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Down Where It's Wetter.

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 6:30 am
by ShadowKnux372
For a while, Kyle thought nothing. He felt nothing. He heard nothing. He saw nothing. All that he could experience was an endless black void, a cessation of existence, metaphorical or otherwise. It was a terrifying feeling, and Kyle just wished for the emptiness to be over, one way or another. Whatever release he could attain from this absence of everything.

Then, everything stopped being nothing. The first thing he felt was pain. Sharp, burning pain in his throat and stomach. He shot up from his prone position on the ground, and coughed, violently, as if he had something that his body furiously wanted to eject from his windpipe. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he coughed, nothing came forth, only more pain, until the coughing fit subsided.

He looked around, blinking away the pain and unconsciousness. He had been so preoccupied, he had forgotten that where he was at the moment was completely different from where he used to be, or where he assumed he would be. He raised a slightly damp hand off the rough stone floor he crouched on, and put it to his head, which began to throb, with physical pain, and the pain of the memory that was slowly returning to him.

The churning waters...the angry, panicked shouts...the demands made of him to batten and tie the cargo down...then the violent lurch of the ship, and the splash of water...the struggling, the straining...then the tightness around his chest...and then...nothing. It was then, beneath the raging waters under the sea, under the ship, that he felt something pull him down, then felt nothing until this moment.

While he was confused as to his current whereabouts, the fact that he was alive, and not pulled down to the depths of the afterlife, was enough to keep him from truly having a panic attack, enough to let him look around and get a feel for his current surroundings. Pulling a soaked clump of black hair out of his vision, he shakily got to his feet, losing his balance for a moment due to disorientation. And a slick, wet floor.

All he really saw was rock. Wet, pale-gray rock. He took a few steps forward, listening to the echo of his wet shoes hitting the ground with his tentative steps. He kept looking as he moved, but there wasn't much to look at. After a few minutes of traveling down this damp cave, he found something....More water. Though this time it wasn't dripping from the walls or ceiling. It was more like a pool. The rest of the cave gave way, sloping downward until it reached the water, essentially making this a dead end, as Kyle couldn't see what lie beyond the water, how deep it was, or anything similar. Of course, after what had happened, he wasn't exactly in the mood for a bit of swimming, anyway.

Turning back from whence he came, he ventured further in the other direction, enjoying the scenic sights of wall, ceiling, floor, and the occasional rock. Every so often he'd come across a fish skeleton, which was mildly disconcerting, but until he spotted a skull similar in shape to his, he wasn't going to panic. Aloud, in any case.

Further inside the cave, a few larger rocks sat. Ordinarily, this would seem just like bigger mundane, but the way they were shaped and set up made Kyle raise an eyebrow. One rock was flat on top, and horizontally quite long. Spread across the rock was an evenly-spread pile of seaweed. It vaguely looked like something that knocked at Kyle's mind, but whatever it was, it wasn't supposed to be made of kelp and stone. The other rock in there was concave, a big open space that curved inward, in some sort of odd imitation of a chair. Chair...that's when Kyle could remember what the other rock looked like. It looked like a makeshift bed, with seaweed being a replacement for actual silken sheets.

"Weird..." Kyle was able to mumble, still possessing his sense of dry commentary, which was the only thing that was dry at this point. Still, there was more cave to explore, so Kyle, against what would probably be better judgment, he continued onward. More walls. More rocks. More wetness. He was about ready to tear his usually-greasy hair out of his head when something finally happened that was at least as interesting as the bed-rock and chair-rock. Just as he was to turn a corner, he heard a noise. He stopped against the corner, listening closer. Surprise, surprise, more water. But this time it was running water. Rushing water.

Kyle turned the corner, examining what lay beyond the turn...and his jaw popped downward, mouth hanging open in a dumbfounded expression.

It was the standard reaction to suddenly walk in on a woman who was showering, but this wasn't just any woman soaking her hair beneath the flowing waterfall that she floated beneath. Kyle recalled the stories his superiors spoke of during their seafaring trips, when they weren't barking demands at him to fetch them some grog or some such command he had to obey. A Scylla. From the waist up, a beautiful, voluptuous woman...below that, a mass of tentacles. One, two, three...Kyle counted eight limbs treading and twisting through the pool of water, before his eyes went back upward. Her back was to his direction, as she let her fingers flow through her wet hair, orange and bright, with a few streaks of purple to balance and contrast. Her body was curvy, and her backside quite ample, something that caught his attention for several moments.

Of course, staring tends to lead to awkward moments, and naturally, this happened to Kyle, when he failed to realize in time that she was turning in his direction, and the moment her gaze fell upon him, he panicked just a bit, trying to hide quickly from her sight, but instead slipping on the wet stone floor of the cave, and crashing to the ground with a grunt, doing wonders for his recovery after the accident. Groaning and rolling onto his back, his eyes, shut from the pain, opened up to see the form of the Scylla standing over him, her arms crossed across her chest, hiding her bare bosom at the moment. Her look was neutral, though Kyle didn't have high hopes for his state at the moment.

"...So you've woke." she mused, looking down at him, a few of her tentacles moving over his body, making him twitch a bit at their touch, as the went over his body. One even came up to his cheeks and forced his head to rotate, allowing the Scylla-woman to look over him a bit more. "Well, you don't seem to have sustained any grievous injuries. That's good. I would hope you would have remained in good condition after I brought you here."

"Brought me here...?" Kyle repeated, rubbing his head a bit, assuming he wasn't about to be smacked around for his own actions. He thought for a moment, then it clicked again. That feeling just before he blacked out, like something grabbed at his chest...apparently something did. "So you were the one who grabbed me!" he exclaimed, looking up at her. She just nodded in return.

"Correct. I saved you after you fell on the side of the ship opposite the Charybdis's whirlpool. Unfortunate luck for you, perhaps, but fortunate for me, it seems." she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as her tentacles writhed beneath her, keeping her held in place.

That got Kyle's attention, giving him the same sense of dread that would happen when the Admiral would demand he deliver a package and ask no questions of the situation. His stomach knotting a bit, he had to ask the obvious question. "And by that, you mean...?"

"...Simple, really. Since I saved your life, and since you seemed attractive enough, I demand you mate with me." she said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

Kyle blanched at the rather direct statement. "Uh...come again?"

"I demand you mate with me. Afterward, I can bring you back to the surface, but not before I get what I need from you." she explained further.

Well, that at least meant he had the chance to return afterward, but this certainly wasn't proper setting of the mood. Kyle looked over the Scylla standing tall and proud above him. Her arms still crossed over her breasts, which were a nice size. Her wet hair clung close to her head, and the appearance reminded him of the same kelp that made up the bed earlier in the cave, though probably nicer to feel. Her hips were shapely, her skin looked smooth...everything about the human half would be enough to turn him on, and bare skin was already doing that to him, to his chagrin. It was the squirming appendages beneath the waist that gave him pause, and he worried what they could do to him, then wondered what they could do for him.

Laying his head back on the slightly damp floor, he sighed with resignation. "Sure, then, if that's what you want." He wasn't getting out of here any other way, after all.

The Scylla nodded, letting her hands fall away from their position, revealing her bare chest. They were nice and shapely, and Kyle's gaze lingered on her nipples, which seemed to already be hardening just a bit. She began to shift, tentacles shuffling closer, before they began to grab at him. Kyle instinctively twitched and tried to get away, but the limbs wrapped around his own, and began to explore him.

"Quit squirming; we need your clothes off for this, obviously." At her command, Kyle stopped wriggling away, but that didn't stop him from shivering at the strange, rubbery contact as the tentacles rubbed against his skin, aiding him like a child who stubbornly refused to get undressed for a bath. With some startling dexterity, she had him shirtless in seconds, and his pants and undergarments were away in moments. Thus, his bare skin touched cold, wet cave floor, which made him shiver.

The Scylla looked him over, another smile playing on her lips as she looked him over. "Yes...I see I was right to choose you. But before we begin...let's test your endurance, shall we?" The look on her face made her look rather hungry, rather confident.

"Endurance? What are yo--OoOoOo..." Kyle moaned, as a single tentacle began to brush against his flaccid length, sliding its rubbery texture over him, sending a different sort of shiver through his body. It felt so weird, but it was so was still wet, and cool against his touch. The tentacle continued to touch him for several moments, teasing at his base and the little orbs beneath before paying attention to the body and head, making Kyle sigh as the weirdness gave way for pleasure, making his lower part begin to react, and stand up to attention. The tentacle receded, as the Scylla let out a small noise of approval.

"Good, good...that's one down." she said.

'One down?' Kyle thought, before he was made to sigh as another tentacle began to tease him. This time, the tentacle stayed purely located in the area towards the base, mostly focusing on the scrotum, touching and smoothing over them, holding them with the various little circles that made up the underside of her tentacles. It was such an odd sensation, but he couldn't deny she had a nice touch. Sighing again, this time he was more able to relax into the caresses. It felt good, but it was manageable. He was beginning to get an idea of what the "endurance test" was at this point.

Sure enough, she pulled away for a moment. "Two down. Doing good so far." she complimented. Kyle couldn't help but smile, both at the compliment, and at the feeling when a third tentacle came up to play, this one wrapping around his shaft, the little suction cups on the underside gripping his shaft, before it pulled away, each little cup pulling away with a bit of pressure. It was like each cup was a pair of lips that kissed his member, before pulling away. The tentacle returned, again wrapping around him, subjecting him to a multitude of "kisses" once more. This was nice...he could get used to this sort of treatment...

"Three. I would have expected as much." Too soon, the little kisses ended, and he had apparently reached Stage Four of the tentacle-brand endurance test. This time, the next tentacle swirled around the shaft, curling and covering the entire penis, before using the dangling tip to tease at his head, making him groan. It was such a light touch, like a constant tickling, but it touched him so sensually, making it so things were beginning to get to Kyle. He'd been feeling good for a while, but this was beginning to make him approach an inevitable limit. The tentacle continued to tickle his tip, occasionally teasing the little hole he would spurt from, while the tentacle held him tightly in place.

His breath was getting heavy, but he survived, as she unwrapped and pulled away from him. "Quite well, 'surviving' four of them. I think you'll be fun to deal with." she said, no longer just smirking, but actually smiling at what she was putting him through. He probably was, too, but his smile was probably more idiotic than sexy, like hers. Level Five began, as the next tentacle wrapped around him, similar to the "little kisses" assault from before. This time, though, the rubbery appendage began to shift up and down, stroking him powerfully, while the little cups continued to kiss him, sliding over his shaft and enhancing the sensation more than Kyle could have imagined.

Kyle groaned and squirmed. This was it, this was his end. A tentacle handjob, after all the previous teasing, was just too much for him to handle. Perhaps a minute into this "torture," he groaned even louder, as his build-up released into the air, staining all over the tentacle that brought him to this release. After his twitches and spurts were over, the tentacle slid off of him, achingly slow, to the point where he felt every little circle release him reluctantly, before the Scylla brought a tentacle up to her face, and began to lick it clean, tasting what he released. She swallowed with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Hmm...salty as the brine." she mused, before shifting herself, so that she was over him, all her tentacles keeping her held up as she hovered above him. She smiled and licked her lips a bit, and her expression and demeanor kept him from going slack, both from arousal and from mild intimidation. She shifted, and began to sink down. "Now that I've teased you, perhaps we can have some real fun." she said, her hand going near the junction between human and octopus, and Kyle saw her spread herself down there, his eyes glued to the glistening womanhood, as it dove closer to his erection. He moaned as the wetness touched the tip, while the Scylla just made a noise of arousal and approval. "Yes...That's good. You like it that much, don't you?" she teased, licking her lips as she sank down onto him, covering his manhood with her inner walls.

"Oooh! Oh, God...yes!" he gasped out, grasping at the ground, though there was nothing to grab onto, just more of the wet stone that he was being fucked on. The Scylla squirmed with him within her, letting out a soft moan of her enjoyment of him being within her. She clung tightly to him, not just inside her vagina, but with her hands on his chest, and the tentacles writhing and squirming in intensity equal to her pleasure. A few had already wrapped around his legs, smothering them with the little suction cups and kisses and keeping him held in place while she began to move. He groaned at the feeling of her inner walls, an almost painfully-tight grip on him, that wouldn't stop shifting in some way or another. Deepening, receding, squirming, grinding...he was subjected to each and every sensation, and he loved it.

But he didn't want to be the one who just lay there and let things happen this time. He wanted to be active this time. His hands flew to her hips, grabbing them and letting him hold her tight and hoist himself up to a sitting position. She gave him a confused look despite her passions at the moment, and he just smiled an attempt at a smooth expression. "I can't let you do all the work this time." he said, shifting his hips despite the restriction of his legs, causing the female monster to gasp as he hit deep within her. Recovering from that, she smiled sensually at him.

"Well, if you're going to put that much effort in, I can't refuse." she jested, before wrapping her slender arms around his shoulders, holding him as the sex began anew, with both parties acting to deepen the experience. With both their grips firm on each other, Kyle was able to slam away at the Scylla, shifting from her hips to her behind, of which he had a lot to grip, as their moans began to turn into cries of pleasure. The Scylla's tentacles writhed with intensity from the passion, as her face began to flush. "Oh! Yes! Deeper! Deeper inside me!" she began to cry out, and Kyle complied as best as he could. A pair of tentacles wrapped around his arms, covering them in their tight little grips from the underside, making sure his hands never left her ass, though Kyle couldn't think of a reason to release them. "Ah...Your name! What is your name?" the Scylla moaned out between gasps from his deep, driving thrusts inside her burning sacred place.

"K-Kyle!" he gasped out, slamming into her more. He was beginning to well up and build towards the finish, not helped by his sensitivity and the fact that his tip kept punching against something, quite possibly the deepest part of her nether regions. To respond his naming himself, the Scylla clamped her mouth against his, her tongue darting into his mouth and immediately seeking out his, moaning into his mouth even before he started to return the deep kiss. They were really going at it at this point, hips slamming against each other and grinding against the floor, tongues darting into the mouth of the other, tentacles wriggling, chests heaving, faces burning....As Kyle began to reach his apex, the rest of the squirming limbs the Scylla had remaining wrapped around his torso, pulling him close, close enough to feel her breasts pressing against his chest. Kyle couldn't grunt out any sort of resistance to what she was doing, even if he wanted to.

With a combined, muffled scream of pleasure, both parties achieved orgasm, the Scylla's tentacles gripping with nearly bone-crushing grip on Kyle, even as he erupted within her, filling her insides full of his sperm, moaning into her mouth and sucking on her tongue, tasting her even as he continued to cum. Even after he had finished, the Scylla held onto him tightly. Only once her mouth finally left his to reside on his chin contently did they slacken their grip slightly. And even then, they didn't release him, still holding onto his limbs in a strength more akin to cuddling, more appropriate for the mood, as Kyle slid and fell back to the ground, lying on his back and panting from exertion, while the Scylla lay atop him, still straddling him with him inside her, going slack within her.

"Magnificent,'s been so long..." the Scylla said, her head upon his chest, a strangely soothing sight for him to see. He rested his arm across her back and smiled.

"Well...thanks." he said sheepishly. He didn't really know what to say to that.

She turned her head back to him, gazing at him with a more impersonal expression, like those of before. "Well, a deal is a deal. If you wish, I can return you to the surface now." she said simply.

Kyle looked at the half-human woman on his chest, then glanced towards the corner he had turned, knowing that all that waited for him down that hall was that pool of water, which stretched on for however long. He shifted his gaze back to her, and smiled softly.

"You know, I think I've developed an aversion to water." he said, reaching down to grasp one of her tentacles, and kissing it, which made her shiver for a moment. "But I have developed a taste for calamari." he said with a grin.

What he got in response was a sardonic expression, before another tentacle reached up and lay over his eyes, blocking his view while pushing his head back down to the ground.

"Yes, because we Scylla have never heard that one before."

Re: Down Where It's Wetter.

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:28 pm
by Tsar CUBE
Ooooh I remember this one, it had one of the hottest sex scenes out of all your fics :nosebleed:

I really want a Scylla like her for myself too, I would have soooo stay with her as well! The most attractive thing in this fic was her personality though, I love MGs with such personalities, especially the part where she playfully covered his face with her tentacle :love:

Most kelp and seeweed isn't too good for use in bed making though as it becomes very rough and gritty when it dries up :^^;:

...unless it's magical kelp/seaweed :^^: