Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short: Elf/Witch/Dryad/Dragon

A series of tales under the MGE setting.

Small one off stories and poems can be posted and read here.
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Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short: Elf/Witch/Dryad/Dragon

Post by Timiddarkspy »

Figured I'd just dump all my MGE fics here and save space, and again, since I don't like simply reposting I've taken the liberty of reworking any old fics with improved grammar, spelling, the whole nine yards...Enjoy!

Praying For A Mantis Part 1: Mantis
Spoiler: show
Deep in the jungles where you make your living as a hermit, and skilled hunter you give chase to a wild boar through the thick foliage, and trees. You've been chasing this living meal for a good ten minutes, draining valuable energy, for a meal that could last for days. It'll be too dark to properly hunt soon, and exhaustion will make it even more difficult; it has to be this boar, or nothing since you know you won't last with no energy in the wild. Cutting another wall of leaves with your machete, you at last see your breakfast, lunch, and dinner silently lapping at a puddle of water in a clearing just a few yards away. Crouching with skilled swiftness you deftly move to a better position beside the boar, still a few yards away with bow, and arrow on hand.

You pull on the string as far as you can, focusing on your target's heart, a quick, and painless death, you can at least give it that. You release the tension, and your arrows shoots forward almost as quickly as the green blur that just sped past you inches to your left. Before you can process what that was, you notice the boar had fallen in a sloppy, bloody mess, your arrow stuck where it's heart should be. Success! You nearly sliced the boar clean in half...except, arrows aren't meant to do that.

You stay crouched there, dumbfounded. Maybe you don't know your own strength, or perhaps the boar was a lot softer than usual boars, however a loud rustling from opposite side of the clearing followed by another green blur, and in an instant your eyes behold something most wondrously strange. A creature your height perhaps slightly taller, it's back facing you was slowly crouching down on the dead boar. From your perspective from top to bottom you make out some interesting details. Two long, lanky antennae on a head of short, wild, dark brown hair, her back consisted of a dull, dark green shell that looked hard, yet smooth attached to a large abdomen that definitely belonged to an insect of some kind. Just below that you saw the wondrous part of the strange sight, a plump, round butt, a dark green, almost black in color rag just barely concealing her crack, and other parts while the rest of her thighs to her ankles where exposed to the elements. Creamy white in color they were slightly muddy, but perfectly smooth, and unscathed, and definitely belonged to a woman. Before your eyes could wander underneath the rag to confirm your suspicions you hear a the sound of skin, and meat being pierced, and see that two long, razor, green scythes were poking, and slicing at the area where your arrow was still stuck in the beast.

This is bad, the creature is mutilating the meat making it impossible for you to properly cook, and eat it, you need to put a stop to this, but...those blades look really sharp considering just how cleanly it sliced the boar, and how swiftly it moved even through the brush...no that meal is your ticket to survival! Hunger beats common sense as you call out to the destroyer of meat.

“Hey, stop that!” You call out to it

The figure stops her mutilation, and slowly turns to you revealing something more wondrous than strange. You were being stared at by a pair of yellow human eyes and two pairs of insect eyes; looking a little closer you see two tiny compound ovals beneath the much larger compound eyes, both above her human eyes, and all the same honey yellow color based on what little you knew of insect anatomy, but you know enough that this is the biggest (and cutest) praying mantis you've ever laid eyes on.

Her face was clear of any blemishes, and emotion as she stared at you with no hint of expression either positive, or negative. Wandering lower you notice she's wearing a red ribbon below her neck possibly keeping her tight dark, dark green suit from falling...maybe. Wandering further you notice her more feminine features. Her tight clothing revealed two perfectly round, and plump breasts snugged tightly together, and looking just a tad bigger than what you normally would see in a woman, the rest of her curved into an hourglass figure, and attached to her wrists, and forearms were the bladed scythes she uses to hunt. You already realize what she is, from the time you spent before you decided to venture the jungles. Teachers, and family alike warned you of their existence, and their tendency to spirit away men who strike their fancy. You remember what they all called them, 'mamono', or sexy waifus from that one guy with the cow girl for a wife, he was kind of the weird one, but left alone most of the time. The mantis girl turns away from you apparently losing interest as she continues to chop at the boar where you shot it.

“I said stop that, you'll ruin the meat!” You call out again.

The mantis girl looks in your direction again.

“Stabbing at it like that will make the meat too messy, it'll mix with the organs, and intestines, and be contamin-hey!” You call out yet again as the mantis girl turns away from you, and focuses back on the dead boar.

Wow, this is just like school all over again, partly why you left in the first place. You decide that enough is enough, you take the risk, and briskly run towards the mantis girl stepping between her, and the boar.

“I can't let you do that, let's...uh~ talk about, this?” You try to reason.

The Mantis turns away from you, and the boar, and stares at what seems to be nothing, but a leafy tree infested area, possibly taking more interest in that, than you. Despite this you go on.

“Okay, so I was thinking, since you did such a nice job slicing the thing in half why don't we just-would you forget about the stupid butterfly!” You shout as once again something else proved to be more interesting than you. Your shout though did reward you with the Mantis now looking at you, though she still wears the same empty expression.

“Fine, I'll be quick, slice in half, you head part, me, ass part, deal?” You quickly state.

You kind of feel bad that you gave her the side she mutilated the most, but maybe this isn't the first time she had done this. The mantis girl keeps her same expression before standing up. She extends her left blade forward, and slams it on the boar's neck, and begins dragging it...along with your other half. You quickly jump towards the boar's ass (non-sexually) and brandish you machete, and begin hacking at the sliver of meat that keeps it together, the mantis girl feeling your extra weight, but not caring enough to do something about it. With some difficulty you successfully hack away the remaining bit of meat left, and suddenly you plop on the grass, with the grace of a man who's clutching a boar's ass. You look up, and you see the Mantis walking away from you without a second glance, you silently wish to yourself that it was her ass you were clutching, but quickly wipe the thought away as your stomach growls in protest. You lightly pat your stomach, and haul your meal away to your jungle home where you would eat for at least a day, and a half. You take your spoils, and head back to your man cave...a hut made from your old tent next to a hollow tree, and with an extended leaf roof to make it just a tad bigger.

Several days have passed, and your hunt for food begins anew, hours pass, and you catch very little, some berries you hunted from a bush, some fat bugs for fast proteins, and some tropical birds that would have made lovely looking pets. You carry your spoils in your thick leather sack, ready to call it a day when out of the corner of your eye you spot a familiar blur moving through thick leaves with reckless abandon. You munch on some squirming proteins normal people call bugs, and give chase. You lost her in half a minute, her speed vastly more impressive than your rushed sloshing through the mud, and greenery. Suddenly your left foot slips as what you thought was solid ground gives way, and half your body is jerked towards a hidden sink hole. Acting quickly you stab at a nearby tree to keep yourself upright, then you push yourself to safety clinging to the tree, and carefully circling around the sinkhole. A dangerous reminder that this wet jungle area has very soft ground, some giving way to underground caves, and some appearing bottomless. You shrug off the sinkhole, and look toward your surroundings, you know most of the jungle area by heart so you aren't lost, but you did lose sight of that mantis girl. Or so you thought, as the echoing sound of blades tearing flesh was distinctly heard over the sound of birds chirping, and the droplets of soft rain now beginning to descend. Following the sound of death you recognize all too well you eventually spot the mantis girl as she lifts a bundle of bleeding fur with her scythe blade, and walks away uncaring.

“H-hey you!” You call out.

Why did you do that? Why the sudden need to make yourself known to the clearly dangerous mamono? She turns her heard, and looks directly at you with a bored expression, your answers are gonna have to wait as you remember you can't keep her interest in you for very long.

“...Good hunting” you compliment.

The mantis looks at you, her expression unchanging before turning away from you, and walks away with her hunt. She could have at least acknowledged your compliment, but you decide not to linger on it too much, you're just glad you'll be leaving home with a meal, but tomorrow is another day.

Days past, hunts won, and lost, more, and more you catch glimpses of the green beauty. You would sometimes clash over the same hunt, but you were always a bit of a sportsman. If she got to the kill first you would let her have it, and whenever you got the kill, she would still just take it. Days of this, and eventually she caught on to your ideas, and decided, or perhaps more accurately not cared if you took the spoils. You guys soon became hunting buddies! You explained this concept to her, which she replied with a predictable expressionless stare, but you probably think she's smarter than she looks, and knows what you're talking about. Though you have a new hunting buddy you don't plan any get togethers, and the times you do she ignores them completely, it's usually just chance encounters that cause you to see her.

Months passed your physique turning more rugged, and strong as the time passes, but the Mantis girl you keep meeting remains the same, on the outside at least. As the weeks pass you begin to notice tiny little differences in her personality. For starters you are able to keep her attention to you a whole two seconds longer than usual, and sometimes she would pay attention to you for no reason at all, albeit they last for a moment, but that's still a significant difference than the first few weeks. The biggest change happened just recently after another unexpected encounter; you joined her hunting sessions doing your best to keep up with her, and failing tremendously. The moment you do she had already killed a small boar, but instead of dragging it away for herself she extended the bloody morsel over to you, with an expressionless face. For a moment you thought she smacked her head in the middle of the hunt because it looked as if she was presenting her hunt as a gift to you. You were shocked to say the least when she walked with the dead boar extended towards you hanging limply from her scythe through it's chest. After an awkward silence you pull the meal out of her scythe, gripping the boar in your hands, and waited. After another moment of silence you see her walking away, still carrying the same expressionless face. You didn't know what to do for the moment, but you knew what to say.

“Thank you!” You call out to her as she sliced several leaves out of her way.

With her back facing you she stops for only a moment upon hearing you say that, then walks away, unbeknownst to you as you walk away from her as well you don't see the tiny tinge of pink in her cheeks appearing for a second before fading away.

Another month passes, and you found yourself doing the usual hunt to survive, the only thing unusual about today is the lack of any companion which you grew to enjoy despite the very, very little activity between you, and the Mantis. You simply shrug it off thinking she must have hunted enough to last her a few days of rest, and continue on your own deeper into the jungle. As you scan the area of any subtle movement that can satisfy your hunger, or even some edible fruit, you can't help but feel as if you were being watched...very closely. The longer you hunt the more that feeling grows, giving you the goosebumps.

Not taking any chances you retreat back to your home, the creepy feeling of being watched never ceasing. Suddenly from your left you spot a blur shooting past you. You realize who it is, but also realize it was also the one giving you the creepy feeling. You quickly change course to your right, planning on zig-zagging through the jungle in an attempt to lose her...wait why are you suddenly running from her? You stop your mad dash right as you enter a clearing. This sudden spike in weirdness isn't like her, in fact you surmise that you might just be taking this whole thing out of proportion, but you still can't shake such a foreign aura swaying through the jungle, invisible to the naked eye, and before you can comment any further the Mantis swoops in from above the thick trees, and lands directly in front of you, just a few feet away, but enough for her scythes to easily strike you.

“You scared me there for a second you know, is something wrong?” You ask

The Mantis takes a step towards you, which causes you to take two steps back.

“L-look if it's something I said, you can tell me...or not, just nod your head if it's something I did to upset you” you try to reason.

Again she walks towards you, her eyes staring directly into yours, her chest rising slowly, but clearly, and her hips swaying in a clearly suggestive manner, but her scythes were extended towards you, giving you mixed feelings.

“So, uh~ it's a little late, but I think we can still hunt something decent before-” You were unable to finish your sentence as the Mantis swings her left scythe towards your chest with speed only a speeding bullet could match, the swing ripping your leather, and fur shirt clean in half. With that near death experience your adrenaline rockets upwards, and you make a break for it, turning around, and sprint into the thick of the jungle.

“Nice going! It took me three days to make that shirt, three days!” You scream angrily at your former hunting buddy

After a minute of running you make it through another clearing, one you instantly recognize. It was the clearing where you first met her, the puddle of water long gone, as well as the bloodstains from the sliced boar. Before you can reminisce on better times you hear a faint buzzing, growing louder at a rapid pace. You turn around, and instantly a blur, and flurry of movement whirl around you, and pass you. The Mantis girl stops just a few feet, and stares at you, as if waiting for a response.

“...Ha! You missed me!” You shout in triumph as the Mantis has clearly attempted to strike you, and missed entirely, or so you thought.

You find that your brown baggy pants quickly fall apart in perfect diamond shaped pieces, as well as the rest of your half shirt. Also it may be just your imagination, but you think she may have cut your hair into a neater, and shorter trim...yup, you see your hair falling out of your head, as well as your beard which you worked so hard to keep, now gone, your face as smooth, and hairless as a baby, your bow, and quiver have also been utterly shredded including the arrows inside the quiver. Lastly your machete is missing it's wooden hilt, all of it on the floor, and now useless. You stand in place in a jogging position, you are defenseless, weaponless, and out matched, yet you can't help, but be impressed by such a swift, and impressive display of cutlery skills.

“...You win...” You mutter in utter defeat.

From the beginning she had already beaten you, you don't know why she didn't just finish the job much earlier, and perhaps you may never know, she has the poker face that can't be beat, can't be read, and can't lose. Looking away you don't see her dashing towards you, and in an instant leg sweep you are suddenly airborne, but before you can hit the ground you feel her left arm clutch at your stomach, and suddenly you are thrown onto her left shoulder, and the next minute everything becomes one speeding blur as she races through the jungle, cutting everything attempting to slow her down.

You feel your stomach churning from the twist, and turns she's doing when avoiding trees. Before you feel like you're about to puke the movement stops. You swallow the little bit of vomit that nearly escaped your mouth, and take deep breaths to keep it from going back up again, you slowly turn around, and see that she took you to a small, heavily moss covered cave. Thick vines surround the entrance making it blend into the environment, one wouldn't suspect it's existence unless they were really close to it, and you're guessing that is where the Mantis makes her home. She walks inside pushing away at the vines rather than slicing them as she had done through her trek through the jungle. It was dark, as you expected, the only light coming from slivers of light from the sun the vines do not cover.

She tosses you to the ground shocked to find the landing was soft as you watch the Mantis, or at least the slight movement of darkness that is the Mantis as she picks something from the ground, and juts out her blade and you hear the scraping sounds of rock on metal. She does this several times before a small fire is born from what you now see was a makeshift campfire hidden in the darkness. With the cave lit in an orange glow you look down, and find that your are sitting in a makeshift bed made from various mosses, and thick fur making it surprisingly comfortable considering what you had to live with in the jungle.

You want to say something, but you are suddenly pushed by the Mantis into a face up position, with her crouching over you, she lowers herself closer to you, her hands between your head, and now she was on her hands, and knees, her breasts just a mere inches from your chest, and her eyes staring at you with no hint of emotion. She brings her right arm up, and out shoots her scythe, you close your eyes, and wait for the inevitable, hoping that she'll do the right thing any hunter would do to it's hunt, and make your death clean, and painless. Keeping your eyes shut you hear a sudden *splat*. You open your eyes, and once again you are met with the same expressionless yellow eyes, though not entirely pointed your way, rather a little to your left. You tilt your head in that direction, and see a squirming black spider, it's fat abdomen pierced, and leaking juices from where the Mantis stabbed it, it squirmed in a desperate struggle to stay alive until a second stab stopped it's movement entirely.

With the only other witness vanquished she stood up, and firmly planted her her ass to your crotch area, and began to gently rub herself on you. You resist with all your strength...no you don't, it's been so long since you've last been touched by a woman you reacted almost instantly, it would have happened a lot sooner, but fear of dying delayed your arousal for a good few seconds. Feeling a bulge in your underwear she stops her actions, and lifts herself up only slightly as she pulls the last bit of clothing you had left to your ankles with her scythes eliciting a nervous feeling as you feel the blades rub your inner thighs. You tilt your head up, and see her crouched spread eagle, a glistening liquid coming from her crotch travels slowly down her left inner thigh.

You knew something was different about her, but you were far off. You hear her breathing heavily, her chest heaving in and out. For the first time ever since you met her, she has finally made a noise with that mouth of hers that always remained shut to you. She lowers herself onto your stiff member, your tip meeting with a soft, wet sensation as her sex finally makes contact with yours. She tries pushing herself further in, but finds resistance, she doubles her efforts, and eventually succeeds in putting the head of your cock into her tight pussy. Both of you gasp almost simultaneously as you both feel a rush of feelings both physical, and mental. Her heavy breathing turns into soft gasps for air while you breathe deeply at the tightness your penis is feeling, her bodily lubricant doing little to help, but at the same time the heat, and feeling of her inner walls vice gripping you feels all too good. You take your eyes off her crotch, and look at her face, and see a stunning change in expression. Her body trembling slightly, her eyes wide, and her mouth while still in a frown was quivering, she was close to showing actual emotion.

If she was like this from a shallow penetration you wonder how she'll be when you go deeper, and since she was still obviously relishing this new feeling you decide to help her with the rest. You force your upper body forward into a sitting position, the slight movements of your penis still almost half way inside her caused her to gasp a tad more loudly, a soft, mature tone fitting for such an expressionless being. You grasp her shoulder with your left hand while your right hand takes her hand. She felt so soft to the touch, and you guide her hand towards your own shoulder. You motion her to do the same with her other hand which she does with reluctance, once you realized she has a firm grip on you, you move your hands to her thin waist, and push her slowly down. your penis moving deeper inside her until it taps her inner wall causing the Mantis to emit her loudest gasp yet. After giving her a moment to let her breathe you pull her upwards, the task harder than pushing her in as it feels like her inner walls were desperately trying to suck you in deeper, not wanting to let you go. Once only your head is left inside you thrust in her again causing her to gasp yet again. You were about to do it again when suddenly her hips moved on their own, moving up, then down on your member slowly at first, but picking up speed until she formed a rhythm of going up, and down on you. She moved her hands away from your shoulders, and clutches herself around your neck, her chin resting on your back as you move your hands from her waist to grope her ass, and it was everything you imagined they would be; so soft, and firm. It was at this moment when you realize something...why are you helping her in this obvious one sided rape she had planned?

Were you that desperate for a woman's touch? Were the months lacking of physical contact with another being have really affected you to this point, and you didn't realize as you were continuously distracted by the constant need to survive in such a wild environment...then again ignoring the clearly insect-like appendages any man would be entranced by her beauty, and you've been known to be into some pretty weird stuff. Loud gasps from your kidnapper snap you out of your thoughts, and in doing so cause you to groan as you are bathed in sudden pleasure as her wet folds pound on your member in rapid frenzy. Acting on instinct you push yourself right along with her piercing her even deeper inside causing a drawn out moan to escape her lips as you feel her orgasm clench your member tighter, a wave of her warm fluid escapes her body. You were so close too, but despite the heavy breathing, and gasping you hear, as well as how much her chest is heaving she begins thrusting into you again albeit slower, and her panting returned with each thrust.

You stare into her eyes and find them stunning, they shone like polished marble, her face flush red, and her mouth open and moaning with suppressed pleasure. It was clear she was really enjoying it, perhaps more so than you. As the pleasure inside you grows you hands wander, and explore your partner's body, rubbing her thighs, waist, until both your hands rest on her round breasts causing her to suddenly grip you tighter thus causing you to press your palms more firmly on her breasts eliciting a satisfied sigh from the Mantis. As you continuously rub, and knead her breasts like putty in your hands she begins thrusting into you at a faster pace sending you close, you knew you could not hold on much longer.

“I-I'm gonna cum...!” You gasp.

Hearing this her legs wrap around your waist, and her grip on you tightens to the point of near chocking you. You avert your hands to her shoulders once again to pull her into a less tightening grip, and upon doing so you see her face once more. It was no longer strange, only wondrous. Her eyes wide staring at you with tears streaming down her flushed cheeks, and to top it all off she wore a smile. A faint innocent, and happy smile of one who has truly felt sheer joy. Such a display of emotion caused you to shed a manly tear as well from seeing such a beautiful side of her after so many months of spending time with her. You to go over the edge, you quickly embrace her, as you gush your load deep inside her, just as she orgasms with you. You both emit grunts, and moans as both of you ride the sensation together.

Still in each other's embrace even as both of you collapse to the fur, and moss bed, the Mantis' smile never receding, in fact it may have grown as you can see she has a nice set of pearly whites considering there's no toothpaste for miles, and miles. Her tears have stopped, but her eyes remained watery, and your reflection in them was wavy, and distorted, but that was far from what you cared to see. You never seen her, or anyone smile with such a feeling of happiness, and satisfaction as if this was the first time she has ever felt warmth, pleasure, and perhaps even love. As the two of you stare into each-other bathing in the afterglow, and consciousness fading you start to wonder if she could communicate, or even speak, what would she say to you now? Many words come to mind, but you think you may have an idea of what she'll say. She may say something like-

“Thank you” the Mantis whispers before she closes her eyes to slumber

Another manly tear was shed, two more than what you usually go through, and with a warm feeling in your heart, and a smile rivaling hers you cuddle close to her, and sleep comes easy. One thing is certain, you can definitely get use to this.
Praying For A Mantis Finale: Mantis
Spoiler: show
The next day you wake up from the sudden movement of your now reinstated hunting buddy. Opening one eye you see her attempting to pull herself off your cuddling grip albeit very slowly, as if savoring the moment for a little longer before doing what needs to be done. Since she still doesn't know you're awake you decide to have a little fun with her.

You shut your eyes, and pretend to be grumbling in your sleep as you cling to her even closer. You don't hear a thing, and you don't dare open your eyes just yet, but you do notice that instead of pulling away again she stays still for a few seconds before attempting to try again. This time you up the ante, and begin rubbing her, your hands slowly stroking her back, and abdomen, and after a few seconds of this you finally hear a soft satisfied moan escape her lips. You take this moment to quickly open your eyes.

“Good morning” You say with a smirk.

The Mantis flinched, and turned her head away from you obviously hiding a blush you're certain she has, but the moment only lasts so long, and she quickly regained her expressionless face.

“Aw~ kind of wanted to see that smile from last night again” you remind her.

She doesn't respond, but her stare lingers on you for a moment before getting up, (this time you let her), and walking slowly towards the exit of her cave.

“Good idea, I don't see anything to eat here” you say.

Any good survivalist knows that hunting for food is your first priority after everything is settled. You stand up, ready to join her only to feel a sudden breeze down there, you look down, and remembered she sliced all your clothes, and weapons yesterday, meaning you'll be no good to hunt today.

“Ah~ damn it all, sorry, I'm no good like this...well you know what I mean right?...Okay, so I guess I'll just wait for you to come back then...bring some more boar if you can, can't get enough of that, and some water” You awkwardly explain, joke, and ask.

She stares at you a little longer than your comfortable with, and finally turns away walking. You don't know whether she understood, or not, but you can only hope the hunt is good today, so you pull yourself up to a better sitting position, and notice that the Mantis has begun staring at you again. You're a little confused by this, you were certain she would of left by now, but you try not to let it bug you. You give her a smile, and wave to see her off. She stares, turns around, begins walking away, and once again turns back around, and stares at you, the process repeating itself several more times. You can only guess that she is reluctant to leave you alone for one reason, or another.

“Go on, get out of here, a guy like me stark naked in the jungle with no energy after last night? I won't last the day! I'll just stay here, and have a look around while you come back with some food” You assure her.

She stares at you briefly before turning around again, this time however you hear a very faint sighing coming from her. You guess it was a sigh of relief, but you're not certain. Instantly she rushes out of the cave, and into the jungle where an unsuspecting animal will meet with a dire end. With nothing to do you decide to follow your word, and look around the cave, and realized the cave matched her personality...empty. The only thing of real significant interest was her torch now glowing dimly in the cave.

Several minutes of nothing to do, but some morning stretches, and she returns, staring at you still in the middle of stretching position, naked.

“...It's exactly what it looks like” You assure her.

Her stare lingered for a moment before casually walking towards you with a long dead boar in her scythes. It's a good thing those hogs breed almost like rabbits, or your certain they would be none left in the jungle.

“Has anyone ever told you just how impressive your hunting is?” You casually asked as you help her pull the dead boar off her blade.

She stops her actions for a moment, possibly to take in your compliment, her face remains the same however, but you're certain she feels a little happier even if she doesn't show it.

“So, did you get the water?” You ask.

After pulling the boar from her blade she looks down on the floor, no change in attitude.

“Well that's alright, I mean I didn't see you bring bucket, or something so-” You say.

The Mantis grabs your wrists, and gently pulls you towards her, and before you can ask why she plants her lips on yours. You feel her tongue attempting to enter your mouth which you allow; only to have a rush of liquid enter your mouth. You quickly swallow the rush of water, while she slowly laps at your tongue, enjoying this first kiss you two shared. In return you massage her tongue with your own, both of you exploring the contents of your mouths in slow, lingering paces. Eventually you split apart, more accurately you gently push her away, as she continued her endeavor which you will eventually repeat, but there are issues that needed to be addressed first. You almost forget what you were going to say when you saw her face, a blush of pink on her cheeks, and a tiny smile, the adorableness slapping your senses, and sending you into a mix of emotions, but you quickly compose yourself.

“Um~ y-yeah, that was good for me too, thanks, b-but I kind of want to talk to you about something” You start.

Her smile quickly fades, and turns to her usual expressionless face as she readies herself to hear what you have to say.

“O-okay great, well see here's the thing...I'm still naked. I want to remedy that, but I need to go out there, and-” your request was interrupted when you were suddenly jumped on by your Mantis partner. You both narrowly fall to the hard ground as the Mantis only squeezes you tighter. Again she didn't say anything as the two of you stood there, which meant you had to translate this sudden reaction by yourself. Again only guessing, but seeing her past reaction to you being left alone, and how she felt during last night's lovemaking your best guess was that she didn't want to part with you so soon.

“W-wait, you didn't let me finish...too tight, too tight!” You gasp from her tight squeeze.

She loosens her hug on you, but she still keeps a tight hold on you, at least enough for you to breathe.

“I was gonna say if you can take me to my place, since I'm like this?” You conclude

Finally her vice grip on you softens, and eventually she frees you, allowing you to see her expressionless face telling you she feels much better...you think.

“So are you gonna help me?” You ask.

She stares at you briefly before she surprises you with swift, and rapid movements. In no time you are slung on her left shoulder again, and zipping through the forest in a blur of speed. Memories of this flood your mind, and stomach as you are still unaccustomed to the speed, and zig-zagging. This was it, you were gonna lose whatever is in your stomach right now, as the contents of your insides begin to rocket upwards your whole body lurches forward as you come to a sudden stop. She gently slings you out of her shoulder, but you don't stand up right away, you drop to a sitting position as you attempt to force the puke back into your stomach while taking heavy breathes, your hunting buddy staring at you with a couldn't care less expression.

“C-can we just walk back to your cave next time?” You wheeze as you felt the puke attempting a second escape which you fought back. Of course you weren't really expecting an answer, or a response, you can only hope she'll comply when it's time to go.

You turn around to find yourself in front of your living quarters, a little disturbing that she knew where you lived, but then again a good hunter always knows where the prey is. You walk towards your humble home, and hear footsteps behind you, turning around you are not surprised to see the Mantis was standing just as close to you as she had when she dropped you.

“Guess she's the clingy type” you say out loud. She replies by not replying.

Once inside you find an extra pair of clothes, nothing too fashionable, just something to help keep the elements off you. Brown, thick long-sleeves with several pockets, and jean cargo pants, the first clothes you wore into the jungle when you decided to leave your past, for nature before you skinned your own. You rummage through some more important necessities including a first aid kit only slightly used, a canteen, an old compass, and a custom bowie knife with a serrated edge ending below the point, perfect for sawing tough skin, and muscle. You grab whatever else you may need making sure your pack isn't too heavy for the trek back to the Mantis cave.

“Okay, that should do it” You tell her, the Mantis standing on the corner of your house while giving everything else quick glances of sudden curiosity.

“...If you want, we can come back here some other day, and bring more stuff into your cave, you know for decoration” You suggest.

Now that you are clothed she only stares at your somewhat briefly before leaving your house, you don't know whether she agreed, or not, but at the moment there is a bleeding carcass of fresh meat in her cave that really needs to be taken care of. You grab your stuff, take one last look at your home of almost a year, and turn away, not really a good-bye, but rather in a 'see ya later' kind of farewell. Once outside you turn to your left, and see your hunting buddy standing there, uncaring, but still paying attention to you nonetheless.

“Sorry for the trouble, but I'm all ready, let's go skin us a boar!” You proclaim with enthusiasm, only to be met with indifference. You sigh to yourself as you wait for the Mantis to lift you over her shoulder, and take you for a stomach lurching ride again, seconds pass, and nothing happens, she just stares at you. I guess she's honoring your request, would have been nice if she told you she would, but you digress.

“I'll let you take the lead, I'll try to keep up with you” You tell her.

Upon hearing this she responded by turning around, and taking off into the jungle, you quickly following her. It's obvious she's much slower on purpose because of your slow ass, but you're thankful for the leisurely dash through the jungle which she made even easier by slashing away at any oncoming leaves, branches, and whatever else crossing your path. Despite running at your fastest, you still end up losing her, luckily the trail she is making, and all the slash marks on the barks of trees keep you on track of where she is headed. Suddenly up ahead you hear what could only be described as a loud lurching noise, followed by the sound of blades being jutted out. Rushing towards the source of the noise you nearly stumbled onto another sink hole, but as you peered down the hole you are shocked to see the Mantis hanging on the edge with her blades. This isn't good, her hands grabbed at the thick mud wall on the pit, which will do very little in keeping her up, her blades while keeping her from falling to the hole would soon cut through the soft dirt unless you do something.

“Don't move, just keep yourself like this!” You shout at her.

She remains emotionless even on the brink of certain demise.

Damn this doesn't look good, even flat on your stomach your hands can only clasp at the tips of her fingers, not nearly enough for a good grip to pull her up, which just left her...

“This is gonna suck” You groan to yourself, but already determined to do what needs to be done, for the sake of your hunting buddy-no, hunting lover. You grip her sharp blades, and begin to pull, pain shooting to your palms instantly as the Mantis' blades quickly begin to cut your skin, blood already trickling. You thought you heard what sounded like a gasp, but you're too focused, and in pain to pay it any attention, and continue pulling thus deepening the gash already on your palms. You find progress swift, and easy, finding her surprisingly lightweight, but despite taking only seconds, the pain made it feel like an eternity. At last you pull high enough that she can climb herself out, the two of you crouched in front of the other, your face mere inches from hers, but there was no time for romance as the stinging sensation in your palms followed by the sound of your blood trickling on the muddy ground left you incapable of thinking of anything but the pain.

“Sack, first aid, white dirty box with a red cross, can you-” You look up, and find you were talking to yourself the entire time, the Mantis was nowhere to be found. You're angry, and in pain, but you try to keep calm; losing your cool like this will only make this harder on yourself. With delicate, steady fingers you apply a thick coating of gauze bandages to stop the bleeding, you're certain these scars are permanent, but you're really hoping you won't, it's bad enough you're at risk of getting an infection. After some mediocre first aid has been applied, and the last of your painkillers swallowed you look to your surroundings.

You notice large chunks of foliage had been sliced on your left just on the other side of the sink hole, and since you came the other way you figured she continued without you. You follow the trail, and after walking for some time you find yourself in yet another clearing, the largest you've seen, stretching several yards in diameter, and with a small pond on the other side, you wonder if that pond holds any fish, but your thoughts were interrupted by the loud splashing noises coming from one end of the pond. Turning to that direction you find the Mantis knee deep in the pond dunking, and splashing her blades recklessly. Occasionally she would stop, bring her blades close to her face, flinch, and repeat the process with the same frantic motions. Once again anger reared it's ugly head upon seeing her take a bath, thinking of only herself even after you saved her, you decide to make your presence known.

“Why'd you ditch me!” You cry out.

The Mantis flinches upon hearing your voice, and slowly turns around. Her body was soaked, her hair was matted, her face was wet, but her eyes oddly enough were very watery, and you didn't think her clothing could hug her any tighter, but once wet you could swear she was wearing black paint as her nipples hardened from the cold water and were poking through her garment. Her expression however showed no sign of guilt for ditching you.

“I needed your help dealing with this! In fact, I still do!” You cry out thrusting your palms forward for her to see.

Her eyes widen for a second before turning around, and continuing to splash, and clean herself.

“Get out of the water, we have to go! While the boar is still fresh!” You practically order her. It's obvious she is either unable, or does not care enough to assist

She stops moving, for quite a while, you're about to call out to her again when she turns to face you, and slowly makes her way towards you. She stops several feet away from you, and refuses to go any further.

“Let's, let's just go now” You grumble, the heat of your anger quickly receding as you wait for her to make the next move. The Mantis turns to her right, and sprints off, with you running towards her until you see the Mantis' cave, but by the time you made it you can already see a cleanly cut boar, a fire sitting just outside the cave, and several pieces of thick meat cooking over it, you see the Mantis crouched down in the same spread eagle crouching position she seems to do whenever she lowers herself.

“That was...fast” You comment to bring her attention towards you.

It didn't work, she's too focused on the meat, you'll aim to try again later. That later never comes though, the two of you eat your cooked boar in silence, The Mantis staring either at the floor, or the meat. She even refused to help you eat your food, as you gingerly grab, and chew your food like a pompous sissy. One thing you did notice however was the rapid attention she gave you whenever you winced, or flinched in pain whenever you brush your injuries, she would look up to your direction staring at your hands. The process repeats itself until you are both done, and night sets in where she immediately lights her camp fire for light, and warmth. You sit idly on her bed, the Mantis also sitting idly, several feet away, and staring at you again.

“...You're awfully distant today, not like yesterday” you casually remind her.

No reaction...wait, wait her cheeks turned a soft pink, maybe she's not all gone after all, you think of what might get her attention when you decide a little teasing might be just the ticket.

“Yeah, just thinking about last night, you, me in the throes of passion, and pleasure, remember how that felt? You should it's not ancient history” you begin.

Nothing much, at the very least her cheeks still kept the same shade of pink.

“Man, that makes me hung like a horse, I could just...uh! Ya know?” You continue.

This time her body shakes, her legs tremble, and curl closer to one another hiding her crotch area more effectively than her clothing.

“I don't see why you're restraining yourself, you're obviously feeling something, your face says...well your body says yes so why don't you-” You were about to finish when you take more notice of her face. Her body had already dried off when she started the fire, and cooked the food, so why are her eyes still watery...oh crap.

“A-are you, crying?” You ask

She doesn't respond, but no attempt was made to make herself look normal, she still held her expressionless tone which contrasted her teary eyes. Now you feel bad, of course it was because you are seriously injured, so naturally you would lose your temper, but if you take it out on her, then what would have been the point in saving her in the first place?

“*Sigh* okay, I'll shut up now, if you like you can take the bed, and I'll take that comfy rock floor next to you. You say as you reach over to her, this caused an immediate reaction of her moving her arms behind her back, and scuttling away from you until she hit the wall behind her.

“Whoa, what's gotten into you, come on, get up already, here” You say extending a bloody, bandaged hand of love to help her up, which she quickly flinches from, and forces herself against the wall even further, despite not getting anywhere.

You look at your hands, then at her gaze, and suddenly the wheels in your mind start turning as you felt a legitimate understanding of her. This whole time the moment you saved her, from the lake, and during dinner, she wasn't staring at you directly, she was staring at your hands. When she was at the pond she was trying to scrub your blood off her blades, her awkward glances, and sudden flinches from hearing you in pain was that of feeling guilt, and sadness of being the main cause of your injuries. Even now she's keeping her distance from you even though her instincts are telling her otherwise, because...

“Are you afraid that you'll hurt me?” You ask the million dollar question.

She finally meets your gaze her tears now streaming down her face, you shorten the distance between yourself, and her, this time she doesn't reel back, but her arms remain at her back.

“Look, that time, it was an accident, you didn't mean it, and I was trying to help. There's no one to blame for this, but myself” you assure, hoping to give her some closure. You extend your arms towards her, she stares at your hands again, and she begins sobbing. You gingerly grab hold of her shoulders with your fingertips, and pull her into a hug, one hand resting on her head, the other gently stroking her back, though you don't feel her hands anywhere on your body, they're still behind her back, along with her scythes.

“I know you will never hurt me intentionally because I trust your abilities, but most importantly I trust you, now give me a hug, or did you forget how to do that already?” You playfully ask, you look down, and see her arms beginning to rise slowly, and eventually you felt her soft fingers touch your back.

“Besides, I would have been even more hurt if you fell, what would I do without the woman I love?” You ask her.

That little gesture must have worked because now her arms were starting to squeeze you, and she pushed her body closer to yours. You feel her chin resting on your shoulder while her cheek rubs against yours.

“It's gonna be alright, I'll recover eventually” you assure her.

You could already feel your cheek getting wet from her tears, you give her a soft squeeze in response which for a while she does not respond to until...

“...Sorry...” you hear a soft gasp

Another shocker, but you dare not let go.

“Sorry, sorry-*hic*-sorry” she whispers.

“It's okay, it wasn't your fault-” you try to comfort her.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry” she continues in between sobbing.

“Come on, I said it's-” you try again.

“Sorry, sorry, sorry” she goes on.

You never thought you would have gotten tired of hearing her talk so quickly, but it obvious she needs a more assuring confirmation of your forgiveness.

“Sorry, sorry, sor-*mph!*” You quickly put a stop to her apologetic chanting by locking your lips to hers.

For a while you two were just enjoying the sensation of each others lips in a state of calming bliss, eventually the Mantis' stopped crying, her eyes lidded, and her cheeks grew a deeper shade of pink. Then you took it a step further, and poked at her insides with your tongue, eventually finding her own, and began massaging it in slow steady rhythm. Her cheeks turned red at this, her chest beginning to heave, and tiny beads of sweat started to show, you really didn't think this would have such a rapid effect on her, but you keep going. Suddenly she returned the gesture, but was much more forceful, and exploring further than the last time. You follow her moves, and the two of you begin eating each other out with wild abandon exploring every nook, and cranny of your mouths with more passion the longer the two of you tongued. Never breaking your kiss you slowly lift her up, and the two of you walk towards the bed, groping, and stroking all the way through.

In the dead of night you introduce her to several ways of love making that would keep your palms from being injured any further, and while last night was an intimate, and bonding moment for the two of you, this night was filled with carnal desire, and pleasure, and something else for the Mantis...

Many more months passed, many more passions of love made, and now here you are a man of the jungle, strong, swift, rough, and hardened, but now made into a nervous wreck as you wait outside her cave waiting for the telltale signs of your new future. You're not certain how long you've been standing, and pacing outside your lover's cave, but it felt like an eternity, she told you it will all be alright, and to just wait for the obvious signal, or at least that's what you guessed when she stared at you vacantly, you've gotten better at reading her expressionless face, even to the point of making whole conversations just by staring at her, and recognizing tiny instances of facial changes you would never had noticed a year ago. Suddenly though the walls echoed with the tiny whimpers, and sobs of something that wasn't in the cave just seconds ago. Recognizing the signal, you enter the cave, and find your hunting lover cradling a tiny version of herself, and yourself. She motions for you to come closer, her face smiling ever so slightly, cheeks pink, and she was slightly sweaty. You do so, and get a better look at your new daughter. Her abdomen slightly smaller than your hands, her compound eyes, and regular eyes were the same color as her mothers, but she had your hair color, maybe in a few years you can make a comb, and-

“Ow!” you cry out as one of your daughters tiny blades suddenly jutted out, and poked you in the eye, and while not as sharp as her mothers, they were still pointy. Your hunting lover looks over to you with a quick worried expression.

“I'm okay, it's fine, I can still see, but still, she's beautiful, absolutely perfect” you assure.

This caused your Mantis wife's smile to grow a whole inch, a new record!

You move closer to the two, and your wife gently motions your still weeping daughter towards you which you carefully take from her hands, her mantis shell on her back was still soft, but in a few years you're certain it will harden. You rock her back with the slightest of movements, her crying turning into soft whimpers, then to soft breathing as she nods off to sleep. You return your daughter over to your hunting lover, and the three of you share in a loving embrace, one of many in the years to come.

Now years later, you look back at it all, you thought having a quiet baby would have been a more calming experience than a loud one constantly waking you up at night, but it turns out they caused you more stress than you thought. You also tried to teach her how to speak, most likely your wife may never had the chance to learn which would explain her quiet behavior, but try as you might she never uttered a word.

When she learned to crawl she would walk to random places outside, her quiet nature made it next to impossible to hear her soft whimpers when she at last cried out for attention when she felt lonely, or scared. Now at the tender age of 3, yet carrying the body of an 11 year old which you can only guess is what's probably the normal age growth of a Mantis. She was like a smaller version of your hunting wife. Besides her hair which was already slightly longer than her mother's, and less messy, her back now almost entirely hardened, and blades sharp enough to cut wood her training to become a hunter like her mother, and yourself is in full swing. This time it's just you, and her while the wife hunts bigger game for the three of you to share. The two of you hunt small game to serve as appetizers, and a way for her to gain experience. You trudge through the thick leaves with your daughter following very close, her face showed no sign of emotion much like her mother, though she was more susceptible of sudden facial reactions. Showing fear, concern, sadness, happiness, excitement, and everything else more often than her mother.

You stop your movement, and silently motion your daughter to do the same, as you spot a wild hare sitting on top of a log. You crouch down to your daughter's level, and hand her a bow, and arrow you made custom just for her.

“Okay, just like I taught you” you remind.

She nods once with a look of determination before it fades back to an empty expression as she readies herself. Bow aimed, string stretched to it's maximum, and arrow ready, and sharp she takes aim, let's loose the string! The arrow reaches a whole two inches before flopping on the floor.

She looks down, a brief expression of sadness, and embarrassment.

“It's okay, if I had a dollar for every time that happened when I was your age I would have been rich. Let's just see how much you remember from your mother's teaching” you quickly whisper to her.

She nods once yet again with a quick expression of confidence while you take a few steps back to give her the space needed. She juts out her scythe blades, and homes in on her target, she crouches down, upper body leaning forward, legs spread...okay why the hell did your wife teach her such a provocative stance. Before you could think of an answer she rushes forward, blades outstretched, and in an instant it's over, the prey hops away while your daughter struggles to remove her scythe blade embedded in a tree log. Soft squeaks, and grunts are heard as she continues to try, and detach herself from the log, a pretty adorable sight until she turns to you with a flash of worry, and pleading face. You walk over to your daughter's rescue, and after a bit of work you successfully free her, though she once again took the look of sadness as she failed to catch her prey.

“Not every hunt is a successful one, you'll get the hang of it eventually” you tell her.

She doesn't say anything, well that part you're already use to, but she also doesn't nod either, so it's clear she's taking this failure harder than she should.

“If you have time to be depressed you have time to better yourself, come on, let's go home. You're mom might already be cooking something for us” you say.

Before she could respond you lift her up her feet, and set her between your shoulders, she always enjoyed this. Knowing her mom was a head taller than you, you figured she enjoyed seeing the world the way she sees it from her height, and feeling her snuggle herself onto your head, and shoulders tells you she also enjoys your warmth, and contact as well. You take the long way in order to teach as much as you can to her before it's time to eat, you remind her of the basics of archery, apparently she still hasn't gotten the hang of it, but you're patient, and she seems determined to learn. You also ask her if she learned anything new from her training with her mother. You feel her tap your head with her chin once, you guess she must have nodded her head. Eventually the two of you made it back to home base where your loving wife has already prepared an exquisite meal of some thick slabs of meat she dealt with long ago.

“We're back!” You call out to her.

She turns to you a brief instant smile before returning to the slowly cooking meal the three of you will be sharing. Well to be more precise four, you correct yourself as you see the bulge on her stomach growing ever so slightly as the time passes.

"You should have seen our little girl! She finally got the hang of that rushing thing you do” you begin as you place your daughter off your shoulders, and setting her back down. You catch a glimpse of pride in her face.

“She just needs to work on her aim” you conclude.

Her pride was replaced with a pouting face before returning expressionless.

“Seriously though, ease up on the hunting for a while, we can handle it” You assure her.

She looks back on the food, no reaction as usual. The three of you eat in silence, the meal gave you the proteins needed after draining them the entire day. When night falls you and your retreat to the cave, now redecorated with everything you brought with you, giving it a more homey look, still had no use for the curtains left on the floor, but they make for decent enough blankets when winter came. As per usual the day ended with you being cuddled up by your little girl, and wife each beside you, sure there are blankets you could use, but the body warmth you give each other seems more than enough. In a few weeks she'll birth your second offspring, then several days after that her mating season will begin, you already recognize the pattern, and feel it will remain this way for some time. You turn to your first born, now growing up, but with a lot to learn. You never had such a feeling of responsibility that felt, enjoyable, even making you happy at the thought of seeing her grow into a beautiful woman just like her mother. Then the sadness you'll never be ready for when she's mature enough to live on her own, no matter how old she gets, or no matter how taller than you she will be, you'll never stop thinking of her as your little girl, and the same will be said of all your future daughters. You notice your daughter shiver slightly as a cool breeze moves inside the cave, and gently squeeze her closer to you, her trembling stops, and you hear a soft sigh followed by a gentle smile. From now on you, with your new hunting family you'll be at your happiest for a long time.

“Mhm~ papa~” you hear a soft whisper from your little Mantis.
Drunk Science! Part 1: Blue Oni
Spoiler: show
You would often read stories, that start out with the student comically running to school late, and desperately trying to make it in time only to fail miserably. Not you though, you're casually walking with plenty of time to spare as you enter the school of science, and education. An institute/medical facility where those who yearn the smell of science in the morning gather to bring some form of logic in a land of magic, and powerful religious kingdoms...okay so it's not the most popular club, but it's gaining support, albeit slowly, and unnoticeable.

Walking through the halls with bright creamy white walls, polished tiled floors, and several rows of lime green lockers, it had everything a student could ask for in a learning environment. You find your locker on the long line of lockers stretching from wall, to wall, and opened it when suddenly...

“Well look who decided to show up early” came a sultry, teasing voice behind you.

You quickly recall the exceptions. A few years after it's grand opening, it was already falling apart due to financial issues, but the story goes the founder had interactions with a very rich merchant Danuki, and offered to fund his school as a wedding present. The catch was that any monsters girls can apply as either workers, or students as well, which is why your body was forced to turn around by furry black paws to face the tag teaming bullies of the school. You don't recall their names, but you do know of their kind, the one grabbing your shoulder was a Manticore, and the second staring you down with the utmost distaste was a Dragon. Life had to be ultimately cruel if it allowed these two violent species to be incredibly smart as well as fierce, powerful, and all around better than you in every way. Both the school's tormentors wore white opened lab coats with their sleeves ripped off, but oddly enough no skirt, even though it was included with the school's uniform. Sure they were a little on the short side, but they worked enough.

“What are you doing here so early before most of the school got here, hm~?” the Manticore asked, though it sounded more like a demand.

Truth was, you wanted to go in early to avoid making contact with these two, but in an effort to avoid them, you only made it so there wouldn't be any witnesses to what they were about to do.

“Typical that you humans try so hard to surpass, only to be snuff out by our kind again, and again. When are you going to learn your place?” The dragon asked with a hint of bored impatience, as if having gone through this a million times, and tired of it after the first.

“Well I know a place he can learn in” the Manticore hinted.

“What are you-no! No, not the-” you quickly shout, but your pleas fell to deaf ears as you were shoved in your own locker...again.

“Have fun in there, loser~!” The Manticore mocked one last time before shutting the locker door, and for good measure slamming her tail on it, possibly leaving a dent. Her dragon companion gave a disgruntled sigh, possibly from your existence, and followed her partner in crime away from the scene. Luckily the school was nice enough to include an override lock on the inside of each locker in case of situations like these. Taking out the key that will free you, you fumble in the dark looking for the emergency override lock, and at last you find it. Though as you turned the thing, and unlocked your locker, you didn't have time to do anything else when it suddenly opened on it's own by someone you at least sort of recognized. Another student you share several classes with, she is a Blue Oni wearing the usual leopard tattered bikini, but also wearing the school's lab-coat, unbuttoned all the way, and again no skirt, you cannot fathom why it's so difficult for these girls to wear skirts. At least the Crow Tengu in this school wear skirts, though the fact that they fly above over the halls, causing them to flash everyone kind of defeats the purpose.

“I take it this isn't a natural human tradition?” She asked already knowing the answer. Despite speaking the same language you were born with, it's obvious she can't hide her zipangu origins though you can hardly hear her accent nowadays.

“No, but I'm already use to being shoved in lockers now, man~ why do they have to be in this school, it's obvious they're not taking it seriously” you muttered as you dust yourself off.

“Their academic records prove you otherwise, the Dragon in particular has one of the highest test scores on record, and her Manticore companion excels in mathematics, something I should remind you is something you're lacking in” she destroys your statement with facts, and logic.

“I know, I know, but they could at least show more civility” you respond.

“Considering the fact that they are following...most of the school rules despite them going against their instincts, and even their very way of life, I say you got off easy. If I recall, one of the main rules states 'no sexual interactions allowed within the building during school hours, with minor exceptions during lunch, and study hall'” the Blue Oni again destroyed your whining with calm demure, and devotion to research, and understanding.

“*Sigh* okay, I get what you're trying to tell me, it could have ended a lot worse for me, right?” you ask.

“Correct, you see, you're not as dim as they make you out to be. Now according to the time spent conversing, starting from the point I had entered the building, were are approximately ten minutes away from school starting if I'm calculating the correct average of students entering the building now” the Blue Oni stated.

“So that gives us time to grab a quick bite to eat at the cafeteria?” You ask.

“Not if we stand around discussing the idea, we must depart right away” the Blue Oni.

“At the speed of science!” You concur.

She stifles a giggle at your response, and the two of you race to the cafeteria for some cinnamon buns, or whatever breakfast food they have on them.

Your Blue Oni classmate decided to stick with you for the remainder of breakfast, and seeing as how the two of you shared a few classes together, you took this time to chat and study the oncoming lessons. You found it very easy to talk to her for some reason, even if she does end up correcting most of your statements. Still you preferred her company compared to some other students, and eventually the bell signaling the start of school, and the first class rang, by this point the halls were crowded with students, both monster, and human all rushing to their selective classes. Your Blue Oni friend who you should really remember her name waves at you before heading off to her own class, seeing as how the first class isn't one of those you share with her, and you wave back as she turns away, her hips swaying causing her coat to swing in unison revealing her leopard undies, and round ass to you, and anyone else staring. Maybe you shouldn't make such a big deal about them not wearing skirts.

Class started, and for the most part you grasped what your math teacher tried to force into your head, especially after your chat recently with the Blue Oni, you think you learned a little more than usual once class ended.

You gather your thoughts, and remember which class you need to go to next...sex education. Why that's a main curriculum in a school of science, and mathematics you'll never understand, but again you remember the danuki who funded this whole place, and go to your selected class. Once there you find your Blue Oni companion, and sit next to her, she nods at your existence with calm demure before turning to her notes, possibly to review what was taught yesterday. Your teacher arrived late due to some argument that occurred at the faculty room, and begins class as usual. Oddly enough sex ed seems to be taken quite seriously here, while some of the boys only care enough to pass, the girls, especially the monster variety take extensive notes, and attention to the teacher, and what he has to say, but suddenly all that changed when they heard banging on the door.

“Please~! Let me teach sex education again! I promise not to do it again!” Shouted a woman from the other side of the door.

Looking towards the door's small square window you see a woman with devilish good looks, and equally devilish looking horns on her head. A succubus in tears with a begging face continues to bang on the locked door.

“*Sigh* I thought we were over this back at the faculty room” you hear your teacher mutter.

Try as he might to teach the class, the constant begging followed by the argument the Succubus had with school security made it next to impossible for him to teach, and for us to learn, the bell rang, and everyone left disappointed, and slightly entertained.

“Nothing more saddening than a failed learning experience” you hear the Blue Oni speak up next to you.

“Pretty sure drowning puppies is up there, but I get what you're saying” you reply back.

“How deplorable, only a lowly human would think of such a cruel thought” you hear the familiar voice of the dragon you met earlier, and if you hear her then that would mean...

“Guess getting stuck in a locker did absolutely nothing to change him, maybe if I was stuck in there with him he would comply better?” Her Manticore chum adds.

“Absolutely not necessary” you flat out decline.

“What's this? Are you trying to grow a pair, and defy me? You must be really stupid, boy!” The Manticore exclaimed her tail swishing back, and forth more rapidly.

“Before the two of you go into a pointless bout of childish fighting, I feel the need to remind you that our next class will start in a matter of minutes” the Blue Oni said.

“...*Tch* not worth it anyways, what's our class again?” The Manticore asked.

“We all share the same class this time, it's quantum physics” the Blue Oni answered.

A moment of silence befell all four of you at the realization.

“...Fuck...” all four respond simultaneously.

Out of all the classes, and subjects in school, quantum physics was the most confusing, and only a single class, with a single teacher would ever teach the subject. An old man who appeared ancient, too old to actually still be alive, even with a daily dosage of Holstaurus milk, and Mermaid blood.

One mind raping quantum physics session later...

“That will be all for today class-uehehehe~” the old man everyone simply calls 'The Professor' chuckles madly.

“W-what, but how...” was all the Blue Oni was able to speak, and that was saying much since most of the class was speechless about the whole thing all the time.

“Good news everyone! Today marks the start of our yearly science fair!” The Professor declared.

This got everyone's attention as the science fair was the test to pass, to not only boost a failing grade, but to get recognized by the top minds, and make a name for yourself as a scientist, or botanist, or whatever -ist you're trying to achieve. Anyone who has passed the science fair usually ended up in high level laboratories where the most advance levels of research, study, and experiments take place. One way, or another, you're gonna win that science fair, or your name isn't-

“And you young boy will be paired up with her” the Professor interrupts your train of thought.

You turn to the 'her' the professor points to, and lo-and behold, it's your Blue Oni associate giving you a small smile in approval of his choice.

“And you'll be together with the winged cat lady over there” the Professor went on pointing at a boy and then pointing at the winged cat lady.

“We have names you know, and I'm not a winged cat, I'm a Manticore!” The bully growls while the class poorly attempt to hold back from laughing.

“...I don't listen to young people music” the Professor replies.

This time you, and a few of the students laugh more clearly.

The Manticore opens her mouth, but quickly closes it, remembering who she's arguing with, then turns to her partner. Apparently she likes what she sees, and stares at the poor bastard with hungry eyes, mouth slightly open in a twisted grin, tongue sticking out, and a paw motioning her lab partner to come closer.

“Which just leads you to be paired with the sulking green blur in the back row” the Professor declares.

“Truly your eyesight has left you eldest one for I am not a talking blur” the she dragon replies.

The professor focuses his glasses, which you didn't know they could do that, and realizes his error in characterization.

“Oh my, yes, you are not indeed a talking green blur” the Professor realizes.

“*Ahem* I am sitting over here” the Dragon called out losing her patience quickly seeing the Professor stare off at some place he thought she was talking to him. She turned to her partner who in turn stared at her, both of them looking disappointed in the professor's choice in teammates.

“Now off you go, to your doom” the professor said.

We all stared at him awkwardly.

“Sorry, force of habit from being old...yes, that's it...” the Professor apologizes.

With that everyone was let out, or rather they let themselves out, in a hurry with their respective partners, it comes to no surprise to you that the pairs were always a boy, and a girl, you recall most teams ended up this way.

“So partner, are you ready?” You ask.

“I've prepared for this since I was a little girl, this will be the beginning of our new lives~” She declares with glinting hope filled eyes.

Two hours of lamestorming later...

“These ideas are shit...we're shit” you declared throwing away another idea the two of you had at the large pile of declined ideas behind you.

“While I could have worded that better, I'm afraid I'll have to agree with you, none of these plans...well they simply won't work” the Blue Oni

“We have to think of something, and fast. Who knows how long it will take for us to build it when the time comes to turn it in” You say.

“We need some inspiration, and I believe I have just what we need, quick follow me!” Your Blue Oni partner beckons you.

In her excitement she drags you out of the library, and towards the female dormitory. You recall a time when the boys, and girls shared a single dormitory...the constant sex, and rape was enough to send two battalions of soldiers to break it up, and cleaning the after mess was both, mentally, and financially scaring.

“We really shouldn't be doing this, if they catch me in the girls dorm it'll be detention with the Dark Elf for a week!” You loudly hiss at her.

“Do not concern yourself, we are simply doing this in the name of science...which is the excuse we will give if we get caught” the Blue Oni said.

“That's your best-*mmph*!?” whisper loudly.

“Lower the sound of your vocal cord, or you'll regret it in the future, the less you speak, the quicker we get in, and out” the Blue Oni assured.

“Why haven't we seen anyone in here yet?” You whisper to her.

“It is most likely that they are all searching for ideas as well, or perhaps since it's study hall now, they are most likely in more remote areas for 'privacy' among their partner” the Blue Oni replied.

Suddenly an idea popped into your head, not the one the two of you needed at the moment, but one nonetheless.

“D-do you think of me as...uh~ that kind of partner?” You ask.

“...Are you that sex deprived? If it's any consolation I don't find you repulsive, the opposite really, but I believe we have more important issues to address before we can 'play'.” She says, as the two of you walk towards a specific door in the hallway. “We have reached our destination, my room to be exact” she states in an unusually cold logical tone.

“Is...something wrong with your room?” You ask.

“I haven't, cleaned it today...” she replied.

“Can't be any messier than mine-” You start until she opens the door, and reveals to you what could only be described as a room hit by a tsunami, hurricane, tornado, and some freak combination of the three.

“W-wha~” was all you can muster, there's no possible way only one person even a monster could cause such a mess.

“I spend more time studying than cleaning as you can plainly see, it's, not something I'm proud” the Blue Oni confessed.

You walked inside her room, you could swear your feet were touching anything, but the carpet.

“How are we going to find whatever will help us in this-” You began.

“I already have it, let's go” the Blue Oni replied.

“W-what the hell is that?” You asked gawking at what she was carrying

With one hand she held a large clay jug, almost as big as her, and definitely wider, you could hear the occasion swishing sounds of what sounds like liquid inside it.

“Sake. I always get inspired when I drink a little of this, but this may not be the appropriate place to drink” She mused.

“I don't think anyplace is fit to drink that, pretty sure it's against school rules too” you say.

“No, I believe there is a place we can drink it, if all the rooms are built like this, we just need one with a little less...mess” she said.

“But we don't really...wait, you don't mean” you say.

“We are partners after all, I'm contributing my part of the help, you contribute yours” she replied.

“I was thinking more along the lines of sharing ideas, and improving on what we have thought of” you reply.

“And look how successful we've become from that” she retaliates.

An awkward pause...

“To my room it is” You muttered.

You don't know how the two of you managed to sneak in, and out of dorms rooms without getting caught, but you did it. Kind of worried about that, you make a mental note to discuss security in this school. Ignoring that you're certain the contents of that hefty jug will actually be more trouble than it's worth, but you look to your partner, and notice just how giddy she is, this might be the first time you've seen her so excited about something.

“O-okay my room is r-right here” you stutter, suddenly getting nervous.

“Is something troubling you? Are you having second thoughts about this?” The Blue Oni who you really, really got to remember her name asks you.

“N-no, no nothing of the sort, let's go inside” You try to regain yourself. “(Nothing's gonna happen, nothing's gonna happen)” you think repeatedly, but as you turn to her large jug of sake. “(Something's gonna happen, something's gonna happen!)” You think even more loudly.

Your dorm room, paying extra for a single might have cost you a few days without food, but privacy, and freedom are worth any price. While it may just be one room with the second being the bathroom, it accommodates you well enough, but you're not thinking of that. You look over your shoulder to see her lay down in a comfy sitting position on your floor, and motions for you to do the same next her. You do so realizing this is the first time you have gotten so close to her since the two of you met. She reaches between her large breasts, and brings out to small cups, she hands you one of them. You take it with only slight hesitation, and find it very warm to the touch. She pours herself a cup, and you extend your cup towards her, and she fills it as well.

“Rest assure that we will soon be bombarding each other with inspiration, and by the end of the day we'll have our project planned out” she assures.

You only nod in response.

“...There's is nothing to be worried about, I'm a professional at this, and will keep you level headed throughout the whole process, think of this as a...science experiment" She assures you

“...For science” you say before you down your shot, the warm alcohol both sweet, and burning at the same time. You hope this stuff is really strong, and you're not a lightweight, because already you're starting to feel a tingling sensation surge through your body, you turn your partner who ignored her cup, and just drank from the jug, her usual blue face now hinting some red on her cheeks.

“Any ideas?” You ask.

“N-nothing, you?” She asks you.

You shake your head, a little faster than usual.

“Perhaps a few more are in order?” She figures.

“It couldn't hurt” you agree.

She's a professional right? She'll watch out for you like any good bartender who knows when someone's had enough right? Besides one, or two more won't do much...right?
Drunk Science! Finale: Blue Oni
Spoiler: show
5 drinks of sake later

You're feeling rather energetic now, sure you have lost some control of your muscles, and your head can't keep still, but you can still hold a wrench, and the parts have all been gathered, now you just gotta do something about it.

“O-okay so these wires will guide the electric current to...uh” you begin

“W-we don't have anything for the wires t-to direct electricity to something yet” your partner responds.

You laugh in drunken stupor as you take another drink, the Blue Oni doing the same.

“S-so what-what are we going to do about this?” You mumble.

“I-I think I need another drink, then I can tell you” She replies.

“Me too, gotta figure out what to wire" you grumble.

“I know someone with a 'wire' with a 'current' to 'direct' into” you could hear her say.

You're too busy staring at the piles of equipment, and material you have to work with to hear what she just said, a cluster that will evidently realize your dreams, or crush them until you can try again next year.

10 drinks of sake later

“O-kay, s-so we push tish glass shquare in the box thing-uh~ that does sumthin” you slur

“It's not doing anything, d-did you make it voice activated?” Your science partner asks her voice still at the point of being audible.

“Uh~ turn on...activate...sic semper tyra*mumble*...” you try to activate the machine.

“Whoops, forgot to put anything inside it, it's just a box with one side made of glass” she answers.

“...Yous~ did that in purpush?” You slur.

“I could sure go for a drink right about now” she answers downing several more gulps of sake.

“What, what are we gonna put in this thing?” You ask.

“*Gulp-gulp-puah~* I know a thing that you could put something inside” she invites.

“Whoa! I just got the-the thing you get when you brain gets excited” you reply.

“An erect-” she begins

“An idea! Yeah! That's it! Give me more of that-that idea getter stuff!” You cry out, already your mental dictionary is losing several of it's pages due to the alcohol, but you can't deny the ideas flooding your head right now.

15 drinks of sake later

Dude! Dude, dude you're so hammered bro-like-even y-you're inner monologue is drunk off it's ass, you know what I just realized? That blue chick she's totally digging you right now, you should tap that, like hard!

“Shat ap!” You slur loudly.

“Wha~? I didn't even say anything” the Blue Oni said as she fumbled.

“H-hey whut ar ya doin ther?” You ask in a drunken stupor.

“...what am I doing?” She mutters revealing whatever the hell she was doing.

It looks like a small box with a round glass len...with several buttons on the side...

“That...wha-are you doing back there? Come over here~” you think you said, for all you know you may have just recited the history of Zipangu...backwards, you're so drunk right now...

“I-I-unno...look it-it can be wired to that box thing...” she poorly explains.

“G-go for it~” you groan as you try to reach for another drink.

“O-okay~ let me just...” she begins as she crawls towards you, and lifts your shirt up.

“G-good idea~ no air condatio-condut-con-no air blowing thing” you mutter.

As she went for your pants you decide to take matters into your own hands taking the small object she was working on for some reason, possibly scientific. You find holes in it, and stick the wires in them, connecting them with your other larger box with a square glass. Then you add some electricity up in that bitch, and holy crap something happens! Suddenly the glass screen lights up into a bright blue, and then, and then holy crap if you weren't seeing it for yourself right now you wouldn't have believed it, but the screen now shows a reflection of you, and the Blue Oni still on all floors playing with your pants now somehow off.

“H-hey, hey, hey, hey! Look! Uh~” You cry out, at this moment you realize even sloshed beyond your mind you forgot to ask for her name.

She lazily turns to where your excited finger is pointing at, and sees the same thing you do.

“A-amazing! I-is that us!” The Blue Oni responds.

“You bet your ass it is! I don't know what we did, but we got it to work!” You cheer.

“W-whoa~ all this discovering, and inventing is sobering me up...better remedy that!” She celebrates downing another large gulp of sake.

“H-hey me too!” You demand.

“While I'm at it there's something else I'm lacking that you could remedy” she suddenly starts.

“You're right! I have these-” you begin when you are suddenly interrupted by the Blue Oni's lips smacking your own, in your drunken state you open your mouth in response which she quickly takes advantage of forcing her sake drenched tongue deep inside. Everything grows blurry at that point, something's...happening.

You wake up luckily in your bed, your curtains open washing the room with the blinding light of the sun. How you loathe it. Suddenly you feel a throbbing in your head; a hangover rears it's ugly head. You turn to the mess before you, a near empty jug of sake slowly dripping bits of it's contents on your floor, several excess wires of several colors, metal, tools, and an assortment of trash-

“Uh~mmm~” a soft whimper is heard.

You feel your blanket shuffling, and turn the other way, and you are instantly met with your lab partner's face just inches from yours, her breath still reeks of alcohol. Her cheeks tinted pink, her silver hair now messy with several strands in front of her face, her mouth slightly open with a bit of drool as she softly snores in a relaxed state of sleep. Caught off guard it took you a lot longer to realize that you were sharing your single bed, which felt fairly cramp. You try to pull away, but found one of her arms wrapped around your waist.

“(O-okay so I guess it's only natural to share a bed right? I mean I don't have a couch, or anything so it makes sense since we're just partners...science partners, that's it right?)” You think to yourself.

You pull on the blanket to get a better look at where her grip on you is when you make shocking discovery number 2...you were both butt naked.

“Something happened...” you mutter.

Her skin was a single shade of sapphire blue, or was it cerulean blue...ultramarine maybe. Just as her arms feels soft and warm around you, the rest of her body feels just as good, wait a second...turns out she's not entirely blue you see pink spots on both centers of her-oh crap those are her nipples! You risk looking lower to her lower body, where you see another tint of pink between her legs-no! You shouldn't be staring at that, especially if there is a chance she'll wake up. Before you can wrap the blanket around her nude, and alluring body she begins to stir, her eyelids moving ever so slightly. Then ever so slowly she opens her eyes, for a moment she seemed to not mind, then her eyes began to wander first looking at you, then down your naked chest, then down her naked self, then lower to your slowly growing penis. Her eyes widen, her faces turns into a whole new shade of red, and she pushes you off the bed sending you flying several feet nearly crashing onto the opposite side of the wall.

“Ugh~ my head was already killing me” you groan as you began to feel sore all over.

The Blue Oni wrapped herself up with your blanket, and stared at you with a face of scarlet embarrassment.

“Oh no, did we just do what I think we did~” she groaned.

“It's possible we might have shared a moment” You tell her.

“I-I thought if it was just you then I could have some self control, you know because you're at a decent level of attractiveness” she explains.

“Ouch...” you reply feeling your self confidence die a little inside

“Oh! N-no I didn't mean it like that...you have your positive points too, I uh...really enjoyed how well you tongued my vag-oh~” the Blue Oni began before going into an embarrassed groan after remembering what happened the past night.

“W-what? Tongued your-...what exactly did I do last night? Everything's a blur...” you groan trying to recollect exactly how far did you two go.

“What time is it?” The Blue Oni asked.

“Don't dodge the question...it's...crap! We missed most of our classes! If we hurry now we might make it to Quantum Physics” you panic.

“O-okay well, can you help me find my...uh clothes...” she sheepishly asks.

“S-sure” you reply with a hint of blush yourself.

Now that you aren't inches from her face, your nostrils detect another smell, the obvious stench of recent lewd sex permeates the air. A quick look around the room, and find not only your clothes, but hers as well, you are very concern about the occasional wet spot you feel on your carpet hoping that most of it is just spilled sake, and pick up her clothing as well as covering yourself the best you can with your own.

“Bathroom's over there, but don't you think we could use a shower?” you ask as you hand her, her clothing, and uniform.

“W-well we don't have time, but maybe I can at least wash my hands after I fingered your-nevermind I'll just change!” She quickly said her face seemingly in a permanent state of embarrassment as she rushed to the bathroom taking your bedsheets with you.

“Y-you gotta fill me in on what happened” You ask.

“No I don't!” She shouts.

“Not even a little?” You call out.

“Not even a little, not even the time when I deepthro-stop that! I'm not telling you anything! It's too embarrassing!” She shouts.

“Do you just instinctively try to answer any question asked to you?” You ask.

“Y-yes” she confessed.

You glance at the two inventions birthed after what happened last night.

“What do you want to do about these inventions we came up with?” You ask.

“Let's leave them with the professor when we get to class, the school is more equipped, and we can work out any kinks that may still be on it” She explains.

“Okay, I guess that makes sense” you agree.

She comes back fully clothed, and semi clean, you fear the two of you may smell a little lewdly, but you're going to be late if you don't hurry.

“I'll go get changed too now” you say.

“Wash your hands too, since they've pretty much poked, and prodded every hole in my bod-*uh~*” she moans in shy embarrassment yet again as she recollects another portion of that night which you still can't remember.

“Right...” you mutter as your mind puts images in your head from the subtle hints she's giving you. You never felt such a reaction in your pants from just washing your hands, except for that one time you accidentally brushed that one Lich on her chest during a very crowded hallway, didn't help that she was wearing just her lab-coat, and a large book covering her her hips, and womanhood.

You step out of the bathroom, and see the Blue Oni carrying not just her nearly empty, jug in one hand, but also the large box the two of you created in the other.

“Are you going? We've establish that we must make haste to our classroom several minutes ago” she reminds you.

“Yeah, yeah, I'll just grab...whatever this is, from what I can recall I think this goes with that box” you try to explain.

You take the smaller box with a round lens, and walk out the door with the Blue Oni beside you heading for your class.

“A-are you sure that's the only thing you can remember?” She nervously asks.

“...Yes it is, look I don't know what we did, or how many times we did it-” you begin.

“About six, or seven-no! Nevermind!” She quickly mutters, then shouts.

"Well, I could have had a bit more self control, I really should have known better" you reply.

"It was not your fault, do not feel guilt over my idea" the Blue Oni said.

"I just hope we can make this work somehow" you reply.

“...In any case, I-uh, just want to say I'm sorry for losing control like that. It was unprofessional” she apologizes.

“N-no no it's fine. Besides the uh~ pain in my pelvis area” you assure.

“That must have been when I was riding your reverse cow-why do I keep doing that after getting drunk!” She complains.

The two of you make it to class without a moment to spare, inside you find that the two of you are the last to enter. As you make your way to your seat you notice a lot of the monster girls looking at you, more intently, glancing at their tingling noses it's clear that the more nose sensitive ones can easily smell the stench of sex you're giving off, in the wild this would make you a beacon for rape, but you hope that in a mature, education strict environment you'll be safe from sudden kidnapping.

“Professor may we store our projects here until the science fair arrives to present them?” Your lab partner asked.

“Oh my, yes...hm~ I was wondering when the time would come for this to rear it's head again, well alright I'll just put away some...unmentionables I have there, don't want any bite marks on your invention do you?” the Professor comments as his eyes focus on the inventions before him.

“...Bite marks?” You recall hearing.

“In the meantime, why don't you demonstrate your new invention to the class! I'll be back...” the professor suggested as he reached into his desk, and grabbed...a musket? You're not entirely sure what it is, but he's taking it with him to the back of the class, caring very little for the awkward stares he's getting. Once he shuts the door to the storage room behind him, all eyes were on the two of you, ignoring the occasional grunts, and growls you're hearing from the storage room you move up to the front of the class with your lab partner.

“P-present?” Your Blue Oni partner repeats.

“Yeah, show us how your piece of junk works!” That jerk Manticore calls out.

“I'm already preparing myself for the disappointment” her Dragon cohort sighs.

“O-oh yeah we'll show you” you reply without confidence.

You motion for the Blue Oni to plop the gizmo onto the Professor's desk, you put the second whatchamacallit next to it, as the two of you get to work setting everything up you steal short whispers to each other.

“Do you know how to work this?” You whisper.

“S-sort of, I may have been intoxicated, but I think I know how to turn them on at least...” she whispers back.

“A-are we gonna be alright?” You ask.

“D-don't be nervous, if the two of us are nervous like this we're gonna screw this up” she whispers to you.

“O-okay, okay, I'm good, just so you know, uh~ whatever happens...it was nice working with you, even if it was just one night” you assure.

“I enjoyed our partnership as well” she replies, though her focus was mainly on the wiring you could see a bit of a blush on her face.

At last it was complete, and the screen lit up to life in all it's blue glory, several “oh~”s, and “ah~”s echoes the classroom, but eventually you heard a loud, overly played yawn. You don't even need to see who it was as to know who the culprit was.

“Is that it? Congratulations on inventing, an overweight lamp!” The Manticore mocked.

The Blue Oni looks down, with quite the upset look on her face.

“T-that's not all! It needs this connected to it, for it to work at full capacity!” You defend pointing at the second gadget.

“Why would you create a second separate machine to make the first one work properly? What were you thinking?” The Dragon comments.

“Just wait, and see” You reply.

Remembering what little you could, you recall how the little machine created a motion picture of the area it's lens was facing, perhaps that will impress them. You look at the device, and press several buttons, for a moment nothing happens, but eventually you get a result...not the one you were expecting, but a result nonetheless. The screen showed not the entire class, but two people, you recognized both as yourself, and the Blue Oni. You see your partner suddenly jump in shock as the scene the two of you had repeats itself.

The scene depicts the Blue Oni jumping on you, and forcing her tongue in your mouth, you watch in shock, and embarrassment as you openly let yourself be kissed, and attempting to kiss her back with equal determination. You are near naked, you watch yourself attempting to strip your partner as well, removing her lab coat, and rubbing her body letting your hands explore her back, hips, and stomach until they reach their destination and settle on her breasts. A loud muffled moan was heard as her body suddenly flinched from the pleasure of being groped, and drunk.

The entire class stares wide eyed at the sight, several with blushing faces, others attempting to look the other way, but always glancing back at the screen. You turn to your Blue Oni who's flushed face has traveled to below her neck, whatever you're feeling must be ten times less than what she's going through right now.

You continue to eat each other's mouths until you lower your head nuzzling, and kissing her neck until you yanked her bra out releasing her large breast from their restraint, bouncing ever so slightly.

The class gasped, and stifled squeals of joy as the scene continued.

You suckle, and lick at her left tit quickly hardening it from pleasure, she gasps, and moans in delight as you continue to suck, and rub her breasts.

“*Giggle* silly I'm not lactating, but maybe there's an alternative...” she says.

She reaches for her sake jug, and pours it's contents all over her body showering both you, but mostly herself in alcoholic splendor. This doubles your efforts as you ravish her chest with licks, and sucking motions, slowly, but surely you travel lower, but she stops you as you reach her belly button.

“Wait, I had anticipated this...let me make it so we both enjoy it.” she purrs

The classroom gets even more excited, now those who attempted to turn away, or ignore it cannot stop staring. The Manticore's tail sways ever so slightly, the tip of her tail opening, and closing every once in a while as her desire, and instincts push her closer to the edge. The Dragon continues to stare with disinterest, but her tail like much of a Werecat is standing upright in secret excitement.

Turning back to the screen you see that she had gently pushed you to the floor as she turned around, propped herself on top of you, and slowly laid her warm body on top of you, her moist pussy resting on your chest while you felt warm fingers play with your member.

“Oh, It appears my hypothesis was slightly off, it is larger than I estimated, a pleasant surprise” she complimented as she skipped any other formalities, and just cut the chase, engulfing your entire member in her mouth, giving off loud slurping noises as she bobbed her head up, and down, but it wasn't just her head constantly moving. Her entire body fidgeted, and rubbed against you aching to be satisfied, her pink folds awaiting stimulation, and you just happen to be withing distance. Letting your drunken lust assume control, you ignored all formalities, and went straight to licking, and playing with her pussy.

Back at the classroom you gaze towards the Blue Oni, who's frozen stiff, unable to move, or even speak from possibly unbearable humiliation, while you on the other hand know exactly what to do. Turning to your wretched machine you intend to destroy it, and the evidence of your copulation before any more of your reputation is fucked...well not as fucked as you were in that sense, but you were gonna really destroy it.

You grab a nearby hammer from the professor's desk, and about to give the final blow when suddenly a large furry paw stopped you completely.

“No~ we're gonna watch until the very end~” the Manticore purred into your ear.

Unable to escape her superior strength your head is forced back onto the monitor as you felt her hips, occasionally grind on you, her heavy breathing loud, and audible. If you were wearing glasses you were certain they would have fogged up from her warm breath.

She continued sucking, and licking at your dick, but as you continued pleasuring her, the Blue Oni's fellatio grew more, and more relentless. Eventually she forced your entire member into her mouth with only a short gargle, and held it there. This sudden maddening of pleasure pushed you to the edge, and before you can warn her you exploded inside her mouth, your sperm shooting straight down her throat. She coughed a bit, but she never released your dick from her mouth as you continued to pump more seed into her. At last once you can shoot no more she frees you, her mouth still containing some of your sperm as she let it set in her mouth to savor the taste. Then reaching for her jug she took another gulp of sake, and swallowed it along with your seed.

“Ah~ the perfect concoction, my belly feels so warm, and full now” she mused rubbing her stomach.

You could only respond in loud gasps as you struggle to regain yourself from such pleasure, and being intoxicated didn't do anything to help.

“Not yet, you have yet drain my beaker of it's contents, and it's boiling over fast, please finish me too” she seductively demanded as she moved to a sitting position, and motion her ass just above your head.

Even in the state you were in, you knew it was rude to hog all the fun so grabbing onto her ass you intend to finish what you started. You pull her ass cheeks apart, and using your thumbs you pull at her folds, and dig your tongue as deeply inside her as you could. Without a cock in her mouth she was free to scream, and moan as loudly as she wanted to, besides instructing you where to lick. Your face now wet with sweat, and her sex juices you heard a more distinctively cry of pleasure, and surmised that you have found that hidden G-spot you read in a book somewhere, and instantly began violating it. Her hips rocking back, and forth, her hands kneading at her breasts, and pulling at her nipples, her tongue hanging out.

“I-I'm reaching my-my-climah~!” She squealed as your wet face was now drenched with her orgasm.

Back at the classroom the professor still gone, the class had the appearance of a small sauna, several gasps were heard, heavy breathing was evident, the air heavy, and a distinct smell was beginning to surface, and you were unable to do a thing about it. It's obvious this isn't gonna be ignored by the faculty, and dean, so that just leaves one conclusion. Time for an honorable scientist suicide you muse in your thoughts, but how to go at it? Perhaps some sort of doomsday device...no that won't work, for starters you have no clue in how to build one, and the professor won't be covering that topic until next semester. Before more depressing thoughts enter your head you hear a loud meowing coming from the classroom. Everyone turned to a Nekomata with blushed cheeks, and both paws covering her lowering body.

“I-I came, mew” she muttered bashfully.

Your head is forced back onto the monitor as you watch that despite your orgasm the two of you continue your sexual acts.

You were on top of her on the bed, your member now rock hard once more while she held you in her arms around your neck.

“Penetrate me, let's experiment on each other all night” she purred.

You were more than happy to oblige, aligning your dick on her awaiting pussy...missing fairly often, your drunk it's excusable. Until she gave a loud sigh, and pushed herself onto your member nailing it on the first go. A loud moan escaped her lips, and the two of you began rocking your hips back, and forth. Again both being drunk it was almost laughable, but eventually the two of you found some rhythm...unlike all the times you dance, and sing. Rocking back, and forth your bed giving loud squeaking noises from the springs, but not as loud as the moans, and cries of the Blue Oni.

“Y-yes, more! Accelerate your mass, and give me more force!” She cried out.

You do as she wishes, and increase your speed, her moaning also increasing in volume, but it wasn't quite enough for you. Your naughty drunk hands suddenly had a mind of their own, and began fondling her breasts, and clit. She screamed with passion, her body arching, and her hips gyrating, she was close, but she needed one more push. Not sure what she needed you simply did the first thing that came to your drunk mind, you stuck a finger up her butt hole. She gripped at the mattress, and howled-

“Ah-ah! E equals mc squah~~re~!” She shouted to the school.

Unable to hold yourself either you too succumb to the pleasure, and cum deep into her womb, both your orgasms lasting for a while before exhaustion took over, and you collapsed on top of her.

More loud gasps were heard as several other classmates reached their own climaxes, other tried stifling their moans, but were still evident from the shaking of their hips, and quivering legs that they were reaching a state of bliss.

You thought the scene would be over then, and there, but it keeps going, apparently to several more positions. Well at the very least nothing too shocking to you has happened yet...

“That was a dirty trick you did, sticking yourself in my asshole, I believe I need to demonstrate what I went through when you did that” the Blue Oni said.

Oh crap there it was, as you watch her lick her fingers as she rides on top of you reverse cowgirl style you struggle to free yourself from the Manticore's grip, but despite reaching her own climax, and soaking your pants leg in the process she still held a firm grip on you. Back at the video you turn around to see that she had stuck two fingers where you poop, you watch yourself screw your face in pain for a second before it is replace by pleasure as she continues to finger you senselessly. Before you can think it can make you look any more perverted you hear yourself shout.

“Oh god it feels so strange...c-cumming!” you shout.

And now your reputation is down the toilet, well it was fun while it lasted. After more fervent sex the two of you stay motionless in your bed, and after nothing happens the Manticore finally releases you, and walks back to her seat, wobbly, and leaving a trail of her own vaginal juices. As you unplug everything, the screen turns black, and the back door rattles.

“The professor is coming!” You exclaim.

The dragon after going through her own lust induced orgasm quickly snapped herself out of it, and came up with an instant plan.

“Open the windows, everyone with wings, flap as hard as you can!” She demanded.

The windows were open, and several winged mamono flapped, and blew away the smell of their desires away as much as possible, sure the room was now messy with papers, and other assortment of school supplies, but at least it will be easier to explain than how it was before hand.

The professor came back from the back of the room, looking slightly beaten up, and wearing something on his head.

“Sorry that took a bit long, but now-hm~ something's different here” the professor notices.

Several of the students hide their faces, and others look away from him, others began to panic thinking their cover was blown.

“Hm~ he scuffled over to a painting of a construction worker hanging onto a pole with the caption reading 'hang in there'.

“This wasn't tilted before!” The Professor exclaimed fixing the painting back to normal. “Much better” he said after a job well done.

“Professor...why, why are you wearing a sombrero?” You ask.

“Oh this? I have no idea” he answers throwing the sombrero away.

“We'll just, uh...put away out stuff then” you reply.

“Well off you go apparently” the professor allowed.

Eventually your partner snaps out of her embarrassed state, and returns to her seat as class begins, she refuses to look you in the eye, and ignores all your attempts to speak to her. On the bright side you're taking the fallout of being watched naked, drunk, and having sex surprisingly well, almost uncharacteristically well, but she did say not to be nervous, for some reason you're complying with that.

Once class ended the Blue Oni quickly walks out of the classroom, you attempt to do the same, but you were quickly swarmed by several of your classmates either giving you some compliments, or teasing you slightly, the Manticore never stayed to mock you to oblivion as she rushed out of the room with her partner clutched close beside her, the Dragon giving you the usual look of disappointment before doing the same. Once the crowd leaves you, you try to look for the Blue Oni, but find that she is long gone.

You search the school, looking for your lab partner, late in the afternoon until you find her in library with both of her inventions close.

“There you are! Where were you?” You ask surprising her.

She turns to you blushing, and quickly looks away.

“I-I was refilling my sake, it took some time...also I was coming to get our, inventions back...” she mutters.

You don't say anything, and simply take a seat next to her.

“Do you, despise me?” She suddenly asked.

“W-what? N-no no! In fact, I'm over it...yeah” you say with little confidence.

“This is only the beginning you know, once word spreads it's going to get fairly brutal” she warns.

“W-well we'll just cross that bridge when we get there, but now...” you begin clasping her hand with your own. “We have a project to present soon, and if I recall something, the professor gave us permission to use his lab and giving us a moment to ourselves to work out some unfinished kinks.

She smiles lewdly at your implications.

“Well, in that case, would you care for a drink before we start?” She asks.

“...You know what? Why not, I could go for some, inspiration” you reply.

Weeks later, while your invention may not have won you the science fair (damn that Manticore, and her portal gun) at the very least it gain a lot of attention, and in a few decades history will remember the two of you for inventing the first ever television...as well as inventing the first hardcore porn video.
B.F.Fs Part 1: Were-Rabbit
Spoiler: show
(~I was never your friend~!)”

*Hop, hop, hop*

“(~Stop following me you stalker~!)”

*Hop, hop, hop*

“(~I never want to see you again~!)”

*Hop, hop, hop*

She couldn't stop the memories from fading in her head, they repeated themselves over, and over again as she continued hopping in slow almost forced motions. Not even the sounds her furry, white legs make as they plop on the ground as she hops could cheer her up, and they did so well before.

“Why did he-*sob*-say all those things to me...I thought we were f-friends...*sob*” the depressed Wererabbit muttered through soft sobbing.

She had long cried her tears out, her once red-orange eyes shiny with energy, and smiles now long gone replaced with sadness, and a dark shadow looming over them.

It was late afternoon in a grassy field several acres across owned by no man, but cared for by nature, the sun now a glistening orange giving off the last of it's warmth for the day before the darkness of the night took over. Our little Wererabbit who has yet to achieve that final step to becoming a woman hops silently through what should have been a beautiful last minute of the day with her head hung low, and in a complete state of depression.

“Was it something I said...did I not play enough games with him? Were my breast not big enough? Why did he...” she muttered to herself.

She slowly placed her right hand on her cheek, still red from when their final chat ended with him striking her out of anger. Fearing for her life she fled, but once the fear receded, and the loneliness sprouted the physical pain was almost nonexistent compared to the emotional pain.

“It's not just him...the world hates me...” she concluded to no one in particular.

Her eyes suddenly grew dull, the shadow looming over them darkened, her frown receding into something that felt much worse. Giving off a look of utter sorrow, and mourning unlike that of the most depressed Oomukade.

“Here...right here” she muttered.

She stopped her hopping, and stared at the 'here' she was referring to. Separating the plains from the forest was a tall cliff. She stood near the edge high above the forest trees, the wind blowing her short lime green hair. It all came down to this, being alone for such a long period of time, adding to being rejected, and even hurt by what she thought was her friend, no comfort, only pain, at last it was all gonna end.

“I won't trouble anyone anymore...” she whispers.

*Hop, hop...*


Another day camping out in the woods, you relax in the gentle solitude that is your personal camp ground...when no one else is using it. Working as an office worker the cramp walls, dry atmosphere, and dull colors of the walls forces you to take some time in the great outdoors. Though you're not a survival expert you are careful, bringing everything you needed to make sure that not only will you live for a few days, but you'll live comfortably even if it's just in a tent. While you're glum that your vacation time will be over the day after tomorrow you don't let it bother you as you reach into your cooler, and grab another beer, your favorite one of course.

Downing the bottle you once again reached that state of joy you've been denied after constant work. Not really drunk, but not sober either, just right, you're about ready to listen to your favorite jams, and dance like no one is watching when you hear loud commotion from a few yards away. It sounded like several branches snapping, birds squawking, and a thud as something heavy hit the ground. For a moment you stand there idle contemplating on whatever that may have been. At first you thought it was werewolves, but you quickly dismiss the idea, this wasn't anywhere near their territory considering how close it was to a village of Dark Elves, but the thought of a Dark Elf didn't make the scenario any better. Still a little peek wouldn't hurt. You didn't bring any weapons with you, but a thick branch ahead of you looks to be the perfect shape for a makeshift club.

You trudge to the foliage the ground steadily rising, you recognize this area of the forest, if you remember correctly once you get through this you'll find yourself at the foot of a high cliff. After pushing a rather thick, leafy low hanging branch out of the way you see a startling sight. A body of what you believe is a young woman lies face down with steady trails red liquid you fear is her own blood in several areas. You instantly notice her large furry feet to be that of a rabbit's, and quickly deduce that this being is a Wererabbit. Your pretty familiar with several of the Mamono near your area, and this one is no exception, you drop your weapon knowing injured, or not they are no threat, and mean no harm, and rush to her side. You're nervous about touching her, fearing touching a dead body, something you tried to avoid most of your life, but you have to make sure she's alive, or a lost cause. You stick out your pointer, and middle finger, and gingerly place them on her neck, and wait. You feel a soft thumping coming from her pumping heart, this girl was still alive, but for how long you're not sure.

“I'll be back” you whisper to her, not sure whether she heard you, or not, and make a mad dash to your tent where a first aid kit sits idly by. A few minutes is all it took to come back with a first aid kit, and giving her a once over as carefully as you can. She appeared very injured, several deep cuts on her torso, and face, and her shoulder looked off, her legs as far as you can tell seem fine, but you don't want to assume until you hear from a professional. Though judging from the many broken branches from the tree above her, you can only assume that it broke her fall...sort of. The first aid kit was insufficient to properly treat her which meant you're gonna have to cut your vacation short, you won't even have time to pack everything.

You groan at this, but turn to the Wererabbit now face up, she had no look of pain, or shock on her face, rather it looked...sad. You've never seen such a gloomy face on an unconscious person before, first time for everything right? Still...seeing her like that, how could you not do everything in your power to help? A little sacrifice like this is nothing compared to whatever she went through.

Being careful of her messed up shoulder you carry her out of the woods, and gently place her on the passenger seat of your car, and take her to the nearest vet...or hospital...where did they take injured mamono again? You'll go with hospital.

By the time you drove to the emergency room, it was getting dark, and she didn't appear to be getting better, at least the bleeding stop, you can only hope the blood stains in your seat will wash off-no wait, there's no time to joke around like this, you'll save them after she makes a full recovery. You carry over, and demand service, the receptionist looks at you with a tired expression obviously being in this line of work for a while before looking over the Wererabbit you were carrying. She tells you to wait, but assures you that due to the small amount of patients today the wait will be short. You reply angrily that this cannot wait, and for all you know she's bleeding internally, the man with the bleeding skull on the corner can wait, but this girl needs help now!

“Okay, okay, just tell me your name, and I-” she begins, but you interupt.

“There's no time for that, she needs help!” You declare.

She finally takes you seriously, and calls for a doctor, and a stretcher, which come fairly quickly, at least they are acting fast. You help them place the Wererabbit on the stretcher, and are told to wait here, and fill out some papers. You're reluctant, but someone has to do the paperwork, and since it's kind of your job to begin with, you agree. Unfortunately, you have no clue as to what to put.

“(Aw~ crap, I get the feeling they're gonna throw the responsibility at me, will my insurance cover this? Can this-)”

You are interrupted from you manic thoughts when a doctor calls for you, and motions you to follow him. Along the way he explains the Wererabbit's condition...

“Her shoulder isn't as bad as it looks, merely dislocated, minor concussion, several lacerations, and she twisted her ankle. How did she end up in such a state?” The doctor asks.

“I'm not so sure, from what I can tell from some broken branches above her she must have fallen from the tree, I think?” you guess.

“Well that could very well be, but her kind aren't know to just randomly climb trees” the doctor adds.

“A mystery indeed” you muse.

“In any case she'll make a full recovery in a few days, maybe less since most of their kind are fast healers, but she may not wake up till tomorrow” he explains.

“I see...um~ I have another question...When can I visit tomorrow?” You ask.

The next day, you were fairly tired, having little sleep after packing your camping gear, which luckily remained untouched, walked to the hospital, and now dragging yourself over to the patient's room where they kept the Wererabbit you saved, carrying a gift basket of assorted goodies you think she'll like. You finally reached your destination, and open the door. Ignoring the man with a bleeding bandaged head who's glaring at you, you turn to the far side of the room next to a window, and see the Wererabbit sleeping peacefully. You take a stool, and set it next to her bed, sit down, and play the waiting game...tetris.

After who knows how long you hear the ruffling of her bedsheet, and a soft groan. You quickly stop what you're doing, and become stiff as a board, in your waiting game period you had completely forgotten to think of what to say to her when she does wake up, you'll just have to wing it.

Her eyelids flutter, and open revealing her gorgeous orange eyes, for some reason you can't help, but think about carrots. She gazes at the ceiling, with a distant stare, and slowly turns her head towards you, eliciting a soft gasp of shock, and pushed herself a little closer to the edge of the bed, and away from you.

“W-whoa, whoa, easy there you're still hurting” you quickly remind her.

Recovery from your surprise appearance in her life she suddenly winces in pain, and hides under the covers, her forehead, and eyes poking out.

“Where...where am I?” She weakly mutters.

“W-well you're in a hospital, you're pretty beat up, but they say you'll be fine in no time” you assure.

“Mmm~ I'm hungry” she weakly declares.

“That's the first thing you say after you wake up in a hospital?” you reply.

“My belly is really aching” she whines.

“That's probably from your injuries from last night” you remind.

“Last...night? Oh, yeah...*sniff*” Suddenly the Wererabbit begins crying.

“Whoa-whoa, don't start crying! Look, I don't know all the details since I found you knocked out on the floor, but whatever happened we can work it out” you try to comfort.

“Found, me?” She repeats.

“Yeah, uh~ I was camping, and I heard a loud noise, when I came to check it out, I found you. I pretty much had to stop what I was doing, and patch you up, but it wasn't enough so I took you here, the end” you explain.

Her eyes widen, and glisten under the light of the sun as she just stares at you, she even drops the blanket to her chest revealing more gauze bandages.

“T-thank you...” she bashfully whispers.

“S-so, you still feel hungry after knowing all of that?” You ask.

“Yup!” She declares.

“Works for me, here, I brought you some things that I thought would cheer you up after your whole accident” you say pushing the gift basket onto her bed, next to her.

“Uwa~! It's so pretty! But I don't eat baskets” the Wererabbit tells you

Why'd you give a her basket to eat, stupid.

“Uh, it's what's inside the basket that you eat” you explain.


“Oh!” she responds, quickly opening the basket.

Inside are an assortment of fruits, and vegetables, and a small bag of candy. The Werrabbits elicits a moan of pure delight her smile wide, and open with a line of drool threatening to escape her mouth.

“Go on, dig in” you allow.

She goes on a full frontal assault, the poor meal never stood a chance as she reached in with both hands, and devoured the healthy munchies bite by bite. You kind of wanted a strawberry you glanced at near the edge of the basket, but you were afraid she would have grabbed your hand, and bite it considering how she was going at it.

“Slow down, you're not doing yourself any favors if you go at it like a garbage disposal!” You warn.

She stop her mad rampage of breakfast time, and takes into account what you said. She nods once never losing her smile, and reaches for a carrot, she looks at it with deep longing before gently taking it slowly, closely to her mouth, and begins licking the tip. She grasps the end of the carrot with both hands as her tongue teases the tip before she gives the base one long wet lick. She gasps at the taste of her second favorite meal, and takes it in her mouth wrapping her tongue around it, and slowly bobbing it in, and out of her mouth. The more she does this the deeper she pushes the carrot in her, and the more she moans at the taste.

“*Ahem*” you cough loudly.

“Whu?” She asks with the carrot still in her mouth, and you can see her cheeks moving ever so slightly which meant she was still going at it.

“I know I said to take it slow, but maybe you're overdoing it a bit?” you say.

She looks at you with a hint of blush, and embarrassment before biting down on the carrot, for reasons you're not entirely certain it causes you to flinch.

“Eh! Is something wrong?” She asks noticing your entire body clamping down for an instant.

“No, no I'm fine, just a normal reaction” you assure.

“This...this was so very nice of you, thank you so much” she says looking back at you.

“Don't mention it! Really I was just doing what I thought was right, that's all!” you loudly say unable to hide the sudden blush you got from her staring eyes.

“B-but you've been so good to me, I can't just leave it like this, I-I can't pay you back for all of this, but maybe...” she says.

“Maybe...?” you repeat.

“W-well if you want to that is, then maybe I can...uh...be, your, friend?” She shyly asks.

“...Be my friend? How is that repaying me?” You ask.

She has a look of utter horror, and stares down at her bed...something is off though, her eyes, they don't have that shine anymore, they look dull, pale even. Uh-oh she looks really down in the dumps now, you gotta do something.

“I-I didn't mean it in a bad way! I-I would love to be your friend! I mean it too, please don't cry!” You quickly say.

“Really!” She cries out instantly perking up.

“Yeah, really, I'm not so into the whole friend making thing, but I bet you'd make a great exception so, yeah, let's be friends” you say.

“Oh~! I'm so happy, so, so happy! I could hug you right now!” She squeals in joy, she reaches towards you, but is suddenly halted by the pain in her everywhere. She recoils back, and gives a small frown.

“*Sigh* don't move...” you mutter.

You lean towards her, and give her a one arm hug, she tenses up for a bit before sighing happily, and returning your hug with one arm as well. At that moment the doctor comes in, and stands in front of the two of you.

“I hate to break up this moment, but there are matters we need to discuss” he speaks with clear professionalism.

You break away from the hug, but the Wererabbit clings to you, keeping you in her embrace, you motion for the doctor to just tell you what he wanted to say, you've had important discussions in weirder positions anyways.

“Well there is the matter of the bill, your insurance will cover for her, but only for the day, otherwise it may have to come out of your pocket” he explains.

“That's fine, she needs all the rest she can get, and this place is best suited for it” you say.

He tells you how much that will cost.

“As I was saying a good walk away from this place is just the thing she needs, and don't worry I'm sure her bed is just as comfortable as the hospital gurneys!” You quickly say helping the Wererabbit hop out of the building before the doctor could say anymore, it kind of felt like a three legged race, but eventually the two of you found some rhythm in your steps.

“Whee~ I've never been rushed out of a hospital with a friend before! That was fun!” She cries out enjoying the near bankruptcy you narrowly escaped.

“Right, don't mention it, so now what...” you say once again not thinking ahead.

“Oh! Oh! I know!” She cries out.

She leads you to a nearby park, small, and a little on the plain side, but the citizens enjoy it all the same.

“Why are we here?” You ask.

“This is where they have the softest grass to lay down in, and-and-look! There it is!” She screams pointing at a small stand.

Upon closer inspection you notice it as a crepe stand selling several flavors of that delectable sweet stuff. You turn to the Wererabbit who is on her tippy toes, head leaned forward, and nose twitching.

“Even though I never have any money to get one, I always just enjoyed smelling that stuff from afar, *sigh* it smells even better than usual today~” she sighs.

You can't just let this slide, even though you've been plenty nice than most people would consider normal, maybe being a little kinder wouldn't hurt too much.

“Come on, let's get a closer look” you invite.

“R-really, but I was told not to get any closer unless I have money...” she explains.

“Well today's different, now come on” you say extending your hand toward her, knowing she still can't entirely hop on her own for a while.

She looks at your hand, and gives you a big grin before clasping your entire arm, and following your pace.

“Thank you come again-you! I thought I told you if you don't have any money then get out of the way for the paying customers!” the store vendor exclaims pointing at the Wererabbit now retreating towards your back, and huddling in fear.

“Hey, hey, calm down, I'm paying for her so be cool...douche...” you assure muttering that last part.

“I didn't quite catch that last part” he says.

“Do you want my business, or not?” You ask.

“H-how can I help you?” He quickly changes his attitude.

After money was traded for sweets the two of you leave the crepe stand, and find a nice comfy wooden bench to sit, and enjoy them. The Wererabbit looks at it with keen interest as she continues to sniff at it.

“Go ahead, eat it, it's all been paid for” you assure her chomping down a piece yourself.

“...*nibble, nibble*-whaa~ it's so sweet, but it's so good!” She squeals.

The two of you continued eating, laughing it up, seeing her smiling face you almost forget that just moments before she was seriously hurt, and you do want bring that topic up again just to understand what happened, but she seems like she's in such a good mood, who are you to spoil it?

“I wanna do something else now!” She declared.

“You just finished eating, can you at least wait for me to finish my crepe?” You ask.

Her response was to invade your personal bubble, and chomped on a good chunk of your crepe.

“H-hey! I was gonna eat that” you state.

“Oh~ this taste bad” she reviews.

“W-what do you mean?...*nibble*-taste fine to me, it's just a different flavor” you assure.

“Well it tastes weird” she says.

“I'll have you know that it's my favorite” you state with pride.

“So after your done can we play something else!” She asks.

“Well sure why not, but you gotta remember to take it easy okay?” You remind her.

“I'm so lucky to have such a considerate friend” she says looking up to you with those same carrot colored eyes glimmering.

“I'm not all that, but I gotta say, I have no idea on what to do...could you take the lead?” You ask.

“But I'll need you to lead me to places!” She states.

“It's fine, I'll just lead you while you lead me” you assure.

“I'll lead, you while you lead, and I lead wait...wha~?” She said overloading her brain.

“The mind boggles” you say.

“The mind reels” the Wererabbit adds.

“We are inconsistent” you continue.

“We are intertwined” she keeps it going.

“All is not what it is” you say

“All is what we are” she answers.

“What are we talking about?” You ask.

“What are we talking about?” She wonders.

The two of you shared a good laugh, and you gently helped her up, and allowed her to choose the activities for the day. Who would have thought that simply laying down on the grass, and staring at clouds would be so much fun...well it's not really, but the Wererabbit sure helped a lot. After that you spotted two elderly men playing chess, and asked if she wanted to give it a shot.

“I never played, chess before, do you eat the pieces?” She asked.

You tell her that would be a bad idea, but she still seems up for the idea so you ask permission if the two of you can have a quick round together. They smile, and politely agree, seeing as how neither of them were going anywhere with their match to begin with. The two of you sat opposite of each other staring each other with confident smirks, the battle had begun.

“I'm surprised you lasted three whole minutes” you mutter to her as you carry her piggyback to your place, with no intention whatsoever.

It took three minutes before she grew so bored of the match that she went into an instant slumber. You thanked the elderly men, and attempted to wake her up, but to no avail, maybe she's asleep because of some meds the hospital forgot to mention? Either way she doesn't seem to be waking up so now here you are carrying her to the closest indoor living quarters, your apartment. Reaching your destination, and entering your abode you are greeted with the usual plain living room with usual couch, bookshelf of assorted books, and magazines, a television set, a bathroom over there, your bedroom elsewhere.You take your new friend and gently lay her on the couch while you plop down on the floor beside her.

After this you're gonna have to tell her to go, you've done more than enough, even spending the last of your vacation time just hanging out with her, it wasn't really all that forced though you did have a good time, but this is all going a little too fast for you. You'll definitely want to see her again, perhaps you can arrange a time to-

“*Ya~wn*...is it my turn...” you hear her groan as she suddenly wakes from her slumber.

“That ended a long time ago” you reply.

“Why do I wake up in places I don't know?” She wonders.

“That's something you need to go on a journey to find out, or something” you answer.

“Don't wanna, I think it makes me unique” she says.

“If you say so...do you need a ride to your place?” You ask.

“My place?” She asked.

“Well you weren't planning on staying here were you? This is my apartment” you explain.

“Oh~ it's so plain, but it's also feels homey too” she compliments.

“Thanks I think, so tell me where you live, and I'll drive you there if I need to” you change the topic.

“I-uh~ don't really have a place to live...I mostly sleep under the stars” she muses.

“Will you be alright like that?” You ask.

“Well this place feels much, much warmer, and comfy, and with a friend around it's even better! Can I just stay for the night?” She asks.

“I, don't know. I mean I know we're friends, and all, but I barely know you-” you begin.

“W-we can change that! We can talk about each other, cook each other's favorite food, and wash each other's backs when we take a bath!” She lists the fun things the two of you can do,

“I don't know...” you're still uncertain.

“Please, please don't leave me alone! It's getting dark, and scary outside, and it's too far away from my napping place! A-and my leg still hurts, please don't abandon me, I don't know what I'll do if that happens!” She begs, her eyes quickly watering, and producing tears.

“Why are you getting so worked up about this?” You ask.

“Because all I ever wanted was a friend! And you've been so nice, and kind, and gentle, and I haven't done anything in our friendship yet, and I can't do anything if we're apart so we have to be together, and if we aren't I'll get so lonely, and it'll hurt! It hurts to be alone, please be my friend a little longer!” She rapidly pleads.

She becoming frantic, she's even sweating a little, and her chest is heaving, she must have some serious abandonment issues, you got to be very careful about that...I guess maybe just a little more kindness won't hurt, and you could use a bit of good karma in your life.

“Okay, okay, calm down, you can stay with me, but no funny business alright?” You lay down the rules.

“...Okay, I understand, I'll try to restrain myself, for friendship!” She declares.

“Yeah, yeah, for friendship" you repeat

The rest of the day was rather enjoyable, you finally had someone to talk to who wasn't a complete bore, and you're surprise at how much the two of you have in common, though if she's just saying that then you are certain to put her to the test one day. Eventually night has fallen, and you remember you'll have to go to work so you hit the sack early. The wererabbit didn't seem to mind, she seems just as tired as you, and after some extra pillows, and a blanket you place them on the couch, and she flops down onto it, only to discover a complication.

“Oh~ this is so embarrassing~ I'm sorry!” She squeaked hiding herself in the blanket.

“No I'm sorry, I have a habit of not thinking ahead” you mutter.

While most of her body did fit your couch, her furry hips, and hind legs were obviously too big, she seems a little self conscious about it too.

“I bet you think they're too big, and fat huh?” She mutters.

“No-no, I don't think that at all! I think the coat is really soft...and uh, you have a cute furry little ball of a tail, it's perfectly okay by me!” You try to assure, not really taking into account whatever you're saying.

“R-really? You like my tail?” she asks.

Now you realize that you've said something you can never take back.

“I-I uh, yeah? Not that I was looking at your ass all the time, I mean, not like anyone wouldn't, or something, just...h-how about you take my bed for the night-” you start.

She gasps is pure delight.

“-And I stay here on the couch” you finish.

“Aw~” she said sounding disappointed.

“Don't get too excited” you mutter.

“N-no, no I'm happy about sleeping in your bed, I just thought...well never-mind, no funny stuff right? I promised after all!” She said.

“Good girl, well, I'll show you to my-your room” you say patting her on her head.

As you pat her head, her eyes closed, and mouth smiling one of your fingers accidentally brushes against her right ear, causing an instant gasp, and her cheeks to redden.

“Ah! W-wait, my ears, they're really sensitive” she gasps.

“Oh-crap! Sorry, sorry!” you quickly apologize.

“It's okay, it didn't hurt, it just felt really...*sigh*-no funny stuff” she whispers.

“Right, right, well here let me help you” you offer.

With your help you take her to your room, an old king sized bed gift from your parents that was always a little too big for you, but maybe not so much for the Wererabbit. You carefully lay her down, and tuck her in, you had to force yourself to not read a bedtime story to her.

“Are we gonna be together tomorrow too?” She asks.

This girl is just too cute sometimes, her eyes dazzling hopefully awaiting your response.

“Well I'll still be here, but I'll have to go to work, but when I get back we'll play some more” you promise.

“That sounds...really nice, goodnight...zzz~” she mutters as she lulls herself to sleep.

“Goodnight pal” you answer.

You quietly walk out of the room, and head to your couch, you're a little worried that you're gonna be leaving her alone for a few hours because of work, but maybe with a full stomach, and a quick chat she'll be alright.

Hours pass, and you're complete knocked out, too deep in your sleep to hear the soft panting, and moans coming from your room. The Wererabbit shuffles under the covers taking deep whiffs of your blanket, and pillow as she rubs, and massages her untouched womanhood.

“Mmm~ smells like him-so good-ah-ah~, I hope he rubs my ears tomo-ha~...” she whispers as she suddenly rocks forward, and rides out an orgasm clenching, and biting the blanket to muffle her moan. “G-gotta wash the sheets, I promised no funny stuff...please don't let him find out...” she whispers to herself again as exhaustion puts her to sleep before she could think of anymore to say.
B.F.Fs Finale: Were-Rabbit
Spoiler: show
You're finally awake your vision still blurry. You stare at your phone as your eyes are still adjusting, and find that you are half an hour early from your usually wake-up time. You suddenly hear soft grunts, soft steps on your wooden floor, and you really hope it's your recent Were-rabbit guest.

“Hey~, hey~” you wearily call out, not getting up from the couch.

Everything goes quiet for second before a reassuring voice calls back.

“Oh! You're awake? I kind of wanted to wake you up though, hang on, I'm coming!” The Wererabbit calls out.

“Wait a second, what about your leg? Doesn't it still hurt?” You ask.

“Y-yes, but for a friend, I'll gladly take the pain if I can be near him!” She declares.

She's so friendly

“That's very admirable of you, but don't push yourself to such extremes” you warn.

“B-but you did the same for me, and we weren't even friends! That's why I have to be near you no matter what!” She reminds you.

She does have a point, the pot shouldn't be calling the kettle black, or something like that. In any case you're awake, so you might as well get the day started, an extra cup of coffee might help deal with having to wake up earlier than usual. As you stand, and stretch you turn to the direction where you heard the Wererabbit speaking to you, and find her staring back at you, eyes glistening, smile wide, and holding your blanket you gave her when she slept on your mattress.

“...Why do you have my blanket?” You ask.

She flinches, cheeks turning red, and her eyes look everywhere, but to where you're standing.

“B-blanket? What blanket?” She quickly questions.

So it's like that eh? Well an eye, for an eye as they say, or in this case, a lie for a lie.

“I must have been seeing things, I could have sworn I saw a cute bunny girl holding a blanket, but I must have been so high yesterday I probably imagined the whole thing. Oh well, too bad she didn't exist, I was really looking forward to getting to know her better” you casually say walking past, and ignoring the Wererabbit completely.

“Didn't exist? B-but I'm right here silly! Remember we declared our friendship, and everything!” She calls out to you

“Could have sworn I heard something...nah~ probably just the neighbors, the walls are pretty thin here, now where did I leave that blanket...

“What are you talking about? You heard me! I was talking to you” she calls out yet again

“It's gonna be a really cold night without that blanket, oh well I guess” you casually say throwing your arms up with a shrug.

“This can't be happening! I can't lose a friend like this! No-no-no-no-no~” she wails the tears quickly approaching.

There she goes again, panicking, and practically hyperventilating, you quickly rush towards her, and wrap your arms around.

“Don't cry, it's okay, it's okay! See? I can see you, and everything, you're not losing a friend” you quickly say over her loud sobbing.

“R-really? You can see me? Oh~ I'm so-*hic*-r-relieved! She cried out wrapping you in a one arm hug of her own while her other hand rested on your waist.

“I could always see you, sorry about messing with you like that, I forgot that you might be a little sensitive at the moment” you apologize.

“N-no it's my fault, I should have been honest to begin with, I'm so sorry I took advantage of our friendship” she sobs.

“Look, we were both stupid, let's just agree to never lie to each other again, okay?” You ask.

“...Okay, yes! It's a promise!” She cries out returning to her wide smile.

“...Why do my blankets feel soggy?” You ask out loud as you realized when you hugged the Were-rabbit it caused you to come in contact with your bed sheet.

“I-I-I was-uh~” she stuttered embarrassed.

“Don't tell me you had an accident, how old are you?” You gently tease.

“So embarrassing, why can't I do anything right around you?” she mutters.

“Relax, one day I'll have a moment when I'll screw up, and you'll be there to help me pick up the pieces. Now come on, wait for me in the kitchen for a sec while I put this on the washer” you assure.

She nods happily, and begins hopping away, though she still seems to be struggling, you offer to help, but she quickly interrupts you.

“No, no! I can't be relying on you all the time, besides, it doesn't hurt too bad” she assures.

You can't help, but be impressed by how she actually tries to not be a bother rather than just saying it. I guess she won't be such a hassle after all. You put the wet sheets in the washer, as well as some clothes you meant to clean eventually, and head back to the kitchen to fix up breakfast. You see the Were-rabbit sitting in one of your wooden chairs, her legs swaying forward, and back with anticipation with that same pleasant grin on her face.

It's too damn cute!

“What are we having for breakfast?” She asks.

“Well you don't eat meat do you?” You ask.

She shakes her head

“So bacon is out of the question...how do you feel about cereal?” You asked.

“I've never had cereal before, bring it on! I can take it!” She said with vigorous enthusiasm.

“Okay, but only if you say something for me, really quickly” you say.

“W-what is it?” She asks.

You walk towards her, and whisper what you want her to say on her sensitive ears, apparently your breath enough to send her into quick shivers before she realizes what you want her to say.

“I-I can't say that, that's kind of...well I just can't, please don't make me say it” she says with a fresh coat of red cheeks.

“Okay, okay you can still have cereal, I have a couple of brands to choose from so I'll let you pick” you assure bringing several cereal boxes, all of them with different brand names, and all different flavors.

“I have 'Honey nut Grizzly-o's', 'Werecat Flakes', 'Elf Crispies', and this one with the name scratched off after I dropped it” you demonstrate.

“Oh, oh! I want that one!” She cries out pointing at the last cereal.

“...I change my mind, you can have any of the others, except that one” you quickly decide.

“Why not!” She argues.

“Because I realize now it's just for kids, not for you, why did I even buy it in the first place?” You wonder.

“B-but I want to eat it” She continues.

“You can't eat it, it's for kids” you remind.

“Why can kids eat it, but not me?” She asks.

“Because you're not a kid you silly Wererabbit” you said.

“*Hmph*! Why bring it to me if you weren't gonna share?” She asks, she looks genuinely upset with you.

“Sorry, I didn't think I'd feel this way about something so stupid, but I do, and I can't just ignore my instincts like that” you apologize.

“...I ignored my instincts for you...” She whispers.

“What was that last part?” You ask.

“Nothin~g” she moans with selfish impatience.

“You can keep giving me an attitude all you want, I'm not giving you this cereal” you say.

“I'll get to it eventually, you'll lower you guard one day” she assures.

“Can't believe you're that determined for a specific cereal” you say.

“Just following my instincts like you said” she repeats with a mocking tone.

“Ha-ha, I see what you did there” you dryly respond giving her a bowl, and a jug of milk, and served her some 'Werecat Flakes' instead.

Despite the arguing over cereal once the two of you started eating like it never happened, chatting away at whatever stupid thing that came to mind. While you shared many similarities you were also surprised at how easily it was to accept each other's differences too. She pretty much told you that she doesn't mind you eating meat in front of her even though she was strictly vegetarian, and she even let you have first dibs on the bathroom during the mornings, what a pal.

“Well in that case, do you mind if I use the bathroom now, I need to take care of some important business” you ask.

“O-okay, well in that case I'll clean up for you” she volunteers.

“Wow, best friend ever!” You compliment.

She gives you the biggest open mouthed smile, and wide eyes ever, you see her whole body shake with pent up excitement. You chuckle at her amusing reaction, and head to the bathroom to perform the sacred ritual, 'The Triple S': shit, shower, and shave.

Once out of your sight, and earshot the Were-rabbit squealed, and hopped in place.

“Ohmygosh-ohmygosh-ohmygosh he just said I'm his best friend! We're practically married by now-a-and he's gonna be my first too-best day ever~!” she rapidly squeaked

When you return to the kitchen you see the Were-rabbit panicking, and shaking as she stares at...is that your sink on fire? You put out the fire with your emergency fire extinguisher, guess it wasn't such a waste of money after all, and turn towards the Were-rabbit with a guilty look on her face.

“Sorry...” she mutters.

You look at the mess, while the sink is now relatively black, but it's not un-cleanable, you'll take care of it eventually.

“*Sigh* Nothing that can't be cleaned up, just ask me next time you try to do something you have no idea about from now on” you mutter keeping your cool.

It doesn't help, she's still looking away from you, with a defeated look.

“...Come on, if I was mad at ya would I do this” you say, and give her a big hug.

She sighs at your touch, and rests her head on your chest, her arms around your waist, one of them only able to grasp at your side. You glance at your wall clock, and realize you're gonna be late for work. You gently push her away, though you had to struggle a bit until she eventually let's you go.

“Look, I'm sorry I have to be the bearer of bad news, but I really have to go work” you explain.

“Work? Why work when we can hang out” she says.

“I don't think you understand, I have a job, and it pays for our food, and this room, if I don't go to work then I can't buy us food, and we'll get kicked out, and if I'm late it'll be even worse” you explain.

“Sounds really important, can I come too?” She asks.

“I...don't think so, it's not a place to hang out, or have fun, there's responsibility, and paper pushing, and a lot of boring stuff, and they don't allow anyone other than workers there, in case friends, or family come, and disrupt the schedule” you explain further.

Her ears droop, and her smile is gone, but at least she's not crying.

“I see, I think I understand, it's important right? Well if it's important to you, then it's important to me, you should hurry if you don't want to be late” she says.

“I'm glad you understand, I'll be back later, and we can hang out a little, maybe bring some booze, and a movie, and just plop on the couch watching comedies all night” you suggest.

“Oh~ I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Hurry up okay!” She exclaims.

“Okay, okay don't worry” you chuckle.

You put on your work suit, and decided since you're in such a good mood that you will wear your favorite colored tie this time.

“Okay, I'll be back before you know it” you assure.

“Take care...I-uh...” she waves goodbye, but for reasons unsure she pauses.

“...Sorry I can't really wait, I really need to go” you say closing the door.

“I lov-*door slam*-...you...aw...okay! I have to be on my best behavior!” The Were-rabbit assures herself.

The room is quiet, but she wasn't gonna let that bother her.

“I don't know how long he'll take to come back, but I'm pretty sure he won't be long...He wouldn't just abandon me after all" the Were-rabbit assured herself

Two Minutes later

“Any minute now he'll show up, with snacks, and carrots, and we'll have such a blast!” The Wererabbit assures herself.

One Hour later

“Where is he! Why hasn't he come back already! W-what if something terrible happened! He needs his friend, but, but I don't know where he is, please don't be dead-*hic*-p-please don't be dead!” The Wererabbit cried out.

Meanwhile you were filing a bunch of papers into their alphabetically correct locations, zoning in, and out of consciousness out of sheer boredom, but the thought of having your manager catch you late on your work keeps you alert, and you keep going.

Two Hours later

(“~For the last time, get away from me freak!~”)

“Stop...stop it” the Wererabbit gasps.

(“~You're so frustrating all the damn time!~”)

She huddles herself on the corner of your living room hugging her furry hind legs tightly, she knows covering her ears are pointless since the voice is coming from inside her head. Stabbing at her soul with every harsh word.

“Help...please help me...” she mutters to the walls.

(“~You deserve to be miserable~”)

“That's not true...where are you? I need you, p-please, help me...” she quietly sobs.

Meanwhile you've just finished copying several spreadsheets, and printing them to present, or store, or whatever it is the higher ups do with it. Just in time to see your boss walk up to you right on schedule. You quickly hand her your work.

“Excellent, I trust everything is accurate?” The Anubis practically demands.

“Y-yes ma’am everything has been edited, and copied to your order” you say with rehearsed professionalism.

“Keep going, we need five more from different sources by the end of your shift. I trust you will have those complete on time?” The Anubis' asks.

“Of course” you reply.

She nods with a serious frown as usual, and returns to her regularly scheduled workload. Can't believe she wants five more with the time you have left, what a slave driver...okay that part isn't really an insult since she technically employed half her staff with Mummies, but still she's such a bitch...okay that part is also technically true as well. Why is it so hard to insult her? You shrug it off, and go back to work, you don't want to be late with her demands, and disrupt her schedule, you remember the last guy that did that. Poor bastard was walking funny for a week after the Anubis took him to her private board meeting.

Several Hours later

“He left me...he played with my heart...he wanted me to suffer too...” the Wererabbit mutters

Her eyes now dull, and gone of all life, and light; replaced with a dim empty stare as her body moved on it's own, as if already deciding for itself on what needs to be done.

“I...deserve to be miserable...” she continues.

It took her a while, but she was finally able to work a curtain into a makeshift rope just perfect for what she was about to do.

“I know it didn't last very long, but thank you for giving me one more day of happiness...” she whispers to the rope as she begins to work on a specific type of knot.

At last you finally got off work, and you didn't end up in her private board meeting, man you're awesome. Going to the nearest liquor store you purchase some quick booze, and chips, as well as a couple of carrot cakes from a nearby bakery, and rush out of the shop ready for an awesome time with your buddy. As you do you pass, an antique shop, and something at the front window catches your eye causing you to stop, and look at it. The timing couldn't be any more perfect, so with whatever cash you had left you enter the shop.

Several minutes later, and you're finally at the front door of your apartment, carrying several goodies. It's hard to reach into your pocket, but you eventually fish out your keys, and try to put it into the keyhole, but it's so dark out that it takes you forever, but once again you prevail. You open the door, odd to see that it's so dark inside, so you flick the light switch on, and immediately drop everything you brought with you as you beheld the sight. Your Wererabbit friend, back facing you, standing on a chair with your curtain twisted into a long strand, around her neck with a knot you instantly recognize as a noose, and a second knot attaching itself on your ceiling lamp, and fan. You sprint faster than you had ever thought possible just as she kicked the chair. She was airborne for a millisecond, or so, but you caught her in the nick of time.

“What the hell are you thinking, snap out of it!” You practically roar.

You see her head shake, and she suddenly looks down, for an instant you see a dark, empty shell of a stare of what use to be the warmest smile ever, but upon realizing it was you it gradually returned, though it was more frown-y than before, and lip quivering, and more tears than usual.

“You came back~” she gasps.

“Take that out of your neck immediately!” You demand.

She makes a squeaking noise, and quickly removes the sheet around her neck. Once you see she is perfectly safe from hanging you carefully set her down on the couch. As she sits on the couch once again looking everywhere, but you, you pace back, and forth in front of her.

“I, don't even know where to start...” you mutter as you continue your pacing.

The Wererabbit was shaking like a leaf, afraid of what you might do to her at any moment.

“...Were you always, like this?” You start.

“I-it's not just me, many of my kind are like that...” she mutters an answer.

“But if that's true they wouldn't last very long” you retort.

“W-when a Wererabbit leaves her family in search of a hus-...friend she feels lonely yes, but at most we just feel a longing to be with someone. It's only when we do feel that bonding moment, and they abandon us do we feel...the way I did a moment ago, losing a friend is the worst feeling for me, I just can't take it” she mutters through her tears.

“So you'll just kill yourself over that!?” you reply more loudly than you wanted to.

“It hurts, all we can think about is the pain, we can't think straight, we just want the pain to go away, a-and sometimes just...ending it, is the fastest way...” she explains.

“That's still a little extreme, why would you do something like that just for losing a friend?” You ask.

“You don't understand! To us, to me, you're my friend, and that means you mean everything to me!” She cries out.

You are taken aback by such a declaration.

“I would do anything to keep our friendship alive, I want it to last forever, that is all I want in life. I could live in the stinky sewers, and go without food for days at a time, but if my best friend was beside me I'll still be the happiest bunny in the world” she declares.

Well that shut you up, you really can't help, but be touched by such a strong devotion to something almost everyone takes for granted.

“A-and you feel this way about me? Even after just getting to know me yesterday?” You ask.

“Yes! I know it feels like a really short time to you, but to me it feels like a lifetime, we live a pretty fast-paced life you know. So I want to make every moment count, and I want every moment to be with, you” she concludes.

You sigh again, without saying another word you motion for her to stay put as you get the things you dropped just outside your door. You put the snacks, and beer on the table, but you keep one particular item in your hand, and turn towards her.

“I, was gonna give this to you after a couple of days as a sort of one month anniversary present, but hearing you say all of that. Well I thought it would be more appropriate just give this to you now, and save us any future tension” you say giving her a small box.

She gave a soft gasp, and gently grasped at the navy-blue case.

“Go ahead open it, if you had any doubts about how I feel about you, then hopefully with this I can make them go away” you invite.

She hesitantly opens the small case, and gave a much louder gasp at the contents inside.

Two gold pendants in the shape of a half broken heart with a thin silver chain on a loop attached to the pendants. Simple jewelry even to you, but to the Were-rabbit they might as well been the greatest thing since air.

“Here you take this, and I'll keep this one you say giving her the pendant.

“W-what are these symbols scratched in the front?” She asks.

“They're letters, left to right it's B. F. F.s” you explain.

“Oh~ what does that mean?” She asks.

“It means-hang on a second” you say going to a nearby couch pillow, and covering your ears with it. “Okay, it mean...uh~ 'Best Friends Forever'” you answer, for some reason blushing.

The shrill squeal of delight pierced your ears even through your pillow, and vibrated the windows. She glomped you then, and there, it took all your strength no not fall over backwards. Instead though she pulls you closer to her, and the two of you fall on the couch.

“Yes, yes! Of course I'll be your best friend forever! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cries out.

Now you've hugged her before, but this is the first time you've felt this close to her. Her stomach is so smooth, and her furry chest feels so soft, and warm, her head lifts off your chest, and she stares at you with glimmering eyes, a warm smile, and rose colored cheeks.

“I-I'm sorry, I just can't control myself anymore!” she gasps.

Before you can ask what she's talking about she quickly moves her head towards you, and plants her lips on yours. You're caught a little off guard, but you don't push her off, instead you try to return her passion with your own. Eventually she finds, and opening, and quickly slips her tongue inside. You quickly realize how inexperienced she really is, her tongue is just going all over the place. You gently push her away,

“Maybe, I should take the lead” you suggest.

“P-please do” she invites with a lewd smile.

You stand up, and extend your hand to her, she just wraps her arms around it, you could hear her panting, her bare chest rubbing against you...wait, bare? You glance at her chest, and sure enough her fur covering what her frill half suspender thing didn't was gone, and you saw her naked breasts, and pink nipples. You would question how that happened, but a certain tightness in your pants is starting to tighten more, and more. You practically carry her to your bedroom, and the two of you throw each other on your bed with you on top.

“I-It's my first so could you be gentle?” She whispers.

Her hands clasped together close to her mouth pushing her breasts together, her hind legs just slightly spread, she looked so innocent, adorable, beautiful, and with a tinge of sexiness that's more like a feeling in your heart than anything. You cup her right breast, a little on the small side, but the perfect fit for your hand, you feel her nipple poking at your center palm as you gently massaged it. She tries to stifle her gasps, and moans by biting at her thumb nail, her hands clenching the mattress as she rides the pleasure. She said to be gentle, but you can't help feeling a bit naughty as you remember what she told you about her ears, and with your empty hand you slowly stroke at her side, cup her cheek for a second. Her eyes locked onto yours as she practically reads your thoughts.

“Yes, please” she gasps.

You reach her left ear, and begin rubbing, and stroking, her body instantly jerks upwards, and she moans loudly, her right hind leg thumping at the air.

“I-*pant*-can't take much more-*pant*-please be my first now!” She begs.

You can't take your clothes off fast enough, though seven seconds is a new record for you. If your dick was any harder it can cut diamonds you muse to yourself as you align your wang-dang-doodle onto her wet hole...(note to self; think of better names for sexual organs.)

You glide your member through all the soft fur which tickled, and brushed your dick until found her entrance, already soaking wet. You slowly pressed the tip of your dick, and slowly enter inside her. She instantly clamps down her already tight pussy onto your dick, but you press on, eventually hitting her hymen. She gave another loud gasp as her body suddenly flinched, you stop yourself momentarily.

“D-do you want me to-” you begin.

“I-I'm okay, keep going, keep touching me” she breathes.

You do so, rubbing, all her sensitive spots to try to wash over the pain with pleasure, it seemed to have worked because suddenly her panting returned, and her moans of satisfaction were clearly audible. Now moving in deeper you finally put your entire manhood inside her, poking her womb, giving her another wave of pleasure, and suddenly you felt something else. As she suddenly cried out, the sensation coming too fast, and too strong for her tell you as she went through her first sex induced orgasm, your dick now being coated in her hot, sticky juices. You don't let her rest though as you slowly retract your man-meat, though it's a struggle as her pussy not only clamps you tightly inside her, but at the same time sucking you in deeper as if never wanting to be without you ever again. You don't let up though as you finally pull back enough only to push yourself in, now the real sex begins. You push in, and out of her, her right hand gripping your right wrist keeping your hand firmly on her breasts while her other hand clutched at the bed-sheets. Her eyes watery with tears, but with such a content smile on her face, she never kept her eyes off you, as you take her in nice, and slow...for about ten seconds.

“Now fuck me hard, and fast! Fuck me until my brain stops thinking!” She cries out.

“W-what happened to slow, and gentle?” You ask.

“We live a fast pace remember? Now screw my tight pussy with your cock, and fill my insides with your naughty stuff!” She begs.

Man did that set you off. You look at her with the determination of a thousand horny incubi, and slam your cock hard into her pussy. She shouts a gargle cry of ecstasy as you begin fucking her as she desired. Your bed shakes, and squeaks every so often as you rock her body like a jackhammer set on eleven. Her face gives off a goofy face of sexual pleasure, her tongue hanging out, her hips moving on their own to your rhythm. You squeeze her breasts, and tug at her tits, you grip her ears, and pull at them, making her cum two more times before you felt yourself nearing your limit.

“Fu~ck me~, can't think straight~, I'm your fuck buddy~, fuck me, fuck me like an animal~” the Were-rabbit gasps.

“I-I'm about to cum-gonna-what!” you breathe, but as you attempt to pull out to give her tits a coating of your sperm she suddenly lifts her legs, and crosses them between your back trapping you inside her. You attempt to pull away, but they held strong despite several exhausting orgasms, and keep you in place forcing you deeper inside.

“Inside~, I want your little friends inside, make me pregnant~!” She wheezes.

At this point you don't have a choice, you can't fight the feeling boiling inside you for long, and you accept your fate. With a loud cry you release the floodgates, sending a torrent of cum straight into her womb. The feeling alone sends her into another orgasm, and the two of you ride out quite possibly the longest climax the two of you felt. It must have been a while for you since you've filled her womb to the limit, and yet keep going, to the point that the excess seeped out of her pussy, and stained the mattress.

“So much~, so thick, and hot~, I know I'm knocked up now~, I hope I have lots of little friends with you after this~” she gasps

At long last the orgasm resides, and you crash on top of her, for a second you thought she would want another round with you, but instead she simply wraps you in a tight embrace, and snuggles her head onto your chest with a satisfied grin with your dick still inside her sperm filled pussy.

“Best...Friend...Forever...” she whispers before succumbing to exhaustion, and falling asleep.

“Yeah, yeah, best friend forever” you whisper to her as you also succumb to the ordeal, and fall asleep as well.

Years Later

You continue working at the same place you've always been employed, but with a little more benefits. Having been the only one to never have to deal with your boss, and her personal board meetings she gives to those tardy, or late on their work she finally acknowledged your talents, and gave you that long deserved promotion. Good timing too since the new place you got last year was quite pricey, but more suited for a family. You get your work done as quickly as possible in you own office, and quickly take out your cellphone. Looking at your messages you see several from your friend/wife, and respond quickly knowing how she could get when you don't respond for long periods of time...usually about an hour, or so. Though thanks to the little ones the two of you produced she's less prone to sudden fits of lonely depression.

As soon as you finish replying to her, your office door opens revealing your Anubis' boss.

“Have you finished today's work for the day?” She asks, not demands as she use to.

“As usual I have it all done right on time by the looks of it. I even got a head start on the files for next week's assignment” you explain.

“D-don't get ahead of schedule it'll-just keep up the good work” she says.

“Got it, I'll be careful, and thanks” you reply.

“...A-are you sure you won't take the job as my secretary? It pays double what I pay you now. A-and I think you're best suited for the job considering how well you've been doing.” she asks, with a hint of a blush you don't take notice of.

“It's tempting, but the longer hours might upset my wife, and I got a family to spend time with, but thank you for the offer” you politely decline.

She has a brief look of defeat before she shakes her head, and quickly turns away from you.

“She's so lucky...” she mutters under her breath.

“W-what was that? I couldn't quite catch that” you say.

“N-nothing, just be on time tomorrow, that's all” she says before closing the door, and leaving you to yourself again.

Now late afternoon the sun just starting to set you finish your shift like a pro, and return to your home. The trip is a little longer, but seeing your two story house with a green front lawn, and sapling tree, it's more than worth the extra time it takes to get here. You turn the knob, and open the door, and before you could declare your entrance you are instantly jumped on by your three little bunnies.

“Pappa's back!” Cheered the oldest of the triplets by several seconds. She had your hair color, but cut short, and messy.

“Daddy's home!” Declared the second oldest. She also had your hair color, but her hair was longer, with sky-blue bands keeping her hair in neat pigtails.

“Mommy, mommy! Dad's here!” Squeaked the youngest. She resembled your wife the most, even to her hair color, and how she styled it. All three of them had the bodies of a seven, or six year old despite being born even less than that. You suppose they also grow up in a fast pace as well.

Just as you were about to get up, you were instantly jumped on by your b.f.f, and sent to the floor again.

“Welcome home darling~” she squealed as she snuggled your chest, your children all cuddling up your arms, and your youngest clinging to your leg.

You pretty much had to go through this every time you got home from work, but the feeling of being so well loved was worth it.

“Hey, hey what did I say about jumping on me like that when you're expecting in a few months?” You keep asking her every time she did this, but she always responded with a sheepish grin, and blushing face.

She eventually got off you, but your little ones are too comfy laying on your limbs to move so you simply stand up, being careful of your youngest still on your leg, and carry them as you walk inside. Your wife returns to the couch sitting down, massaging her growing tummy, she told you that she's expecting quadruplets, but you simply shrug it off as a joke, there's just no way right? In any case this new life of yours is pretty sweet. Though you're a little nervous about the future, especially when you realize your daughters will begin school in a few weeks, and the thought of one of them going through what your wife went through troubles you to no end. Now though, at the very least if something does happen you assured them, that they'll always have a friend in you no matter what.

You really hope they don't take that the wrong way.
My Bro The Alp Part 1: Alp
Spoiler: show
They were friends since Elementary, during Middle School they were best friends, when High School ended the two of them declared to always have each others back no matter what. The two of them were closer than brothers, they were bros, plain, and simple. Harper was there when Mike broke his leg, and carried him two miles to the hospital without stopping. Mike there when Harper got a parking ticket, and paid to get his car out of the import no questions asked. When Mike's girlfriend of two years suddenly broke up with him Harper was there to cheer him up after that crushing blow to his heart.

And Mike was there when Harper confessed to his parents about his homosexually during his time in college; they still refused to talk to him, but Mike refused to leave his side, and reminded him they were bros, and bros stick together. Shortly afterward the two of them decided to pay for a two bedroom apartment, and just crash there. Both members agreed to each others rules, and allowed to bring over the occasional girl, or boy over for some fun, so long as neither of them two weren't too loud.

Then everything changed when they came across her.

Mike and Harper never really had too many experiences with mamono, but one drinking binge ago the two of them came across a very pretty looking young girl in a portable steel, and plastic stand carrying a variety of items. She carried a small grin, a leaf between brown, furry little animal ears on her equally brown hair, and a thick, furry tail with vertical stripes of two shades of dark, and light brown. She stopped them from their singing of a botched, and drunk version of their favorite song, and offered to sell them whatever she had on stock. Once they got over how awesomely fuzzy her tail was they decided to accept her offer, I believe it was Harper that said.

“Come on, what could possibly go wrong!” He stated

They browsed through her merchandise looking at things bubbling, sparkling, shiny, and pink, a lot of pink, and seeing the weirdest of fruits.

“H-heh, I bet you could shove that whole fruit up your ass!” Mike joke.

“Ha! I'll take that as a compliment, fuck you very much!” Harper jokingly responds back.

Some more browsing, but nothing really caught Mike's eye, sure there were some potions for penis enlargement, but you felt you didn't need that. After all Harper already told jim it was fine the way it was that one time in band camp, and he wouldn't lie to him. Mike turn to his bro who was holding a large flask containing a strange liquid inside.

“He has a sharp eye, it's the latest straight out the demon realm, and selling out fast! If you feel insecure about your abilities as a man, than one drink from this, and you'll be a confident sex mastering incubi” the furry little cutie said.

“Girl, I'm gonna be honest all I heard is sharp, man, and sex...I'll take it!” Harper declared slamming a random amount money onto the table.

Mike totally didn't care in the least, for at that moment he was too busy puking on a nearby trash can.

“Hm~ wow, that's actually the exact amount for that...take it, pleasure doing business with you. Now be sure to only drink a gulp every once in a while, you have to let the process run slow, and smoothly, but you should be an incubi in about three da-” the girl was instructing.

“Chug-chug-chug-chug-chug!” Mike shouted repeatedly as he realized after his vomiting that his bro was downing the flask like a goddamn boss!

“W-what are you doing! Stop that!” The girl cries out.

In a matter of seconds the flask was empty, and Harper had a triumphant smug on his face.

“Ha! I had water stronger than this crap!” He slurred.

“I-I'm outta here! I'm not going to jail, I was never here, you never met me!” The girl exclaimed packing all her stuff up, and running out of the area.

“Once again, all time champion drinker of the-” Mike began when the loud thud of his bro falling on the grass cuts him off.

Then suddenly he starts groaning, writhing on the ground in obvious pain, even in his drunk stupor Mike can tell something is obviously wrong.

“Dude-dude! Are you alright, come on man don't freak me out like this” Mike begins to panic.

“My body, it's burning!” Harper cried out.

Oh, crap, oh crap, he's seriously in trouble, time to instant sober up!

“Hang on bro I got ya, I can get ya to the hospital faster than an ambulance!” Mike assure carrying him piggyback style, and sprinting towards the nearest hospital.

Mike ran at the speed of cheetahs...on speed, as he nears the hospital in less than five minutes.

“We're almost there, how are ya holding up?” Mike asked.

“Shit bro...this stuff seriously spicy, my head's throbbing, my back feels like it's being torn apart, and my tailbone is acting up” Harper explains.

“We still have tailbones? Why do we even have those, we don't have tails anymore” Mike tried to joke.

“Ha-ha, yeah I don't get it either, but mine is seriously feeling funny now” Harper wheezes.

“You're not hurting anymore?” Mike asked.

“Just my raging headache, and aching back, and I'm still burning up” he explains.

“Don't suppose you can just walk it off?” Mike asked.

“Trust me, if I could, I would, but I'm gonna be a pussy just this once, and ask for some hospital time” he mutters as he loses consciousness.

“Bro? Bro!” Mike called out, but he doesn't respond, although hearing his soft breathing telling him Harper is still alive is a small sign of relief to him as he double his efforts to get some help.

Once inside the emergency room he cries out to the receptionist to help his bro out on the double. She stares at Mike for a moment in disbelief before telling him to wait, and sign some things.

Wait? This is his bro, he can't wait when he's obviously in trouble! Mike begins telling her off, explaining the sheer seriousness of the situation. She tells him some pointless story about a man having the same manic expression with the same cry for instant help, but he could care less at the moment.

“I don't care about some guy, and a rabbit, and I don't care about that guy with the bleeding skull, he'll be fine, but my bro won't be if you guys don't do something now!” He cries out.

The receptionist has clearly had quite a day, but regardless she calls for a stretcher, and moments later a doctor with stretcher on hand is by the door waiting for him. Mike waste no time, and puts his bro in that sucker, and they spirit him away to get the help he needs.

He stays in that hospital waiting room filling out the paperwork, luckily he knew Harper just as well as the back of his hand. After all is said, and done he decided to just sleep in the waiting room, it's not so bad really, but he could do without the glaring eyes of the bleeding head man next to him.

Mike woke up with a start as he felt someone shake his shoulder, a man wearing mostly white, he presumed is the doctor motions for him to stand up, and he leads him towards the patient's room. Inside he looks for his bro in the several beds with patients in them, but...

“I don't see him doc, where is he?” Mike asks.

He points to the bed on the right corner center of the room.

“It...happened overnight, his body went through a severe physical, and biological change in such a rapid amount of time I'm surprised he survived the whole ordeal. However he is alive, and seems to be recovering” He explained.

Mike is quite shocked to say the least, the doctor's voice felt distant as he tried to grasp what he was saying...he said this was your bro right? The person in question sleeping peacefully on the bed was everything his bro wasn't. Sandy yellow hair cut very short, dark purple horns curved inward sticking out of Harper's head. His ears stretched several centimeters, and pointy at the end. His skin appeared creamy white, and just by looking at it, it looked as if it had softened, and molded to a more...you have to admit, feminine look. He pulled at the blanket to get a better look, but as he got closer he felt a small tinge of something...he couldn't see it, but he definitely felt it, an invisible aura causing him to suddenly grow slightly aroused, but nothing really different from checking out a pretty girl, which is something he'd rather not feel when looking at his bro. He shook off the feeling, and gripped at the covers ready to pull them.

“I think you'd rather not-” the doctor said, but he ignored him, and tugged.

He'd seen his bro naked before, nothing he ain't got after all, but this was the first time he looked at his bro, and gave a slight blush. His? Torso was much thinner including his arms, hands, and even his waist was thinner giving off a skinny hourglass figure. You only glanced at the chest before the doctor covered Harper up again, but you were certain he didn't have pink nipples, and despite being a little small, they were still round, and perky just like a...

“It's a little rude to pull the covers of a naked woman, but considering how confused you are I'll turn the other cheek” he said.

“This is some sort of mistake...” Mike mutter.

“No mistake, look at that clipboard on the end of his bed, you know his name right?” The doctor asked.

Mike grabs the clipboard, and sure enough Harper's name is on the paper, this was him, but he was still a little skeptical.

“What if I still don't believe you?” Mike ask.

“Ah, well I'll address you to our expert on these type of cases, they've been popping up more recently the following days. Just wait here” He instructs.

Mike wait for several minutes occasionally stealing glances at his supposed bro. Out of sheer curiosity, and for no reason other than that he takes another peek at his bro's chest just to make sure what he saw was real, just in time to get caught by someone entering the room.

“My, my, aren't we curious? Would you like to take a peek at me too?” A seductive voice called out.

He felt his soul being tugged at it's heartstrings for an instant before turning to a woman with blue hair, curled horns sticking out, crimson eyes, leathery bat-like wings on her waist, and a tail with a heart shaped tip. Clearly a Succubus, but cosplaying as a nurse. You say cosplaying because there is no way in hell does this hospital let their female staff wear such a provocative looking uniform, but he'd be lying if you say you wouldn't want them all to.

“I-I'm waiting f-for the expert to help my friend” Mike stutter nervously as he covers his genitalia. Mike has seen enough pornos to know where this is going.

“You're looking at her. Now rela~x already, I'm already full for today, but if you want to offer, I can squeeze you in for a two-o-clock appointment two days from now.

“I'll respectfully decline, but I was told you can help me get un-confused” Mike said.

“Right, well if we're gonna do this, we need to make this a threesome, so I'll need to get your partner ready, luckily I always come prepared for some toys to liven things up a bit” She replies with a purr.

“...Are you gonna do those sexual innuendos all day?” He ask.

“All my physical therapy patients love it, just sit back, and let me do all the work” she purred.

“But I'm standing...” Mike mutter.

She ignores him completely, and turns to his bro.

“Hm~ yes I heard about this one, rough, fast, and came too early, I know a few amateurs that felt the same way, but that's a completely different story. Now then let's get her going again” the succubus declared.

“Don't you mean 'he'?” Mike ask.

“You're so innocent, that's really cute. That life of his is over, now he's going to explore a whole new world of pleasure” the succubus says.

Reaching for a tiny bottle between her breasts she opens it, gives a satisfied whiff of the white contents, opens your bro's mouth, and pours the contents inside. For a moment nothing happens, then your bro gives out a loud coughing noises, that sound more high pitched than usual before his eyes shudder, and open slowly revealing navy blue eyes, just another thing Mike knew Harper didn't have.

“Just a little man juice to give her the energy to wake up, she's gonna be relying on this from now on, hope you can provide” The succubus told him with a flirty wink.

“Bro, dude! You alright?” You ask ignoring the nurse cos-player.

His groan was also soft, and higher in pitch than a normal man's should be, he turned to you, eyes lidded, mouth slightly open, and a bit of white liquid seeping out from the left corner of those glossy lips causing Mike;s heart to skip a beat. That also shouldn't have happened, good thing he had such a good poker face, otherwise it may have been obvious what he just felt for a second.

“Bro it's you, I'm feeling-h-huh? My voice...did I inhale helium again?” Harper softly muttered.

“Aw~ such a cute little voice, I could just eat you up” the Succubus squealed.

“Y-you didn't inhale helium...you uh...it's kind of hard to explain” Mike said as his mind had just realized what it had tried so hard to refuse, that this blonde cutie of a girl is his bro of over a decade.

“Kind of feel, light as a feather, and-whoa!” Harper suddenly cried out making both Mike, and the succubus jump.

“W-what's wrong?” Mike quickly ask.

“I-uh...can I ask you something bro?” She asks.

“Anything” he replies.

“Do you know, where my penis is?” He asked.

The room was silent, Mike couldn't answer her, and she had that look of panic in her eyes making her look so helpless, so desperate, so adorable...there he goes again with the weird thoughts! They just pop up before he has time to think about it.

Suddenly a stifled giggle was heard, coming from the succubus, soon she stopped stifling herself, and just continued giggling loudly.

“Can you please take this seriously!” Mike cries out.

“*Giggle*-I-I'm sorry it's just-haha~I've never heard such a silly question before” she answered.

“What happened to me, a-and why do I taste sperm in my mouth?” Harper asked.

Again he couldn't answer, Mike slowly turn towards the succubus just now controlling herself with a disbelieving look on his face.

“You gave my bro cum! I thought that was medicine, or something, not jizz!” Mike exclaims.

“To her it might as well be the elixir of life, I guess this is the time to explain isn't it?” She said.

“Yes, please!” Mike practically beg, he is so confused, just a little bit of clarity will really help right about now.

“I wish you were this desperate for a little fun time with me, but oh well. Where to start...oh! Might as well tell you what you are, *ahem*, congratulations! You have underwent an extraordinary physical change in the fastest amount of time, not only breaking the world record for fastest transformation of a male into an Incubus, but also the world record for fastest transformation from an Incubus to an Alp, which is what you are now, an Alp” she explains with a cheery shout.

“Great, we'll sign some papers, take a picture and-what the hell is an Alp!” Mike asked quickly growing impatient.

“I'm getting to it, you can't rush these types of talks, like the talk of when a man loves a woman we have to be subtle, and gentle. Anyways, your body underwent a change affecting everything, but your memories, your personality is also with you, but you'll find it's a little more perverted than before, and it'll only grow over time regardless of what you do.” the Succubus continues.

“So he hasn't changed in the slightest” he replies with a deadpan tone.

“Hey I'm not that horny all the time!” Harper replies, her voice growing in volume, but still clearly feminine.

“Oh, it gets better, tell me, have you ever had your pussy pounded in the past?” She asked.

“No, just last night I was a guy” Harper reminds her.

“So, this is your first time having a vagina...which means, that your body has also regressed into a virginal state, so basically you're a virgin again” she drops the bombshell.

“W-what! T-there's no way...does that mean my ass...*ugh*-I-I can't even stick a finger down there now!” She exclaimed.

“That's another dollar you got to put in the 'sticking your finger in your ass in front of me' jar” Mike replies.

“Don't worry, as part of the succubus family you'll learn how to control your insides, being able to squeeze, or rub your partner's throbbing member, almost kneading it like dough to give him the ultimate pleasures. Your first time won't hurt too much since you'll be too overcome with pleasure to feel anything, but good.” she sighs.

“Great, anything else?” Harper asks clearly not enjoying any of this.

“Yes, this one is a bit serious though. Your body is very weak from such an ordeal, and thus require nourishment, while food, and drink may keep you alive, it won't keep you energized, that's where...” she begins taking a dainty finger, and stroking your bro's bottom lip where a small dribble of semen was still noticeable. “...This comes in” she says giving her sperm stained finger a long lick, and a brief sucking, moaning ever so softly. “If you want to be active, and running about you need male seed at least once a day. One male orgasm per day should be enough.

“What if I prefer the life of a lazy couch potato?” Harper asks.

“I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that, over long periods of sperm deprivation your newly born instincts will kick in causing you to grow more desperate for sperm. To the point of doing anything to taste spirit energy, you'll beg, you'll barter, and you'll...rape, if you don't sate your needs. More than likely you'll rape the closest thing to you at the time” she seriously explains while turning to you.

“W-what are you implying? That I'll rape my friend, my bro of ten plus years? Ain't gonna happen!” She angrily shouts.

“You'll have no say in it! You're body will move as if it had a mind of it's own, and violate the closest male if you don't sustain yourself, don't think a strong will can do anything for you, it merely delays the inevitable” the succubus concludes.

“...A-anything else?” Mike reluctantly ask.

“There is more, I'll give him a brief tutorial on his new life as a succubus, but we need you out of that bed, and standing!” She cheerfully

She pulls on the sheet covers exposing your bro's body for the entire world to see, and unfortunately you're part of that world as well. Already knowing how her chest, and stomach look, what you didn't notice where the thick leathery wings, and thick tail ending in a fat heart shaped tip, all matching her horns with a deep purple. Her feet were smaller, nails well manicured, her legs, knees, and thigh lacking any hair, or blemishes was very smooth, and looked as if they were just recently rubbed with lotion, as well as the rest of her body now that you've seen so much. A loud yelp was heard, and your bro quickly covers herself with his hands, one cupping her new vagina, and her other arm covering her breasts. It didn't help that she was looking at you with big wide eyes, and blushing cheeks, his member couldn't help, but twitch in response.

“I-I'll just b-be in the w-waiting room if you need me!” Mike loudly stutter quickly making his way out of the door with eyes shut, and cheeks blushing. He crashed head first into the wall next to the exit, but he could care less about his throbbing head, but rather the throbbing inside his pants.

“He's a keeper” she says once you're out of the room.

“S-shut up! It's not like that! We're just friends, that's all we've been, and that's all I'll ever see him as!” The Alp quickly states.

“Again, a strong will, only delays the inevitable” the succubus repeats.

The Alp gulps, as a sudden image of her bro staring at her new naked body rears into her thoughts, it was embarrassing, and shocking, but somewhere in the depths of her heart there was something else she felt about the whole thing...aroused.

“Now then, let's begin the lessons~” the Succubus sang.

Mike was in the bathroom splashing cold water on his face trying to pull himself together. For the most part it was working, but his perverted mind kept bringing that image of his naked Alp bro body into his thoughts.

"(Damn it!)" Mike thought angrily to himself.

His bro was confused, and feeling like crap, and here he was acting like a horny teenager! Well not anymore, Mike decided then and there he was gonna keep it together, his friendship depends on it, Harper was there for Mike so many times, and he did the same, this is just one of those times again. Harper was his bro, and he was always gonna have his back, even with this!
My Bro The Alp Part 2: Alp
Spoiler: show
So Mike finally lost that boner he totally didn't get from looking at his bro, and he really just remembered a hot porn video he saw a few nights ago...yeah, yeah if he kept telling himself that he'll believe it eventually.

“Uh, bro?” A voice rang out from the outside his thoughts.

“Just remembered a really hot porn video!” Mike shouted out a response.

The waiting room was silent, everyone staring directly at him.

“...Good for you? A-anyways they let me go, said I'm already back to normal...for the most part” his recently Alp-ized bro explained.

"(Okay, just like I promised, he's my bro, just a little different looking, just look up, and reply to him like usual.)" Mike look at his bro, and in one fell swoop felt all his mental barriers come crashing down one by one. The Alp in front of him wearing one fourth of a crimson short sleeve shirt with a red tie, in an upside down V style covering the top half of her breasts, and giving you some A-cup under-boob view causing Mike to stare a little longer than he should have. Going lower revealed a pair of dark green, V-neck short-shorts which he didn't even know they had such clothing. Her right leg was covered with a tight dark purple latex? Or maybe thigh high sock, he wasn't sure, while her other leg was bare, and still slightly glimmering all on it's own like well moisturized skin. To complete the look she wore tall red boots, and gloves both the color of her crimson shirt, and covered head to toe with golden pins of the female symbol, as if it wasn't obvious what gender she is upon first glance.

“Can you believe I actually created these clothes with magic, or whatever that nurse said it was? I wanted something more casual, but apparently this is the only thing I can make using my new powers. What do you think?” Harper asked sounding a tad nervous at that last part.

“I-I think it looks...uh, good, perfect for today's weather” Mike casually said.

“No witty remark, no joke? Are you alright bro?” She asks.

“I-I'm alright, yeah, let's get out of here” Mike mutters ignoring the stares.

Out of the hospital, the two walk silently out, with no real destination planned out, a late morning in an even later spring with the growing heat giving off the telltale signs of summer soon approaching.

“So...wanna grab a bite to eat?” Harper asks.

Her voice has definitely lost all it's weariness, and only had a tinge of feminine rasp that you can associate to certain tomboy types which actually fit his-her new look.

“I could go for a burger right now” he casually replied.

“Okay that's cool...” she replies back.

...What the hell is going on? This isn't a bro to bro talk, this is one of those times when both people just met on the internet, and instantly have nothing to talk about it even though they chatted numerous times on said dating sites!

“This is starting to feel a little weird...look if you have questions just come out, and say it. Remember who you're talking to? I may be a girl on the outside, but I'm still your bro on the inside” she assures.

She's right, underneath that lithe body was his pal feeling left out, and he could pretty much say whatever he wanted to him.

“Alright, you asked for it, let's start with something easy, are you alright now?” He starts things off.

“Honestly, I feel pretty damn good, besides this new body, it feels like last night never happened. Losing so much weight so fast, I can feel it bro, like I can jump over a flying plane, or skip across a lake!” She explains.

“And those wings of yours, aw man if you can fly that will be so crazy awesome!” Mike exclaims.

“I wish, I'm gonna need some time to flex these bad boys up, and some of...well you know, to give me the energy to stay up, but she said with a healthy diet, and exercise I'll be flying in two weeks! A month tops!” Harper excitedly proclaims.

“Alright, how long till you give me a lift to work on them?” Mike asked.

“Good question, I have no clue, but I'll hold you to that, mark my words” she replies.

“What about that tail of yours, is it any good?” He went on.

“This thing?” She says swishing, twirling, curling, and waving her tail. “Complete control, don't see any way to use it, but I think it might work like a third hand, I can pretty much do whatever hands can do with this thing minus the thumbs” she explains.

“Yeah, but how does it feel? Is it like a whole new muscle, or do you have to work your hips, or something?” His curiosity never sated.

“Hm~ it feels kind of weird, different maybe? New definitely, and it's a little of both, it's like a really long muscle, but I also gotta shake my hips a bit too for some tricks, and stuff, but only if I have to swish it really fast, like this-” she says as she gave her body a bit of a twirl, and swung her tail to her right without paying attention. This caused a large dent on the street light she just struck without realizing it.

“Aw crap!” She shouts.

“Cheese it!” Mike exclaims, the two running from the scene of the vandalism.

Five Hours as an Alp

It was getting pretty late, the sun was close to setting, and with full stomachs Mike decided to call it a day, and head for home.

“Didn't the nurse say something about you know...drinking uh, sperm to keep your energy up, or something?” Mike nervously asked.

“She gave me a second vial, called it a freebie, but by tomorrow I'm on my own...” she explained.

“You'll be fine, you're made of tough stuff” Mike assured.

“I, don't know...this body is so new to me, and there's so much of it I still don't understand. What if I screw things up royally?” Harper asks

“Come on don't be like that you're gonna get through this like any other pain in the ass” he replies.

“But I have no clue on what the hell to do! I-I mean I got the gist of it yeah, but there's so much I gotta change, my clothes, my eating habits. Dude my life has been flipped upside down, and it feels like I gotta start all over again!” She cried out

Harper seemed to have lost all her confidence, something that she worked so hard to build up doing everything she could to be great in her own way. Part of the reason why Mike respected his bro so much, whenever he gave up Harper was there with some pep-talk to keep him going, or help him with whatever he was dealing with. This however; he has never seen his bro this hopeless.

“Don't say that! If anyone can make it through this it's you! You're the one who can, and has done everything! You're not like the rest of them, whenever we talked to other people, and hear them talk about whatever random thing they'll do, who's the one that actually does it?” Mike asked.

Harper turns to you, on the verge of tears, and gave a curious look.

“Back in high school, when some idiots played truth, or dare, and one of them didn't step up because he couldn't find a snapping turtle, who's the one who came to school the next day with a snapping turtle clamped to his nose? You! Back in college who's the one that bungee jumped that bridge when everyone else punked out? That was you, and who was the one that pushed me over that bridge when it was my turn so that I wouldn't look like a coward in front of everyone, again you...kind of a dick move though, but I'm thankful anyways! Basically what I'm saying is, whenever you ever did anything the first time, you didn't shy away, or got scared even when it was forced on you. You took it head on like a champ, and came through no trouble at all! You're not gonna let something like this get you down, and I won't let you either!” Mike loudly assure.

Harper slowly, but surely grew a smile, and suddenly she started laughing, not the same haughty laughter that echoed loudly in even the smallest of spaces, but a cheerful, energetic giggle that rang like the most soothing of bells in Mike's ears. He make a mental note come up with better jokes just so he can hear that giggle again...b-because you know it's good to make your bro happy, that's all!

“T-thanks for that...I don't know what came over me there for a second. You're right, I might be over-exaggerating. Just gotta be myself, and everything will be gravy” she replies.

“Tomorrow you, and I are gonna hit the streets for our usual mating calls, I guess for you you'll have to do it a little more often, but I'm telling you other than that, nothing's gonna change” he assured.

“Yeah, yeah, you're right! So long as the two of us are just ourselves it'll be business as usual” she replies.

Unfortunately in all her excitement for a brief moment she lost focus on the road, and tripped over a thick crack on the sidewalk, she fell sprawled on the floor.

“Holy crap, you okay? You're not hurt?” Mike quickly asked.

“No, no, I'm fine, no damage” she replies.

“Here take my hand, I'll help you up” he offered.

She extends her hand, more precisely the back of her hand, and looks into your eyes, Mike recognized this gesture before. The kind of gesture high class women do when they want the gentleman to bow, and kiss their hand, Harper must have suddenly thought the same thing, and quickly changed her hand gestures to something he can grip.

“F-force of habit...” she shyly muttered.

He leaves it at that, not wanting to make a big deal of something like this especially after just cheering her up from her slump. He grabs her hand, and pulls, completely forgetting the sudden weight change his bro went through. The force not only lifted her up, but pulled her close to his chest, the two of them making full body contact. The thin shirt Mike was wearing, and the almost no shirt she was wearing caused him to feel much more of her than he felt comfortable with. He felt her body heat, the softness of her skin, and the small bumps that were her breasts pressed into his chest for just a moment, he looked down at his bro, who looked up at him, again only briefly before the two quickly move away from each other.

“Sorry!” They both apologize simultaneously.

“No I'm sorry, I forgot how light you were I wasn't taking that into account” Mike mutter.

“I...it's alright, let's just go home” Harper replies.

Luckily the walk to his apartment was short, so the awkward silence only lasted so long. Though it was a little earlier than when he usually goes to sleep the two of them decided an early rest would benefit the both of them. They waved goodnight to each other and Mike had never been more thankful for having a two bedroom apartment.

He jumped on his bed suddenly feeling exhausted mentally, and physically. Man today was a bust, it felt like one step forward two steps back. He was staring at his bro more often than he should have, and Harper may have noticed too. Then there was that sudden skin contact they shared just recently. It was all Mike was thinking about, her warmth, her breath, her soft tummy, and chest. The only step forward was getting Harper to get comfortable with his new womanly body.

For him, or for yourself?

Mike bolted himself upright at the sudden thought. He felt a wave of disgust rise from his very being at the accusation he suddenly came up with.

“(Damn, damn, damn!)” he thought angrily to himself.

It wasn't like that at all! Not at all, it was the only thing he could do at the time, no selfish reason whatsoever. He tried to go to sleep, but it wasn't easy, nor comfortable. At last when he did succumb to slumber his dreams were filled with images of blonde A-cup women, and the soft ringing of his bro's giggling.

Back in Harper's room, the Alp lays face up on her bed with a blush creeping up on her face as her mind drifted towards today's events. The way his eyes traveled all over her body, his reliability no matter what she went through, and his chest. Suddenly he looked much bigger than before, but that could be because of her new shorter, and skinnier body. She wondered how those arms of his would feel wrapped around her, touching her, stroking her hair, and rubbing at her-

She quickly stopped herself from thinking any further, sure she was already attracted to men even before the transformation, but she would never have such a feeling like this for her best friend, the thought never occurred to her until now. She could deal with everything else, but perhaps what really got her so upset was having to feel this way about her bro, and risk losing everything if she followed what her newly acquired instincts were whispering at her. Frankly the Alp didn't care what that Succubus warned her, a strong will, and a few quickies will be all she needs to wipe these bad thoughts away. Tomorrow she'll start her new plan with a cold shower.

One day as an Alp

“(Stop. Fucking. Everything. Up!)” Mike thought angrily to himself as he slammed his head repeatedly recollecting the montage of events.

Seeing his bro exit the shower while he was lost in his thoughts, and now even more lost seeing her sopping wet body, one leg outstretched as she was in the middle of leaving the bathtub, Mike was totally going to fix that lock on the bathroom door now. Was she always bare down there, or is it just after she transformed? Then there was breakfast, but he was certain that was mostly Harper's fault, the way she was eating that banana, and how quickly she was to apologize when once again his eyes were glued to the sight, her slow elongated licks, her soft breathing, her lingering stare. The ride on the bus with his bro to go the market; when it suddenly stopped, causing Mike to lean forward, thinking he might fall his left hand tried to grasp something to grip, but only ended up groping his bro's breasts.

Still despite all of that, and smaller incidents Mike kept to his word. For the most part for the rest of the day it did feel like nothing's changed. The two of them joked, chatted, played, even enjoyed the silent company with each other when things got rarely quiet, just like usual.

“(Quit. Trying. To seduce. Him!)” The Alp thought angrily to herself.

It's not like she had no control of her body, it's just that sometimes she really can't help it, and she was warned about this, even when a succubus is quite nourished, and full of spirit energy they still remain seductive, and tempting, she remember that much. The morning ended in a rough start, how she completely forgot the bathroom's lock was broken, and exposed herself to her bro, how she was teasing the banana with her mouth, which back then would have grossed her bro out, and gave her a laugh, but when he just kept staring, and blushing like that, she quickly realized it was making things more awkward. When Harper tripped once again on that same crack on the way to the bus stop, and landed face down, ass up right in front of him, even her new tail moved itself to the side so he can get a better look at her butt being squeezed by her short-shorts. Then there was that bus incident when he accidentally touched her breasts, sending her body into quite a shock of pleasure, her older body was never this sensitive before, but she kept a straight face, despite nearly losing it. The worst part was just how cool he was about it all, he didn't retract, or was repulsed, or canceled the whole thing, he stood beside her all the way through. Even assuring her to just be herself, and it'll all turn out for the better, and after that everything felt truly magical.

The rest of the day was such a wondrous experience. He was right, ignoring everything else that happened the two of them were still the closest of chums, finishing each other's sentences, picking out exactly what the two wanted to eat, playing catch, and some quick workout exercises in the park, and just enjoying each other's presence. Once it got dark it was time to hit the streets. Aw~ yeah they were gonna get laid tonight.

Two hours later

“Okay, that could have turned out better...” Mike mutter as he, and Harper enter their apartment with no woman, or man.

“This sucks, I can't believe how hard it is for a girl to snag a guy these days, it was so much easier being gay, at least I didn't have to compete with double d women all over the damn place!” Harper fumed.

“That makes me even more pathetic don't you think? I couldn't even get a single girl to look at me twice!” Mike exclaimed

“Sorry, I think we may have hung out a bit too closely, and everyone probably thought we were...uh, dating...” she shyly apologized.

“No need to apologize for everyone being stupid, we'll just have to come up with a better strategy next time. Still I don't really mind, but what about you, don't you need to uh...feed daily?” You ask.

“So what? I'll get a little less energetic than usual, nothing to worry about" she assure you.

One week as an Alp

Harper was laying on the couch looking as if she had a long day, despite having stayed on that couch all day with plenty of daylight left to burn. She looked so weak, and vulnerable like that, Mike had to do something, but he wasn't entirely sure what to do.

“H-hey you don't look so good, do you want something to eat?” He ask.

“I'm...already full bro, can't eat another bite, and-*yawn*-it's not working...” she weakly whispers.

Before he could say anymore a knock on the door interrupted the two of them. Mike looked to his bro, who merely nodded, and he went to the door. What came out was both a relief, and a curse.

“Hey there lover bro, how's the new pussy? Was she as tight as you'd expect?” The same Succubus nurse from the hospital asked.

“I told you it's not like that” Mike repeated.

“You mean-” she asked, but she quickly pushes him aside, and sees Harper panting, and exhausted.

“How could you leave her at this state!” She quickly demands.

“It wasn't my intention! We were trying, but no one was interested-” he tried to argue, but she wouldn't hear none of it, instead she grabbed at your wrists, and began dragging him to his bedroom, tried as he might he couldn't escape her grip, she must have had a large meal this morning to be so strong.

“If you'll excuse us we need to have an important talk about your condition, but don't worry I'll treat you next” she hints

The moment the two entered his bedroom she quickly shut the door, and locked it.

“Why are you here, how did you find us?” He quickly asked.

“You signed the papers, it was easy to track you, and as to why I'm here, think of this as...extra credit, I just love hearing from newly born Alp, Ropers, and such, and hearing their naughty first times. So you can imagine my disappointment when I find you, and her haven't done the deed yet." The Succubus explained

“I-I just-it's not like-” he begin.

“Sh~, don't talk, right now you two need my help, and I'll be more than happy to provide.” She says slowly lowering herself onto your pants.

“W-whoa-whoa, what are you-” again he was interrupted when he suddenly found himself smelling, and feeling her strong aura, and natural musk, it quickly left his mind into a haze, and words failed him.

“I bet you have a lot stocked up after a whole week, as tempting as it is to gobble you up, I think she needs it more than I do” she hints.

She can't possibly mean...

“W-wait, you're...giving her my...y-you can't, it's not...right” he weakly murmur, but his body was too intoxicated by the Succubus to give a proper fight.

She made quick work of taking off his pants, and underwear, her pink fingernails slowly, and gently scraping at your member, until she gingerly wrapped her hand at the base, giving the head a few teasing licks, making him hard in record time.

“Hm~ not bad, now let's milk us some medicine for your, what do you call her? Bro?” She purrs as she slowly starts rubbing at his base with her right hand, taking his tip in her mouth, and licking around it with her tongue, and using her left hand to grope, and squeeze at his balls. The stimulation, the hot, wet licks of her tongue, the lack of any attention down there lately, and the aroma around her was quickly becoming too much for him, and in a short few minutes he found himself nearing the edge. As quickly as she could she brought a slightly larger beaker from one of her pockets, and aimed it directly at his tip while pumping him faster, and faster. In an instant it was over, he gave a drawl groan of lust as he expelled all the semen that he had stored inside. The beaker quickly becoming full, and overflowing.

“My, so much so quickly, well I think I deserve a small treat, don't mind if I do-Ah~” she whispers as she takes your dick into her mouth, and quickly began sucking him off his excess cum. This time it felt different, not only did it feel like she was sucking him dry of his semen, but something else as well, but Mike couldn't quite grasp at what it was. All he know is that it was quickly tiring him out, and the moment she released him with an audible *pop* he quickly blacked out, falling straight to his bed, not waking up.

“Sorry for being so rough, but I don't want you to interfere, trust me when I say this is for the best, for both of you” she assures, leaving the room with beaker full.

She quickly makes her way to Harper.

“You poor, poor thing, I can only imagine how you feel, but I have the solution right here” she says presenting the beaker to your bro.

Her eyes quickly lit up, her mouth drooling with hunger, her body suddenly growing hot, and bothered to the point that she had to fight the urge to pleasure herself at the sight alone.

“W-where's my bro...” she weakly asks.

“Him? Oh, he decided to freshen up a bit, I suggest you do the same, because this one's gonna be a little different than the last one. Quantity wise for starters she hints.

“*Huff-huff*-please...I want it, I need it, my body feels so hot now” she pleads.

“Of course, it does, don't worry, I just need one more little ingredient” she replies.

The Succubus crouches near her, both their heads just a few inches away from each other. She takes the beaker, and drinks a quarter of it's contents, causing Harper to look on in utter horror. Before she could react though the Succubus quickly plants her lips on the Alp, and releases the sperm now coated with her saliva straight into her mouth. The moment the Alp made contact with semen her whole entire being surged with vigor, and she began tonguing the Succubus desperate for any more semen still in her mouth. The process repeated itself two more times, even after all the semen had been drunk the Alp still continued to make out furiously with the Succubus who was more than happy to play along. Several minutes of this, the Succubus broke contact with her, wiping her mouth clean with a handkerchief she carried with her, and smiled at the sight.

The Alp had finally begun exploring her new body for the first time since she attained it. Rubbing her breasts, stroking herself with relentless fervor, until finally she gave an audible scream of pleasure as her body rode through her first orgasm, her body convulsed, and shook before suddenly feeling something else happening to her. Her chest, and hips felt fairly tight inside her clothes, her ass soon felt like it was being squeezed. With the help of the nurse she quickly took off all her clothing, and was shocked to see herself slowly grow in all the right places. All of it feeling like one drawn out orgasm until finally it ended with her breasts growing two cup sizes, a moderate C-cup now, her hips, legs, and ass had a little more meat in them, and her waist looked a tad thinner giving off a more obvious hourglass figure. Her tail, even thinned out slightly, but her wings grew just ever so slightly, and felt more powerful.

“Beautiful, but you still have a long way to go, better do something about the soaked couch cushions if you don't want him to know~” she teased.

Her eyes widened, and quickly stood up, only to sway down onto the couch again.

“That was quite the sensation you just went through, don't expect to be up, and about so soon, just lay down, and think about everything you felt just now. I can promise you now, with a body like that you'll snag plenty of men to sate your needs. Now tata~” she briefly explained before seeing herself out the door.

The Alp sighed to herself, her body only slightly warm as she took a few deep breaths to recover. Soon she found herself back to her usual self, her body feeling much better than ever before. She looks at her new body, and quickly performs the only magical thing she could do, and reworked her clothing to better fit her new shape. It was...noticeable to say the least, With the increase size of her breast, and ass, despite wearing larger clothing they still felt just a tad tight, and one wardrobe malfunction, or strong breeze could send her shirt lifting upwards to reveal herself to the world. Deciding this wasn't enough she recalled her bro having a large coat she could wear to better cover herself, and so she entered his room to retrieve it. Inside she see's her bro eyes shut, and laying on his bed asleep. He never looked so handsome, and helpless before...

Thoughts buzz through her head as to what to do, mostly all of them involve some deviant act, but she shook them all away, except for one nagging idea that just wouldn't let up. She eventually gave up, and followed that one idea, getting a better look at him to make sure he's alright wouldn't hurt anyone after all. Now face to face she could see every aspect of his face clearly, though not the most handsome man she had met he was far from being the worst, and he looked so cute asleep like that. Suddenly she felt herself move closer, her face mere inches from his, and before she could do a thing about it, she lightly kissed him, on the lips with her own.

A wave of guilt, and dread flooded her mind overpowering her previous lust filled thoughts. Harper quickly reeled back, disappointed with herself over losing control so quickly after working so hard to keep herself from doing so. She quickly found the coat she was looking for, and ran off the room before he could wake up.

Moments before

Mike was laying on his bed, body exhausted, and feeling sleepy. He didn't know how long he was out, but he remember what that she-devil did to him, and what she was gonna do to his bro. He thought about stopping the whole ordeal, but a quick glance at his clock told him he's been out of it for some time. The deed may have already been done. He laid there defeated, and hoped to whatever was listening that the Succubus didn't say a word about where the contents came from.

Suddenly his front door opened, and he quickly shut his eyes, in an attempt to look as if he had fallen asleep. He took one careful, tiny peek, and found it was his bro...looking a tad different, but with the lights off it was hard to make out just how different she seemed. He shut your eyes again, not wanting to be interrogated in case the nurse did in fact reveal the source. He waited for her to leave, but instead he felt Harper crawling onto his bed, and felt er breathing down his face. Was this an act? Was he trying to wake him up, or pull a prank of some kind. Then he felt it, a pair of lips connecting with his for just a second before they quickly retracted. His mind goes numb at the sudden thought that just popped into his head.

"(Did my bro just...try to molest me?)"
My Bro The Alp Finale: Alp
Spoiler: show
Mike stared at the ceiling, eyes wide open, even if it was late into the night, or early in the morning he doubts he would get any sleep. He tried to argue with himself, that there's is no chance in hell that what Harper did to him was sexual assault. Perhaps he was worried seeing him like that, tripped, and fell in an awkward way. Maybe he was seeing if he had a fever, but her hands slipped on the mattress.

Or maybe he should sleep with one eye open from now on.

“(Shut up!)” Mike thought angrily at himself.

There were still plenty more reasons, and much more he didn't understand about Succubi, or other of the mythical beauties, he never really payed much attention to their habits, but it's not his fault they're so visually distracting! So in all senses of the word he was not at fault, and since Harper was gay, and human at the time he didn't bother researching either so it's not like any of them could really be ready for whatever she does as an Alp now

...He can't keep the charade up, he knew what he was really doing, he know what he must do. Mike must confront Harper about this, and distracting himself, and making excuses is no different than running away. Still, he don't want to lose his best, and only real friend, sure he had a few pals here, and there, but no one can ever top, or replace his bro, Alp, or otherwise. He also needed to discuss what that Succubus did to him, and he hoped she kept her big, talented mouth shut since he didn't know how to break it to her yet. but he must have answers, right now though his body could do with a shower.

Living Room

An Alp was slumped on the couch burying her head with her hands, she thought she couldn't feel any worse than at that moment her lips parted from her bro's, but once it truly dawn on her the gravity of the situation she couldn't fight away her sorrow. How could it have come to this? Once she was a strong, resilient man, who never shirked from a challenge, never let anything get to her, nor shed a tear at even the darkest at times even at the thought of never speaking to her parents again. Now here she was, stronger, and better than ever, but sobbing, and crying like a baby at even the mere thought that her bro might find out what she just did.

“I-it's all this stupid body's f-fault, I hate this body! I hate it! I-I hate myself...” the Alp sobbed

Now though it's obvious she needs to confess to this, it'll only be that much worse if he finds out eventually. When he opens that door she'll come right out, and say it, and apologize, and beg for forgiveness, maybe if their friendship isn't entirely destroyed after that, they could at least still share the apartment room, and not speak to each other, or look at each other the same way, or hang out, but not angry at her.


Mike stayed in the shower longer than he normally would, the hot water massaging his sore body, and a second quick cold shower snapping him back to his senses. Not paying attention to what he decide to wear so long as it covered the essentials he took a deep breath, opened the door, and walked inside. Mike saw his bro just briefly slumped on the couch before instantly perking up at sound of him opening the door.

“Wazzup! Feeling better now?” Mike called out with a wide grin.

He can't do it...

Harper quickly stands up, turning her face away from him and heading towards the kitchen.

“H-hell yeah! I'm feeling pump!” She cries out with new vigor.

She didn't want to lose him...

“So think you can actually snag a guy now, and feed yourself?” Mike jokingly asked.

“Wanna bet on it!” She replies

“That's what I like to hear! Let's forget about all those other times we screwed up royally, and get ourselves laid! I'll drink to that, but uh, quick question? What's with my coat?” He asked.

You heard something drop, a plate, or something, but nothing sounding like it broke.

“I-I just thought I'd plan ahead, since it's so cold out” she stammers an answer.

“...It's July” was his only response.

“That's why I'm planning ahead!” She quickly defended.

“...Okay? Well now that you're in the kitchen how about a sandwich” he asked.

“Very funny” the Alp replied dryly.

It took every ounce of will to not laugh, but he managed to keep it to a stifled chuckle, and moments later out comes his bro with two sandwiches.

“Thanks bro” he thanked.

“No problem, I may look different, but at least I remember just how you like 'em” she replies.

And indeed it was exactly how he always enjoyed it. Harper crashed on the couch next to you, eating her meal.

“Shoot! Forgot the mayo” she mutters leaving for a brief moment, then returning with a used jar of mayonnaise

“So, uh, did that nurse...uh say anything important, or weird when she was treating you?” Mike asked.

“N-no, just scolded me, and fed me a large dosage of...male spirit. I, just need to try harder-ugh! This jar is impossible!” She explained, and complained as she attempted to open the mayo jar.

“Oh, well I've been thinking...maybe we've been hanging out too much-” Mike began.

“What!” She cries out, the shock caused her to forcibly open the jar too roughly, and spilled some of it's contents on her face.

“W-whoa watch it! I meant while we were out at the bars, and clubs! We can't have the reputation we have now, or no one will take us if they think we're together...like 'that'” Mike quickly explained.

“Oh-right! Right! That's what it was-y-yeah! You might have point! O-okay sure! We'll split next time we go out!” She cried out.

He looked at her confused, not by what she said, but how she reacted, so suddenly nervous, and still looking a bit shaken up. She takes a finger, and moves it alongside one of her cheeks, cleaning a portion of the mayo staining her pretty face. She stares at her white stained finger, before opening her mouth, her tongue sticking out slightly, and slowly brought her finger into her mouth, keeping it in there for a moment before pulling it out slowly with an audible *pop*.

“You're doing it again” he reminded.

“Just savoring the taste” she bashfully admits.

“Well in any rate, we'll go to 'that' bar next...” Mike mutters.

“You mean the only one we keep away from because your ex always hangs out there?” Harper confirmed

“*Sigh* yeah, that's the only place where we might find people who don't know us...” he muttered.

The Alp scowls, and turns away from her bro so he wouldn't see her face at that moment. She always hated that woman, truthfully she hated anyone that hurt her bro in any way, and after all this time she still can't forgive her. Still if this is the only way to sate the urge, and not have another slip-up like last time she'll have to go, and hope her bro's ex comes down with some incurable disease.

The day quickly came, and went to make way for night. Mike, and Harper dressed in their best, well Mike was at least, Harper still had Mike's coat on. Despite being a little far, they decided to walk there as well, considering they're gonna need twice the dosage of alcohol to forget the times Mike spent with his ex on that same bar. Harper kept giving him worried glances every once in a while, and the two spent the rest of the walk trying to distract themselves talking until the two of them arrived.

“Great...okay so we'll split, and cover one side of the bar, halfway through the night if nothing happens, we switch sides” Mike explained.

“Sounds like a plan-*gro~wl*” she said before suddenly interrupted by her own body.

“...Was that your stomach?” Mike asked.

“Oh come on! I just had something to eat a few hours ago!” She grumbled.

“Well it was just a sandwich” he replied.

“It's not that kind of hunger...” she confesses.

“Let's go in now” he simply replied.

Once inside it was business as usual, well for the most part, while drinking by himself he couldn't help, but steal glances at his bro, who was getting attention sure, but you're certain none of those guys knew how to make her happy.

'You'd be a perfect match then.'

“Where the hell's my drink!” Mike quickly called out.

Mike turned back to Harper, and saw her getting cozy with a guy, only to get shot down again, he about ready to call the whole thing off when the cruel hands of fate come knocking at his door.

“Oh my, is that you?” A familiar dreaded voice from his past spoke.

Mike flinched, but didn't turned around until after he chugged his drink down. He sees his bro looking at him, before turning to the sound of the voice asking for him, and sure enough it was his ex accompanied by a very edgy man.

“Oh, hello, it's been a while...” he muttered while keeping his lips on the glass despite there being no alcohol left to drink.

“Ah so he is of the light you once lurked with long ago” the edgy man dressed in black said.

“(Oh god he's one of those guys”) Mike thought to himself.

“It's been so long how's it been, don't tell me your still looking for that special someone?” the she-devil asked.

“I'm not interested in that, thank you for the concern” he muttered as he waited for the next drink.

“Has he fallen to the temptation of alcohol?” Edgy Mcedgerson wondered.

“*Gasp* Don't tell me you've been alone for so long you became an alcoholic!” She over-dramatized.

“I'm not an alcoholic, and secondly-” he began.

“And secondly he's not alone!” He heard Harper suddenly cry out.

She quickly makes her way through crowd, and next to Mike staring down his ex-girlfriend with distasteful eyes, and sour frown.

“And who is she?” His ex asked quickly showing disinterest in his bro.

“You don't need my name, just know that I'm getting sick of hearing your cum hole move it's lips making the most disgusting noises” she comments.

“What's up with you! I can't see a bigger slut than the person I'm standing in front of!” His ex retaliates.

“Well someone sure has their bitch settings turned up to eleven tonight! It's okay to feel jealous sweetie, I understand, it must be tough having a growing muffin top to deal with” Harper is quick on the comeback.

“Like you could talk! Wearing that jacket on you, afraid someone's gonna notice all the pudgy you hide all over you?” The ex strikes back.

At this Harper giggled, that beautiful sounding giggle of hers before slowly, teasingly began unbuttoning her coat.

“Oh honey your gonna wish you hadn't made me want to do this” she declared before she instantly threw your coat off herself revealing her glorious splendor.

Perky bouncing breasts much larger than he remembered them being the first time and ready to burst out of her clothing, waist even narrower, and yet her hips, and legs became much more shapely, her ass hugging her short shorts so tightly it was as if the clothing didn't exist to begin with, and to top it all off was the strands of sweat she has procured carrying the hot, and heavy coat all day on the blazing sun of summer, making her glow with a radiance that truly felt out of this world. She motions her hands all over her body teasing the quickly growing crowd, before having them sprawled all over her face giving off a pleading look that was begging to be fucked before she gave her finale. She outstretched her wings, and tails so quickly, so forcibly it caused all the sweat on her body to jump out of her skin causing the area around her to sparkle. Finally with her display complete she folded her wings, and crossed her arms to bring more attention to her perky full breasts, and leaning forward slightly to do the same with her ass. Soon all eyes were on her, despite the many already accustom to the monster girl race they still haven't seen anyone quite like her before.

“Like what you see, I can tell your boyfriend does so very much” the Alp spoke with a teasing purr.

The ex turns to her current boyfriend who went googly eyes for Harper before coughing loudly.

“R-regardless of my reaction, I am quite unfazed, there is much that I...have...seen” the overly dark dressed man commented, but slowly started to fall for her.

“Oh, that's, that's so mean, and I worked so hard to satisfy you too” the Alp gasped, her eyes quickly watering.

“N-no that's not it, you're radiant, and-” the man of suppose deep composure stuttered.

“Excuse me!” Your ex exclaimed.

“Oh man, you should really keep your boyfriend in check, I think he's about ready to cheat on you right here, and now” Mike remarked.

“It's not his fault, it's a normal reaction upon seeing me” Harper comments.

“So when did you get the new body, and why didn't you say anything?” Mike asked.

“I-I was a bit embarrassed by it to be honest, I just thought it'll feel a little weird for you to see so much of me like this...” Harper replied losing all her confidence, and seduction upon speaking to you.

“I told you whatever happens to you is cool by me, you don't need to hide anything...” Mike assured, but he couldn't assure himself as his mind instantly takes you back to that moment in his bedroom when she kissed him.

She looks at you with a pained expression on her face, before quickly wiping it away, and turning back to your ex, and her current.

“W-well after all is said, and done, are you going to be using him, because I don't mind if he feeds me for the night, he'll be...okay” she teased after recovering.

“*Hmph!* A-as if he would ever-hey! Come back here! What are you doing!” She cried out seeing her man being whisked away by Harper, his eyes drowsy, his body like gelatin, and his mouth open.

“D-did I look like that when that nurse got to me...?” Mike muttered to himself unaware of his ex storming out of the building.

Moments later

“Ah~ that's the spirit~” the Alp gasps as the familiar taste of man jelly travels down her throat.

It was relatively quick, a quick two handed hand-job, and some slutty facial expressions were usually enough to bring any of her mates to orgasm even before she was an Alp.

“Let's go again, I can feel it in your balls, you still have more to give me~” she purred.

The man in black (not MiB) could only answer in deep pleasurable gasps as the Alp began to stroke him yet again.

“(hm~ now I know something is off...)” Harper thought to herself.

She recalled the several times she had drank spirit energy, sure they were in a sense tasty as well as energy revitalizing, yet she can't help, but notice the difference in taste which was so obvious to her now.

“(The spirit energy my nurse gave me...at our apartment, it was so good, so delicious, so right compared to this. This might as well be tap water compared to that elixir she gave me)” Harper thought.

She felt the man's member twitch in response to her stroking, he was definitely close, but needed a little push. She released her left hand, and gave it a long seductive lick lubricating it with her hot saliva, the man looks on, already drooling, and smiling, gripping whatever he could to keep himself steady. Then the Alp placed her moist hand on his balls, and began massaging them bringing the man into orgasm rather quickly. The white substance staining her beautiful face, she gave his member a few gentle strokes to catch, and drink whatever was left. With a job well done she gently placed him on the toilet seat in a sitting position, and went over to the sink to wash her face, and hands, gotta think about that hygiene after all. She knew it wouldn't matter since she was now immune to most illnesses, but old habits die hard.

She returned to the bar, but pleasuring that man left her in a state of arousal, she wanted to feel good too, but at the moment he was unable to raise himself up for another go, she could already feel her womanhood beginning to itch with want, and her cheeks were obviously red. Before she could look for someone else she was quickly pulled away by her bro clearly drunk.

“Hey~ so how're you feeling?” He ask in a drunken slur.

“Aw bro, no fair did you forget, we can't get drunk before the other, we were suppose to be hammered together all the time” Harper scolded him, but not upset.

“Aw~ man I'm sorry, I-I just needed a drink to distract myself from my ex coming, but I was stupid, I didn't need it after all, you were there, you came, and conquered. I don't need to drink, or anything so long as your with me!” He declared in his drunk state.

The Alp's heart skipped a beat, her hands clasped together, eyes watery, and mouth smiling wide.

“Man I broke a bro rule, I suck as your bro” he muttered.

Suddenly something snapped her back to reality, 'bro' suddenly that word that she was so accustomed to hearing, so glad to hear from him...it suddenly sounded like the most annoying, and depressing word in her life. So it's like that...then again that was the plan right? Nothing will change for the better...unless, she takes a chance?

“No...I'm, I'm the worst, I need to tell you something, I need you to instant sober up right now” she grumbled.

She pulls herself away from you, and goes towards a nearby ice-bucket, and before he can react she dunks the bucket's chilling contents on him. Mike gasps, and sputters, jumping back to the point of nearly crashing towards a nearby table, the bar stopped for a moment, and once again turned it's attention towards the two of them. Again before he could respond she grabs his arm, and pulls him away out of the bar, and into the lonely streets back home.

“W-what's g-gotten into you! G-goddamn I'm freezing t-to death h-here!” Mike cried out shivering.

“I am so sorry...” she whispers.

“Y-you should be, it's natural to feel bad a-after you soak your bro like that!” He exclaimed.

Mike noticed her visibly flinch upon hearing the word 'bro', but he was too cold, and too wet to care at this moment.

“No! No that's not it, but it's connected to it...” she finally speaks in a clear voice.

He doesn't respond, rather he endures his condition, and waits patiently for whatever it is she wanted him to hear.

“I am so sorry, for making your life an emotional hell...I know you usually hide it with your warm smile, and confident assurance, but I know I'm making you struggle with your sense of being. It's a feeling I'm recently been noticing, and it's growing stronger, and stronger, you're always trying to hide it, but I can feel it” she begins.

He doesn't know what to say, but even if he did he could tell she isn't done yet.

“I am so sorry for...for...*sniff*-” she begins, but suddenly lost control, and began bawling, crying the hardest you've ever heard her cry before.

Mike was certain he knew where this is going, he was so caught up with how he felt about the whole ordeal he'd never taken into account how she had felt. Mike embrace her soaking wet, the sudden cold jolted her, but the contact she felt from him kept her in his arms, even embracing in return, still sobbing loudly, crying into his already wet clothes.

“I know...” he muttered.

Mike heard her gasp, her face leaving his shoulder, and staring back at him with a shocked look on her face.

“I...I was awake, when you did that. I was just pretending to be asleep...” he confesses.

She pulls away from him, looking at her boots, her tears returning anew.

“No, no, no I-I-” she stuttered.

“I forgive you” he declared.

She gasps yet again finally looking back at him.

“Knowing you feel this bad about the whole thing, that's apology enough in my books, besides it was just a tap on the lips...no biggie right?” He figured.

“No, no, no it's a huge biggie you idiot! B-because to me what felt worst about the whole thing was how one sided it was. I was only thinking about myself-I wanted to do so much more! I'm so ashamed...” she confessed.

“I still forgive you...whatever you went through, you fought back against it, and even though you may have slipped up, I won't let that get between us, what we have now, and besides you're not the only one who has something to hide...” he muttered.

“W-what do you mean?” She asked.

“Well, since you came clean to me, I feel like I should confess something too, about that night” he began.

She nods her head, ready to take whatever you have to tell her, though he was certain no matter how prepared she was, she wouldn't be prepared to hear what he'd have to say.

“See, when that nurse came to our house, and pulled me towards my room, we-she I mean, well...she um...” he muttered as his cheeks grew red, and his body temperature rising.

“Yes, yes out with it” the Alp impatiently demands.

“She gave me a-a blowjob, and when I came she put my, sperm into a glass container, or something she had hiding between her breasts, and I think...I think she got you to drink it...” he finally revealed.

Her eyes widen briefly, she gently places a finger between her lips as she recalls that moment when she fed her.

“Good...” she whispered.

“What was that?” He asked.

“It was good...delicious even. Only after I fed off that other man-” she began.

“Which I don't want to hear about...ever” he interrupted.

“R-right, well it was after that when I realized, the difference in taste...maybe it wasn't taste, but I definitely wanted the latter, I-I just didn't know it came from you” she says.

“I really don't know how to feel about that” Mike replied, feeling more awkward than he had before.

“I-I'm sorry I was rambling, I, let's just go home, before you catch a cold” she quickly states

“Right, but really it's okay...I mean I'd rather take that compliment from you, than some creep from the street” he assured.

“Please, that's just the hormones talking” she scoffs.

“Well now that you've gotten the hang of things, it'll be back to normal in no time right bro?” He asked feeling the sudden mood change to the way it's always been.

“Y-yeah, no sweat, told you I could handle it...bro...” she responds halfheartedly.

Finally back home, the two of them decide to hit the sack, Mike casually waved good-bye as he close his door. With his clothes still wet, and feeling a cold chill he decided a hot shower is the best course of action, and luckily for him, the only shower in the home is on his bedroom. How cool of his bro to let him have that room. The soothing warmth of the shower's water calms his nerves, and brings him back to a more relaxed state. Mike exits the shower with only his towel, and finds he's not alone. His bro stands right in front of him just a few feet from the bathroom door, also wearing nothing, but her soft pink towel hugging half her chest, and reaching just inches below her pelvis. She stares at him with a distant gaze, her head tilted just slightly to the side, she looked as if she was in some sort of trance.

“Do you think I'm pretty?” She suddenly spoke.

He couldn't handle it...

“B-bro what are you doing, where you standing there the whole time!?” He cried out from shock.

“I hate that word...'bro', it hurts me you know...I don't want to be that anymore. I'll ask you again, do you think I'm pretty?” She repeats.

He had so many questions, but his mind was overcome with surprise from the whole thing, he didn't know where to start, and to add to it, he saw that she slowly began to disrobe the only thing keeping her covered. Her towel drops to the floor, and he could see everything, sure he'd seen her naked before, but he has never seen her naked with her newest body, her eyes locked onto his shining, pleading to be accepted, her gorgeous pink glossed lips frowning slightly, her chest...her chest grew again, maybe from her recent feeding, but now they were perfect D cups. Her pink nipples already hard, her waist still very thin, her hips wide, her ass perky, and large, her thighs, and legs all a perfect shape, everything was. Like her body was made to satisfy all his desires.

“I-if it helps your self esteem I think you're really, really pretty” he answered trying to make it sound like the old days, just one more chance, maybe she's just joking around, maybe she's just-

“Touch me” she asked.

His thoughts stop, then, and there...

“If you really mean that, then touch me...” she half pleaded, half demanded.

He was forced into a moral corner, if he didn't comply how would she take it? Would she be devastated? Hurt clearly, and she might never recovered, what the two of them have will be gone, but if he did as she asked, then what they had together would still be gone, but will something else come from it? Can he really do this? After all the history the two of them shared, would he really be able to take that plunge, and more importantly do you mean it? Can he really feel legitimate love for his bro like this?

“Please...I can't wait anymore, I-*sniff*-I need to know, please” she was now begging

Mike had no time to argue with himself this time, he had to act, he had to make a choice, his past, his memories, what he feels about her now is all that matters.

He takes a shaky hand, and reached out to her, reaching her shoulder when she suddenly grabbed his wrist, and re-directed straight towards her breast, or more precise where her heart is located. Mike can feel her heartbeat, steadily growing, hear her soft gasp when he finally touched, see her chest moving ever so slightly as her breathing grew heavy. Suddenly his very well being felt something familiar, and recent...yes feeling exactly how he felt when that nurse forced herself on his, this aura he can't see, but feel tingling his every senses, numbing his mind. He put two, and two together, the more turned on, and excited she was, the more she gave of these pheromones that caused him to respond in kind. He couldn't let it be like this, maybe he'll be tricked into a trance to put up with the temptress, but the Alp in front of him was special.

“W-wait! I-if we're going to do this, I don't need you to make my mind all fuzzy, I want to, I want to be wholly aware of what I'm doing” he muttered.

She stares at you, her sapphire eyes looking for something, but you're not quite sure, suddenly as it started she grew a smile, and nodded her head.

“O-okay, I can do that much, but I can't promise I can control it for very long, I'm still getting the hang of it” she said.

And just like that, the weight of the air suddenly lifted, and he could think clearly again, his gaze returns to her warm smile, his hand still on her heart which kept beating at a rapid rate, her cheeks still flushed red. While she may have lifted the hazy lust it appears as if she's still trapped in her own.

“Man the things I do for you sometimes” Mike remarked.

With that said he glides his hand lower until it's cupping her firm, yet somewhat squishy bosom, palm gently rubbing at her left breast as he moved his other hand towards her right breast, and began massaging her causing elicit stifle gasps of pleasure, and causing her smile to widen, body tingling with sweat, and mouth drooling on her right side. She looks as if she'll orgasm just from this.

“Wait, let's make this interesting, and less messy for the both of us at the very least” he said gently tugging her towards the shower.

“D-don't pull on my boobs like that so much, they're-a-ah~! Sensitive-ah, ah~” she gasped.

“You asked for it, and besides, I know you like it rough you told me so yourself” he mused.

Mike removes his own towel revealing his already erect member occasional poking at her hips, and thighs, each touch causing her to flinch, and gasp, and in a moments notice the two of them are in the shower. You turn the water on, the hot water instantly splashing both of you.

“Yes~ please, just one more thing” she asked.

“Sure anything” he whispered as he continued massaging where he left off.

“Kiss me...for real this time” she declares

Again he's hesitant.

“Come on, we're practical already on second base” she reminded you.

This was it, he closed his eyes, and slowly leaned forward taking the plunge that he never thought would happen. He felt a pair of of soft, wet lips touch his, He pulled back only slightly, but lean in to meet them again. This time he felt her arms wrap around his neck to keep their lips pressed together. He began to experiment with the sensation at first, gently moving his lips against hers until he felt himself wanting more, and pressed further, moving more rapidly. Mike moved his hands to her waist, and felt her tongue poking at his teeth, and granted her passage, meeting her tongue with his own. At this point he was no longer experimenting, but rather enjoying it, the love, the passion, the effort Harper was putting him through as her long slender leg suddenly wraps around his thigh, and her tail slithers around his waist. She pulls back on the kiss as they were running out of air.

“S-she...the nurse I mean was never too clear on how it would feel with you entering my...uh...pussy, so...sorry if I mess up-” she begins.

“Just do what comes natural...” Mike muttered going back for a kiss as she pressed her wet, slippery body to yours.

Harper shuffles a bit until she feels herself on the base of your crotch, and began slowly grinding her pussy on it, panting louder as she continues to rub off on him. Then a slight slip up caused the tip of his penis to enter her, causing her to cry out in surprise, and sudden lust. She felt so hot inside, hotter than the warm water splashing the two of you, and suddenly he could feel it, that same feeling that invokes deep lust, and desire.

“I-I'm going to move deeper” Mike gasped.

“Yes~ do it, I want it, I crave it~” Harper moaned.

He push yourself deeper, feeling her warm inside rubbing, and sucking him in deeper.

“Y-you're taking too long~!” She squealed obviously growing impatient.

She moved her hips back, and rammed, his cock pushing through her hymen, and bumping her womb almost simultaneously causing a high pitch squeal from the Alp. For a moment the two of them just held each other still deeply inside, her head resting on his shoulder, breathing deeply, her hands clutching feebly around his back. He can only guess that she may have overloaded herself with so many sensations at once, orgasm, pain, and adding to the fact that her new body was even more sensitive. Then he felt her hips moving back, and forth, in slow succession, and he followed easily keeping up with her pace. Her voice returned in loud grunts, and moans, perhaps to some it seemed like she was over-dramatizing, but he knew her too well to know that's not true. He picked up the pace by gripping her new firm, and round ass, and he was struck with her aura, or whatever her kind gave off, Mike felt it as if it was growing thicker. His body began to change to the sudden influx of sexual aura, as it suddenly felt hotter, and more responsive to touch, especially his member, it felt as if it was several times more sensitive, as if it already having gone through an orgasm, and kept going despite not having spilled his seed yet.

“H-how~, are you lasting so l-long? I-I'm gonna cum again-ah~!” She squealed as she tightened her grip.

He didn't let her rest, Mike kept pounding away even while she continues to orgasm, finding it hard to move when her insides tighten around his cock while doing so, but still manageable. This only increased his pleasure, and soon he found himself ready to burst in her as well.

“Oh~-oh~, I feel myself ready to cum again so soon~ you're amazing!” She cried out.

“I'm-not, that amazing, I-I feel myself ready to cum too!” He grunts while quickening his pace fucking her harder, and faster as he neared his orgasm.

“D-do it! Cum, feed me!” She shouted.

With one last push Mike came as deeply as he could, and shot his load deep in her womb, his loud cry muffled by the Alp's even louder scream.

"Yes, this is it, this the taste I was craving for. Thank you~" She declares

Mike slumped to the floor with the Alp laying down on top of him.

“S-so what now?” She suddenly asked.

He looked back at her, despite feeling so good, and being fed by his cum she still had a frown on her face, nervous, and anxious.

“Now...well it's just business as usual, I'm staying with you, like this. If you're upset about it, I'll stop the whole 'bro' thing, but can I say it just one more time just for old times sakes?” He asked.

She nods, but still keeps her frown.

“Well...okay, um~ *ahem*...I love you bro” He declare.

Her frown quickly grows into a gentle smile, and hugs him.

“I love you too bro” she says.

He hugged her back, and chuckle lightly at how her tail wags excitedly...until it strikes the rotating handle on the shower, and suddenly the two of them scrambled to get out of the shower as it suddenly splashes ice cold water on them.

“W-w-what did I s-say a-about that t-tail!” Mike shouted.

One month later...

Mike never grew tired of the skies, the cool air hitting his face, the feeling of freedom as he soared above all those traffic signals, and rules, and the feeling of Harper's bosom pressed firmly on his back is a nice bonus. Now miles away from all of that, and going where few have gone before, all for a single goal in mind.

“Quick, do another flip!” He shouts as his Alp carries him high above the sky.

“Not now, look down there! I see it!” Harper shouts pointing at a large tree on a heavily wooded area.

She lands with practice precision near the edge of the tree, the tree itself much like most of the foliage around this forest looked much more lively than normal trees should, and it definitely had more tentacles than a tree should as well.

“Are you sure it's this one?” Mike asked.

“I'm certain of it, the largest tree of the forest, and the one we've been looking for, the kodokara houjo” she muttered.

“The 'Treasured Child Tree'” he whispered.

“So, this is it...huh? Another dangerous leap we're taking” she says.

“Don't tell me you're getting cold feet about this are you?” Mike jokingly asked.

“It's just the jitters, that's all, still...are you sure you want to do this-I mean I want this, probably more than you do, but...we've only been together for about a month now...” she says.

“Wrong, we've been together since we were kids, if there's anyone I want to be a parent with, it's you” Mike replies.

“Thank you...thank you so much. Well, okay then...I guess I just step forward, and...let it do it's thing” she says.

“Yeah, you gotta coax it into secreting it's sticky sap, then drink as much of it as you can, or a certain amount, I'm not sure” he poorly explains.

“Well, okay, promise you'll stay here?” She asks.

“I'll keep watch, besides, I'd rather not walk on these woods, I may be a guy, but I can't help feeling some of these tentacle plants won't care” he assures.

“Like a plant will find you attractive” she jokes before taking a deep breath, and walking towards the tree.

It isn't easy seeing your wife having to pleasure someone, even if it's a tree, and seeing all those tentacles, while being gentle with her, still constantly grope, and fuck her in every hole is an eyesore to him, though he felt others will think differently. Still he promised to be by her side no matter what, so he'll support her in the best way that he can, and after several minutes of tentacle sex...

“Chug, chug, chug, chug!” Mike chants loudly as the sap suddenly erupted off the tips of the tentacles, and she began drinking as much of it as possible.

“*Gulp-gulp*-come on is that all you got to throw at me? I had more to slurp at my college gay orgy!” The Alp shouted.

Well that was something he didn't want to know...

“Are you finished?” Mike asked impatiently.

“Jealous?” Harper asked with a grin.

“Me, jealous? Come on bro” Mike answered.

“You're doing it again, that's one more dollar you gotta put in the 'bro' jar” she scolds.

Several more months later

The two of them stand in front of an old two story house, sandwiched between several similar in a small, quiet neighborhood stretching only several blocks.

“It's been years since you last talk to them you know, you don't have to do this” Mike assure.

“No, no I have to, they have a right to know” Harper stated, stroking her bulging stomach carry their soon to be child.

Mike knocks on the door, and he felt her wrap her her hands around your arm, and trembling slightly, it was a rather huge falling out. Seconds ticked away, and the door open revealing both a middle aged man, and woman, staring at him with disgust.

“What do you want?” the man snorted.

“Nice to see you too, but there's somethings you should really know...” Mike grumbled.

“I-it's been a while, mom...dad...” the Alp spoke.

Inside the dining room the tension was thick.

“...So, basically one thing led to another, and your son, became your daughter...” Mike starts things off.

“That doesn't tell me much” grunts her father.

“A-are you...carrying?” her mother suddenly asks.

“Y-yes, t-that's why I wanted to see you...t-to tell you that you two will be grandparents soon. I-I just wanted to let you know...” she mutters.

“Can we have a moment alone with her?” The father asks.

Mike wasn't sure, tension, and anger can quickly rise in these types of situations, and neither are good for the baby. He turn to Harper who nods slowly, and he give a brief sigh, and respected her wishes, she reluctantly let's go of his hand as he stood up.

“I-I'll be outside the front door if you need anything...” he assured as you leave the building.

Time passes slowly, the sun which was at one point at the top of your head had now descended to the horizon giving the sky an orange glow with a tint of dark blue. Already the streetlights were beginning to light up, and suddenly the door behind him opened, your Alp partner exits his former home without so much as a goodbye, her face very hard to read. Mike knew he really shouldn't, but they've come all this way, he had to know if something came out of all of this effort.

“S-so how did it go?” Mike asked.

“...We're still a little distant, it's gonna take some time for us to even talk normally...” Harper said.

“So after all that, they still find it hard to talk to you?” Mike asked, his anger simmering at this point.

“W-well, yes, and no, they told me they want to...try. I guess I do too...Like I said this is gonna take some time, and getting use to” she poorly explained.

“Anything else?” Mike asked.

“Y-yes, actually. Um~ they want to be there when our baby comes, s-so they gave me this number, and I want you to save it on your phone, please?” She pleaded.

“...*Sigh* yeah, yeah, of course maybe I was being a little hopeful, I mean it might have been weird if all of a sudden you guys just started group hugging” he remarked.

“Y-yeah, I'm just glad everything is sort of settled, now how about a reward for my hard working partner?” She lewdly asked.

“Sure, but can it wait after the game, we've been waiting for this for a long time you know” he answered.

“I'll meet you halfway, and do it mid-game, won't that feel good?” She asked licking her lips.

“C-come on, you really gotta stop trying so hard with me” he scoffed.

“Alright, alright I'll lay off, but you still gotta hook me up with something today, all this emotional drama has gotten me worn out” the Alp responds quickly changing her tone to something more casual.

“I can do that at least, come on, let's get out of here!” He exclaimed.

The Alp swoops in with a quick flap of her wings, and moves close to his side, tail wrapped around your waist. What awaited the two of them would push, and test their bond, but Mike couldn't possibly think of any one person he'd rather go through with this, than with his lover, his reason for being, and his bro.
Lilim My Life Part 1: Lilim
Spoiler: show
Things just can't seem to work for me, sent to jail for a crime I didn't commit. Of course when the real crook is a big-shot corporate prick, he just has to point at someone and flash a few hundreds to get off no trouble, I was just unlucky enough to work for that very same type of person. Even worse to catch him in the act as well, but that's besides the point one minute I'm waiting out my sentence and the next I'm spirited away in the middle of the night, blindfolded and sedated as they drag my body to who knows where.

I just woke up to my new holding cell, a white room single bed, and just slightly bigger than a bathroom stall for the handicapped; speaking of which, the there also a toilet here. No windows this time, but a small ventilation staff is feeding me filtered oxygen for me to breathe. What unnerved me though was the silence...it was so quiet, not a single peep could be heard. I must have been there for hours growing more and more nervous, it's so easy to believe yourself to be too strong willed to not grow insane under such solitary confinement; but actually experiencing it, and knowing you will be here possibly for life. Well it didn't take long for me to bang on my featureless door screaming, pleading for an explanation, for some sort of response, anything that can tell me I haven't been abandoned.

Shortly after I could faintly hear footsteps, heavy thudding of boots hitting the floor approaching me closer, and closer. I pull away at the door pushing my back against the far wall waiting, I haven't thought this far ahead, now I grew nervous as to what I've just awoken.

The door to my room opened and a man clad in military uniform came forth. He looked like he was dressed to go to war rather than just be security, holding an assault rifle and I can see a pistol in his holster.

“It's your turn Numbers” the man had a deep commanding voice, he was definitely a professional.

All I could think to do was to perform the usual I was forced to perform back in my time in prison. This seemed to have worked as I haven't been shot yet, rather he placed the cuffs on my wrist behind my back and he led me out of my room and into a long white, well lit hallway.

He was quiet the whole way through, I took a life or death chance hoping my curiosity wouldn't get me killed.

“Where am I?” I asked him.

“Undisclosed location” he simply answered.

“Government funded?” I risk another question.

“Classified” he answered again.

“What's gonna happen to me?” I asked.

He remained silent as he lead me further into the hallway. After some time walking and several turns I glance at another person further ahead staring at a door. A woman by the looks of it, her dark brown hair done in a neat bun. She wore a professional office dress colored a single navy blue with the hem reaching her thighs, black pantyhose, and black heeled shoes.

“This had better work” I heard her mumbled before she turned around to face use.

She was the shortest of us, the soldier being a foot taller than me while the woman was a head shorter than me, and with a petite body. Her narrow eyes looked at me and it was enough to tell me that I was expendable should I not fit her needs.

“Is he all we have left?” She asks the soldier.

“Yes ma’am though we could change that should the need arise” the soldier answered.

“Have someone on reserve if this doesn't end well” she answers.

“I'll notify the appropriate contacts” he replied.

“You, I won't bother remembering your name, or even cell number, but if you want to earn my respect and perhaps your freedom, you won't lose yourself” she states.

I'm speechless, so much yet so little was revealed to me: first I thought she was quite a cold bitch, and I could care less for earning her respect; however the talk of possible freedom enticed me, and yet her warning of not losing myself. What does she mean? I nod to her to tell her I understand though I still have no clue what's going on.

“If I could avoid this I would, but we need her to come out. Do whatever you see fit, that is if you don't lose control all together like all the rest” she explains.

“I-I don't understand. What is going on?” I ask.

“Nothing, you're a means to an end, should you succeed we advance, if you don't we'll find someone else” she explains.

My skin pales in how used I'm being, and how pointless my life means to these people, since they don't see me moving the soldier grabs me by my shoulder and collar as the woman opens the door and I am forced inside face first.

The floor was soft, and padded as well as the walls. I recall how they would stick the more crazier folks in cells like these to keep them from taking their own lives, this doesn't make me feel better. My gaze locks at my new cellmate, and I freeze in my tracks as this new woman was nothing I have ever seen.

Her hair was silver white, and flowing but full of split ends and very unkempt. Her sharp red eyes stared at me curiously, leering? It was impossible to tell what she thought of me at that moment. Her skin was a fair white, and perfect, no blemishes or birth marks from what I could tell. All they gave her to wear was a long white shirt stretching to her hips, oddly enough the nails on her hands and feet were painted a stunning red matching her eyes...did they really gave her permission to do that? However I couldn't just end it like that, even crouched in a corner away from me I noticed her perfectly round breasts, the biggest I've seen in a woman. And her wide hips and long slender legs were tempting me to just spread open and-wow I've been in prison a long time...

I just realized something off about the air, it feels humid, and hot. It didn't feel like it was coming from the floor or the wall and there was certainly no way the humidity can be made without some sort of noticeable source pushing steam around.

I hear some scuffling from across the room and I focus my attention back at the woman. Her posture changed, she was now kneeling in front of me, and the stood up and slowly walking towards me.

“I-shit, I don't want any trouble” I gasp.

She opens her mouth, but speaks in a strange alien tongue it sounded as cryptic as the most challenging of puzzles, and older than some of the ancient civilizations on Earth.

“I-I don't understand, please d-don't hurt me” I plead.

As she walks closer I can feel the heat and humidity in the air grow heavier, and I realize that it's coming from her. My body is suddenly surged with arousal for this woman, her long strides on her sexy legs made me erect with anticipation, her breasts ever so bouncing with each step kept my eyes locked to hers, and her gaze at me only made me want her even more. Is this what they meant by losing myself? I feel a strong urge to grope and violate her body to my heart's content, how I long to feel the touch of that woman on my groins, and to stain her silky white skin with my semen. I bet this is what they want from me. I won't give it to them though, if I'm going to die, I'm going to survive for as long as I can, I resist my urges and keep my distance as best as I can.

She spoke again with that same alien language, and her expression changed to that of annoyance, she brought her hand up towards me and extended her finger aim directly at my forehead. I pull away to the back wall once again unable to escape, I can merely close my eyes and wait for the end. I feel her finger and nail stroke at my head and suddenly I feel something in my head, a sort of quick throb as if something just forced it's way in my brain. I shudder at the sensation but the feeling quickly subsides and I open my eyes seeing her face just inches from mine. Once again she speaks but her voice isn't the only thing I hear...

“(Are you afraid of me?)” I hear a woman's voice speak in my head.

I gasp and look around the room, but it's just the two of us and I hear her talking once again, and again I hear a voice in my head.

“(Look at me when I talk to you)” the voice commands.

I pause and slowly turn my direction towards the silver haired woman who nods and speaks.

“(Yes I am speaking to you, are you afraid?)” She speaks.

I put two and two together and realize this woman is speaking through me telepathically.

“H-how are you doing this?” I ask her.

She looks puzzled at my words and soon I get a response.

“(Speak through your thoughts so I can understand)” she explains.

I nod and attempt to do so.

“How are you doing this?” I ask in my thoughts.

“Weak magic, so long as we touch we can understand our words, you are speaking in my tongue in my head” she explains.

Magic? Now magic is involved in all of this? Can things be any more complicated around here?

“Answer my question, are you afraid of me?” She repeats.

“W-why should I?” I ask nervous.

“All men given to me gave in to their pleasures right away and ravished me, they didn't last long after that but you hold yourself back? Why?” she asks.

“I didn't want to give them the satisfaction, I thought you were working for them, aren't you?” I asked.

“No! They trapped me here and keep me weak so I can't escape! I thought you were working for them” the woman replied.

“What do you mean by last long after that?” I ask.

She smiles this knowing, and evil little smile before answering.

“I sent them to heaven, let's just go with that” she answered.

“P-please don't kill me” I murmur.

“Kill? No, I won't do that” She answered.

“How do I know you're telling the truth?” I ask her.

“Well that's the fun part...you can't” she smiles an evil grin.

I get the feeling she likes to toy with her victims before finishing them off, though at this point I can't tell whether or not she aims for me to be her next target.

“I-I know kung-fu” I desperately try to sound threatening.

She releases her finger from your head and sighs loudly, she mutters something under her breathe but I only hear that strange language.

“W-what are you mumbling there?” I ask but of course she didn't understand.

She pressed her finger against my lips.

“(We're not getting anywhere at this rate)” I hear her thoughts.

“Weird question but are you normal?” I ask her.

“What do you mean?” She asks.

“I mean did you come from another world, o-or maybe there's something to that 'Hollow Earth' theory?” I ask.

“I live in the same world you do, but this doesn't feel like my world. Everything is different, I saw very little before they found me” she explained.

Suddenly the door opened, and your cellmate quickly retreats from me and backs herself into a corner glaring at the office lady accompanied by another soldier, different than the first one I met, but equally armed to the teeth.

“You, convict! Your presence is demanded” she declares.

The soldier approaches me and I proceed to turn around arms raised, standard protocol as dictated to me for quite a while. Shortly after the cuffs were on my wrists and I was led rather roughly outside the cell. I turn around briefly and see my cellmate stare at me, again her gaze was impossible to read, worried, uncaring? Regardless she was still gorgeous to look at.

I wasn't led even a yard away from where they took me before I was slammed against the wall and held there by the soldier.

“What did she say to you! What was that action she did with that finger?” The lady immediately began interrogating me.

I had a feeling they had cameras somewhere in that room, how much should I tell them. I glance at the guns the soldier could easily blow my brains out with, but as angry as she sounded I could still hear a hint of desperation in her voice, just how long where they doing this?

“I don't know! Honest!” I cried out.

“Bullshit!” The woman was growing angrier.

The soldier slammed me against the wall again and pressed his thick elbow against my throat, I immediately began chocking

“This was the first we heard her speak and do something other than just spread her legs to whatever we threw at her! You're in no position to lie to us!” She exclaims.

I gag but I couldn't even cough as he continued his choke-hold on me, as I see my vision blurring I decide to take another life or death gamble by opening my mouth.

“You, kill, me you'll never know” I gasp.

“Let him go...gently” she replies.

I suppose 'gently' is military term for pushing me to the ground like a football while I continue gasping for air. The woman grabs me by the top of my head and looks down on me.

“I don't think you understand your place here. You do what we tell you, and we won't make your life any worse than it already is. We'll be having this talk again tomorrow, you ought to be smart and co-operate with us or else” she warns me.

I can't reply, all I can do is stare at her, I could probably chance another smart-ass remark but I also didn't want to get beat up some more.

“Take him back to his cellmate, we'll keep observing for now.

I'm dragged and tossed back into the room still trying to collect my breath. The cell door closes and my cellmate walks over to me curious, but not concerned. She brings her finger on top of my head, and I hear her voice again in my head.

“You pushover” she teases.

Time is hard to tell here, it could have been a day, or it could have been just a few hours, regardless they keep me here for the remainder of my stay, escorting me out every so often to ask questions to which I keep playing dumb. The time spent with my cell-mate consisted of us simply talking...

“What's your name?” She asked me.

“I don't have a name anymore, I'm just a bunch of numbers to them” I replied.

“But you had a name growing up didn't you?” She asks me.

“Yeah, and I'm guessing you did to, so how about you tell me your name?” I ask.

“We keep doing this circle-jerking conversation” she notices.

“Fine, how about you call me Numbers for now” I reply.

“That's not really your name is it?” She replies.

“It's something though isn't it? How about you” I answer.

“Lilim” she answers.

“Is that really your name?” I ask her.

“No, but it's something right?” She replies teasingly.

She giggles at this and pulls her finger away from me as she speaks in her native tongue.

W-what? What is it?” I ask curious.

She brings her finger back to me, this time on my chest.

“I'm just thinking I'm glad they brought me someone different this time” Lilim answers.

Time is impossible to tell here, the same light shines all the way through, eventually we get use to it and sleep on the soft floor. I keep my distance from her, I don't trust her just yet, there's so much that she hasn't told me. Though to be honest there is little I told her about myself, it appears some trust issues are at play here and we have to deal with them.

“Wanna play a game?” I ask the moment I urge her to touch me so we can communicate again.

“Sounds interesting, I can't wait to see how you'll screw this one up” she smiles at her own remark.

“Very funny, it's simple though, let's stand up first” I begin.

I explain the rules of this trust exercise to her...

“So basically I just turn my back on you, fall down and expect you to catch me?” Lilim repeats.

“Yes, so are you ready?” I ask.

“I'm not doing that” Lilim answers.

“Do you have anything else we can do here?” I ask.

“There are some things I'm interested in” Lilim licks her lips.

I start feeling like a meat on display the way she's staring at me, I quickly keep the focus back on my exercise.

“Look, we're stuck here right? I mean fighting and eating each other won't do any good. So why don't we play nice? And the best way to do that is with trust” I explain.

“And how does this build trust?” She asks.

“Because I promise I will catch you, you have trust that I'm telling the truth” I explain.

“...Okay, I'll play your game” she agrees.

She turns her back to me as she releases her finger off of me.

“Okay on the count of three” I warn.

She turns around with an annoyed glance as I realize she can't understand me. I quickly recover from my embarrassment and glance at her hand. I hold it with my own to Lilim's surprise and I speak to her again.

“Whenever you're ready, I'll be there” I assure.

“D-don't rush me okay...” she mutters before she cuts off all communication with me.

Her back towards mine she tilts herself slightly back, but then forces herself upright again, she does this several more times.

I tap her shoulder to communicate.

“If you don't feel like you're ready we can wait” I reply.

“I-I can't believe you said something like that to someone like me!? Okay get ready!” She spoke loudly in my head.

I move away as she tilts herself backwards, and I get ready to catch her. She suddenly twists her body around mid fall thus facing me, but that doesn't stop me. I lower myself slightly and catch her as I promise, her chest pressed tightly against mine I realize just how thin our clothing is. She felt so soft and warm, her breasts like putty on my chest, it only made me grow hotter and even stranger than I had entering this room. Before I can embrace or even enjoy this feeling she pulls away with this big smile on her face. She grasps my hands with her own and I hear her speak like an excited little girl.

“That was so fun! I wanna do that again, this time I'll do it right!” She squeals with joy.

She quickly picks herself up, and stands facing away from me while I wait for her. She takes a deep breath extends her arms outwards and lets herself fall down where I immediately catch her. Even though she speaks in a strange language I can still tell when she's giggling. While I'm still holding her, she speaks in my head.

“This is, actually kind of fun. It's been a while since I've felt this way. Thank you” she spoke to me.

“I-uh, well I guess being stuck here like this could suck, but it's my turn now, are you ready?” I ask.

“Yes, let's do it! I'll hold you very closely” she speaks softly.

I feel my heart skip a beat hearing her talk like that, and soon that same strange feeling I thought dissipated came back in full force. I was very reluctant to let her go, in fact I was intent of touching as much of her as I could, but she slipped out of my grip grinning back at me waiting for me to get in position. My breathing is heavy and my face is red, I quickly turn around so she doesn't see me, but once again I hear her giggling and I get the feeling she already knows, perhaps even planned it. Regardless this was my idea and we have to establish a sense of trust so I extend my arms and lean back letting gravity take over. Half-way through my fall the door to our cell opens again and instead of landing in Lilim's embrace I fall on the floor. I spot Lilim crouched in her corner staring at me before I'm yanked by my collar and pulled away. I see Lilim's face show a brief sign of worry before I exit the room and they shut the door.

“We've been observing your activities with our subject for some time. Has she spilled anything new?” My captor, that office woman asks me.

I knew they were watching us, I don't even know why she bothered telling me, as if it was a big shocker.

“She's just trying to scare me...telling me how she'll eat me” I half-lie.

“Funny, she wasn't the type to wait around to devour someone, why are you different?” She asks.

“I'm just that type of guy” I refuse to tell her anything.

She looks to me, then to the soldier still holding me and nods her head at him. Just like that he drives his fist into my stomach. Pain shoots through my body like a ton of bricks and I feel I may vomit anytime soon but I keep it in.

“Let me make things clear for you smart-ass. She's dangerous, if she wanted to, she can make you into a mindless slave like she has for the other men before you. She's hiding something from us, but all our attempts to get her to talk have failed, I wonder now if we did the same things we've done to her to you, would you be just as resilient?” She wonders.

What could they mean by that? How long was Lilim in there, and just what did she go through? If they've done all this to me, I can only imagine what horrible deeds Lilim has been through before meeting me. I would feel sorry for her, but then there's that woman's warning, just what is Lilim capable of? And would she do the same to me.

“I see you've gone quiet so I guess you're actually capable of thought so here's something else to think about. If you help us get what we need from her, we'll set you free, your criminal records cleaned as well.

“W-what about Lilim?” I gasp.

“Oh~ is that her name? Guess my hunch was right, you do know more than you're letting on” she smiled.

I curse at myself for slipping that type of information.

“Your Lilim, well there's no reason to worry about her, once your done here you won't see her again. Put him back” the woman ordered.

My body was dragged back into the cell with Lilim. She kept to her corner until the cell closed before moving towards me. She noticed me clutching my stomach in a fetal position and moved my hands out of the way. She pulled my shirt and noticed the growing bruise on my stomach and gently places her palm on my bruise. Her hand stings for a second before I feel a soft warmth where pain once been. I glance at her palm and see it glow a faint green as she massages my injury, and once again I hear her speak in my thoughts.

“I'm so sorry...” she whispers as she soothes my wound.

I'm so confused now...I should be happy that I have a chance at a new life as a free man, to be rid of all this once and for all, but then I see Lilim, her eyes staring into mine, those beautiful orbs shining bright red and I remember that I may also never see myself in her eyes again and I start to wonder...do I really want that? Do I want to let her go?

After some time my bruise was still there but it had shrunk ever so slightly and wasn't as purple as it was before; though she still held me. She placed my head on her soft lap as she speaks to me again.

“This is all I can do with my limited power, I haven't had much to eat these days and I feel myself grow weaker” she explains.

“Why? Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask, after all I do owe her for helping me.

“It's strange...I feel weak but also a little happy when you're by my side like this, but do you really want to help?” Lilim asks.

“I-I could try” I reply.

“Even though I failed our trust game?” She asks.

“We can always play again” I reply.

She giggles and smiles brightly.

“Okay, but this time I want to play it a little differently” she answers.

“How so?” I ask.

“Simple really, if you truly trust me, if you really believe I will cause you no harm then be still, don't resist and do as I say” she explains.

This was quite a stretch to agree to, but the humid air, her gazing eyes, her soft voice, and her beautiful body makes it hard for me to resist her demands.

“Yes, I trust you” I murmur.

She looks me over, that strange aura she's been giving off is starting to get to me, my defenses lowered for her to do as she pleased but I gave my word, I just have to trust she'll do no harm.

Her face smiles mischievously as she brings her face closer to mine. I couldn't move, or perhaps my body refused to move as if I gave in to some sort of hypnotic trance just looking at her, and her glowing red eyes...wait glowing?

Before I can question it any further she plants her lips against mine, almost immediately I cave in and respond by kissing back. I could hear her voice whispering.

“Even though you don't know what I really am?” She asks me.

Her lips move softly against mine.

“I don't care, I just want you” I answer.

She presses herself closer to me after I answer her.

“What if I showed you what I really am?” She asks.

Before I could answer she parts her lips from mine and she looks at me with a sad look in her eyes. I don't care anymore, I just want to see her smile. My resistance towards her is all gone as I push myself against her and kiss her worries away. Her eyes go wide and slowly close as we continue to make love with out tongues...love, that's actually close to what I'm feeling for her right now. I feel something changing inside of me, as if her aura is not only accepting me, but embracing me slowly sinking into my body and settling inside.

“This feels so good, for some reason kissing you feels really, really good” she moans in my thoughts as we continue to make slopping noises, our hands traveling fast all over our bodies.

“Y-you know they're watching right?” I ask.

“I know. That actually turns me on a little more, maybe I hung out with the Amazons a little to often” Lilim.

“I don't know what you're talking about” I mutter.

“Sorry, got carried away there with my silly nostalgia” Lilim said.

“Can we just go to second base?” I ask.

“Now I don't know what you're talking about” Lilim replied.

“I'll just show you” I reply.

My arm feels heavy but I still have enough strength to move and lift Lilim's shirt exposing her large breasts to me.

“Oh~ that's what you meant, how selfish of me. I bet you wanted to see my body like this for so long, let me help you” Lilim's voice purred in my thoughts.

It felt so much more effective hearing her voice whisper in my thoughts compared to the ticklish sensation she could have given me speaking directly to my ear.

She lifted herself up only slightly as she grabbed my wrists and brought my hands resting on her bosom.

“Ah~ yes, your hands feel good too, your skin feels like silk! I-I don't even know why” she moans loudly as she rubs herself with my hands.

Her breasts were squishy, yet firm and very warm and soft, how could she possibly compare my skin to silk when hers felt even better. Her pink nipples harden against my touch and she only moans and pants louder and that same invisible aura, her aura envelop me further in larger doses.

“Are you still yourself!? *Pant* are you still with me?” Her voice urged me to answer.

“I'll always...always be with you” I reply back.

“You're such a little romantic” she replies with her radiant smile.

She pecks at my lips teasingly before kissing me deeply once again, her naked breasts pressing themselves firmly against my chest as I let my hands wander. They could be tied with heavy iron balls but I will still find the strength to move them if I could massage and rub Lilim. My thoughts grew more and more perverted and my hands respond in kind nestling quite comfortably on her ass. She gives a muffled squeak of pleasure and we continue making out but it was quickly becoming apparent that it wasn't enough and Lilim was quick to notice.

“You want what's under my panties don't you?” She asks.

I could only nod my head as my mind was growing fuzzy.

She slowly undid her plain white underwear, for some reason I feel like they are out of place. She should be wearing something more erotic or extravagant than simple clothes.

“Wait, before we do this...you have to promise me something” Lilim suddenly stopped.

“W-what is it?” I gasp.

“You have to promise you'll come back to me. Promise me you won't lose yourself” Lilim asked.

Is this the warning I've been giving, is this how I'm going to go? But I don't want to go...

“I promise, I won't go anywhere” I assure her.

She has this hope filled gleam in her eyes, she no longer looked like a predator, or a temptress, but rather a beautiful young woman meeting her soul mate.

“Then, if that's the case...if everything felt so good before, I'm really looking forward to the climax” she replies.
Lilim My Life Part 2: Lilim
Spoiler: show
If there was a time to be strong this would be it, but I fear my lack of experience due to my time in imprisonment has left me...sensitive.

We finish another bout of kissing with Lilim teasingly licking my lips before trailing her tongue lower, nipping at my neck as her moans increase both in frequency and volume.

“Mmm~ so tasty~mmm*lick-ah~*” she purrs in my thoughts as her licks and moans ring out-loud.

Watching from a hidden camera the secretary observes them as she stands beside her employer. With only a dim light on the ceiling his feautures where hidden in the shadows.

“It's not her time to feed, I'm sending in the guards-” the secretary was ready to speak into the walkie-talkie.

“No...let her continue” her boss stopped her.

“B-but sir-” she began.

“This is what we wanted is it not? Have faith in this new subject...” the man running things explained.

“And if he ends up like all the rest?” She asks.

“...He won't” he insists.

The secretary stays silent and watches the camera feed intently.

Lilim has lowered herself even further, her hot breath teasing my chest as she peppers it with kisses.

“I'm never been one for foreplay...but I must admit the faces you're making is really egging me on~” she whispers in my thoughts.

“I've been away from women for a-*a-ah~*-a long time” I gasp in my thoughts.

“Oh~ so you're backed up aren't you? You might have just enough I need to last me a while~” she realizes.

She lowers herself further, the tips of her fingernails slowly pulling my pants while the tips gingerly drag against my skin traveling down from my waist to my thighs.

“Don't worry, I'll give you the 'full' treatment~” she promises.

“...I-*gasp*-I trust you” I reply.

Her eyes widen briefly a look of utter surprise as if just realizing the promise they just made to each other before her smile returns.

Now exposed she gasps in pleasure seeing my erection in full.

“Oh~ so big, and full of spirit” she marvels.

Her fingers travel up and down teasing me to no end before she firmly grasps it, pre-cum already staining her fingers.

“Getting ready to cum already? I didn't think your predicament was so dire” she replies before taking my member into her mouth.

I gasp my loudest as she takes no time to start sucking me off. Her tongue swirling around my member and without warning I climax in her mouth. I can feel her swallowing and sucking away at me as I continue to climax. I grip at whatever I can, my body arcing upward as my mind grows numb.

“So~ delicious~ darling your amazing! How are you feeling?” She asks me.

“I-I'm still t-there” I stammer.

“You're still backed up, I can sense it, let's get it all~ out of your system shall we?” She insists.

I murmur my approval though I'm not sure whether I did so in my thoughts or not. To my surprise or rather lack thereof I was still erect, but my body felt limp. It didn't deter her in the slightest as she took to being on top, rubbing herself on my erect member. The sensation of heat and moisture was enough to tell when what she was doing without having to move my head.

“Oh~mmm~this was always my favorite part...oh~mmm~ you ready darling?” She whispers in my mind.

“Y-yeah~” I murmur back.

I finally feel her, her inside tight, wet, warm and massaging my dick as she starts to grind herself upon hitting the hilt.

“Mmm~ I feel so full~ darling? Look at me, keep your promise~” She gasps.

I couldn't move my head, I only saw the ceiling above me until Lilim leaned in close. Her look of worry on her pretty face even as we have sex had me feeling upset.

I wanted to make her feel better; mustering up what little strength I had left in me, I lifted my hand and rested it on her cheek, and give her a grin. She looked so happy, so sweet and beautiful, it only made her jumping up and down my cock even more pleasant.

She leans even further down, her bouncing breasts now planted firmly on my chest as her hands cup my cheek and she kisses me even more.

“You really are different than the others! I'm so glad! More! Fuck me more darling! Make me yours!” She screams in my thoughts.

That's when I felt it...the aura that had come from her, the very same aura that left the room humid and warm, that sent my body feeling uncomfortably hot and horny. Suddenly it surged inside me, like Red-Bull, Monster, and Rockstar energy drinks have been injected into my bloodstream, and stuffed in my stomach. I was brimming with energy, everything was clearer than I have ever seen. With new-found vigor I grip her hips and pull myself upwards in a sitting position.

Almost predicting my movements; Lilim had already adjusted herself, crossing her legs behind my back, and pressing herself tighter in my embrace as we attempt to out match our own rhythm. Anytime she moves faster I respond in kind until any elegance, and restraint were wiped away.

“Fuck! Ah~! Mmmm~fuck-yes! Fuck! More! Fuck me-breed me! I'm your horny bitch-slut! Fill me with cum!” She screams loudly.

Where this girl learned to be so filthy I'll never learn, but damn if it isn't turning me on even more. I grant her wish and spill my seed deep inside her.

“Oh~ yes~ straight into my womb! OH~ it's so hot and thick!” Lilim moans loudly.

I don't stop there, that's for sure, but as we continue onward I feel myself slipping away, this powerful feeling of lust and pleasure drowning my consciousness. I've never felt such pleasant feelings, I want to stay like this forever, just in my thoughts drifting along my carnal desires without so much as a second thought.

“Darling~” Lilim's voice calls out to me.

No this is...this isn't me...

“Wake up! Open your eyes!” Her voice rings in the darkness.

But this feels so good...I don't want to do anything, but stay like this.

“Please! Don't leave me!” She cries out.

I have to go...I need to keep...my promise...

“Darling!” She screams.

My eyes dart open, my vision foggy but clearing as I suddenly found myself gasping for air. Did I really lose so much oxygen in that weird state? Lilim lays on top of me, her face inches from mine, her hands still on my cheeks as her worried face now relaxes as relief kicks in. She peppers my lips with kisses, she hold me tight as she cries out to me, her voice sounding distant as my senses slowly come back to me until I can hear her clearly and I can respond.

“D-did I keep my promise?” I gasp.

She looks at me, her face beaming with pride and passion before kissing me once more.

“You did! You really did, and I'm so happy you're still here” she gasps.

I can feel her tears of joy falling on my face...I think at this point it's clear I've fallen in love with her...granted it didn't take long, but who's to say it should?

Before we can revel in each others embrace the door opens once more, this time even as the soldier approaches me, Lilim stands her ground, and even attempts to pull me back to her bosom as he yanks at my collar and attempts to drag me away.

Not liking this the soldier grabs his stun-gun and stabs at Lilim's side, she screams out loud before her body becomes stiff and collapses.

I snap and attempt to wrestle the soldier only for back-up to arrive, and I'm wrestled on the ground, and I am hit multiple times with their stun-guns before being dragged away.

I am forced in a chair, strapped by my wrists, arms, legs, and ankles as the secretary stares me down for more questioning.

“...You still there horn-dog?” She mocks.

I fight the urge to spit in her face, and remain silent.

“Silent treatment eh? Well in that case, I'll let this chair speak for me then. We've come to close to understanding her to let a stubborn test-subject slow us down.

She nods at a far wall, possibly a one-way mirror and my whole body goes rigid as electricity courses through my body. I can barely utter a scream as my muscles all seem to contract all at once, the pain indescribable before the electrical current finally subsides leaving me gasping and near tears.

“Now do you understand why that chair is made of metal? And trust me, that wasn't even half of what we can do to you...Lilim can attest to that” she smiles.

My hands clenched tightly as I hold back the rage boiling inside me knowing Lilim had her turn on this very chair once before.

“Now then let's begin. What, if anything did Lilim inject you with? The camera feed of you two procreating astounded us to no end” she began.

“S-sounds like y-you didn't watch enough pornos then” I gasp.

She stares at me with a stern look before nodding back to the wall, and the jolt hits me like a ton of bricks. This time it's longer and even worse the intensity grows with each second before suddenly stopping and my body grows limp.

“Got all the smart-ass out of your system yet?” She asked with fake concern. “Good, now then from what we witnessed, it looked as if someone had taken the video and pressed the fast-forward button. It is physically impossible for humans to mate with such...speed and vigor and for so long without stopping. So I'll ask you again! What. Did she. Do to you?” She asked.

“I-I don't know!” I respond truthfully. “I know something came inside me but I don't know what! She didn't say!” I shout.

She stares at me for the longest time, as if debating whether or not to shock me before smiling once more.

“Interesting, we'll have to take samples then to compare you with the failed subjects. Ask me this then. How is it that you remained self-conscious? How did you keep your sanity after your ordeal?” She asked.

“I don't know...” I wheeze as I slowly start to recover.

She sighs not liking my answer, and the chair zaps me once more.

She continues to interrogate me for what felt like an hour, I felt the zap of the chair several more times as I spill all the information I could give her. Finally as I was on the verge of blacking out I'm finally released and dragged back to the cell with Lilim. I'm thrown to the side as I struggle to get up, Lilim quick to reach me but she is yanked by the soldier and pulled away. She struggles in vain as I feebly grasp at her hand.

“Help me!” She pleads before we lose our connection and she is stripped away from me. I reach out for her once more, but a second soldier kicks my chest forcing me back and losing whatever oxygen that had finally entered my system. I wheeze and cough and look up to Lilim before the door closes between us.

Without Lilim here it felt like solitary confinement. Every minute that passed made me worry for her safety more and more. But the worst feeling was her last statement, her plead to be saved, and I couldn't do anything for her.

Just reminding myself of that fact caused my chest to feel heavy and even sting with guilt and uselessness.

At some point I came to the conclusion that she is being kept even longer than I was. I had gotten so desperate and wracked with worry that I had begun to bang against the door wishing for her return, but no one came.

I sat huddled in an upright fetal position thinking of nothing but Lilim until the door finally opened and Lilim was shoved inside and immediately collapsing and sprawled on the floor, coughing, and wheezing.

I waste no time clinging to her side, I kneel down and hold her close, but my relief never came, her eyes were vacant, lacking any shine, her chest heaving, desperate to take in any amount of air.

I grip her hand, but she doesn't squeeze back, and I go into full panic mode.

“Lilim! Lilim snap out of it, come on!” I cry out to her in my thoughts.

I don't feel that gentle jab she does signaling her magic spell for us to communicate. I feel like I'm talking to myself.

“Lilim...God, please come back...” my voice grows weaker.

I tug her as gently as I could to a corner of the room, I lay sitting up and let her body rest against mine. I hold her waist and stomach with one arm, and hold her hand with my other hand as I wait for her to come back.

“I'm so sorry I'm such a pushover Lilim” I whisper close to her.

I don't know what to do, I can only hold her near lifeless body as I make myself feel worse for being so useless to her.

Her breathing eventually relaxes, and her vacant eyes slowly closes as she blacks out. Her faint breathing and the gentle rising and falling of her chest tells me she's still alive and merely sleeping.

“It's okay...It's gonna be okay, take all the time you need” I whisper in my thoughts, a small bit of me still hoping she can understand me. Eventually I grow tired myself, and I keep a firm grasp around her waist, and squeeze her hand to make sure we still stay connected even during our slumber as I eventually fall asleep.

Meanwhile the secretary returns to her boss going over the results of their more recent tests.

“This is taking too long! I advise we terminate the subject and bring someone else to finish” she advises.

“Patience...he will not fail us” the boss assures.

“How can you be so sure? We've done as you asked, but after everything we've done to Lilim, she still remains weak and uncooperative!” She exclaims.

“She's holding back” the boss reveals.

“Pardon?” The secretary replies.

“When we first brought her here we've noticed a steady increase in her capabilities, scan after scan she showed an increase level of energy coursing through her body. Then all of a sudden it comes to a halt, no increase, but no decrease either, it stays exactly the same time and time again. She's holding out on us, and our subject is the key to unlocking her true powers. The power I saw first-hand when she arrived here” the boss explained.

“...Is that why you issued Lilim's...interrogation?” She asked.

“What we did to her is hardly what you call an 'interrogation', we left her in such a pathetic state that our subject will voluntarily do anything to restore her, and with just a little bit more she'll finally be her true self” he explained.

“You really think that much of him?” She asks.

“He's doing exactly what we wanted him to do, every-time. He won't disappoint us, and with Lilim's power our country will lead the world with a super-weapon unlike anything they have ever seen. No one will ever question our rank as a super-power ever again” he concluded.

“And once he completes his duty, what will you want us to do with him?” The Secretary asked.

“He knows too much...once we have what we need, I will issue the order, and have him terminated” the boss declared.
I Arachne Some Spiders: Arachne
Spoiler: show
Another day, another double shift at his crummy job done, the man going by the name of Norman drags his tired body through his small apartment home. A small place perfect for a single bachelor, besides being a little cramp. He removes his uniform and the rest of his attire as he is in no mood to do anything else but take a hot shower and sleep the exhaustion away. At the very least it was his Friday and no work tomorrow means all play for him.

“Guess I can finish my dvd collection I've been neglecting” Norman talks to himself.

Being a bachelor for so long and living alone even longer he's given himself the habit of talking out loud to himself, perhaps looking for a response back? Regardless he's half-way naked until one casual glance to his left turns up an unexpected visitor. A tiny spider going about it's day crawling along the wall. Said spider only had a single color; black and it was the size of his pinkie fingernail.

“Great, where's my spider smashing hammer” Norman looks around the room.

He spends the next minute or so searching until his search comes up empty. He looks back at the spider and a crazy random idea popped into his head.

“...If I can't kill it, I'll keep it” Norman declared to no one in particular.

Taking a piece of construction paper and a plastic cup Norman perform the careful procedure of placing the tiny spider into the plastic cup.

“You can hunker down in my old glass tank” he tells it.

Norman leads his new pet over to said glass tank where he recalls the many reasons why he doesn't own a pet. He takes a trip down memory lane, a trip he no longer enjoys now that he thinks about it.

“Doggy why~” Norman cries out as he sees his pet dog had dug a tunnel to escape from his backyard.

Only a year later after than incident...

“Kitty why~” Norman wails when his pet cat also runs away.

And just recently, and the whole reason he got the glass tank in the first place.

“Where are you going!” Norman shouts at his turtle as he makes his way to the open front door.

“No-no-no-wait don't leave me I love you!” Norman exclaims.

However the turtle wasn't having none of that, and continues on his way, albeit very slowly.

“I'll do anything, just don't leave me alone here!” Norman cries.

Unfortunately the turtle could care less at this point, and has already made it's way to the exit.

“Turtle-y why~” Norman cries out

Norman shakes the bad memories out of his head and focuses on the little spider still trapped in the plastic cup.

“Well I'll do better this time when I'm taking care of you, starting with a good name!” Norman declares.

While the thought of naming his new pet 'spidey' came into play, he decided against it. He decided to put a little more effort and creativity into his new best friend forever.

“I shall call you Lenny, and you will be my Lenny” Norman whispered to it...totally not weird in the least.

True to his word he kept it, nurtured it, and cared for it, even having it join him on most of his extravagant adventures of pigging out on the couch and watching television. Of course there were other activities to be had, even a bit of jogging to keep in shape but nonetheless the two were inseparable. Norman also had a habit of talking to it, and taking it's movements as either yes or no answers.

“Do you think their goals will ever come true?” Norman passed the time with Lenny who was lounging about in a smaller, portable container.

The spider responded by turning away and continuing to work on it's web.

“Yeah, I think so too, they should just give up. The south will never rise again” Norman sighed, amazed at Lenny's cleverness.

It's been well over a month and Norman was surprised at Lenny's growth spurt, in fact Lenny who was the size of his pinky finger can now be placed on the palm of his hand.

“Wow, you're getting pretty big there champ, but you sure aren't moving too much” Norman realizes.

Lenny barely even attempted to escape from his hand, this could either be very good, or very bad. Good because this may mean Lenny might actually like him, or bad in the case that Lenny was dying.

“Lenny? You alright? Oh boy...” Norman muttered.

Feeling concerned, Norman takes Lenny to a vet to see what they can do. Lucky for him the vet in his area was a pretty cool guy and had dealt with arachnids and many other various pets and animals.

“Well, looks like she's reacting to something bad in her system” the vet muttered.

“B-but how, when did this happen?” Norman asked him.

“Hm~ shot in the dark but is your house near that nuclear power plant?” The man asked.

“Yeah, why?” Norman asked.

“Do you read the news?” The Vet asked.

“Just the comics” Norman confessed.

“Ah, I see. Well the past few days there's been a bit of a leakage of nuclear waste in the water, a lot of households were affected...I'm assuming this spider was exposed to some bad water” the vet said.

“Well, I did give it a bath once, just to try it out, but I used the tap” Norman explained.

“Y-you know that tap water is contaminated right? They just barely cleaned the mess” the vet said.

“Well, it's a good thing I drink bottle water” Norman sighed.

“...Right, well your spider just got exposed to some radioactive contaminated water, I give it about a week maybe less till it kills over, I'm sorry” the vet said.

“No~ Lenny, my Lenny!” Norman cried out.

“...Lenny? You named your spider Lenny?” The vet asked.

“Yeah? Got a problem with that?” Norman got defensive.

“Well, you do know that's a girl spider right? As in female” the vet corrected him.

“Oh!...” Norman had now just discovered.

“Yeah~...” the Vet assured.

So after taking Linda the newly named spider back home, Norman was left with a difficult decision.

“...No, you deserve to die free, not in some glass case...Linda, I just want you to know, that you've been the brightest light in one of my bleakest times, and I'll never forget the fun we've had together” Norman bid his farewell.

He placed Linda in the same spot her found her a month ago, and turned away unable to see her go.

“W-well Linda, I-I guess this is goodbye, I'm sorry for exposing you to dangerous nuclear chemicals!” Norman was actually sobbing as Linda found a decently sized crack in the wall to crawl in to.

If Norman had waited just a minute longer he would have seen Linda glowing a bright green in that moment she retreated to the walls.

Another day passed, and Linda was undergoing an extreme metamorphosis caused by a strange concoction of nuclear waste in the water. She grew larger and larger and something else happened, something truly odd that just a mere growth spurt. A second day passed and her metamorphosis became more extreme. It was late into the night, Norman sound asleep; so deep asleep he wasn't awoken when Linda uttered her first noises. Weird gargled chocking and coughing as her body stretched and changed, her head stretched upwards sprouting a thin torso, the black now being bleached into a creamy white that reached just above her abdomen. Two bulges appeared on the sides of her new skin and became new limbs that stretched and turned into what she thought were extra legs with five digits each, but she recognized them as things that once held her not too long ago. Her noises now turned into loud audible panting, gasping and moans as her noises turned into a voice; a high pitch feminine voice.

The third day the process suddenly stopped, not that she wasn't still growing, but no other changes occurred. At least not in the sense that can be seen, becoming too big to fit in the walls Linda retreated to the attic Norman didn't even know he had. The area was coated in dust from neglect though still in proper shape. However, there was one thing left over from the previous owners, a tall object covered in a white sheet to protect it from dust. Normally Linda would pay no heed to it and just start setting up her web to trap would be food, but something inside her was born, curiosity has just enveloped her mind and thus she saw the object as more important than food, at least for the time being.

She pulled at the sheet with her new hands and gasped at the sight. A full body mirror displaying her new body for her to see for the first time. Her body now grown several feet, her newly developed head and torso were thin and child-like with thick black hair reaching down to her abdomen. She notices two small bumps on her chest with even tinier pink bumps in the center of them. She looked lower and saw a narrow pink slit below her waist. Once more curiosity got the best of her and she started stroking her new privates. She gasps at her sudden burst of sensitivity, but it wasn't a bad feeling at all, but it was strange. Still she decided to hold off on her new parts and saw that several flies and bugs were crawling about. At the very least her spinnerets were working just fine and that was something she was relieved to see hasn't changed so she set off to work building her web and made a pleasant discovery.

Her new larger body meant she can create webs bigger than she ever could before, and she needed it too, as she soon discovered she'll need more and more food to sate her new hunger.

On day four her body grew once more, she saw that the bumps on her chest grew even more, they even became softer and squishier. Still she found no use for them but as a pleasant distraction whenever she wanted to feel good.

A few hours later she heard noises coming from below, and recognized them as the strange male that has kept her alive. While normally she wouldn't care or even remember someone like that; however for some reason she's gained something more, a higher form of conscious she was not even aware of. She remembered all the times she spent with him and the care and food he provided for her when she was just a baby spider, and she liked it. She liked the nice man...

“...I hope Linda is happy in her last days...why do I keep talking to myself like this?” Linda heard the man speak through the walls.

She remembered the name, well she mostly remembered being called Lenny, but she liked Linda a lot more for some reason.

“...L-Lin~Lind-a?” She tried to utter her first words. “L-Linda~” She did better the second time.

She decided so long as she's waiting for more food to come she would spend her time listening to Norman talk to himself more, she found it pleasing hearing his voice.

As the days passed Linda learned a lot about Norman, his eating habits, his likes and dislikes and has learned of his schedule as he would often leave the home and not return for hours. This gave Linda a chance to speak and sneak around the house attempting to mimic Norman's acts. She found a hatch she can barely squeeze herself in and would crawl along the house content with the new sights and familiar smells. Particularly any scent involving Norman she found especially pleasant. Some days she would merely lay down on Norman's place of sleeping and take big whiffs of his pillows and blankets. She would also take this time to practice speaking like Norman. Albeit she doesn't understand what most words mean she does her best depending on the mood Norman is in when he says them. Of course she's also learned to return to hiding once she spotted the bright lights through the living room window and would quickly retreat.

She would stare intently at him on these moments, of course she would back out once Norman would occasionally comment on the feeling of being watched, her hunter's instincts really helping her out through the whole fiasco.

Another week passed and Linda had felt her body had changed enough now that the growth spurts had finally stopped. She looked over herself one more time in the mirror. Her hair turning noticeably whiter since the last time she inspected herself with the length still reaching down to her abdomen, her body became more curvaceous and her breasts grew exponentially larger and more sensitive. She would often have to silence herself as her moans would often grow louder scaring Norman into believing his house is haunted. Her eyes were still as red as ever though she did notice two of her eyes were noticeably larger, and sharper, and she found it oddly satisfying that they matched Norman's eye shape.

Another day passed and Linda continued to observe Norman after a meal of several insects and even small birds and rodents. He was now preparing himself for what was Linda favorite act...taking a shower. For some odd reason Linda felt oddly pleased, this feeling she could only relate to finding a male and mating with him in order to lay eggs, but unlike that feeling she had no desire to eat him afterward. The loud splashing of water made it easier for Linda to pleasure and stroke her new sensitive body as she watched Norman perform his self cleaning ritual, but then he did something unexpected, her started to sing.

“Love lift us up where we belong~” Norman sang assured that no one else can hear him sing such a sappy song he secretly likes.

As he sang Linda took his words to heart, while still unable to understand most of it, there were some key words that made her heart jump and immediately think of Norman.

“L-love...lif~lift us u-u~p?” Linda tried to mimic.

Love, that particular word felt right to her. From then on something struck her train of thought. An idea, something she had been feeling for Norman since the beginning and now she finally found the word for it.

“Love...lift us up~” Linda tried again.

Soon enough she was attempting to sing along with him, believing this was some sort of mating ritual for Norman's species, and while she didn't exactly think of herself as such she now had a strong desire to court Norman, she giggled to herself at such a crazy yet true notion. After all it was usually the male spider that had to perform the mating dance.

After a while Linda had finally memorized the lyrics and sang in unison with Norman even if he didn't know it yet. It also helped that Norman sang the song repeatedly several more times during his shower. With the courting song complete Linda was convinced more than ever that Norman must be the one to give her eggs, though she was unsure if she could even perform such a thing, but her body was yearning to try. She silently watched Norman finish showering and dressing and decided on his place of rest would be the most suitable place to strike.

It was late at night, and Norman could not fall asleep, something strange was seriously wrong with his house. The creaking from the ceiling, the missing food in the fridge, items placed perfectly on tables suddenly on the floor as soon as he returned from work. Then there were the noises. He could swore he heard deep breathing, and even moaning.

Norman tried to think rationally about all this, he remembered the realtor telling him explicitly that his home was not built on top of an Indian burial ground so there's no way it could have been haunted, but then again it was an old house. Who knows what could have died and never left here?

“It's fine, everything's fine, nothing to worry about” Norman tried to soothe himself.

It was times like these were perhaps having a partner sharing some space with him would be rather comforting. In a sense he was about to get his wish come true.

Norman heard loud scratching emanating from his room, he flinched and turned frantically to catch the sight of the noise...then breathed a sigh of relief when he turn to his left and saw it was only a tree branch brushing against the window. He was about ready to hit the sack when he turned to his right to set his alarm, only to be met by a pair of eight shiny red eyes, silver hair on the head of a woman with a demented smile on her face.

“No~r~ma~n” the she devil hissed

“...AAAHHHH-mmph! Mmhp!” Norman cried out until he was suddenly silenced as swift swipe of her hand to his mouth suddenly covered him in some sort of sticky silk. He tried to move his hands but those were also quickly wrapped in the same sticky web.

Linda stood back to look at her prey/mate struggle to free himself. The scene sent shivers down her whole body, her smile growing larger as she saw poor Norman struggle in fear. She couldn't help herself, her body was hot and bothered as she felt her heat growing hotter than ever before. It was as if Norman's frantic struggling was like the most enticing mating dance of the best male she can acquire, and she was gonna take her time enjoying her mate.

Norman couldn't believe it, first he was restraint against his will by what looks like the bustiest super model in the world attached to a large spider's body. Now he wasn't sure what to do about this, because rather than attempt to eat him or attack him, this strange woman was now pleasuring herself at the sight of his struggles. Her gripped and tugged at her large melon sized breasts, two fingers frantically rubbing her wet womanhood as she gasps and moans loudly, her body glossy from her sweat being reflected by the glow of the moon. He couldn't help himself, he wanted to cower in fear, he wanted to struggle and fight back, but instead all he could do is become erect, and the spider woman was quick to notice and removed the silk off his mouth so he can speak.

“Norma~n re-ready? Norman, Linda mate now?” The spider woman was struggling to form words.

“L-Linda!? A-as in my baby spider Linda that I accidentally exposed to toxic nuclear waste water?” Norman asked.

“No...hard...words, Linda not...know many, mate now?” Linda asked.

“M-mate? What? What are you doing?” Norman started to calm down.

Linda lowered herself to Norman's restrained knees and struggle to removed Norman's pants. After some difficulty and through Norman's advice which he scolded himself later on for actually helping, Linda had finally had her close encounter with Norman's mating stick.

Linda moaned and ogled Norman's member as if seeing it for the first time, but in reality she's seen it enough times, it was the scent that drove her to lust over it. She took some tentative scents then as if on instinct gave the shaft a quick lick. Norman gasped, and Linda smiled broadly, she gave it another lick, longer and slower and squee'd in delight. She always wondered how her first mate would taste like, and though it's not with another spider she was still delighted that Norman was delicious.

“Norman...yummy, in tummy~” Linda tried to word out her approval.

“P-please don't eat me, I-I can buy you spider food if you're hungry” Norman pleaded.

“Eat Norman? No-no-no” Linda quickly shook her head rapidly. “Linda not eat mate, Linda only taste mate! Mate so~ yummy~” Linda moaned as she continued to lick at Norman's member.

She grew more and more excited, licking at Norman frantically and she couldn't contain herself, she proceed to place his dick in her mouth and continued licking away and sucking at the taste unbeknownst to her that she was driving Norman wild with her misunderstood blowjob.

“Linda! I-if you keep it up, I-I'm gonna cum!” Norman cried out.

“Hum? Whuf hat?” Linda asked through a mouth full of dick.

Norman couldn't warn her again, and he climaxed straight into her mouth. Linda gasped almost choking on his seed but swallowed everything that was given to her. Her eyes widen and her smile grew even through the dick she's still suckling away at. At last she released Norman from his pleasurable torture and giggled as she rubbed her stomach.

“Tasty Norman gave Linda tasty stuff! Norman nice man! Linda love Norman!” Linda cried out.

“L-love!? You actually love me?” Norman asked.

Linda gasped and widen her eyes as if she forgot something really important. “Linda forgot! Mating call! Linda my bad!” Linda apologized.

Norman watched as Linda cleared her throat, her hands holding and rubbing Norman's flaccid dick still wet with her saliva. “Love lift us up where we belong~” Linda began her mating call.

Norman was silent listening to Linda, before where she struggled and paused several times trying to make contact were gone. She sang with experience and grace, soothing Norman's hears with her delightful singing, and soon he was singing along with her, the duet lasted after a second encore before Linda grew impatient.

“Mating call done! Let's mate Norman!” Linda excitedly proclaimed as she lifted herself up slightly to begin their intercourse.

“I...I think I'm okay with this...” Norman suddenly found himself speaking.

He really wanted to tell her to wait, or even stop, but he found no reason to, she was the only pet that stuck around the longest, and there was some connection he felt with her. Norman bets that if he could get her to speak more clearly and asked her some questions they could bond even more than they were-

“Oh~fuck~” Norman suddenly groaned as Linda wasted no time in dropping her hips and letting Norman's member pierce her.

“Ouch! Ouch!” Linda cried out.

“Linda! You okay?” Norman gasped as he looked to see what was going on.

He could only tilt his neck but it was enough to see a trickle of blood seeping through her womanhood. “Of course, Linda you're a-were a virgin” Norman realized.

“V-virgin? Linda not know what that is” Linda moaned.

“I-it just means you've become a...woman? Spiderwoman-I'm not really sure...” Norman couldn't answer her properly.

“Me no like pain! Me feel good now!” Linda declared.

Despite it being her first time, Linda spent no time moving her hips and gyrating and bouncing on Norman's manhood. After some time Linda finally got that pleasurably feeling she's been hoping for.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Linda feels it now! Oh! Ah! More! Mate more! Linda love Norman! Norman! Norman!” Linda screamed in ecstasy as she experience a whole new level of pleasure/

“Fu~ck! Linda~! That's-oh~ fuck you're rough!” Norman exclaimed.

“F-fuck!?” Linda gasped and suddenly stopped.

“L-Linda? What's wrong?” Norman asked.

“Norman said fuck! Norman angry at Linda!” Linda started to whimper.

“Angry? No-no I'm not angry at you, why would you think that?” Norman asked.

“Linda see Norman, Linda like seeing Norman walk around. Then Linda saw Norman hit foot on door. Norman made angry face and yelled fuck-fuck! Linda thought Norman angry at Linda too! Linda hurt Norman!” Linda was getting teary eyed.

“No-no I mean, yeah it's true that some people say things like that when they're hurt, but it also means good things too” Norman said.

“Linda not know” Linda started to recover.

“W-well what we're doing now is called fucking...and sometimes when it feels really good you can say fuck to express that?” Norman tried to explain.

“...Fuck means good too...” Linda tried to understand. She restarted her love-making anew and began to practice this new revelation. “Fuck-fuck-fuck!” Linda cried out, she smiled as she looked down and saw Norman nod in approval.

“Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck! Linda loves fuck with Norman!” Linda continued her over enthusiastic love making.

“L-Linda! I-I love your enthusiasm-b-but we have to be carefu-I'm close-I'm really close!” Norman tried to speak within each hump he was given.

“Linda knows! Linda wants it! Wants it inside! All of it, give it all!” Linda encouraged.

Her body moved faster, her large breasts jiggled hypnotically as Norman stared at them, how he longed to be free from his restraints and massage those large milk melons of hers.

“Linda feel something good! Something good coming! C-coming!” Linda cried out

Linda gave another ear splitting scream as she finally came alongside Norman.

“Ah~ hot, Norman's stuff in Linda~*sigh~*-feel full~” Linda moaned as she rode her orgasm.

Linda collapses on top of Norman as she slowly starts to lose consciousness after an exhausting night of passionate love.

“H-hey wait! So~ you're not going to eat me?” Norman asked.

“No~ me keep you, just like this~ Linda loves Norman like this~” Linda swooned.

“I bet you'll like me more if you untie me” Norman said.

“Linda too tired, gonna sleep...goodnight, Norman~” Linda cooed as she nodded off to sleep.

“...Ah~ well, at least the silk feels really soft” Norman sighed as he tried to fall asleep as well.

Norman was stuck in Linda's sticky web of love through the rest of the morning as Linda had another sudden urge to mate once more. It wasn't until they finished with that romp did Linda reluctantly release Norman but only once he gave her a promise.

“Linda free Norman, but no running away!” Linda warned.

“I won't run away, what makes you say that?” Norman asked.

“Linda thinks...best keep mate close, like this. Linda scared Norman leave and no coming back!” Linda explained.

“I actually understand...I felt the same way about you at first, but you gotta have trust in your mate, that's what love is all about too you know. I don't know who said it, but I think it goes something like 'if you love something let it go, and if it comes back it's yours. Just trust me” Norman assured.

“...Trust Norman? O-okay! Linda trusts Norman” Linda responded.

She reluctantly snipped at her web trapping Norman until he was finally able to move his arms and legs, though he found that despite being awake, his arms and legs were still asleep and it took a moment before he could feel he could properly walk. Linda stood back and watched nervously as Norman took his first steps off the messy bed, and did a few stretches. Lastly he just stood there silently, staring back at Linda.

“...See? I'm not gonna leave you alone” Norman replied.

“Norman!” Linda squealed wrapping him up not with web, but with a big, soft, breast filled hug.

“S-stop I just got the feeling back in my arms, I don't want to lose the again” Norman half joked as Linda squeezed him tightly.

“Linda and Norman mate now?” Linda asked with bated breath.

“I think we mated plenty don't you think? Can't we do anything else?” Norman asked.

“...Linda hungry” Was her response.

“You got a point, I'm starving too. Come on, I'll cook us some breakfast. Have you ever tried cooked food? You're gonna love it” Norman assured.

Indeed she did, she devoured her plate of eggs and found bacon to feel like the equivalent of mating.

“Cooked food is tasty! Like Norman's-” Linda began.

“I-I think it's a little better than that...n-not that I would know though” Norman replied.

“No-no! Bacon taste good! Norman taste...super good!” Linda explained.

“That reminds me, I think we ought to teach you how to word things a little better. I'm no expert in the English language, but I do still have some old English books from my time in High School and College I can teach you with...I really should have returned those” Norman said.

“Me not know...Norman help Linda?” Linda tried to understand.

“Basically yes” Norman explained.

“Norman so good, Linda love Norman so fuck good” Linda explained.

“I think we got a lot of work to do” Norman realized.

Indeed there was much Linda needed to learn, but she was very eager to speak to Norman, and the close contact they had with each other made her ever happier. Of course there were some bumps in the road, mostly comprising of Linda's excessive need to have sex for some odd reason, but Norman thought nothing of it. As weird as it was that she had an over excited sex drive it didn't bother Norman too much unless of course they did it too long and he felt himself sapped of all his fluids from the long nights of love making; indeed it did feel like he was a prey trapped in her webs and she was slowly feeding off his fluids like a real spider would, granted it wasn't as painful or frightening as the real thing.

Over three months have passed and Linda has taken in Norman's tutoring exceptionally well, even reading on her own after the first month and studying by herself whenever Norman was gone. She loved to learn new things and show Norman once he returned so she can be rewarded with more sex and head rubs. After the second month she had abandoned her third person speech and settled for the first person, and as her progress continued, Norman assured her, that she would soon be ready to cook by herself.

By the end of the third month the two have achieved something akin to an actual relationship. Not just having sex, but also communicating and working together as a team, cleaning and improving the home. The two were quietly snuggling under a large blanket created by Linda's own silk when a special news bulletin appeared on the screen interrupting their show.

“W-what happened to 'Slutty Affairs 12'!?” Linda cried out as they were getting to the good part of their cable pornography.

The newsman looked to be in a state of panic as he attempted to collect himself to begin reading the teleprompter to tell the news.

“This is an emergency! A sudden strange phenomenon has taken place near the nuclear facility!” The newsman began.

“After the incident in which toxic nuclear waste had spilled on a portion of a small town's drinking water reservoir a cleaning crew attempted to finish cleaning the reservoir when they discovered an even greater disaster!” The man declared.

“Hey, that's the stuff that probably turned you in the girl you are now” Norman realized.

“I can only imagine what that means-oh! Norman~ my stomach won't stop kicking!” Linda whined.

“W-well it does look a little bigger than usual” Norman noticed seeing Linda's tucked tummy now bloating and has growing larger this past month.

“You see it too!? I swear this is suppose to feel like something, but I can't seem to remember what it was called!” Linda groaned.

“The cleaning crew discovered many of the wild-life including bacteria go through a freak mutation and transforming into a wave of dozens of kinds of monsters all strangely resembling attractive women and little girls!” The host cried out.

“W-what! No way!” Norman cried out.

He rushed out of the warmth and comfort of the silk blanket and looked out his living room window. Sure enough he saw pandemonium striking his neighborhood. The sky was dyed a deep purple and pink, and numerous kinds of monsters describing the newscaster's definition can be seen crawling, flying and running all across his neighborhood. One frightened man he saw was swept away by two winged girls and carried up into the air to who knows where. Another man was dragged out of his home, but a tall and strong looking green skinned woman in tattered rags.

“Wow...how did we not notice that” Norman realized.

“Hang on! I-I'm getting news that this contagion is also affecting a select few women who had unknowingly drank the toxic mess. While not experiencing any signs of radiation poisoning, they have mutated as well some growing wings and tails, and even horns while others turned into different entities all together. The only thing they had in common is the sudden burst of sexual lust and well proportioned bodies reshaped to attract male attention! Yet most of this is still under speculation" the newsman explained.

Suddenly an explosion could be heard from the side of the newsroom, the newscaster looks on in horror and sees several of the monster girls have broken into the news station.

“No! No! Don't take me! I'm abstinent! You can't turn me! You can't-AHHH~” The newscaster cried out and screamed as he was tackled and dragged away for a fate unknown.

"Well that's a thing now..." Norman realized.

“Norman...” Linda suddenly spoke.

“Y-yeah?” Norman turned to answer her.

“Are you okay?” Linda asked.

“Yeah, I'm fine...I don't know why, but I'm not really all that bothered by all of this. Maybe cause I've had you for a long time. Guess I'm just use to it” Norman replied.

“Good...because I just discovered the word I was looking for” Linda said as she held a dictionary to her bosom and a sheepish grin on her face.

“Oh? So what word were you looking for” Norman asked.

“Norman...I'm pregnant! A-and I think we're gonna be a family very-very soon” Linda revealed.

And that was the moment Norman lost his shit.
Hot, Bothered, and Thick Headed: Salamander
Spoiler: show
“(My mom and dad use to tell me a lo~ng time ago, that children often times tease the ones they love the most)” A man thought to himself.

He sat alone in a tree stump in a small wooded area near his recently new apartment complex, the only company he had was a plain steel sword he got off Amazon. Usually meant for cosplaying purposes, it's blade will soon be tested.

“(She'll be here any minute...guess I have some time to chill before the storm hits)” the man thought to himself.

He stared up at the sky, through the thin branches he saw the glow of a full moon and all it's stars sparkling the night sky and bathing the area with a natural bright blue glow. With time to spare he mused to himself how all this came to pass...

Ten years ago...

A lone boy having lived his whole young life in the same neighborhood, seeing the same faces, and playing with the same children in the same playground was walking idly by bored of the same sights. His short attention span was longing for something new and exciting, but what could he be looking for? Finally his eyes having stared at nothing but green grass spotted something out of the ordinary. He saw a girl with a dark brown tan, short crimson red hair that looked especially spiky and all over the place, and wearing next to nothing. What clothing the kid could make up resembled more like a thin one piece black bathing suit that looked like it was doing a good job of giving her butt a wedgie, and speaking of her butt the boy noticed a thin tail swishing back and forth with scorching embers sparking at the tip. The girl's arms and legs were the coolest thing he'd ever seen and he was instantly jealous he didn't have giant lizard claws and legs.

The young girl appeared to be swinging away at the air with a thick branch she plucked from a nearby tree, her loud grunts audible as she had trouble with the heavy stick, her body glistening with sweat as she continued her exercise.

The way she looked the boy thought they shared the same age of eight, perhaps her being older, or younger.

Curious and amazed he had to know more, and he immediately walked up to her...

Back in the present time that same boy now a man chuckles at himself as he recalls how he felt that day. Despite happening so long ago, he couldn't forget what caused all of this in the first place. He looked back at his watch and realized he might have been too early, but he felt it would be rude to be late on his first date, as twisted as it was.

“(Looks like she's nowhere close by, otherwise I could have seen that burning tail of hers already)” the man realized.

And so having realized he had forgotten his phone he decided to continue on his path on memory lane to pass the time...

He remembers walking up to her, seeing her reptilian eyes widen in surprise at his sudden interruption, even at eight years old and thinking girls are icky, he couldn't help but be dazzled by her appearance and beauty, though as immature as he was, he simply related this feeling to finding a shiny new action figure.

She looked at the boy waiting for him to speak, or perhaps allowing him to make the first move. It was at this point did the boy realize he had nothing to say, and no plan forged. Still this was nothing new, it was usually how these things all play out, and for the most part in his secretly protected life nothing bad has happened so he was sure nothing bad will happen now.

“Hey can I wear those things on your hands too?” The boy asked.

This would mark the first real interaction he's ever had with a Mamono, something the boy's parents weren't exactly trying to prevent, but weren't excited for him to have as well.

The girl merely looked at him, blinking her eyes quizzically at his weird question. Having just grown from a hatch-ling to a child, she felt her very short amount of training was already being put to the test, she shuffled slightly unsure of her abilities as she looked back to all of her mother's teachings and even began frantically looking back and forth to see if her mother is nearby to direct her.

The boy was looking at the young girl who was in a fit of brief panic, and not doing as he had asked. His mother told him to always ask to use someone's things, but the boy's short attention span was already getting bored so he decided to move forward.

“Come on don't hog it” the boy said grabbing the young Salamander's hand.

They were the coolest things he saw, like those 'Sock em Boopers' his parents didn't give him, he wanted to wear them for just a little bit. He grabbed the girl's claw and began pulling attempting to force them off her. The young lizard girl retaliated by pulling back but the boy caught her so off guard with his actions that she slipped up and with a brief strong pull the boy yanked the girl towards him and both of the fell on top of one another.

“H-hey get off!” The boy began pushing the girl away.

“No you get off dummy!” The girl retaliated pushing and swiping at the boy's hands.

“I'm not a dummy, stupid!” The boy argued.

“I'm not stupid, jerk!” The girl piped up.

The two continued to wrestled and shout at each other, rolling and slapping one another until they brought too much attention to themselves and both their parents intervened.

“(And that was the day we first met...how time flies by...)” the man recalls.

He continues to sit on his stump wondering if his opponent got the message or even knew where it was, but sure enough he spotted something. The clearing was on top of a large and somewhat steep hill, and from his vantage point he could already see a flickering light traveling through the neighborhood and entering the woods.

“(She's coming, any minute now...)” the boy mused as he waited patiently for her with more of his past memories to pass the time.

It's been some time since he met that girl again, his parents keeping him more and more protected as they noticed his body was covered in soot and a few red marks here and there, but the boy could care less, he didn't even feel or notice these marks as he did have some fun with his new playmate, and he thought her mom looked amazing! Like an action figure with a super expansion pack.

The boy had just graduated the third grade and is starting his fourth year in his elementary school. This particular year was the most important in his life as he recalls this was the year that had the most change. For starters this was the year his school had now granted permission for mamono children to finally attend, one of many abandoning their old restrictive principles for a more modern, open environment. It also helped that schools that do this get a huge boost in finance from the government and public opinion would not deem them as 'Old hick schools for hillbilly banjo playing children'. Of course the boy had no clue of the significance of this, nor did he care at all what the teacher thought of this when she explained it, all he hoped for was for school to be over so he can go home and play games.

Months after this announcement the boy's school was transformed, more budget meant more expansions and improvements to the school. It was almost as if he was entering a new school entirely as he had to walk farther to his classes thanks to the new rooms that were recently built. As he entered the classroom he saw new faces, and all he could think of was...'Halloween came early this year'.

And he now reflects on his next unforgettable moment in his life, when he met Mamono girls in mass, and when he was reunited with the same girl he met so long ago.

They were chatting away among one another while the teacher was away, when they each suddenly turned their attention to the boy who just entered the room. The girls had so many cool and weird things on them, some had horns on their heads, others didn't even have hands, but large wings, others had tails, and one girl didn't have any legs, but a long snake tail she coiled around herself and a boy she was talking with. Those that weren't already spending some time getting to know the male students were already quick to approach the young boy. The first girl to approach him was a young girl with floppy cow ears wearing a simple checkered red, and white shirt, denim skirt, and hooves for legs. She looked so nice, so pretty, so kind and warm...yet before she could utter a 'hello' she was shoved aside by the girl the boy met at the park.

“You! I finally found you, you chicken!” the girl declared.

She was dressed more modestly than before, though that's putting it mildly. She wore a loose fitting black tank-top and dark denim short-shorts.

“Chicken!? I'm not a chicken!” The boy argued

“Yeah you are! What else do you call someone that doesn't come back to finish a fight!?” The girl accused.

“Fight? I don't know what you're talking about” the boy argued.

“Don't play dumb with me! You started it!” The girl declared.

It was at this moment that the teacher came and we instinctively stopped our arguing. Angry or not we both knew better not to get in trouble at school, or at the very least don't get caught. They took their respected seats but they couldn't focus on the teacher, rather they were still mad at each other, she even took to throwing paper balls at the young boy at every chance she got. Eventually both of their tomfoolery wasn't left unnoticed and on his first day of school they were both sent to the counselor's office. They sat in a bench as far apart from one another as possible and with their backs to one another, but it was kind of hard since the bench was small and could only fit two people, their backs practically touching each other.

“...This is your fault you know” both of them spoke out simultaneously.

“What did you say!” They once again copied each other.

It was at this moment did the counselor opened her door.

“Brian can you come in please?” The counselor asked.

“Brian? What a dumb name” the girl snickered.

“You too Brenda” the counselor added.

“Brenda, hah!” The boy said.

They were both let out with a warning, but not without a long explanation about the importance of education that felt like it could have lasted all day. They were both let out with next to nothing to learn from this experience, only each others names.

“Well that took forever” Brian said.

“Yeah, I was about to fall asleep or something” Brenda added.

The two of them shared a quick laugh, quite possibly the only time the two laughed together.

“...But it's still your fault” Brenda murmured.

“I heard that!” Brian argued.

They punched at one another sides as they mouthed off more and more swears until they made it back to class feeling sore and bitter.

“(...Good times, good times)” the man Brian remarked.

The light she was giving was growing larger as she zipped through the trees, climbing and running at him. Though he didn't blame her considering their history together.

He gripped his sword tightly as he now began to recall everything else that happened to him, most of which wasn't so pleasant, as things quickly began to turn more one sided as months passed.

While he was busy being a kid, playing, eating, and sleeping. Brenda was busy training and getting stronger, so much so that in three years and on the verge of becoming middle school students did her training become clearly noticeable.

The young man Brian strokes his left cheek as he now recalls how much work Brenda did when they met again during middle school.

He finally felt like he was growing up, starting his first day in middle school and a whole summer of not seeing Brenda and her annoying teasing back in Elementary, while he won't admit this to any of his friends he did find it odd that she was becoming harder, and harder to put down, but what he really couldn't admit, even to himself was that he was actually starting to like her.

That all changed when once again he and Brenda made a very poor first day of school...

It was lunch-time and Brian was relieved to see that so far he has not shared a single class with his new 'friend'. He was in a middle of eating a sandwich he brought from home until he was suddenly and forcibly pulled out of his seat and on the floor. Looking up from the floor he noticed his old rival staring back down at him, her expression showed great annoyance.

“Running from an unfinished fight, and you still call yourself a man?” Brenda declared.

“Not this again” Brian groan as he picks himself up.

“Come on! I'm tired of waiting, let's go you and me!” Brenda declared.

She had grown taller since he last saw her, now standing just half a head shorter than him, but what he noticed the most was how shapely her body had already become. She wore a tight fitting dark gray tank-top cut just below her breasts which he had a hard time not staring at as puberty was especially kind to her. She was built like an athlete yet her tummy had yet to show any muscle as of yet, though time and effort will change that. Under her tight fitting tank-top she wore an equally tight fitting gym shorts with the same dark gray color, her hair growing several more inches and reaching halfway to her back and tied in a wavy pony-tail.

“Look, can we do this later? I'm in the middle of something” Brian began.

“We're in the middle of something! Something you started, and you have the galls to tell me to wait even more!?” Brenda sounded genuinely offended.

“Just back off, We'll get in trouble if we keep this up!” Brian tried to reason to her as he noticed some of the cafeteria staff were already watching.

“So what, you're already in trouble with me, so why don't you settle this like a man!?” Brenda challenged.

She was stepping awfully close to him, her chest poking Brian's sending him all kinds of mixed signals and feelings, her reptilian eyes glaring at him should make him feel intimidated but his pre-pubescent mind can't help but acknowledge just how pretty she looks and it's not like girls like her are flocking towards him every-day. However; all of this had caused him to react almost immediately as he felt he needed to stand up for himself just like all the other times they bickered when they were in Elementary.

He gave Brenda a quick shove, pushing her away from him, the room was silent as Brenda took all of this in.

Brian made a choice...most other people would have chosen to do something else.

Brenda lunged at him, taking his pushing as a sign that their fight had begun. In her hot-headed nature this was the fight she was looking for, the fight her mother had trained her for.

Brian struggle to get Brenda off of him, but to his surprise he wasn't able to, in the short time of one summer vacation, she had already overpowered him, her tail snapping at the air, the flames at the tip now crackling like crazy as it felt the first real spark of combat for the first time. The pre-teens circled around them cheering or shouting before the scene could be broken up by the teachers.

It took all his strength to push her aside, to try to get the advantage and be on top, but Brenda immediately retaliated, the two of the rolling and wrestling with each other. It was at this moment that things began to turn ugly.

Brian's memory of the rest of that fight was hazy, he did not know who threw the first punch, was it in his frustration did he try to fight back with fists, or was it Brenda's impatience that caused her to try and finish the fight sooner. All he knew was that it was the first time they drew each others blood, and for the first time he had ultimately began to despise her. The teachers stopped the fight only a minute after the first punch was thrown, but in that single minute both parties were struck with bruises. Brian having been clobbered on his cheek and nose causing his nose to bleed, and Brenda also going through a few purple bruises on her stomach and a cut lip. It was also the first time he and Brenda were suspended for three days, he felt it was a light sentence considering the damage the two of them had done to each other, but he felt like he lucked out on that one.

It was the only lucky moment of his middle-school life. The next two years he and Brenda would continue to bicker and argue, often times he would lose and he would be punished for it. At one moment his shirt was torn clean off him and he had to spend the rest of the day shirtless and mocked by the other kids. Another moment he was tackled from behind and when he stood up it was his pants that were missing this time, and he had to chase Brenda halfway through the neighborhood to get them back. There were some moments where he felt he had the upper hand, but often times than not he could not keep up, and Brenda would once again take him for a ride.

As middle school ended he realized that he had to fight her fire with a fire of his own.

“And that went a perfectly good Summer vacation too...” Brian mused to himself as his opponent finally came to view in front of him.

Just at the edge of the woods the Salamander stood, the light of her tail sparked briefly at the sight of him. Her chest was heaving, she must have ran all the way from her home to here, she must have ran for miles in such a short period to be sweating and heaving like that, but she was already drawing her own sword and stepping closer.

He stood up from his stump and walked forward as well, hoping to meet her at the center of the field where the moon is shining it's brightest. As he began walking he had one last flash-back running in his mind, one more to motivate him to end their rivalry.

High School was...interesting to say the least, it was definitely a change from the usual pace Brian and Brenda have had.

Brian returned to High School noticeably stronger, but slow in development as there's only so much a teen could do in a Summer's time, but with the help of a healthy diet and nutritional meals mostly consisting of switching from normal cow milk to Holstaurus milk his body began to develop at a faster rate. He was so happy with the results that he didn't bother to care about the side effects, to which he had quickly become aware of once he confronted Brenda for the first time in yet another long Summer.

“(I'm ready! I can do this, I can do this)” Brian tries to pump himself up.

It might have been all the Holstaurus milk he drank that made him feel so pumped up, but it was only because despite exercising and working out, he had no clear way of removing all that pent up stamina, and he didn't know why.

“Well-well-well~ look who decided to grow a pair” a mocking voice he recognized called out to him.

He turned around and was once again stunned by how much Brenda had developed in just one Summer.

Her skin had tanned to a darker tone reminding Brian of chocolate, her hair grew even longer, and once again she tied it back into a thick, wild pony-tail using a black ribbon. Her scales on her arms, legs, tail looked as hard as metal and she was wearing even less to which he couldn't believe the school allowed. She wore an armored plated bra with attached shoulder pads that barely covered her large bosoms, and below that she wore black panties attached to large thick red-orange scales on her hips. In fact just looking at her reminded him of seeing her mother for the first time back when their were just kids.

He couldn't help himself, it may have been the heat, or something, but all of a sudden he grew very warm in the cheeks just staring at her.

“Well!? You called me out, aren't you gonna make your move?” Brenda asked arms crossed.

Did she know she was pushing her breasts and practically showing them off? It was actually quite distracting to say the least.

“Hm? What's wrong? Why are you just staring at me?” Brenda asked her tail lowered as things began to grow awkward.

“I-uh~well that is...I came to...” Brian was at a loss of words, his throat dry.

“Come on! Spit it out!” Brenda was growing impatient.

“Ugh! Goddammit it put on a shirt at least!” Brian cried out.

“Huh!?” Brenda was confused.

“I-I can't do this right now, we'll fight some other time!” Brian suddenly declared.

“H-hey wait! Come back here!” Brenda called out to him giving chase.

He rushed to the gym empty of people, but just recently mopped, he slipped and fell to his side where Brenda quickly took advantage by pulling him to a face up position and sat on him, straddling him. She leaned down close to him and yanked him upwards by the collar of his shirt.

“Why are you acting so strange? Why did you call me out and then run away...and what the hell is poking my butt!?” Brenda cried out.

She turned around and noticed a bulge in Brian's pants where her firm butt was currently sitting on, he turned back to Brian who was looking away in shame and red in the face. Putting two and two together Brenda also managed to grow red in the cheeks even through her dark skin.

“Y-you-you're!” Brenda stammered.

She was at a loss, her mother had taught her how to fight, but never in those lessons did she teach her about the birds and the bees, but even she knew what an erection meant for a man, and what he wanted to do with it, and Brenda had no way of knowing how to respond. For the first time since they first met Brenda was genuinely confused and nervous about what to do, and immediately got off him and walked away without saying another word.

Once the shame was gone it was now Brian's turn to act confused, though it didn't take long for him to snap out of it, he was certain anyone who sees an erection in the middle of a scuffle would stop their actions all together.

Brenda had kept her distance for the time being, even when they shared classes and P.E together. They would glance at one another before turning away embarrassed. It wasn't until near the start of their Junior years did her mother and a few of her mamono friends help Brenda to understand and even make her feel flattered that he felt that way around her. However; for Brenda she merely used this as another means to claim victories.

She would purposely tackle him and make sure to squeeze his body with her own, pressing her breasts to his chest and on rare occasions his face to get him to feel embarrassed as this was enough to break his will to fight. She also took the advice of some of the girls and flaunted her body as they exercised, enticing Brian by exaggerating her motions whenever she stretched for P.E. She began to enjoy teasing Brian this way as she loved the look of embarrassment he had, but at the same time she felt upset that he wouldn't put up a fight anymore.

Even worse she felt all the attention and contact she's been getting were starting to backfire, sometimes she would cling to him for no reason at all, but to feel his skin rubbing up against her own, but would immediately backlash with an insult to keep him from knowing the truth.

Late at night Brian and Brenda would stay in their rooms exploring their bodies as their pent up stamina and growing lust secret to one another was too much for them to bare. They would pleasure themselves while thinking of each other.

It was Senior year, graduation almost upon them, and over a year since their fights turned to the raunchier side but they still kept their distaste from one another. Brian pushing Brenda away as often as he could yet secretly wanting to touch her more and more. Brenda constantly harassing Brian and messing with him while secretly hopping he does not hate her for it.

Eventually the two had clearly become attached to one another, but their stubbornness over the years meant their affection for one another was put on hold for more arguments, backlash, teasing, unnecessary fondling and followed up with secretly masturbating to one another while thinking of the day they had together and they were none the wiser.

Brian's parents have been concerned about his strange behavior, even more so with the many fights he's been on, and the injuries he have sustained. For them bullying was not tolerated, but their solution had already came to them when their father was promoted and had to relocate to a new location.

Brian was faced with the news that he would be moving, and that he would not be seeing Brenda ever again.

Later that day gazing out at the High-School he had just graduated from he was deep in thought on how he should feel. Part of him was happy that his life has a chance of returning to normal, but another part of him didn't want what he and Brenda shared to stop. He was frustrated that after all this time he couldn't once best her, he couldn't be the one to be on top of her and claim victory. The sun was starting to set casting the sky with a red-orange sky like the scales on Brenda's body, the hot sun also reminding him of Brenda's passion, burning hot and consistently even after all these years. Brenda was all he could think about, and hearing footsteps to his left he saw Brenda herself. However she appeared different, not so much in looks, but in posture and attitude, her face was nervous, her body movement felt...a bit shy as her left arm was stiff and down, her right claw gripping her left elbow, and she couldn't quite stare directly at him, but rather focusing her attention to the floor.

It was strange to say the least, she wasn't acting like herself.

“So...uh~ hey...nice job uh~ graduating that is...” Brenda murmured bashfully.

Brian raised an eyebrow at this, it was one thing for Brenda to act stiff and nervous, and it was another to suddenly compliment him.

The wind blew against them as Brian waited for Brenda's next move.

Brenda meanwhile was fumbling in her thoughts as her friends have all attempted to help at once after she had confessed her feelings to them. All of them excited and giddy at seeing their flaming warrior princess was in love. All at once they gave her as much advice as they could, but try as she might she can't remember a single thing.

“...So~ what's up? You're acting all strange now” Brian told her.

“S-strange!? Is that bad! Did I screw this up already!?” Brenda was panicking.

“W-what the hell are you talking about” Brian began to chuckle at her response.

“Hey! Stop laughing this is serious! Jerk-off!” Brenda retaliated.

“Now there's the Brenda I know, what took you so long to come out?” Brian asked.

“Geez! All that advice for nothing if that's how you're gonna be” Brenda sounded frustrated.

“What advice?” Brian asked.

“None of your business!” Brenda quickly defended herself.

“...Can't believe we spent the last four years together in this school” Brian tried to change the subject.

“Yeah, how fast time flies...you know as much as I hate to admit, but we're gonna be stuck with each other for longer than that you know” Brenda smiled.

He has to tell her.

“...Listen Bren-” Brian muttered.

“Can't believe after all this time, and you still can't beat me, I'm starting to think it'll never happen, but hey maybe one day you'll get lucky, or maybe I'll get sloppy?” Brenda said.

“(I have to tell her, now!)” Brian shouted in his thoughts.

“So I was thinking...I found a neat spot on the creek, I mean it's nice and all, but I was hopping, or you know if you're not a coward that we can...” Brenda began to squirm in her words once more.

“Brenda!” Brian suddenly cried out.

Brenda paused, and stood upright like a soldier being called by his sergeant.

“...I'm not gonna be doing those things with you anytime soon...” Brian muttered.

“...What are you talking about? Are you running away again!? Pansy!” Brenda mocked.

“I'm not running away...I'm moving away! My parents and I are leaving the state...we-we won't see each other ever again after this” Brian finally revealed the truth.

Once again they were hit with dead silence as Brenda took all this in. It didn't take long for her to make a comeback.

In one fell swoop the field rang with the loud sound of a claw smacking Brian across the face, so hard in fact that he nearly toppled over. Brian quickly stood up fist raised ready to strike back, but what he saw made him freeze. Brenda was crying, tears streaming down her pretty face and glaring at him with such ferocity.

“Don't you ever! Ever! Make a joke like that to me again!” Brenda growled.

“It's not a joke! My dad got promoted and he has to leave town, and we're all going with him.

“Shut up! Just shut up!” Brenda cried out covering her ears.

She tried to throw another punch at him, but there was no heart in it, it was a feeble strike to his chest as Brenda continued to sob even more.

“Why, why do you have to leave now of all times!” Brenda murmured.

“It's not like it was my choice! It's not like I wanted to leave you!” Brian declared

All this time he was conflicted, but now out of nowhere he knew what he really wanted, and it was too late to do anything about it.

“This isn't over...what we have can't end like this” Brenda said.

“So what are you suggesting? That we're gonna someday find each other?” Brian said.

“Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying...I don't care how long it takes, I'm gonna find you, and you're gonna find me...promise me you'll try to find me, that you won't let yourself be taken by someone else” Brenda asked.

“...I'll do more than that...” Brian said.

Brenda looked up at him surprised and confused.

“Not only will we find each other, but I promise the day that we do I want a fight...a real fight. No interruptions, no draws, no bull-shit. We're gonna have the fight we've both been craving, and I'm gonna win” Brian declared.

It was at that moment that both of them finally understood their feelings for one another even if they didn't confess directly. They both felt the passion in their hearts burning for one another, but fate had decided to separate them just as they were beginning to understand one another. However like good wine their desire for each other only fueled their love stronger, each day apart they used their frustration as fuel to train their bodies, to get stronger for the fated day to come until at last they found each other once more.

Brian and Brenda were now visible under the faint glow of the moonlight.

“Two years it's been...” Brian greeted her.

“Two long, agonizing years...” Brenda answered.

He couldn't believe she could be any more stunning than she was in high school, her body curved to perfection, her breasts grew larger still, her hips shapely and ready to bear children, her abs now perfectly formed though Brian had a set of his own to match them as he removed his shirt to showcase this.

“*Phew~* I see you were hard at work, what happened to that scrawny kid I punked all these years” Brenda sounded most impressed.

“He became a man, a man who can now understand and declare his true feelings without fear or care of what others think. Brenda, I love you, I'm in love with you, and that's why I can't hold back” Brian declared brandishing his sword.

“I love you too, more so than I can bear, and I wouldn't ask any less of you than you're absolute best! Just like I will do the same against you!” Brenda declared

They dashed forward and clashed blades with a near deafening 'clang' that rang throughout the small forest and hill. The flames of Brenda's tail sparked to life and spreading steadily closer to her base. They swing their blades back and forth, metal striking against metal two almost giving them a spark of embers each time they make contact with each other. They jump back from one another to catch their breath and think of a new strategy. They circle one another while never losing eye contact.

“Well so far so good, you've lasted a lot longer than usual” Brenda added.

“I'm just getting started” Brian assured.

“Well come on then! Show me what you got!” Brenda cried out.

Another battle cry from both parties and another clashing of blades, they continue their flurry of attacks, but no direct hits as of this moment, at some point Brian decided to ditch the blade and gave a surprise tackle mid-swing narrowly getting struck in the process.

She forced Brenda onto the floor and had her pinned if only for a moment.

“Well, so this is how it feels, I can see why you loved doing it to me so much” Brian smirked.

“Don't get cocky, we're just getting started!” Brenda cried out.

She grabbed Brian by the waist and attempted to yank him off her, but to also straddle him back on top as per usual but Brian wasn't having none of that. Finally being on equal terms in strength he manage to keep Brenda from accomplishing her goals and as if they were teenagers again their fight ended with them grappling with each other, but this time Brian wanted to add a little twist. So the moment he had a chance to be on top he attempted a sneak attack on Brenda by planting a quick kiss on her lips.

“W-what the hell! D-did you just-*mph!?*” Brenda cried out but was silence by yet another kiss which Brian planted on her.

She struggle very little before she responded in kind kissing Brian back, all her pent up stamina and desires now ready to be unleashed on the man she's been with since child-hood.

To them this wasn't a stop to their fight, on the contrary; it was merely round two.

They explored their bodies stroking their sides, chests and backs, leaving no part untouched. Brenda did not hesitate to remove her armor and revealing herself to Brian, and he too stripped in kind.

Still on the floor and still holding each other, but out of breath from passionately kissing each other, they stared at their bodies panting and hornier than they ever were.

“Take me Brian...no other man is worthy of me than you! Ravish me!” Brenda cried out.

He was already hard so he didn't hesitate to answer her plea. He plunged himself inside Brenda but found resistance as her tight pussy was being pierced for the first time. As dark as it was, Brian could still see a trickle of blood leaving Brenda's once virgin womanhood.

“Brenda...you waited all this time...” Brian gasped.

“For you? Yeah, I knew we'd be back together, I had others try to take me, but I never cared for them because I believed in our promise. I saved myself for you” Brenda said.

“Wow, getting all romantic and poetic like that Brenda, you changed a lot in the last two years” Brian smirked.

“It's because I fell in love you idiot” Brenda smiled in return.

Brian took this as a sign to go deeper, plunging himself further into Brenda, she clutched at the grass, grunting and moaning as he pushed himself to the hilt where Brenda gave a last shudder and gasp once he was as deep as he could.

“Are you alright? It's kind of my first time doing this too” Brian reluctantly confessed.

“Yeah, I'm good...nothing I can't walk off the next day” Brenda assured.

Brian began to pull out of Brenda only to plunge himself back in and repeated this process. Brenda's grunts of pain were soon turned to pants of pleasure as the two of them began their long overdue love-making.

Brian realizing he was still on top and taking the lead pushed his superior position even more by clutching at Brenda's large breasts and began fondling them to his hearts desires.

Brenda was in a frenzy, having never felt so good in her life, her tail swished to and fro lighting their tiny area enough to visibly see each other more clearly, and to make the atmosphere hot and heavy as even in the cold of an Autumn night, the two were already hot and sweaty as they continued their lewd acts.

“Fuck~ me~! So hard and thick inside me! Fuck me harder! Harder!” Brenda moaned loudly.

“Oh so you're a screamer? That's pretty hot. It's just the two of us here, scream as much as you want!” Brian invited.

He pushed back and forth harder than ever driven by the passionate shouts of Brenda as she continues to be ravished. She crosses her legs around Brian keeping him locked inside her as she pulled him close and began exploring his mouth with her tongue. Her hips began moving on their own pushing in rhythm with Brian, but all their years of pent up stamina was about to come to a stunning climax.

“Brenda, I'm about to cum, your legs get your legs off-” Brian gasped.

“No! I waited too long! I want you to fill me! Stain my pussy with your hot cum Brian!” Brenda cried out.

He admired her passion, and at this point he didn't care what would happen to them so long as they stuck together. With one final push as deep as he could he pumped Brenda with as much of his seed as he had, so much so that some of it began to seep out while the two were still connected. Brenda felt his hot sperm filling her up and it sent her over the edge, she cried out her own shout as she came as well hugging Brian tightly as she did so.

The two collapsed hugging each other as they relieved all the years they suppressed their true feelings for each other, but they knew they still had several more years to catch up to, to which they were both happy to catch up on.

Years passed, Brian and Brenda now sharing a home of their own, and raising their first child now standing on her own two feet for the first time. A little tyke full of energy and healthy as can be, and resembling her mother almost exactly. She was the perfect gift after a long struggle of getting their feelings for each other straight.

Brian can only hope that their daughter will learn from their stubbornness and pick the right guy to pick on for the rest of her life.
I Lich To Experiment: Lich
Spoiler: show
“Many moons ago~ there was a young girl who didn't belong. She lived on this very land before it became a city...” A young woman began her tale in front the campfire.

She stood up while the others sat on logs or recliners as one of the guys threw another log onto the fire, the embers spark high above crackling like crazy, the illumination lit the surrounding. They were on a small grove overlooking a tall wooden building resting on top of a hill on a night of the full moon. The settings were perfect for a ghost tale, and the woman dressed in a black gown, short black boots, finger-less gloves, with heavy black mascara on her eyes and dark purple lipstick knew this. Wiping away a strand of her dark purple dyed hair she waited for the embers to stop crackling so she can continue.

“On this fateful day, on the anniversary of this particular young girl's birth-” the goth continued.

“Can't you just call it her birthday?” One of the men already drunk spat out.

He was quickly silence via a smack to the head.

“*Ahem!* As I was saying...this story takes place centuries ago, long forgotten even by most historians due to it's paranormal attributes, but I know it to be true” the Goth assured.

“Get on with it-ow! Damn it alright I'll shut up” the man cried out after another smack to the head.

“Thank you...anyways. She was considered strange by the townspeople. Quiet and reserved, her timid nature kept many possible suitors impatient with her, and thus she never married. Her mother and father passed away when she was young, but she was old enough to care for herself. She was often misunderstood as her and her family were born on foreign lands oceans away, and with locks of silver hair or so the legend says. Despite being a hard worker, foul rumors quickly spread about the fate of her deceased parents claiming ludicrous accusations of evil and ill intent. Yet the girl was innocent in all of this, merely taking them all as cruel mocking, and for a while it stayed that way, until one fateful day” the Goth girl got to the good part.

“W-what happened?” One of the girls asked feeling a tad nervous.

“The witch hunts!” The goth revealed.

In that perfect timing one of the burning logs collapsed sending a blast of embers every which way adding to the tension, even the drunk college student was a victim to the sudden tense and spooky atmosphere.

“Word spread of supposed Witches and Satanic worshipers causing mischief, and evil across the land. False claims of bad luck and hexes cast on unsuspecting victims...but the only victims were the innocent accused of Witchcraft! Once peaceful villages were now loud with the screams of executed men and especially women as they burned on stakes and suffered slow and painful deaths. The girl of our tale was no exception...” the Goth went on.

“W-what happened to her?” One of the more sober men asked showing interest.

“A priest...a greedy priest moved in from another town looking to take control of this small village we now know as our own city. Not content with just having a small church to indoctrinate a dozen or so people he needed a villain to vanquish. Being a hero he would save the village from a danger and be renown and worship as the lord he supposedly believes in. He found the perfect villain, the shy quiet girl. Being alone and already detested it didn't take long to turn the village against her, and on this fateful night on her birthday the village became an angry mob, and attacked her!” The goth grew louder.

Her small audience were silent, waiting for her to continue her story.

“They chased her with loud cries of 'Witch' and even 'harlot' despite her purity, and they would throw rocks at her as they gave chase. Eventually they drove her here, to her own home” she stated looking towards the empty wooden hut of a two story building.” She went on

“She locked herself in, and hid on the second floor bedroom of her parents, but the mob never set foot inside the building. Instead the priest shouted to burn the house down along with the 'witch' and soon the building was set ablaze” the goth girl went on.

“W-wait, if it was set on fire how come it's still standing like that?” One of the girls pointed out clearly not buying it.

“I was getting to that...and besides the building was set on fire, take a closer look” the goth stated.

While it was dark, the glow of the moon stars and a few flashlights did reveal charred wood coming from the bottom of the home and ending just as it reached the second floor.

“...Hey yeah, I can see scorch marks on the wood, hell the whole bottom half is all black!” One of the guys realized.

“Thus we get to the part that most people stop believing in this...for you see the girl was now trapped, the bottom half of her home on fire, and quickly spreading, the walls cracked and split revealing thin tendrils of flames. The building creaked and groan, the noise of the flames almost deafening compared to the shouts and cheers of the angry mob and their priest. The young girl was sure to die, until she came upon a book kept secret behind the walls now exposed due to the fire. This leather cased book had no fonts on the front, but rather a black insignia, a strange symbol of demonic origin. Having no other place to turn to, and fearing for her life, she made a desperate plea to the book, begging that in it's pages holds the answer to her salvation...and the book responded. In a flash of light that could be seen outside startling the mob the young girl underwent a metamorphosis, but at the cost of her humanity. When the spell wore off she found herself gifted with immense power, and with a swipe of her hands the fire dissipated from her home and even the flames from the torches coming from the mob encasing them in darkness” The goth ranted.

“Oh, this is gonna get good” the drunk replied.

“Gone were her fears, doubts, and humanity, now she only saw a threat that must be exterminated. Shattering the glass in one of the windows she hovered over the mob in a glow of deep purple paralyzing the mob and their priest with fear. She realized she had now become what they accused her of...more or less. With another swipe of her hand the book shot out of building and rose high above absorbing the light of the full moon and washed the mob now running frantically in fear in a bright light. What became of them is unknown, and the girl disappeared never to be seen or heard from again” the goth concluded.

“That was one awesome story, but why are we here?” The sober guy asked.

“Well it was on a night just like this, on this exact day when she turned. They say when she attained immense power from her book she became immortal and if the conditions were just right she would return to her home at midnight, on her birthday, on a full moon, and today is that very day!” The goth declared.

“W-what!? Why didn't you say that earlier! No way in hell I'm gonna stay here! I'm out!” One of the girls cried out.

“Come on~ you don't believe in all that do you?” One of the guys laughed it off.

“Well you said you were bored, so I brought you all here to do a little dare” the goth smiled.

“What's this dare about?” The guy asked.

“Simple really, just take this candle and lighter and light up the second floor of the building, and stay there for thirty minutes” the goth issued her challenge.

“N-no way!” the guy stuttered.

“Scared?” The goth accused.

“No, I'm just not dumb, there's no way that building is stable, that bottom half is just ready to collapsed” the guy argued.

“Pansy!” The drunk stated.

“W-why is everyone looking at me all of a sudden!?” the guy argued.

“Come on, if there's nothing to be afraid of just do it” one of the girls urged.

“...Fine! Whatever, let's just get this over with!” The guy reluctantly agreed.

“Yeah! We have a show, good luck out there, don't get jinx by the girl!” the drunk cried out.

“...Hey, just out of curiosity what was that girl's name?” The guy asked.

“Her name? Well according to legends I think her name was Rosa, notice the roses around the area? They were her favorite, they said she grew black roses that her parents grew in their home country of Turkey, they tried to introduce the flowers here, but failed miserably, and only Rosa was capable of growing them in this soil, this of course only made her more of an outcast to the rest of the village” the goth replied.

“Well I don't see any black roses here, but what the hell, maybe I'll get lucky...okay you guys I'm off” the guy said taking a candle, and lighter in hand.

The man had a light brown hair brushed at one point, but became messy with time and the wind, Due to the Autumn season he had on a gray hoody sweater and navy blue denim pants and black sneakers. He pretty much dragged himself over the several yards of thick foliage and weed through the years nature was running it's course on the land. Eventually he entered the building, immediately his nose was hit with the stench of mildew and wood, though nothing truly foul enough to drive him back. He flashed his cellphone's flashlight and noticed the decay and smoldered wood more clearly, but he thinks he could make out the living room, fire-place and even the kitchen possibly. His shoes caused the floor to creak loudly, the stairs were even worse, each step he felt he was at risk of breaking the wood beneath him and going through a very painful tumble, but after ascending up the stairs and to the second floor he breathed a sigh of relief and he continued onward. He noticed two doors on the narrow hallway, one on the right, and one on the left. Checking the door on the right he spotted a tiny bedroom, too small to fit two people.

“(I wonder if this was Rosa's room?)” The teen thought.

However since it was facing away from his friends there would be no way they could see the light of his candle, he had no choice, he had to enter the next door on the left side, the main bedroom.

He opened the left-side door and peered inside, and found a much larger room with surprisingly a lot of it still intact, even the bed though old and rotten was still there. There was a cabinet to his left, the bed in front of the broken window and a small circular table, but as he flashed his cellphone light he noticed something was sitting on the table.

“...No way...” the teen murmured.

It was a white vase, coated in dust, but on the vase was a single black rose.

“(..H-how has it not withered away or something? Let's just get this over with, I have bad feeling about this)” the college student murmured.

He decided to set the candle on the windowsill, it wasn't too windy so he was sure the light will stay on long enough to get this dare over with. Unfortunately for him, there was a problem.

“Come on, you stupid thing-light! Did they even check if this thing was fueled or not?” The teen murmured in frustration.

“It's almost midnight, is she gonna show up or what? N-not that I believe in all that anyways” the drunk asked.

“Shut up...I wonder what's taking him so long?” The goth girl replied.

“Worried about him?” One of the girls teased.

“No...just curious” the goth replied.

“Come on Anna, we know you always had a thing for him” the girl snickered.

“My name is Annabelle, and I'm gonna break those pretty white teeth of yours one of these-wait, hold on. I think he did it!” the goth replied.

“Hey~ cool purple light there, where'd you get a candle like that?” The drunk asked.

“...Purple, that's not...I'm gonna go check on him! Don't wait up” Annabelle suddenly declared.

Back in the second floor bedroom the college student reflects on the purple flame lighting the candle.

“That's pretty neat, Anna always has the coolest things” the teen remarks.

Suddenly the teen felt a cool rush of wind, but what disturbed him most was that it was coming from inside the room, not outside, and he was certain the door behind him was closed.

Suddenly his smartphone went black, and any attempts to get it working again failed. Out of nowhere more flickers of purple flame illuminated random sections of the room giving it an otherworldly feel to it.

“W-w-what's going on!? This isn't funny you guys!” The teen called out.

“Mike!? Mike open the door!” The teen heard Annabelle banging on the door.

“Anna! Anna something's not right!” Mike called out.

He moved to the door, but was halted when he saw the black rose once more, and saw that it was also on fire with the same purple flame.

The room was suddenly washed in a bright light, Annabelle now attempting to break down the door as she slammed against it with her shoulder on the other side.

Mike reeled back covering his eyes and collapsing on the bed. He quickly stood up and was met with an astonishing sight. Out of nowhere a girl stood floating in front of him staring out into the window. Her skin was a pale gray with a hue of very light blue. Her hair was silver white and a complete mess, that reached just passed her shoulders, Her eyes were glossy, and empty, with only a single deep purple color to them with bags under them as if she was suffering from a terrible case of insomnia. As scared as he was Mike was also feeling rather aroused for some odd reason, or perhaps simply because all she wore was a simple black open robe torn and ripped in certain areas. Her body looked quite young, somewhere between the ages of seventeen and nineteen, and perfectly well shaped and with no blemishes in sight. Floating in front of her, and censoring her lower half was a large, open thick leather book with a strange insignia on the front.

After some time of staring out the window her gaze drifted downward towards Mike.

“Give life to the lifeless, constrict and restrain oh~ bed of rest” the girl whispered.

Before he could utter a word, the ragged blankets from the old mattress suddenly came to life and quickly restrained him.

“I wish to bend reality, for time to pause and give me clarity, with this chant I beg of you, halt all clocks and make my wish come true!” the girl uttered her chant.

The book's pages started flying all across room, some escaping out the window just as Annabelle finally broke down the door and toppled inside and quickly to the floor.

“It's-it's you!” Annabelle gasped.

“Anna! Run, get out of here!” Mike cried out.

The floating girl glanced down at Annabelle but continued her spell, and much of the entire building was washed away in a glow of light.

Mike's vision was blurry, as if he was struck and knocked unconscious. He looked towards Annabelle who was gripping her head, possibly feeling the same headache he was going through. He glanced back to the floating girl and saw she was once again staring out the window.

He slowly turn to the direction she was facing, and almost lost his lunch.

The forest was gone, the campfire his friends were hanging out was gone, the sky, and full moon were gone, everything was! What he saw was a black void of purple tendrils that seem to go on forever.

“W-where are we” Mike gasped, it was all he could utter as he fought off the urge to puke.

“...This is an alternate plane of existence cut off from the realm of the human world you're so accustom to. In here, time does not exist, no matter how long we stay here, once we return not a second would have passed in the mortal world” the girl explained.

“Y-you're going to take us back though right?” Mike asked.

“...That depends, who are you two, why have you disturbed my former place of residence?” the woman asked.

“I knew you were real, I finally found you...Rosa” Annabelle declared.

The floating girl now made a sharp turn towards Annabelle still collapsed on the floor.

“Hear my cry, make her fly” the sorceress chanted.

The book flapped it's pages and suddenly Annabelle was pulled upwards by an invisible force through the neck of her black gown. She was then pulled towards the magical girl.

“I have not told anyone my name, so tell me how you came to know it? Speak clearly and true, or face the consequences” Rosa stated.

“Let her go, we're not here to hurt anyone!” Mike called out.

Suddenly Annabelle started gasping for air, she tried to move her arms but find she couldn't move her body.

“Odd...I'm not attempting to choke her” Rosa sounded confused.

“Let her go! Please! She has asthma, she needs her medicine!” Mike pleaded.

“Medicine? She is, unwell?” Rosa wasn't sure.

“Let us go, just this once, and I swear we'll do whatever you ask, I need to help her! Please!” Mike begged.

Rosa stared at the two, Annabelle's gasping and frightened eyes, and Mike's determined, and desperate eyes as she attempted to interpret if whether or not they were trying to deceive her.

“Rosa, you're not a bad girl, I know you're not. You have to trust us” Mike stated.

“...Becomes lifeless once more” Annabelle whispered.

The bedsheets stopped their movement, and Annabelle was released and collapsed on the floor. Gasping and attempting to reach around under her dress from something.

“Hang on Anna I got you” Mike was quick to help her out.

Rosa watched as Mike helped Annabelle disrobe and saw that she was wearing a second outfit underneath. Black fishnet stockings, black short-shorts and a black tank-top with fishnet arm sleeves. Mike found Annabelle's inhaler in one of her pockets, and quickly handed it to her, and she immediately starting taking the medicine and steadily became better.

“There, that's it, you doing alright Anna?” Mike asked.

“I-*cough-cough*-I told you, m-my name's not Anna” Annabelle wheezed.

“Let us try this again, how do you know of me?” Rosa asked.

“I'm actually a little curious myself” Mike confessed.

“W-when I was kid, I heard about you from my grandpa before he died. He and his father, his grand-father so on and so forth all remembered you when everyone else forgotten. I-I don't know if my family had anything to do with what happened to you, but I just knew there had to be a reason why they kept spreading your story for so long” Annabelle confessed.

“And now that I'm here, what are you going to do?” Rosa asked.

“I-I...I want to...” Annabelle was hesitant. However she quickly swallowed her tongue, and took a deep breath before declaring, “I want to become your apprentice!” Annabelle suddenly shouted.

“Are you crazy!?” Mike cried out. “I mean, I knew you were into the whole Wicca thing, but this is seriously dangerous stuff here, look outside Anna! This isn't something you should be doing!” Mike tried to talk some sense into her.

“I don't care! Please, Rosa! Lend me some of your power!” Annabelle pleaded as she fell to her knees.

“Your male counterpart is correct, this power comes with a heavy price, I can guarantee with certainty you will not survive the ordeal” Rosa explained.

“S-so I'll become like you?” Annabelle asked.

“...Perhaps you will, perhaps you will not. I have never attempted to turn anyone into someone like me before” Rosa said.

“W-wait! Does this mean you'll actually do it!?” Mike asked.

“...I wish to perform a test, I will confess this test while harmless will feel...embarrassing, shameful, humiliating, just to start with” Rosa said.

“W-what do you mean?” Annabelle was hesitant.

“The origin of this spell has made me feel...anxious for years, as if my body was craving for something I had no recollection of knowing I wanted. I see you, and especially your male companion, and suddenly I am sparked with inspiration. I want to perform several experiments on the two of you. Should you comply and endure, I will reward you with what you seek” Rosa said.

“...W-what kind of book is that?” Mike asked.

“This is the book of Lilith, written in a long forgotten text, it's meanings and words are translated directly to my thoughts thus only I know of it's contents. It whispers ideas, all of carnal nature, but from what I've gathered, it is normal for the author. Now I want you two to undress” Rosa suddenly declared.

“W-what!? No-no way! And why are you so calm about this!?” Mike refused.

“If I recalled you said you'd do anything if I released you, I gave you my word, now you must give me yours” Rosa reminded.

“But that...” Mike was about to argue, then he remember who, or perhaps what he was arguing to. “S-so I just gotta strip for you, that's it?” Mike asked feeling uncomfortable.

“You may be first if you wish, though I had thought perhaps your partner would have done so with you” Rosa said.

“W-wait! Why would I think that!? And we're not partners! We're just friends!” Annabelle argued.

“Anna, turn down the volume of your voice, this isn't just any old person on the street you know” Mike hissed.

“Hm? I'm confused again, I had thought the two of you were a couple, I had sensed a deep feeling of affection you had for him when we were close” Rosa said.

“S-shut up! It's not like that really!” Annabelle flushed red.

“Anna?” Mike called.

“Interesting, if you truly feel that way, then I shall perform this experiment myself, you can observe and take notes if you wish” Rosa stated.

“What do you mean? What are you going to do to him?” Annabelle asked.

Mike was already halfway undressed only his pants left, but as he unzipped himself Rosa was suddenly just inches from his face. She unhooked something from her robe, and it suddenly slipped right off, exposing herself entirely, her breasts gave a subtle jiggle as she undid her robe with nipples of deep purple.

“You take too long, but it will have to do...charming lips” Rosa uttered.

“Y-you're kind of too-*mmph!?*” Mike started but was interrupted by Rosa's sudden kiss.

Her lips were soft, warm and moist, and Mike couldn't resist, only fighting her off for seconds before giving in. their lips smacked louder and louder as both members began to grow comfortable with each other. Mike felt her tongue poking through his teeth wanting to be let in, and he did, soon both their tongues began snaking and tasting each other, and Mike didn't know why. Why was he suddenly craving her attention so much? Yes she was gorgeous, and a great kisser, but was he really that easy to charm? His body was suddenly shoved into the bed, and before he could get up, Rosa's naked body fell on top of him.

“Now we can proceed further~” Rosa whispered.

Mike can still see a bit of his saliva on the corner of her bottom lip, and he was certain he had some from her.

“W-wait we've only just met, a-and I don't want do it front of Anna like this!” Mike cried out as Annabelle was still on her knees struck speechless at the sight that was happening in front of her.

“Still resisting? I had thought my charming kiss spell would have changed your mind about this, but it seems I still need work” Rosa muttered.

“Spells? Hey that's cheating!” Mike argued.

“Soft as fabric, smooth as silk~” Rosa uttered.

Her body glimmered for only a second and suddenly she collapsed on top of Mike. Mike gasped loudly as they made skin contact. Her body felt so amazing, so soft, so warm and comforting. He couldn't control himself he held her and his hand wander all through her back relishing in her new found softness.

“Mike!” Annabelle tried to call out to him.

“W-wait, I still don't-oh~man~” Mike tried further to resist, but now Rosa was grinding herself ever so gently against him, numbing his thoughts as he reeled in the pleasure.

“That's it, that is the reaction I was looking for, it appears skin contact has a strong effect in terms of seduction” Rosa realized.

“Stop it!” Annabelle shouted.

Rosa still on top of Mike peeked behind her to see Annabelle on the verge of tears.

“I-I can't take much more of this...” Annabelle uttered.

“You cave in much sooner than I thought you would, you really do harbor great feelings for him don't you? And for some time as well” Rosa said.

“Please...this is embarrassing enough as it is...I kind of wanted to confess on a different setting, I wanted so much of this day to be different” Annabelle whimpered.

“...Things may not turn out the way you wanted, but that doesn't mean the results will change. Everything I'm doing to him only ends up with him thinking about you...” Rosa said.

“H-huh?” Annabelle gasped.

“It appears as if he too harbors feelings for you...” Rosa said.

Now it was Mike's turn to blush.

“W-well, I always thought you were pretty cool-I mean, not just because of how you look and stuff-but that's not to say you don't look good-I mean...uh~ yeah...” Mike murmured.

“It appears as if neither of you are truly open with each other...if I may?” Rosa asked.

Mike and Annabelle stared at each other until Rosa got up to her feet and walked towards Annabelle.

“This will pinch only for a second” Rosa assured. “Remove thy robes, if by force, you do not need them for this course” Rosa uttered.

Annabelle did in fact feel a pinch, and then she felt a sudden breeze as her tank-top, short-shorts and underwear were torn from her body. The only thing remaining were her arm sleeves, leggings and her boots.

Rosa swiftly moved behind Annabelle and gripped her wrists keeping her from covering herself, and exposing her nude body to Mike. Her body was skinnier than Rosa's, her skin a pale white from staying indoors for quite a while. Her breasts small and perky resembled scoops of vanilla ice-cream with cherries on top.

“Ah! Wait! D-don't stare!” Annabelle cried out.

“Yes, this is most pleasing, Mike are you feeling aroused? Which of us would you prefer to perform the experiment?” Rosa asked.

“I-c-can we just pause or something?” Mike asked not wanting to see, but unable to look away.

“Hm~ that doesn't sound like a coherent answer, it appears as if I have to make all the decisions and actions myself if you continue to be dishonest with yourself” Rosa said.

Rosa released Annabelle much to her relief but she suddenly felt a deep sinking feeling in her heart when she saw her not so secret crush being pleasured by Rosa. Her hands still affected by her previous spell was doing wonders for Mike. Paying extra attention to his shaft while she thumbed his tip with gentle strokes Mike was quickly panting and groaning loudly as Rosa kept him on the edge.

“Hot and wet, soft and slick, make my mouth pleasurable for dick” Rosa uttered another spell.

She opened her mouth wide and that same glimmering sheen that slid through her body the first time happened again inside her mouth before vanishing. Slowly she brought her mouth down, and with her tongue gave him a slow, long lick from his balls and resting to his tip before sinking her mouth and taking his whole member inside her.

Unable to warn her first he immediately came straight into her mouth, the fellatio ending before it really began; however, Rosa paused only to swallow his seed, and then continued pleasuring him, her tongue snaking and rubbing him into unimaginable pleasure. Just as Mike felt he was going to lose it completely Rosa released his dick from her mouth.

“Hm~ the book was correct, I am surged with new-found energy I haven't felt in years...we can now continue this experiment further” Rosa said.

“Can we not?” Annabelle asked.

“How strange that you mortals would hesitate so much with romance, and carnal acts with your loved ones. It is most confounding as your lives last only so long. It appears as if a demonstration is in order to coax you into this exercise. If you truly wish to gain my powers you must accept this as standard procedure” Rosa said.

“I-I don't even know anymore, Rosa? What happened to you?” Annabelle asked.

“Power came over me, great power from someone more powerful that myself, thus I adopt her philosophy. When I was shunned and nearly executed by the mortal world, I found comfort and meaning in the spirit world, and most importantly in the teachings of Lilith who I wished that all may bask in pleasure unending” Rosa revealed.

“Lilith...who is that?” Mike gasped.

“A most powerful Succubus from ages past, defeated, but merely sealed away, she gave me clarity and through her book I was saved. She whispers ideas and methods to increase pleasure and gives me the power to continue my research, but now I have you, Mike you have the energy I need to push my research further” Rosa said.

“W-what kind of research?” Annabelle asked.

“...The summoning of Lilith. To return her to the world, and her minions as well, and bring a new era of lust and love unending” Rosa declared.

“You can't do that!” Annabelle declared.

“...If I may repeat myself it appears as if I must coax you into agreeing with me, luckily Lilith has been whispering many ideas to me while we were talking. Our conversation is over, now is the time to experiment even deeper with our bodies” Rosa stated. “Lust found, and perversion prepared! Make my experience yours to share!” Rosa called out her next spell.

Rosa and Annabelle stared at each other, at first nothing happening until Annabelle felt a sudden rush of emotions. Her body suddenly grew hot, itchy and already she was starting to sweat, her skin felt much more sensitive than before, and embarrassingly enough she felt suddenly wet in her nether region despite feeling very little arousal from the start.

She dropped to her knees, holding her chest and lower half gasping and red in the face.

“I've been wanting to practice this particular spell for quite a while. You shall be my visual example of what the spells I've performed on my body tonight, and over the years can do to a person. This will be most insightful” Rosa said.

She crawled up over to Mike and began pumping his dick hard once more before turning around to face Annabelle.

“Be true to your feelings Annabelle, if you do, this is the reward you shall earn” Rosa declared.

She slowly brought herself lower, and lower, the tip of Mike's penis making contact with Rosa's pussy and Annabelle suddenly felt something poking at her entrance as well.

“You'll understand fairly quickly what I've done to us” Rosa whispered before dropping down and filling her womanhood entirely with Mike's member.

Annabelle cried out loudly as the rush of pleasure she was feeling was immeasurable to anything she had felt before. Both hands now cupping her vagina as she felt herself being penetrated by an invisible force.

“I see~ I see~ let's keep going” Rosa moaned.

She started moving up and down in slow movement, relishing every moment they experienced. Rosa was calm and quiet only eliciting quiet gasps and moans as she kept just a little taste of the sexual intercourse to herself for personal studies. Mike and Annabelle on the other hand were the complete opposite. Mike's body struggled and jerked as his still sensitive member was being pleasured even further to levels he may never experience again. His mind slowly turning to mush as he gave in to Rosa's body. Annabelle still on her knees was reeling and moaning the loudest as her body felt like it was being taken to town and fucked ceaselessly.

“Rosa! Please~ I-I'm going to cum~I-I can't-I'm cumming!” Annabelle shouted.

“Interesting, my climax isn't near finished yet, it appears as if my spells are much more effective on the human body than my own” Rosa said.

“I-I can't either, I'm going to cum again” Mike groaned.

“A most joyous discoveries, how do my inner walls feel now that I know you can still communicate? I have prepared myself for this day with Lilith's generous advice” Rosa asked.

“Good-too good, I can't stop myself” Mike stated.

“Then I wish for you to release yourself inside me, I want more of your spirit energy to nourish me, Annabelle do you feel it now? Don't you see what great things await you if you are truly honest with yourself?” Rosa asked.

“My body is so hot, Rosa I-I-*gasp~*-I can't-breathe!” Rosa gasped.

“Asthma! Her asthma Rosa!” Mike cried out.

“This is becoming tedious, your asthma is getting in the way of my research! I shall fix this conundrum immediately!” Rosa sounded genuinely annoyed. Body weak, and spirit strong, cure her of her ails and qualms!” Rosa declared.

The book made a return, hovering inches of Annabelle's face before spraying her with a green cooling mist. In no time at all her gasping and wheezing were gone, and she found herself breathing normally.

“I-I can breathe again, b-but my inhaler!?” Annabelle stated.

“I have cured you of the thing holding you back, you can now experience this feeling in full, and I can have an accurate understanding of my spells and charms on your body. Now may we proceed?” Rosa asked.

Though it wasn't really a question, as she slammed herself down on Mike's shaft and moved in a much faster pace.

Annabelle cried out and found herself unable to hold herself back. She panted, and moaned as Rosa continued to move faster and faster. Annabelle even started to masturbate herself, pinching at her nipples, and clit as she collapsed face-up and started exploring her body.

“That's it, you are starting to understand, let us come to a conclusion together!” Rosa declared.

All three of them did declare their conclusion, as loudly and perversely as possible...mostly just Mike and Annabelle though.

Rosa stood up and stared at the two of them, still gasping and sweating as they slowly got over their orgasms.

“Annabelle...I deduce Mike has only one orgasm left in his system at the moment, I gift him to you as a thank you for your cooperation” Rosa invited.

Rosa was silent as she slowly stood up, she continued her slow pace as she faced Mike on the bed.

“Mike...d-do you want to...” Annabelle was hesitant.

“She's right, I think I have one left in me, and I don't mind if it's you...I think it kind of goes without saying but I...uh~ I like you a lot, like more than a friend a lot...Annabelle” Mike confessed.

“Mike...so, okay I'm not as good, but I really want this...I really want you” Annabelle also confessed.

Annabelle crawled over to Mike still not entirely recovered from her previous orgasms and clung to him by resting herself on top of him. Mike not fazed by her weight held her close as well. Both of them still a little shy stared into one another blushing up a storm until Mike took the initiative and gave Annabelle a peck on the lips. The second time the kiss lasted a lot longer, even a bit tongue action near the end of it before they pulled away from each other breathing heavily.

“Mike...you're the only ray of light in my bleak life” Annabelle whispered.

“I love you too Annabelle” Mike assured.

Annabelle stood up as she lowered her hips to meet Mike's member. Rosa stood silent through it all taking a lot of mental notes as she saw the new couple become one for the first time. They both gasped simultaneously upon penetration, and while it was true that Annabelle was indeed less experienced than Rosa as her pace was often inconsistent, but it was of little concern to Mike. They clasped their hands together as Annabelle rode him reverse cowgirl and stared at Mike with content smile and subtle moans and sighs. She bounce up and down as at last gave in to her suppressed affection and lust for the man she loved.

“This-*hah*-feels-*uh~*-incredible! More! Mike! Mike!” Annabelle cried out.

“Amazing...I was unaware of the power of genuine love. It's as if her entire body was under several spells. This is most insightful” Rosa muttered.

“Mike~! It's happening again-*hah~oh~* I'm cumming! I-*mmm~*-I wanna cum together!” Annabelle cried out.

“Me too! I want to cum with you!” Mike gasped.

“Inside! Deep inside me! I don't care what happens! Oh~ Mike! Mike! I'm cumming~!” Annabelle screamed.

Mike felt Annabelle clamp down harder on him and he couldn't contain himself either. He climaxed deep inside her as Annabelle rode through her strongest orgasm.

“I believe this concludes my studies, I have learned so much, yet I discovered more questions than answers. Let us return to your world for further instructions” Rosa stated. “Our time is done, we wish to return, bring us to the world of mortals where the clocks always turn!” Rosa casts her spell.

The world around them spun at incredible speeds for a brief second before they were sent back to where they came from. The scent of the night sky and dew returning blowing a cold breeze into the room making the nude couple shiver a bit.

“...D-did you bring us back?” Mike asked.

“I did, you are free to go” Rosa said.

Annabelle was silent, unable to put into words the experience she just went through.

“...Annabelle, do you still seek my power? After everything you went through?” Rosa asked.

“...I don't know anymore...but I think I still got what I wanted nonetheless” Annabelle replied.

“Uncertainty is always a hassle, perhaps you are not ready, but that is not to say the path to this road is lost. You are still at the crossroad and I will give you a chance to think this over. I don't get too many visitors and even less volunteers. Thus I shall gift you with this...” Rosa said.

Rosa produced two black roses, from under her robes and presented them to the now dressed couple, Annabelle having to wear nothing, but her black gown after having her clothes torn.

“W-what are those?” Mike asked.

“A little piece of myself for the two of you. You may take them if you wish” Rosa said.

“Yeah...yeah I think I'll take one” Mike agreed.

“I...don't mind...” Annabelle also agreed.

“And so we much bid each other farewell, I will remain here for a brief time before I must depart, may the two of you revel in your new passion together” Rosa gave them her blessing.

While the two of them were rather embarrassed at Rosa's blunt statement, it still didn't stop them from suddenly holding hands together. They gave Rosa one last wave goodbye before leaving her home where their friends were waiting for them several yards away.

“What happened!? That wasn't even fifteen minutes!” One of the girls exclaimed.

“I...sort of just changed my mind that's all! It's not like it's illegal or anything” Annabelle argued.

“Yeah, I heard all the creaking and one of the floorboards coming off, and that was it for me” Mike said.

“Oh yeah? What else did you do cause I smell something really off about you two” one of the drunks noticed.

“Nothing is off! It's an old house! Probably just some mold stuck to our clothes!” Annabelle quickly defended.

“Oh? Sure it was~” one of the girls weren't buying it.

“Let's just get out of here! This trip is over!” Annabelle cried out.

“Whatever you say Annabelle” Mike said.

“Okay now I know something is off! You never called her by her full name before, what happened back there?” One of the girls persistently asked.

“I told you nothing!” Annabelle blushed furiously.

“Then why are you two holding hands~?” She teased.

Sure enough both Mike and Annabelle were still holding each other.

“It's just really slippery around here that's all!” Mike argued.

Rosa stared at the two listening intently at their conversation and excuses from a distance.

“*Sigh~* and after all that work too...” Rosa was disappointed. Suddenly she paused when she heard a familiar whisper coming from the book, now glowing a faint purple. “...Yes...of course, I agree Lilith...you want me to-...of course, I have already thought ahead...the roses I gave them will lead us to them...no need to worry your time will come with their help...I too enjoyed their company, I can see myself experimenting more and more with them” Rosa whispered to her book.

After some more teasing the group decided to disband, Annabelle however had other plans, and pulled Mike away for a private discussion.

“Uh, Mike I was thinking...d-do you want to...I-I don't know spend the night together at my house...I mean if you want to of course” Annabelle asked.

“...Sure Annabelle, I would love to” Mike answered knowing full well of her intentions.

The two later returned home, and began their love-making anew filling each other's desires in every which way they knew. It was the most passionate love-making they had ever experienced with a partner, but in only lasted so long when their black roses suddenly began to glow a dark purple as it sat on Annabelle's desk and an oval light suddenly shone above it.

The couple nude and exposed covered themselves with the blankets as they saw Rosa hovered out of the light she possibly created.

“I have returned with great news” Rosa declared.

“H-how'd you find us!?” Mike asked.

“My roses act as a warping point for my transportation magic. As true warping takes much more energy than I can produce with the little spirit energy I possess” Rosa answered.

“S-so what are you doing here so soon!?” Annabelle cried out.

“I have spoken with Lilith, and she was rather pleased with the two of you. So much so that she wishes that you serve under her for her future return. Annabelle you are to become my apprentice, I shall begin tutoring you starting tomorrow night. And Mike...while your heart may belong to Annabelle, Lilith still wishes that you share that love in order to bring about her second coming...with me in particular, as well as my soon to be familiars...once I create them” Rosa declared.

“T-this is all so sudden, a-and what do you mean share the love!?” Mike demanded to know.

“In time you will understand, but it seems as if Lilith has grown a fondness over you, a great honor I might add, but do not be discouraged Annabelle for through my tutelage you will-no you must continue your sexual exploits with Mike in order to gain the strength you desired” Rosa said.

“S-so what does that make us?” Annabelle wanted to know.

“...For the time being we are called in my native tongue a 'üçlü' roughly translated, we are a threesome” Rosa declared.
A Snake's Tail...Get it?: Shirohebi
Spoiler: show
It's a pleasant day, the sun is shining, the children are out and about and the smell of spring is in the air.


In a two story home a metaphorical stormy cloud looms over the area, all concentrated on a young teenager who's nearing her full bloom of the mental roller-coaster called puberty.

“He's late...it's that slut again I bet, she's trying to seduce my innocent brother” the mamono growled

She was a slender and elegant young teen girl who was already growing up to look much like her mother. A Shirohebi with long, straight white hair that fell all the way down her thin hips. She glared at the sun with her ruby red eyes, particularly the direction her brother should be returning from school.

“Damn this cold-*achoo*! I should be at school protecting him!” the Shirohebi grumbled.

She clutched to her blanket hiding her frail frame and growing chest wrapped snugly in a silky smooth and loose pajama top.

“There he is-and that harlot too!” The Shirohebi shouted.

While her upper body looked rather weak her lower body and magical prowess more than made up for it. She slithered out of her room on her long silver white snake tail, her hands a glow with blue embers as her passion and rage were nearing a full meltdown.

She rushed out to the front door to see her little brother conversing with the neighborhood Were-cat.

It might have been the cold, her jealousy, her passion, or really any number of reasons that might have caused her to react a little too strongly.

“Get away from my brother flea-bag!” The Shirohebi shouted tossing a small fireball at the Were-cat's feet.

“*Meowrl*! Back off! I'll talk to you later Frank-*meow-hiss~* I'm going-I'm going!” the Were-cat shouted as another fireball was flung at her and she jumped and dashed away.

“Hey what's the deal! That's the third girl you chased off!” Frank cried out.

“Onii~chan~!” The Shirohebi cried out.

From a violent killing machine to peppy fan-girl who favors moon-speak she rushed to her brother and wasted no time coiling around him on the front lawn.

“I was so worried about you~!” The Shirohebi cried her eyes out, mistaking 'worried' with something else entirely.

“You're squeezing me a bit to tight Tsuki let go~” Frank gasped.

“No! Do you have any idea how close you were to getting raped by her! I can't leave you alone for a second!” Tsuki said.

“Can we talk about this later!? Maybe inside or something?” Frank asked as he noticed they were now drawing attention to other people outside as well.

“Get a room you two!” A passing Orc shouted as she continued her jog.

“*Hiss~* for your information we shared rooms a lot when we were little!” Tsuki shouted as the Orc continued to laugh at them.

Regardless she retreated inside with her brother still in tow.

“...So! How's school?” Tsuki asked with a glimmer in her eyes, and a cute smile.

“Shouldn't you be in bed, you're still sick aren't you?” Frank asked.

“Oh gosh~ Frank, I love how much you worry about me” Tsuki swooned.

“(Wish I can say the same to you)” Frank thought.

“Oh goodness you're a mess! Well if you want you can take a bath while I prepare us some dinner” Tsuki said.

“Where's mom and dad?” Frank asked.

“They're on their ten year anniversary date probably giving us a little sister~*giggle*” Tsuki giggled.

“Oh yeah, still haven't come back yet huh? Guess I'll take a shower then” Frank said.

“Oh! Why don't you take a bath instead? It might take me a while to prepare our food” Tsuki said.

“You don't have to prepare anything, just call delivery or something” Frank said.

“B-but...but I want to make something special-cause-cause you're my big brother onii-chan and-and I wuv you~” Tsuki went from happy to crying in mere moments.

“Alright-alright I'll take a bath then, just stop crying before I feel worse about this” Frank said.

“Kay! Dinner will be ready soon!” Tsuki instantly perked up.

“...Damn it...” Frank muttered as he realize he's been had.

Tsuki worked on tonight's dinner, but it didn't take long for her to finish as her mother had several recipes prepared ahead of time for them. Her true intentions were the upstairs bathroom where her brother is currently residing. She walked up the bathroom door hearing the occasional splash of bath water.

“...Locked” Tsuki realized when she turned the door knob.

Of course this was no surprise to her, but she simply smiled and rushed to her room to test her lock picking tool...and to undress of course.

Now wearing nothing but her bath towel she hummed a merry little tune as she attempted to break into Frank's privacy.

She opened the door and let herself in.

“Onii-chan...is there any room left for me?” Tsuki asked with grace and elegance.

“N-no! How'd you get in here anyways!?” Frank asked.

“There's nothing that can separate our relationship, we're too close to let a simple locked door come between us” Tsuki said.

Frank knew that tone, she always adopted her mother's mature and romantic tone whenever she was in the mood to deepen their relationship, to which Frank refused again and again.

“You know I think I'm done taking a bath I'm coming out” Frank was ready to leave.

“W-wait! Can you at least uh...scrub my tail? For old times sake, you know how long I take and sometimes I can't reach all my spots” Tsuki said.

“Isn't that why you shed?” Frank said as he pulled the curtains to grab his towel and merely got an eyeful of Tsuki's naked form. Her skin a pale, creamy white with the only colors coming from her pink blushing cheeks, her darker pink nipples and at that point Frank couldn't dare bring himself to stare lower.

“G-goodness dear, I'm still a little shy, but I hope my body will be enough to please you” Tsuki blushed.

“I'm not your dear, I'm your brother and I'm getting my towel...which you're holding...” Frank realized.

“Yes...If you don't wish to take a bath with me, then at least give me the honor of drying you. I'll be very thorough I promise” Tsuki purred.

Frank answered Tsuki by splashing her with cold water. She shrieked and quickly retreated, reacting way more strongly than he thought she would. Once changed and clean he returned downstairs meeting his sister glaring at him and hugging her blanket tightly.

“...Onii-chan you...you baka!” Tsuki insulted.

“I...I might have overdone it a bit, but hey the food looks good” Frank complimented the food.

Tsuki turned her nose up and away from him, refusing the hear any of it, though she couldn't help but sit very close beside him as they ate their food.

The sun began to set and Frank retreated to his room, he was surprise to see Tsuki act distant as she too left for her room without saying a word.

“Hm...maybe I should have at least humored her” Frank thought.

Back at Tsuki's room she attempted to remove her frustration by reading through some unfinished manga she kept. She scoured through her favorites series to figure the best course of action: Yume Nikki, and Elfen Lied being a few of them.

“Oh~ I wish I had the courage~” Tsuki whined as she saw the results of their love, and determination.

Still she had to think of something, her brother was slipping away from her.

“He'd never acted so cold around me before...soon he'll hate me completely” Tsuki murmured.

She had to think of something fast, and as she looked outside to a small neighboring forest a few miles away she came up with an idea.

She waited until the dead of night when his brother was completely asleep and began her plan. She was surprised to find her brother's room unlocked but thought nothing more than a slip up on his part and proceeded with her plan. She carried with her a long blanket given to her to help her sleep, it was thick, soft, and made of Were-sheep wool. Even holding it in her arms caused her to grow tired but she pressed on and draped it over her brother. Her brother was covered but she had to make sure the Were-sheep blanket was working and decided to give it a test run. She leaned in real close and whispered an old saying she use to whisper to him when they were kids.

“Onii-chan and Tsuki together forever, onii-chan and Tsuki together forever, onii-chan and Tsuki together forever” Tsuki chanted.

Her brother squirmed but he was still sound asleep.

Tsuki smiled and proceeded to ensnare him, making sure the blanket was still firmly around him. With her big brother in tow she took off into the night.

When Frank finally awoke he realized that the floor felt awfully hard, and the blanket he was in while comfortable wasn't the typical blanket he normally had. There was a faint light ahead of him where he saw trees and foliage, but all around him he saw rocks and dirt.

“...I'm in a cave...” Frank muttered.

“Oh!? You're finally awake darling?” Tsuki perked up.

His darling little sister dressed in her silky pajama top unbuttoned and barely covering her body.

“Tsuki...where are we?” Frank asked.

“Why we're home darling, we finally have a place to ourselves...all by ourselves” Tsuki emphasized.

“Well I'm going back now, let's go Tsuki” Frank said.

“No! I-I won't let you!” Tsuki cried out.

Her tail quickly went to work ensnaring him and covering him toe to torso.

“*Giggle* I'm so much taller than you, but I'm still your cute little sister wife aren't I?” Tsuki said.

“I never recalled arranging such a thing” Frank was being patient with her.

“Why are you so distant all of a sudden! I just want us to be closer...look at me” Tsuki pleaded.

She didn't have to do much to pull her shirt off, and pressing her bare chest against his head making sure his cheek was resting on her bosom.

“I can be anything you want, I'll do anything to please you. You can even tie me up, call me names, and do whatever crude things to my body and I'll receive it, accept it, and thank you for it...can't you see? You'll never find anyone who'll love you more than I do” Tsuki assured.

“Tsuki...don't you think I don't know that?” Frank asked.

“Then why do you push me away!?” Tsuki asked.

“I-I don't want to lose what we already have...I don't know it's just-knowing how you feel about me, I don't think I could ever make that kind of devotion for you, maybe I'm being selfish but I just want to understand myself better, or something like that” Frank couldn't understand.

“...I see...in that case I'll make it easier for you to decide then...” Tsuki said.

“W-what are you doing?” Frank asked.

Frank attempted to struggle, but he couldn't move his hands, he watched as Tsuki focused her energy and created a ball of blue flame between her palms.

“Take this, my love, my everything. I'll give you this, and in return you shall give me yours...again and again deep inside me, your love, your everything” Tsuki sounded as if she was in a trance.

“T-Tsuki snapped out of it, this isn't like you” Frank pleaded.

“I-I have to do what it takes...” Tsuki murmured as her breathing grew heavier, and her face flushed red. “I can't let us be apart...” Tsuki continued, her body now covered in sweat. “I-I just want us to-to...spend more time...together” Tsuki's voice grew fainter.

Her ball of flame flickered and struggled to keep itself lit until it vanished completely and Tsuki passed out. She collapsed on top of her brother and her grip on him loosened.

“I told you to stay in bed until you felt better...damn it” Frank murmured.

He recalled what his parents told him about the side effects of a mammono getting sick. He thought if he just kept his distance for a bit she wouldn't go all crazy, but perhaps it was for that reason that she went so far as to kidnapping.

“...How far away did she drag me?” Frank wondered.

He did his best carrying his little sister, making sure he wasn't dragging too much of her body across the floor and looked outside.

“(Aw crap, the woods? Are you kidding me, this is like...at least 3 miles)” Frank thought.

He should be mad, but Tsuki was in no condition to get scolded at, he merely cursed his bad luck and began the long trek back home.

Tsuki woke up several hours later in her room with a wet towel on her head. She glanced to the side and saw her brother exhausted and resting his head on her bedside.

“Onii-chan...did you do all this?” Tsuki asked.

Frank squirmed and yawned upon hearing her voice and lifted his head up.

“Morning sunshine...feeling better yet?” Frank asked.

“Onii-chan...I did something really dumb didn't I?” Tsuki asked.

“A little dumb yeah” Frank grinned.

“I'm so stupid, I ruined everything” Tsuki was on the verge of tears.

“Tsuki...I didn't drag your body back home just to hear you cry” Frank replied.

“I'm...sorry” Tsuki tried to wipe her tears.

“*Sigh~* no I'm sorry, I may have taken the wrong path when I shouldn't. I should have been there for you, even more so when you were sick. Listen Tsuki, I care about you more than you know, I mean I wouldn't do all of this if I didn't at the very least like you. I might spend some time with friends but I'll always have time for you...and maybe one day I can...make up my mind about us” Frank promised.

“I understand...I'll try to be more patient, but I still can't just leave you alone with them!” Tsuki said.

“*Sigh~ how about a compromise?” Frank suggested.

A week later...

Tsuki finally recovered and returned to her relatively normal self, but she was behind in her studies and needed to catch up fast. Luckily Frank called upon some friends to visit for a study and homework session.

“Thanks a lot for helping us out like this” Frank said.

“Well I was hoping this was a more private session...” a Harpy muttered.

“And what were you going to do in this 'private session'!?” Tsuki wanted to know clinging to her brother's side.

“C-calm down I'm sure it was just innocent studying, right? Just studying?” The Were-rabbit asked.

“Sure whatever~” the Harpy sighed.

“You almost burned my tail off you know” the Were-cat reminded.

“And I am very sorry” Tsuki apologized.

“...So can I sit next to Frank so I can read over his book 'cause I don't have mine?” The Were-cat asked.

“I'm not that sorry” Tsuki said.

“I think this could work” Frank figured.
And That's What You Call Bullying: Manticore
Spoiler: show
"Reconnaissance missions suck!” A young Knight declared at the empty field of rocks and boulders.

After only a few years reluctantly serving the Order for some quick cash and glory he realized the life of a knight was not as glamorous as they promoted it would be. Though he couldn't quite blame them for sticking him in the middle of nowhere.

He wasn't their best recruit, not by a long-shot, couldn't handle anything more than a sword, heavy armor threatened to crush him, and quite frankly even standing guard was tasking considering he would often sleep standing up. An admirable feat, but not one the military was looking for.

Dressed in light leather armor with chain-mail and loose fitting leather slacks and boots, he stood with sword on hilt on a far off spot of territory with little to no explanation of the land and with instructions to just observe for any sign of mammono presence in the area.

“I've been camping here for the past three hours, what makes them think anything would bother to come around these parts” the man grumbled.

He was standing outside the craggy field with splotches of grass, and temperatures dropping to cold weather.

“They said something made it's home here, but I can't for the life of me think of anything that can survive here” he continued to talk to himself.

Normally he wouldn't talk out loud like this, but the extreme isolation of this desolate field made talking to himself the only thing to keep him relatively calm.

“My shift's almost over at least, just another hour and I can report...” the man assured himself.

Only half an hour left, the man was on the verge of taking a nap when he suddenly felt something off. He felt like he was being watched...intently too, as if someone's eyes were drilling into his very skin and rippling his muscles and nerves.

“S-something's here...I-I'm sure they'll understand if I report a little earlier than usual” the man figured as he quickly retreated back to base.

The feeling of being watched now elevated when he began moving away from the crags...now it felt like he was being stalked. He scoured the area around him, but there was nothing to be found. It wasn't until he looked down at his own shadow did he realize it was growing larger, and wider, he felt a rush of wind coming down and with only seconds to react he jumped out of the way and just narrowly being crushed by-

“*Tch* and here I thought I would finish this in one blow” The living comet just growled.

She rose from the small crater she created in a ray of stunning beauty and raw power, standing tall and proud and over two feet taller than the young man. Her hair was long, wild, spiky, and magenta red with thick, sharp cat-like ears with a fluffy white interior. Her sharp predator eyes flashed a crimson red, her pink lips wore a confident smirk, her tongue traveling across left to right slowly and tantalizingly. Of course as a man who has yet to touch the skin of a woman his eyes quickly drew lower from her face to her luscious body, particularly her large bust size barely contained in a small black bikini, her narrow waist, and wide hips also barely contained by a pair of thin black panties. She swung her neck left and right, the young knight heard the audible pops from the distance.

She shook her palms and stretched her legs before glancing back at the man.

“Huh? You're still standing there? I'm giving you a head start to run, you better take it, every second counts” the Manticore replied.

“W-what!?” The knight replied.

“9! 8~ 7~” the Manticore began to countdown.

The Knight struggled to get his feet working before making a mad dash away from the craggy field.

“Heh...well at least he has a nice butt” the Manticore smirked as she counted down to zero in her head.

The knight quickly looked behind him, and saw the Manticore rushing at him on all fours.

“Come on! I was joking about you running away! I want you're meat to stay tender~” the Manticore cried out.

If the knight hadn't already gone to the bathroom, he would have crapped himself right then, and there.

He then remembered he had a sword on his hilt and decided to draw it out.

“Stand back! I'm trained in this thing!” The Knight warned.

She slid on the rocky floor like a badass and stopped just a few feet away.

“Oh? Look who decided to grow a pair, well, show me how you use that thing” the Manticore challenged.

The teen cried out, and swung his sword and was immediately stopped when she grabbed the blade. She effortlessly yanked it out of his hands, gave it a twirl mid air and held it with both her paws.

“...Nice toy...” the Manticore replied before snapping it in half. “Whoops, my bad” the Manticore smiled before dropping the broken blade on the floor.

The man's eyes widen, his breath heavy and his fear increasingly growing. Wasting no time he grabbed what little dirt he could find and flung it at the Manticore's face.

She howled as the sand hit her eyes blinding her temporarily, and the knight made another dash to a rocky area where he attempted to hide himself behind a large boulder.

It was quiet, very quiet...then he felt a rumble. And then he heard a roar, growing louder and angrier. He peeked out of his boulder and saw the Manticore flying straight at him, mere inches off the floor. Rage...pure rage you can feel was etched on her face.

Moving fast he only had seconds to react and quickly escaped just in time to hear a loud crash as the large boulder he hid behind was reduced to crumbles, the Manticore charging through it like it was paper. Mid-way it was as if time was reduced to a crawl, they're eyes locked onto each other for just a brief moment. She clutched a large chunk of rock in her paw and crushed it with a squeeze before the knight high tailed it out of there.

Directly in front of him was the forest, if he can make it through there, he'll have a higher chance of escaping the Manticore pursuing him through the thick foliage and tree trunks.

“No use hiding! I hunt better when I'm hungry! And right now I'm starving!” She roared.

She flew high above him, and the sound of rushing wind soon followed, the knight instinctively jumped once more as the Manticore crash landed in the spot where he once stood just a second ago, still the impact of the blow was strong enough to disrupt his roll, and he tumbled face up on the floor, the Manticore was quick to take advantage of this, and jumped on top of him and holding him down.

“Bit off more than you can chew huh!?” the Manticore smirked.

“S-stop I'm not worth it-I-I mean I barely have any meat on me at all!” The man pleaded.

“Oh don't you worry, I know how to make you last” the Manticore replied.

Grabbing him by the armpits she took off with just a single flap of her powerful wings back into to the craggy field. Naturally the way he was being carried he couldn't help but have his head pressed against her large breasts and she wasn't ignoring it either.

“Comfy? Hah! I bet this is the first time you felt a pair like mine huh?” The Manticore replied.

“N-n-no! I've had plenty of...uh~ sex stuff...” the knight replied.

“Spoken like a true virgin, wow! Today must be my birthday or something” the Manticore grinned.

She eventually landed on top of a particularly tall rocky mountain where the knight could see the equivalent of a nest made of stolen goods, mostly blankets and other assorted items that caught her attention, most of it shiny.

“Nice view huh?” The Manticore smiled.

He knew she was joking, they were so high up and nothing but spiky rocks to land on should he fall or slip.

“Please-I-I'll do anything I-I'll clean your lair just don't eat me” the man pleaded for his life.

“Hah! Like you're of any use to me...but~ I might have use of a slave if you don't taste good...let's find out!” The Manticore declared.

A swipe of her sharp claws did away with the pathetic excuse of armor the young man had exposing his bare chest.

“Mmm~ smooth as a baby's bottom, oh my god did you shave your chest on purpose” the Manticore snickered.

The man couldn't answer and blushed in shame as he turned away. He might as well have said 'hell yes'.

“Mmm~ don't mind if I do” the Manticore grinned.

She lowered her head letting her tongue hang out before resting it on his chest to let it travel across it. She moaned in pleasure tasting him while the man in confused panic attempted to escape. This didn't please the Manticore one bit.

She slammed her tail against the rock beside him causing it to break.

“Move another inch and I'll gobble you in a single bite” the Manticore growled.

The man froze, his eyes wide as he surrendered his body to the Manticore, he was so afraid he didn't notice his pants had been ripped off.

“What's this? Getting a boner over being eaten? What kind of masochist are you?” The Manticore smiled. “Guess we'll start there” her smile grew.

It was then that he noticed her tail was swinging back and forth behind her, and suddenly opened up revealing a fleshy, wet inside, and before anything else can be said she already plunged it straight into his manhood. The man groaned and before he knew it he had already came inside her tail.

“Mmm~ I can feel your ejaculation inside me...wow~ I knew you wouldn't last long, but this must be a new record, congratulations on losing your virginity!” The manticore smile.

“Can I go home now?” The man murmured.

“Sure, just defeat me, and whatever you do, don't cum again” the Manticore accepted.

To mess with him even further the Manticore poked the man in his side by shooting a thin poison tipped needle. The pain was as instant as it's effect when he suddenly found himself on the verge. He soon came a second time.

“What did I just say!? Now you can never ever leave!” The Manticore laughed.

“Why does this feel so good?” The man gasped.

“Why? You tell me, if you're really against all this just pull my tail off your baby dick. If you do that I'll consider letting you go” the Manticore challenged.

Her smile wasn't convincing but the man had no other choice and he didn't wish to be her plaything any longer. She gripped her tail as he noticed the spines retracted to allow a better grip. He grabbed her tail and moved it an inch and was hit with such a great feeling that his body naturally stopped pulling.

“(W-what am I doing? I just gotta pull this off)” the man thought.

He tried again, but as he pulled at it some more he suddenly pushed it back in, pulled out, pushed in, he never could yank it off entirely. Before he knew it he was jerking himself off her tail.

“No stop, what are you doing, that's my tail stop” the Manticore replied with zero care, or surprise. She practically knew this was gonna happen.

And thus his third orgasm came.

“Well that's three strikes, you're out. You don't have to say anything, that third orgasm spoke for itself...you're mine now” the Manticore declared.

Two weeks later...

Life has been hard for the former knight, and he calls himself that merely because he doubts the Order will take him back after what he's been through...and the new feelings slowly growing.

“Hey, got some meat for ya. So get to cooking” the Manticore came back with a slew of small dead animals.

“T-thanks, so~ medium well as usual?” The man asked.

“Sure whatever, just make them the same as always” the Manticore replied.

“Yeah sure whatever” the man replied, defeated as he got to work.

Of course the moment he began roasting the meat on an open campfire the Manticore neared him at once had her tail on his junk.

“W-what now!?” The man asked.

“What? I get bored waiting for my food to be done, so I'm gonna play with you some more. I thought you'd be use to it by now” the Manticore said.

“But we already did this in the morning” the man argued.

“I'm sorry, I must have missed the part where you had any say of when I want to play with you” the Manticore replied. “Tell you what, if you can hold out this time, I'll reward you” the Manticore declared.

“With what?” The man asked.

“Hm~ oh! I know! I'll make your dreams come true by showing you my tits and pussy if you can last a minute” the Manticore declared.

If his dick wasn't hard from being squeezed by her tail, then her declaration would have made him pitch a tent.

It's been a week, and she continues to tease him with that skimpy bikini she wears while milking him with that tail. A chance to finally see her naked and exposed would be most ideal.

“I-I'll accept it as a challenge of endurance” the man lied...he lied so hard.

“Okay...I'll poke you with my needle as soon as we start the timer, you're old record with my spines was 46 seconds, think you can manage?" The Manticore asked.

He was filled with determination and nodded his head.

“Starting~ now!” The Manticore declared.

He felt a jab on his side, and her tail begin to suck and massage his dick, as he tried to distract himself with thoughts of old men and whatever disgusting erection killing thoughts he can conjure up.

“Mmm~ so far so good, let's pick up the pace” she declared as he hit the twenty second mark.

He peeked at the Manticore and saw her knead her breasts with one paw, and rub and dig into her pussy through her panties with her other paw, all the while tugging at her clothes.

“Halfway there and no orgasm, maybe this time you'll get lucky?” The Manticore mused.

Now she was slowly undoing her bra, taking off the knot on her back and letting it hang with only her paws holding them to keep them covering her chest.

“Ten seconds left~ come on, be a man, be my man~” the Manticore moaned.

Slowly she began to reveal more and more of her large bosom, but the sight and noises she made were too much and at five seconds left he came inside her.

“Aw~ too bad, you were so close, but a deal's a deal” the Manticore replied retying her bra once more.

The man slumped to the ground cursing himself for not lasting another measly five seconds.

“Cheer up you big baby, most men wouldn't even handle me for ten seconds” the Manticore sighed as she fell closely beside him.

She wrapped her paws around him and snuggled up close.

“What are you doing now?” The man asked.

“Taking a nap, it's hard work bullying you all the time” the Manticore sighed.

“But the food-” the man said.

“It can wait, just give me five minutes body pillow” the Manticore promoted him from 'boy toy' to 'bodypillow'.

“...I...guess it's okay” the man resigned.

“Good, now hold still, and don't even think about touching me down there, you've still got a lot of training to do” the Manticore warned.

“I know- I know...” the sighed.

The Manticore smiled and closed her eyes, and that was when he heard something he hadn't noticed before.

“...Are you purring?” The man asked.

The Manticore's eyes shot up and her face turned a deep red.

“NO! I was! I was just-say one word of this and I'll eat you for sure!” The Manticore cried out.

The man quickly nodded and the Manticore was happy to see his obedience, and once again she nodded off, this time the man didn't say anything as she purred contently to herself.
Saturday Morning Wonderland Tales: Cheshire Cat
Spoiler: show
It takes a lot of effort, dedication, devotion, skill, and many-many more traits to rank up in the Order, one particular person was extra impatient, and extra stupid.

“Alright rookie, you wanna rank up? We'll make you commander in a day if you can capture a mamono from this 'Wonderland' realm that has recently been discovered. So far all our troops have failed, either coming back haunted, or gone completely. If you can capture a mamono from that realm so that we may examine them for weaknesses, than glory, and fame to you!” His commanding officer declared.

And so~

“This rabbit hole is the entrance right? Beware Wonderland heathens! I shall stand victorious! For the Order!” The young knight shouted as he jumped into the hole.

It wasn't the fall itself that caused him to black out and crumble on the floor, but rather the odd sights and sensations he went through on the way down. The young man armed with leather garments, short brown cut hair, and black eyes glanced left and right and found himself in a dimly lit room. A single door shaped in a strewn perpendicular shape.

“Hmph! Order is clearly needed here” The man grunted as he opened the door and suddenly found himself outside.

He walked several steps and turned around, only to find the door frame fall to the floor.

“...It was a terrible entryway anyways. There's always more than one way out” the man was still calm as he continued on his way.

Just out of his sight, a young woman leans on the tree branch and stares intently at the new visitor.

Hair violet and black, long and free like her spirit, pointy cat ears twitching excitedly with each step the man took. Flashing yellow eyes a wide grin on her face, and stripes galore on her fur and clothing which was barely anything, but a bustier with a skirt, and panties...maybe she was wearing panties...probably not.

She took her eyes off him only for a moment to turn around, and smile to whoever she felt was watching.

“Looks like the show's about to start, better get comfy” The Cheshire Cat announced to no one in particular.

The man scoured through the woods seeing giant mushrooms, oddly colored trees and smelling nothing but cakes and tea, but no mamono in sight.

“Hah no danger here, only weirdness and trickery! What a joke” the man replied.

“So~ whatcha doin~?” The Cheshire Cat spoke out of nowhere.

“Shh~ be very very quiet, I'm hunting mamono” the knight whispered.

“Hm~ it's not quite the same when you say it...” the Cheshire Cat sounded disappointed.

“W-what!? Wait! Who said that!?” The man cried out.

“The voices in your head...guess you're just as crazy as all of us here” the voice continued.

“Don't play games with me, show yourself!” The knight demanded.

“Okay~ but if I show you mine, you have to promise me you'll show me yours” the girl giggled.

“I shall not be bribed, show yourself and surrender!” The knight declared.

“Well this plot won't move itself I guess, hey! Turn around!” The Cheshire Cat instructed.

Sword in hand he did an about face, and finally saw the voice speaking to him. The Cheshire Cat holding a carrot close to her mouth.

“Eh~*chomp-chew*-what's up-*cough-hack-cough*! Eww~ these things are gross! Why did I even try, why-just-just why!?” The Cheshire Cat bit and spat out her carrot.

“Creature! You are to come with me! Or I shall be forced to use my sword on you” The Knight warned.

“You mean that umbrella you're holding?” The Cheshire Cat looked puzzled.

“W-wha? This isn't-” The knight proclaimed until he looked to his hand and saw he was indeed holding a black umbrella. “What sorcery is this!?” The knight was baffled.

“Hijinks, and that's all there is to it. So if I were you~ I'd just give up and-” the Cheshire Cat began.

“Never! I shall retreat for now, and I shall capture you another way!” The Knight quickly retreated.

“...Heh, gotta love his spunk” the Cheshire Cat shrugged.

The man now alone with nothing, but his wit, and stubborn attitude went to work on devising a trap. From what he learned he started with a simple rope snare using materials he can scavenge, and after some time, he had finished a relatively simple snare.

“You know, the only reason you're not being kidnapped by anything else is cause I told everyone that this spot smells like rotten eggs for some reason” the Cheshire Cat whispered close to his ears.

“Away with thee!” The man declared as he has yet to place the bait needed to lure his prey.

“You're a 'thee'!” The Cheshire Cat pouted before vanishing.

He found odd looking fruit, and berries and made a small berry salad and placed them carefully in the center of the snare before quickly retreating behind a bush in order to set it off.

Minutes passed, and the Cheshire Cat returned walking along the path towards the bundle of fruit and berries as if she hadn't already seen what the man had done.

“Oh~ well I'm no vegan, but I'm always a slut for something sweet!” The Cheshire Cat declared.

One by one she ate away at the bait, the knight not knowing what else to do, decided to simply set off the trap, and yanked as hard as he could just as the Cheshire Cat reached down to grab more.

Oddly enough no matter how hard he tugged, the snare would not move, the rope standing perfectly still until the bait was eaten.

“Oh~ yeah, that was delicious, I better stand here and wait for the food to settle in my tummy” the Cheshire Cat said standing dead center in the snare.

“Why-won't-you-work!” The man grunted.

“...Okay I'm bored” the Cheshire Cat declared after several minutes of standing in the snare, and then suddenly vanishing.

The Knight was confounded, he rushed to the snare to inspect for anything wrong, but upon doing so, the snare suddenly activated by itself and flung him upwards. He was tied by both his ankles, dangling upside down. The Cheshire Cat was quick to re-appear, and rewarded his bad luck with a deep, and sloppy kiss on the lips. Before he can grab her by the neck and throttle her, she vanished once more.

It took the man ten minutes to get himself out of the rope.

“I think I found my target” the knight grumbled.

“Late to the party, I found mine, a long time ago” The Cheshire Cat mocked.

“Stop that! What coward talks behind one's back!?” The man demanded to know.

“I don't know? What moron falls for his own trap?” The Cheshire Cat retorted.

“You won't fool me again!” He promised.

“Darn, well I guess my tricks will do no good...oh! You might wanna turn left here” the Cheshire Cat said as the knight found himself in the middle of a fork road.

“Bah! More lies, I shall head to the correct side...the right side” the Knight said.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you~” the Cheshire Cat warned.

“All the more reason to defy you, right it is!” The Knight said.

“I'm telling you it's a mistake!” The Cheshire Cat shouted at him.

“Why is she shouting, she can clearly just warp by my side like she always does...” the knight murmured.

His travels took him to a row of low hanging trees, almost each thick branch containing a nest of eggs.

“Odd, this whole road is surrounded by these very trees...and yet they are the only one of their kind I've seen so far” the man realized.

A sudden loud crack was heard on his right, and then several more on his left. More and more the cracks became more consistent until he was surrounded by the noise, and soon followed by another noise. The cooing, and crying of young children as they hatched out of their eggs.

“...What deplorable sin is this!?” The man gasped.

One egg fell down mid-crack in front of the man, and he got a closer look at her. A girl made almost entirely of yolk, small and young, staring at him like a lecherous adult, and wearing nothing, but a white ribbon around her neck...somehow grown inside the egg. She crawled on all fours towards the man, excited and ready as the man took several steps back. He did another about face, and saw that his path was blocked by more of the Humpty Eggs cracking pre-maturely.

“Back! Back all of you! I'm a decent man! Back away!” The man warned.

But his cries were ignored, two more Humpty Eggs jumped on his back causing him to fall, and very quickly the swarm pounced on him.

Several hours later, the man finally escaped, retreating back to the fork, covered in slime and seeing the Cheshire Cat standing there with a knowing smile.

“So~ how do you feel?” The Cheshire Cat asked.

“Don't...talk...right...now...” the man murmured.

“Yeah~ it's okay though...I mean, it's not, but it's gonna be okay~” the Cheshire Cat grinned.

The man ignored her and went to other direction.

After mentally recovering himself he had regained his passion and decided to continue attempting to capture his now annoying guide the Cheshire Cat.

“This will do! This has to do it!” The Knight cried out as he finished yet another trap.

At this point he had grown slightly mad and has constructed an instrument; a xylophone to be exact, and has rigged it with the only remaining weapon at his disposal. Explosive chemicals that with enough force will explode.

“It'll be fine! So long as they have something I'll get that promotion yeah!” The Knight declared.

“...*Sigh~* and here I thought we'd have a thirty minute show...oh well~” the Cheshire Cat sighed in the background.

He finished the set-up and baited the trap with a sheet of music paper he conveniently found lying around because why not?

“Alright~ now just play the damn song” The Knight growled in his teeth.

The Cheshire Cat popped into existence in front of the xylophone looking at the music sheet before turning around once more to an audience only she knows about.

“What can I say? He kind of grew on me...now let's see here” the Cheshire Cat said as she read the title of the song. “Guess I'll be playing 'Those Endearing Young Charms'...personally I like this song better on a piano, but this will do” She said.

She took the two sticks, and did her best...but for some odd reason those last two notes were just too demanding. Try as she might, she can never seem to get the last few notes correct.

The knight looked on growing more and more impatient.

“What are you doing! That's wrong! Try it again!” The man cried out.

“Alright-alright I'll do it! Geez!” The Cheshire Cat agreed.

She played it once more, but failed yet again to get it just right.

“It's not that hard for crying out loud!” The Knight shouted.

“Well if it' not so hard then you do it Mr. Know-it-all!” The Cheshire Cat declared.

“Gladly!” The Knight shouted as he rushed towards the xylophone as the Cheshire Cat vanished.

The knight started off strong...but blew up even stronger when he hit the explosives hidden on the last note. He was blasted several feet onto a tree. His clothing in shreds, his body battered, and a little on the crispy side, and he was rather delirious, but miraculously he was okay.

“...Guess that's the end of that bit” the Cheshire Cat said.

She warped just a few inches from the man before laying down beside him and cuddling him.

“It's okay remember? You still have me, I'll take good care of you~” the Cheshire Cat assured.

“...But, but capture” the knight gasped.

“Shh~-sh-sh-shh~no capturing, just get some rest my little pet, we're gonna have a mad old time...and on that note” The Cheshire Cat began before turning back to her invisible audience. She blew a big kiss to them, and shouted with glee, “good night everybody!”
A Tsun-ny Afternoon Accident: Elf
Spoiler: show
A young Elf had finally become an adult by her Elven elders and even better, she had completed her training in the bow, and was given her first Oak Long bow to hunt and defend herself with. She decided to take her new bow out for a test run, and took off for the woods to hunt for food, nothing new, but this would be the first time she would hunt alone.

Like most of her Elfen kind her hair was long, gold, and gorgeous with ribbon made from thin green vies and dotted with budding flowers crowing her head. Her eyes were emerald green, sharp but hiding a softer side of her. Her ears long and equally sharp, but hid a rebellious side as she pierced her ears with tiny green beads, much to her superiors disapproval. Her outfit wasn't something you don't normally see a hunter wearing, a green cotton and silk dress stitched together by herself, and embedded with flowers she also grew by herself, but due to an accident the hem was cut just above her knees, and the straps were a bit on the loose side. It wasn't a perfect dress by a long shot. Lastly she wore sandals strung together in a diamond pattern that reached to her thighs.

“'Don't stray too far into the woods', hah! I can handle myself now” the young Elf proclaimed triumphantly.

Of course she was a closet coward, as there was no way she would say that to her elders in person.

She knew several of the larger animals had gotten wise, and retreated deeper into the woods, but nothing an Elf like herself can't handle.

An hour into the hunt, and nothing but small critters. She did keep her stomach full with the bountiful wild fruits, and berries she could scavenge, but what she longed for was protein. At last after what felt like forever she saw something bigger than a rabbit in the distance. Obscured by the foliage, but it appeared to be just as tall as she was, if not a bit taller.

Without hesitation, and hunger driving her, she strung an arrow, took careful aim, and fired. Her hunt cried out in pain, telling her she hit her mark.

“...Odd, what a strange noise for an ugly looking bear...still I don't think that was the killing blow, I better hurry” The Elf said as she dashed through the woods.

She pushed her way through the foliage and grew wide eye when she saw her target in clear detail.

A man dressed a thick dark green shirt with chain-mail underneath, dark brown boots and a green wool cap on his soft brown hair.

“Ow-damn it who would-” the man swore until he turned to the Elf staring back at him.

“Y-you help me-where are you going!?” The man cried out as the Elf suddenly retreated.

“(That was a human, a human boy! Uh-uh what did the Elders say!? Why didn't I pay attention!)” The Elf was totally stressing out.

She poked her head from behind the tree she was hiding and saw the man struggling to remove the arrow stuck to his leg.

“(D-do I just leave him-I-I mean I think we were told to stay away, but for some reason...)” The Elf turned back to the man, staring at him as her mind was suddenly split in two.

“(I...I guess it would be wrong to just leave him. I mean it wouldn't hurt to just heal him...and if he does anything I'll just capture him! Yeah okay! This will work. Alright let's go!)” The Elf made her game plan.

She approach the man with a scowl on her face.

“Oh thank heavens you came back-look whatever I did, or something just please forgi-” the man began.

“Silence human! I-I mean just stop panicking already!” The Elf said.

“Stop panicking are you serious! I'm in a lot of pain, and the bleeding won't stop!” The man cried out.

“Stop whining and I'll show you some pity and help you human. Just stand still already” the Elf assured.

“Okay-okay let me just find something to bite down on while you-AAAAHHHH-PISS-DAMN IT!” The man shouted as the Elf was quick to yank the arrow and put pressure on his wound which was even worse than before.

“Quit your shouting or you're gonna draw some bad attention!” The Elf warned.

“This is the worst pain I've ever felt-oh god it still feels like it's still in there!” The man cried out.

“Just relax, take deep breathes human...oh right! Healing spells! Okay just tough it out a bit longer you big baby” the Elf proclaimed as she got to work.

She focused as hard as she could, her hands became steadily warmer and glowing a soft green as she enveloped the wound with a small healing aura.

“(Crap, it's still weak...I thought I'd at least be good at this)” The Elf was unsure of herself.

“Oh~ man, that already feels better already, you're really good at this” the man complimented.

“E-eh!? W-well of course it is! I feel sorry that you're stuck with your simple human magic tricks, but such is the way I suppose!” The Elf quickly turned away to hide her blush.

“...Hey wait a second-so that's why you're calling me 'human' all the time. Why didn't I see it earlier. You're an Elf!” The man realized.

“H-huh!? You mean all this time you didn't know what I was-are you blind or just stupid!?” The Elf cried out.

“I'm sorry! It was-it was misinformation I guess...I didn't think you looked like us...” The man said.

“I take that as an insult you know! We're clearly two different races entirely!...Wait, what did they say exactly?” The Elf was curious.

“...That...well...” the man was hesitant.

“Well what!? Out with it!?” The Elf was quickly becoming impatient.

“...Well, that you're all a bunch of uncivilized forest dwellers who live in mud huts, and eat leaves and tree bark, steal from, and kidnap humans and...are you okay?” The man asked.

The Elf was seething in rage, her fists clenched so tightly they turned white, her face red with anger, and she visibly shook.

“...I'm guessing those things aren't true then...he-he-he” the man awkwardly laughed.

“No~ there are not~” the Elf answered with gritted teeth.

“H-hey you shouldn't grind your teeth like that, you can cause some serious damage if you do” the man said.

“I don't care-cause I'll just regenerate anyways!” The Elf cried out.

“Can you regenerate your mood?” The man asked.

“I-*pfft-*-s-shut up!” The Elf quickly stopped herself from laughing.

“Well...I think the pain's gone now so I'll just-*ugh~*” the man began but as soon as he tried to move his leg, he felt more crippling pain.

“Hey don't move so much yet, it takes...time for the magic to work...I mean I have to keep at it for a while to heal it completely” the Elf explained.

“Great so what do I do until then?” The man asked.

“I don't know...do human stuff” the Elf suggested.

The man stared at her.

The Elf stared back.

“...Really?” The man asked.

“...Well I'm no expert!” The Elf said.

“Yeah I noticed” the man sighed.

“Like you're one to talk!” The Elf was getting upset.

“Okay you got me there, so then...well I guess the most human thing I can think of is to get something to eat” the man suggested.

“...Guess we have that in common then” the Elf murmured.

“What was that?” The man asked.

“Nothing! I'll be back...” the Elf said.

“Where are you going?” The man asked.

“To get some food of course! I can't find any large animals, but there's plenty of critters and fruit to spare so that will have to do” the Elf proclaimed.

“Oh! Well okay, I'll set up a campfire then, I can at least do that I think” the man said.

“Just...don't strain yourself okay-I-I mean it'll be annoying if I have to cast my healing on you any longer than I already have to....So be careful” the Elf declared as she murmured.

“I'm not gonna burn myself or nothing” The man scoffed.

“I-I was telling you to be careful with the trees, and foliage you idiot! There's no forest fires happening on my watch!” The Elf declared.

“I'll be alright, you just be careful out there too” the man said.

“Oh yeah, I'll be in serious danger~ those bunny-rabbits have been known to charge” the Elf sarcastically proclaimed.

“Ha-ha! Very funny, is that a superior Elven joke or something?” The man groaned.

The Elf waved him off and went on the hunt.

Through the rest of her hunt she had time to clear her thoughts on her current issue.

“(Okay so far so good, but I did hit him pretty deep, it could take another day or so for his wounds to heal. Ugh! Do I really stay that long for him!?)” The Elf complained.

And yet despite how annoyed she was, there was something else stirring inside her, she was curious; that was certain. It's not everyday she met a human boy, and she wanted to know what the big deal was and why they should stay away from them.

“(I mean so far he just comes off as whiny, weak, needy, cute...wait what?)” The Elf was confused as she suddenly realized there was a compliment on her list of things that annoyed her about him.

“(No-no not cute! Just...I mean with some longer ears you can't tell the difference-I mean! Of course I would! He's just a common human with boring traits, and weak magic! W-why should I think any more of him! Right Just gotta focus)” the Elf assured herself as she shot at something that didn't talk back.

Moments later as the sun was starting to set, she returned to find the man had prepared a campfire using some twigs and branches, surrounded by rocks. She also noticed he had wrapped his injuries with strips he cut from his own pants' leg.

“Huh? Have I been gone for that long?” The Elf wondered.

“Nope, I'm just really good, even with just one leg” the man assured.

“Whatever, here! I brought us some game, enough for both us to eat tonight” the Elf said presenting her hunt.

“Great, we can live off this for now” the man said.

They cooked, and prepared their meals in relative peace, but just before they began their meals.

“What are you doing!?” The Elf asked as she saw the man ready to take his first bite.

“What's wrong now?” The man asked.

“The least you can do is be grateful for the food!” The Elf said.

“Oh? Uh~ thanks for getting the food ready, I really appreciate it” the man said.

“Thank you...wait! That's not what I mean stupid!” The Elf blushed. “I mean be thankful that nature provided us with this feast to keep us alive!” The Elf proclaimed.

“Is that something you do?” The man asked.

“Yeah! It's the least you can do though” the Elf said.

“Alright, why don't you take the lead then, and show me how it's done” The man suggested.

“Sure, it's not that hard. *Ahem* 'thank you great mother nature for your generosity, may you continue to watch over us as we watch over you'...that's the short version. On certain celebrations, and on occasion we have a much longer thank you” the elf explained.

“And what do those special occasion involve?” The man asked.

“W-why do you want to know?” The Elf said.

“I'm curious, and interested. I mean it's clear I've been told a lot of lies so I just want to get some things corrected” the man confessed.

“I think our Elven culture might be a little too complex for you to understand” the Elf said.

“How hard is it to make a mud-hut?” The man asked.

“We don't live-! Ugh! Fine I'll tell you! We are highly advance, and sophisticated race that have been in tune with nature for generations. We excel in all matters of crafts including magic. We are able to sustain ourselves just fine without any help, and we certainty don't take kindly to humans treading on our territory” the Elfr reminded.

“This is your territory?” The man asked.

“The whole forest is our territory, but we rent some space for your to mooch off of I suppose” the Elf said.

“Gee, thanks for that...wait so if the whole forest is Elven territory how come you're the only one I saw?” The man asked.

“Our village lies deep in the heart of the forest, and even then, we have put up barriers to keep would be invaders out” the Elf said with pride.

“So you must be really far from home” the man said.

“Yeah...thought I'd find bigger animals, but I just found a really stupid one” the Elf smirked.

“Always with the insults with you...anyways it's getting late, we should set up a place for us to sleep” the man suggested.

“Alright, your side is ten meters that way!” The Elf pointed.

“...Kind of want to stay close to the fire” the man said.

“...Fine! But if so much as a finger touches me, I will shoot your other leg!” The Elf declared.

“I'll keep my hands to myself” the man promised.

They slumped facing each other beside the fire, staring at one another.

“...How's your leg...not that I care or anything” the Elf asked.

“It's fine, I can at least sleep without waking up, hey quick question” the man asked.

“One more question, and then that's it” the Elf proclaimed.

“...Can I visit your village one day?” The man asked.

“H-huh!? Why do you want to do that!?” The Elf asked.

“I don't know...just wanted to see all the places you hang out, they must be a lot better then where I'm at” the man replied.

“Well you'll be right about that...but, they wouldn't let you in, even if I gave them permission. It's a rule we have” the Elf explained sounding a lot more upset than she wanted him to know.

“Oh, that's too bad...I was kind of hoping that if the others of your kind were a lot like you, then it must be a great place to be” the man replied.

The Elf's face turned scarlet before covering herself with a blanket.

“J-just shut up and sleep so you can get better already geez!” The Elf cried.

“Yeah, you have a point there. Good night” the man replied.

“...G-good night...human” the Elf responded.

“I have a name, it's Greggory” the man introduced himself.

“...I'm, Leanna” the Elf said.

“Okay, awesome...thanks again for everything you're doing...Leanna” Greggory replied before falling asleep.

“(Why did I tell him my name, this is going too far! I should just leave him, he can limp his way back!)” Leanna thought to herself.

She finally peeked her head out, and saw Greggory.

“(...If I stay, then I may not come back, this shouldn't be such a hard choice, but...I won't stop thinking about him if I leave him...I'll just stay for just a little longer...they'll understand if I stay with Greggory a little while longer)” Leanna thought before dozing off.
Life Is A Witch: Witch
Spoiler: show
“Waa~ cut it out! You're ruining my hair!” A young girl cried out.

“Aw come on, it was already ruined before I did anything to it” the teenager replied.

When he was done, her hair was indeed a mess, and by the time it took her to re-do her blonde wavy pigtails; her school bus had left and she had to take her bike, ruining her hair once more.

“Ugh~! I hate my brother!” She cried out to her friends as they had their lunch.

“Aw~ I wish I had a brother, it would be nice to have a boy around and not just me and my mom” a Troll replies sipping on her juice box.

“Then you can take my brother I don't want him anymore!” the girl pouted.

“I'm confused, where I came from onii-chans are suppose to be good” their Unagi Joro exchange student replied.

“Well he probably forgot, or doesn't care!” the child replied.

“Hey it's gonna be okay, maybe you should just talk to him” the Troll suggested.

“No! I'm done talking, it's time to take drastic measures!” She cried out.

The troll gasped while the Unagi Joro simply smiled and took a bite out of her rice ball.

“W-what are you going to do? You're not going to hurt him are you?” The Troll asked.

“No! I'm gonna! I'm gonna...” the young girl was saying until she paused.

“...You haven't thought of anything have you?” the Unagi Jogo said knowingly.

“I will after I finish my food!” The girl pouted.

“You shouldn't be so drastic, you should be happy, we're going to graduate and go to High School soon!” the Troll tried to cheer her up.

“So? My brother is going to be a senior in high school and he'll still pick on me once I'm a freshman!” The girl declared.

“Mmm~ he sounds interesting, why haven't we had a sleepover yet?” The Unagi Jogo wondered.

“Huh? Why do you wanna sleepover all of a sudden?” The girl asked.

“Oh~ just thinking to myself” the Unagi Jogo grinned.

“B-but it's not a bad idea, we should have a sleepover! What do you say?” The Troll asked trying to cheer her up.

“...Uh-well okay sure, Friday is good for me, does that work?” She suddenly asked.

“Perfect, we'll be there at Friday night” the Unagi Jogo replied until the heard the bell ring and had to leave for class.

After school she was taking her bike, taking a detour through the park, but along the way a crack in the road caused her to fumble and fall on her bike.

“Ugh~ stupid! This is all his fault!” She cried out as she looked at her knee and noticed it was bleeding.

“Hey you alright there?” a girl rushed over.

She looked up and saw another girl dressed up for Halloween apparently.

A large wide brimmed pointy hat that looked like it covered her whole body in a shade under her soft auburn red curly hair, and wearing a red schoolgirl uniform with a green mini-skirt, black and white striped knee high socks, and small brown boots. She clutched at a large stick adorned with the skull of a scary looking horned animal.

“I'm fine! It's just-*sob*” the young girl couldn't help but start crying.

“Oh! There-there it's gonna be okay! Here let me help” the second girl replied kneeling down beside the girl.

She pointed her animal skull at the young child and it's eye flashed green before a beam hit her wound and suddenly began healing the cut on her knee.

“Whoa...you're a witch aren't you! A real life witch!” The girl squeaked out.

“Yup! That's me, I'm kind of new here, but when my boss moved I had to move with her” the Witch replied.

“Oh...well thanks anyways” the girl replied as she stood up and grabbed her bike.

“Wait! You said this was someone's fault, what do you mean by that?” The Witch asked.

“My brother! He messed with my hair again! And I was late to my bus, a-and I took my bike, and I was late anyways! He's always doing mean things to me, and stuff too!” She cried out as she felt she was ready to cry again.

“You're brother? That doesn't sound right, he's suppose to take care of you” the Witch sounded genuinely confused.

“Well he doesn't care, and I hate him!” She pouted.

“...I don't think he doesn't care about you, and that you don't hate him...maybe you just need to talk?” The Witch said.

“I don't want to talk to him! I just want to get back at him for once!” The girl declared.

“...In that case, maybe I can help. If you want I can teach you magic spells so you're at an even playing field with your brother” the Witch grinned.

“Really!? I can learn magic spells too!? Show me-show me!” The girl was excited about being a Witch, possibly thinking she'll be a super-hero.

“Of course-oh but Black Mass won't be happening until later this week...hm~ what to do-what to do?” The Witch said.

“I can't wait that long I want powers now~!” The girl was impatient.

“Okay! How about this, I'll let you borrow my staff, it has all sorts of powers and stuff” the Witch said presenting her staff.

“R-really? I can just use this?” The girl asked.

“Yup! I'll give you the instructions, and you can figure out the rest on your own” the Witch explained.

“Is it really that simple?” The girl asked.

“Of course, magic is simple to learn, but difficult to master. Here” the Witch explained as she extended her staff towards the girl.

“B-but what about you?” The girl asked.

“Oh I'm pretty good at magic, I don't need my staff to cast most of my spells anymore, plus I have my big brother to help me so I'll be okay” the Witch explained.

“See! How come I don't have a brother that can help me!?” The girl cried out.

“With this, maybe you will soon” the Witch said

Only hesitating for a moment the girl reach towards the staff, holding it in her hands. The staff's power caused it glow as it recognized it's new wielder and accepted her. Soon the girl was enveloped in that same glow. Her body felt warm, and tingly as if being caressed by soft silk going through her clothes and stroking her naked body directly. She gave a soft gasp as the magic began to travel and nestle inside her body. She was lifted inches in the air, her body glowing brighter while her old clothing began to vanish until only her bright, glowing naked form was left. She spun once as sparkles dance around her body forming her new clothing identical to the Witch who was watching the spectacle. In half a minute the transformation was complete, she fell back on solid ground and opened her eyes and looked at herself.

“Whooa~ I still feel tingly inside” the girl responded.

“That's what magic feels like, does it feel good?” The Witch asked.

“It...it feels nice, and warm~” the girl cooed as she allowed the feeling to settle in.

“Yup, I'll teach you some spells that will work against your brother, and teach you some of the basics, then when I come back and if you want to learn more you can come with me to where I work” the Witch explained.

“Cool!” The young and new Witch agreed to her terms and agreement.

Who would have thought magic can be taught to a young child in the span of just an hour or so? Though to be fair she wasn't taught everything, just a handful of spells. She was so excited as she rushed to her home, and was happy to see both her parents are still out. She grew a menacing smile as she climbed upstairs towards her brother's room knowing he's still there.

She gripped her staff tight and opened the door finding her older brother laying down on his bed face-up. He turned and saw his little sister wearing some peculiar clothing.

“What the hell took you so long to show up? Where you playing dress-up or something?” The teen asked.

“Something like that...so~ do you have something to say to me after what happened this morning? Maybe a little 'sorry' for ruining my day or whatever?” The Witch tried to give him a second chance.

“...Hm~ nope, can't think of anything at the moment” the man played off.

The Witch huffed, her face red as she aimed her staff at her brother. The staff eye's flashed white and twin beams shoot out of it's empty eye sockets striking the teen.

“W-w-what the-I can't move!” The teen suddenly gasped.

“It worked!” The Witch cried out.

She rushed over to the bed and jumped on his chest.

“Hehehe~ now big brother is helpless and weak~” the Witch teased.

“Stop playing around, what did you just do to me!?” The teen barked.

“Isn't obvious? I used magic-duh!” The Witch explained.

This only left him more confused.

“Now, what to do with you~oh I know! Let's make your day awful like you did to me all those times!” The Witch declared.

However now that she was in control she had no idea of what to do, as nothing came to mind, there was a growing feeling deep inside her magic laced body that was urging her to do something she never thought of.

“...I think I know what to do now” the Witch grinned.

She slid down to his knees and began pulling off his shirt before once again sitting upright admiring the situation she's in.

“Okay look, maybe I was a little mean in the past, but I was just teasing that's all!” The teen pleaded.

“Too late to beg for forgiveness...mmm~what's this feeling...” the Witch murmured.

The soft tingling in her body was turning into a nagging itch, the warmth she had was growing hotter and hotter.

“I'm...really thirsty now...” the Witch realized.

“W-well let me get you some water, and you can stop all this-” the teen began.

“No! I won't let you get away! I just-I just...” the Witch growled.

Her body acting on it's own slowly did away at his pants leaving him only with his boxers.

“H-hey-hey now you're just pushing I'm outta here!” The teen exclaimed.

He struggled through the spell binding him, knowing he could escape at any moment the young Witch made another spell causing his body to suddenly lose all it's energy, leaving the teen exhausted and tired.

“*Hah~-hah~* f-for some reason I'm even more itchy and hot...” the little Witch gasped.

She recalls part of the lesson she had, her Witch tutor warning her of constant magic use draining the body the more and longer she used it. She needed to recharge, and instinctively she knew what she had to do. Her mind warped by magic she didn't even thing twice when she pulled down her brother's boxers and stared at his flaccid member.

“S-stop! Look-I'm sorry-just leave me alone-I promise I won't mess with you anymore” the teen gasped.

“...So this is what it looks like...” the Witch ignored him.

She reached towards it, holding it with her hands, and began to stroke it back and forth. Clumsy at first either squeezing it, or barely touching it at all.

“Cut that out! You're making an idiot out of yourself!” The teen cried out.

“I'm doing my best-wait...okay fine I won't use my hands, you clearly don't like it...so~” the Witch had an evil idea.

She took off her boots, and while she was at it, she took off her shirt and skirt too in an attempt to cool herself off. Now down to her knee-high socks and white panties she got herself comfortable and began playing with her brother's member with her feet.

“There how's this? Is this any better?” She teased.

“Why are you doing this? Why is this happening to me?” the teen was in shock.

“Cause you were such a jerk to me all this time, a-and I didn't even know why! What did I ever do to you?” The Witch cried out as she continued to stroke him, moving her feet side to side, up and down letting the fabric of her sock rub against him while softly squeezing and stroking him.

To get herself comfy she laid face down his chest and continued to work her feet as she glared at her brother demanding an answer.

“I-I can't tell you...” the teen murmured.

“Well I hope you enjoy being my toy then. Hah! What a dirty brother I have, getting all big by his little sister's feet. I had no idea I was related to a freak” the Witch began laying down the hurt.

The teen turned red and looked away as he was continued to be toyed with. However as she continue to play with him, the itch in her body did not go away, rather it was increasing, and before she knew it she felt a sort of moistness coming from her nether regions. At first she had assumed she had an accident, but that was not the case, and while she was starting to sweat a little, it didn't seem to be that either. Now the burning and itching was concentrated around the lower area of her body. Once again her mind, or perhaps the magic spawned from demonic energy inside her, was making her move on her own accord. She stopped her foot-job and moved closer to his member, moving it close to her panties until they were touching. She noticed it was twitching in response, and still as hard as ever.

“Huh? Do you actually like this? Do you want your little sister that badly?” Her tone was not her own, and yet she came up with it almost on the fly.

She began rubbing herself against his member, her body shook as waves of pleasure new to her began to rise

“D-don't take it the wrong way, you're my toy now and I can play with you however I-*Mnn~*-w-want” the Witch gasped.

She couldn't control herself, her body needed sustenance he could only provide.

She lifted herself up, pulling at her panties to reveal her small, and young virginity, and slowly lowered herself. The tip of his penis already struggling to squeeze itself inside her.

“*Mmh! Nnn~*! J-Just get in there...*nnn~*” the Witch gasped.

“Cut it out! I'm not into this kind of thing!” The teen replied.

“W-well see about-*AAH! Mmm~!*” The Witch screamed as she finally got it halfway in.

A trickle of her virgin blood seeped out, she began to sob silently to herself, but it wasn't the pain itself that.

“I just- I just wanted you to be like a real big brother...I wanted you to be there for me whenever I was sad or had a bad day...not make it worse” the Witch sniffled.

“...I-I couldn't control myself...” the teen murmured.

The Witch paused waiting taking soft breaths as she waited for the rush of sensations to settle. Finally she started to gently move her body, moving up and down in very gentle intervals.

“Mmm~ah~wh-what am I doing?” The new Witch was confused, but couldn't help herself.

Once the pain was gone she was now focused on everything else that became clear.

This felt good.

This felt right.

She let his member sink deeper making contact with her womb, she gasped loudly and suddenly and stayed that way. She gyrated her hips, gasping and panting louder and louder.

“T-this is all your fault! J-just-*ah!*-r-remember that!” The Witch cried out.

“I'll-get you back f-f-for this” the teen grumbled.

“Like heck you will, when I'm done with you-*ah-ah-mmm~ah*-y-you'll never want us to split a-a-appart-oh gosh! It's coming! S-something's coming out!” The Witch cried out.

She arced her back, her eyes wide as she cried her little lungs out, and to add to her orgasm was her own brother's climax shooting her womb with his seed.

Her body twitched, drool escaped her lips, and fresh tears appeared as she gained her fuel yet lost her physical energy and she slumped to her brother's chest.

“*Hah~ah-hah~* T-take-take that” the Witch gasped as she was on the verge of falling asleep.

“...Fine...you win, I'm sorry” the teen gasped resting one hand on his little sister's back.

“That's all I ever wanted to hear...” the Witch smiled.


"By the way, my friends are coming over, and they want to meet you...you'll still be my big brother toy will you?" Her little Witch sister asked as her eyes flashed with purple magic.

"...Y-yes~you win..." the teen resigned to his fate as his little sister giggled like crazy.
Making Tree-hugging Cool Again: Dryad
Spoiler: show
“The fight is over, the sixties are done, hippies aren't cool...well I'll show them man~ they can't stop me with words man~” A young blonde man with long flowing hair, rugged beard, and tie-dye shirt with ripped acid wash jeans told himself in the mirror.

He grabbed his guitar and some thick heavy chains and left to do his duty, the work of a modern day hippie is never done, peaceful non-violent war never changes...

It was almost time, the construction crew would be there any moment, he had to act fast, time was of the essence...although a little smoke of all natural cannabis to clear the mind wouldn't take too long...

He rushed to the old park bloodshot and feeling super good, and hungry, but he had a duty to do, and he wasn't gonna give up and...whoa~ the way the street light signal was beeping just now...it sounded like his favorite song~ whoa~.

He reached his destination just in time as several construction workers were hard at work turning an empty field into a...parking lot, or something...the modern day hippie kind of forgot why they showed up, just what they were gonna do.

He glanced further ahead and saw the tree he was ready to protect, a tree he has had a wonderful childhood with. He recalls all the fond memories he and his family had when he was a child.

Like that moment he was swinging around the tree and his fingers slipped and he face planted onto a small puddle of mud.

Well maybe he didn't have the fondest memories, but he couldn't let them harm an innocent life that can't even defend itself.

“I'm coming tree! I'm coming!” The Hippie shouted.

“Hey what's that vegan doing!?” One of the construction workers declared.

“Get him out of there, he's gonna get hurt!” A second worker called out.

The Hippie quickly wrapped himself with his chain securing it with a lock with a combination only he knows.

“Hell no! I want go! Leave my happy tree alone!” The Hippie chanted repeatedly.

“What on Earth?” The workers were confused.

“Get out of there, you're being stupid kid!” The worker called out.

“Your propaganda won't work on me!” The Hippie shouted.

“God this is dumb” a worker sighed to himself.

“Just try to get me outta here government pawns!” The Hippie declared.

“...Get the bolt cutter” the foreman called out.

Finding the biggest worker on hand he went towards the hippie with large bolt cutters in hand and marched towards him.

“Back off man! It's my right to protest!” The Hippie shouted.

“No! Don't hurt him!” A woman called out

The large man and every other crew and hippie paused wondering where the voice came from until they noticed the tree shaking slightly.

A woman almost crawled through the bark up to her waist, and wrapped her arms around her hippie. She had bouncy green hair that reached far past her waist almost touching the ground. Her eyes wracked with worry and dazzling everyone with bright blue eyes. She wore nothing but a simple thin strapless lime-green dress that only barely reached her hips.

“...Hey boss, so that's a chick ain't it?” One of the workers asked.

“Hm-hm~...yup, that's a Dryad...looks like we didn't get the whole scoop” the foreman said.

“What do we do now? Work around her?” A worker asked.

“Naw, she needs the land to live, if we do anything to hurt her it'll be our asses in jail instead of that idiot chained to her. Alright everyone, pack it in! I'll make the call, tell them we can't do the job” the Foreman said.

The workers nodded and grunted in annoyance as this wasn't going to get them paid too much, and moved out.

“D-did I eat too many brownies...” the Hippie murmured.

“Y-you did it...You did it! You saved me!” The Dryad cheered.

“I-I did?” The hippie wondered.

Both Dryad and Hippie having not heard a single thing the workers and foreman were talking about became ecstatic.

“Look-look! They're backing off!” the Dryad pointed out.

“H-hey! Peaceful protests actually work! I-I knew it!” The Hippie was happy.

“Oh~ my hero! Come here you!” The Dryad cheered.

She pulled him close as the Hippie noticed he was being dragged inside the tree, thick roots shooting upwards wrapping him by his legs and traveling upwards. He began to panic and struggle, the Dryad quick to notice.

“Shh~ relax, it's okay, I want to show you something” the Dryad whispered.

The roots covered his eyes and darkness came...moments later a soft voice whispered in his ear.

“Okay! Open your eyes!” The Dryad squealed.

“...I still can't see” the Hippie realized.

“Whoops! Forgot to take the roots off, just give me a sec” the Dryad said.

The roots came off his field of vision and he saw a softly lit room with the only light coming several lanterns and glass jars and orbs covered in numerous fireflies giving the room a soft green and white glow.

“Far out~” the hippie marveled at the small studio sized room.

“I-I'm afraid it's a little unfurnished...I-I have a chair though!” The Dryad was trying very hard to impress him.

Sure enough she had a chair...possibly made by herself as the bottom of the chair was attached to the wooden floor.

“Hey I slept in rooms emptier than this, plus I really like the feng-shui in this place...man I'm glad I had a little smoke I swear I would be panicking if I was-well nice place you got here” the Hippie complimented.

“T-thanks! So~ um...I'm sorry, I'm not a very good host...” the Dryad apologized.

“Hey chill-chill I'll help us break the ice” the Hippie said.

“B-but I don't carry any ice” the Dryad replied.

“Haha...oh~ we got a lot of work to do. Here, just lay down right here, and I'll get us started” the Hippie said.

“O-oh goodness” the Dryad blushed.

Moments later.

“And each of the stars at night you see at the sky, well behind them were we can't see are millions and millions of other stars, and who knows how many planets and stuff are out there” the Hippie continued.

The Dryad and Hippie were laying side by side, shoulders touching as they stared at the ceiling.

“Wow~ do they have trees and flowers there too?” The Dryad asked.

“Oh yeah~ far out space trees, and alien plants we can't even begin to imagine.

“Amazing~ I can't believe so much is out there...but I'm stuck down here” the Dryad said.

“It's cool dudette, we're all stuck here, but while we're here let's enjoy it while we can” the Hippie assured.

“...This is nice, I had a few...romantic ideas, but knowing everything you taught me, I feel so enlightened” the Dryad said.

“R-romantic?” The Hippie stammered.

“Yes~ I just so happen to find you so tantalizing interesting and I wish to explore something I can reach” the Dryad whispered.

“Man~ there's nothing to explore, I'm just a guy...saved a tree...” the Hippie said.

“Don't think so lightly of yourself! You're brave, and handsome, and I never wanted someone so much in my life~” the Dryad whispered her praise.

“Really? I-I mean nothing-who knows, I mean I was always made fun of for being a tree-hugger and all-” the Hippie stammered.

The Dryad rolled and pressed herself on top of the hippie holding him tight.

“I think it's awfully noble of you to care so much about nature. I think it's only fair nature finally took care of you” the Dryad purred.

She smelled like flowers, her breath soft, and fresh like the cleanest of unpolluted air.

“Whoa~ this is far out~” the Hippie realized.

“Hmm~ I bet it is, wanna take it to the next level?” She asked.

“Totally~” the Hippie wheezed taking in her every breath.

She lowered herself and planted her soft lips upon him, almost immediately they traded saliva as their tongues danced together. Sweet nectar almost like syrup washed his mouth, and her fresh breath travel deep into his system, he felt like he was truly breathing for the first time in his life.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight, tree hugging never felt so good, so soft and warm. The Dryad gave a muffled squeal of delight being held and continued kissing him frantically.

Meanwhile underneath him, the young hippie felt something stirring on his back, the wooden floor was shifting ever so slightly, curling inwards in tiny, but numerous digits and revealing a soft grassy floor with little budding flowers here and there.

Who knew how long they stayed kissing, considering her breath was all he needed to sustain himself, he felt he could kiss her endlessly, and quite frankly he wouldn't have minded. Out of sheer need to speak the Dryad reluctantly pulled herself out his lips, her body trickling with sweat, her thin clothing hugging her body tightly.

“Oh~my, that was amazing~ so tender and considerate. I'm glad someone like you came to me” the Dryad praised.

“It's destiny man~ this was meant to be” the Hippie replied not even feeling slightly out of breath.

“Oh my gosh! I think so too!” The Dryad gasped.

“Whoa~ hey you ever heard the term soul-mates?” The Hippie asked.

“N-no I don't go out very much...but I like it, is that how you think of us? Are we soul-mates to you?” The Dryad whispered as she slowly lowered herself once more and held him tight for some long overdue snuggling.

“I could tell you, but why don't I stick around a little longer with you, and you can figure it out yourself?” The Hippie suggested.

“Oh my~ I would love that, now then...I think we've warmed up enough, let's do something more...engaging” the Dryad purred.

“I'm ready to become one with nature man~” the Hippie swooned.

“...You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that” the Dryad moaned.

The change was subtle, but clear. Spending more and more time with her the Hippie didn't take notice, his mind washed in pleasure and bliss, each intimate moment taking longer than the last, as both Dryad and Hippie grew more comfortable around each other. He felt like he was becoming one with the world, feeling nature on a level he couldn't fathom, but as he finally took his eyes away from his new lover and down to his feet, he was startled to see roots have started to meld to his very skin.

“W-whoa-whoa-whoa what's this, what's going on!” The hippie began to panic.

“Dear? Dear relax it's nothing! It's...natural?” The Dryad said.

“I-I can't move my legs man, oh~ this is turning into a bad trip!” The Hippie said.

“Relax please-here! Take this!” The Dryad replied.

She cupped her hands in front of the young man and he was even more startled to see soft green water coming out of her skin and forming a small dripping pool. She lowered the liquid onto his throat and recognized the taste almost immediately.

It was herbal green tea.

“*gulp-gulp*-w-what? How did you do that?” The man asked.

“W-well I felt some nearby herbs around and I plucked them out and using my stored water I just...put them together like that! So~ um...you're not panicking anymore?” The Dryad asked.

“I-I don't know” the man answered.

“Listen, it's gonna be okay, we're still together, we're just gonna be closer than ever that's all!” the Dryad assured.

“B-but what about food, what do I do when I get the munchies?” He asked.

“Food? You're already being fed, you've been feeding off my nutrients for the past three days now” the Dryad answered.

“Three days!? B-but I swear we were just...was it really three days?” The man asked.

The Dryad couldn't help, but blush and giggle to herself as she realized she had spent three days having repeated sex over and over again.

“W-well yeah, I-I guess it was...oh gosh I'm such a lewd girl, I had no idea how badly I wanted it” the Dryad bashfully explained.

“Three days...so what's happening to me?” The man asked.

“We're merging, becoming one, you feed off my nutrients...and I feed of yours” the Dryad explained blushing redder than before.

“...So what do I get? Do I get cool tree powers?” The hippie asked.

“Tree powers? Well...uh~ you get to live as long as I do...we got quite a few hundred years to go. Oh! And you can make yourself any tea you want if there's anything nearby, and some other stuff you can do” the Dryad said.

“Cool! Hey, so long as we're together I'm chill” the hippie assured.

“I'm so relieved, I was worried you weren't going to be happy with me...I'm not the most popular girl, not too many people pay attention to us anymore...” the Dryad replied growing upset.

“Hey, this guy noticed you, and that's all you'll ever need I promise” he swore his loyalty.

“Thank you! Thank you so much for everything, I...have some plans for us actually...see all those times you fed me had me growing...s-seeds, a-and well they'll all grow up to be a happy forest one day...” the Dryad said.

“What are you getting at?” The hippie asked.

“W-well I-I'm gonna need some help...naming all our little daughters of course” the Dryad explained.
Dragon's Need Friends Too!: Dragon
Spoiler: show
A Dragon standing tall and proud marvels at her collection of rare treasures in her mountain cave. Her figure now at the peak of her prime with an hourglass figure, a large bosom, and buttocks. Long purple hair fall to her waist, and her dark green scales are well polished and stronger than steel. She begins with her 'Money Pile', a large stack twice as tall as her made entirely of monetary gold, silver, copper, and even paper that can be cashed in for gold, silver, and copper.

“Hah! Such a simple, and yet enticing tool the minor humans have wrought upon the world” the Dragon sighed to herself.

She next moved on to her other pile, this one worth more despite the smaller size; she calls it her 'Shiny Pile' since it contained all her rare minerals. Gems, crystals, valuable ore and even diamonds of near numerous variety that shine and sparkle if just the slightest light from the sun where to hit it.

“Ah~...! There's my first sapphire! Hard to believe this place was once empty, but you” the Dragon went to memory lane.

Her next stop was her 'Library'...pile. Not settling for just stealing books, she would boast-(to anyone that she could)-that she lifted the bookshelves themselves without dropping a single book upon delivery. Several rows of old, and new novels, tomes, spell-books, cursed books, blessed books, how to books, and even cook-books covered the shelves in no real order.

“...One of these days I'll read something here” the Dragon mused before moving on.

She then went on to her 'Friend Pile' a collection of all the people in her life that like her, praise her, and wish to hang out with her. To stay with her for the bad, and to celebrate the good together. People she can trust and open up to, confessing her secrets, and in turn keeping theirs and~...

“It's. Still. EMPTY~!” The dragon roared.

Her roar echoed across the fields, Harpies flew off from the trees, Were-Rabbits retreated to their safe burrows, Succubi...continued to have sex unaffected. The town neighboring her mountain cave have also heard her cry.

“The Dragon is angry! We're all gonna die~!” A man declared.

“Oh by the gods~ her bloodlust knows no bounds!” An old man cried out not helping the ensuring panic.

“We must do something, or be rendered by her jaws, and skewered by her death claws!” A woman cried out.

“Look! The Dragon approaches with murderous intent!” A soldier pointed out.

The Dragon was indeed soaring the skies, her eyes peering at the town with her new objective.

“(This time, I shall acquire a friend! I shall not be poor of social interactions any longer!)” the Dragon declared in her mind.

She dove to the ground causing the very earth to rumble, and the buildings around her to shake. She rose from the dust, and stared at the empty streets, yet full buildings.

“Puny humans of this even punier town! Your Dragon beckons you outside, there is no need to fear!” The Dragon declared, and assured.

The only response she got was several windows closing.

She snarl at the reply, and took a deep breath.

“...I~ said. Come~! OUT!” She roared, as she drew fire from her mouth, and large wave of flames shot upwards over a dozen feet.

This got everyone's attention and the town gathered outside while staying a safe few feet from her.

“P-p-please spare us! We have children, families desperately clinging to life!” Their town's mayor begged.

“Stop your accusations, I still have not come for your lives, I merely came for an offering” the Dragon said.

“Oh by the gods, she wants a blood offering, and by the gallons!” The mayor cried out, causing the town people to gasp and cry in shock.

“W-what the-no! I have no need for blood! I have a vial of mermaid blood already...I think...(note to self; get mermaid blood)” the Dragon assured and thought.

“T-then what do you wish of us? We have little cattle, and next to no valuables to offer” the mayor said.

“I wish-!” The dragon began, but stopped herself. “(I-I can't just tell them I want a friend, that's gonna make me sound sad and pathetic! W-what do I tell them now!?)” the Dragon thought to herself.

“Why is she silent? Is she perhaps contemplating she has no use for use?” One of the town men asked.

“I-If that's the case...t-then we'll all die by her hands at any moment!” the mayor realized.

“W-we have to give her something! Anything!” A woman pleaded.

“Silence! I have decided!” The Dragon declared, and everyone grew silent. “I wish...for an ally to serve me!” She made her decree.

“...W-what do you mean?” The mayor nervously asked.

“P-perhaps that is Dragon speak for virgin sacrifice!” A man said.

“Virgin sacrifice? That's not what I-” the Dragon said.

“But where shall we find a virgin after we let in all those Succubi, and mammono as per our Dragon's prior wish!?” The mayor asked.

“I don't really care if they're a virgin or-” the Dragon murmured.

“We can't give her our children! I refuse!” A mother cried out hugging her son tightly.

“I'm not interested in kids” the Dragon assured.

“There must be someone who missed out on the 'Orgy of a Thousands Moans' last week” a woman wondered.

Then all at once, they all found their man.

“Greg!” The entire town shouted.

They all rushed to Greg's house, as the Dragon looks on confused and alone.

“...Well at least they're bringing someone in” the Dragon figured.

The town stormed Greg's house, and found their target. A tall, lanky man of brownish red hair, green eyes, and a slight tan to his skin.

“Has the dragon vanished, is she gone from our town?” Greg asked.

The town just stares at him.

“Oh~oh thank heavens, I'm glad everything turned out alright. I'm so happy none of you are harmed! You know, ever since all of you took in my sister and I, I felt like-like you were a real family, better than the ones that use to abuse use when we were children. You're...you're all just wonderful people!” Greg praised to high heaven.

Moments later...

“Sacrifice! Sacrifice! Sacrifice!” the village chanted carrying Greg tied up and over their shoulders.

“Put me down! I don't want to be your sacrifice!” Greg cried out.

They tossed Greg down in front of the Dragon. She stared down at the trembling human before her.

“...Very well, I shall accept your offering” the Dragon shrugged, and grabbed Greg with one claw and took off to her cave.

“I never liked any of you~” Greg shouted as he was being taken away.

“...You think his sister would be angry with us?” A man asked.

“Yes, but it's not a bad trade for Dragon peace is it?” The mayor said.

“...We are horrible people...” the man realized.

Greg was taken to an empty section of the Dragon's cave, where he merely sat staring at the Dragon who continued to stare at him with a weird grin on her face.

“(Yes! My first friend to my friend pile! I can't wait to fill this cave with friends now!)” The Dragon was getting hopeful. “*Ahem* Human! You are now in my pile, you shall perform your duties as they are given, your first task-...” the Dragon began.

She saw Greg crawling to the corner, wide eyed and trembling.

“...You're cowering in fear aren't you?” The dragon sighed.

Greg continued to whimper.

“...Okay, fine! I can see you are not ready to fulfill your duties, so! You shall stay here for the remainder of your days unless accompanied by me...food is downstairs to your left” the Dragon said before leaving the 'Friend Pile'.

She realized that perhaps her reputation has been just slightly miss-informed and overly played out, she was ready to give up when she realized something completely obvious.

“But wait! You don't just get a friend, you must make them a friend...but how” the Dragon murmured to herself. “(I guess it's finally time to put my Library pile to good use)” the Dragon thought to herself.

She scoured through her poorly categorized books, and found several that might aid her. She took a seat on a chair, and table she had also stolen and browsed through some of the books.

“Hm~ this one might be interesting, 'So You Have a Male in Your Home and Don't Know Why He's Afraid of You?'” the Dragon read the title, the book itself authored by an Oomukade growing in popularity.

Shuffling through it's contents she found she couldn't contain the growing blush she was having as the contents turned lewd fast.

“W-what-this isn't-I would never-bah! This book is useless!” The Dragon tossed the book, and grabbed another.

“Ah! This one is better suited to my situation! 'Friends, What They are, and How to Make Them'. Written by a Were-Rabbit sharing her words of wisdom to the world.

The Dragon began pouring over it's contents, taking everything into account, and slammed the book shut after attaining enough knowledge.

“Alright! It's time to make a friend out of him!” The Dragon declared.

She marched towards her 'Friend Pile' and spotted Greg eating some jerky from her food storage.

“(...Well at least he found the food)” the Dragon said.

Greg stopped chewing and stared wide-eyed at the Dragon.

“We are to play a game!” The Dragon declared.

“Not in the face!” Greg cried out.

“We shall play a game! Steel yourself and prepare for a shameful defeat-I-I mean fun and merriment...that's what the book said right?” The Dragon tried to recall what the book taught her.

“What blood sport do you wish for me to endure!?” The man was fearing for his life.

“We shall play a game of...Checkers!” The Dragon declared.

The checkers board was set up, and the two began to play right away.

“Hmph! What kind of move was-” the Dragon began, but recalled what the book taught her. “That is...an interesting choice you made human” she forced herself to say.

“T-thanks?...Uh~ checkmate?” Greg won the game.

“WHAT!? You dare cheat against me!?” the Dragon couldn't accept her defeat.

“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to anger you!” Greg cried out.

“No-wait-grr~this isn't working! Just stay here!” The Dragon sighed and return to continue reading more from her book.

Meanwhile back at the village.

An angry curly red-headed girl with pale skin, green eyes, and freckles marches towards the town hall after noticing her door was forced opened, and her brother nowhere to be seen. With blade in hand and in tight leather armor unknowingly accentuating her developing body she marches towards the mayor's office.

“Where is me brother you half-wit over-weight so-called excuse of a man!” She cried out.

“Oh! Glenda! Uh~ well funny story about that...” the Mayor was about to tell her everything.

The Dragon continued reading the rest of her book, and found new intel she could use to her advantage...in making friends.

“Alright, this time failure is impossible!” The Dragon went back to her 'Friend Pile' with Greg.

“Listen up, you shall now address me by name, and you shall tell me yours so I may do the same!” The Dragon declared.

“M-my name? It's Greg” Greg stated.

“Good, I am known as Freya!” The Dragon declared.

“I am Glenda, and that's me brother you have hostage!” A woman declared from behind Freya.

“Wha-” Freya began before she was suddenly struck by the blunt edge of Glenda's broadsword.

“G-Glenda!? D-do you have a deathwish or something!?” Greg cried out.

“No time to answer that, we have to move now!” Glenda said.

Freya recovered quickly from the blow to her face, and stood up.

“(Ugh! I always have the worst luck on Tuesdays!)” She cried out in her thoughts.

She flew above her attacker as she dragged her friend in the making. She slammed down on the ground in front of them unaffected by the blow to the face she just took.

“Release him, or release my wrath, your choice” the Dragon warned.

“The only thing that will be 'released' here is my anger! Hiaa~!” Glenda shouted as she swung her broadsword at Freya.

She swung at Freya, her eyes widen at the battlemaiden's courage, but she did not waver, and responded in kind. Deflecting and blocking her attacks with her claws and armored scales.

“Hah! Got you on the ropes don't I you overgrown lizard!” Glenda exclaimed.

“...Just thinking...” Freya mused deflecting another blow.

“Well spit it out! I wanna hear what ye hafta ta say before I beat ya!” Glenda said.

“Oh~ just thinking of expanding my Friend Pile is all” Freya grinned.

The broadsword swung at her once more, and this time she clamped down on it with her teeth, and with one good chomp broke to pieces, and in Glenda's shock Freya delivered a sucker punch to her stomach causing her to black out.

“Glenda!” Greg called out rushing to her aid.

“Alright! Adding one more to the pile!” Glenda declared triumphantly.

When Glenda came to she found herself in a thin mattress on the floor, and a throbbing pain on her stomach. She tried to stand up, but lurched back down as just moving her torso caused her pain.

“I...I lost...” Glenda murmured.

“Hey, first time for everything...here, have some water” Greg said handing Glenda a cup of water.

“At this rate this cave will be full of glorious treasure, the treasure of friendship-haha~!” Freya could be heard still celebrating.

“What on Earth is she on about?” Glenda asked.

“*Ahem*” Freya collected herself. “Human known as Glenda, you have been chosen to be apart of my prestigious collection of friends! We will be friends and merriment shall await us!” Freya said.

“...Can't you just roast us or something?” Glenda relpied.

“W-what!? How can you refuse my offer!? This doesn't add up! By all manners of logic you, Greg, and myself are already friends, and you and I have already spent hours together!” Freya said.

“I wasn't even conscious for most of it!” Glenda cried out.

“I am starting to become impatient!” Freya cried out. “...Wait here, I shall return!” Freya declared before taking off.

“...Great, let's make our escape” Glenda whispered.

“You can barely move, and if I slip on a rock we're both tumbling to our deaths” Greg hissed.

And before they can argue further Freya had already returned clutching a shaking Were-Rabbit still covering her eyes.

“I have brought us a professional!” Freya declared placing the frightened Were-Rabbit in front of the siblings.

“P-p-p-please d-don't e-eat me~” the Were-Rabbit began to cry.

“Calm yourself, I have brought you here to...” Freya began before shuffling through her book. “Lighten the mood, and create an aura of tranquility that will benefit both parties for easy relationship building” Freya read the whole sentence.

“...So you want them to like you?” The Were-Rabbit asked.

“Correct, my friend pile must be filled, if you perform your duties correctly, you are free to join us” Freya said.

“I-I guess I can try...did you already introduce yourself?” The Were-Rabbit asked.

“Yes, introductions have been met, games have been played, I punched his sister in the stomach, and yet they still refuse my friendship!” Freya said.

“W-well I think that last part might be a reason why...” the Were-Rabbit bashfully murmured.

“Perhaps you are on to something, in that case I should practice this 'apology' thing mentioned in the book?” Freya asked.

“W-well saying your sorry would help” the Were-Rabbit replied.

“But-but! Groveling is beneath me!” Freya said.

“I-it's not groveling, it's just accepting you made a mistake, and that you feel bad about it” the Were-Rabbit said.

“Hm~ such conflicting choices...*sigh~* very well I will bend slightly and apologize. Greg, and Glenda I am sorry for my rash actions that were totally justified” Freya murmured.

Both siblings stared at their Dragon kidnapper and realized this was the best they can get out of her.

“...Apology accepted?” Greg said.

“Guess I'll pretend this didn't happen” Glenda said.

Freya beamed at this with the Were-Rabbit nodding in approval.

Before they knew it the Were-Rabbit, Greg, and Glenda were swept and pulled into the Dragon's arms as she forced them into a group hug.

“Yes! Friend Pile is piling up! My treasure grows everyday!” Freya celebrated.

“This girl has gone bonkers” Glenda said.

“At least she's not eating us.

“I'm Mindy by the way” the Were-Rabbit introduced herself.

“Hi~ Mindy” Glenda, and Greg welcomed to the group.

Birds of A Feather: Black Harpy
Spoiler: show
A college campus is host to a small party comprised mostly of kissing couples, alcohol, and dancing with loud bumping music on school grounds. Normally this kind of debauchery will be heavily frown upon, and protested but considering the school is nestled near the bordering demon realm they were able to pull some strings; especially when it's a charity run.

Apparently the next Albert Einstein discovered a way to make money for charity by partying, and it was working.

A young man with short cut, olive black hair and soft brown eyes stared idly by at the many partygoers featuring several variety of mamono.

The Succubi eagerly stare at him, several inviting them over to their side for a 'great time'. A group of young witches sharing a couch whisper excitedly to themselves of snagging themselves a big brother, the man steers as far away from that spot as possible. A Weresheep dozes off laying down on a table taking a nap, several students continue to play beer pong on said table, the Were-sheep and their game completely unaffected. Then there was the Yeti who ran a small bar; oddly enough though despite selling beer all day her tip jar was near full and contained more money than the register.

Must be all the hugs she gives to anyone willing.

“(She does look awfully cuddly)” the man was tempted to give her a chance.

Then he saw one mamono that almost made him do a spit-take.

A Black Harpy, wearing a ripped black shirt with a purple skull emblem, no sleeves, and squeezing her thin frame rather well displaying her...less than modest breasts. Her hair cut short down to her shoulders, wild, unkempt, and blacker than ink. Her eyes flared hot red like fire, sharp and leering down at whoever happens to cross her gaze; needless to say no one dare approach her. Also hugging her body were her black denim short-shorts, cut extra short if the tattered lower half were any indication, and displaying her round bubble butt better than any panties or high heels ever could.

Beside her urging the Black Harpy to live a little was a second normal Harpy the man recognized as a good friend and nothing else. Her streaks of gold, red, and orange were bright and merry and acting as a contrast to the stark inky black of her friend. She wore a soft yellow sash and light blue denim short-shorts, her bright orange hair was done in a similar fashion to her friend, perhaps they had the same stylist?

Still his attention was set on the Black Harpy, one who he had a long and cruel history with,

She was the perpetual thorn on his side since middle school, her constant stream of insults knew no bound, and her constant wing smacks across your head every time she swooped in from somewhere left him with constant head-aches, but the worst crime was during high school when she lifted him off the ground and planted him on the school's roof during summer break. He was stuck there for hours until someone finally heard his cries for help.

Seeing her pathetic attempts to party was a joy to watch, but an idea sprang in his head, a wonderful idea...and an awful idea.

He approached her booth, a look of boredom evident on her face as she stared off to the side. The young man attempting to draw her attention bought a beer, and handed it to her. She took it almost right away, but she had a look of shock when she saw who gave it to her.

“Y-you!?” The Black Harpy squawked.

“Yup...you're looking great today Reina” the man complimented.

“Hah! Whatever pencil dick!” She barked

“No I mean it, I mean it looks like you put some effort into making yourself pretty and it's working” the boy replied.

“How about you go fuck yourself instead? I'll pay to see that” the Black Harpy retaliated.

“Aw~ come on, give him a chance. You already accepted the beer, at least hear him out...especially after all the mean things you did to him” the Harpy replied.

“But I-gah! Why'd you did you have to go and convince me to do this stupid shit!” Reina cried out.

“You needed this Reina! Besides you're the one that wanted to do this in the first place. This is a great chance to just put all your differences asside and make up...maybe 'do' something” the Harpy hinted.

Reina's face dropped but she quickly regain herself and continued glaring at the man.

“I'll admit they were pretty bad, but figured I can be the bigger man and just put it all in the past, besides it's a party we should be happy and drunk” he pushed her.

“Can it monkey dick! I'll...I think I'm done here, can we go now Nina!?” Reina was pleading.

“Oh~ it's okay, I know Dan here personally, and he's really nice...and he brushes his teeth everyday, just one little kiss wouldn't hurt right?” Nina urged.

“Whoa! We're jumping it a little aren't we...though I really wouldn't mind if we uh~ kiss and make-out-up! I-I mean up!” Dan replied.

Nina stiffled her giggling as she glanced at her friend to see her reaction.

Reina squirmed, her wings settled to her sides as she stared at everything but Dan. Her cheeks grew warm and finally she broke down letting out a loud cry.

“Okay! Fine! I'll do it shit-eater! You happy!?” Reina growled

“Pucker up, cause you're really going to like this” Dan grinned.

“Fuck you...” Reina murmured before shutting her eyes tight and puckering her lips and leaning forward.

“Wait you're really doing it!?” Nina squealed.

“I mean yeah! Well! I'll finish this drink and then I'll do it if it gets both of you off my back!” Reina said chugging the plastic cup of beer, and wiping her mouth once all the contents entered her buddy.

“Alright let's get this over with, pucker up, and let's see if you're really gay or not” Reina challenged.

“Fine, but...well you asked for it” Dan grinned.

“Wha-*mmph*!?” Her cries were muffled out when Dan planted a kiss on her.

Her body was tense, her glare evident, but she did not push back although; she wasn't putting much effort in herself, her lips were tightly shut, and barely moved an inch. Clearly some stimulation was needed...

Taking a daring hand forward he brushed his hand gingerly across her wing, stroking the base while his other hand gripped her shoulder to keep her from squirming so much. Reina's eye widen from the sudden gestures and she tried to mouth her protest and in doing so opened herself to further advances. Dan was quick and his tongue darted inside her mouth.

Reina's own tongue was hesitant almost timid in this sudden intruder, Dan's hand moving from her wings and gliding across her body moving along her neck and cupping her cheek, his other hand now releasing her shoulder and slid slowly down to her bare waist.

Dan was skeptical Reina was enjoying this, but that all changed when Dan saw Reina's expression relax, her eyes drifting down and her cheeks began to grow warm and pink.


Her tongue who rejected him at first started to gingerly move forward, but Dan couldn't push her just yet, he had to be patient. Their tongue play was slow, almost tedious with Reina's surprisingly shy nature becoming evident when she only settled to gingerly stroke and tap at Dan's own tongue.

Meanwhile spectators around them started to take notice of their make-out session. Several of the other party animals took notice.

“Wow~ they're practically drooling on each other” a Succubus commented.

“They're even slimier than me” a Red Slime added.

“Even I don't lick my boyfriend that much” A Were-Wolf added.

“Eh~ my hugs are free, why am I still getting so much money~” the Yeti was confused with her full tip jar.

“(Should I tell them they've been making out for long time now?)” Nina thought.

At this point not only was Reina not fighting, but she was pressing herself deeper into Dan's lips, she was practically grinding herself on him. Their kissing didn't slow, but grew more intimate both parties now moaning between gasps for air as if the world around them did not exist, they were all they needed.

After a lengthy amount of time the only thing keeping them attached was a strand of their saliva. Reina taking a deep content sigh as she opened her glistening eyes and stared at Dan as if seeing him for the first time in her life.

“Did you like that Reina?” Dan asked.

Reina nodded her head, her heart soaring and her lips quivering to express words of love.

“Well tough luck, cause that's the last time any guy is ever gonna kiss you bitch!” Dan quickly stated before walking away.

“W-wha-huh...” Reina murmured.

“I can't believe you fell for all that horseshit I spat out! And you even kissed me back too! I didn't know you were that desperate to get laid! I'm outta here, I hope you feel like shit cause that's how you made me feel for fucking years!” Dan cried out before leaving the party.

Silence fell on the party, even the loud banging of techno and rock playing wasn't enough to deter people of the sudden event. No one said a word as they waited for the Black Harpy to take it all in.

“R-Reina...are you...okay?” Nina nervously asked.

She stared at the empty field where Dan went as he left for his dorm, her body shacking, her feathers beginning to poof, and her eyes streaming tears.

“Reina it'll be okay” Nina assured.

Reina gave a shrill cry and immediately took off to the skies. The party people thought that was the end of it, but they were soon mistaken when she dove to the bar. The Yeti jumped away in the nick of time when Reina wrecked beer kegs creating a geyser of wasted beer, and decimating the rest of the contents.

She flew straight to the couch and flipped it with one kick and sending the Witches still on it flying several feet.

“Reina! Calm down! Please!” Nina cried out

“Fuck men! I hate them! I fucking hate all of you!” Reina cried out as she continued wrecking.

“Reina!” Nina called out as she darted towards her before she broke anything expensive.

Nina tackled Reina to the ground just as she was headed for the electronics and wrestled her to the ground.

Reina struggled her face red with rage glaring until she noticed who was holding her down. Her loud outburst turned into loud sobbing when she didn't so much as calm down, but rather switched from angry fit to crying fit.

The party ended before anyone could pass out, but the money was raised so no one left disappointed, they all left to their dorms, homes, apartments, extra-dimensional portals, and anywhere else they often sleep in.

Nina took Reina to her home/slash nest nestled on a two story building where Reina tired herself out and slept like a rock sharing the same bed with Nina. She stared at her friend sleeping with a deep frown on her face and she knew she had to make things right the next morning.

It was dawn, but it was the weekend giving everyone the time they needed to recover from their hangovers, and realizations that they just had sex with a random man or mamono. Nina moved through the small gathering of people taking their walk of shame to reach Dan's room.

No more niceties this time! She banged on his door with a force of a feathery wing.


“What is wrong with my wing noises” Nina murmured.

Regardless Dan answered the door to find Nina staring at her wings.

“Hey Nina, it's a little early don't you think? We don't have classes today” Dan said.

“Don't talk so nonchalant to me Dan! You're in big trouble!” Nina declared.

“What? Are you talking about what I did to Reina last night? She deserved it! So what if I got her back like that” Dan was defensive.

“You did more than get back at her! You practically traumatized her!” Nina shrieked.

“Hey-hey-not so loud...just come inside real quick before you wake someone up” Dan declared.

“I will! And you better serve coffee and snacks!” Nina took his offer.

With coffee and candied bread on hand they two began where they left off.

“Alright, so what did I do to her exactly?” Dan asked.

“You really hurt her Dan, after she snapped out of it, she snapped again...only angrily, she pretty much wrecked the party, and it took us a bit to calm her down” Nina said.

“I knew she was short tempered but damn-” Dan began.

“That was a dirty cheap trick Dan! Of course someone would lose their temper like that! Even I would have!” Nina cried out.

“So what! I finally got back at her after all this time, why should I care about my bully getting butt-hurt?” Dan asked.

“Because...because you shredded her hope Dan. I took her to that party to try and make a fresh start, make some friends; maybe even a boyfriend. When I saw you flirting and chatting with her I was happy that finally someone was going to stay by her side. But boy was I wrong, I thought you were better than that Dan, but you're just as much of a bully as she was” Nina laid down the hurt.

“Don't lump me with her, she got a taste of her own medicine just once, it's not like I'm gonna do anything else to her” Dan said.

“You know she was still crying when I took her to my place...I couldn't sleep for a whole hour after she did because she wouldn't stop sobbing...she trusted you Dan, she opened up to you and now...she may never be happy again” Nina added.

“...If you're trying to make me feel guilty forget it...” Dan murmured but couldn't find himself to raise his voice any further.

“I'm not trying to Dan, in fact I bet you were already feeling guilty before I came here. I know you Dan, you're a nice person...I know you're feeling bad about this even if it's just a little” Nina said.

“...Ugh~ fine, so what do you want me to do about it. I doubt she'll want to speak to me after last night” Dan said.

“She's still asleep in my house, we'll come visit her today...actually we should visit her as soon as possible” Nina said.

“And why is that?” Dan asked.

“Because of the flock finds out, they'll punish you” Nina said.

“The flock?” Dan asked.

“Are you really that big of a bird-brain!? Don't you know how tight-knit a murder of Black Harpies are? If just one of them gets tripped up by a rude person, the flock will be all over him like angry badgers! Just imagine the hurt and sex they'll force on you when they find out you hurt one of them the way you did!” Nina exclaimed.

“Oh~ shit...” Dan murmured as the realization hit him.

“You have to make things right or else, now let's get a move on...after one more cup of coffee” Nina said.

“I thought you said we were suppose to leave right away?” Dan asked.

“I can't leave without my cup of joe! Hit me again already!” Nina declared.

With Nina's coffee thirst dealt with, they made their way to her house to meet Reina, along the way the two were met with...hostility.

“Hey, Nina...are you sure Reina didn't say anything?” Dan asked.

“Positive...but...” Nina murmured.

Dan never recalled there being this many Black Harpies near his community, or school, stranger still were their lingering and judging stares directly at Dan. The only Black Harpy that wasn't flying, or sitting somewhere higher than him was walking towards him, and sporting a black dress. She purposely bumped into him, and glaring, but didn't say a thing before suddenly taking off to the skies.

“I-I think some of the students might have tweeted about this, they might suspect you have something to do with what happened to Reina, but until she tells them directly they won't do a thing so don't worry” Nina said.

“R-right” Dan murmured still feeling nervous.

They reached Nina's cozy little home, a quaint little place with a patio on the second floor, and brightly colored paint of yellow and sky blue coating the building and roof. Inside they reached Nina's room, a plethora of bright and merry colors and plushies that Dan hopes could ease the burning rage Reina will unleash upon seeing his face.

“Huh...Reina's sleeping well” Dan spots Reina still napping, and cuddling a stuffed plush raven.

“Yeah, well...here goes nothing. Reina? Re~ina” Nina began tapping her cheek with her wing.

Dan took several steps back towards the open door ready to make a break for it should Reina decide to disembowel him.

Reina squirmed under and her eyes peeked open before letting out a soft yawn. She sat up still groggy and extended her wings stretching them and twisted her body back and forth.

“Mornin' Nina...sorry about last night I was-” Reina began until she spotted Dan in the room as well.

She gave a shrill cry and lunged at him, but was stopped half-way by Nina who once again tackled her to the ground.

“Let me go Nina! He's gonna pay! He's gotta pay for what he did to me!” Reina cried out.

“You're one to talk! After all that bullshit you put me through!” Dan retaliated.

“Feeling pretty brave with Nina holding me back! Wanna keep talking bastard!” Reina challenged.

“That's enough! You two are not gonna fight anymore!” Nina shouted.

Reina reluctantly halted her assault, and Dan stopped whatever escape attempts he had in mind.

“Why are you doing this Nina? Why are you protecting this-this asshole after what he did!?” Reina desperately asked.

“Because I heard both of your stories, I knew you were mean to Dan for a while, but I didn't even know about half the things Dan told me you did to him” Nina said.

Reina murmured something under her breath and looked away from her friend's stern gaze.

“And you Dan! What you did was pretty low, you have no idea how much you hurt her, and the worst part is you claim you don't care even though I know you do. Why can't you be honest with yourself?” Nina said.

Dan mimicked Reina's reaction and looked away.

“Don't you see? After all this time, being mean to each other wasn't doing anything. Why don't you both play nice for once...who knows maybe you'll like each other more than you think” Nina suggested.

“Friends with 'Baby Dick' over there? Forget it! I'm done with him” Reina said.

“I'm not gonna be friends with someone who won't even call me by name” Dan said.

“You two are gonna play nice! Dan if you don't the flock will come after you!” Nina reminded.

At this Reina's smile grew two fold.

“Oh~ so that's why you're really here huh shit-stain? You just don't want my family after your balls” Reina said.

“Okay fine! You got me, so tell them to back off” Dan revealed.

“Nah~ I'm just gonna tell them when they're gonna rape the crap outta you so me and Nina can watch with some popcorn” Reina said.

“I'm not gonna do that, and you're not gonna throw Dan to the flock” Nina said.

“Why not, it'll be funny, we can take bets for when Dan finally cracks! I'll give him five of my sisters before he breaks” Reina laughed.

“You're gonna be friends with Dan just as he's going to be friends with you, and you're both going to mean it too” Nina said.

“Who died and made you Cupid? Why should I even consider not telling my family? Hey we can make him into our servant, and get him to do whatever we want” Reina laughed.

“If Dan isn't genuine about being with you, then you can unleash your family on him, and I won't stop you, but if you don't give him a chance, then...then I won't be your friend anymore” Nina declared.

This was enough to drop Reina's smile faster than Dan could blink.

“W-what are you talking about? We've been friends since we were hatched...y-you're not seriously thinking of leaving me because of this idiot!” Reina stammered, her eyes were already on the verge of tears.

“I-I won't be friends with a bully Reina! No matter how much I care about you” Nina murmured back, her eyes ready to burst into tears as well.

Now that he thinks about it, Nina was really the only person Reina hung out with, was she really that bad at making any other friends?

“*...F-fine okay! I'll-I'll give him a month to prove he's being genuine about burying the hatchet...a-and I won't hit him, or call him names or whatever” Reina gave in.

“Thanks Reina thank you so much...Dan, do you have anything to say” Nina turned to Dan as she wiped at her eyes.

“Yeah, I can give this a shot...I guess the first place to start is to say...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did to you at that party, I was just angry at you, I thought about all the things you did to me, and it wasn't the beer that influenced me either. But Nina was right, I do feel really bad about that, so if you're gonna give me a chance, we can...try and play nice from now on” Dan said.

Reina stared into Dan's eyes attempting to find anything she could find even slightly dishonest, but couldn't find anything.

“...Alright fine, I'll give this a shot, once we get something to eat we're gonna start” Reina sighed as she picked herself up, this time Nina letting her.

“Oh I'm so happy you two are actually going to make this work. It's gonna be great I promise!” Nina cheered.

“But don't think you're off the hook just yet! You're paying for our breakfast, I feel like going out, my wings could use some sun right about now” Reina said.

“What!? I'm college student what makes you think I have any cash to spare” Dan said.

“Cause you got enrolled through a scholarship” Reina said.

“How did you know that?” Dan asked.

“Nina told me...and I had to admit...that's pretty impressive, guess you're not such a dumb-shit after all” Reina said.

“No, and my name is Dan, if I'm gonna be buying for us, the least you can do is call me by name” Dan said.

“Fine! D-Dan! Let's go out to eat already, I don't need a change of clothes” Reina said.

“Should I buy a snack for your little plush doll too?” Dan grinned.

Reina finally realized she's been holding the plush raven this entire time and grew a shade of red before tossing it back to the bed.

“S-shut up! You just lost your name privilege ass-bag!” Reina cried out.

“Oh yeah, I can see this working wonderfully” Dan remarked sarcastically.
Last edited by Timiddarkspy on Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short (3 fics added to li

Post by SchwaWarrior »

I read the BFFs story ages ago and loved it so much back then, always wished I could have found the author. Now not only has my wish come true, I get to read a bunch of other stories from the same person! Never saw the Mantis one before and it was lovely!

I'm seeing reoccurring themes in a lot of these. Breast-rubbing, gradual transformation, children and family... You definitely paint the kinds of scenes I like :]

Thank you for sharing your old work! Major treat for me today ♥

The Lilim story was pretty sad though ;_;
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Re: Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short (3 fics added to li

Post by Feathers »

Wow, Black Harpy was too vulgar for me and I couldn't finish it. :( Unexpected! I'm not innocent though I drop profanity at times, but the fic did catch me off guard. Image
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Re: Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short: Elf/Witch/Dryad/Dr

Post by Timiddarkspy »

I guess while I work on the requests the least I can do is update this list with more fics so here's 4 more.

Also as for the Black Harpy fic, it was a sort of test to myself. It's basically a redemption story I never write often enough and I wanted to see if I can make an unlikable character liked and even relate to the reader a bit as time went on. Expect part 2 of that sometime in the future.
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Re: Tales Not Too Long but Not Too Short (3 fics added to li

Post by Raet »

Feathers wrote:Wow, Black Harpy was too vulgar for me and I couldn't finish it. :( Unexpected! I'm not innocent though I drop profanity at times, but the fic did catch me off guard. Image
Well think about it this way, the lot of them are college students. I for a fact know that college students use profanity a lot... Hehe, I do Hash Runs often
The Hash House Harriers (abbreviated to HHH or H3, or referred to simply as hashing) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.
Most chapters gather on a weekly or monthly basis, though some events occur sporadically, e.g., February 29th, Friday the 13th, Typhoon 'T8' or a full moon.
At a hash, one or more members ("hares") lay a trail, which is then followed by the remainder of the group (the "pack" or "hounds"). Sawdust, flour, chalk, and toilet paper are used to mark the trail. The trail periodically ends at a "check" and the pack must find where it begins again; often the trail includes false trails, short cuts, dead ends, back checks, and splits. These features are designed to keep the pack together despite differences in fitness level or running speed, as front-runners are forced to slow down to find the "true" trail, allowing stragglers to catch up.
Members often describe their group as "a drinking club with a running problem," indicating that the social element of an event is as important, if not more so, than any athleticism involved. Beer remains an integral part of a hash, though the balance between running and drinking differs between chapters, with some groups placing more focus on socialising and others on running.
Generally, hash events are open to the public and require no reservation or membership, but most require a small fee, referred to as "hashcash", to cover the costs incurred, such as food or drink.
The end of a trail is an opportunity to socialise, have a drink and observe any traditions of the individual chapter (see Traditions). When the hash officially ends, many members may continue socialising at an "on-after", "on-down", "on-on-on", "apres", or "hash bash", an event held at a nearby house, pub, or restaurant.

The amount of profanity at those events would make your ears fall off :haha:, but it is all in good fun!

Oh yeah, I have to add this:
A "down-down" is a means of punishing, rewarding, or merely recognizing an individual for any action or behaviour according to the customs or whims of the group. Generally, the individual in question is asked to consume without pause the contents of his or her drinking vessel or risk pouring the remaining contents on his or her cranium. Individuals may be recognized for outstanding service, or for their status as a visitor or newcomer. Down-downs also serve as punishment for misdemeanours real, imagined, or blatantly made up. Such transgressions may include: failing to stop at the beer check, pointing with a finger, or the use of real names. Commonly, hashers who wear new shoes to an event can be required to drink from that shoe.
Many chapters include an ice seat or throne as part of the down-down ceremony. Those who are to consume a down-down sit on a large block of ice while they await the completion of the down-down song. If the offence that resulted in the down-down is particularly egregious, the hasher may be subjected to a long song with many verses.
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