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Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 3:34 pm
by Kaijin
Replies' time

@ hothead -> Thanks! It's always nice to see that people enjoys your work ^^ I hope that when plot begins to thicken I can just handle it as efficiently.
Well... As for Ignis, they grow up so fast...<3
I pretty much have planned a Charmander x Nidoran pairing in case I managed to catch a Nido, since Nidoran line (both genders) are able to breed with all three Kanto starters (and both Johto and Hoenn starters but that doesn't matter right now...), and it seems to be quite a popular "trend" in Kanto based story nuzlockes (however it's pretty much bulbasaur x nido).
I was originally planning to make it more like a romantic bonding, but that would clash with what I have planned for Knux once he becomes a Nidoking... I can't imagine a Nidoking acting all cute and innocent after all.

@ Oersted -> HEY! You're telling that if like Glenn was the only one who ever hugged a Nidoran...

Now seriously, Glenn's reaction is actually quite understandable taking into consideration these points:

-Male Nidorans are rare on route 3 (They're the third rarest catch in Fire Red for that route (the second in Leaf Green, since the appearance ratio between both Nidoran switch on both versions))
-Dupe clause... Before seeing that Nidoran I stumbled upon two Pidgeys before, one more Pidgey and I wouldn't have been able to catch anything there (I was planning on posting the three Pidgey shots in a row and Sonic 1's Game Over tune in case a third Pidgey showed up)
-In Gen III Male Nidoran line's moveset pretty much sucks, meaning that by the time it learns the first "decent" move (Horn Attack)I can pretty much evolve it, so I can get a Nidoking early in the story...
-...Which is both badass (Soloing Lt.Surge with a Nidoking? Hell yeah <3) and a blessing (Nidokings are quite bulky and probably the only member on my team able to survive a selfdestruct early in the game at the very least).

However "meta"talking I'm not that pleased with that catch though, his nature is crappy for a Nidoking (lowers defense, ups speed) yet fitting for the person he's based on... :stunned:

Thanks for dropping by ^^

.P.S.: I'll try to have Mt.Moon covered by tonight.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:33 pm
by Kaijin
(Author's note: I was meant to be done with this chapter by thursday night, but due to real life issues I haven't been in the mood to post any updates.
So, sit back and enjoy this Crappy Birthday gift of mine...
...It should be the other way around, but... the great Cactuar compels me to write XD)

All hail the Great Cactuar

Chapter 6: Rocket Lunacy

"Okay guys, we're ready to go now"
"Noooooooooo! My favorite show isn't over yet"
"I'm kinda liking it too ~"
"Aaargh... Enough you two, we're going now!"

It took me a while to convince those two, and by convince I actually mean forcing them, to leave and when I finally was able to make it...

"Welcome stranger"
A shady figure hiding on one of the PokéCenter's corners called me out of the sudden.
"Is he talking to you?"
"Errr...Can I help you sir?"
"Where are you buying?"
"¡Es el buhonero del diablo!" ("He's the devil's peddler!")
"I have the perfect deal just for you"
"I'm sorry but..."
"I have the perfect Pokémon, the most outstanding, awesome, devastating, superb Pokémon ever... The almighty Magikarp. It's your for only 500 Poké$."
"So...What do you say?"
"BWAHAHAHA! Did you hear that guys?"
"He's offering us a Pokémon that can be found absolutely EVERYWHERE and he expects us to pay?"
"Good for a joke I guess..."
"BWAHAHAHA... Nice one there fella, but seriously...NO"
"You'll be back stranger..."

Once I left behind the strange peddler I finally was ready to explore Mt.Moon inner sections.
The Magikarp peddler

Trek me to the moon

"I pretty much guess that you know this cave section quite well since you lived quite near of it"
"W...well... yeah..."
"Care to guide us?"
"Wh...wha...what? In front?"
"You're the only one that knows how to navigate his way throug here and... Hmmmph!"
"Glenn! Are you... What is a Zubat doing on your face?"
"Get him... off me..."

" me now..."
"I...I...I'm on it"
"Yay...I did it!"
"Thanks... But it's odd... Zubats wouldn't normally attack..."
"This cave should be pitch black... Why is it lit like that?"
"Hmm... It's artificial light... I wonder who might have done that and why..."
"We'll be bound to know that as long we continue exploring the cave"
"I guess so..."

Once I managed to overcome the fact that a wild and startled as hell Zubat almost got to make love to my face I was ready to move on... while cursing myself for not bringing any repel at all...
"Clever there genius..."
"I'm a 11 year old kid for Arceus' sake! I'm not made of platinum you know..."

After countless confuses Zubats and several trainers, most of them hikers with Brock styled rapey tendencies...

"Gl...glenn... I feel weird..."
"You can't be poisoned since you're a poison type... and there are no bugs nor electric types here, that only means that..."

Image -> Image

"I got fatter..."
"You've got fatter... The lovely Ignis will switch you for a Dragonair"
"B..But... Darling I can change..."
"True... You're also on the Dragon egg group Ignis"
"The lovely Ignis knows that"
"Hmmm... Dragon Dancing, Dragonbreathing kickass Charmander babies... Go for it, lady, you have my approval"
"The lovely Ignis is grateful for that"
" too Glenn?"
"Nah... Just kidding, you just evolved, congrats lil' fella"
"Now that you mention it... I feel stronger now..."
"The lovely Ignis won't ditch you for now..."
"Oy... Romeo and Juliet, now that everything is fine and dandy... can we move already?"

And the descend kept going... until...

"What is it, Maddie?"
"I found like this totally cute stone"
"Is that a Moon Stone?"
"Well that would make sense since we're in Mt.Moon"
"Good job Maddie"
"Glad to help"
"What's with the glare... and the evil laugh Glenn?"
"You'll know soon enough my little pal..."
"And now I'm suddenly feeling raped..."
"A...anyway.... We're on Mt.Moon, right?"
"Correcto" ("Right")
"But we're also in Mt.Moon, right?"
"Correcto" ("Right")
"So... what are we doing? Trekking or spelunking?"
"Does it really matter?
"Pointles question is pointless..."
*sigh* "Okay... let's keep moving then...."

Spelunking music


"That outfit... Can't be! I thought that were disbanded several years ago..."
"My, my, my... What is such a little twerp doing in a place like this?"
"Team Rocket... I should have guessed that this was your doing..."
"How does some little squirt know about our existence? Nevermind, we have serious business in this cave and it's time to get rid of nuisances like you"
"The lovely Ignis we'll teach you manners..."
"Leave him to us, Glenn"

"Decepcionantemente fácil" ("Disappointingly easy")
"Don't let your guard down, there must be more of them around"

After discovering the reason behind the behavior of all Zubats around this cave and the alterations made on this cave, we kept navigating our way through the cave fully knowing that we would definitely find more Rocket grunts around.

After hitting the lowest paths of these maze-like tunnels we finally got rid of every rocket grunts.

"Remember this kid, this won't the last time you hear of us..."
"You'll better surrender next time or our highest ranks will make sure you learn your place"
"We'll be ready"

"Kid... Scram, these fossils are mine! I'm thankful to you for getting rid of those pesky guys in black but..."
"O...okay... You asked for it kid, I...I'm gonna b...beat you senseless!"
"O...okay... You can have one of my fossils... but don't hurt me"
"I don't like nerds"
"Remember this kid... I will be someone extremely important and you... and all those who made fun of me will bow to my greatness. JUST WAIT AND SEE!"

And...Years later, our super duper hyper nerd Miguel would come back to Sinnoh and change his name to Roark, and yes he gained importance as he claimed since he was able to get a Gym Leader licencse, from that point he would be known as Sinnoh's universal stepping stone for said region's Gym Challenge, not to mention that he would also be the laughing stock for both Gym Leaders and rock type trainers... But that's a story for another day...


What it was really important was the fact the we finally got out of that rocky maze... At last!
"Fresh air!"
"No more Geodudes!"
"No more Zubats!"
"What are doing two karate guys out there?"

"What are you doing here?"
"Do want the most badass move of all time?" The left guy asked.
"Don't listen to him, my move is more kickass!" The right guy chided the other
"Mega Punch rocks!"
"No, Mega Kick is extremely kickass"
*sigh* "No kickass STAB moves for me..."
"Don't worry you already have good moves. Knux, Juan Pablo you're gonna learn new moves?"
"Estás de broma, ¿no?" ("You gotta be kidding me, right?")
"Knux, your only STAB move is Poison Sting, thing that sucks Tyranitar balls"
"And Juan Pablo... You're extremely frail and your only really damaging move is Thundershock... that also sucks Tyranitar balls..."
"... You can't learn any of them?"
*sigh* "Ryoko...Do you want to mega kick things?"
"Well not really... But it's better than cut... so fine..."

"Okay... time for a new catch before making it to Cerulean..."

The mighty Snakeman
"Who daresssss to bother the magnificent Sssssnakeman?"
"Great another weirdo...."
"And another poison type..."
Time to battle
"Knux, weaken him"
"Needle Cannon? No... Not my weaknesssssss"
Ekansman defeated

Glenn got Search Snake
"Well... that was new..."
"Whatever... Let's move to Cerulean already..."

After getting yet another weird partner for this trip, we finally were ready to move to Cerulean City another gym challenge awaited us and I was sure that this time was not going to be as easy as Pewter's...

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:44 pm
by Kaijin
Chapter 7: Clash on the Nugget Bridge

We finally arrived to Cerulean and the first thing we did was heading to the PokéCenter to heal my party and check on the new... errr... "recruits"

"Nice nature for a Zubat"
"One pokémon on Glenn's party... ha, ha, ha... Two pokémon on Glenn's party...ha,ha,ha..."

"Yet another nice nature..."
"Of coursssssse it isssss mere human! Who do you think you are for judging my greatnesssssss?"
"Okay...I think I'll keep you boxed for the next three or four millennia..."
"No...wait... I jusssst feel ssssssssso lonely..."

And after checking my new catches it was time to check the new gym on sight
"Mermaid huh? It must be a water type specialist"
"Go Glenn! Love must prevail! Waff must prevail!"
"It's time to get you a waifu?"
"Whatever...^^U Juan Pablo, it's time to shine for you"
"¡Al fin! Podreis contemplar mi maravillosa grande..." )("Finally! All of you will be able to see my marvelous greatne...")
"After a hellish and spartan training season that is..."
"No... Voy a electrocutarte mientras duermes, lo juro por todos los Pichus de Johto" ("No... I'm gonna shock you while you're sleeping, I swear it for all and every Pichu in Johto")

After such charming speech coming from my international rat, we saw an interesting place for warming up a bit.... However, there was a catch... There's always a friggin' catch...

"Oy... If it's my good friend Gaylo"
"It's Gary "Motherfucking" Oak, you Sinnoh chump!"
"Friendly as always, huh?"
"I've just caught quite the bunch of smart and strong pokémon"
"How about I kick your ass?"
"I needed a warm up after all..."
"Warmed? You're gonna end up burnt Glenn!"

Ready to rumble? Round 3 Fight!

"Pidgeotto go"
"Juan Pablo, be a bro"
"Pollo Frito estilo Kanto, ME GUSTA" ("Kanto Fried Chicken, I LIKE IT")
"Problem, Gary?"
"Just wait and see! Rattata, kick his ass!"
"Knux... You know the drill"
"I...I can't believe this..."
"Who's daddy little powerhouse?"
"I am"
"Yes you are"
"Shut up, you Sinnoh chump! Abra!"
"Maddie, don't let him attack at all"
"Yes I'll totally corner that thing"
"Only one hit? Like that sucks..."
"Stop laughing you two... Squirtle, time to win this battle"
"Wait... Squirtle. You haven't evolved your starter yet?"
"Wh...Did you"
"The lovely Ignis salutes you"
"...I hate you so much Glenn..."
"I lost...?"
"Haven't I lucked out this time, Gary?"
"I'll get you someday, I swear to Arceus that I will"
"Gee... Stop it drama queen..."

"I...I feel like funny..."
"Maddie are you okay?
Image -> Image
"I feel like I can gnaw my way through everything"
"Congrats for your rodent's evolution Glenn"
"And by the way, you should try to go and see Bill. He has quite the collection of rare Pokémon, maybe you'll learn something..."
"That was surprisingly useful..."
"Well then, smell ya later..."

And there he went... way to the gym, but this time he actually ended up being useful... Maybe I should follow his advice for once.
"What are we gonna do now?"
"First of all healing you guys and then heading to Cerulean Cape, it seems to be patches of grass there"
"Sounds sensible"
"But before all that... Knuuuux"
"Don't hurt me...."
"Wanna be awesome...? <3"
"Awa,awa,awa... I'm not sure..."
"Sorry you don't have a choice...<3"
"I feel weird... Something's not normal..."

Image -> Image

"Yes, yes, yes... All of my yes..."
"Suck my long and hard Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaff!"
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea..."
"Nonsese Icarus!"
*The lovely Ignis bends over
"Not now Ignis!"

After getting such a powerhouse on my team it was time to give him a good use.

"If you beat all trainers in this bridge you'll get an amazing prize as a reward" The young bug catcher told me
"Fine, bring it"
"I'll be your first opponent"

Clash on the Nugget Bridge
"Four more to go!"
"We're on a roll!"
"I still think that evolving him so soon was a bad idea..."
"Hpmh! Amateurs!"
Flawless victory
"We made it!"

However after making it to the other side of the bridge and trying to claim the reward...
"For such an amazing display of skill, accept this humble gift"
"A nugget?"
"Well duh... What did you expect from a place called NUGGET bridge?"
A offer unable to be refused
"By the way young one, your skills should be polished in the most efficent ways..."
"What do you mean?"
"It would be such a waste just using those skills for gym battling... How about you join Team Rocket instead?"
"Not interested"
"My... so hasty... Reconsider the offer. You would be an executive in no time"
"Still not interested..."
"Ha,ha,ha... Do you think you have a choice in the matter? Let me show you how wrong you are!"

Rocket whooping

"I'll show you the true power of Team Rocket, kid."
"My... such a flashy battle style... But you won't be so lucky with my next Pokémon"
"Okay... I give up this time... But remember, our paths will cross again..."

I just left him behind as I went to capture my next catch before heading to Cerulean Cape.

"Yes! Lucky!"

"I can work with that I guess"
"Ahora lo debilito, jefe..." ("I'll weaken it right now, boss...")
"Antidoto... ¡YA!" ("Antidote...NOW!")

After several trainers and wild battles I finally made my way to Bill's house just to find...
"A...Cleffairy? Does it belong to Bill by any chance?"
"Ahem... I'm Bill!"
"Okay... Allow me to explain you what happened...^^U"

...Several minutes of pointless explanation later...

"So...You created a Pokémon transporter..."
"...And you fused your DNA with a Cleffairy by accident..."
"Uhmm... Yeah... "Accident"..."
"I don't know if..."
"Just help dammit!"
"Okay, what do I have to...?"
"Just push the enter button on that computer over there, the machine will do all the work"

"Whew... I thought that I would spend the rest of my days doing Metronomes over and over. Thanks kid"
"You're welcome I guess"
"Allow me to introduce myself again. I'm Bill and I'm the one who developed the PC storage system"
"Nice to meet you. My name is Glenn"
"Take this ticket S.S. Anne ticket as a token of my thanks, Glenn"
"It's not..."
"It's not a bother... I've never liked that kind of parties and I'm sure that there will be plenty of trainers there. You'll be putting it to better use than me."
"Thank you then, it's been nice to meet you"
"Same here, if you ever need help with the storage sytem just let me know."
"I will"
"And good luck on your travel"

After knowing the first sane person since I left Pallet Town I found myself ready to challenge and beat Cerulean Gym's.
"Juan Pablo, you're gonna wreck that gym ^^"
"Lo sé" ("I know")

Meanwhile on Nugget Bridge...

Plot thickens

"It's me, James"
"I wasn't expecting any reports from you yet, anything interesting?"
"I just met an interesting one, the description matched with the young trainer that foiled our plans on Mt.Moon: young boy not older than 12 years old, short, spiky green hair and red eyes"
"Listen really carefully, James. I want you to become his shadow, monitor every moment he makes and report them to me inmediately"
"Roger that, sir"
"Good, I'll look forward to your reports"
"This is James signing out"

*James hanged up his cellphone and lit a cigarette

"My, my... It looks that my premonition will become a reality sooner than I anticipated..."

And meanwhile in Celadon City...

"Ha,ha,ha... Finally I've been able to find someone able to match our previous founder's battling skills. With him under my command I'll be able to rule Kanto with an iron fist. You can run, hide or struggle all what you want... But your destiny is joining us Glenn Lightblade... Mwahahahah!"

...Little I knew about what fate had in store for me....

Small status update

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:05 pm
by Kaijin
I'm not really surprised...

I'm resurrecting this thread just to bring a a small status update to any potential reader of this challenge.
Even if it looks like it, this story is far from being dead... Due to some issues of several natures I've been unable to find either time nor motivation to bring any updates other than the last two that I could upload on my very own birthday.

However there are some good (utterly bad for me though) news, starting on this Friday I'll be able to find more time to update this story (due to me joining the more of 6 millions of unemployees my country currently has) and at the very least one new chapter will be uploaded this week (the one covering Misty's gym battle).

Also I'll use this post to ask a question to all of you.
I've been considering that once I finish with my Fire Red run and move to the DS games, instead of using the official games can I go several steps further and choose the very hard mode.

There are versions for both Johto (Sacred Gold and Storm Silver) and Unova games (Volt White and Blaze Black, Volt White 2 and Blaze Black 2) that add some interesting changes from the games: The difficulty curve rises drastically, you can find (and catch) all Pokémon up to date (493 in the Johto ones and 640 in the Unova ones), you can evolve all of them legally in-game, every trainer has been modified to have a different (and most difficult) team including gym leaders of course (who have a full 6 members team) and Pokémon have been tweaked in several aspects such as moveset, abilities, typing (Tepig becomes Fire/Ground upon evolution (thus making it useful), Oshawott Water/Fighting and Snivy Grass/Dragon for instance).

Also in case of Volt White 2 and Blaze Black 2 the Challenge Mode is unlocked almost at the very start of the game (right before meeting Bianca/Bel).

Since I thought that people would enjoy more my runs if they saw me suffer... I considered to make the next changes:

Sacred Gold instead of Heart Gold
Volt White instead of White
Volt White 2 (Challenge Mode) instead of White 2 (Normal Mode)

So... What do you think? Do you guys want me to go faithful to the official games? Or would you rather me see stick to the hard path?

.P.S.: For more information about Sacred Gold/Storm Silver, Volt White/Blaze Black, Volt White 2/Blaze Black 2 or any other modification made by Drayano60 check either Google or Youtube.
.P.S.: Both Sinnoh and Hoeen runs will remain unchanged (Sinnoh will be made on both Platinum and Diamond and Hoenn on Emerald).

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:33 pm
by Oersted
Good to know this story isn't dead, but I'm sad to learn you lost(?) your job...I hope things will get better for you.
As for what I think between official games or difficulty I'm leaning more on keeping on the official games, but that's mainly because I dislike altered games unless they're bug fixes or translations.

And sorry if I don't comment often, its just that I'm not very good at putting my thoughts into words.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:24 am
by axc_o
I'd say for you to go for the hard way...with your pokemon...dammit, I have been reading too much pokephilia fanfics

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 10:09 pm
by Kaijin
Replies' time

@ Oersted-> Don't worry that much about it, it was a general remark.
Maybe I kind of look strong-willed, but truth to be told it's rather the opposite... I've had low self-esteem issues since always and they pretty much kick up when no replies are meant to be seen after a few updates, and I can't help but brooding over and over about if I've done something wrong and if I did what was exactly my mistake...

I'm thankful to have readers and I don't intend to be pushy, but sometimes I just can't help it. So sorry for that.

And thank you, It's been a really devastating blow, specially since I worked there for almost five years and the current level of unemployment that my country has doesn't help either (there's more than 6.000.000 of unemployees (1/8th of my country's current population aprox.)). Finding a new job will be tough...real tough, in the best case scenario it will most likely take me several months (in the worst it could take even years).
I thought I would be able to take it better, but it messed with head severely. I became moody and way more volatile than usual (to the point that I could barely refrain myself from snapping violenty at two staffers at once).
I guess I'll be putting this story on a hiatus until my head simmers down, since nothing decent can come up with my current status (When I'm in the mood for writing I don't have time to do so, when I have plenty of time I don't have the heart to put all that time to good use... Some writer I am, huh...)

About my question... You might have a point there...
It wouldn't change that much on the Unova arcs (I pretty much have my starters decided, regardless of the changes they suffer on Drayano's hacks) but for the Johto arc the situation is much different.
The teams would change greatly if I favor Sacred Gold over Heart Gold, starting on the starter (in Heart Gold I would choose Cyndaquil and I have already decided her name (All my Cyndaquils have always been female and something tells that they will always be), personality and backstory (which might change depending on if my "Knuxdoking" makes it to the end on Fire Red or dies along the way)... However in Sacred Gold I would chose Totodile instead and I have decided his name and personality).
But other things would vastly differ such as my team... Sacred Gold and Storm Silver are hard as hell, but also really forgiving in some ways, since you can get other regions starters easily (by the time I get to fight Whitney I could easily have a Combusken or a Monferno), you get Eevee just before meeting Mr.Pokemon (meaning that I could get either a Glaceon or a Jolteon just before fighting Falkner)... not to mention that the game rewards you with some extremely kickass Pokémon on the early routes such as Ralts, Riolu, Makuhita, Gible, Bagon, Beldum, Shroomish...

While on Heart Gold the most oustanding Pokémon I could get early on are either a Wooper or a Mareep (both of them are awesome), a Nidoran and if I'm lucky enough an Abra.
Yeah...gameplay wise it's easier... way easier... But making a solid team would take me way longer and that's kind a challenge aswell...

Thank you for dropping by... and for being there...

@ axc_o-> Welcome, it's really nice to see you here agains.
Thanks for voting and don't expect to see poképhilia here though ^^ (If I had chosen a Moémon game based on Fire Red instead of Fire Red I would have established a Glenn x Ignis shipping though... but only on a romantic level though).

.P.S.: If by the time I finish the Kanto Arc the draw still reamins I'll break it by giving my vote.

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 5:57 pm
by axc_o
it's fine pal, I actually would prefer if you don't write nothing alike that topic. I already have too much of that inside my head and have been reading some non-H crossover fanfic to clean my mind of those forbidden, lustful, furry, scaly, slimy...thoughts!

Re: Aiming to the Top (Arc I: Kanto)

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:39 pm
by Kaijin
-Reserved for new content-