Invasion of the sexy kind

What would happen if there was a link between the MGE world and ours

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Invasion of the sexy kind

Post by KuruShiki »

The focus of this story is what would happen if the monster girl world and the human world were to suddenly be connected and the chaos that would ensue. Each chapter will be focused primarily on one particular monster girl species. There will be comedy but it will have a dark side. There will be some characters that over arch through the chapters,
But for how long is where the fun will be. :nerd:

Well let me know what you think, love it or hate it tell me all about it.

Intro Chapter "Party Crashers"
Spoiler: show
Words could not describe how great Andrew is feeling at this moment. Being a freshmen and having to deal with classes along with adjusting to dorm life had been a trying experience. But being invited to the Michael house, a place noted for some of the more remember-able parties was making his first semester worth all the hassle. Loud music plays as he squeezes through crowded rooms trying to find a place to sit and hopefully enjoy his latest cup of beer. A challenging quest considering the entire two story house is full of college students trying to start their weekend with a bash.

Nearly tripping over someone, most likely passed out, the young man finally finds a place to sit on a couch near the wall. Taking a spot on the couch he notices why he is the only one there as there appears to be evidence that someone could not hold their alcohol smeared on the sofa. So trying his best to stay on the unsoiled section of the couch Andrew watches the party while drinking his beer. The lights were dim with X-mas lights in a lot of the rooms being the only source of light, though the lack of good lighting never seems to bother the party goers. As they pass by, some faces he knows and others not as much, an occasional person trips or slides on the trash that litters the ground in an amusing fashion. This was due to the infamous cleaning ethics of the students who lived in the house, some said that you could find trash in over eleven years old within the house, which was believable with how some of the rooms smell. Of course that didn’t bother most of the people here, since they just came to party and didn’t have to live with the mess.

As the music roars up again as a new song starts Andrew drinks the last of his beer before tossing the empty plastic cup to the ground. Not completely drunk or at least that is what he thinks until he notices that he is no longer alone on the couch. Taking a moment to try and see through now blurring vision he makes out that sitting next to him, or at least it looks like sitting, is a cute girl. Judging from how she looks, it appears that she just barely eighteen, he figures she has to be another freshmen or maybe someone from town.

What is currently most important to the hammered college student is the fact that she is right up his alley. Short brown hair in a bob cut with highlights, sparkling brown eyes, and a cute lithe body. Also from how she is dressed it seems she is enjoying the party too. Covering her upper body is what appears to be a sparse brown bra containing her small but perky breasts. And the rest of her clothing continues the theme with a short brown skirt that leaves little to the imagination combined with what he guesses are long leather boots and gloves both with rows of spikes on them completing the wild girl image. There also appears to be a backpack strapped to her back for some reason.

His impaired mind working as fast as a clunker in a traffic jam, Andrew tries to think of how he could make this the luckiest night of his first semester. She looks to be drunk enough to lead off somewhere, and the party is in full swing so there is a chance no one would notice. But who knows, maybe she isn’t as drunk and is just looking for a one night stand. So trying to think a good pick up line Andrew tries to relax and takes a quick look around. Amazingly even though there is a shirtless chick in the room no one seems to notice, either too drunk and/or busy talking with each other, and the poor lighting is possibly helping to make her stand out less. However crouching by the opposite wall of the room is the brunet he is planning to hook up with. How the heck did she move so fast? Looking back to his side he is further surprised by the fact that she is still sitting or rather squatting on the couch. Twins? He must be more smashed than he suspected. Looking back to check if he really is seeing double, Andrew is shocked to see that he isn’t. He’s seeing triple now.

Sneaking through the maze of the partiers’ legs is another duplicate of the brunet, scrounging through the trash on the floor while testing pieces of trash in her mouth to see if they are edible. Even the second copy is now doing the same the third, all the while nobody seems to notice which makes Andrew question whether he is just seeing things or if it is simply a normal thing to occur at these parties. Maybe he is on drugs, it is not un-reasonable to think that someone has possibly slipped something into one of his drinks and he is just now noticing the results. Or even still, it could be that they are in fact triplets and have been having too good a time. Turning back to the one on the couch Andrew hopes that by having a conversation with her it will help settle his mind. However in the time in which Andrew has been stuck in his inebriated thoughts, the first of the three brunets has crept up to him so that when he turns to look he is suddenly coming face to face with the woman which does little to calm his nerves.

Reeling back away from the sudden close up, Andrew nearly falls out of the couch before he can steady himself. This gives the strange girl the opportunity to crawl on top of him and pin him down onto the old putrid couch. He has to admit the look on her face is downright sexy and the way her claws are digging gently into his shoulders is kind of exciting. Wait, claws?

Sure enough, what Andrew had thought were brown gloves are really bug like appendages, the same for the boots too, but unlike the hard shell of a bug it feels more like a thin layer of smooth leather over steel. “C-c-cool c-c-c-costume?” Andrew tries to stutter out with a chuckle. Needless to say he is currently freaking out and he is really hoping that this is just an alcohol induced nightmare even if it is too vivid to be one. And to add to the terror of the moment the strange brunette’s hair starts moving on its own to revel that hidden in her silky locks are a pair of antennae which quickly begin the task of investigating him.

As the antennae go about their work, lightly tapping around the young man’s head and shoulder, Andrew is now completely frozen with dread. He really wants to push her off and run away, heck at this moment he is willing to admit he wants to scream at the highest frequency possible. But someone beats him to the punch as a woman’s scream jolts him out of his paralysis, causing him and the monstrous woman atop him to look and see what is happening. Apparently the rest of the partiers have finally taken notice of the bug girls in the room most likely due to the number of the devil bugs having increased greatly, but the problem is so have bug girls in relation to the party goers. So what had been a room of young adults trying to loosen up after a week of classes is now a confined space full of terrified college students and strange hybrid monsters intent on capturing them.

As some of the people suddenly find themselves trying to fight off one or more of the monstrous brunettes, others are either trying to avoid being caught or are scrambling for the nearest exist. One poor girl who is dressed up in a short skirt, heels, and an overly sparkly t-shirt actually gets through one of the doorways before tumbling back in with one of the brunettes on top of her, the victim’s screams are quickly muffled by the bug girl’s mouth. Another victim, a tall man who appears to be one of the basket ball players for the college tries to fend off one of the creatures with one of the chairs that has been abandoned during the beginning of the attack. Unfortunately the bug girl simply decides to take the most direct path to her goal and climbs onto the chair and then onto the person wielding it, latching onto his upper body which gives another one of the bug girls the opportunity to attack his lower half. So with little way as to defend himself the athlete topples down as the two fiendish insects begin to rip off clothing to get at him.

And as a claw digs a bit more into Andrew’s shoulder he remembers that he too is a part of this insane show. Looking back to the insect woman currently holding him down he sees that she is again focusing on him and only him, and though he struggles as much as he can she will not release him from her vice like hold.

Deciding that it is time to start the fun, the monster atop Andrew uses one of her claws to rip off the front of his shirt tossing the torn fragments of cloth to the floor. Caressing his chest with her claw, she slowly glides it down towards his stomach towards where his pants line is. Trying to stop her molestation Andrew uses his free arm and hand that is not pinned into the couch to grab hold of the offending claw and pull it away from his body, but he realizes the fact that this roach girl is by far stronger. He is barely succeeding in even stopping the monster girl’s claw which is now only slowly inching its way to its desired goal. Andrew swears to himself that if he manages to live through this he is going to start up weight lifting. And as fate would have it he might be able to uphold that resolution as one of the more stout party goers, after being tackled by one of the more ambitious roach girls, suddenly crashes into the couch where he is.

With the sudden opportunity Andrew does not waste a second as he squirms out of the confused and tangled mess of monstrous predators and human prey that is on the couch. He isn’t even fazed as his head crashes into the floor and the trash that litters it. Scrambling to his feet and positive that he has at least one piece of gum in his hair, Andrew does his best to get his bearings before running for his life. Judging from the yelling and screaming, these creatures have already spread throughout the entire house, but there is also a distinct clicking noise that fills him full of dread. Looking behind himself Andrew sees that the bug girl that had been attacking him has also freed herself and is currently giving chase to him and is ready to pounce.

The last of Andrew’s rationality, patience, and composure leaves him as he turns to the nearest door and runs with the monstrous bug creature scurrying closely after him. Desperately making his way through one of the now empty room and into the next, Andrew remembers that the next room is the kitchen which should have a backdoor to the outside. But as he enters the kitchen, slamming the door closed behind him, Andrew is confronted with harsh reality. If the rest of the house is described as trashed then the kitchen can only be referred to as a biohazard zone. Everything from food to what could have possibly been dirty laundry at one time is thrown about. Whether this is the work of the bug girls or just the tenets’ hygiene though cannot be discerned but that is of little importance as Andrew quickly makes for the open kitchen door that leads out of the house.

But as Andrew makes his way to freedom a figure crawls into the house through the open door, shocking him well enough that he slips on some spilled food. Frozen in fear and pain he can only watch as a woman, most likely one of the other party goers, tries to crawl into the kitchen through the outside entrance he was about to use. Her clothes are shredded to the point of being nothing more than rags that barely cover anything, revealing the red scratch marks on her body, shows just how much of a fight she has given just to get back into the house. Looking to Andrew she reaches out pleading for help, only for several insect like arms to grab hold of the woman and then drag her back outside of the house before she can even call out for his help.

Andrew stares out into the darkness that has engulfed the woman, still sitting where he fell, he could not believe what he has just seen. How many of these things were there? Where did they come from? And is this how he is going to die? His panicked train of thought is interrupted as the reflection of a pair of eyes shines from the darkness outside. With that encouragement he scrambles to his feet and back through the door he has just used, going back further into the now infested house. Fortunately the bug girl that had been chasing him from before has apparently given up on him, giving him a clear route of escape from the kitchen.

Making his way through the house he thinks desperately. If he cannot escape or run away he is going to have to find somewhere to hide. Going up the stairs to the second floor Andrew nearly trips as he reaches the top, but he quickly recovers and dashes down the hallway. On the other end of the hallway more yelling and the sounds of fighting and be heard so with little thought on the matter he quickly enters the first room he can trying to avoid anywhere those things might be.

The room is mess just like the rest of the house and the only things close to furniture are some beaten up drawers and an old mattress lying on the floor. Luckily the room has a closet with an intact door. So without further ado Andrew runs to the closet, opens it, and enters it while trying his best to close the door as quietly and as quickly as possible. Still a bit drunk on beer and fear the young man backs as far as possible into the closet, his eyes glued to the light shinning under the door from the outside as he tries to calm his erratic breathing. But as the seconds go by and Andrew calms his ragged breathing he notices that there is now longer any screaming or yelling, sounds of fighting, or even the sound of those creatures. The only sound now is the party music and from how the music is no longer as loud and skips it seems the stereo system that had been used for the party has been damaged.

But if there is no longer any noise relating to the bug girls then maybe the worst is over now, and someone has managed to escape and get help. Pausing for a moment Andrew realizes that in his drunken and fear filled panic he forgot that he can call for help with his phone. With that thought in mind he desperately searches the pockets of his jacket and pants, the undesired coins, keys, and wallet fall to the ground noisily. Just as his fear is at its highest that he has lost it he finds his smart phone tucked in the inside of his jacket. Pulling it out he activates it which in turn causes it to chime. Freezing for a moment, scared that he might alert something outside the closet, he tries to continuing to dial for the police.

9 *beep*

1 *beep*

Just as he is about to press in the final 1 Andrew notices that there is a lot less light shinning in from under the door. He does not know how to react, should he try continuing dialing or should he stay quiet? Deciding that the risk is worth it his hands shake as he slowly inches his finger to the last digit, hoping that whoever or whatever is outside does not hear the last beep. But as he presses in that last number the shaking of his hand and fear induced cold sweat causes him to lose his grip on the phone. As it lands on the ground with an audible thud Andrew’s entire body petrifies save for his heart which is pounding like a jack rabbit now. He instinctively waits for the monster outside of the door to start tearing its way in to gut him like a fish.

“Hey, you in there?” A voice asks from the other side of the door making Andrew nearly jump out of his skin. “Please let me in before they show up.” It was definitely a woman’s voice, someone else from the party? “Hurry, their almost here!” With the image of what happened to the woman in the kitchen still fresh in his mind Andrew decides to at least try and save someone, so as quickly as possible he moves to the door and opens it enough to let the woman in but just enough so that he can also swiftly close it. But as he looks out into the room for the person he aims to help all that comes into sight is a horrifyingly familiar face. Staring back, again only inches from his face, is the bug girl from before everything had gone to hell. Her eyes look more desperate now which makes the joyful smile she has all the more frightening. “Why you run?” She questions as she tilts her head a little.

His reflexes catching up with his eyes Andrew frantically tries to slam the door shut, but the monster’s clawed hand takes hold of the door and pulls it further open. Not having a good enough footing to resist the insect’s pull on the door Andrew ends up being pulled out of the closet as he is still gripping the door handle. Attempting to get to his feet in order to start running he is immediately tackled by the brunette bug girl onto the dirty mattress. With surprising speed and skill the creature pins Andrew to the mattress as she latches onto him. Taking a split moment to look her prey in the eyes she suddenly lunges for his face.

Flinching in response to expected pain, Andrew is instead hit with a pleasant sensation on his lips. Opening his eyes he realizes that she is kissing him, the sensation is exceptionally pleasant, but the young man is still too much in a state fear and confusion to find real pleasure in this. So with the thought of escape still on the top of his to do list Andrew tries desperately to shove the flirtatious roach girl off. The response of the monster girl is to tighten her hold causing the spikes on her arms and legs to dig into her catch, giving him enough pain to stop struggling. Having given Andrew a firm showing of what to expect if he chooses to continue fighting the monster girl goes back to business, no longer interested in his mouth she begins kissing around his neck. And soon she is thrusting with her hips into him as she starts to make a low humming sound.

Andrew is in shock now, is she going to kill him or just dry hump him? One thing is for sure is that those spikes on her body hurt like hell and he is not entirely surprised as he sees blood trickle from where he got stabbed in the arm. But despite the pain of being poked multiple times the feeling of the insect girl’s movements are starting to feel good. Well if this is how he is going to die at least he will be getting some, but the sound of door to the room moving sparks his desire to live once again. Trying to get up despite the sharp pain of the barbs pushing into him Andrew is about to call out for whoever it is to help him, hoping that they will be able to pry the creature off of him. That hope falls short as his captor also looks at the intruder and neither of them is too pleased to see who it is. At the doorway are three more copies of his molester, all looking curious as to what is happening in the room. And now that they see what is under their fellow bug monster their eyes light up with an excitement that almost seems to glitter in their eyes.

The bug girl on top of Andrew is anything but happy to see these interlopers as her face begins to grimace and she tries to cover as much of her catch’s body with her spiked limbs. As the three new bug girls slowly scuttle over they begin to chant in an almost demanding tone. “Share, Share, share.” But the holder of the prize hunches further down and suddenly displays her insect wings, which Andrew originally thought had been a backpack, in a menacing manner as she gives a blatant reply.


But the trio do not back off and one even gets a little daring as she reaches out and grabs for one of the college student’s foot. “Share!” That did it for the one on top of Andrew as she immediately kicks at the offending claw. “Mine!!” Letting go and retreating a bit back to others the three roach girls take a moment to gather up the courage to try again at getting a share of the man. But the current holder is not going to have that, promptly grabbing at the shoulders of her catch she drags him back to the closet where she can more easily defend the prize. This in turn leads to the three other bug monsters charging after them, not wanting to be left out. The end result is one human and four devil bugs in a single closet, and just as the darkness envelopes Andrew in the seething mass as insect maidens he feels a claw forcefully rip off his pants.

Total missing people: 57

Chapter 2 Things start
Spoiler: show
Twelve hours later at the Michael house officer Hoover is parking his police car in the car packed street in front of the house. The local tow truck has just only recently gotten to work on the tiny army of illegally parked vehicles and it looks like he will be working on them for most of the day. Not that that would be an issue since with the exception of the occasional incidents involving the local college the surrounding town is rather peaceful, with the exception of when the small local college is involved. But as the police officer steps out of his car he knows that today is going to lead to nothing but headaches and misery. Taking a moment to make sure his uniform is straightened he steels himself for whatever shenanigans are awaiting him in the putrid house. A man of twenty-eight years of age Tom Hoover still retains a somewhat youthful complexion, even as his reddish brown hair begins to speckle with gray. His bearing is that of someone stressed but still has pride in his work and who he is. He started as an officer in this small college town about four years ago, and it is his plan to retire here.

“You really should try to relax Tom.” The officer’s partner says as she gets out of the vehicle herself. “This place isn’t so bad, and besides we always get to tell a good story afterwards.” His partner on the other hand, Ashley Webber, is fresh from the academy having only transferring in at the beginning of the year. Brimming with energy and enthusiasm the raven haired policewoman has on more than one occasion stated her desire to leave this small relatively quiet town in favor of the city.

“Easy for you to say, you did not have take rabies shots after coming here last time.” Tom replies remembering the time one of the heathens had tossed a stray cat at him.

As the two approach the college housing they can already hear the music that is playing inside the house, which had led to multiple complaints this morning. “Sounds like they had a good night.” Ashley says with a crooked smile. “Hopefully not too good.” Tom replies dryly as they walk up the steps onto the porch. Giving the door a quick two knocks Tom and Ashley are both somewhat surprised as the door slowly opens with an audible creak. Although there is little light to be had from within the house there is enough light shining through the door to allow the two officers to see that no one is going to be answering the door anytime soon. So pulling out their flashlights they cautiously enter the dwelling.

Trash and who knows what else crunches under their feet as they proceed into room where the music is playing, Ashley humming along with the song currently reverberating throughout the house. With a bit of irritation Tom hastily walks over to the machine and turns the music off as soon as the stereo system is within reach, finally allowing silence to fill the house.

Walking over to the light switches on the wall Ashley tests to see if she can get some more light, but with each switch flipped there is only a continuation of darkness. “Well looks like we get to look around with just our flashlights,” the female officer states as she uses her flash light to illuminate the stairs that lead up to the floor. “Which floor do you want?”

“I will take the second floor and you can search the first floor.” Tom replies as he heads for the stairs leaving his partner to begin her search on the lower floor. As he is making his way up the stairs though he notices that there is some very distinctive wearing to the steps, like someone’s dog has ran up and down them so much that they have begun to splinter. Once at the top of the steps Tom gives another set of light switches a try, again receiving no additional lighting to aid him in searching the house.

Continuing to walk down the hall officer Hoover notices that the floor has been littered with an abnormal amount of torn clothing and even the wall seem to have been torn up with some kind of claw marks. So engrossed by the strange wall markings he almost jumps as one of the doors creaks as it slowly opens by itself. His attention now utterly focused on the door and the room that it leads to, Tom instinctively reaches for the stun gun he carries. As much as he didn’t mind the thought of shooting someone from this wretched place, the idea of what it would do to his career always sours the thought, hence is his choice of weapon. As he enters the doorway he gains a better view of the rooms inside and the lack there of.

Only a mattress and some drawers furnish the room, but the reason for the door’s opening has yet to become clear so the police officer continues into the room to investigate. Taking a second look at the mattress Tom notices that there are small blood stains on it, and even in the midst of the trash there are faint signs that there was a struggle here. With so little to examine in the room Tom is able to quickly check the room, leaving only the room’s closet to be checked. Grasping the door knob tightly Tom gives it a turn only for the handle to not budge, the officer tries again but with a lot more force now and soon he hears the click of the door opening.

Sadly Tom is not too pleased with his success because as soon as he opens the door he is]] greeted by something sinister as it bursts out from the now open closet. Reeling back Tom nearly gags as the putrid smells of sex and who knows what else lofts out through the now open door. Taking a moment to get over the smell Tom takes a deep breath and makes an effort to try and see if there is anything in the closet.

Like the room and the rest of the house so far, it is just about filled completely with filth but little else. Pulling back Tom turns to leave the room only for a skittering sound to emanate from the closet causing him to swivel back with his stun gun ready to fire. Judging from the sound whatever made it was big, and with memories of the time the Michael house had gotten a rather hefty dog the officer is not in the mood to be caught off guard by another crazed animal. Inching his way back towards the closet Tom prepares himself for anything that might pop out of the closet. So focused on it he barely has time to sense the presence behind him. With some considerable speed officer Hoover turns to face whoever has snuck up on him. The first thing he notices is a feminine face and the next is that it is his partner Ashley.

Jumping back at Tom’s display of possible paranoia the female officer backs way slightly. Realizing his mistake Tom lowers his weapon and begins to put it away. “Damn it Ashley I almost shot you.” He whispers angrily. “Well sorry for so easily sneaking up on you.” His partner replies in annoyance, her nose wrinkling as she becomes aware of the strong odor. “And what is up with that smell? Did they have an orgy in here or something?”

About to retort, Tom freezes as he hears something falls to the floor and break. Judging from this new sound it is on the same floor they are currently on, but it is coming from a room further down the hall. Taking a second to look to Officer Webber, he sees that she too has noticed the sound and so with barely a word shared they quickly exit the room and silently move down the hall towards the source of the sound. As they get closer they begin to hear more sounds of activity such as paper being tossed into the air and objects being moved in haste. Noting which door the sounds are coming from, the two officers get ready to quickly open the door and hopefully catch however is inside off guard. With a quick nod to each other they swiftly swing into action with Tom leading as he opens the door and rushes in with Ashley close behind.

Whoever is inside the room however was aware that they were coming because as soon as the two officers are in the room the person is already halfway out of the room’s window. Not about let the first person they have found in the retched house go, Tom dashes forward just in time to grab hold of the persons ankle. Failing at getting a good enough grip he turns to his partner. “Go and try to head him off.”

With his partner gone, off to get to the outside of the house, Tom tries to get a better look of the person he has caught while trying to pull him back in through the window. The person was male, most likely in his late teens, and desperate because in seconds after being caught the boy tries to kick the officer in the face with his free foot. The kick instead of hitting Tom’s face hits one of the window panes sending shards of glass at the officer’s face. This forces him to pull back on the instinct of not wanting to pulling glass out of his face and with that loses his hold on the teen as his shoe comes loose.

Landing with a thud Tom immediately gets back onto his feet and looks out the broken window seeing the teen running away with Ashley hot on his tail. Getting his balance back Tom quickly heads back to the stairs in order to catch up with them.


Running like his life depended upon it Nickolas does his best to make as many turns as he can as he tries to lose the cop that is chasing him. Pretty sure he is going to be caught soon the boy makes a desperate final attempt to lose her as he remembers that there is an abandoned building down the next alley that might be dark enough for him to help in getting away from the police. But as he makes the turn the teen becomes momentarily blinded by a golden light. His eyes adjusting to the light Nickolas is bewildered by the sight before him. A round golden sphere floats in the rather spacious alley.

Roughly bigger than an SUV the surface appears to ripple occasionally, but otherwise the object’s surface looks perfectly smooth. The teen would have taken more time to study the strange phenomenon but the sound of the officer’s running footsteps reminds him that this is not the time to linger and so he swiftly ducks past the strange sphere and moves on.

As Officer Webber enters the alley needless to say thoughts of catching the person she has been chasing go to the back of her mind as she sees the orb. Taking a moment to catch her breath she reaches for her radio, her eyes never leaving the object in front of her she presses the button to speak. “Tom, are you there?”

“Yeah, I am about a block or two behind you. Did you catch him?” He answers over the radio.

“No but I think there is something here you are going to want to see.”


Having done his best to avoid being near the open streets and sticking to the shadows Nickolas makes the final dash across the last street to where his friends are waiting for him. Taking a moment to pull out the bag filled with hash, the teen admires his prize and fact that he has successfully escaped the police, practically giving him bragging rights for the rest of the year. Pulling open a door to a small ware house that the local mechanic used to use as a storage for spare parts, Nickolas looks around to make sure that he is not being followed. He and his friends frequented often, it was close enough that he and his friends could easily meet there, yet far enough out that people rarely checked on the location.

Walking down the dark path through the aisles of rusting car parts, the teen makes his way towards where his friends are waiting for him in one of the small office rooms in the back of the building. Seeing that the lights are on in the room he knows that there are occupants. Picking up a small piece of metal Nickolas throws the piece of scrap at the metal door frame and waits as he kneels down in the darkness. If there was any kind of reply then it meant that it was not safe, only if there was a good minute of silence would it mean that it was safe to entire. So with almost ritualistic practice Nickolas slowly counts to sixty as he waits in the darkness, fully prepared to make a mad dash for the exit. But after he silently counts the seconds and nothing happens the teen quickly picks himself up and casually walks to the open door.

Entering through the threshold of the door Nickolas holds up his prize as he calls out to his friends. “Doug, Matt, you guys are not going to believe what I got this time. I had to…..”. Whatever the teenager is about to say dies in his throat, in the room are what appear to be two motionless bodies. One near the doorway lying on the ground, the other halfway off the couch, both with most of their bodies covered in what appears to be some kind of white fluffy substance. Recognizing the one closest to the door by the flashy red coat that is still visible despite the layer of fluff, Nickolas bends down to get a better look at his friend Doug. “Hey,” Nickolas starts somewhat cautiously, “are you ok?” The only reply he gets from his friend is a strange moan, showing that he is still alive. Gingerly moving his hand Nickolas tries to see if he can move the strange substance away from his friends face. But just as he touches the fluff though something latches onto his extended hand, causing him to jolt up with a cry of surprise. Trying his best to shake his hand hard enough to get the thing off he suddenly hears giggling from what has attached to his hand.

Stopping to see what has him, it appears that some of the fluff has latched onto him. Except now the fluff had miniature human arms and legs, and the face of a young girl. The fluff seems to cling to and cover her body like a furry bikini that appears to be continuously producing fluff that floats off into the air. Staring at her catch with an innocent stare, she suddenly gives a goofy grin before she begins to speak. “Hey mister, you want to play a game. I promise to make you feel good.” But whatever further temptations the kesaran pasaran is about to offer is cut short has Nickolas, royally freaked out now, uses his free hand to back hand the creature off of his hand.

“Owwww!” The creature cries in a squeaky voice as she sails/floats through the air before landing onto couch. Backing away as fast as he can Nickolas slams into the threshold of the door, creating a good amount of noise. Hyperventilating the teen can only watch in horror as more and more of the things, who have been covering his friends, begin to take notice of his presence. The creatures stare at him excitedly with a mischievous glint in their eyes, as they all at once ask him the same question. “Do you want to play with us?” Taking his petrified state as an invitation, some of the tiny creatures begin to rise into the air, and slowly encroach upon him.

As one of the more bold fluff balls drifts over to him, Nickolas suddenly bolts out of the door and back into the safety of darkness. Sadly in his haste to flee the soon to be eighteen year old gets some bad footing and smashes into a shelf. A little dazed by the collision Nickolas suddenly finds himself lost in the darkness and his panic. No longer able to tell where he is now, he fumbles around a bit in an attempt to regain his bearings. But he knows that he is on limited time as the sounds of those things, chattering and giggling to each other, continually gets louder and louder as they begin to search for him. It is inevitable that they will eventually find him if he stays in his current location, so with that in mind Nickolas begins to move forward not knowing if he is heading for the exit or towards more of those things.


Back with the two policemen, Tom has to admit that this giant globe of gold is something to behold and the fact that it seems to be perfectly suspended in the air only adds to the wonder. There were no identifying marks but he did note that as time pasted more ripples would begin to appear on its surface. “So do you want to call this in or should I?” Ashley asks, her eyes haven’t stopped focusing on the object, almost as if she expected it to do something. About to give her the ok to call in and inform the station about their find the orb, with almost a popping like sound, ripples violently and begins to shrink. And in the end the orb just shrinks until there is not even a visible speck, leaving only a pair of awe struck cops in an empty alley. Being the first to overcome the shock of this sudden disappearing act Hoover turns to his partner to give his reply. “Neither of us is calling this in.”

Surprised by this, Ashley finally takes her gaze away from where the object had been. Only now to stares at her more seasoned colleague with more than just a questioning look, almost like he had just grown an extra head or something. “Why not!?”

“Because no one would believe us.” Tom replies. “And it has disappeared.”

“But still we should at least say something.” Ashely retorts as she points to where the orb had been. “That thing is pretty big news.”

Getting a little angry now Tom finds himself pointing at the same thin air that his partner is. “No, that right there was a career killer. If we say anything about it without that thing or any evidence to prove that it existed, we would never live it down for the rest of our lives. Every arrest and charge, future and past, would come under question if we reported this now. Do you want the first thing a defense attorney asking to be, did you see the golden globe this time as well?” Realizing that he might have gone a bit far and that at least for the moment he has made his point he tries to get Ashley back on track. “Listen let’s just try to find the kid, if it’s true that he saw it too then maybe then we can start putting a report together that won’t make us the laughing stock of the town.”

“Good luck with that, kids most likely half way to Kentucky by now.” She is still a little miffed about what Tom had said. He figures that she thought this is her big break, and to only now realize that they have no proof must have hit her hard. Luckily he might have just the thing to lift her spirits. Holding up the shoe he has been holding since the kid had escaped him. Tom shows her the inside of the shoe where there is something written in it. “Nickolas Bellings? The Pastor ‘s kid?” She questions.

“If we find the kid and he starts talking about it, we might be able to at least convince the chief to at least hear us out and…” Before Tom can continue the radio goes off.

*Bitzzz*”This is dispatch, we are receiving a call about a disturbance near 2508 Hillsgrain road. It appears that a woman in a Halloween costume is killing and eating chickens from the farm near the college. Is there anyone in the vicinity to respond?” *Bitzzzz*

Taking the radio close to his mouth Tom presses the button to respond, “This is Officer Hoover and Webber, we are about ten minutes away from the location.”

*Bitzzz* “Roger that officer Hoover, Please be advised that the subject is possibly under the influence and is to be considered dangerous.” *Bitzzzz*

Day 2
Total People missing: 67

Chapter 3
Spoiler: show
It takes fifteen minutes of getting back to the patrol car and driving for Tom and Ashley to finally get to their destination, and when they get there they are greeted by an elderly woman sitting on the porch of her house. As the car comes to a halt on the gravel driveway two things catch Tom’s attention right away, firstly is that there is a double barrel shotgun laying on the porch next the elderly woman and secondly she has been injured as she is currently using a bloody towel to apply pressure to her arm. Not sure what has happened Tom undoes the latch on his holster as he and his partner get out of the vehicle. “Ma’am are you need of medical attention?” Tom calls out as he approaches the porch, doing his best to watch out for someone hiding while also keeping the shotgun in view.

Taking a moment to register that someone is present, the elderly farmer replies as she shakes her head, “No I’m fine, but look at what the horrible girl did to my chickens.” Looking to the fenced off chicken yard that the old woman is pointing to both of the officers are a little disturbed by the sheer carnage that has been inflicted upon the poultry. Only feathers, guts, and some odds and ends remain of the animals that had been the old spinster’s pride and joy in her late years. The chicken coop is in a similar state as its deceased occupants, it’s practically been reduced to scrap wood.

Not seeing the offending chicken killer anywhere Officer Hoover tries to gleen some information from the victim, hoping to piece this mess together. “I am going to have to ask you a couple of questions,” receiving a nod of compliance he begins as he points at the firearm on the porch, “did you fire that weapon at the person who did this?”

“Yes, but it is only loaded with rock salt. And I didn’t mean to fire it, I just wanted to scare her away but she was so dang fast and when she bit me I pulled the trigger.” The old lady explains, more than a little concerned she may have committed murder. “I am not even sure I actually shot her.”

Never straying from his professional persona Tom continues his questioning, hiding his concern that he might have to arrest the elderly woman. “Do you know where this woman went?” The only response he gets from the victim is an out stretched finger, pointing to the large decrepit barn. “Alright I am going to have to ask you to stay here while we see if we can find this person.” As Tom and Ashley head towards the barn Tom begins brings his radio to his mouth. “Dispatch this is Officer Hoover, we are at the scene of the disturbance and are requesting two ambulances. We have an elderly woman who has been bitten and may need medical attention and we possibly have a suspect who has been shot.”

*bitzz* “Roger that we will have them on route to you as soon as possible, is anyone in immediate danger? *bitzz*

“No,” Tom states before looking up at the brown wooden barn, “I hope.”

The barn looks ready to collapse at any given moment, making it less then welcoming let alone safe. Taking hold of the partially open door of the barn Tom pulls on it and with a sudden jump is forced to dodge to the side as the door falls to the ground and breaks into pieces, apparently termites have been dinning on the wood. Ignoring his partner’s snickering he pulls out his flashlight and takes the lead into the barn.

“Hello? This is the police. Is there anyone here?” Tom calls out as he passes through the threshold and into the looming darkness.

If the outside of the structure can be described as uninviting then the inside is in every aspect downright ghastly. The air is stagnant with rot and dust, the latter causing Ashley to sneeze the moment she enters. With little to no light inside, even with the door no longer present to obstruct the sunshine, the officers are forced to take in their surrounds bit by bit much to their displeasure. Hanging on the walls are old farming tools, rusted and falling apart from lack of maintenance and use, and the rustling sounds of small animals scurrying about in the hay echo about them. The place feels unsettling familiar to Ashley of a scene from a horror movie she had watch earlier that week, and with the knowledge that a possible psycho was lurking in the barn with them does not make her like how the movie ended. Nearly tripping on something hidden in the hay scattered about the floor, she looks to her partner. “Can we get out of here this place this place is giving me the creeps.”

“Not until we know whether or not there is someone here in need of medical attention.” Tom replies as he uses his flash light to inspect more of the barn.

“Yeah well, I don’t want to be that someone.”

Getting a little frustrated at his partner’s lack of seriousness at their job, Tom points at the door. “If you don’t want to take this serious, Ashley, then please just stand by the door while I look around. Or better yet keep an eye on our shooter”

“Oh, yeah and let you have all the fun? I don’t think so.” Ashley teases with a hint of unsteadiness in her voice, an attempt to settle her own nerves more than anything else. As they proceed further into the barn a small trail of fresh blood starts to become visible, leading further into the back of the decaying barn. Following the trial, moving around obstacles or simply moving them out of the way, the officers notice that it is getting bigger and fresher over time with it eventually making a sharp turn into an old wooden stall. Not sure if the person is still alive or not Tom rushes in while Ashley waits just outside the door in case of trouble.

As Ashley waits silence envelopes her hearing as she strains for even the slightest indicator of what is in the stall. After a minute, which feels more like hours, she decides to break the stillness. “What is going on? Is she alive?” She calls out, expecting the worst from her senior partner’s silence.

“No, she’s dead,” Tom replies, causing a slight pang going off in the woman’s heart. In her time on the force this is the first time she has encountered a death. Sure she had been subjected to breaking up some fights at the local bar and seen some rather gruesome injuries, but this is finality, this is what she would most likely see very often in the city. Realizing that she is still hiding outside the stall, Ashley steels herself and forces her legs to move her into the stall. She has to overcome this, she has to face this, and she has to face…. Tom, with a dead chicken in his hand, and not single human corpse anywhere to be seen. Blood rushes to Ashley’s face as dots connect and she realizes that she has been had. About to tell him just how sick of a joke he has just pulled Ashley is suddenly pulled or rather pushed to the ground.

Having sneaked up on the officer from behind a black blur has suddenly pounced on Ashley and is now promptly pinning her to the ground. The female cop lets out a scream of sudden agony as the thing’s sharp fangs pierce into the nap of her neck, causing more than a little blood to ooze out. Positive in having successfully taken one done the creature detaches her mouth from Ashley and stares at Tom, her eyes reflecting the light from his flashlight and his partner’s blood running down its chin. It is distinctly female with only rags protecting what little modesty it has. Her forearms and forelegs are covered in blackish fur that matches the mid length mess of reddish hair on her head. A noticeable pair of canine ears twitches as the wolf woman continues to stare at her next possible victim.

Dropping the dead poultry Tom fumbles for his gun, the stun gun, or really anything that he might be able to use to protect himself with. The wolf ears slant back at Tom’s action and then with a growling bark lunges at him. The policeman does not even have a chance to react has blood stained claws grab his shoulders and knocks him down, pinning him to a wall of the stall. Panting excitedly the she wolf begins sniffing him, taking in his sent as if it were a bouquet or a well made meal.

Not sure what this woman’s problem is, Tom attempts to push her off and get to his feet only to discover that his assailant is really strong. As the two of them begin to fight in this grappling match, one fighting for freedom the other for prey, Tom manages to get a slight upper hand when he manages to get an arm against the woman’s neck and starts pushing her away. Not liking this, the deranged woman lets him go moving back far enough to get the arm off her neck and immediately rushes back in, still clawing and fighting with vim and vigor to spare.

Luckily for Tom he manages to again to stop her before she makes it to his face, sadly he is now becoming aware of the rancid breath raw poultry can give a person. Frustrated at not getting what she wants, the strange assailant switches her tactics. With a partly annoyed growl she thrusts her fur covered claws under the officer’s arms and then lifts him as she stands up. Surprised by this show of pure strength the Officer just dangles in the air as if he were a newborn child. For a young woman with such a slim body she is surprisingly strong, granted she has very visible muscle tone but the ease with which she has overpowered him is frightening. With a triumphant grin on her face the wolf woman throws Tom to the ground, in the process knocking the wind out of him and reducing him to seeing stars. Not about to give him time to recover the woman rolls the male officer onto his back and then proceeds to straddle his hips.

Her grin switching to a lustful sneer as one of the clawed hands of the woman grabs a hold of Tom’s uniform. And with a single fluid movement, the front of the uniform is torn with same ease as tearing paper, and is thrown to the side like it is wrapping paper. Taking only a moment to inspect her prize, it has been ages since she has found suitable prey, she immediately moves for the belt as her thighs give a squeeze in anticipation that will not be satisfied today. With a sudden yelp which is followed by Tom’s groan of pain, the wolf woman starts convulsing before finally falling face first on top of the policeman.

Recovering from the incredible pain slightly Officer Hoover, despite the newly added dead weight, gets himself up on an elbow to see what has happened. Imbedded in the shoulder of the woman is a pair of identical metal darts with wires sticking out the other end. Following the spiraling wire threads they lead to Officer Webber’s stun gun, even as her blood continues to slowly drain from the nap of her neck she can’t help but smile at her success. “Take that you stupid bitch.” She taunts before noticing that Tom has not moved out from under the now unconscious assailant. Feeling some concern growing in the pit of her stomach, Officer Webber calls out to him. “Tom you ok?”

There is a moment of silence before can Tom groan angrily in respons. “Ashley?”

“Yeah?” She replies, happy to know that her partner is still alive.

“You do know that I got shocked too, right?”

Calmer now that she is sure they have won the fight, Officer Webber chuckles before snidely replying to Tom. “I thought we all went through the same training, you know where they shot you with one of these? Didn’t know you were such a pussy about being shocked.”

“Well it tends to be a different story when the current practically goes straight through my balls!” Officer Hoover growls as he starts to get up, making sure that the apprehended woman rolls softly off of him.

Cringing a bit at the thought of how the shock traveled, she lets out a hiss as she replies. “Sorry about that.” However the smug look on Tom’s face causes her to tilt her head slightly in confusion. “What?”

Pointing to the spot on his shoulder matches where Ashley has been bitten Tom informs her of what he is finding so funny. “Rabies shots.”

Realizing what he is saying Ashley inspects the wound. Still leaking a little bit of blood the area of the bite actually does not look or feel as bad as it had initially. But none the less it meant that now she is going have to take a plethora of shots, for who knows what. Frustrated at the thought of where she would most likely have to take said shots and not being able to sit right for a month, she is not too thrilled when Tom starts to laugh quietly at her facial expression. “Fuck you!” she snaps.

Finally standing the policeman walks over to his partner. “You would have to buy me dinner first. Can you stand?” Tom asks as he offers a hand to Ashley which she quickly accepts as she is pulled up on to her feet. The two of them take a moment to collect themselves and brush the dust and dirt from their uniforms, not that it mattered since both have been splattered with blood. Turning to the still unconscious woman that has attacked them Tom claps his hands together. “Right, let’s cuff her and get the hell out of here.” Not wanting their captive to wake without some form of restraint the two officers pull out their handcuffs, Tom going for the woman’s hands while Ashley uses her set on the ankles. As Tom locks his cuffs into place he notices something troubling. What had appeared to have been costume gloves Tom realizes is something far worse. Where the soft fur of a dog or wolf ends the silky skin of a human begins in a disturbingly perfect transition.

“Hey Tom, are you seeing this?” Ashley asks. Apparently she is also noticing the same condition while trying to remove what they originally thought as matching boots. “What the hell did we just catch?”

Noticing a twitch of movement in the wolf girl Officer Hoover realizes that time is short and if they do not hurry they might not be so lucky in round two, even if she is restrained. “I don’t know, but the sooner we get out of here the better. Now help me carry her out.”

Following the instructions Ashley takes the wolf girl by the ankles, while Tom holds her by the shoulders as they carry her out. “You know this will be a nightmare to explain to the sheriff, let alone in a court room, right? Officer Webber questions.

“Yeah well, I think I will be putting in a request for some vacation time after this one.” Tom replies as they leave the stall. There is another twitch followed by a whine like moan from the woman. Whatever this is, Tom is sure that he wants as little as possible to do with it.

(Local hospital)

Waiting in the reception area Tom has been reduced to twiddling his thumbs as he waits for someone to inform him of the status of situation. Needless to say when they had walked out of the barn in their disheveled appearances with their prisoner in tow, they were quickly the main focus of the paramedics that had arrived on the scene. Luckily the paramedics had their own collection of restraints, helping ensure that nothing happened during transportation. “Officer Hoover?” Brought back from his thoughts Tom realizes that one of the doctors that had met them when they first arrived is now standing in from of him.

“Doctor Francis.” Tom greets as he gets up and shakes the doctor’s hand. “I am hoping that you can shed some light on our Jane Doe.”

“That’s funny.” The doctor replies, his face scrunching up with some concern. “I was just about to ask you the same thing.” Seeing some confusion in Officer Hoover’s face Dr. Francis motions for Officer Hoover to follow him deeper into the hospital. As they walk the two of them are forced to weave through the busy traffic of medical staff and patients who are all trying to get to somewhere else in the hospital. But the foot traffic is soon left behind as they enter an elevator and head for one of the higher floors. Finally given some privacy the doctor continues the conversation. “I am going to be completely honest with you Tom. I do not have the faintest idea of what we are dealing with here. From initial inspection it looks like a perfect fusion between human and animal with no outward signs of surgery.”

“Are you saying that this is something natural? Tom asks.

“No. Although there are a few things that can cause excessive hair growth there is nothing I know of that would cause a person to grow claws and dog ears. I mean she does not even show signs of ever having normal human ears.”

“I don’t suppose we have any way to get a identify her. Like fingerprints, dental, or anything?”

“Again, no.” Dr. Francis replies. “She does not have finger prints, just something that reassembles paw pads. And considering her temperament, no one is getting anywhere near her mouth until the sedatives kick in. We will be getting saliva and blood samples, but it will take a few days to get any results. And unless she has a record on the system there is little chance are we will have a way to identify her.”

“I see.” Tom mutters to himself before continuing the conversation, “What about Officer Ashley and the elderly lady that was taken in?

The elevator stops in its accession and its doors open, as the two make their exit the lack of people is immediately noticeable. There are only a few staff members walking in the halls as they make their way to where the hospital is holding the wolf woman. “Mrs. Jenkins has to stay overnight due to a loss of blood, due to her age we are concerned that she might have a heart attack.” Dr. Francis says, referring to the elderly woman that had been attacked. “As for Officer Webber, her injury was not very severe so we gave her a rabies shot and we just released her.”

“Are you sure her wound was not that bad?” Tom questions. “I was there and trust me there was a lot of blood for a minor injury.”

“Well it was not bad enough to warrant any stitches, but we did ask her to call us within a couple of days to make sure everything is ok.” The doctor states as they continue down the hall signaling that they will be making a turn soon. “Anyway we have your Jane Doe isolated up here, we had to restrain her after she tried to bite some of the staff. And as of right now she still seems to be resisting the sedatives, For now no one is allowed in the room with her alone.” But as they approach the large viewing window to the room holding the werewolf, an unexpected surprise is waiting for them. Dressed in a conservative blue business suit and black high heels, a tall woman is viewing into the patient’s room. “Ma’am this is a restricted area.” The doctor calls out as they approach.

Responding to the voice the woman turns to the two men and stares at them defiantly. She could be considered attractive if she were let her dirty blonde hair down from its bun and did not appear to be excessively under weight. “Why has this poor girl not been given legal representation?” she demands in a slightly shrill voice. “This is clearly a violation of human rights.” She threatens as she points to the werewolf restrained in the hospital bed, her face partially covered by a muzzle.

However the two men are not fazed and the doctor, doing his best not to have any physical contact with the woman, begins to herd her towards the elevators. “This is a restricted area and you need to leave, if you do not comply I will have to ask this police officer to escort you off the premises.”

Doing her best to try and stare down the doctor, the woman knows that she has no power. So with an audible “humph” she begins marching off to the elevators, her heels clicking as she goes. Once the woman is gone and out of hearing range Tom turns to the doctor with the latest of his many questions, “Who was that?”

“Emily Hetcher. Graduated from law school about two years ago and has taken up ambulance chasing as a career path.” Doctor Francis responds.

“Sounds like trouble.” Tom states as he looks though the viewing window into the patience’s room. “Quick question, can she see us out here?”

Joining Tom in looking through the one way mirror, the doctor sees why the law officer is a bit paranoid. Almost as if the glass did not even exist, the eyes of the wolf woman stare directly where the two men are standing. Even while bound and restrained to the point of being unable to even wiggle her hands and feet, the eyes of the woman stares out at them like an predator ready to make a meal out of one of them. There is not a trace of fear in her features as her canine ears twitch every so often.

“She might be able to hear us.” The doctor hypothesizes.

“Maybe you should see if you can get some officers up here to make sure nothing happens.” Tom states as he gets ready to leave.

“I will put in a formal request to sheriff Jones, or is it chief of police now?”

“Not for another week.” Tom says as he starts to walk away. It has been a long day and the only thing Officer Hoover wants to do now is get a good night’s rest. And the chance to possibly tease Ashley about having to be the one getting rabies shots this time.

(Ashley Webber’s apartment, 3rd floor)

Having gotten back to the cramped apartment about an hour ago, Ashley Webber could only think of finishing such an exciting day by taking a nice relaxing bath. As she unwinds in the bath water, mindful not to get her bandages wet, she thinks about the events of the day. How they first were investigating the house near the college grounds, chase a prime suspect/witness, and then soon after having to deal with an insane wolf woman. As she plays these events through her mind a nagging feeling nudges at the back of her mind, it reminds her of the times she would take a math test and is on the verge of piecing together how to solve a problem. Trying her best to focus in an attempt to force the answer out, all she gets out of the effort is a minor headache and frustration that she takes out on the bath water with her hand with a sudden splash.

Realizing the bathwater has lost most of its warmth Ashley decides to finally climb out of the tub and dry off, her concern for the nagging feeling put aside at the moment. As the water cascades down her pale skin, she can’t help but feel some pride in how her time at the gym has paid off. She wasn’t extremely muscular, but she certainly has good muscle definition with just a touch of curviness to it. Sadly the uniform tended to hide such traits, especially with her breasts being just under B cup, though thankfully the uniform also tended to repel the creeps. It also helped that word had gotten around that her last boyfriend had been found in the gutter missing four teeth. The rumors at the time stated he had been caught cheating on her, but luckily there never was any investigation.

Drying off her short black hair and wrapping herself in a towel, Ashley leaves her warm steam filled bathroom into the cold bedroom of her apartment. Shivering slightly from the cold she takes a moment to check her cell phone for any missed calls, for which there are two. Pressing the replay button with a beep, she begins to listen to the recordings.

*Message one*

“Hey Ashley, its mom. I heard that you are still single and I just happened to meet this wonderful young man at work and……….

*Message deleted, message two*

“Hey Ashley, this is Tom. I heard that you got released from the hospital pretty quickly so I guess that means you didn’t get as hurt as I had thought. Anyway don’t worry about the reports since I will get them written up. Oh and make sure you change your bandages so the wound does not get infected. See you at work.”

*End of Message, message deleted*

Ashley smiles as she put the phone down on her bed. “So mister professional has a soft side, huh? Well at least there is one good man, even if he needs to relax sometimes.” She mutters to herself as she grabs the spar hospital bandages from off her dresser and moves back into the bathroom. Wiping the condensation off the mirror so she can see what she is doing, she goes on to remove the bandages currently typed to her wound, wincing as the type is peeled back. With the wet bandages removed and tossed into the garbage can, Ashley gets the fresh bandages ready. But as she looks into the mirror to properly position the fresh bandages onto the wound, Ashley can’t seem to find the where she has been bitten. The only thing on her shoulder now is a slightly reddish mark. Unable to believe her eyes Officer Webber puts her fingers to the spot where not even twelve hours ago the skin had been ripped and bloody. But as she feels the spot all her fingers can feel is silky smooth skin. “Not even a scratch.” Ashley says to herself in disbelief as she rubs her shoulder, still unable to comprehend this reality. And then it sparked, the connection that had been taunting her from the edge of her mind.

The strange scratch marks on the walls of the frat house looked like they had been done by a large animal, and today they had just apprehended a half human half animal thing. There was little evidence to support the suspicion but that is a mute point as Ashley makes for her phone. There is no way that just one wolf woman could have messed up that house and make all those people disappear. There has to be more, and they could be out there attacking more people. She has to get on the phone Tom, let him know what might be a disturbing truth, then they needed to wake up the sheriff and…….

Whatever the rest of her train of thought had been, it is no longer relevant as she re-enters the bedroom and notices a bright light coming in from her window. It is almost like having a spot light pointing at her apartment. Not knowing what is going on outside, she flicks the switch to her room’s light off so that only the light from outside aluminates the room. Walking slowly and still tightly clutching to the towel wrapped around her body Ashley moves to the window and cautiously pulls the blinds up. Expecting the source to be near the ground her gaze starts there and slowly goes upward until she is looking up into the sky. There, to her amazement, the moon is shining a plethora of silvery colors. Even though it is only a crescent moon and shouldn’t be all that noticeable Ashley can’t tear her eyes away from the sight. Reddish silver turns to a pale blue and every color in between as the swirling colors of the moonlight go through a hypnotizing loop, sensually guiding the woman into an entranced stupor.

Bathed in this strangely wonderful moonlight, Ashley begins to feel a warmth pulse through her. Starting in her chest and womb the warmth grows and spreads out through her limbs, leaving a pleasant tingling sensation. Her body nearly goes limp from the visual and physical stimulation, her arms dangle at her sides allowing for her towel to fall to the ground. Gasping from the sudden rush of having cold air meet sensually heated flesh Ashley regains herself to some extent as her body crumples onto the floor. Whatever the moonlight has been doing to her, she at least is now released from it even though she feels strangely groggy. Staggering onto her feet she stumbles to her bed where the phone is. But she nearly collapses again when the mesmerizing light flash out of nowhere.

Clamping her eyes shut Ashley tries to keep herself from seeing the light again, but even then she still sees the glorious light flashing and swirling in the darkness. It is simply to entoxicating to ignore, the way the light dances in her mind. Her is soon head spinning again and her body feels like is going numb, but somewhere in the swirling mess that is her mind Ashley knows she must get to her cell phone. She just knows that if she can get to that phone and call Tom everything will be better, he will definitely help her and be able to use what she has just pieced together. Walking or rather stumbling to her bed her thighs rub against each other and then it happens, like dam that has reached its limit. Ashley falls to the floor next to her bed as she rides out the sudden orgasm, her body twisting and shaking as the world around her blurs away leaving only her, the wondrous moonlight, and her body’s sensual needs. As one hand shakily begins to paw at her breast the other snakes its way to her lower lips rubbing, teasing, anything to keep the feeling going. Back arching and moaning happily Ashley finally gives up and bites her lower lip and growls as she masturbates her way to another blissful release. Her body finally content, for the moment, Ashley just lays on the floor as her sweat and other fluids pool around her, simply enjoying the afterglow of her labor of satisfaction. This moment of serenity is short lived, however, due to a strange yet familiar urge that begins to grow steadily stronger, like when she had been trying to piece her hypothesis together. Realizing just what is needed to relieve this itch Ashley stirs from her resting spot from the floor.

As a feminine hand reaches up onto the bed the nails grow and curve quickly turning into claws. The hand begins to follow suit as it grows and develops dark fur. Along the arm, muscles tighten and develop as they pull the rest of the body up from the floor. A pair of wolf ears flicks about as they rise from the edge of the bed, taking in all the new sounds that were mere seconds ago too faint to hear. And as the glowing yellow eyes stare at the cell phone on the bed Ashley can’t help but smile a toothy grin. Tonight is the start of her new life, and she knows just the lucky people she wants to share this with.
================================================================================================================Day 3
Total People missing: 69
Total people converted: 12
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2015 12:20 am
Gender: Male
Personal Title: None
Favorite Monster Type: None

Re: Invasion of the sexy kind

Post by Valessia »

I am not some one that usually replies or post comments. I am usually just content to lurk. However your story compells me too say something.

It was very well written and the story truly fascinating. The story is relatable and very immersive in a way that stands out from most MGE fics. Trying to blend the MGE world with the modern world is risky business. It requires a lot of building together where pitfalls in the story can easily occur. Making a disconnect with the reader at best. At worst outright offensive to either the people who religiously adhere to cannon (MGE has some vague cannon at that) or on the flip side to those who would balk at even the most minor discrepancy of representing the modern/real world.

Its like balancing scales for each extreme but you did it rather well I think. Please keep up the good work.
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