Mamono Gakuen EX

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Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

It took me quite a lot of effort, but I can finally show the first fanfiction after a utterly long a somewhat painful stop that lasted for more than seven years.
I have to thank to both Tsar and Clan (I'll be using a modified character sheet from Clan's so I'm thankful to him for that as well) for letting me use their universe shown in their RP in this story I'll try to tell you.
It will focus on a boy (based on myself, having both my appaearance and personality that when I was 16 years old) forced to live in a boarding high school filled with mamonos for one year (his scholarship lasts three years but I'll be only narrating the first one).

I would like to make it interactive, so feel free to give your opinions and ideas (the first idea was letting you choose the ending, for instance if he gets a couple it would be your duty to choose whoever you prefer for him ^^) in order to improve it.
And... who knows, if you like it... maybe I can try to make an RP based on this story.

Before starting the tale, let me introduce you our "unlikely" hero: Lumi

Name: Karel Ondrej Tomas Ruminae. Karel Ruminae (for short) (1)
Nickname: Lumi
Nationality: Czech/ Spaniard (2)
Age: 16
Looks: Medium size (177 cm) and somewhere between medium and wide build (77 kg), He has short and spiky cobalt blue hair and brown eyes (he wears glasses). He’s often seen wearing comfortable clothing such as T-shirts, jeans, tracksuits, denim jackets and red Adidas trainers. (3)
He’s known for having a quite limited mobility in some situations due to an injury in his right knee. (4)
Disposition: (Brutally) Honest, (extremely) shy, good natured, loyal and with a heavy tendency to sarcasm.
Personal objects: PSP, Blue ragged leather gloves (memento of his grandfather), Kirby plushie (scale 1,5/1 since Kirby is actually like 20 cm tall)


Body-> 2/4
Agility-> 1/ 4
Mind-> 3/ 4
Spirit-> 4/4

Skills obtained

Sixth Sense: You’re more prone to detect and or react to events and phenomena of supernatural origin (5).
Your spirit energy recovers way faster than other people’s if drained, in the same way spirit draining will affect you less than other people.

Klutz: Your reflexes will betray you in the most inconvenient situation and most likely in the most comical way possible.


Anger Point: When enraged or if you’re in a pinch you’ll feel a burst of adrenaline able to increase both your strength and endurance (Body) and speed (agility) in one point. However, once this burst is over you’ll feel way more tired than usual.
If you get damaged or injured in the middle of the anger burst, your wounds will take the double of the time you normally need to recover (6)

Stuck: Your right knee has said ENOUGH and it won’t react to your command no matter what.
When the pain is too much to bear (bad twist, unlucky hit, running for too long) your agility will drop to 0 and you’ll be (almost) unable to move at all. It will take you a long time to recover your lost mobility.


Top 5

1-> Any member of the Neko family
2-> Any member of the Kitsune family
3-> Undine
4-> Alp
5-> Merrow

Bottom 5

1-> Doppelganger
2-> Matango
3-> Honeybee
4-> Anubis
5-> Red Oni

(1)-> Pseudonym used to protect my real identity and because I just simply hate my name.
(2)-> Czech nationality added for my pseudonym’s sake (it makes more sense this way), Spaniard nationality added because is my real one.
(3)-> Looks based on the ones I had when I was sixteen years old, except for the hairdo which I actually dyed it that way when I was seventeen years old (For one year nobody’s gonna complain, right?)
(4)-> Absolutely true, I got injured for the first time at that age.
(5)-> Hard to believe but true again, I’ve had a couple of experiences involving ghosts in the last three years. I didn’t believe in those kind of things before but… you know what they say: “seeing is believing”.
(6)-> Personal skill that has saved my butt countless times on real life.
.P.S.: No mamonos till chapter one, so you'll maybe find the prologue to be long and/or boring. Sorry for the inconvenince...I'll try to get better once the fun truly starts ^^
EDIT: Forgot to tell you, since it's a fanfiction I'll take the liberty of adding some custom monster girls here (my own creations that is...).
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

Well I guess that this utterly predictable after all...No action in this chapter at all, my skills have become incredibly dull after being unable to use them for more than seven years... A bit of constructive criticism would be kindly appreciated... but still... no big deal after all.

Considering that the high school part is about to begin. I would like to introduce some key features to the story system (it's gonna have RP elements, I'm actually using the story's main character as a guinea pig. I wanna test my skills as DM...before trying to DM a RP).

Here are the features that I got planned:
Level up-> In the stats you can see that the top is 4; however any stat can be increased throughout the story via hard work, overcoming some obstacles or directy via some events.
The max level is Ex (1->2->3->4->5->Ex), though you can't reach Spirit's level 5 as a human...

Demon Gauge-> Intercourse with any member of the succubus family (I took some liberties considering that is a fanfiction...) will grant you the status "Infected human/ lesser incubus". Once a human has been "infected" a special meter called demon gauge will be activated and every time he has intercourse with a mamono; enabling a long and painful transformation process. (Unlike Kenkou's incubi. My version of the incube will have demonic features: wings, tail, horns (or headwings)...).
Once the gauge has reached the 100% the player will be a full fledged incubus.

Demon Outbreak-> The demon gauge can also alter the player's mind and emotions. Devastating, mind shattering, heart breaking events can lead to a berserk like state where the player won't be able to react logically (in other words, he'll be in berserk mode). It can also be triggered if the player gets a dose of demonic energy impossible for him to absorb.
(Those who have played Ar Tonelico 2 think of the IPD outbreak for getting a better idea of how this works)
Demon outbreak can also make the transformation process into incubi go forward...faster than expected (even though it's pretty rare). Be careful with this since an incubus transformed this way will be unable to use his powers properly.

Chtulu Effect-> Human nature leads us to fear anything that we're unable to understand and the player and the player is no exception. Once the player sees someone or something that makes him scream WTF mentally (bottom 5 mamono included) will be overcome by fear and unable to go through checks in a succesful manners.

Check-> Even though this is a fanfiction, I'll be using checks in most of the events he will be facing to determine his fate. I'll be using these beauties to do it. A 100 can lead to EPIC FAIL (and in Lumi's case, they will also activate the "Stuck" skill) leading to some comedic effects or catastrophe itself.
Players under Cthulu effect are more prone to fail checks.

Will-> The player will begin with 300 will points. They can be recovered by sleeping or through some events. Will points act like the player's sanity and mental defense; the more points he has the better he can withstand certain "attacks" such as the Alice's charm, Alraune nectar's effect (mentally speaking), Bubble slime's dependency... A player with a low will point number is likely prone to fall victim to mamono attacks (for instance: raping an Alice or being charmed to submission by a succubus) if the player Will meter reaches 0 it will be a game over.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

PROLOGUE: DEPARTURE Hello there, my friends! Consider yourselves welcome and listen carefully to my story because it can be the last time you can hear it…
Nah… Relax, I was just kidding! However I do have a tale to tell you if you don’t care to spend some time with a poor devil like good old me.
It’s the story of a young boy who saw how his world took a turn of one hundred eighty degrees, that couldn’t do anything but watch how he was leaving behind everything that was important to him: his hopes and dreams, his innocence and the most important thing… his humanity.
If you feel interested about that poor guy, if you want to see it for yourselves then make yourselves comfortable, feel yourselves at home and pay heed to my words as I’m going to start telling you this tale, the story of the travel of a lifetime… my lifetime.

I wonder how long it’s been… five years… ten years…maybe? It’s actually hard to tell considering that the chains of time are not bound to me anymore.
But I remember that day, the day when all of it started I was 16 years old back then and it was a day in the second in September’s second week, and due to a severe knee injury I spent the whole summer unable to move and due to that I was unable to search for a new school, and the situation was beginning to get desperate at home.
“There you are! Wasting your time uselessly as always” Said a sneaky voice behind me, scolding me. A voice I knew too well: My mother’s voice.
“I’m trying to look for some schools on the internet”
“Yeah… whatever… I’m sure you were watching porn or something”. She let out disdainfully.
“Porn? At 11:00 AM?”
“I found this in the mailbox” She paid no heed to me as she tossed me a letter.
Without even bothering to answer her, I picked up the letter, opened it and began reading silently the content. The content truly left astonished, speechless I wasn’t expecting to see anything like that.
“So, what does it say?”
“It’s… a free scholarship for three years… In some school called Mamono High School” I told her still trying to believe what I was reading, showing her the photographs attached to the letter. Let me tell you that the place looked quite promising it was a big school with a great garden, auditorium, swimming pool, soccer field (or football as we Europeans call it), gym and two dorms… wait…dorms? Was it a boarding school? I was beginning to get worried, however my mother’s eyes were sparking, filled with joy.

“Mom… don’t you find it strange?” I told her trying to beat some sense into her “My grades are good, but not that good for getting me a scholarship”
“That’s nothing but a small detail”
“It’s a boarding school!” My voice was beginning to show despair here
“So what?”
“We don’t even know where it is!”
“Well you always are telling that you want to travel and see the world for yourself” My mother was beginning to insist too much.
“You… Want to get rid of me?”
“You are nothing but a parasite right now… Think of what your father would say if he saw you right now…” Her words were reeking out cruelty.
“But mom…Stop talking about dad like he’s dead or something… He just went to work!”
“See? He’s working, doing something useful… not like you. Karel Ruminae, you’re going to that school and that’s my last word about this matter!” And suddenly the whole thing was handled in the best way she knew: beating sense into people by lecturing and screaming. Once she got what she wanted she just left my room, she didn’t even need to hear my answer she already knew that she won.

I could do nothing but read the letter again, paying more attention to it, I discovered a P.S. written in a smaller font that said the next thing: “Be at San Andres Arenal’s bus station at 1:00 PM”.
For those who are actually wondering, San Andres Arenal is one the biggest train station of the city where I was born and lived… till that very moment: Barcelona (Spain’s second biggest and more important city) known for having a large bus station attached to it.
I packed my things on my rucksack as fast as I could, trying to act as calmly as I could… thing that was proving really difficult to do as I was beginning to like the idea of leaving this place behind for three years and forget completely about it.
Before leaving the room, my eyes stopped on a Kirby plushie, there he was smiling at me, looking at me with his bluish beady eyes… it was like he was telling me “Take me with you” and so I did…
As strange it may sound, as insane I may look for taking it with me, let me tell you my friends that this very plushie was destined to become one of my best allies, saving my hide more than once and more than twice... maybe even countless times; but their moments of glory will have to wait for another time.

Finally I left my home, with my rucksack filled with both clothes and hope and my Kirby on hand, resting peacefully on a plastic bag, finally reaching the station where I found something: The bus that was meant to take to my destination it was one of those yellow school busses that we are only able to see in American films… and the driver… That man didn’t even look like he was alive, the first image that came to my mind was Charon, the ferryman that took the dead to the afterlife in Greek Mythology… that couldn’t be a good sign at all.
“Are you the late arrival?” The driver asked me in a somewhat annoyed yet scary tone
“Did you get the letter?” His voice sounded even more annoyed by now.
“Then get on the bus kiddo, time is running out” He didn’t wait for my answer, he was rushing me like if there was no time to waste… curious thing considering that I arrived 30 minutes before the deadline.

And then it finally started… the travel of a lifetime; my lifetime.
I’m sure you want to know what would happen once I got to my new destination, but that’s a tale for another time.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »


The travel was long, actually longer than expected, I didn’t know how long it took exactly… Maybe it was few hours… well more like a lot, but they felt like years…almost like an eternity.
The feeling of boredom, of loneliness as I was the only one to be there, didn’t help either.
Since I was a “late arrival” I had to do the travel on my own, being in an old, smelly and beat-up yellow bus, with the only company of a driver who looked more dead than alive, humming songs that even my grandfather, whose soul is resting in peace, wouldn’t be able to recognize.

At last the bus finally made it, at this point my back was killing me… all what I wanted to do is go down, forget the nauseous smell and be on my way to a comfortable bed or something like that.
“Man… I feel like I’ve been travelling for years… Did you bring me to an alternate dimension or something?” I asked to the bus driver jokingly while stretching my arms. However his answer was no joke at all.
“You’re a quick learner, huh?”
“What…do you mean…?”
“Why should I spoil you the fun? But I’ll tell you this…Your guess is actually right” He answered me with a voice that seemed to come from beyond the grave.
“Wait… tell me…”
There was no response coming from him, all what he did was opening the door, telling me without words to leave the bus.
As soon as get down the bus I could hear his last words to me “Good luck kiddo, you’re gonna need it” followed by a laugh that was more than enough to freeze the blood running through my veins.

Leaving the bus stop behind, I began walking feeling completely astonished at the beautiful scenery, the great garden… it was like a million time better than the photographs I was too busy admiring the lush foliage of the local flora, or so I thought since I wasn’t able to recognize most of the plants here, that I wasn’t able to listen a voice coming from behind.

“Excuse me… Are you the late arrival?” A sweet and soft voice came from behind, while the source from said voice was poking my back to get my attention.
I turned my back to see… a little girl, yeah a little girl was standing there, in front of my eyes, flashing me the most pure and heartwarming smile I ever saw in my short life. She was adorable… too adorable, it was almost if just looking at her was a sin.


“I’m replacing the Welcoming Committee’s girl who wasn’t able to come today (1), so in this school’s name: Welcome to Mamono High School” She told me while doing a curtsey and locking her sapphire blue eyes on me, with both curiosity and innocence on them.
“Thank you…”
“Follow me” She smiled lightly as she began walking.
And there I was, following an adorable little girl, clad in a lovely maid-like cerulean blue dress, stripped thighhighs and maryjanes that almost looked like the main character from a fairy tale I read when I was a kid (2), with her golden and beautiful hair dancing in the air as she moved hopping playfully and humming a childish song; while her cute tail was swinging rhythmically from left to right.
Wait…tail? Did this kid have a tail? After taking a better look at her I could see that she had a heart tipped tail, a pair of crimson red wings and horns on the top of her head.
After a few seconds that looked almost like an eternity I decided to ask her.
“Excuse me, are those real?” I asked her while pointing at her “unusual” features.
“Yeah… My name is Mira and I’m an Alice”
“How should I explain it An Alice is a kind of… suc… such… suck…succ…” It looked like she was having trouble with her explanation.
“Yeah…That” She answered me smiling again, then she stopped on her tracks and hugged me “Thank you”


“How can you be a…” I found hard to believe that little and apparently innocent girl was a succubus… c’mon it was impossible or so I thought…
She didn’t answer, she just extended her hand to me, did she want me to hold her hand while guiding me around? Apparently she wanted it since she didn’t move it till I reluctantly held it, blushing completely red. A glint of happiness appeared on her eyes.
“What’s your name?”
“Karel, although almost everybody calls me Lumi”
“Lumi…what a cute nickname” She let out a small joyful squeal as she said this “Can I call you like that?”
“S…sure…” I answered her while blushing again.
“I hope we can be good friends from now on. And since we’ll be classmates starting tomorrow, I’ll try to help you in everything I can” She told me with a sincere smile on her face.
“I…I hope so too… But how do you know that we’re gonna be classmates?”
“Class E is the only one that has free seats by now… And in case you’re wondering we’re of the same age, even if I don’t look like it”
We kept going for a quite a while, the school grounds were bigger than I thought, were actually huge. Mira sure had more than enough time to bomb me with questions, she apparently took quite interest on me and by now she must know more about me than myself.

Once we reached the Teachers’ Lounge, she made a small bow and went to somewhere else, faster than I imagined while saying “See you tomorrow” in her usual sweet tone.
Finally alone I knocked on the door, coming in after I heard a somewhat irksome answer.
The first thing that I saw was a “child” with goat like features, with a scythe resting on her back playing on the computer…well more like angrily smashing the keyboard and saying swear words that even I didn’t know….and considering the country I came from, that’s quite a “commendable” feat. (3)
And also…

I could see there a woman sitting there, with a bored and/or annoyed look on her face, I guess she was the one who let me in. But man… she was quite a sight: beautiful silver hair, the face of angel, the body a succubus…curvy enough to get lost at those curves, the most gorgeous legs I ever saw (till that moment at the very least), ruby eyes that were more than able to look through my soul…But there was something about her that gave me the creeps…It was her aura I guess.
Maybe you don’t believe in auras, but pay heed to my words because once I finish telling you this tale, you’ll believe in auras as much as I do…maybe even more.
She then noticed me, and now with an amused look on her face approached me.

“You must be the late arrival…Karel…wasn’t it?”
“Yeah…that’s me” I actually found harder than normal to answer her.
“My…another cute one…and you’re a level 4 (4)…” She seemed extremely pleased for whatever reason she had “I could happily teach you a couple of lessons about how to please a woman…what do you say?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m near my 30s and I’m still single… You would make such a lovely slave… I will treat you nicely, I promise” She told me that in a seductive manner, though the “nicely” part made freak out almost completely…mostly because she was rubbing my crotch through the fabric of my pants as she was telling me this.
“Aura! It’s strictly forbidden for us teachers to do that to students during working time. If you want to fuck his brains out do it on your free time, dammit! Just give him the set and send him off” Shouted angrily the goat girl.
“Gee…I know…” Aura replied quite annoyed while musing to herself “Damn goatee…mind your own businesses”
Aura went to search for something, leaving me there frozen after hearing the “goatee” remark and came back with both a book and a key.
“Here you have, you’ll be staying in the B Dorm, room 290 and you’ll be assigned to Class E starting tomorrow” She made a pause before continuing “Here’s your Primer, you better take a good look at it since you’re going to need it… My name is Aura, I’m a Dark Elf and I’ll be your biology teacher starting tomorrow, I’m sure you’ll learn a lot of useful things coming from me, honey”.

After getting my set, I bowed as respectfully as I could… considering that her teaching methods could be quite interesting… and I would see or even feel them firsthand, and left out the room…
…after feeling a smack on my rear…coming from her as she gave me a last sentence to remember: “Dream of me tonight, honey”.
As you can see, my school life didn’t even started officially and it proved to be quite interesting, and let me tell you my friends, that this in only the very beginning.

(1) She’s referring to Clan’s goblin.
(2) Alice in wonderland
(3) Clan’s baphomet having her ass kicked by JD at Call of Duty
(4) Members of the succubus family refer to human men by their spirit level. The higher it is the more interested they are on them. Being a level 4 expect Lumi to attract almost succubus, elf, amazoness, roper… of the whole school.
.P.S.: Ladies and gentlemen... allow me to introduce you to...Aura
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »


Once I left the Teachers’ Lounge behind me, and that teacher that gave me creeps and most likely will give more than one headache in a near future, I finally arrived to the B-Dorms, the place where I was supposed to make my living for the next three years and headed directly to the elevator just to see, much to my chagrin that it was out of service.
“Goddammit” I mused to myself as I saw the notice place on its door.
Letting out a deep sigh I headed straight to my natural enemy, my worst and most feared, dreadful enemy: The staircase.
Man…those stairs were steep, the most steep staircase I’ve seen in my whole life. In normal situation avoid making my way up through these…but considering that I couldn’t use the elevator the only choice I had was… Climbing through these things.


And as soon I began going up I could feel a sharp pain on my right knee, it seemed that they were a bit too much for a knee that had yet to recovered completely from a quite a serious injury; as the pain increased my mobility on said leg decreased drastically.
“Don’t fall apart on me now!” I shouted furiously at my leg, hitting it as hard as I could, trying to make it move, but alas it was useless.
They only two floors, but they seemed endless to me and more considering that I had to go through the last batch of them on one foot…just like if was playing hopping games.
Once I got some rest from all the effort done I finally arrived to the door of what would be my house from that very moment, I got my key ready and opened the door, what I saw there left me surprised in more than one way.

The room was big, bigger than I expected and had more than everything that I expected, it had a big wardrobe, a couch on one of its corners, a nice TV, a DVD player and a pretty huge collection of gaming consoles (from NES to Playstation 3) and equally huge collection of both videogames and Sci-Fi movies… Man… whoever it was my roommate was as geek as I was…We would definitely get around really great.
And then my eyes finally noticed the bed that was on the very middle of the room: it was a double bed. Wait…A double bed? What was this? A boarding and co-ed school or a love hotel? What if it I was supposed to share room with a girl?

Feeling a little dizzy I decided to leave the room and going outside for a walk in order to clear my head a bit and become familiar with this school.
Luckily for me the way down it was like a breeze compared with the hellish climbing I had to do in order to reach my room. I headed outside, to the square placed just in the middle of the school and saw a lot of girls and not even one guy around, the proportion between guys and girls seemed to be a bit too unbalanced. I also noticed that these girls around here had inhuman features on them, just like Mira… Where was I and what the heck was wrong with this place?
While still lost on my thoughts I was about to bump head on against a great tree placed on the middle of the square, just beside the fountain. When I heard a voice coming somewhere behind me.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” The voice cheerfully warned me. I turned back to see the source of that voice and what I saw was a girl with bird like features: deep blue wings and bird like legs, she also had a beautiful face, a charming and heartwarming smile, beautiful blue eyes as pretty as the most perfect sapphire and able to captivate any man and shoulder length indigo colored hair…it almost made me want to run my fingers through it.
She also was the owner of the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, it was almost angelical. At first sight everyone could believe that she was an angel, but thanks to my knowledge about mythology I could identify her as a Harpy.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you all over the place” She said to me as soon her feet reached the ground, landing in front of me and leaning slightly forward.
“Looking for…me?”
“Of course I was looking for you, dummy!” She chided me slightly, puffing her cheeks as she did so…it was such a lovely sight, I couldn’t help but blush at what I saw “We’re gonna be roommates from now on”.
“Quite a mythology lover I guess” She told me with a smile on her face while I nodded at her remark. “Close, but not exactly… Name’s Skye, I’m a siren”.
“Ugh…” I couldn’t help but shake my head, since the image it came to my mind was not very nice.
“Yeah, yeah…I know…Mythology didn’t give us a pretty good image”
“Those poor sailors…”
“Yeah… those poor sailors who found the love of their lives in the middle of the ocean…yeah poor things” She replied to me with both sarcasm and annoyance on her tone.
“Errrr…That’s not what books say…” I said with a complete puzzled look on my eyes.
“Don’t worry too much about it” She told me while patting my shoulder with one of her wings “You’ll learn that most of your world’s folklore is quite inaccurate”
“Point taken, I’ll try to be more careful from now on”
“Good boy” Skye seemed quite pleased with my answer “Have someone told you about this school already?”
“Nope…I’m quite at a loss to tell you the truth”
“I guess it can’t be helped” The siren let out a sigh before continuing “As you may have guessed by now, you’re not in your world anymore”
“Gee… let me finish” Skye chided me quite annoyed “We come from a world different from yours, people call it the Demon Realm. In our world, most if not all of our species are strictly 100% female, so we need human males to mate.”
“Uh-huh. Go on please”
“Problem is that human men are actually really scarce in our world, so in order to avoid trouble and most likely extinction. Our leader, the Demon Lady (1) created this school which is in a dimension between the Human Realm and the Demon Realm”.
“Okay…that explains the existences of more universes besides ours and proves that the Multiverse Theory (2) is actually true” I thought out loud while nodding my head and crossing my arms “But what does have to see with me?”
“Human males are brought to this school in order to us, mamono, learn how to interact properly with them and if some of us are lucky enough get one as a partner”
“So I guess that’s I’m stuck here with no choice of coming back to my world?”
“Pretty much… But it’s not a bad thing, in the best case scenario you’ll find yourself living a happy life with a loving and beautiful wife”
“And in the worst case?” My voice got a little shaky at this point.
“You don’t want to know” Skye answered me with a somewhat grim voice “But it’s not going to happen to you, you seem to be quite a smart and sensible guy, you’ll do just fine and get used to this new life of yours in no time” she tried to cheer me up.
“I hope so…” I made a little pause trying to calm myself a little before continuing “A…about sharing room… it’s the first time that I share a room and top of that I’ll be sharing it with you… a girl…so…”
“Relax” To tell you the truth I was beginning to get used to her soothing voice “It’s my first time sharing one…with a human at the very least. I used to sleep in this dorm’s aviary, like many others of my kind, but I decided to move to a room after what happened in the Freshman Concert”
“What happened?”
“During the concert, the singer, another siren just like me got attacked by some kind of ooze like creature” (3)
While she was telling me her story I decided to open the primer, I kind of decided to carry it with me when possible, and began looking through the pages, my search ended at a profile called “Slime” then I decided to show it to her.
“See? That’s why you’ll adapt nicely here!” Skye told me cheerfully “Good reasoning there! But no, it was actually a student who got transformed after some failed alchemy experiment (4). I don’t know what happened to him after the concert and quite frankly I don’t even care about him”.
“I…I…don’t know if I’ll be able to do much… but if that thing comes again…I…I’ll protect you” My voice was really shaky, I was blushing deep red and I was more nervous than I could ever felt before in my life. What the heck was wrong with me?
“Aw… Aren’t you the sweetest thing ever? Thank you… errr… What’s your name?”
“Karel… Although most people call me Lumi, so either choice is fine to me”
“Lovely nickname… Nice to meet you Lumi-kun” She winked at me as she talked to me “I’m sure we’ll get along nicely from now on”.
“I hope so too…” I made a little pause before going on “About all of these consoles… are they…?”
“Mine? Nope, they belonged to the former student who was in that room, he was on his third year but he didn’t managed to finish it, I heard that he was unlucky enough to be caught by four succubi (5) I guess that he must be mating like crazy by now… Anyway I was just planning of getting rid of them….” At this point she realized that I was staring her with puppy eyes, so she couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh “…but if you want them that badly… be my guest and give them a good use…”
I totally resisted the urge I had to hug her, it was the first good news that I had in the whole day, but then I remembered something : There was only one bed.
“I….I…I’ll sleep on the couch” My cheeks were ruby red as I told her this.
“No need to do that, Lumi-kun”
“But what if…”
“You’re a silly…silly kohai” Skye answered me while sticking out my tongue “My mother always told me that it’s pointless worrying about the future that much”.
“We’ll worry about whatever what’ll happen whenever it’ll happen, so don’t panic about the future too much”.
“O…okay… If you say so Skye-sempai…” For some reason was unable to fight back the swallow girl’s logic, I don’t know if it was because I was not used to deal with girls or because it actually made sense. “Anyway sempai… what’s wrong with that tree?” I pointed at the tree that almost fell victim to my random headbutt attack after remembering the first thing she told me.
“Oh yeah… I almost forgot. In that tree lives a dryad (6), if a man happens to go near her she just simply snares him, holds him captive for a few days and then toss him out… But considering that you’re a cutie and have more than enough power to grow an entire forest around her (7) (8), she would never let you go. So avoid her like the plague. ”

“Me? Cute?” My face began showing a grim expression “Stop lying to me”
“Lumi-kun, what’s wrong?”
“How can you find me cute? How can anyone find me cute? Just look at me dammit!”
“Great! Another one broken…” She thought to herself as she rolled her eyes “I wonder how human women treat them… It’s no wonder that they seemed so happy about the idea of not coming back to their world”.
Before I could even realize it I felt her soft feathers touching my skin, her wings wrapping around me, she was hugging me.
“Look I’m not lying to you. You should believe more in yourself…I…I…find you cute” I couldn’t see it very well but she was blushing in this very moment.
“I…I…” That’s what I managed to say while sobbing slightly.
“I don’t know about your past experiences…But it’s okay. Now you have the chance to start from the very beginning. Believe in yourself and everything will be fine”
“Is it wrong for me to wish that this hug could be eternal?”
“Like I said before… You’re the sweetest guy in the world” She then heard my stomach growling and giggled slightly “it looks that we’ll have to leave that for later. It’s almost dinner time and you’re conveniently hungry… So… should we be going to the cafeteria, Lumi-kun?”

And then we began walking to the dorm’s cafeteria, since both breakfast and dinner were served at the dorm’s one, while we were on our way I had more than enough time for gathering some more information about this school and at the same time, Skye-sempai had her fair share of time for bombing me with questions… Man it was the second girl who showed interest in knowing me… It was beginning to become quite a nice costume by now.
Once we got there, I ordered quite a huge portion of food, bigger than I usually tend to have for dinner and even lunch… I don’t know if it was due to the fact that I didn’t eat anything since morning or because of the food’s smell or whatever, but I felt that I was able to finish it all with ease.
Once I took a seat, Skye couldn’t help but show an astonished look on her faces while widening her eyes as she took a glimpse at the contents of my tray.

“A…are you going to eat it all?”
“Yeah, that was pretty much the idea I had in mind you know…”
“But that’s a LOT of food!”
“I haven’t eating anything since 11:00 AM, I could eat a whole horse by now”
“That must suck”

Without even waiting for her to answer I began devouring my food much to my roommate’s surprise, but then another interruption had to come. It was a strong buzzing sound followed by the sight of girl with insect like features, insect wings and flat chest…She was as flat as an ironing board. She was a pettanko (9) and a pretty cute one.
She decided to just simply there with us, and began talking with Skye.
“Hey, Skye-sempai! Whatcha doin’? I haven’t seen you in the whole day, you know… Hey, hey…. Is he your boyfriend? So you finally managed to get one, huh?” Man…she was talking fast, too fast. Let me tell you that I actually trouble to keep up with her talking but Skye on the other hand seemed to understand what she said perfectly.
“Wha… N…no! You got it all wrong, Ruki. He’s my roommate, he just came here today…” Skye was blushing deep red as she answered to her acquaintance “His name’s Karel”.
“Bwahahahahahaha!!” I couldn’t help but begin laughing almost maniacally.
“Lumi-kun… What are you doing!?”
“What are you laughing at!? Where are your manners? Didn’t your parents teach respect or something like that? Huh, huh?” Ruki said as she puffed her cheeks and flapped her wings frantically producing her characteristic buzzing sound.

“Ouch!” That’s all what I managed to say as I found myself on the ground, apparently I laughed so hard that I just ended up falling off my chair...backwards.
“Serves you right… you meanie” Ruki told me while sticking out her tongue and placing her hands on her hip.
“Sorry I couldn’t help it…” I managed to say as I got up and extended my hand to her in an apologetic manner “It was just than… Back home my mother used to call me “the king of flies” and look at you…How could I ever imagine that I would meet the Queen of flies in all her mighty and cute glory? I was just laughing at this unexpected twist of fate… Sorry if I offended you”
“Apologies accepted” She told me as she held my hand with both of her hands, blushed completely and her eyes were locked on me filled with curiosity “S…say Lumi, do you believe in first sight love?”
“Yeah, I do. But even if I would love to be a father one day I doubt that I can be ready to have a million children you know…”
“A million? Come on… One, two… maybe five would be enough…” She answered while fidgeting unaware that I was just pulling her leg on that last part.

“Aw… Not fair Ruki, you’re hogging him for yourself!” Said a voice pouting, the owner of that voice was a childlike girl with mouse ears on the top of her head, a thin mouse tail coming out from her rear, big blue eyes and grayish hair tied in two low twin tails. Yes, my friends… yet another cute girl hit the scene. She then paid attention to me “You must be Lumi, Mira talked us about you… It’s no wonder why Mira seemed to take a liking to you…”
“Is he the one Mira talked us about?” Ruki asked.
“Gee… You were trying to hit on him and you didn’t even know who he was? You’re a total airhead, Ruki” The mouse girl scolded Ruki, who seemed quite unaffected like that as she just stuck out her tongue in a playful manner. She then focused on me again and began talking me, unfortunately her speech was so damn fast that I could only hear squeak like sounds coming from her mouth.
“I beg your pardon?”
She repeated her speech once again, but alas the result was exactly the same.
“Excuse me… um…”
“Anise huh… that’s a beautiful name, has a lovely ring to it” I made a pause as I sat again “You’re talking so fast that I can’t understand you, if you could slow down a bit I’ll be more than glad to listen to whatever you wanted to say to me”.
“Okay I’ll try” At this point I could almost see smoke coming out from Anise’s head, it was kind of obvious that talking slower was proving to be quite a hard task “Have you ever kissed a girl before?”
“Errrr…S…sadly n…no…”
“Okay…and a boy?” She noticed an icy, killing stare coming from me. More than enough to make her shudder slightly “I’ll take as a no…”
“You better do…”
“Gee, calm down… Have you ever done it before?”
“Done what?”
“Sex…you dummy…”
“Wh…what? W…w…well… I… no…” I was blushing more than ever before in my whole.
“Such as pity if you ask me… Tell me Lumi, do you have a girlfriend?”
“Nope… Single AD ETERNUM” My voice turned kind of gloomy and expressionless.

Before I could even realize the mouse girl was out of my field of sight and instants after, there she was sitting on top of me, her arms wrapping around me… it was an incredibly tight hug considering her short and somewhat fragile looking body. Seconds later she smiled at me mischievously and then her soft lips locked mine. Yes, Anise just stole my first kiss, at first it left me really upset but it was an incredibly pleasant feeling, I began enjoying it quite fast and I wouldn’t mind repeating it again. After a short while she broke the kiss and looked at me with a pleased look on his eyes.
“I…it…was…my first…”
“Did you like it, Lumi?”
“Uh-huh” Let me tell you my friends that Skye-sempai didn’t look particularly pleased with Anise’s move made on me, her eyes showed anger… Heck… For a split second I thought that she wanted to turn the mouse girl into a Rat Flail (10).
“Let me tell you Lumi that won’t be alone anymore. You’re nice and cute, girls will like you… I’m sure than in less than one week girls will begin queuing in order to be your girlfriend, you might even end up having a harem for yourself!” Her fingers began exploring my chest playfully as she spoke to me and her voice became sweeter and more seductive. “I would love to be your girlfriend if you wanted…” Her tail was shaped like a heart as she said that, adding her even more cuteness.
“Not fair Anise! I saw him first!” Ruki chided her friend as she hugged me from behind.
“Aw c’mon! You already know that I wouldn’t mind at all sharing him with both you and Mira!”
“What…shared?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I didn’t know what to do, I was just there, trying my best at not freaking out, blushing once again and laughing both nervous and hysterically. Luck was beginning to change but it was too sudden, I was not used to said twists of events.
“Enough! You’re freaking him out” Skye told them in a sharp and categorical manner.
“What do you mean?” Both girls replied at the same time, puffing her cheeks in an adorable way.
“Can’t you see it? You’re hounding on him, gee. It’s his first day and he’s already being treated like if he was only good for mating… Go easy on him, girls”
“That’s not true! We like him, but I see your point…” Ruki said as he tightened her hug and then addressed to me “Don’t worry we’ll be nice to you, starting from now you’re our precious friend”
“That’s right, we’ll take care of you from now on” Anise followed Ruki’s speech “Welcome to your new home, Lumi” She said to me as she kissed me again, this time on my cheek.
“Ah…thanks… Nice to meet both of you…”
“Consider yourself lucky Lumi-kun” Skye-sempai told after chuckling slightly as she patted my shoulders “They’re good girls, I’m sure that you’ll be good friends”.
“Friends huh… Sounds nice” I thought to myself as I was enjoying the feeling of being hugged by two girls at once.
As you can see, things looked quite promising around here, in just one day I made quite a few friends… That was indeed one hell of a start.
(1) Lord is a male only word in Spanish, so I’ll be using Demon Lady since Demon Lord sounds strange to me.
(2) Read DC comics to get the meaning behind this.
(3) Reference to Yui the siren, created by Tsar, and the whole freshman concert incident.
(4) Chaosfiend
(5) Reference of an anecdote that appeared on one of Clan’s RPs, I may give him a backstory in the future inside the story.
(6) Clan’s dryad
(7) Every mamono can be able to detect the amount of mana that a human has, however most of damn simply don’t care about that. Only those that feed on it and above them all the members of the succubus family seem to care about mana levels.
(8) Skye is clearly exaggerating, but a level 4 will be able to make a dryad’s tree to grow incredibly tall.
(9) Deliciously flat chested girl
(10) Coolest weapon ever made. Type “Rat Flail” in Google if you don’t believe me.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014

Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by MonsterGirlLuver »

Hello. I noticed that this has absolutely NO acitvity at all and I would just like to tell you that this seems rather interesting and once I find the time I will read through this and give you my opinion.
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Vendettadabeast »

No way its, the School fic that came out right before mi did, a year ago, i liked this story, its good to see you back writing man I hope to see more from you.
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

Replies? here? Well... I can't say this doesn't surprise me... Actually I can hardly believe what I'm seeing.
But anyway time to answer some replies for now.

@ MGL-> I originally posted it here in order to see if it generated some kind of interest around these corners, but alas it didn't generate any.
The idea I had for this one (other from mixing RP and fanfiction in one), was making a "Choose your destiny" one where the readers could choose the actions of the main character at some points and eventually even change his ending.
If I were to follow it, I would have to severly change its style... so the chances of following it are really slim, but if I ever follow it you'll be the first to know it.

@ Vendetta-> It's nice to see one of my old readers, as I already told to the previous poster before you... I'm quite uncertain of following it, since I have both good and bad reasons to follow it:

Good reasons:

+I have chapter 3 halfway done
+I I have thought up enough material for covering up to 16 or 17 chapters
+Now that both Tsar and Clan's RPs (which share universe with this fanfcition) are gone for such a long time with no apparent option of resurrection I can simply grab whatever I want from them and use it to my own setting (Abandonware, huzzah XD)
+I have some free time to resume it.

Bad reasons:

-This fanfiction did not generate enough interest for thinking about a return from the grave.
-I would have to severly change its style and kill its original meaning/intention.
-The last Vanadis' game share both title and scheme (teenage boy ends up in a school full of monstergirl, teenage boy ends up shagged by any of them... Even if I doubt that Vanadis MC actually gains abilities out of shagging girls or is closer to becoming a demon each time he shags one girl) with this story. Even if my story was created way more than a year before this game started its development stage (the only game released by that company at that point was the naga one), if I ever decide to resume this story... I'm sure that this thread will be flooded by posts accusing me of plagiarism (and this would only be the lesser "evil").

As you can see, I quite unlikely for me to resume it but any insight about this matter will be appreciated.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

Lumi Sez @ Vendetta-> Don't worry, the crisis was averted. Can I say that things are wonderful back again? Tsk..not really. But that's the "charm" of human nature, there are not identical persons and not everything is black and white. Will I ever clash with them in the future? Quite possibly... But I hope it will be in more peaceful ways though...
What was unforgivable was the fact that I dragged you (the readers) into the whole mess, and for that I truly apologize.

Rest assured, the story is still going on... As a matter of fact, finishing chapter 3 will be my top priority (Which will be TMM exclusive).
However this story will be undergoing great changes, that will drastically affect this work for the worse I'm afraid...

I originally planned for this project to be a mix between a RP, a visual novel and a choose your destiny story, I was going to give you (the readers) the control of Lumi on several parts of the story and thus have total control over his fate. This story was meant to have several endings (the standard being the harem route), including several bad ones (even an Alp Lumi scenario), a branching path system (a la visual novel) depending on the choices taken and/or relationshpis stablished, what-if stories (showing another endings that weren't chosen), even parts showing the story from other characters' points of view...

However the disappointingly low amount of interest that this story generated since I posted here pretty much tells me how much of an idiot I was...

-Was my project way too ambitious to make it work?
-Was my story that unattractive to the average reader?
-Am I really that bad as a writer?

Do not know... Do not care.

However, I clearly got the message. Do you want a story completely on rails on where you can't do anything at all? Wish granted, don't worry though... I'll make sure to give you a happy ending.

@ Pierce-> As an user I appreciate your dilligence and your attempts at bringing peaceful solutions, choosing dialogue over punishment when possible.
However I would prefer that my thread were to be used for its true purpose: the story I'm writing.
If you ever decide to drop by some time and give your two cents about my work, you'll be more than welcome... However for other matters I would greatly appreciate if you were to choose the PM to solve them.
Last edited by Kaijin on Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Vendettadabeast »

Well damn, it was nice while it lasted,i hope to ssee more ideas from you or some type of rebot. (But that's just me wishing)
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Kaijin »

-Reserved for Chapter 3-
Last edited by Kaijin on Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
And Kaijin you are the "Perentie" of this place, IMO.
Feathers,August 16th, 2014
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Re: Mamono Gakuen EX

Post by Pierce »

Kaijin wrote: On January 1st I'll be erasing all my written works and the 141 pictures uploaded by me in the gallery, unless I get to be treated and respected as a person rather than typecasted and observed as a felon who breaks one to five rules every time he posts...
Very well then. How exactly would you like to be treated and respected as a person? What is it people here do that would make you feel respected and granted the feeling of being in a tranquil atmosphere?
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