was better than eating cup noodles again. Though as the man ate he couldn't help but notice Wendy was sitting on his bed and close to his right side. The way her eyes were wide and shiny, and her smile small and hopeful told him she was fishing for some kind of compliment to the food.

“...It's, not bad” you judge it.

“Thank goodness! Only the best for my hero~” Wendy swooned.

“Yeah, yeah” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“So~” Wendy wanted to keep talking.

“Yeah?” The Loose Cannon was willing to talk.

“How come you never told me your name, I told you my name, and I was waiting for you to tell me yours” Wendy asked smiling.

“My name? It's Jake Steel Action Cop” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“...That's not your name~” Wendy said still smiling.

“It is to anyone that asks me that” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“I'm gonna find your birth certificate” the Wendy suddenly declared.

“Good luck, that thing is hidden better than my porno collection...Rest in Peace” the Loose Cannon gave a moment of silence to his personal fap material.

After much scouting and even with the assistance of Ripper, and Chomper it was no use, Wendy could not find anything resembling a birth certificate.

“Why~” Wendy at last whined at her hero as he ignored everything around him and polished one of his guns.

“Y is an ugly letter kid” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“I gave you scrambled eggs!” Wendy pouted again.

“I liked my eggs sunny side up” the Loose Cannon responded.

“Oh! Really? That's actually good to know-wait! You're changing the subject!” Wendy almost fell for it.

“Look kid-” the Loose Cannon said.

“I'm not a kid!” Wendy cried out.

“Look, Wendy. My name is not important, it's not like it's going to change anything if you know it or not” the Loose Cannon said.

“B-but it does, it's an important bond we can share. How can we take our relationship seriously if we don't even know our names” Wendy glumly replied.

“I think we know plenty about each other” the Loose Cannon said.

“Like what!?” Wendy cried out.

“You know I like my eggs sunny side up” the conversation went full circle.

“That doesn't count!” Wendy shouted stamping her feet.

“Take it or leave it” the Loose Cannon simply said.

“Hmph! Fine! See if I care, that's the last time a pretty girl like me is going to cook anything for you, too bad~” Wendy attempted to punish him.

“Guess it's back to noodles for me” the Loose Cannon couldn't care less.

“Oh gosh! D-did we just have our first fight as a couple! Our relationship really is starting to become closer!” Wendy suddenly felt joyful and celebratory.

“Don't just make stuff up like that on your own!” It was not the Loose Cannon's turn to be angry.

“*Giggle* you're so cute when you're angry” Wendy teased.

“Whatever, here take this and go distract yourself with something else” the Loose Cannon grumble handing Wendy a remote device.

“Oh~ what's that!?” Wendy got excited.

“It's a remote control for that glass box thing over there, we call it a T.V, go scroll through everything and pick out something you like to watch by flipping through the channels” the Loose Cannon explains.

“Wow~ you have things like that here? Let me try!” Wendy said pointing the remote at the television and pressing several buttons.

She finally presses the one that turns it on, but to her shock the first thing she sees she already dislikes.

She sees a cow woman with extremely large breasts getting her chest rubbed by her lover, her blushing face, sweating body and rapid body movement meant she was on the verge of something big.

“Oh no~ I-if you keep rubbing them like that, it's gonna come out! Oh-oh-ah-ah~ it's coming! My milk! It's coming-Ah~” The Bovitauride moans loudly.

Before anything could come out however, the Loose Cannon was quick to swipe the remote back and change it to static.

“Oh wow, w-where did that come from I wonder” the Loose Cannon tried to laugh it off. He glances at Wendy and notices her cheeks have puffed up as her glare becomes fierce, she almost sort of resembles a hot air balloon.

“There's nothing wrong with small! Why don't you like them smaller! Like mine!?” Wendy shouted as she slapped her chest repeatedly with her palms.

“Wait! That's what you're upset about!? S-stop that! You're going to hurt yourself!” The Loose Cannon cried out as he grabbed hold of Wendy's hands.

After her temper tantrum ends, the Loose Cannon heads back to the living room to catch up on some important gun magazine reading. Wendy follows him standing next to him as he takes up the entire couch just slouching around.

“Is this what you do all day?” Wendy asked.

“No~ sometimes I look through the car magazine” the Loose Cannon proclaimed.

“You have a day off! Let's do something fun with it” Wendy insisted.

“Alright, back to the shooting gallery” the Loose Cannon declared.

“No! Not that!” Wendy shook her head.

“Well we can't go to the bar, they won't let you drink” the Loose Cannon said.

“Don't you know anywhere else besides those two places?” Wendy asks him.

“Do you have any ideas?” the man asks her.

“Well~ we can go clothes shopping, I-I have some money, and I wanted to try all the cute things I saw yesterday” Wendy said.

“Here's some coins, enjoy” the Loose Cannon muttered tossing her a few bits of copper and silver.

“No-no! You have to come with me!” Wendy pouted.

“Why?” He asked.

“B-because I'm gonna be wearing those clothes, and I just want to make sure I have your opinion on whether you like it or not. Is it so bad to look pretty for you?” Wendy asked.

“Come on, kid you look fine to me, you got a nice redhead thing going with you” the man tried to compliment.

“R-really, well I try a lot to take care of it, but I want to try something new. Please~ pretty please?” Wendy pleaded.

“I don't know~, this couch is really comfy” the Loose cannon would not budge.

“*Hmph!* Fine, I'll just stay like this, after some time my dress is gonna get really dirty and I'm gonna have to wash it though. It's my only dress too, so the only thing I'll be wearing is my apron...oh gosh! Is that why you don't want me to get new clothes!? I mean, I don't mind doing that for you, b-but it's really embarrassing, and what if you get excited? You'll be gentle with me right-” Wendy went on a rant.

“Okay-okay! You win, let's get you some new threads!” The Loose Cannon surrenders.

“W-well, you didn't have to change your mind so quickly. I could just strip for a second just so you can see how I'll look-I mean just for a second” Wendy now wanted to try it all of a sudden as she clasps at her cheeks to hide her growing blush.

“Too late I already have my keys on me, let's go” the Loose Cannon insisted.

“Okay, let me just grab my things!” Wendy was giddy with excitement.

They drove towards a bustling indoor mall where Wendy gawked at all the numerous shops it had. Truly it was a bustling hub of market meets culture as there was a little bit of something for everyone in many regions.

“Wow~ there's so many things I want to see already~” Wendy gasped, clutching her purse with glee.

“I wonder if there's any gun shops around here” the Loose Cannon wondered.

“Come on-come on! I want to try over there first!” Wendy cried out pointing at a nearby shop.

The man glanced over and widen his eyes in disbelief. Right away, Wendy wanted to drag him to a lingerie store. He felt like he was in some sort of bad romance movie.

“No way kid, I'll give you the cash you just go in and out while I wait outside” the man refused.

“B-but I need your opinion, a-and I-um~ well...when I got here, I only brought one pair” Wendy whispered her conundrum.

“That's your problem” the Loose cannon insisted.

“You're being so stubborn today, just help me out with this please!?” Wendy pouted.

“I'm not going in there!” The Loose Cannon starts getting loud.

“That's it, mister, you need a spanking!” Wendy had enough of his stubbornness.

“Yeah~ real threatening, I'm so scare-ow! What the hell!?” The Loose Cannon cries out when he felt his side suddenly jabbed by something.

The Loose Cannon turns to Wendy and see's her overly large heart shaped tail end standing tall, and glowing a soft pink.

“...Pfft~ is that the best you can do? I doubt it would pierce a bullet-proof vest if I had one on me” the Loose Cannon mocked.

“...I-I just wanted to spend more time with you, because you're my hero~ *sniff*” Wendy was getting teary eyed.

For a moment the Loose Cannon was about to ditch her then and there, nothing good can come out of an adult in front of a crying child, especially in such a crowded area. Yet for some strange inexplicable reason the rugged badass couldn't just leave her like this. Rather he actually felt compelled to fix this mess.

“You...really want to spend time with me that badly?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“No! Y-you're the one that's-*hic*-c-crying!” Wendy sobbed.

“That's not what I-! *Sigh~* fine, I'll go with you...” the Loose Cannon pitied her.

“Y-you mean it? We can go together?” Wendy asked.

“I already said I would didn't I?” The Loose Cannon reminded her.

Wendy smiled almost instantly at this, and wrapped her arms around the man's arm to drag him towards the shop.

“Hey-hey what's the deal, don't cling on me so tightly” the Loose Cannon grumbled.

“I have to, it's so busy here we can lose each other in the crowd, besides! This is what couples do all the time” Wendy cheered.

“Couples? Slow down there kid I'm not-hey quit dragging me, I can move on my own!” The Loose Cannon exclaimed.

They enter the small shop and little by little the Loose Cannon felt his fragile masculinity slowly crumble.

“So many to pick, what color do you think suits me?” Wendy asked.

“Whatever gets us out of this place faster” the Loose Cannon murmured.

“I'm thinking white too” Wendy replied.

“Sure fine, whatever” the Loose Cannon went along with it.

“Oh~ I really like this pair, do you think I can find a matching bra?” Wendy asked.

“Pfft~! I don't think they make sizes smaller than a A-cup” the Loose Cannon couldn't help himself.

“Ooh~! I'm not that small! I just wanted to try one!” Wendy fumed.

“So what? What's the big deal with you wanting so many specific underwear?” The Loose Cannon asked.

Wendy paused and quickly turned away to hide her face, all she could do to respond was giggle nervously to herself.

With their purchases made they took off to another clothing shop, at the very least this one didn't damage the Loose Cannon's masculinity.

“It's getting warmer right? Maybe I should start wearing short-shorts? O-or maybe a lighter dress! Oh~ but this top looks really cute I can't decide!” Wendy giggled excitedly.

“Well~ I guess maybe something in soft colors might look good on you” the Loose Cannon mumbled.

“Eh? Y-you actually gave me a real opinion?” Wendy was surprised.

“Well you're gonna be stuck with it for a while, and I'm paying for it so the least we can do is get it right the first time” the Loose Cannon had a sudden change of heart.

“...I-I could pay myself you know” Wendy assured.

“Yeah, but you don't have much right? Plus some of these look pretty expensive. Just don't worry about it, it's on me this time” the Loose Cannon assured.

“That's really sweet of you” Wendy was impressed.

“Just think of it as a 'sorry' for that joke back in the last shop” the Loose Cannon reminded her.

“Oh yeah! I'm still peeved about that!” Wendy got upset again.

“Sure you are, come on. Let's see what we can find here” the man said.

Wendy smiled and looked through all her options. Unfortunately she came across a sudden predicament.

“These clothes are too big for me, even the small ones keep slipping off-eep! Don't look!” Wendy cried out as one her shoulder straps slid right off revealing a bit too much skin for her tastes.

“I'm an honest man!” The Loose Cannon quickly turned away before he could feel anything about Wendy's wardrobe malfunction.

“Oh~ I see the problem. Little miss I think we ought to take you over there. There's some lovely child's wear that will fit perfectly for you” the store clerk explained

Once again Wendy's face started glaring first at the clerk and then at her date as if expecting some sort of snarky response. Wendy see's him still turned away, and covering his mouth as he makes muffled noises.

“Stop laughing!” Wendy pouted.

“I-I'm not-*pfft*-laughing” the Loose Cannon poorly hid his lie.

“Stop smiling then!” Wendy was on the verge of a tantrum.

“Honest-I-I'm hiding the biggest f-frown right now-*hehehe-haha~*” the Loose Cannon couldn't control himself

in the end she went with just about everything she deemed 'cute' and 'mature' for a child sized clothing line and the Loose Cannon lost roughly two hundred cyrunes. He can only hope the huge grin on her face would last the rest of the day so he won't have to put up with any more of her tantrums. Currently she decided to change in the store's wardrobe and settle for a nice soft pink V-neck blouse and denim shorts with soft pink ankle length socks and sky blue sneakers.

“I think I should get a new hat to match all this-oh! But we don't have to do that just yet! I don't want to be selfish” Wendy was quick to change her mind.

“It's all good kid, I'll just buy the cheap beer for a while” the Loose Cannon assured.

“Thank you so much for taking me out on this date” Wendy was happy.

“It's no-wait date? We never said anything about a date” the man replied.

“Of course it's a date silly! A boy and girl going out together like this, what else would it be?” Wendy asked.

“Hm~ can we just get something to eat?” The Loose Cannon tried to change topics.

“Oh! I was hopping you'd be hungry after all this! Let's go fine someplace to eat!” Wendy cheered.

Once again being dragged through the mall, it was only sometime later did Wendy realize her mistake...

“I...don't know where we can go to eat...” Wendy became embarrassed at her rash actions.

“Well at least you're energetic, that's good for someone like you” the Loose Cannon assured.

“I'm sorry I'm such a klutz” Wendy apologized.

“You don't have to apologize for nothing kid, just follow me. Here, take my hand” the Loose Cannon offered.

“...(This is the first time he actually wanted to hold me this time)” Wendy gasped in her thoughts.

“Well? Are you gonna take it, or are you gonna daydream all day like some sort of Erumo?” the Loose Cannon asked.

“Oh! S-sorry, thanks!” Wendy squeaked still keeping her red face.

They eventually find their way to the food section, though before the Loose Cannon could pick out whether to eat western or eastern food today he was already being forced to sit on the nearest table.

“What's the deal? We haven't even ordered anything” the Loose Cannon proclaimed.

“Well...uh, the thing is~ I took the liberty of cooking our lunch too. I woke up really early to do it, but I hope it'll be worth it” Wendy revealed a lunch box of some sort.

“Kid-Wendy...welp fine by me, let's try your lunch” the Loose Cannon agreed.

“Okay! Here it is!” Wendy cheered revealing her lunch.

The Loose Cannon scowled at the display, a small batch of heart shaped chocolate chip cookies on the corner, a toasted bacon, lettuce, tomato sandwich with a thin slice of chicken she added. Which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that the bread was toasted in a way that it resembled a heart shape as well...what is with this girl and hearts? Lastly to drink was a juice-box, apple juice to be precise.

“Really Wendy?” The Loose Cannon looked back at her.

“Yup!” Wendy saw nothing wrong with it.

“Hey~ it's our favorite renegade cop!” The Loose Cannon heard one of his workers in the force call out to him.

“Aw, crap! Not now” the Loose Cannon grumbled.

Three male officers he has had the pleasure of sharing the same workplace walk up to him, possibly on break.

“So how's babysitting, is she treating you alright?” One of the cops asks.

“Yup! I even cooked his food and everything!” Wendy proudly proclaimed.

“Pfft~hahaha~! Hey Jenkens! Look at this! It's covered in little hearts!” One of the officers points out.

“Aw~ that so adorable, are you going soft on us!?” Jenkens starts laughing with the rest of the group.

The Loose Cannon ignores their laughter and mocking, but it's not until he sees Wendy does he feel anything about any of this.

“...I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to embarrass you with my dumb cooking...” Wendy sounded upset.

He didn't know if it was the loss of his prized porno, the loud laughter, or the weird feeling in his side where Wendy poked him with her tail, but something inside the Loose Cannon made him snap in combination to seeing Wendy sad.

“Shut your mouths you goddamn jackasses! You wish you had someone actually give a damn about you enough to cook whatever the hell you want. And I don't give a shit what you guys think! I think it looks fucking delicious!” the Loose Cannon cries out.

The laughter stop, and the crew backed away, even some of the mallgoers stopped what they were doing to watch the scene unfold.

“Whoa~ take it easy! We were just joking. Look we've gotta go, we'll see ya at work” one of the cops quickly says before he leaves with the rest of the group.

The Loose Cannon turns away to see Wendy wide eyed and looking rather surprised at his outburst.

“...What? You worked hard on this right? Just wanted to give you the respect you deserved” the Loose Cannon stated.

He turned away for just a second before he was suddenly jumped on by Wendy who had him tightly around her arms.

“I can't believe you actually defended my honor like that. It's like you were born to be my knight in shining armor~!” Wendy swooned.

“Me a knight? Ha, that'll be the day. So what? I guess that will make you the princess or something?” the Loose Cannon asked.

“M-me! A princess, that's nice, but I think I want to be a queen so I can take better care of my people” Wendy said.

“The way you look you'll be a kid princess for a while” the Loose Cannon joked.

“Hey~ what about my honor!?” Wendy cried out softly punching at her knight.

“Well here's the thing, I'm not gonna let anyone make fun of you...that's my job” the Loose Cannon said.

“...I think, I'll take it. Better you than anyone else, so long as we're still together in the end” Wendy said.

“You really are one weird kid...aren't you gonna eat too?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“Oh yeah! I made enough for both of us” Wendy remembered taking out her own lunch-box.

The two ate their food in peace, a single moment Wendy wouldn't trade for the world. After spending the remainder of the day enjoying the sights as the Loose Cannon couldn't bear to lose any more cash. They left as it got dark happy and satisfied, they returned home to clean up and get ready for bed, but as Wendy was putting on her newly acquired pajamas, the Loose Cannon had a call from one of his more lucrative contacts. He answers his MARE device and hears his response.

“We've found someone that might know about what you're looking for, he's hold up outside the city in an abandoned warehouse with a crew of ten or so” the contact spoke in a hush whisper.

“I'm already there” the Loose Cannon responded hanging up his device and getting ready.

Just then Wendy came out of the bathroom after a refreshing bath and fresh clothes, ready to fall asleep any moment.

“Okay~ yaw~n you're turn” Wendy yawned.

“I' there in a minute. You should just go to bed” the Loose Cannon said.

“Okay, today. I had a lot of fun with you. I really hope we can have more fun again” Wendy asked.

“...We'll have all the fun in the world kid, goodnight” the Loose Cannon promised.

“Yeah! knight” Wendy giggled and ran off to her room.

The Loose Cannon waited roughly an hour to make sure Wendy was sound asleep before taking his equipment, armor and weapons and drove off into the night.

The next morning, Wendy awoke to the noise of loud banging from the front door.

“Ugh~ I'm-*yawn~* coming~” Wendy yawned.

Still in her pink silk pajamas shirt and barefoot she sauntered over to the front door and opened it.

“Wendy, you remember me?” The large man of the police force asked.

“...Chief, I remember but what are you doing here so early~” Wendy couldn't wake herself up.

“It's about your guardian...there's been an incident last night and he's hurt, hurt real bad” the Chief suddenly declared.

This news did snap Wendy awake, she quickly dashed towards the Loose Cannon's bedroom and saw no one there.

“W-where is he!?” Wendy cried out.

“Wendy, relax! He's at the hospital right now. I was going to take you there myself, that's why I'm here!” The Chief said.

“Let's go then!” Wendy cried.

They rushed to the hospital, Wendy running through the corridors after finding out his room with the Chief in hot pursuit. They entered the room and Wendy saw him, lying unconscious on a hospital bed, his torso exposed revealing several thick gauze wrapped firmly around most of his chest. Despite looking new there were still small splotches of his blood.

“No, no-no-no~” Wendy started sobbing.

“Don't cry Wendy, it's not like he's kicking the bucket any time soon. From what they told me, the damn whack-job drove himself to the hospital” the Chief said.

Wendy rushed over to the Loose Cannon's side nearly jumping on the bed alongside him before a doctor noticed the commotion and entered the room.

“I wouldn't do that, as his surgeon I can assure you his wounds can open up at any moment” the doctor explained to Wendy.

“So how is he doc?” The Chief asked.

“He'll live, tough son of a bitch needed a lot more than the usual amount of heavensigh we give our patients. Kept assuring us that he could wrap the injuries himself before blacking out. We did the best we could, no vital organs were hit, but he did lose a lot of blood, and the boacurb filling his body should keep him drowsy, and in bed for some time. Where he should stay I might add” the doctor said.

“See Wendy? Told you he's fine” the Chief said.

“He's not out of the woods yet, he lost a lot of blood and we might lose him if his wounds re-open. We're already fixing that issue soon, just have him stay put for a few days and we'll give him some crutches to walk himself out of here” the doctor assured.

“Thanks for all your help, we don't know where we'd be without ya Kurt” Chief said.

“Anything for old friends, and an old friend's son of course” the doctor Kurt smiled.

“Come on Wendy, I'll drive you back, we can find someone else that'll give you a place to stay for a while” the Chief said.

“I'm not going...” Wendy muttered.

“Visiting hours aren't forever you know” the doctor explained.

“I don't care, I'm not leaving him” Wendy assured more loudly this time.

“I know you're worried, but we already told you he's gonna be fine” the Chief said.

“No he's not! I-I already left him alone once, and this is what happened...I'm not leaving him alone ever again!” Wendy cried.

She jumps on the Loose Cannon's lap and gripped the mattress as tightly as she could glaring back at the two men refusing to leave.

“...Fine, she can stay so long as she doesn't bug any of the other patients” Kurt said.

“Thanks for that, I'll leave him in your care” the Chief said taking his leave.

Wendy released her vice grip on the bed and slowly slid herself back down, she dragged a nearby chair and sat herself down close by his side waiting for the Loose Cannon to wake up. Hours passed and it was late in the afternoon and Wendy having not slept properly eventually took a nap, still sitting on her chair and resting her head on the bed. Roughly a half hour later the Loose Cannon woke up feeling an odd sensation of numbness and pain.

“Ugh~ haven't felt like this for a while” the Loose Cannon muttered.

He heard soft breathing beside him and saw Wendy resting peacefully beside him, her arms hugging his forearm.

“...Sorry kid, but I'm not done yet” the Loose Cannon spoke

As carefully as he could he slid his arm off Wendy's grip, took his belongings and left the building. It wasn't long before Wendy noticed her arms were lacking anything to hold and she woke to find the Loose Cannon had already left her again.

He rushed out of the room asking anyone she could find if they've seen an injured angry looking man leave the hospital recently. She found luck with the receptionist explaining that a man was complaining that his car was towed away this afternoon.

“He grunted something about taking a shortcut to his house through the park on our left, you can't miss it” the receptionist explained.

Wendy thanked her and sprinted after the injured man causing her so much worry. Meanwhile; the Loose Cannon felt a sense of dread, possibly knowing his stealthy escape has just been compromised, and she was gaining fast. Not wanting to drag her into his messes he devised a plan. Wendy sought after him running through the cobblestone path in the park looking this way and that, but didn't have to search long to find the Loose Cannon staring out into the sunset several feet away from an old oak tree.

“I finally found you!” Wendy cried out.

The Loose Cannon turns around not even appearing surprised.

“Oh? What took you so long kid?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“W-what took me so long! I was worried sick! Whaa~ha~” Wendy suddenly cried her eyes out as she rushed towards him.

“Yup, saw this coming a mile away” the Loose Cannon waited for his plans to go into motion.

Wendy stepped on pile of leaves and was suddenly flung upwards by a hidden snare trap. She dangles several feet to the ground by her ankle as she grips at her pajamas’s shirt to keep it up so as not to expose herself.

“Why~!? *Hic*-why did you do all this!?” Wendy cried.

“I didn't want you to get involved with my mess. You see now why I can't have someone like you poking their heads into my life where it doesn't belong? I'm not going to drag anyone into my affairs” the Loose Cannon said.

“You can't just risk your life like this! Come back with me, to the hospital! You're still hurt!” Wendy cried.

“I'm not going anywhere, I'm too close now. This could be my only shot” the Loose Cannon said as he began to walk away.

“Don't go~ please don't leave me~!” Wendy wailed.

“Don't worry kid, I'm gonna call ahead and let them know where you're at, you'll be out of that tree, and I'll be long gone-” the Loose Cannon was saying.

“That's not what I meant! I-If you keep this up! Then something horrible is going to happen to you! A-and if that happens! Then we-we won't be able to play~ anymore~” Wendy sobbed loudly.

Well this declaration was enough to stop the Loose Cannon dead in his tracks.

“I won't be able to cook your meals, and we won't be able to go outside together! Or wear matching clothing, or make up and play our own games! I won't be able to do any of that fun stuff again!” Wendy cried.

“C'mon kid, you can do that with someone else...” the Loose Cannon muttered.

“It won't be the same! I want it to be with you! That's all I ever asked for! So please! Please don't leave me~” Wendy begged.

The Loose Cannon had only one shot to make things right, his path clear yet he still hesitated. A nagging feeling in his head that wouldn't go away no matter how hard he tried to shake it off.

“Don't go~ don't go~ don't leave me alone” Wendy's voice was weakening and reduced to mere whimpers.

Her vision was extremely blurry, her tear filled eyes making everything hazy, yet she could make out a shape growing larger and approaching her.

“...You really are one weird kid Wendy, to cry that much for someone like me...” she heard the Loose Cannon's voice just inches from her.

“You're here! S-so does that mean!?” Wendy gasped.

“Yup, you win, I'll go back to the hospital with you...” the Loose Cannon submitted.

“Oh~ thank goodness, thank you~ thank you I'm so relieved-so-so happy right now! I-I'm crying all over again” Wendy felt a huge burden lifted from her.

“Don't move, I'm gonna get you out of this” the Loose Cannon assured.

“Okay, just let me-” Wendy was trying to get ready.

However she was free before she could ready herself and she toppled to the ground, her tiny wings flapping all the way and doing little to help her.

“...Oh~ yeah, forgot about alright Wendy?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“Ow-ow-ow~oh~ my ankle~ oh~ look at it~” Wendy moaned as she gripped her left ankle.

The Loose Cannon took a glance at her ankle, and notice it was already red and swelling slightly.

“Looks a little off. No problem though, I bet you can walk it off” the Loose Cannon assured.

“I can't just walk this off! You have to help me!” Wendy pouted.

“Alright-alright. So I guess you want me to carry you? How do you want it?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“Well there's a few ways, I can climb on your back piggy-back style or you can carry me bridal style-wait! I changed my mind! It has to be bridal style, no exceptions!” Wendy was adamant.

“Spoiled little thing aren't ya?” The Loose Cannon joked.

“I am your princess right?” Wendy asked.

“I thought you were the queen, well whatever, I got ya. Geez, ever since you poked me with that tail of yours I've been getting a lot of weird feelings about you” the Loose Cannon complained.

“Poked you?” Wendy asked.

“Yeah, made me go all soft when you're around, don't know how to fix that” the Loose Cannon said.

“(But that should have worn off hours ago...unless...)” Wendy thought until she came upon a realization. Said realization caused her to giggle to herself as the Loose Cannon started carrying her back to the hospital.

“Oi? What's so funny kid?” The Loose Cannon asked.

“Nothing~ I was just thinking...I love you too” Wendy confessed.

“I didn't say nothing” the Loose Cannon said.

“You don't have to say anything, now let's go already my ankle needs to be looked at, and you need to go to bed mister” Wendy said.

“...My name...” the Loose Cannon said.

“Hm? What about it?” Wendy asked.

“*Sigh~* my's...uh~” the Loose Cannon grumbled.

At that moment the Loose Cannon whispered close to Wendy's ear and revealed his identity.

“So yeah, that's it” the Loose Cannon replied after he finished.

“...Thank you for sharing that with me. It means a lot” Wendy smiled stealing a quick kiss on the check before the Loose Cannon knew what hit him.

Things started out rough, and perhaps that won't ever change, but what we do know is that they'll be dealing with the rough tides of time together whether bickering or coddling. It's a strange type of relationship that one could find only in the strange and beautiful world of Praxis.
A Maiden And Her Voyage: Ghost Ship
Spoiler: show
“(It should be around here somewhere...)” a man thought to himself as he drove toward an empty coast.

Dressed in his absolute casual: a plain white shirt, navy blue pants and black shoes he parked his and walked out towards the sandy beach. His soft brown hair already ruffled by the salty air in the wind and his green eyes staring out into the sea.

The weather was poor with grey skies, cold winds and the first signs of a light shower approaching, but for him, it was now or never.

He looked over a small folder of several articles he had printed out during his search on the Nexus. All of them consisting of a large military ship documented as decommissioned after the fall of it's crew and left to be scrapped.

He read the official documents, but he also read the stories people have made of it, the ship's history was perfect for a creepy-pasta.

A long time ago a ship had returned to shore with all her crew gone, and sustaining strange damages not on par to actual combat. Deemed unusable, it's mysterious rips and dents were buffed out and it's equipment ripped apart and confiscated leaving it bare before any records can be made. Leaving it as inconspicuous as possible it became the last ship to be left in an old ship graveyard. Lastly it mysteriously disappeared after a thick fog had covered the area. Many conspiracy theorists claim this ship was used as a secret military experiment that went horribly wrong and thus why so little information about it was recovered, even the part of it's 'strange' damages were just part of the story and never officially confirmed.

“(And after that, the legends say the ship can sometimes be seen on this coast-line on certain nights...can't believe I'm doing this)” the man said.

Still he had a lot of questions and if the stories are true and if he can find that ship he'll finally have answers...either that or more questions.

He set up camp along the sandy beach and started a fire, looking out onto the calm ocean and starry sky, listening to the ocean gently rocking back and forth.

“If it wasn't so hard to get here, this place would be getting a lot more attention” the man mused.

The road was long and the trail was too rough for many vehicles, and it wasn't exactly marked on most maps either.

The man stayed awake as long as he could, but the calming atmosphere, the warm fire, and the late night was quickly tiring him out. At around two-thirty in the morning he was on the verge of sleeping on his knees if it weren't for the strange light that just sparked to his far right.

For the briefest moment he felt they were the ember lights of a passing Erumo, though upon looking more clearly he quickly put this theory down to rest.

“(No way...)” the man couldn't believe it.

It was exactly what he was looking for, a destroyer with an intimidating pair of large cannons on the forward bow, it's size was also fairly intimidating, and look to hold a large crew. The entire ship was glowing a faint white. As if it wasn't strange enough, it held a figurehead of a beautiful woman that by all means should not be allowed on a military vessel, though you suspect their rules were much more lax in the past, or perhaps it was used to improve crew morale...considering the bust size of said figurehead was larger than expected, and very impressive.

The figurehead had long pigtails that reached to her hips with a small beret on her head, she wore a flowing dress that reached her ankles and looked more like a bustier with a skirt, her hands were clasped together as if praying for a safe voyage, and lastly some heeled slippers. The dress itself would have been fairly plain if it weren't for the additional wood carvings carefully crafted on her upper arms, outer thighs and around her waist. The carvings were cut and shaved into intricate flowing curves like swaying kelp or the flow of the ocean with the ornament around her waist standing out the most considering it held a large blossoming flower on the front and acting as a belt of sorts.

“('s right there...why can't I move my body?)” The man grumbled in his thoughts.

Everything he was looking for was right there, and he was certain it wasn't gonna last. He spotted what looked like a gangway on the side of the ship just low enough that he could jump and climb the stairs.

It took every ounce of will and determination before his feet would finally obey him. Grabbing his documents he quickly took his first steps, and those steps turned into a brisk walk, and that walk turned into a jog before turning into a full sprint. He saw the ship somehow pull itself off the shore and attempt to leave just as he reached it's side. He made a desperate leap and barely managed to grab the gangway, but as he dangled and struggled to pull himself up he saw the coast move farther and farther away and the rocking of the great Paeacenzi sea quickly set in.

Preferring not to drown he used what little adrenaline he had and managed to pull himself up and drag his body up the stairs before collapsing on the deck with a loud thud. Loud enough that it snapped someone else aboard.

“Hm? That better not be another seagull using my deck as a toilet” a woman's voice growled in annoyance.

She lifted herself from her bed in the captain's quarters with mop on hand, stomped her way upstairs to her deck and dropped the mop in shock when she saw him; a lone man collapsed on her deck, a familiar looking man.

“Captain?” She gasped recognizing the figure.

However she shook her head reminding herself of past events, and upon closer inspection she realized it wasn't who she thought he was.

“No...of course you're not...” she murmured under her breath before she quickly went to work.

The man's eyes were blurry and his body felt heavy, but he could feel something moving his body. His blurry vision turned and saw a woman's figure glowing dully and moving back and forth around him.

“...An helping me?” He grumbled.

When he tried to move around however he found that he suddenly couldn't lift his legs or move his hands. As his vision became clear he realized he was tied up and still on the deck.

“You awake yet stowaway?” A girl's voice demanded to know.

He looked up and saw that the same figurehead he saw on the ship, her magenta eyes now staring angrily down at him, tapping her heel slipper impatiently. This time however the woman had a bit more color on her...only a bit though; her hair was silver white with black ribbons tying her long hair into thin pigtails, her skin was rather pale and glowing a very faint white, her dress was colored black and white with black heeled slippers though he noticed the thin, intricate and curving decals on her hips, thighs and arms were of a dark brown color, if he could just reach out and touch those detailed grooves would they feel like wood too? Of course that was only a side thought as what his mind actually wanted to feel where the large breasts that, true to the figurehead were still just as large and round as the one on the ship.

“Quit gawking and speak up already!” The the fan of Gothic apparel exclaimed.

“I-I'm sorry-I thought...this was, it really is isn't it” the teen marveled.

“Huh? Are you dumb or something, what's gotten into you?” The girl looked confused.

“H-hey! Why am I tied up?” The man just realized.

“You just noticed that now!? And I'm not gonna let you go until you answer my questions! First off! What are you doing stowing away on me, and second...why is your face turning into a tomato?” The woman exclaimed then turned to confused again.

“I-uh...well, I can...see up your skirt...” the man reluctantly confessed seeing her black, lacy panties.

The woman's pale skin was flushed if only slightly as she immediately pushed down her skirt and kneel down in front of the man.

“You better forget what you just saw or I'll keelhaul you” the woman warned with shut eyes, shaking fist and scowl

“I-I swear I will!” The man quickly promised.

“...This is turning into a huge mess” the woman grumbled.

“Hey so listen, I was just looking for this ship, I didn't mean any harm and when I saw it...I-I just had to take a chance and boarded while I could? I'm not a stowaway I'm not a thief or anything I was just curious so could you untie me already?” The man asked.

“...Fine, you look honest enough” the woman reluctantly assured.

“What do you mean by that?” The man asked.

“Hey I'm untying you! Instead of questioning everything I say, you should be grateful!” The woman barked.

“Okay-okay I'm sorry!” The man was quick to apologize.

As the girl quietly began undoing her work the man couldn't help not keeping his mouth shut.

“So, what's your name?” The man asked.

“I'm fairly certain it is deemed rude to ask someone their name without telling them theirs first. Unless of course you were raised in some backwards country of idiots” the woman scolded.

“How many times am I going to have to apologize to you? My names Brent okay, now can you tell me yours?” The man sighed in defeat.

“I am Lady Celestephine” the woman introduced herself as she was finishing up untying the man.

“You're named after the ship?” Brent asked.

“...I am the ship you dunder-head” the woman corrected as she finally finished.

“You-wait what?” Brent was confused.

“Haven't you read a book or something! I'm not that strange...right?” Lady Celestephine was starting to doubt herself.

“No-I just thought, well maybe there was a less supernatural reason for all the strangeness of your story” Brent said.

“So you admit it! You admit I'm strange!” Lady Celestephine exclaimed looking distraught.

“You're not strange your beautiful!” Brent shouted in a panic.

They were silent as Lady Celestephine took in his words.

“...Y-you don't mean that” Lady Celestephine turned bashful.

“...I do, I mean who wouldn't...look we both seemed to have started on the wrong foot here, why don't we start over and try to get along better” Brent suggested.

“I-I was gonna say that too, but yeah, I'd like that” Lady Celestephine agreed.

“So uh...Celeste” Brent immediately tried something.

“Did you forget my name already?” Lady Celestephine asked.

“No I just thought, you know, I'd try a nickname, you know cause friends give each other nicknames?” Brent tried to reason.

“Friends? Since when did that happen?” Lady Celestephine wondered.

“Well it's better to be friends than enemies right?” Brent said.

“Hmph! Fine I'll grace you with my friendship, but that means I can give you a nickname too! So~ how about...wait a can I work with just Brent! It's already as short as it can be!” Celeste cried out.

“Huh...didn't think that would be a concern for me, welp too bad” Brent shrugged his shoulders.

“Hey hold up! I'm not done with you! I-if I can't give you a nickname then I'll ask for a favor!” Celeste demanded.

“Why?” Brent asked.

“Friends do each other favors all the time” Celeste grinned.

“...So what do you want me to do?” Brent asked.

“You can start by helping me clean up around here! Take this mop and get to work” Celeste ordered.

“...So you want me to scrub your poop deck?” Brent asked.

Celeste blushed furiously and covered her behind with her hands before staring angrily at Brent.

“No dummy! J-just get to work already geez!” Celeste declared before storming off.

“Hey wait a second Celeste!” Brent called out.

“What is it now!?” Celeste called back not moving from her spot.

“ uh, think you can take me back to the coast you were at, my stuff and house are all there” Brent said.

“Ohohoho~ so you need a favor from me too” Celeste began teasing.

“Aw~ come on! Don't be like that...uh~ you're very beautiful!?” Brent began complimenting some more.

“We'll see how generous I am after I see your hard work, and thanks for the compliment, but I already know I'm gorgeous, see ya~” Celeste teased before heading downstairs.

Brent grumbled under his breathe but began to work nonetheless, meanwhile Celeste now out of ear, and eye shot of Brent sighed and pressed her palm against her chest, her heart beating rapidly.

“He's a lot like him...but he's not, I have to remember that” Celeste murmured as her feelings were suddenly beginning to rush out of her.

After a half hour later Celeste lay slumped on her old Captain's bed still coming to terms with her new company, but his looks took her back to the past, her wishes and her regrets. All the things she wanted to say, all the things she wanted to do with a crew on board, and now that she finally had the chance, things turned to the worst, and all her familiar company are long gone.

“It's not fair...we were gonna have so much fun” She mumbled under her pillow.

Suddenly she felt a tingling sensation running across her legs. She quickly sat up and inspected her feet and found no issue, but the tingling returned only it traveled from her ankles to her inner thigh and the tingling began to feel less strange and more good.

Celeste let out a muffled moan she couldn't control. It felt like someone was caressing her directly gliding their hand across her supple skin making her flush red.

“No~ stop” she moaned as she felt another tingling traveling across her hips to the side of her breasts. “N-not there~!” She pleaded as another tingling sensation was traveling dangerously close to her untouched womanhood. She quickly sat up and rushed out the door, though along the way she had to stop and catch herself as her body was continued to be massaged and tingling, thus taking longer to reach upstairs and outside towards Brent who was innocently wiping away at whatever dirt or mess he found.

“H-hey! You! Brent!” Celeste shouted at him.

Brent turned to face her and was shocked to see her so...excited.

Her pale body was now flushed with color, beads of sweat trickled her skin causing her dress to cling to her even tighter, one of the straps to her dress came loose and fell to her arm, but she paid no notice and she was gripping the side of the wall as if her legs had failed her.

“Whoa~ uh what's wrong with you? D-do you need some water or something?” Brent couldn't help but blush at the sight of her, considering the sight was quite erotic in his mind.

“No! A-all I want is for you to stop groping me you inconsiderate perv!” Celeste shouted.

“W-what!? I've been here the whole time just wiping away! Watch!” Brent demonstrated by brushing some nearby railings on the ship.

This caused Celeste to feel something tickle her spine and work it's way up to her neck.

“*Ah~oo~*-t-that! That's exactly what I want you to stop doing you lech!” Celeste moaned and shouted.

“W-wait so~ this is ship is like really apart of you?” Brent asked.

“Duh~! Didn't I make it clear that 'I am the ship!'” Celeste quoted herself.

“I-I just thought you were a ghost haunting the ship, I didn't know you were the ship itself!” Brent said.

“No I'm the ship! I'm a Phantom Ship!” Celeste cried out.

“So you are haunting this ship!” Brent went on.

“I am, but It's more than that!” Celeste exclaimed.

“How is it more than that! What are you then!?” Brent couldn't understand.

“I'M THE SHIP!” Celeste shouted her loudest which was followed by a deafening bang coming from the twin cannons from the ship.

Brent jumped and covered his ears as he tried to make the ringing stop. When his senses returned he looked up to see Celeste still standing there with shacking fists and eyes on the verge tears.

“I'm turning around, and taking you back, I'd rather be alone than spend another minute with you” Celeste mumbled before phasing away through the floor.

“W-wait Celeste-” Brent began until he felt the ship lurched to the left. He saw that the ship was making a sharp u-turn and heading back the way it came, just what he wanted, but he didn't feel happy about it.

He couldn't leave things like this, so he gather his courage and opened the door he felt Celeste had opened before and headed downstairs. He was surprised to find that besides the hallway the rooms were relatively spacious though a little on the worn and torn side, the kitchen, rec-room and several of the bedrooms, bathrooms and showers have seen better days, but he couldn't find Celeste anywhere until he noticed the Captain's room, and tried to open it, and was surprised to see it was locked.

“(It's the only locked thing in here...guess I'm at the right spot)” Brent realized.

He knocked on the door and was relieved to hear a response, though it wasn't exactly pleasant.

“Go away~ I-I'm done with you” Celeste could be heard.

“H-hey I know I said this like a million times already, but I'm really-really sorry. I shouldn't haved pushed you like that” Brent said.

“...I'm not crying just so you know” Celeste answered.

“But you s-” Brent began, but quickly stopped himself. “I-I know, and really it's all my fault, but the truth is, I've been looking for you for a long time, and I have a lot of burning questions right now” Brent said.

“...What do you want from me” Celeste asked.

“I want to know what happened to you” Brent said.

“I can't tell you” Celeste answered.

“You can't or you won't?” Brent asked.

Celeste didn't answer.

“...Hey Celeste-” Brent began.

“Don't call me that! We're not friends anymore” Celeste said.

For some reason that actually stung Brent a lot more than he thought he would.

“...You don't mean that” Brent murmured.

“I do, and why do you care?” Celeste demanded.

“Because I still think we're friends, I still want to be your friend” Brent assured her.

“Well what if I don't want to be your friend?” Celeste asked.

“I...I guess I'll be lonely if you don't, no one to talk to, tell stories with, or do any fun things together...surely you must know what's that like” Brent said.

This also struck Celeste close to home.

“...That was a low blow Brent...” Celeste murmured.

“...I'm sorry Lady Celestephine” Brent apologized once more.

The door creaked slightly open with Celeste poking out.

“ can still call me Celeste” Celeste assured.

“Wait, so we're cool now?” Brent said.

“I'm giving you another chance, yes” Celeste agreed.

“That's all I need, now come on, I need to show you something, just wait at the rec room or something I'll be back real quick!” Brent assured.

“Geez, why are you in such a hurry-” Celeste began but Brent was already long gone.

She sat herself on a chair in front of an empty table, waiting for Brent though she didn't wait long as he entered the room holding a folder with a number of different papers.

“What are these?” Celeste asked.

“They're you” Brent hinted before opening the documents and reavealing his research.

Celeste gasped as she saw old photos and records of her while still in service.

“T-this is me...” Celeste gasped.

“Yeah, I wasn't joking when I said I was looking for you, see there you are in your maiden voyage” Brent began his hilight reel.

The first photo he presented was a black and white side shot of the Lady Celestephine, people on board and off board waving and working as confetti rained on the ship.

“I was so young and cute back then” Celeste smiled.

“Uh~ sure apparently you were the uh...what was it the third ship built at the time” Brent reviewed some of the paperwork.

“Was I? So I guess I have older sisters then...I didn't know that” Celeste sounded very intrigued.

“Yup, you had several successful missions too” Brent added.

“Oh~ you really know how to flatter a girl, please do go on~” Celeste teased with fluttering eyes and a sultry purr to her voice.

“C-cut that out, anyways you've traveled just about everywhere in Praxis at some point, I don't think there was a dock that you haven't visited or seen” Brent said.

“I always did like to travel, gotta do it while you're young and energetic after all” Celeste said.

“Did you like any spot better than the others?” Brent asked.

“I...I did once” Celeste suddenly became melancholy.

“W-well anyways so here's another photo you might be interested in, it's when your figurehead was placed for the first time” Brent revealed showing another photo.

This photo was one of the very few with color, albeit still low resolution, but enough to work with at the time. The photo displayed the figurehead on the ship just after it was properly placed on the ship.

“Yeah, I-I barely remember that I heard that it took forever to get permission to have that put on me” Celeste revealed.

“Who did you hear that from?” Brent was curious.

“From...from my captain...” Celeste began to murmur.

“I see...I, I have his photo too. Do you want to see them?” Brent cautiously asked feeling the heavy vibe Celeste was giving.

Celeste was silent, taking a deep breath before nodding her head.

Brent shuffled through the records and brought up the next photo. A colored photo of Lady Celestephine's first and final crew taking a group photo. Align in a row of three either waving, or saluting and in front of them was a single man in a sharp white navy suit saluting at the camera with a small grin on his face.

“Captain...everyone...” Gasped as her sight was getting blurrier with tears.

“Yeah...that's what I've been wanting to know...I want to know what happened to the captain, to my grandfather” Brent revealed.

Celeste quickly turned to him and then back at the photo before smiling to herself.

“I...I thought there was something familiar with you, so you're his bratty grand-kid huh?” Celeste teased as she wiped away at her eyes.

“Hey, I wasn't that demanding” Brent defended.

“Please, you got seasick so easily when you climbed aboard the first time, back when you could barely walk” Celeste recalled.

“So I've been told, but I got over it, see? No barfing and I've been on you for a few hours already!” Brent said.

“Aw~ do you want a gold star, or something?” Celeste teased to ease her heart.

“Well, I guess maybe a kiss for job well done could do just fine” Brent retaliated.

“Your mind is as low as the deepest depths of the ocean” Celeste grinned before looking back down at the photo. “...You know, you look a lot like your grandpa too bad you haven't accomplished nearly as much, pretty sure your grandpa was on the verge of being a Captain at your age by now” Celeste added.

“I work hard in my own way, but yeah my dad and I got our looks from my grandpa” Brent said.

“...So if your his grand-kid then that means he was already...” Celeste muttered.

“Married? In love? A parent? Pretty much all of the above” Brent said.

“I it couldn't have worked regardless...” Celeste murmured.

“Huh? What was that?” Brent asked.

“It's nothing...really” Celeste assured. She found herself gripping her heart once more, she finally found some closure, but not the type she was hoping for.

“Hey so the crew here...I have heard some things-” Brent began.

“Whatever you heard it's not true!” Celeste suddenly snapped at him.

“I-I'm sorry! I wasn't implying anything!” Brent quickly said.

“...Heh, did you know that the Captain at the time finally managed to persuade the higher ups after he won a card game against them?” Celeste changed the subject.

“I assume you know this cause they played on you?” Brent asked.

“On this very table” Celeste revealed.

“Must have been quite a game” Brent said.

“Nope, your grandpa cheated” Celeste giggled.

“Well that takes a little of my pride in him” Brent grumbled.

“To be fair, he was playing with one of the best players in the military, he was so confident in his skills that they made that bet thinking he would win hands didn't work” Celeste smile returned.

“Yeah, but we've always been like that. From what I was told we were kinda like the underdogs. Sure they got a powerful, slick and gorgeous war-ship, but almost everyone on board were still green and coming out of either boot-camps or military academies. When your grandpa became Captain he hand-picked everyone on board and showed everyone what we could do!” Celeste went on.

“Yeah, that wasn't taken out of the records, in fact it was all over the news to give the navy a good light with the public. You were actually a mascot for a small time” Brent said.

“R-really? That many people knew of us?” Celeste asked.

“Yup, you were on radios and even on posters for a short while, I actually feel like I'm talking to a celebrity right now” Brent praised.

“Well-geez, you're making me all giddy for no reason” Celeste clasped her cheeks and swayed back and forth.

“Well you derserve it considering everything you've done” Brent assured.

“I-” Celeste began but quickly became turned melancholy once more. “...No I don't, Brent I really don't deserve it” Celeste muttered.

Brent wanted to know what happened, but stopped himself. As curious as he was he knew Celeste was in no condition to tell him, at least not yet.

“I understand...look it's getting late and I'm gonna hit the sack soon, got anywhere for me to sleep so we can pick this up in the morning?” Brent asked.

“Yeah-yeah I do, follow me” Celeste said.

For some reason Celeste held Brent's hand, the first time Brent felt her since their encounter.

“...Your hand is pretty soft...” Brent confessed.

“S-shut up! I-I-I just don't want you getting lost is all” Celeste blushed furiously as she stuttered her response.

Celeste lead Brent to a door beside the captain's quarters.

“Here, you can take this cabin where a few of the sailors slept, it's still relatively clean” Celeste confessed.

“...What about the captain's room over there?” Brent asked.

“That's my room, you're not allowed” Celeste snubbed him.

“Why not? That's my grandpa's room so technically it should belong to me too” Brent said.

“I-idiot! There's only one bed there! I-if you took it, t-then we'd have to sleep t-t-together!” Celeste blushed at the thought.

“Oh-well okay, I guess I'll take this bed uh Celeste?” Brent began.

“W-what is it?” Celeste asked.

“...Sweet dreams?” Brent said.

“C-cut that out! I'm not letting you sleep with me!” Celeste blushed for a third time.

“Why are you getting all flustered I was just wishing you a good night” Brent argued.

“J-just got to sleep already dummy! Geez!” Celeste pouted before turning to her door.

“Could you at least let go of my hand!?” Brent called out as he was being pulled.

Celeste paused and Brent felt his hand being painfully squeezed before she released it and stomped out in a rage of embarrassment.

It's going to be a long trip...
A Maiden And Her Voyage 2: Ghost Ship
Spoiler: show
It's been a quite morning after he woke up, of course he was too excited to really sleep, plus the beds were a little on the uncomfortable side, lumpy and old. Brent took a quick power nap to regain some lost energy and took this time to walk out of his cabin room to explore further. With all the debacle and talking he did with Celeste he didn't realize how bright the interior was, he was certain the electricity would have gone down with the ship until he noticed that the bulbs were really just the glow of the ship, in fact the entire hall was aglow with a faint blue-ish white, the bulbs were just brighter than everything else. Moving upstairs to the deck he saw that Celeste had finally came out of her room and was staring quietly at the ocean.

She was certainly thinking about something, but her distant gaze made Brent feel it was more or less day-dreaming so he took this chance to walk up to her and start another conversation.

“What do you do in your room anyways?” Brent asked.

“None of your business, but if you have to know I dabble in activities of sorts” Celeste wasn't specific.

“So~ I was thinking...about me going back” Brent begins.

“You really want to go back huh? Whatever! It's not like I wanted a dummy passenger to begin with!” Celeste suddenly turned sour.

“W-what the-no I mean I was thinking, you know...if we can take the scenic route?” Brent asked.

“What are you talking about?” Celeste asked.

“Well it would be a waste for me to go back so quickly after I just met you...and uh~ don't take this the wrong way but I was thinking we can...delay my return and go someplace you would like to go you know- to talk” Brent was careful with his words.

“If you're talking about what happened in the past you can forget it!” Celeste glared at him.

“I'm curious I'll admit, hell it took me this far didn't it, but now I'm just wondering as a person” Brent confessed.

“Oh my~ did you fall head over heels for me already” Celeste smiled.

“I don't know, did my hand feel just as soft for you as yours did for mine?” Brent reminded.

“S-shut up idiot! I-I was distracted!” Celeste cried out.

“By what? I was the only one there” Brent replied.

“You're really ticking me off right now~” Celeste growled with gritting teeth and clenched fists.

“Okay-okay I pushed your button I'll can we just hang out then?” Brent asked.

“Y-you mean like the two of us-a-as in boy and girl-like a d-date!?” Celeste put two and two together.

“Well you're a ship, but I guess you're also a yeah?” Brent said.

“Hmph! Fine! I accept your challenge!” Celeste declared.

“Dating really isn't considered a challenge...” Brent began.

“I'm not gonna lose!” Celeste added.

“Again, we're not gonna-you're not listening anymore are you” Brent noticed as Celeste was laughing haughtily like a noble-woman.

“Just try and sweep me off my feet!” Celeste then turned to Brent and pointed at him.

“...Considering your size, I'll be lucky if I can lift the ship half an inch” Brent said.

“Grr~ it's rude to talk about a girl's weight you know!” Celeste turned sour again.

“What are you talking about?” Brent asked.

“Stupid I'm talking about-ugh! Just watch, even a weakling like you can lift me watch!” Celeste began to march towards him.

“W-wait what are you-” Brent began.

“Here! Grab me here, and I'm gonna lift my legs like so-” Celeste was now in her own world.

“H-hey Celeste-cut that out-” Brent exclaimed as he was being forced to lift her up bridal style.

Eventually he submitted to his fate and at the end of the day Celeste was being lifted with surprisingly relative ease.

“Hah! See I told you!” Celeste replied with a smug grin.

“Huh? I'm actually surprise you carry any weight at all considering your a ghost...someone needs to explain this to me” Brent said.

“Shut up, just admit I'm right and you won't question me ever again” Celeste said.

“Hey so can you actually feel me carrying you like when I touch the ship?” Brent asked.

“Duh? Why wouldn't I?” Celeste asked.

“Cause I don't know...uh~ so can I let go of you now?” Brent asked.

“Your arms feeling weak already?” Celeste teased.

“No, but I was wondering how you felt pressing your boobs against my chest like this?” Brent confessed.

Celeste face flushed once more and she wriggled herself out of Brent's arms, before giving him a slap in the face.

“Stop talking about my boobs for just a second!” Celeste cried out.

“Ow~ geez this was the first time I mentioned your breasts!” Brent cried out.

“Well it's not the first time I heard it!” Celeste revealed

“Did the captain mention your guns before?” Brent asked.

“Yup, he was almost as proud as I was, my barrels blasted us to victory time and time again!” Celeste ranted.

“I wasn't talking about your cannons” Brent grinned.

Celeste paused before blushing and turning around to cover her breasts with her arms.

“Hmph! You what if the Captain mentioned them once or twice” Celeste replied.

“Guess it does run in the family after all” Brent said.

“What runs in your family?” Celeste asked.

“Eh~ just that great minds think alike where I'm from, after a divorce my dad remarried to a Bovitauride, and the less I talk about my grand-mother's chest the better” Brent said.

“G-geez-well can you stop staring so intently then you creep?” Celeste asked.

“I've been keeping my eyes locked on your pretty face all day!” Brent said.

“I well-” Celeste began until she realized he complimented her looks before losing her anger could flare up again. “J-just don't be a're better than that” Celeste said.

“Did you just compliment me?” Brent asked.

“No! I-I just realized you may be worth more than I thought you would!” Celeste replied.

“That makes me feel all kinds of warm of fluffy on the inside” Brent said.

“Don't get use to it” Celeste said. “I'll switch to cruise control and take my sweet time then, makes it easier for me anyways” Celeste said before turning around.

“Great, I'm gonna look around some more if you don't mind” Brent said.

“Just don't touch anything...Brent” Celeste paused before walking away.

Brent had to pause as well after she called him by name, he was certain that she had forgotten his name or something.

He took to do a little investigation considering Celeste was very reluctant to reveal anything herself. He first examined the walls being mindful not to touch anything.

“(...Hey wait a second, does she feel it every-time I make a step?)” Brent thought.

While he was contemplating that, Celeste was busy at the helm when she felt goosebumps on her body.

“(...Where is that clown-fish going...he better not...)” Celeste thought.

Wanting to make sure she quickly changed courses and stepped outside to find Brent who just so happen to find the captain's room wide open.

“Well, like I said right? It's technically part mine so it's okay...okay” Brent said going inside.

He entered the room though it wasn't quite like he thought it would look like. The room was relatively empty save for small broken trinkets that have seen better days. All aligned in a long drawer to the left, and to the center he noticed a mattress that didn't look like your typical military issued mattress. To his right was a full bodied mirror and next to that was something actually useful to him; a bookshelf.

“(Finally, answers! If she won't tell me then these books can!)” Brent said quickly grabbing the first book closest to him...

“(Or...maybe not)” Brent said reading the first few sentences.

The first book he grabbed was a short novel about a man lost in the woods, as he continued reading the man finds a Lichen and the rest from what he quickly skimmed through was them eventually hooking up.

The next book he had wished contained valuable documents was just another novel about a shy Ureonggaksi who is pressed by a Polimana to sing at her party to impress a boy she likes also going to the party-yadda-yadda skip a few chapters, and it ends in a three-way...

“Come on, there has to be something...maybe this one?” Brent began to lose his patient until he noticed another small booklet. This one stood out from the others as it looked more like a journal than a book.

“Hm~ 'When the Ship Finally Sets Sail'” Brent read the title, which looked like it was written right on the cover with a marker.

“('She was just a young thing, but her time ended before she could even sail across the sunset for the first time...')” Brent began reading the first chapter. “(She awoke once more after a long nap, alone in a sky full of gray skies. She felt she would never feel the warmth of the sunshine again until a boy through sheer destiny changed everything for her')” Brent continued.

As he flipped through the pages he noticed that the journal was only halfway written and the story was only half finished as well.

“Huh...guess she's a budding writer” Brent commented.

“You~” A loud growled could be heard from behind Brent.

Brent quickly turned around to find Celeste looking absolutely flustered, and brimming with rage catching Brent red-handed.

“L-look I-I wasn't trying to-” Brent began to panic.

Celeste swiped the journal off his hands and continued glaring at him, too angry for words.

“Okay just hear me out! You weren't telling me anything-I-I just wanted to know, but I guess part of the story about how they got rid of all the evidence must have been true...” Brent said.

“It's not finished!” Celeste cried out.

“I-I know it's not!” Brent cried back.

“A-And it's not like I mastered grammar!” Celeste shouted.

“Understandable!” Brent said.

“And! And...and it's my first...story” Celeste's voice turned feeble until it turned to whimpers, hugging her journal tighter.

“...Look I may have just skimmed through it, but you wasn't as bad as you think I'm thinking it is” Brent explained.

“W-what?” Celeste couldn't quite understand.

“What I meant was, I liked it. I mean you know for your first story it's not bad, I really like that 'Trent' guy you wrote in, really easy to relate to him, for some reason...” Brent commented on Celeste's story.

Celeste lowered her head, staring intently at the floor as she sniffled the last bit of her crying moment.

“Y-you mean it...?” Celeste murmured.

“Totally!” Brent quickly answered.

“...It's not bad?” Celeste added.

“Anything but!” Brent loudly added.

Finally Celeste looked up, staring Brent eye to eye with new fervor and determination in her eyes.

“T-then! Then you have to read it! All of it when I'm done! A-and you have to proof-read it too! I-I mean it's the least you can do since I'm giving you a lift and everything!” Celeste practically ordered.

“Y-you got it” Brent agreed to her terms and agreements.

Celeste took a deep breath feeling relief rush her body.

“Okay...alright well...we should be at our first stop soon so...I'm gonna start...writing” Celeste replied.

“Alright” Brent said.

There was an awkward pause...

“Oh! Right, privacy I bet, okay gotcha I'll just look out into the sunset or something” Brent said quickly leaving the room.

“Wait, Brent!” Celeste called out.

Brent stopped and turned around mid-way through the hallway. “Yeah!?” Brent called out.

“T-thanks...” Celeste said.

“Huh? What was that, I couldn't hear you from here!” Brent called out.

“I-I didn't say anything! Just go stare at the water or something geez!” Celeste got fluster and shut her door once more.

Brent stayed on deck for several more minutes until he spotted an archipelago. Dozens or more tiny islands with clear sky-blue waters. Around them, several containing the occasional tree though he noticed the three larger of the cluster had entire jungles.

Celeste soon joined him on deck standing beside him as they near their destination.

“So this is one of those special places you visit a lot?” Brent asked.

“Yup! This is where my captain took me to my first fight!” Celeste began.

“Here? It looks rather peaceful now...” Brent replied.

“Thank you!” Celeste praised him with a curtsy.

“I don't understand, fix it” Brent smirked.

“I took out the enemy boat! From what I can faintly remember it was some sort invasion by and enemy who wanted to hurt the captain's homeland! So we fought in between the archipelago and with me and the captain our enemy was defeated!” Celeste explained

“Wow, that's amazing! So this is grandpa's first skirmish as captain...” Brent realized.

“ also meant something else, something I feel was much more important...” Celeste began.

“What is it?” Brent asked.

“It was the first time we-as in me, the captain and his crew felt connected, like-like a real team, like real real friends, a-and like a” Celeste slowly began sobbing.

Brent remained silent, but he didn't stay still. “He reached out an arm, holding her shoulder, Celeste looks at him, tears streaming. She slowly slumped her head, resting it on his chest as she continued sobbing.

“I-It-*sob*-wasn't-wasn't! Suppose to be like that-t-they tricked him! A-And I knew about it-but couldn't-say!” Celeste continued sobbing.

Brent knew he was on to something; he could ask for more, but...

Looking at Celeste already sobbing uncontrollably, it would seem pretty mean to practically force her to keep going...he settled for softly patting her back as he let Celeste finish her crying.

“It's fine, it's were really put through a lot weren't you?” Brent soothed.

“I-I'm fine! I'll be just fine, but...thanks...” Celeste was calming down.

“...You know the scenery here is quite beautiful, not as much as you, but it's close” Brent said.

“...Heh, funny I was gonna say the same thing” Celeste turned haughty.

“Thanks for taking me out on this date by the way” Brent said.

“D-don't get the wrong idea or anything! I just want you to document my greatness is all, a-anyways let's get out of here, if we stay here any longer we might-” Celeste began.

“Ahoy! Sea Cow!” A woman shouted.

Brent turned around to the voice while Celeste grunted her disapproval, and he was shocked to see another ship appear almost out of nowhere. The ship was made of dark, strong wood though there were several holes on the side. It had three large sails that towered even higher than the Lady Celestephine and were made of thick creamy white fabric. With the new ship facing Brent he saw that it was fitted with it's own figurehead: made of the same wood she had long wavy hair and clear feminine curves though her bust was not nearly as large as Celeste. She wore a plain bikini with an open button vest and long dress cut to the hip.

“Damn it, not her again” Celeste murmured.

“I-Is that someone actually on that ship?” Brent pointed out.

“Aye! Yer chest as big as these islands as usual lass!” The woman shouted.

The more Brent looked at her, the more she resembled the figurehead itself, the only real difference was she had more color on her. Her hair was auburn red with a black Barbosa hat and her skin was nearly as tanned as the color of the ship she was on, her eye was a light brown while her other eye was covered in curved decals that matched Celeste wrapping around parts of her body. You also notice the same decals on the same parts of the pirate girl's arms and one wrapping around her left leg where her black dress was cut. Her dark leather brown vest was open and the only thing covering her breasts was a black bra. She wore a knee high boot on one leg and an ankle sized boot on her left leg where the curving decal wrapped the rest like a fishnet stocking with far fewer strings.

“Go away I'm busy! Don't have time for useless pirates!” Celeste explained

“Oh! So you're busy with your new landlubber boyfriend then!?” The Pirate cried out.

“Cool, moving up in the ranks” Brent said.

“Shut up Brent! And for the record he's not my boyfriend Victoria!” Celeste shouted.

“On a scale of one to ten how much did she annoy ye!” Victoria called out.

“She's not all that bad, she's actually really nice if you wait long enough” Brent defended.

“Hah! See people do like me!” Celeste declared.

Unbeknownst to her, Brent had six of his fingers sticking out, and Victoria nodded knowingly.

“So~ who's your friend” Brent asked.

“She's not my friend!” Celeste stated.

“Like I'm not your boyfriend?” Brent said.

“Yeah! I-I mean no-I mean-stop messing with my head!” Celeste said.

“Hah! Guess we have a common goal landlubber! Yeah, we've been scuffling the seas for days and nights! But she grows on you...kind of like a barnacle...but in a good way” Victoria said.

“Aw~ you're a cute barnacle” Brent said.

“I hate all of you” Celeste growled.

“So what's with the nickname anyways?” Brent said.

“Aye~ what would you call someone like that but a Sea Cow?” Victoria said.

“...Yeah, yeah I see your point, but I like my nickname for her better” Brent said.

“Brent, I'm this close to throwing you overboard...thi~s close” Celeste warned while pinching her fingers.

“I think we're putting her close to the boiling point here” Brent was getting nervous.

“Aye, I'll be quick as a dolphin then, you want that trade we promised a lick back?” Victoria called out.

“I-I almost forgot! Just give me a sec to bring it!” Celeste declared as she rushed to her room.

“So~ what happened to you?” Brent asked.

“Aye~ got caught in a blitz I didn't have the guns captain and her crew gone, but I carried on...came to in the nick of it before the sea or anything else could finish me off. When the time came I put on my gear and went sailing living the pirate life, cause it's the only life for me!” Victoria said.

“Your Captain was a woman?” Brent asked.

“Aye, she was! think the crew did a spot on job of making me look just like her...kind of wish she was still here to see me, we might have made one hell of a team” Victoria was losing her booming voice.

“And the ship was named after her too I bet?” Brent said.

“Aye, full of herself that one was, but she was right most of the time...'most' of the time” Victoria put a lot of emphasis on 'most'.

“Alright-alright I got it! You got yours?” Celeste called out.

“I got mine, but they're not as big as yours!” Victoria laughed.

“S-shut up about my-just shut up already and take it!” Celese was starting to blush again as she threw a book at Victoria's ship.

“Aye, and here's my end of the bargain!” Victoria shouted as she threw an equally sized book at Celeste's ship.

“Sweet! I've been waiting for this since forever~!” Celeste squealed in delight as she caught her book.

“Aye, tis a good read, It'll make you ready for that landlubber you have if not I got some rum if ye be interested” Victoria promised.

Celeste blushed furiously but never shouted a comeback as she usually does. She gave a slight turn to Brent and immediately turned around.

“O-Okay I think we're done here” Celeste was stiff though the ship was already turning around.

“Let me know what ye think when you finish it Sea-Cow!” Victoria declared as she turned turned around.

“So you didn't want me to meet her, but you also wanted that book from her” Brent noticed.

“A woman's heart is complicated” Celeste defended.

“So what's that book about?” Brent asked.

“It's about none of your business” Celeste said.

“Aw, come on is that any way to treat your boyfriend?” Brent asked.

“Why do you keep calling yourself that! I-If that was true then I'd be your girlfriend. You know that right?” Celeste said.

“I don't have an issue with that” Brent confessed.

Celeste opened her mouth ready to backlash but as she took in Brent's words she found her voice and thoughts were blank and she merely turned around to hide her embarrassment.

“...S-she may be annoying, but she's a great writer...” Celeste whispered loudly.

“Oh~ so she wrote it that why you wanted to try your hand at writing?” Brent asked.

“I-I just thought if someone like her can do it, then with my brains I can easily do something better” Celeste said.

“I see...(she may find her annoying, but she looks up to her regardless...better not say anything)” Brent said then thought.

“Anyways I think we're done sight-seeing for one day” Celeste said.

“What!? You only showed me one spot!” Brent argued.

“Well where else do you want me to show you!” Celeste exclaimed.

“I don't about somewhere else you also visit a lot?” Brent said.

“Well...I guess I can check out a little spot I heard about...I was on my way over there before you distracted me anyways so why not?” Celeste said.

“Great take us there” Brent said.

“You got it-I-I mean don't tell me what to do!” Celeste pouted.

She turned her ship slightly and headed off to her new path.

“Hey Celeste do you have some sort of functioning navigation system on you or something?” Brent asked.

“Yup! I got it all memorized here!” Celeste pointed to her own head.

“You're one smart girl, you're almost Mary-Sue at this point” Brent said.

“Hah! I guess I'm pretty close to perfect aren't I?” Her inflated ego was showing.

“Yup, you're just missing something” Brent said.

“And what would that be?” Celeste said.

“I don't know...maybe if you smiled some more” Brent said.

“Mmh!” Celeste murmured and forced her lips to frown making her face scrunch and twisted.

“That looks like it hurts” Brent said.

“B-beauty is p-pain” Celeste grunted.

“You're quite the beauty can stop now” Brent said.

“...C-can't! Face” Celeste squeaked.

“Hang on I got you” Brent said.

Giving her cheeks a good massaging Celeste recovered from...whatever just happened to her...

“*Sigh~*...So that never happened” Celeste declared.

“What happened?” Brent shrugged.

“...Not bad” Celeste smiled.

“See I'm learning” Brent assured.

“Glad I've gotten through to you, I'm gonna go downstairs in my room private” Celeste murmured.

“Do you need help?” Brent stupidly asked.

“Now you're just being dumb on purpose!” Celeste caught on.

They continued to sail for perhaps an hour or so until Brent noticed the waters were becoming shallow.

“Hm~ must be high tide...I'm gonna stop here, don't want to be an idiot and beach myself” Celeste said.

“You mean like that boat over there” he points at a boat caught in basically an underwater sandtrap.

“Oh no that poor schooner!” Celeste exclaimed.

“Looks like someone's ship-wrecked over there, want to go check it out?” Brent asked.

“As a military ship it is my duty to help those in need...and blow stuff up, but mostly help!” Celeste proclaimed.

“Alright, I think if we go around to the left-” Brent said.

“Port-side” Celeste corrected.

“...Port-side...we can avoid the sand and seaweed” Brent said.

“Got it-I-I mean I already knew that! Who's been sailing the longest here!?” Celeste said.

“Let's just help” Brent sighed.

They traveled port-side on Brent's advice and got closer to the schooner, and upon looking closer they noticed one passenger, and the clear decay of the ship itself.

“...Are you like a magnet for your kind or what?” Brent said.

“What are you talking about?” Celeste asked.

“What am I talking about!? Look at her! Come one! I-I mean come on!” Brent was persistant.

“...Oh yeah, but this is a coincidence, the last one wasn't” Celeste corrected.

“So you never met her?” Brent asked.

“She doesn't ring a bell, never met a ship that young before...must be new” Celeste shrugged.

“Hm~ all the more reason to bring her up to speed then I suppose” Brent said.

“You're one to talk, you just now met me” Celeste reminded.

The little schooner had a figurehead of a small child with shoulder length straight hair, curving decals wrapped around like ribbons on either side of her head. She looked to be wearing a thin white summer dress with matching slippers. The little girl pushing the mast of the ship resembled the figurehead quite nicely, though she was glowing a very faint pink with golden locks of hair and green eyes. Her thin frame struggled to move the ship, but couldn't move it an inch. She sighed in defeat until she turned and saw Celeste coming towards her, to which she quickly outstretched her arms and began to wave wildly for assistance.

“I could be wrong, but I think she wants our help” Brent said.

“Shut up, and let me do the talking” Celeste began. “Ahoy! Do you require assistance child!?” Celeste exclaimed.

“Yes, please! I'm stuck and I can't move! I saw the pretty coral around here and I wanted to get a closer look, but my ship got caught in the sand, and I've been stuck ever since!” The young child cried out.

“What's your name!?” Brent called out.

“Dinghy!” The girl squeaked.

Brent immediately covered his mouth and attempted to stifle his laughter while Celeste helped him out with a quick stomp to his foot.

“Ow! God-fff~” Brent began, but controlled his swearing in front of the child.

“I-is he alright?” Dinghy asked.

“He's fine, he's got a bad case of stupid though, the doctors told me there's no cure I'm afraid” Celeste explained.

“Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. I-I hope you get better soon mister” Dinghy said.

“I think you broke my toe” Brent murmured.

“Anyways, I'm a military officer...sort of, me and my subordinate here will be happy to lend a hand and get you sailing again” Celeste said.

“Thank you! Thank you oh so much!” Dinghy cried out.

“Alright...Brent I have some spare rope in a storage until downstairs starboard side, go get it” Celeste said.

“She's a ghost ship right? Why can't she just faze through it or something? I mean what kind of ghost ship is...she...” Brent began until he glanced at Dinghy who was overhearing the conversation.

She was on full on tears through embarrassment and shame. Celeste quickly took action with another stomp to Brent's foot.

“Ow! D-dammit I think my toe really is broken this time!” Brent cried out as he collapsed to the floor holding his foot.

“Pretty sure I recall asking politely for some rope swabbie” Celeste reminded.

“Okay, I'm going” Brent said.

With rope in hand he climbed off Celeste for the first time and swam towards Dinghy.

“Don't worry, we're professionals, we'll take good care of you” Brent assured.

“R-really?” Dinghy was hopeful.

“Of course, I'll swim around front and get everything started” Brent assured.

The girl nodded and waited patiently until she felt something poking her chest, it then started to tickle her as Brent continued his work though Celeste was quick to notice.

“Brent! What are you doing! Was she your type all along!?” Celeste exclaimed.

“What are you talking about-look I'm almost done here!” Brent said.

The tickling only increased until Dinghy was on the floor laughing.

“Brent! I have no issue aiming my cannons at you!” Celeste warned.

“Stop-stop-*giggle*-I-I can't take any more-*giggle*!” Dinghy squealed.

“I'm done! I'm done okay take it from here!” Brent quickly swam back.

Celeste continued to glare at him, but started her side of the work. It didn't take much to move the schooner and in only a few careful minutes the schooner was free to sail on her own.

“You guys did it! I'm free!” Dinghy declared.

“Of course we did, alright Brent you can cut the rope” Celeste said.

“You got it” Brent agreed.

Brent was once more on the sea, and undid the knot binding them, once he was finished he once again returned to Celeste.

“Watch out next time okay?” Celeste called out.

“Y-yes! I will” Dinghy promised.

With their mission accomplished they decided to head back as it was starting to get dark, all the while being watched and followed.

“...She's been following us for a while now” Brent noticed.

Dinghy had been sailing behind them for some time since they helped her, however; every time they turned to her, she would quickly hide behind her mast out of sheer shyness.

“She's probably just lonely, and doesn't know how to talk to people” Celeste figured.

“Yeah, I guess you would know a thing or two about that” Brent said.

“And what's that suppose to mean?” Celeste sounded insulted.

“Nothing-nothing!” Brent quickly took it back.

“...Hey! Come on closer! It's hard to talk to you when you're way over there!” Celeste called out.

“What she said!” Brent agreed.

Dinghy poked her head out of the mast with a content smile and sped up to catch up to Celeste. Soon they were side by side.

“Wow~ you're really big” Dinghy marveled.

“W-well I'm not that big! But I am pretty impressive” Celeste was content to having her ego stroked.

Brent glanced at Dinghy's gaze and noticed it was directed more on Celeste's chest rather than the ship itself.

Dinghy's presence definitely lightened the mood, and as much as Celeste enjoyed Dinghy's company she couldn't help but notice Brent spending a considerable amount of time with her, even visiting her ship from time to time. At the moment he was currently getting a rushed tour of the schooner with Dinghy excitedly pulling him every which way.

“And this-this is my shrouds, and over there's my fore-boom! And-oh-oh! I wanna show you the captain's room!” Dinghy proclaimed.

“Cool! I've NEVER BEEN ON A CAPTAIN'S ROOM BEFORE!” Brent shouted loud enough for Celeste to hear.

“So-so you wanna see it right! You can even spend the night there if you want!” Dinghy was excited.

“Okay that's enough! Brent come back her right now!” Celeste ordered.

“Oh~ well that's okay, maybe next time?” Dinghy said.

“Next time, promise” Brent assured giving her head a quick ruffling before climbing aboard Celeste. “Cute kid” Brent remarked.

“Why are you spending so much time with her?” Celeste asked.

“Aw, don't be jeal-” Brent began.

“Finish that sentence and I'm throwing you over board” Celeste warned.

“She just wants some company, you know she talks a lot about you too, she practically idolizes you” Brent revealed.

“R-really? W-well I guess that's okay, but don't spend the night with her” Celeste warned.

“Is it really so bad?” Brent asked.

“I-I guess not, but if you do that...well she'll be extra clingy if you do” Celeste said.

“I don't really understand, I mean it seems harmless enough, but okay” Brent said.

Celeste remained silent, simply nodding and left to do her own thing for a while. Once in her room she collapsed on her bed, exhausted just from the mixed feelings brewing in her body.

“(Ugh~ why can't I make up my mind!)” Celeste shouted in her thoughts, her legs kicking away at her bed. “(It was so easy for Dinghy, why can't I just open myself up to him too)” Celeste pondered

Meanwhile Brent was sitting idly by the starboard side of Celeste with Dinghy sailing close as well.

“D-does Celeste hate me?” Dinghy asked worriedly.

“Nah~ she's just a little rough at first, she'll warm up in no time and you'll be best friends no problem” Brent assured.

“I hope so...she looks like she's already warmed up to you though...does that mean she likes you?” Dinghy asked.

“Her? Nah~ a girl like that is way out of my league, I'm probably just a burden to her or something” Brent said.

Meanwhile Celeste was hit with a new idea.

“(I got it! I'll just be honest with my feelings, like-like in my story! It can't be that hard right?)” Celeste thought to herself...
A Maiden And Her Voyage Finale: Ghost Ship
Spoiler: show
“Okay! That's it! I'm ready!” Celestephine declared closing the book.

Tossing the book onto a small pile of other short novels she read throughout the night to prepare herself, she was now ready to exert her feelings onto Brent.

“Now I just gotta find...he's not in his cabin?” Celeste realized as she entered Brent's temporary room.

She rushed outside, the night sky shimmering with stars, the moon glowing it's silver rays across her deck, and from a distance a thin aurora far away signaled an Erumo getting lucky.

She couldn't feel his presence on her, so her next step was the schooner parked beside her, and sure enough laying in a makeshift cot and covered in a cloth was Brent cozy with Dinghy.

“Brent~” Celeste growled.

Grabbing what she could, she started chucking things at Brent to wake him up.

“Brent! Bre~nt!” Celeste hissed as she threw random stuff at him.

Celeste finally got lucky when a thick metal nut struck Brent's forehead. He quickly sat up gripping his head and groaning.

“What's the big idea” Brent grumbled.

“Get up here now!” Celeste loudly hissed.

“Fine-fine...” Brent replied.

Tucking Dinghy the best he could he climbed the ladder up towards Celeste's ship.

“It's the middle of the night you know” Brent yawned.

“And what where you doing with Dinghy just now?” Celeste asked tapping her heel.

“I wasn't cheating on you if that's what you're thinking” Brent replied.

Celeste blushed and quickly turned away.

“Y-you know what I mean!” Celeste replied.

“She had a bad dream, been banging on your side for the past ten minutes until I finally showed up to calm her down” Brent explained.

“So that's what that itch on my side was...” Celeste realized.

“Hey I talked her out of sleeping at her room, convinced her it would be like a camping trip if we slept under the stars...did you know she wants to go camping?” Brent asked.

“We're ships! And Ghosts! Why do we need sleep!?” Celeste argued.

“...In hindsight I didn't think that far ahead, I just wanted to cheer her up is all” Brent shrugged.

“God you're an idiot sometimes...but you're a nice idiot so I'll let it slide” Celeste sighed.

“Sorry, I didn't know you were that jealous of us” Brent apologized.

“I-I'm not jealous! I was looking out for her! Who knows what kind of weird games you were planning on her. Taking advantage of her innocence like that” Celeste scolded.

“You are not gonna compare me to-look we're arguing like a married couple here, let's just go back to sleep” Brent sighed.

“We're arguing, but we're not married!” Celeste blushed.

“It sure acts like it sometimes, anyways I'm going to hate being woken up in the middle of the night like this” Brent grumbled.

“...W-well I hate waking up perverts coddling little ghost ships!” Celeste retaliated.

“Lesson learned” Brent waved her off.

“(Wait! I did that all wrong! In fact I think I made it worse! Darn it!)” Celeste cried out in her thoughts.

This was not how she had planned to confess, or at the very least talk about her feelings.

Morning came, and the seas were kind, the wind was fair and the sun was shining; the perfect day to go out and sail a haunted ship.

“...I know! Breakfast! I'll make him breakfast, it's the perfect plan!” Celeste realized.

She rushes to the kitchen only to find it in pretty poor condition.

“Oh yeah...Ghosts don't eat...” Celeste remembered as to why she didn't bother on fixing the kitchen.

“Maybe I can still cook something here...right?” Celeste wondered.

As if to answer herself, several of the cabinets collapsed, the stove caught on fire, and the sink would not stop dripping water.

“*Sigh~* so much for that...” Celeste said.

She climbed back upstairs towards the bow of the ship, lost in her thoughts once more, so deep in though she didn't even notice Brent standing beside her.

“Boy, you look gloomy for someone who hit me on the head” Brent replied.

“...Yeah~” Celeste sighed.

“Feeling regret for your actions?” Brent asked.

“Yeah~” Celeste answered truthfully.

“...Well at least you didn't try to throw the blame on me, so I'll forgive you” Brent said.

Celeste smiled, she knew he wasn't talking about what was really upsetting her, but knowing that he'll accept and forgive her for her actions. The thought alone made her feel at ease.

“Yeah, I'll...I'll try not to do that in the future” Celeste gave a small smile.

“...Okay, now you're really starting to worry me, are you alright?” Brent asked.

“I am! At least...I think I am, just a lot on my mind is all, don't know how to express it” Celeste said.

“Well if violent retaliation isn't your main course of action, then I guess that means you're growing up as a person-I-I mean that in a good way! Just so you know!” Brent quickly assured himself.

“Heh...*giggle*-thanks Brent, I think I am growing up” Celeste replied

Now Brent was really confused, he should still be as angry as the bump on his head noticeable, and yet seeing her smile back at him like that...there's something different about her, and he likes it.

“(Okay! I can do this, gotta stay pump! Just don't give up)” Celeste tried to pump herself up.

She returned to her room, and spotted one of the original books the ship contained, a large, bulky thing that stuck out from the rest, a manual for the ins and outs of herself.

“It's a little embarrassing seeing me exposed in this book, but I should be able figure out how to fix the kitchen with it” Celeste murmured.

Grabbing some tools she kept in a closet, rolling her sleeves, and donning her hair into a ponytail she went to work on the kitchen, but due to time constraints she focused mainly on the stove. Luckily the worst it had was some water damage and only a few things needed to be replaced.

“It's a good thing the captain kept spares in case of an always did think of everything...” Celeste murmured as she continued working.

Meanwhile Brent was rather confused, as he woke up he noticed Celeste hard at work repairing herself in the kitchen. He glanced lower and besides her cute round butt wiggling as she works under the stove, he glanced a thick book by her thigh.

“(That looks like a large manual, how did I miss that?)” Brent wondered.

Now that he thinks about it, in the brief moment he was in Celeste room, he may have glanced at a book like that before being caught.

“(It wouldn't hurt to help out right?)” Brent figured.

Seeing Celeste so distracted he figured this might be his only shot at getting inside her room once more. Sneaking and softening his footsteps as best as he could he got lucky when he realized her door was unlocked, and it didn't take long to find a second manual for him to use. Grabbing it, he quickly fled the scene before Celeste found out.

While he didn't classify himself as an expert he has dabbled with enough electronics to read and follow a manual. He shuffled over it's contents trying to find an easy fix to surprise Celeste and found that the radio and sound system was mostly his best bet. Finding some old tools in a metal cupboard he went to work hopping that the water damage didn't permanently break the electronics and thus wasting his time trying to fix them.

Meanwhile Celeste had pulled herself out of the stove and gave a test run, and to her joy it actually worked.

“I did it, I'm a genius! Now it just needs some good polishing and we'” Celeste cheered until she felt a funny feeling in her throat. She did a quick test cough and suddenly she heard herself from all over the place, granted her cough was faint, and muddled with static.

“When did that-Brent!” Celeste realized and quickly went to search for him.

Her heels clicked rapidly as the funny feeling in her throat acted up on several occasions, the damaged speakers reflecting her coughing making it as if the whole ship sounded sick. She finally made it to communications room and spotted Brent working under the control panel much like she was working under the stove.

“Brent!” Celeste called out, this time her voice was clear and audible, the whole ship rumbled from Celeste shouting causing Brent to jump in shock and bang his head against the metal roof.

“Ow~ today's not my day” Brent groaned feeling a lump in his head.

“What are you doing here?” Celeste whispered as her voice was still echoing.

“Oh wow, I actually got it to is it doing that with no electricity?” Brent wondered.

“Turn it off now!” Celeste whispered.

“Alright, alright just...I think it's this button...there” Brent said pressing a switch.

“Okay? Okay what were you doing!?” Celeste spoke normally.

“I wonder if it's being powered by whatever brought you back as a phantom” Brent wondered.

“Don't ignore me! Why are you messing around inside me!?” Celeste asked.

“Whoa-whoa-we should at least get some dinner first before we-” Brent began.

“That's not what I meant!” Celeste blushed.

“I was trying to get this thing to work, didn't think I'd actually pull it off, but look at me now” Brent said amused with himself.

Celeste glanced down and saw the second manual about her, and her blush returned anew.

“W-were you looking at my privates!?” Celeste asked.

“What? This?” Brent said picking up and opening the manual.

“No~! Don't look at me!” Celeste cried out snatching the book away.

“What's the big deal! It's not like I found any of that erotic or anything!” Brent protested.

“Someone saw me, I can never get married” Celeste glumly declared.

“What? You mean the blueprints on the book? I mean, I'll admit I glanced at them cause I was-ow!” Brent began before he was bonked on the head.

“Erase that memory now, or I'll never forgive you!” Celeste cried out.

“That's not gonna be easy” Brent said.

“Pervert! And to think I wanted to do something nice for you” Celeste exclaimed.

“Is that why you were bent down wiggling your butt?” Brent asked.

Another bonk on the head for him.

“No! I was fixing the stove stupid! And It's fixed!” Celeste declared triumphantly.

“Wow, we can both fix stuff, guess we have something in common after all” Brent mused.

“Don't let it go to your head, I'm a girl with many talents. It was only natural I would be good at the one thing you're good at too” Celeste teased.

“Wow, welp, guess you beat me, so~ how would a ship get married anyways?” Brent wondered.

“On my deck on my favorite little island get-away, with flowers and-” Celeste began.

“No I mean where would your ring be? The finger probably right?” Brent asked.

“Nope! I want it on my ship's wheel!” Celeste stated.

“The wheel, well I don't know why that's special” Brent said.

“Cause that's where my hands tickle the most...I can still remember the captain holding me, like I was a girl he was leading to adventure...or usually a battle, but they were like dates for me too! A-anyways, it was the closest to holding his hands” Celeste reminisced.

“I-I see, so I guess out of all the places to touch you, the wheel might be the most, intimate?” Brent asked.

“W-what are you saying, stupid. Don't ask weird questions like that” Celeste murmured bashfully.

“Hello!? Celeste!? Are you okay? You were coughing real loudly!” Dinghy called out.

“I guess Dinghy is awake, I'll go tell her everything is fine” Brent said.

“Guess I'll make us something to eat then. I know a spot in the ocean with plenty of fish, I can catch some for us” Celeste said.

“You can fish?” Brent asked.

“Sure, I've seen the Captain and the crew fish all the time during break hours, nothing I can't do” Celeste assured.

“You really are a girl with many talents” Brent complimented.

“And don't you forget it” Celeste replied before waving him off, and getting to work.

Brent went the opposite side to check on Dinghy, glancing down the edge of the ship to see her glancing up worryingly.

“Good morning Dinghy, sleep well?” Brent asked.

Perhaps recalling how they slept, she kept silent, turning her head slightly and nodding her head.

“I've sleep better than I have ever slept in a very long time” her sweet voice quietly replied.

“Wow...that's great to hear, eh~ why don't you come up here so we can talk better?” Brent asked.

“I...can I? But my boat will be lonely” Dinghy replied.

“Oh? Your boat gets lonely?” Brent asked suddenly curious.

“No, but...I feel...a part of me is left behind, and that part feels really lonely, a-and that makes me sad so I don't want to leave it” Dinghy poorly explained.

Brent had more questions, but seeing how confused Dinghy was with her explanation, he figured he wouldn't get his answers out of her, and perhaps not even Celeste can explain any better.

“...That's okay, I understand, hey, while Celeste is busy doing her thing, how about I come down and we can play or something?” Brent suggested.

“R-really! Okay!” Dinghy beamed at him.

In terms of activity there wasn't much going on, While Celeste was hesitant with letting Brent touch just about anything on her ship. Dinghy was more open and innocent, happily showing Brent the ins and outs and giggling with glee whenever he brushed, or gripped whatever part of the ship his hands graze.

Celeste felt Brent's presence leaving her, but thought nothing of it, in fact knowing he was distracted, probably by Dinghy, she was relieved knowing her secret plans would remain secret.

“Just one more fish, and I can prepare everything” Celeste mused to herself.

It was several hours, and Dinghy in all her excitement had tired herself out early. This was also the first he entered her room seeing as how she was practically falling asleep in his arms. Recalling where Dinghy pointed out the first time she gave him a tour he found the door and opened. Just like Celeste's room he found Dinghy's room in relatively clean condition, and almost as pink as Celeste's. The bed was large and fluffy, assorted stuffed animals with splotches of mud and seaweed are propped in a corner, and an empty cupboard saved for one photo in a standing frame.

Brent being the ever so curious type approached the photo, ruin by the ocean floor Brent can barely make out what appears to be a man of relatively young age, holding and hugging a little girl, but with the damage the photo sustained that was all he could identify.

He suddenly felt Dinghy squirm in his arms, her face grew tense and she gave out tiny gasps in her sleep.

“'t sink...daddy, I'm sorry...” Dinghy gasped in her sleep.

Brent paused unsure of what's going on, but he does at least know when someone is having a nightmare. He placed her down gently on her bed and he sat by her side petting her head, and rubbing her shoulder. In a matter of minutes Dinghy was already calming down, no longer shacking or squirming, and after several more minutes she finally smiled, but did not utter another word. Once again Brent was left with more questions than answer; he wonders if all Ghost Ships do that to their passengers.

As he left outside he noticed that both ships were moving faster than usual, and after making sure Dinghy was properly tied to Celeste he returned to the larger ship and was surprise to smell cooked food in the distance. The smell caused his stomach to rumble and he realized that he hasn't eaten for a whole day.

“Must have been the shock” Brent figured why he would forget to eat.

He followed the smell and it took him to the deck, and to his surprise a small round table with a white cloth and lit candles. Beside the table was Celeste, she stared almost worryingly at Brent, her hands clasped; the faster speed caused her dress to flow to the side.

“S-so~ Brent how is she?” Celeste asked.

“She sleeping now...but what's all this?” Brent asked.

“W-well I thought you might enjoy a bit of scenery when you eat, l-like my, old captain did” Celeste replied.

“ I guess this all belongs to my father, and that fish belongs to me?” Brent asked.

“Yup, I haven't forgotten that humans need to eat, so I figured you might enjoy this” Celeste explained.

“And you even have wine? How?” Brent asked.

“Captain's secret stash in a hidden safe that survived everything” Celeste explained cheerfully perhaps proud of that little secret.

“My grandpa would do anything to save his alcohol” Brent recalled.

“There's water in there too!” Celeste defended.

“Well how can I say no to this, I'm starving!” Brent quickly sat down.

Celeste took her seat opposite Brent, with no food, or even a plate on her table.

Brent saw a cleanly stripped piece of grilled fish almost as wide as the plate it was on, and gave it a quick taste.

“It's a little plain-but-*om-nom*-it's cooked fairly well. This is amazing Celeste!” Brent said.

“R-really!? I-it's not too burnt?” Celeste asked.

“Just a little on a few spots, but I prefer my fish cooked than raw” Brent said.

“T-that's good, glad you liked it” Celeste sounded relieved.

“Yeah, thanks for this” Brent awkwardly replied. “(Is she feeling okay? She's not flaunting herself or nothing)” Brent thought.

“Do you know remember where I was gonna take us?” Celeste asked.

“You didn't specify, all I know is that we're going to your favorite spots” Brent answered.

“Yup, and we just reached my next spot” Celeste replied.

Brent stopped eating his food and stood up looking out into the dark horizon, and besides the faint outline of a cluster of islands, he didn't know what the big deal was until he saw a glow in the bottom of the ship. The glow increased and soon even the railings on the side of the ship were affected glowing brighter and brighter giving everything a brighter glow than before.

“W-where is this place?” Brent asked as he was dazzled by the light.

“It's a secret spot with the cleanest waters in the world, the water is so clean it reflects all kinds of light including the glow of my ship and magnifies it. We don't know the official name if it even has one, so we all call it the 'Glass Sea'” Celeste whispered as she herself stood up.

“We all call it? How many people know of it?” Brent asked.

“Most of the other Ghost Ships, we're drawn to it somehow, and we spread the message around to others who have awoken. I bet Dinghy had an inkling about this place, but never found it” Celeste.

“So this is the Ghost Ship hangout?” Brent asked.

“More or less, a few of the sea-folk and Erumo know too, and take sunbaths on the islands over there, but I didn't come here to lecture you” Celeste mused.

“So, why did you bring me here” Brent asked.

“Have you seen me lately?” Celeste answered his question with another.

He turned to Celeste and saw her more radiant than ever, her body seemingly more life-like as the added light made her less translucent and more whole, her skin was a very pale but creamy white, and her dress was a glowing pale blue. Orbs of pale blue fire popped in and out of existence around them.

“How come I've never noticed those!?” Brent exclaimed.

“Geez I'm not very good at it for some reason, only two or three pop up at a time, and in a ship this big you'll be lucky to see on. Here we can see them more clearly, and in larger numbers” Celeste replied sounding embarrassed.

“You still haven't answered my first question, why did you bring me here?” Brent asked.

“To set the mood” Celeste answered.

“For what?” Brent asked.

“...For this” Celeste whispered.

She lunged at Brent before doubt can overtake her and planted a kiss firmly on his lips, her hands moving to his back, her eyes shut. Moments later she felt Brent reciprocate her kiss and the two shared their first intimate moment.

They pulled back reluctantly, and silently staring at each other with grins on their faces.

“And here I thought I'd make the first move” Brent mused.

“W-what do you mean?” Celeste asked.

“Watch” Brent said leaving Celeste and moving back to the communications room. The speakers hissed on, a faint static buzzing until a minute later Celeste heard music. A quiet symphony using various instruments played and Brent returned.

“S-sorry, the only station around these parts is classical for some reason” Brent said sounding out of breath.

“It's beautiful, it's been so long since I heard music” Celeste gasped as her feelings grew.

“Yeah, so um~ milady?” Brent called out.

“Huh!? M-me?” Celeste asked pointing at herself just to make sure.

“Who else? Wanna have this dance with me?” Brent offered extending his hand.

“D-dance!? B-but I've never...danced before” Celeste cried out before turning into whimpers.

“I know a bit, I'll teach you along the way, come on” Brent assured.

“O-o-okay” Celeste became bashful as she awkwardly took his hand.

“Careful with those heels, you already broke one toe” Brent joked in a whisper.

“S-shut up stupid, you're ruining the moment” Celeste whispered back though she couldn't help but smile.

The dance was fairly awkward during the first song, her head always moving up to Brent's face and then down to her feet as she murmured numbers to herself, trying to remember the pattern Brent suggested.

It wasn't until the half of the second song did she finally started to understand being the quick learner that she is.

The two swung and swayed each other around, dancing as if the floor was made of ice gliding around the dinner table Celeste had set up.

When she had gotten use to dancing Brent introduced her to slow-dancing, holding her thin waist and pressing themselves close.

“You're so warm Brent” Celeste purred.

“So are you...on the inside” Brent complimented.

“I'm trusting you a lot with this you know” Celeste whispered.

“I know” Brent replied softly.

“If we keep going you'll have to take responsibility” Celeste whimpered as she lowered her defenses.

“I'm ready” Brent replied once more.

“T-then, I'm ready too...Captain” Celeste whispered close to his ear.

“So I guess this means I can sleep in the captain's quarters?” Brent asked.

“Yes...with me” Celeste purred.

“Can this day get any better?” Brent jokingly whispered.

“...And without our clothes on~” Celeste hinted in a deep moan and flushed face.

“I love you Celeste” Brent replied, the two practically squeezing each other at this point.

“Captain, my captain~” Celeste moaned and planted yet another kiss on him. “Well...what are you waiting for? Carry me to our room” Celeste insisted.

“Carry you?” Brent smiled.

“You already showed me you could, easily, so carry me now” Celeste demanded.

“Geez, even like this you can be so needy...come here you” Brent laughed it off and carried Celeste to their bed. As he guided her downstairs to the main hall and towards the Captain's quarters he noticed the Glass Sea has affected even the inside, the walls, floor and ceiling glowing brightly, almost making the ship look new, and in it's prime. They finally made it to their bedroom, Brent laying her down on her bed gently as she began to undo several buttons on her dress. With each 'pop' of a button being undone, the more her large bosom seem to almost inflate, as if the dress was actually holding her breasts back, and finally the top half of her dress slipped her, causing her large rack to jiggle for a moment.

“Oh god you're so sexy” Brent murmured.

“D-don't say embarrassing things like that, oh~ why did I have to have such a perverted captain?” Celeste cried out.

“Me or my grandpa?” Brent asked.

“Both!” Celeste cried out before pulling him to bed with her.

“...I know what you're thinking” Celeste blushed.

“Oh do you?” Brent asked laying closely beside her.

“Well yeah it's obvious! A-and it's okay...” Celeste murmured.

“What's okay?” Brent asked teasing her.

“Ugh! You're gonna make me say it aren't you!? I-I mean it's okay! I-if you want to...touch know with your uh...p-p-penis” Celeste whispered the last part as she continued to flush further and grow warm.

“Well if you'll let me then...” Brent said.

“Just be gentle, they're...sensitive” Celeste murmured.

Brent sat on top of her, his member nestled in between her large bosom.

“Wow...I can barely see it” Brent gasped.

“It's so big's gonna fit right?” Celeste asked worryingly.

“I'll be gentle don't then” Brent began.

Her breasts were just a tad bigger than his palms as he planted them firmly kneading and feeling her nipples harden under his hands. he moved his hips sliding his dick in fleshy heaven.

“Your body is so soft” Brent groaned.

“Y-you're making me-*gasp*-f-feel weird Brent” Celeste gasped.

Hearing that response he changed tactics, he slid his hands to the sides of her breasts, and began twiddling her nipples with his thumb, all the while applying the right pressure to his member.

“*Ah!*-B-Brent! T-too much!*Ah-ah!*-I feel it too much!” Celeste gasped as her body trembled and her mouth began to hang open.

“Almost there, god you feel incredible!” Brent cried out.

He gave her nipples a pinch and tugged them, and the rush caused her to scream in erotic bliss.

“No! Don't pull-*hn!*-S-something's coming out! I-I'm gonna-I'm gonna leak!” Celeste moaned loudly.

“Not yet, don't cum just yet!” Brent ordered.

“W-what!? Ah!Ah!oh!-o-okay! C-captain! Captain!” Celeste shouted.

“Alright, get ready my first load is coming out, open your mouth wider!” Brent asked.

“Ahh~c-cahpta~im” Celeste's mouth did as it was told.

Now pulling at her mouth with her fingers like a horny cumslut she accepted Brent's large load, most of it falling into her mouth. She moaned and gagged but did her best not to waste a drop, and once he was done cumming she shut her mouth and in several gulps she swallowed his load.

“C-c-captain's seed~ so good~ I want more~” Celeste was completely horny.

“Y-you'll get more...captain's promise” Brent gasped as he recovered.

“...*Gasp!* I-I can't believe you made me do all that, I'm such a bad ship~” Celeste seemed to have snapped out of her lustful trance and now wouldn't dare to look Brent in the eye.

“Alright, this time we're going lower...are you ready Celeste?” Brent asked.

“...Uh~mmm~y-yes captain” Celeste bashfully muttered as she did several more buttons and removing her skirt, leaving only her panties.

“Cute underwear, but they don't seem to fit with your whole outfit” Brent realized the stark contrast of her black lacy panties.

“T-they were given to case of...t-this” Celeste reluctantly answered.

“Well, you've gone and soaked them now, I don't think I need to do this next part” Brent mused.

“What next-*hii~*” Celeste squeaked loudly as Brent decided to just do it anyway.

Taking his finger he gave her groin a slow, and long stroke right down the middle, Celeste's legs which were already spread apart spread even further almost instinctively.

His finger continued to rub, and graze her womanhood as Celeste clutched at her mattress, her mouth once again hung open as she took deep breaths.

“I-It's my first time, and-*gasp~ahah~*-y-you're already being so perverted-*nhh~*” Celeste moaned.

“You haven't seen perverted yet” Brent hinted.

He lowered his head, while his fingers pulled away at her panties exposing her bare pussy, already sopping wet, and exposing her clit. He didn't tease her with his tongue so much as fucked her with it. Licking all over, inside, and rolling it around her clitoris, all while her screams, and moans were like music to his ears.

“No! I'm gonna go crazy! I-I want to cum! I'm gonna cum!” Celeste shouted.

“Not yet, captain's orders” Brent quickly said.

“No~b-but I can't refuse-*ah~*m-my captain!” Celeste groaned as yet another orgasm was denied adding to her already peaking lust.

“Alright, I'm gonna stick it in now, and if you make me cum, I'll let you cum” Brent hinted.

“Hurry! Stick it in, I beg you please captain! Drive me hard, and dump your semen inside!” Celeste couldn't control herself any longer.

Brent didn't need to be told twice, and plunged his member straight through. Despite Celeste stating this was her first, he felt not hymen, but his ear-drums almost bled instead on account of the loud erotic scream Celeste gave.

“It's in~ we-we're connected” Celeste gasped clinging to her sanity.

“Y-you're giving me quite the squeeze there” Brent groaned.

“You're steering me off course Captain! It feels too good!” Celeste cried out.

Brent did his best to continue pleasuring her, though at this point he didn't have to do much which was good; everytime he tried to pull his member out, Celeste would instinctively tighten her grip on him, and thrust her hip with him, refusing let him move any more than few inches.

“Ah! Ah~ I-I'm cumming! P-please! Hurry-c-cum together with me!” Celeste begged.

“Yup! It's time! Get ready!” Brent assured.

Unable to hold back Brent released another load straight into her womb. Celeste gave her loudest shout as three orgasms overtook her at once, her eyes rolled back, her tongue hung out revealing a very perverted face. Even after Brent recovered and slumped beside her, Celeste was still gasping and moaning while her body twitched, but her face finally recovered as she slowly turned her head towards Brent.

“Y-you~ pervert...” Celeste whispered.

“If it makes you feel better...I'll buy the biggest wedding ring I can afford.

“...It better be huge...” Celeste smiled giving him a quick kiss on his lips.

“...Hey Celeste?” Brent asked.

“Yes Captain?” Celeste sighed.

“Don't be mad...but I think I forgot to turn off the speakers to the ship before we uh...started” Brent confessed.

“WHAT!?” Celeste shouted.

Perhaps if was the sudden amount of spiritus she had just taken inside her, but upon hearing that, she rushed out of her room with new vigor not even bothering to put on her dress, rather just using it to cover herself and rushed outside to the beautiful Glass Sea where a nearby ship sailed by.

“Ahoy! Lass! That be some fine fucking you had there!” The pirate ship Victoria shouted.

“Don't you dare tell anyone!” Celeste shouted.

“Arrgh! But it inspired me! Hey how about you let your landlubber come over to my ship so he can shiver me timbers!” Victoria suggested before howling into laughter.

“CAPTAIN!” Celeste shouted in anger

Somewhere Beyond The Sea: Bioshock X Praxis
Spoiler: show
Everything was dark, my vision blurry and as I glanced upward I was struck with a bright light. Brighter than any bulb, fire, or lightning I have seen, I dropped my head and the blurry green I saw was unlike anything I have seen.


Was I in Arcadia? How? I recall...? My head is pounding...

I try to lift myself up, but my body still felt weak, it didn't help that this suit I'm trapped in is almost twice as heavy as myself. I look forward and see a small clear pond and drag my body towards it. An agonizing five minutes and I finally see myself in the clear water, and dip my arm in the pond.

The 'Fountain of Youth' tonic is doing it's job revitalizing my body and mind, and the memories come flooding back to me.

I am 'Subject Epsilon' and my mission: To kill 'Subject Delta'.

I was awoken by a woman called Sofia Lamb, her voice stern, calm, yet it hinted at something else? Whatever it was it kept me controlled, I was tasked to grow strong, be the weapon she needs to exterminate a thorn on her side. I was awoken in the complete opposite side of Rapture from where my target was, and was forced to traversed the fallen city in the ocean. I took this time to collect Plasmids, weapons, and most importantly Adam, the genetic material where my powers derive.

Upon my journey I was approached by another woman, Dr. Tenenbaum; her voice was pleading, somber, and tired. Yet it reached out to me asking me for mercy towards the Adam Factories known as 'Little Sisters'. I agreed to her request, and showed restraint, unaware that this moment of kindness would be my undoing.

By the time I have collected the tonics, plasmids, weaponry, and combat experience from countless Splicers I finally encountered my target.

With all my powers, and all my might I was merely an equal to him, our powers and strength near identical. However; one slip up from Delta was the key to my victory, but as I was ready to drive my drill into his heart I heard a cry.

“Stay away from my Father!” A girl shouted.

I struck by flaming balls and a kick to my side flinging me several feet and crashing against the glass wall. I only managed to glance at my new assailant and identify her as a Big Sister before she pummeled me with floating debris and more fire. My health dangerously low and my med-kits exhausted I had to retreat to a Vita-Chamber to recover.

Unfortunately the only available one seemed to be out of order, but activated nonetheless so I stepped in.

The worst mistake of my life...

I felt everything, every cell and molecule in my body rippling and vibrating unsure of what to do, or where to go. I felt my mind go insane as the cells in my brain were shacking uncontrollably.

The visions...if I could even call them that, I saw colors, scenery, people, objects, everything...and nothing all in a flash before it all went dark, and now here I am. My vision now sharp and clear I stare at my reflection in the water.

The same rust colored diving helmet, the glass lit with a bright yellow making looking at my real face impossible.

With my health now fully restored I managed to pull myself up.

This new area looked like Arcadia, but it wasn't it didn't even look like Rapture, the blue sky was a clear sign that I was long gone from that city.

I couldn't believe it, so much to take in, I almost fell to the grass once more, but this was all real...I was on the surface. The bright light that nearly blinded me was the sun, even under the thick diving suit I was in I could still feel it's rays warming me, I could even feel the wind blowing against my body.

Was I truly free? I wait silently for any word from Sofia Lamb, new orders, anything to tell me I still had a job to do, but I was met with silence.

I couldn't exactly be happy about this because now I was uncertain. What do I do now? From the beginning all I could remember was being ordered: would you kindly kill that, would you kindly rescue them, would you kindly do this. And now with my thoughts clear and my options open; I was at a lost as to what to do.

I hear a scream and the sound of a struggle and I take it as a sign of a new direction to go to.

Like an arrow pointing the way I followed the noise as best as this bulky figure could. I am thankful I had equipped myself with the 'Sports Boost' tonic so that I may run just a little bit faster to catch up to the scream.

And then I spot the scene before me. Several men in ragged clothing and masks wrestle a young red-headed child to the ground and attempt to tie her up with rope.

I quickly put two and two together, angry men covering their faces with masks attempting to kidnap a little girl...Guess I was still in Rapture after all. Regardless I am a Big Daddy, and it's time to remind them why they shouldn't be messing with young children.

My stomping as I approached them snapped their attention to me and if I had the tonic I would be able to see the color on their faces drain behind their masks when they saw my bulking figure two feet taller than them marching.

One of them tried to be brave, told the others to wrangle the child and escape while he attempted to kill me.

I almost felt sorry for what I was about to do.

He attempted to swing his iron club at me, but I stopped him mid-swing with my left hand squeezing his wrist. If he felt pain now then he wouldn't like this next part. I activated 'Incenerate' and his body was engulfed in flames. His shrieks and cries of pain echoed loudly and was sure to give these men nightmares for many nights to come before I threw him over my shoulder. His burning form flew over the trees before we heard a loud splash from the nearby pond.

Only two remained, and one of them was quick to throw the tied girl over his shoulder and make a break for it.

I couldn't let that happen so I switched Plasmids on the fly, from 'Incinerate' to 'Winter Blast', and froze him in place, one foot planted on the grass with another outstretched in the air, quite a marvelous display of balance if I do say so myself. Seeing the child still in one piece and not as a popsicle made me thankful of the Plasmid's picky targeting.

My thoughts were interrupted when the third man tried to rush me with blade in hand, and sliced at my torso.

Too bad I had 'Armored Shell 2' equipped or he might have actually done some damage. Seeing as how the only thing his dagger could do to me was leave a mark he tried to retreat, but transgressions like this are not without punishment.

Switching to 'Electro-Bolt' I zapped him mid flight causing his body to become a shining beacon of what not to do when facing a Big Daddy. His shaking body as the streaks of electricity paralyzing him made for an amusing dance, but time was short and so I cut him off rather quickly by swinging my drill across his side, flinging him towards a tree. Hearing the crack of his ribs breaking was like music to my ears.

If someone were to ask me now if I enjoyed the suffering of others, my only response is to remind them of the position I was and still in. Forced out of my normal possibly happy life, brainwashed until only a shred of my former self remained, subjected to months of torture and experiments, placed in a diving suit for which I cannot free myself from, and ordered to perform horrendous acts upon others for which I cannot be forgiven from...

You can't help but find someway of entertaining yourself.

I heard soft grunts coming from the child and remember why I was practically bullying these thugs to begin with. The little rascal was wiggling herself out of his still frozen grip and succeeded. She fell on her butt with a soft *pomf* and scurried herself away from me before tripping over a hidden rock.

That's strange, I was expecting the Little Sister to run up to me and be thankful, not run away in abject terror. I approached the child who had dragged herself away until her back was against a tree and noticed some key differences. For starters she looked relatively cleaner, and her skin was less pale and gray, in fact she had a very healthy creamy white skin. She even had shoes and knee high socks to go with her flowing blue and white dress.

Then there was the fact that this girl carried added...enhancements? Two small curling horns adorned her long ruby red hair, pointy ears, red thin bat-like wings could be seen struggling through her bindings, and a thin leathery red tail ending in a heart shape with a fancy gold needle like attachment in the center of the heart.

Was this Little Sister a special upgrade from the previous versions? Or was it something bigger? Regardless she was the only lead I had to understanding this predicament and I needed her to stop looking at me with such fear on her round green eyes.

I reach my hand towards her, but she shies away from it, perhaps remembering the powers that emerged from my hand. This won't do, I had to go with plan B.

Reaching into a pocket I pulled out plan B: A small plush doll of a Big Daddy stitched together by the other Little Sisters.

I present the gift to her and she finally stops her shacking and pauses to look at it. Granted that's all she can do as she was still tied up. They never finished the knot and with a simple tug I yanked the rope off her, and almost immediately her wings extended allowing me to see them in their full...and small glory.

Upon freeing her, and still presenting her with the plush Big Daddy, the child finally let her guard down and grabbed the doll from my hands. She looked up at me not with fear, but with curiosity.

“...Were you trying to help me?” She spoke.

I want to reply yes, but my...condition makes it difficult to express words, I merely nod my head.

“U-Um...t-thank you...” she murmurs.

No over the top cheery voice, no positive optimism? Something is not right here.

“ name's Wendy...What's yours?” She asked.

I stay silent, this girl is only giving me more questions than answers. The only thing for certain was that I wasn't in Rapture, but then...where was I?

“Can you talk?” Wendy asked.

I shake my head.

“Oh...but that's I was going somewhere...somewhere where it's safe. Do you want to come with me?” Wendy asked. least she asked instead of ordered, I am compelled to agree to her request.

I nod my head.

“Great! I was really scared back there, they told me this road was dangerous, but I wasn't expecting brutes like them. But I'm happy I met you! If we go together we can find a safe place to stay, a-and maybe we can find someone who can fix your voice-and-and-” Wendy went on.

This girl likes to ramble a lot, but at least she's doing better, but at this rate we could be here all day and not go anywhere so I better take action. I hold the girl by her waist and lift her up, she gives out a cute little squeak before I place her behind my back where a convenient Little Sister basket is held.

“Hey~ this is really neat, if I didn't know any better I'd say that it was made for me, but that's silly right?” Wendy giggled. any case she points me to a direction and as usual like an arrow over my head I follow her finger and start walking.

Hopefully I can get some answers as to where I am soon...

“So did you come from here?” Wendy suddenly asked me on our trip.

I shake my head.

“Oh? So then, did you come from Neverland like me?” She sounded giddy.

I shake my head once more. Even if I could tell her of my origins, I highly doubt she'll believe me. She kept listing off locations she had learned about one after another; Palachia, Caeronne, Agassizum. They were a mouthful sure, but nothing I was familiar with...then again I barely remember what nations the surface world had before my captivity.

“Hm~ maybe you can't remember?” Wendy asked.

I pause trying to find the best way to answer that, she was wrong, but technically she was also right. I decide to humor her and nod my head.

“Yup! That's it! But you must have been a really nice guy then. Because even after forgetting everything you still remember to be nice to others like you did for me” she explained.

Was I? A part of me still clings to the idea that my rescue attempt only happened because I was genetically programmed that way by someone else...right? I never could fathom how they were able to rewrite my genetic structure to be subservient to little girls, I am compelled to follow her around and do as she says, but a part of me clings to her simple reasoning...maybe I am just that nice.

I certainly hope that is the case...

“Do you know where we're going?” Wendy suddenly asked.

I shake my head, thankful for the change in topics.

“We're going to Karpathia! It's a beautiful city that's really to nice to us, I met up with a friend who's also on her way over there, and we're going to meet up and we're going to sleep in her bi~g shell until we make ourselves a little house and make money selling flowers and baked goodies!” Wendy explained her plot.

What's all this 'we' stuff she keeps going on about? It's as if she already decided that I'm going to tag along and follow her crazy ideas.

“...Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't ask if you wanted to stay with me and do all those things. B-but I promise it will be a lot of fun! Plus I know you can use your powers for good, instead of just hurting people” Wendy sounded hopeful.

It is true that most of my Plasmids and Tonics were aimed to better one's life rather than take life away, but does someone like me deserve a second chance? Would I even know what to do with it? Wendy suddenly climbs on my head and peers down at me. Her upside down frown was yearning for an answer.

I nod my head almost causing her to lose her balance as she slid back to the basket on my back.

“Really!? You will!? Oh thank you, thank you! I promise I make a mean cookie! A-and look an Alraune gave me these seeds, and she promised me they grow into beautiful flowers we can sell! I just know we can live a happy life together!” Wendy was practically hopping up and down in her excitement.

Wendy has a lot of ambition, and hope. It's actually quite pleasing to see compared to what I've experienced. I didn't need a daily reminding of the bleak existence I had endured, and have seen others suffer through as well. So Wendy's dreams and determination are very welcomed.

“And don't worry, they have some really smart doctors there too! I'm sure they can find a way to fix your voice, or whatever else is wrong with you” Wendy suddenly interrupted your line of thinking.

I...don't know how I feel about that, I can simply shake my head and refute her promise to me, but who am I to crush her hopes and dreams. If anything I should let her expand on her ambitions for the both of us...

I nod my head.

“Yup! You can count on me! I mean fair's fair after saving my life after all” Wendy assured.

Sure Wendy...whatever you say.

“Alright so first we're taking a shortcut to Pormaen sea? Yeah, that's it! There's a boat ferry that takes passengers to a connected river that takes us close to Gazpecht, and from there we can go with my friend who'll give us a ride in her house straight to Karpathia were we can make a home for ourselves” she explained the plan to me.

More locale I don't recognized, but so long as she knows where we are going I'm not going to be bothered by it. Rather I am concerned about the lack of light on our heads. I glance up and stare at an orange sky with splotches of clouds peppered all over the place. I point at the sky and Wendy looks up as well.

“Oh~ it is getting late, but that's okay we can still make it to the ferry, we'll just wake up bright and early tomorrow” Wendy assured.

I nod my head, and we hunker down in the woods. Wendy spent quite some time looking for a decent camping site, and directed me through several trees and rocks to create a safe campfire. The girl is bossy, but I had worst bosses in the past.

By the time we had a fire set it was already dark, and we sat huddled side by side close to the fire. We kept silent, staring at the fire until a faint rumbling noise was heard, and Wendy dropped her head blushing brightly.

“I-I guess I forgot how hungry I was...” she murmured bashfully.

She reached into one of her pockets, and pulled out crumbles of what use to be a cookie.

“No~ my cookies, they're ruined~” Wendy was on the verge of crying.

Her stomach gave another grumbling noise and she huddled herself into a tighter fetal position.

She looked rather miserable, and once again I am compelled to act. I reach into my inventory and find most of my food still in tact. I pull out a 'Pep-bar' and unwrap it, the crunching noise snaps Wendy out of her sad state and looks up at me presenting her with the candy.

“Oh! Um~ t-thanks...I've never seen food like this before” Wendy said grabbing the candy.

She takes a careful nibble before her eyes widen.

“Hey this is really good!” Wendy pipes up and begins eating the rest of the candy bar. Unfortunately I don't have much in terms of food, especially for a growing young girl.

And that's when it hit me, I just came to the conclusion that I was assisting a child that wasn't a Little Sister. So then why am I still doing this? Granted she still had some worth in terms of knowing the area, but she has no valuable assets I can attain. She stifles a yawn as I present another snack for her to enjoy.

“Thanks again for helping me out so much...if you want I can keep watch over things while you go to sleep first” she replies.

Sleep? I never had any pleasant experiences sleeping, and at this point I'm not even sure if I could for one reason or another.

I nod my head and she adopts this serious look in her eyes, she's trying so hard to look capable and ready.

Only an hour passed and she slumped to my side snoring softly...well to be fair she fell asleep much later than I thought she would. Lacking any blanket the best I can do to keep her warm is to put my arm around her. I can't imagine my suit feels comfortable but she huddles close to me regardless.

We stay silently like this for some time, I feel the adrenaline slowly drain and exhaustion take it's place. This might be the first time in a long time I had the opportunity to rest, and I wasn't going to waste it.

When morning came we woke up near simultaneously the fire long gone.

“*Yaw~n* sorry~ I guess I was more sleepy than I thought” Wendy apologized.

I'm a man of action, my only response was to lift her up and carry her once more on my back so we can continue our journey.

“You're right! We have to keep going, onwards new best friend!” Wendy declared.


We continue forward the dirt path now replaced with stone telling us our destination is near, and along the way we notice something struggling in the distance.

“She doesn't look too good...” Wendy sounded worried.

I was taken aback by the stranger's appearance, I had just accustomed myself to Wendy's devilish attributes, but now here comes a woman who resembles part human and part bird. Her winged arms and short cut hair were a dim white and a contrast to her ink black talons, and chocolate tanned skin. Her clothing were rather simple at best, a white leotard with assorted beads of blue and black across the outline. Same beads can also be seen as her headband, and an anklet on her left leg. I notice her right arm looked a tad funny, and reason that wasn't...normal?

She darts her ruby red eyes back and forth before she notices us, and she scowls at us. Her sharp eyes narrowing further as she eyes us.

I know that look...I put Wendy down from the basket and gently push her aside so she doesn't get in the way.

“W-wait! Maybe we can just talk” Wendy squeaks out.

I have no intentions of fighting her, but her eyes and form tells me she won't take no for an answer.

“I won't end up like mom, broken wing or not I won't die so easily” she growls.

I don't know what she's muttering to herself but it was the least of my concerns as she suddenly lunges at me with a dropkick. She strikes me hard in the chest, enough to get a reaction out of me, her stance and athleticism reminds me of the Big Sisters speed and ferocity. I try to swat her away, but she's moves quick, dodging my swings regardless of where they come from. As she delivers a second kick I notice a faint glow emanating from her, and I can hear the wind crackling around us. Her right leg begins glowing brighter and I can clearly see streaks of electricity frantically wrapping around her leg.

This is gonna hurt...

Another powerful kick and I slide backwards, my body going rigid as her lighting leaves me dazed. I quickly snap out of it and she swings her leg hitting the left side of my head, more lighting flashing around me, but I held my ground.

Time to turn this around. Just because she can paralyze me doesn't mean she can stop me from using my Plasmids. I switch to 'Cyclone Trap' and eject a swirling twisting wind beneath her feet. She was propelled several feet upwards. I can see her attempts to stabilize in the air with just one wing, and being unable to control herself I take aim and zap her with Electro Bolt.

She cries out as my electricity zaps her and her body goes rigid as she went as high as my Plasmid could take her and she began to descend.

The fight was won, or so I thought. I watch as she fights off the electricity, not only enduring it, but now she appeared to be absorbing it. My lighting traveling from across her body directly to her legs, and with a quick flap of her left wing she propelled herself like a bolt of lightning straight at me.

I act quickly desperate and running low on EVE I use my fifth Plasmid, one I had never tested out until now.

I unleash 'Gravity Well' and throw the black polyp at the ground in front of me. Right away it's effects kick in, the huge pull of gravity is felt all over. Trees around us bend towards the thrown polyp, rocks, twigs and assorted debris are already clustered in the black well, and poor Wendy struggles to keep herself from being pulled by squeezing a nearby tree for dear life.

The snow white winged assailant's body jerks the other way and she drops like a heavy rock with a noticeable *thud* straight into well before it explodes, jerking her body backwards. I stomp towards her crumbled form, she grips her broken wing as she drags her body back using only her legs. I stand in front of her and our eyes meet, a cut on her forehead leaves a thin bloody trail along the side of her pretty face. Still defiant even in defeat her scowl shows no fear, but that all changes when I bring out my drill, she flinches at the thing, and her eyes widen when I turn it on.

The roaring noise of the engine rapidly spinning my weapon drives her fate home, and she winces and shuts her eyes, her fresh tears now streaming.

Before I can make a mess out of her I feel my arm being pulled back, and notice Wendy gripping my arm.

“Don't do it! No more fighting-*hic-sob*-p-please!” Wendy was sobbing.

She put me in an awkward position, granted she's not even remotely strong enough to stop me from driving my drill into this winged woman's stomach, but for some reason the drive to do so is gone. I shut down my drill and move backwards to give my assailant some air.

She finally opens her eyes noticing I haven't impaled her yet, and she struggles to stand up, only to flop back to the floor.

“Don't move so much, you're really banged up” Wendy quickly told her as she tended to her wounds as best as she could. Unfortunately her best was simply to stop the bleeding and clean her wounds, but there wasn't anything she could do about her bruises and pain.

“D-don't you have anything that can help her? I know you're capable of more than just hurting people!” Wendy begged me for assistance.

...It was my last one, I was just about to use it for myself as well, I wonder if she noticed that this bird-woman had kicked and shocked me several times, but then again I did worst to her when she was already injured.

I toss her my last med-kit and with my help we utilize it's effects and cure her of most of her injuries. Wendy also presents her with a Pep-bar but she pushes it away telling me she'll be fine though her attitude could use some adjustments.

“Are you two done making a fool of me?” She grumbled.

“Excuse me? You attacked my friend first! We were just going to the ferry boat too. I think if anyone owes us an apology it's you!” Wendy scolded.

I guess knowing the woman was going to make a full recovery Wendy decided to stop being such a softie to her.

“It's not my fault your 'friend'! Looked like those monsters that took my mom!” The woman shouted.

Wendy was taken aback, but she quickly recovered.

“...I-I'm sorry for what happened, but attacking us like that was reckless, and especially dangerous when your wing isn't even fixed yet!” Wendy countered.

“Whatever I'm done here I'm leaving!” The woman proclaimed.

She tried to get up once more but my Med-Kit clearly wasn't as effective on her as it was on me. Her injuries were healed, but her energy was still drained from our fight.

“You're in no condition to go anywhere, how about you come with us until you're feeling better” Wendy suggested.

“I think I'd rather stay here and take my chances” she remained defiant.

“And do what!? There's some really mean people here, people who won't stop kill you if they see you! At least with us you'll be safe, get that through your thick head!” Wendy scolded her some more.

“...I'll just slow you down” she murmured.

“We can fix that” Wendy said as she looked at me.

And now I have Wendy on my back, and cradling the winged woman bridal style in my arms, the blush on her face was almost as red as her eyes.

“This is so stupid” she murmurs.

“So what's your name?” Wendy tried to get to know her.

“...Tempest” the woman replied.

“Great! I'm Wendy, and my friend here can't talk so~ we're going to get him help so he can tell us his name, and while we're at it, we can fix your broken wing” Wendy said.

“He can't talk? Why?” Tempest asked.

“I don't know, but I think he's hurt inside just like you, and he's really when you don't try to hurt him” Wendy said.

“Fine, I'll believe, but you!” She looks at me all of a sudden. “You better keep your hands to yourself! Just because we're like this doesn't mean you can grope whatever you want!” Tempest said.

Wow~ okay...

“He wouldn't do that! He's just a big old softie aren't you?” Wendy asked petting my head.

...I think I'd rather stay in Rapture now that I think about it.
Somewhere Beyond The Sea Part 2: Bioshock x Praxis
Spoiler: show
A rugged man soaked and still trickling icicles retreats to his base of bandits to report what he has uncovered. His story of a bulking man of monstrous strength and incredible powers had caused a roar of laughter and ridicule, but it was not until a search party discovered the bodies of two of the fallen thugs did they take his story seriously.

Their injuries exceeded anything the gang has ever seen, and the sheer brutality and merciless disposal of them has caused the rest of the thugs to grow weak in the knees.

“Enough! You bunch of pansies are gonna let some big muscle-headed freak from doing work? If there's anyone you need to fear it's me if you don't take that thing out by the 'morrow!” Their leader a brute of man with messy, long red hair and decked in stolen armor and weapons declared.

“W-w-we d-don't even k-know where it's h-h-headed” the near frozen thug stammered.

“There's only one town that thing is headed, and if he's not there he's probably at sea...might as well we were gonna raid some ships that day anyways” their leader declared before ordering his men to prepare the ships...

Meanwhile, a young red-headed girl in a blue dress, a white winged young woman with a sour attitude, and a large bulky man in a heavy diving suit continued their travels until Wendy's nose picked something up.

“I can smell the ocean! We're almost there!” Wendy declared.

I nod once taking her word to heart as I had no way of knowing if it's true or not seeing how the air in my suit is filtered.

I don't think I could smell even if I took the helmet off though, or perhaps my sense of smell has been numbed having been stuck in this helmet for so long.

“You can stop carrying me now, I can walk fine on my own” Tempest protested still in my arms.

Well, she said it not me...

I plop her on the ground and she fell with a *thud* on the floor.

“Ow! Stupid-I didn't mean just drop me like that, what about my wing?” Tempest exclaimed.

“Hey, that wasn't very nice you know! The first thing we're gonna have you say after we heal you is 'sorry'” Wendy scolded me.

In my defense she didn't say 'gently' and perhaps I was still irked from the beating she gave to me, she should be thankful of my mercy as I have done far worse to others who have done far less to me.

She stood up holding her wing though she noticed she could move it a little better than before, the med-kit I have given her had regenerated her broken wing and turned it into a sore one, an improvement but not a perfect solution.

“That thing you gave me really worked...I thought only the rich and powerful were given such magical healing items” Tempest marveled.

Magic? Did I also go back in time before science became a trend? This does not bode well at all.

“Do you think you can teach us how to make those white box things that healed Tempest? We can help a lot of people with them” Wendy asked.

Just give it a few more years Wendy, you'll see one in your time soon...regardless I shake my head to answer her. I'm no doctor...I don't know what I am anymore.

We continue walking uphill as the earth gradually rose, and as we reached the tip we marveled at a small harbor where a handful of fishing boats, and one particularly large boat can be seen.

As if the sheer size wasn't enough to draw my attention, it was also accompanied by several glowing orbs of blue and white...I couldn't honestly say what they are, I've never lay witness to such a strange phenomenon, and coming from a...Diver who can shoot fire, ice, and lighting from my hand that's saying something.

“There! It's there, that's the ferry boat that will travel through the sea and towards the river!” Wendy was excited.

“Well what are we waiting for then, there better be a doctor in there, the sooner I can get my wing fixed the sooner I'm out of here, and away from you” Tempest spat out.

I get the feeling she doesn't like me...nah~.

“Hey! Don't be rude to my friend! Remember? You're the one who was bullying us first you know!” Wendy came in my defense.

Kid got one heck of a common sense in her, wish more were like that.

“...W-whatever, let's just get in do have enough for the ferry right?” Tempest asked.

“Of course I do! I even carried extra in case of an emergency” Wendy replied with pride.

Thinks ahead too, this girl both saves a lot of headaches...and yet I feel like she can just as easily cause some.

We walk side by side, and despite how nonchalant the two were, even talking about minute things like the weather, and past boat trips; they seem so casual to the whole situation.

Don't they know how much attention we can bring to ourselves? Or do they simply not care?

My panic was unneeded however as the fishing village we pass had practically ignored us completely. The merchants gave us only a brief glance after they realized we were not interested in buying their wares, and people went on with their business and lives as if we we didn't exist.

But I digress...this is the first time I met a populace I didn't have to eradicate for fear of my life being taken. Perhaps it has been too long since I've felt like I was part of the scenery, to be part of a society and not looked at as source of resource, or a target.

I can get use to this...

We reach the ferry with the worst moment being some random kids asking me if I was some sort of knight, or hero.

“He's a hero, but he doesn't talk a lot so we need to help him as quickly as possible! Move-shoo-shoo!” Wendy shooed away the children off me.

As we reach the large boat I marvel at...not it's beauty, but rather it's stubbornness to not stay in the bottom of the ocean! How such a ship can stay afloat is anyone guess and I see people paying to let this ship carry them to their destination, and we're next.

“All aboard, ship is sailing in just a few minutes! Last call for any passengers!” The lady shouted.

She was a thin woman with sky-blue straight hair done in a ponytail using a dark blue ribbon that stretched to the tips of her hair reaching her waist. Her eyes were the same color as her ribbon, a deep pool of blue that stared at us intently as Wendy shuffled in her pockets for the Cyrunes. She wore a simple, sleeveless pale lime-green dress with a deep V-neck tied with string criss-crossing in an x pattern to keep her bust from popping out of her blouse. She wore knee-high boots, and I notice on her arms, thighs, and around her neck she worse what can be described as thin wooden vines that spiral around her arms and legs into spinning patterns and waves.

Finally Wendy found the currency needed and without even interviewing us or attempting to gauge our sanity we were given permission to board her ship.

This world has a lot of trust in itself...I can really get use to this.

We stood at the bow of the ship staring at the ocean; vast, blue, and with gentle waves splashing the side of the ship giving Wendy and Tempest an almost relaxed state...unfortunately I do not share in their comfort, I can't recall any pleasant memories coming from the sea.

“Alright, the 'Anne-Marie is ready taking off! Pulling the anchor! Hoisting the main sail! Let's do this thing~!” The same woman accepting the cyrunes declared.

“Oh~ this is my first time seeing these little balls up close. They look so cute” Wendy commented.

“Yeah, they're not gonna burn or anything right? I'm not used to sailing on Phantom Ships” Tempest added.

“Aw~ it's okay, I think they're mostly for show, but I wouldn't know either, this my first time on a Phantom Ship too” Wendy replied.

“Oh dear...*hng!gurgh~*!* Oh come on~ not again!” The hostess cried out as she stamped her way to the bow and beside us.

“Hm? Is something wrong?” Wendy asked.

“The seaweed here has always been annoying and it looks like things haven't changed, I'm caught in some seriously stubborn seaweed. I can get under the ship and pull some out it should be enough to set sail, but it might be a while” Anne-Marie declared.

“Oh no, that's terrible! If I'm late my friend might leave without me, she has trouble staying in one spot for too long” Wendy said.

“I'm sorry, I'll get to it as soon as I can though” Anne-Marie assured.

“Oh~ what are we gonna do?” Wendy asked turning to me.

I stare back at the water, clean and clearly covered in seaweed as she said, and my goal is to escort Wendy to her destination.

I watch as Anne-Marie begins lowering the anchor once more and I decide to help them out, and climb over the railing.

“H-hey! Be careful, don't play around like that-you'll fall down!” Wendy exclaimed.

That's the idea Wendy.

I dive several feet down and hit the water with a loud splash causing the passengers and my company to look down at the place I fell.

My vision was blurred by bubbles, and sand but eventually things became clear and I could see the small forest of seaweed entangled on the ship.

It was bitter-sweet to say the least, the occupation I was forced into is now a valuable asset to my...friends? As a bonus the 'Fountain of Youth' slowly regenerates the injuries I sustained fighting Tempest.

Grabbing as much as I can by the roots I weed out the ocean yanking the plants, and untangling the ship.

After finding the more troublesome sea-weed I look back at my work. I don't know how long I've been down here but seeing the ocean floor and the bottom of the ship relatively clear of sea-weed I deem it good enough, and I glance to the anchor planted firmly and hop on it. I tug at the chain signaling her to pull me up.

“Ow! Well he pulled on my hair so I guess that means he's alive and on my anchor” Anne-Marie said.

“I didn't know he could breathe underwater, he's full of surprises” Tempest said.

“I wish he told me! He was down there for so long I was worried sick! I'm gonna really let him have it when he comes back here!” Wendy pouted, her cheeks puffed out and her eyes glaring at the rising chain ready to uncover her large friend.

I resurface with both hands and my suit covered in weeds signaling a job well done.

“Geez~ I think he's heavier than the anchor!” Anne-Marie exclaimed as she looked to be struggling pulling him up.

I lift myself up, and over the railing back to the wooden floor of the ship, and satisfied to see the large boat turn slightly and pull away from the harbor.

“Nice work there! I don't know how you did it, but I'm free to sail once more, we owe you a huge thanks” Anne-Marie congratulated me.

“You!” Wendy shouted at me.

For some reason her tone didn't seem overjoyed that I fixed her conundrum.

She stared up at me with a pathetic attempt to be intimidating as her round cheeks and angry face did not sway me in the slightest. It wasn't until her lips began to quiver, and her eyes began to shine with water did I suddenly feel something when out of nowhere she started bawling and hugging my waist rather tightly.

“Y-you had me so worried you know-*hic-sob*! I-I thought for sure you were gonna drow~n” Wendy wailed as she continued crying.

I guess this no talking thing was more of a hindrance than I thought. If I was capable of speaking to her then I could have explained my ability to dive underwater with ease. I had thought my outfit was a clear indication of what I can do, but it seems like divers aren't a regular thing in a world with winged women, and phantom vessels.

I'm more compelled than ever to have my speaking ability returned just so I can apologize properly...and to tell her 'thanks'.

I pat her back to reassure her as best as I can at the moment, and her crying eventually ceases into soft whimpers, but she continues to cling to me, her dress now wet, but she didn't seem to care.

“N-next time you-you better warn me okay! A-and you're gonna be my assistant for sure to make up for it okay!?” Wendy exclaimed.

I look down at her, she's still insisting I work alongside her in that bakery she wants. Perhaps I was against it at first, but when I think about it, who said I had to be constantly fighting? No one anymore, I look around at the other passengers all congratulating me, and some even applauding me for saving the day in the most mundane, and non-murderous way possible, and I feel something inside I haven't in a while...I feel clean, refreshed; like I did a good deed for the first time.

I look down at Wendy now relatively feeling better with a small, hopeful smile on her face as the last of her tears fall, and I nod my head.

I forgot I was covered head to toe in seaweed and upon moving my head so suddenly, the seaweed on my helmet slipped off, and smacked Wendy in the face...about a pound or three of sea-weed to be precise.

The sun was setting, I was kneeling on one side of the bow with Wendy and Tempest on the other. Wendy in particular refuses to speak to me, and the pout on her face seemed almost permanent as the two struggle to remove all the sea-weed off of her.

Still, I feel rather relaxed about the whole thing.

“Can't believe you did that to me” Wendy grumbled as she struggled with a strand of sea-weed on her hair.

So relaxing~

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching the sea sway as Wendy spent a few more cyrunes of food for herself and Tempest.

“Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?” Wendy asked looking worried.

I nod my head, I'm not feeling entirely hungry at the moment.

Moments into our little meal we were suddenly watched by a puzzling young girl who's very existence had once again topped anything I have seen so far.

“I sensed an interesting mind in your party, and my do your looks show it-tekeli~li~” a teasing tone declared.

Her body was gelatinous in form, and I cannot fathom how she keeps herself in that feminine shape. Her body was a murky transparent black with violet strands that appear and disappear at whim, her frame was thin, nude but no noticeable traits like nipples or genitalia, the pool beneath her shaped like a cone resembled a frilled see-through dress where I can see two much darker slimes strands shaped like legs under it. She adjusted the black almond shape glasses on her as she got closer to me, and my instincts kicked in moving back from her.

I couldn't help it, something about her eyes, and not just the two on her glasses, I see several eyes on her popping in and out of existence. All of them a deep violet, glossy and staring intently at me before disappearing only for more in different locations to take their place.

“H-hey if you have business with my friend you have to speak to me first!” Wendy exclaimed coming in between us.

“Relax~hm~ yes I see” the slime woman muttered to herself as her eyes flashed briefly before dimming.

“*kufufu~* I see you are in need of assistance? Perhaps I can be of help. I am Qrilthia-Tekeli-li~...the Q is a little different for...your kind to say properly so just call me 'Thia' 'kay? A Shoggo at your service-tekeli~li~!” The woman introduced herself with a bow, and all her eyes closing at once before reappearing again soon afterward.

“H-hey how did you know-” Wendy grew nervous.

“Stand back, she's dangerous! Don't let her read your mind!” Tempest declared as now she was in between Wendy and the Shoggo.

“Hm? Read? I did not 'read' you mind...simply felt it is all, but your friend there...I feel something I cannot express, but I cannot probe any deeper other than knowing his state of mind is in turmoil-tekeli-li~. I wish to lend my services as both a healer in the physical...and the mental if you let me inside his...tekeli~li~” Qrilthia explained.

So I have a few violent tendencies, it's not like I'm not in control of them, and if she says otherwise I'll kill her...

Maybe I do have a problem.

“W-why would you want to help him? Are you a doctor?” Wendy asked.

“Hm~ close to it, I'm just curious to be return for letting me understand him, I will gratefully heal him of his injuries...maybe even get him to start talking? Tekeli~li~?” Qrilthia hinted with a wink.

The option intrigued Wendy if her shocked face was any indication, still she remained defiant.

“I-I'm sorry, but I won't let you probe my friend here...we can find someone else who can help him” Wendy refused.

Although she refused I had other plans. I really did want to express myself in more than just shakes and nods so I move Wendy aside and nod my head at the so called Shoggo.

“It seems your friend has other ideas, I promise I'll be gentle and it's not like I'm a bad guy or anything-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia stated.

Funny, I get the feeling the same people who did this to me felt the same way.

“Are you sure, I don't care if you can talk or not I just don't want anything worse to happen to you” Wendy replied.

I pat her head and glance down at her. Her worries are appreciated but unneeded; as much as I loathe to admit it, but I trust the scientists that did this to me, whatever she can do will pale in comparison to the skills and actions done to me by the morally depleted, and she won't break me anytime soon.

“Hm~ I sense confidence and melancholy in you big guy, you either underestimate my power tekeli-li~” Qrilthia murmured unable to finish her sentence as she was wracked with thoughts. Either way she seems to be getting excited about the whole thing.

Bring it on; hell if this works I might even get the answers I was looking.

She took us to her room, a somewhat larger room compared to our own, or perhaps my girth makes things small in comparison? Either way she has me set on her bed and her hands rest on the sides of my helmet.

“We're about to begin the mental analysis, are you ready tekeli-li?” Qrilthia asked.

I nod my head once more, I glance back at Wendy and Tempest sitting at the far end of the room, Tempest looking on with curiosity while Wendy couldn't hide her still worried expression.

At some point her hands stop becoming hands, but thin slivers of slime digging their way into any opening she can find in my suit.

“Hm~such a stubborn armor you have on you~ I can see why you are able to sustain yourself underwater like that, but I will find an opening, every mind is different, but there is always a way in-tekeli-li~” Qrilithia was so sure of herself.

“Wait! I change my mind! If you really did want to help us you'll heal my friend first!” Wendy suddenly cried out.

“...Hm~ fine, the only other way to get in anyways is through a one way in which air can travel in, and I don't want to suffocate him-tekeli-li. Very well, it just so happens that I'm a pretty decent multi-tasker. I'll heal him of his mental, and physical injuries at once-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia replied.

“How do we get it off, I'm no expert in removing armor” Tempest wondered.

“Hm~ I've never seen armor like this before...this locking mechanism though is a good place to start-tekeli-li” Qrilthia suggested.

It was rather amusing watching them struggle to work out how to take my diving helmet off, they have no idea I'm not in this thing by choice hence why it's so hard to remove to begin with. Eventually I helped them enough to the point I only had to pull the thing off my head, but I was anxious. I'm not use to exposing myself in front of others, usually that's a death-wish in Rapture, but I have to put my faith in them.

I slowly do away with my armor and for lack of a better word the girls could have handled the situation better and save me the trouble of feeling less of a human, and more of a monster.

“I-I-It's okay~*sniff-hic*-I-I still think, y-you're beautiful on the inside” Wendy couldn't hold back the tears.

...Yeah...overstatement of the year.

“I-I guess, I'm sorry for attacking you back then...seeing as how you're still dealing with your injuries now” Tempest murmured not looking me in the eye.

It must be pretty bad if someone like her is feeling sympathy for me.

“I'm starting to think I should charge you for my services, this is a little too much for the gear I have on me now~tekeli-li~” Qrilthia pondered.

I'm not letting you back out now.

“Let us begin~tekeli-li~tekeli-li~” Qrilithia started chanting as her eyes started to glow, the pupils darting frantically in random locations as the eyes shook violently.

From wide awake to paralyzed I slowly found myself drifting into a deep sleep, and even my thoughts were no more...

“Hm~Hm! Tekeli-li~? I'm having a hard time digging into his memories...visions and voices are constantly being muted and blocked~. Is this your doing tekeli-li? No! I sense something else inside you...ah~ interesting this is amazing tekeli-li~!” Qrilithia murmured and exclaimed herself.

“Stop reacting and just tell us what's going on!” Tempest was quickly losing her patience.

“There is a substance in him...I'm digging through his memories, but...tekeli-li~” I don't recognize this place of wood, metal...and water? I need to force my way through...I'll have to sift through that later, but there is so much to take in-no! This substance I need to know more-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia was giddy at this point.

The girls looked as the Shoggo's smile grew more and more until suddenly she gave out a frustrated grunt and pulled away.

“W-what's wrong!?” Wendy asked.

“I can dig no more...the mental barriers are not only strong...but purposely placed, not by him, but by someone else tekeli-li. All I got from his memories were the name of the substance, and what it can do-tekeli-li. They call it...ADAM” Qrilthia said.

“I-I've never heard of that before” Wendy confessed.

“Neither did I, what do you suppose it is?” Tempest asked.

“I've studied many chemical properties, potions, concoctions, and elixirs, but all that pales in comparison to the sheer volume and capabilities this ADAM stuff is! I bet it'll even give the philosopher's stone a run for it's money tekeli-li!” Qrilthia was practically hopping up and down with joy. “Change your look, change your sex, change your race! And with a little tweaking you can grant yourself powers akin to magic! But it's not magic-oh-oh~ I'm getting hot and bothered just thinking of the possibilities! Tekeli-li~” Qrilthia squealed.

“That's great! So you're saying he is special after all...b-but why is he so...hurt?” Wendy wondered.

“That is what I'm trying to figure out, but like the specific instructions for constructing, and extracting ADAM, his memories and specifically the time he was put in this suit are all censored...amazing~tekeli-li~” Qrilthia marveled.

“How is that amazing?” Tempest asked.

“Because! No magic is doing this, it was all done with potions see strange machinery of metal and lightning, tubes of red ADAM traveling...what is all this-tekeli-li? I fear this is beyond our reasoning, I'm gonna try to probe deeper and break the barriers in his mind” Qrilthia declared.

“I-I think that's enough. We shouldn't be probing so deep like this! I bet once he learns to speak he'll be more than happy to answer our questions” Wendy suggested.

“Unlikely, while I can see through more of his recent adventures, his origins and creation are all redacted...I get the hint that perhaps whoever made him wasn't the only one with access with this power-tekeli-li~. I cannot even fathom this kind of high level brainwashing without the use of magic! I can probe deeper into his subconscious, but I might risk damaging his physique even further-” Qrilthia began.

“Then don't!” Wendy refused.

“...Very well, but you must let me extract a sample of this ADAM he has inside. Just a little jab and I can siphon a tiny amount for further research...I might even recreate it to fit our world's needs” Qrilthia suggested.

“Maybe you shouldn't. We don't know for certain how this ADAM stuff will affect our population, I mean it certainty didn't do him any favors” Tempest said.

“I can fix it! I can purify it, and remodel it to suit our needs better. This ADAM stuff is just the beginning of a whole new stage of biological research and modification! Alright, I'll just take a tiny sample-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia assured with a small glass container on her left hand.

One of her fingertips turned into a very thin sharp needle, and gingerly stuck it against Subject Epsilon's neck.

The results were instant; in just a split second Subject Epsilon woke up, and with a mighty grunt he swung his drill across smacking Qrilthia and splattering her upper body all over the wall.

Her lower half squirmed and twitched uncontrollably as the eye sockets darted back and forth. Qrilthia remains pooled to the ground before fusing together and dragging itself towards the lower half. Reshaping itself as if a pair of invisible hands was molding it back into the shape and form it once was. In moments Qrilthia was her former self again, and silently picked up her glasses on the floor and adjusted them.

“Well, that was a strong reaction, I almost saw my life flash before my eyes-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia sighed.

“How could you! Why would you do that!?” Wendy cried out.

“It was not entirely his fault, the ADAM inside him was modified to react accordingly to outside stimulation tampering with it. No doubt purposely by the molder and brainwasher-tekeli-li. I bear no ill will towards him, and looking back it was a futile effort nonetheless, I wouldn't have had a pure sample anyways...*sigh~* that's dissapointing-tekeli-li~” Qrilthia sighed.

“Well, what about his injuries...he's starting to look a lot better” Wendy said.

“I can touch up his face and scars a little with my power alone, but he needs more. Specifically time, and a lot of lotion but that's putting it mildly-tekeli-li” Qrilthia said.

“That's okay!” Wendy piped up.

“Hm? Why do you think that?” Tempest asked.

“Because if my bakery and flower shop goes well, we can afford the best doctors, and medication to fix him up! He'll live a normal life and won't have to worry about all that stuff, he deserves to live his life how he wants to after all” Wendy said.

Says the girl who's practically forcing me to be her assistant, but it's not like I'm complaining anymore.

“Well...I'll patch him up as best as I can, I can at least remove some of his scars, but the deeper ones, and the uh...added attachments need more complicated tools and medicine to properly remove-tekeli-li” Qrilthia explained.

“Well in the meantime, do you mind taking a look at my wing-” Tempest began.

Suddenly their ship rocked back and forth and a sharp cry can be heard outside followed by people screaming.

“W-what's going on!?” Wendy exclaimed.

I waste no time readjusting and locking my helmet back on my head, I recognize screams like that all too well.

I head outside with the girls following me close behind and back on deck we spot several ships attempting to surround us, and Anne-Marie on her knees clutching at her side.

I look overboard and spot a harpoon had breached the side of the hull.

“Bandits, a-and they're trying to swarm us” Anne-Marie panted, and then cried out once more as I managed to yank the harpoon off her hull.

She shouldn't be so over-dramatic about people damaging her ship, it can be repaired later, no need to shout.

“W-what do they want from us?” Tempest wondered.

“Our money or our lives...or our women tekeli-li” Qrilthia figured.

“Well they aren't getting any of that, I can strike them down easy enough!” Tempest assured.

“Not with that wing you won't!” Wendy reminded.

At this point I had finished adding a little extra to the harpoon they so graciously given us, and with my modded cross-bow I took aim and fired it right back at them.

I'm certain that harpoon was a warning, a sort of calling sign of things to come.

My harpoon was not so subtle.

Upon hitting it's mark the explosive I added detonated lurching the ship sideways before water quickly began to rush inside slowly sinking it.

“W-we gotta get the passengers to safety inside” Anne-Marie stammered as she picked herself up.

“Come on, we gotta go!” Wendy replied tugging at my arm.

I didn't move a budge, instead I pushed Wendy away towards Tempest.

“...He's gonna fight them...” Tempest realized.

“B-but there's too many of them!” Wendy exclaimed.

Sounds like an even fight to me.

“She's right, I can already sense his determination, he's gonna see this to the end, we'll only get in the way-tekeli-li” Qrilthia said.

“But-but! Oh! Y-you better come back in one piece okay! I-I believe in you!” Wendy cried out as she was yanked away and rushed inside the ship with the others until it was just me on deck.

I know she wants me to live a normal, safe life but so long as I am what I am now. I will continue to use these traits to the best of my abilities.

The fight with Subject Delta has left my ammunition rather low, but it should be enough to get my message across.

Too bad none of them will be alive to tell the others that message.
Last edited by Timiddarkspy on Sun Mar 05, 2017 8:05 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Praxis Tales New and Old

Post by Hood »

Oh! Hey Timid, welcome. I´m glad to have you here too! :goodjob:
There are those who would scorn good-natured people. Even if God himself will
not show his face, a heartful person will one day take God's place in
visiting Judgement upon them. This is what is known as "Divine Retribution"
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Re: Praxis Tales New and Old

Post by Feathers »

I heard a lot of good about your stuff, thx for sharing, I've been curious.
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Re: Praxis Tales New and Old

Post by Raet »

Ahh, this is the story that cemented erumo as one of the top tiers of my favourite monstergirls! She ties with bovitauride, azure slime and lamia
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