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Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:16 pm
by Hood
Well...Acually, right now, I have not written anything because I have no idea about how to include Gramps, Nuru and Juliette and what to do about Lotan and Shanon so...I'm open to suggestions (I was waiting for more opinions and ideas but it seems that I´ll have to take this matter in my own hands...If I ever recover the desrire and the inspiration...damn, when I say I'm goning to writte something, and when I finally gather the energy to teake a seat in front of my laptop... I just keep staring at the fuckin inspiration fellas...sigh)

And just for laughs: "Rise of the Baby Slime"...once more:
Spoiler: show
“Mom…what happened with aunt Jenn. You know I have been with Robert all the time. How is she???”

“Well… you see…” She replied her daughter as she tried to hold on Juliette.

“Don’t tell me she…” The lesser succubus screamed as a lump began to form in her throat.

“No, no…she is fine but…I really don’t know how to say this” The succubus sighed while she was holding the extremely pissed off Alice

“What are you trying to tell me, mom???” Amy asked worried.

“Sigh…you better see it for yourself” Levi and her daughter walked towards the door dragging Juliette with them (who, by the way, extended her left arm and made an obscene gesture with her middle finger, specially dedicated to her brother). “Amy, Jenn is fine but…” Levi opened the door and before she could continue with her explanation…


A desperate scream pierced the air and a small grinning mass of purple appeared out of nowhere and oozed her way at (almost) supersonic speed, disappearing from the sight of the succubi trio.

“Was…was that Nuru???” Amy asked confused.

"No…that IS NOT Nuru” Levi said with a “I don´t care anymore" expression.

Before the lesser succubus could ask anything else, a fast succession of footsteps could be heard. Like the little mass of purple, Lotan appeared out of nowhere running as fast as her legs allowed her. Her expression was one of ubber ¿joy? ¿happiness? Blood was dripping from her nose as her mouth let out some disturbing words.

“But sweetie, you´ll look sooo cute in weresheep pajamas!!!!

In mere seconds, the lilim disappeared too. Amy simply said.

“What the fuck...was that?..."

The Cretaceous Period, a time when the world was ruled by the most fearsome predator that ever walked the Earth…Lilimsaurus Regina!!!

The L-Reg has been forced to this remote place from her usual hunting grounds, something passed through her territory, something…desirable. Thanks to this, she hasn’t eaten for days. But at last, she has finally found a potential…prey; but the L-Reg is cautious; she has never seen a creature like this before. But…something...drives her on.

The L-Reg has a clear weight advantage, so her prey feigns, extending her purple appendages to give the illusion that she is larger than she really is. But the L-Reg isn’t buying it, so the slimy creature tries a different tactic. An ear piercing cry that carries for miles:


To this predator’s sensitive ears, the sound is extremely painful, but the L-Reg is still not persuaded, so, she charges against her prey and………hugs her.

The succubus Leviathan rubbed her eyes and immediately tells her beloved adoptive daughter, the (now) lesser succubus Amanda, A.K.A. Amethyst, A.K.A. Amy. “Didn´t you feel a “Discovery Channel” vibe a few seconds ago”.

The lesser succubus, who was speechless, simply said “Huh, huh”
And the next thing they heard was an ear piercing cry.

“Lemme goooooo, you crazy biiiich!!!!” The purple little mass of cuteness cried with all her might as she fought with both arms and 2 pairs of purple appendages against her pale skinned foe.

“There, there, little slimes should not talk to mommy the way you just did” The lilim said as she took the little slime girl in her arms and walked away. Her eyes were exorbitantly open and her face was wearing a huge smile, or better said, a huge grin.

“Guess what mamma got for you!!! Your own wererabbit and werebear pajamas!!! Oh, you will look soooo cute in those…and let’s not forget about dinner, I got gallons and gallons of Holstaurus milk just for you. But if you do not wish to drink that milk, you can always drink mommy's own milk…Oh, such memories!!!”

When Leviathan and Amy were finally noticed by the baby slime, she looked back at them in a pitiful way that gives the impression she was begging to be rescued.

“So…….That’s not…Nuru……if I got it right” Amy asked her mother, although her mind was still coated with confusion.

“No Amy… that wasn’t Nuru” With her eyes closed and rubbing her temples, Leviathan answered to her youngest daughter. “Nuru’s color is not…purple”

At that precise moment, the lesser succubus recalled the scene where her Dark Slime aunt changed forms. And if her memory does not fail her, aunty became purple for a few seconds before became “all armed”

“Mo-mom…I… believe I’m about to say something…well… stupid and…almost unbelievable but…” Amy babbled.

“Sweetie, sometimes, the most ridiculous and unbelievable answers, are the right ones” Leviathan said as her eyes remained closed while she whispered “I could kill for a crepe and a cappuccino right now…oh! Here comes a big one…” She rubbed her temples one more time.

“Mom…I-I believe that little…little…little…” She didn´t know how to call her own aunt.

“Slime” Her mother told her. The succubus placed her hand on her forehead. “Dark Slime to be precise”

“We-well… I… believe…I believe that little…dark…slime” She gulped “Its aunt Jenn!!!”

Amy could not believe her own words but what she couldn't even believe, was when her mother silently nodded. That little gi...slime… was her aunt; her easy going and happy aunt, the ADULT woman who always gave her super violent and sick games as a present, reverted to a child.

Whit the veins in her forehead throbbing, the lesser succubus screamed “What the hell is this, the fucking cartoons??? What the fuck happened???” Leviathan placed her right hand over her daughter’s shoulder. “Amy I seriously believe that we should return to the bedroom; I think I brought back some aspirins from home and they’re inside my purse and…..and where is Juliette?”
“Well there is the evidence and we' re finally at the medical headquarters...sigh...Thank you so much Primera and….” But before she could complete the sentence, both succubus and werewelf attention was redirected to a small dark slime baby, dressed in a white, one piece jumpsuit who was crawling in front of them, whistling “We are the champions”. After a few minutes, the baby passed them and disappeared in the immense corridor.

“That is something you do not see every day” Primera said as Wilmarina nodded.

Meanwhile, and after two aspirins, Leviathan left her bedroom only to find herself face to face with her “Pedomorphosed” little Dark Slime sister.

Baby Jenn raised her right hand, like trying to say “Hello” She saluted her "big sister" with sonorous “Yo!!!”

“Jenn!!!” Leviathan happily said as she smiled back at her now baby sister. Jenn rose both arms, pointing them to her sister. “You want me to carry you? OK, fine!!!” The succubus took her baby sister in her arms and then asked “And how did you get away from mother???”
A huge grim took shape on Jenn’s face and from within her pajamas, she took out a broken rattle and showed it to her sister. Leviathan’s expression was priceless; she simple managed to say “Oooookaaayyy…”

At that same time, Primera and Wilmarina had found an unconscious Lotan with a really nasty bruis on her head.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:14 am
by Kmon13
Oh you redone this one too .... Cool!!! :nosebleed: :goodjob:

Hope you finish up soon the last chapter left it on a cliffhanger.. :^^:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:28 pm
by Hood
A typical evening at the Levine household...
Spoiler: show

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 10:22 pm
by Vendettadabeast
Dear god,the debauchery.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 3:37 am
by BlueSalamander
well a fun time it is

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 4:21 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
For a second there I thought that was another boy. :x But then I saw the small boobs. Naughty Succubus~

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:22 am
by Hood
Last chance...relative or not, here we go!!!

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:16 pm
by Vendettadabeast
You know what just to save you from changing a whole buchof stuff,I say leave Lotan as a relative. I know I said make her a friend,but dammit I'm used to her being the perverted grandmother, so keep her as is.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:25 am
by Kmon13
I agree with Vendetta Leave Lotan as the perverted Granny and just run with it!!! :perv: :goodjob: :haha: :nosebleed:

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:06 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
*looks around* >> << >> Dammit. I can't find the "Moar" button. I think I broke it.
┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ GRAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Keep her as a relative.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:54 am
by BlueSalamander
i whit them keep her grandma

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:40 am
by Hood
It’s been a while… For those following this, my apologies; since I wanted to rewrite the story I’ve been thinking what to change and what not…Anyway, for those who have already read the old version, you’´ll notice the changes.

Spoilers… but they might help you to understand what is going to happen next.
Spoiler: show
Now, if you remember correctly, a new challenger entered the arena in the last chapter. Some of you might have notice what she is already. Why to include such a powerful being in the story? Well, for starters, I thought “What if she isn’t that powerful? What would happen if her back story was similar to that of Francesca? A semi-rejected princess. Where does this idea came from? Well, I have been thinking, what if mommy and daddy are so busy screw..ehem…creating more daughters to maintain the actual balance? Do they even know them? Do they really care for them? Do they have the time or will to spend even a few minutes with their daughters? What if their lack of “parenthood” made that some of them turned slightly bad *cough-D-cough* or some of them don´t even know how to use their powers? Or maybe, the first born daughters are the only mothers the late daughters have known in their entire life? Can you imagine another princess, raised by certain other princess? Maybe some princess that was just there, without being truly noticed, something like "Just be quiet and don't bother me!!!"

And another thing, remember, humans from our world, while sexually compatible with succubi and other monster girls, are a totally different species than those from the girls original world…so, expect a few differences in the way they (us?) react to Demonic Energy, there won’t be only lust. Just keep this in mind; the humans from MGE world were created while we evolved.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:47 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
Don't make this sad or too dramatic now. I'm looking forward to a happy family but with some problems, not something that makes me depressed.

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:37 pm
by Hood
It will be happy, don´t worry, bu first they have to overcome the initial obstacles...

Re: Walking Among Us

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:46 pm
by Hood
Okay...I sent the chapter for proofreading, cause...well, you'll see, anyway, here is the new chapter, and when I finally receive the corrected version I'll change this version for the corrected one.
P.S. I hate old english :wall:
P.S. 2 Got that "too few characters" error again

Chapter 09 Mother's sins
Spoiler: show
“Hello Leviathan, I have not seen thou in a while, DAUGHTER OF MINE.” The other succubus said while she is seated on what seemed to be a sphere made of black oil. The blackness of the sphere contrasted with the whiteness of this woman’s skin, which only accented her blood red eyes and her jet black hair. This woman was almost naked, only covering her body with a long, thin, white robe that seemed to be made of fine silk; her most private spots were covered with her soft, shiny and beautiful black hair.

“Lo-tan…” Leviathan exclaimed surprised.

“Lo-tan… How rude of thou my child? Calling thine mother by her name?”The beautiful and pale skinned woman said as the strange sphere she was sit on began its descent.

“Were you not used to be a good mother?” Leviathan angrily retorted to her as Lo-tan, the other woman, got off from her “seat” while she clenched her fists.

“What do you want?” The succubus matron shouted at the pale skinned succubus who, with a snap of her fingers, made the repulsive sphere that she used as her seat to disappears.

“Thou sure DO have a really nice family, mine child. I only came to meet the cute grandchildren of mine, although they are simple human kids, the fact that they are thine children, make them relatives of mine too. Aaaah, my cute, beloved grandchildren…” The pale skinned succubus giggled, covering her mouth with the sleeve of her coat.

“Do not even dare to lay a finger on my children, Lo-tan!” Leviathan screamed mad as she pointed her finger to Lo-tan. Immediately, she assumed a fighting stance while her nails slowly grow, turning into the fearsome blade-sized claws that distinguished her from the succubi.

“Mmmmmh… Leviathan, child… What could thou possibly do in thy actual, weakened state; how long hath it been since the last time thou shared thy bed with a good man, and if thee already did, was his energy and essence good enough to maintain thy powers in a level high enough for thee to have no chance against me, a Lilim.” Lotan was right, a Lilim could be considered an enhanced version of a succubus, a really enhanced one. As direct descendants of the Demon Lord, they have vast amounts of power at their disposal.

And in this world’s time and age, human men do not posses enough spiritual energy for normal succubus to maintain her powers. In other world and times, with only one or two men, succubi could gather enough spiritual energy to keep their abilities. But in this land and present time, men lacked spiritual energy of enough quality that even if they lay down with 10 or 12 men, the spirit energy acquired was not enough to achieve their true levels of power from the old days. That and you have to add the fact the Demon Lord was not present in this world.

Leviathan knew Lotan was right. It has been almost ten years since the last time she feed, and that guy’s spiritual energy was not exactly the most delicious one. She was about to speak when suddenly, she could feel something coming down her throat. She fell on her knees, coughing uncontrollably as she tried to grasp some air.

“Finally…” Lo-tan said with a grin.

“What…What did you… do to me?” Leviathan coughed.

“I did nothing, but remember, we are inside thy head, daughter of mine, are thou not curious to know what is happening in the outside world, and by the way, how are thou feeling right now, after ‘that’ went through thy throat” The beautiful and pale skinned Lilim asked.

“That…What are you…” when Leviathan rose up from the ground, she could feel herself. Actually, a lot better than she had been felling in the last few months, “What, what is this? Why do I feel this good, this strong? What-what is happening in the real world?” Leviathan demanded to know.

Lo-tan lifted her left hand and formed an orb made of light began to take shape on her palm. When it was complete, it floated into the air, towardsLeviathan. When it was finally positioned in front of her face, the orb shined, “Are thou sure thee want to know what is happening?” Lo-tan slightly grinned on her face and asked in which Leviathan nodded firmly.

The orb showed images, images of what was happening at that precise moment in the material world.When Levi saw the events taking place in the real world, she fell on her knees again and hands on her face she screamed.


“And I thought thou lacked the necessary requirements to become a great succubus, but look at thyself, my child. Giving an extraordinary blowjob to thy own son, Leviathan, I can proudly say that thou have surpassed me.” Lotan smiled out of satisfaction, all while blushing furiously at the same time.

In the material world, Robert was receiving a world end’s blowjob, courtesy of his own mother, who continued sucking the entire length of his member with incredible devotion.

“This-This is for mom’s sake, right? She… oohhh... she will be… fine after this, right? Oh mom! I… I don’t know what to think… oh yes, nnnghh! You are…my mother and…it is not…supposed for a mother and child to…oh fuck... do this but… but… aaahhh! This feels so fucking good!”

Robert was struggling with his feelings, the guilt of having his own mother sucking his member, and the pleasure of having his own succubus mother continue to service him with her mouth. Robert harbored a little crush for his own mother, even if it was a bit shameful for him to admit.

When Robert was 14 he returned home from jogging in the park. Amy fell asleep while watching TV when he got home. When he saw her sleeping, he covered his adoptive sister with a blanket and placed a pillow under her head before he headed towards the bathroom. When he finally got inside to take a shower, the most marvelous of sights surprised him. His mother was there who was in the nude. Her naked, mature, beautiful body was so magnificent. His mother’s body was shining glamorously with the water that coated it. Her soft and bright jet, black hair is wet, soaked with water, and flowing like a sensual waterfall of darkness falling down her back. Her beautiful and firm breast bouncing as she walked near the door to get her towel to dry herself with. Her flat abdomen and rounded firm thighs moving rhythmically with each step given by her slender and perfect legs and finally, her pink, shaved pussy. It really was a sight to behold.

Robert was immobile, that sight was too much for him to bear. Suddenly, Levi turned her head and her eyes met her son’s own eyes. Instead of the typical “What are you doing here?” or “Get out of here?”, she simply said “Oh, hi sweetie. I just got out of the shower, it’s all yours now”. Then, she simply took all the time of the world to dry herself, grabbed a little bath coat and got out of the bathroom like if have been seen naked by her son was the most natural thing in the world.

Robert remained in the same position, stiff like stone for almost ten minutes before the spell was finally broken. He then undressed, entered the shower… and masturbated furiously while he imagined his own mother in sexy and indecent poses.

For the next five months, Robert kept with the routine of masturbating while thinking about his own mother. He even began to spy on her while she was sleeping or when she was coming out of the shower. To think about her forbidden body lying above the sheets was breathtaking.

But a day came when the three of them were watching a movie on TV. The said movie was about the story of a mother who went through hell just to be reunited with her missing children.
Robert enjoyed the show in end, but he could never imagine what would happen next. When he was about to leave for the kitchen to grab a glass of water, he suddenly felt the embrace of his mother. Her face was buried in his chest and her eyes were filled with tears. Amy was also hugging her adoptive mother with all her might and like Levi, she was crying out loud.

He couldn’t avoid feeling an immense guilt and he couldn’t avoid feeling like he was the worst and lowest human being ever. When everything was back to normal, he left to his room and cried through all night, face buried in his pillow. Fortunately for him, Amy slept with her mom that night. That same night, he made a choice that when Amy is able to take good care of her own full time, he would leave home to join the army and allow his mother and sister to live a normal life.

A month ago, he took his first step in his own personal quest for independence (or better said redemption). Since he knew his mother would never allow him to join the army because he was a minor, he tricked his aunt Jenn into signing a permit for joining the army. Robert told her it was a permit for a school trip and since he knew his aunt would be very busy with her work. At that moment she just signed it mechanically, only saying “There, now get out of here, I’m quite busy right now.”

Now that Amy was finally able to take care of her own normally, he was ready to leave for the Army. If he passed the test, he will not be seeing his mother and sister for a long time. Failure to join the Army was not his option so, he must succeed. But nobody expected that this series of events could happen.

Of course, Leviathan was unaware of her son’s plans, but was quickly catching up thanks to her mother, the Lilim Lo-tan.

“He… he was thinking about… joining the army? No! Anything but that! It’s not his fault, it was mine! I always… always dressed so sexy in front of him, and allowed him to see me naked without any complain several times! But… but that was because… because…” Leviathan tried to find some kind of explanation or even an excuse.

“Because, as a succubus, thou did not see anything wrong with a bit of skin ship with thine children and I, for one, know about it out of experience. But, what I really like to know, child, is how a succubus was able to become the mother of two human children?”

Still on her knees, the succubus babbled.

“I found them… I did not give birth to any of them.” she said as she kept her eyes glued to the ground.

“Ooooh, I see…bastard children then?” The lilim cooed and grinned mischievously at her for a second in order to dodge “something” that Leviathan threw at her.

When Lo-tan placed her surprised eyes on her daughter once more, she was able to witness how something that Leviathan literally crafted from the thin air and dissolved into nothing. The only thing she could appreciate about that vanishing object was its length. It looked like a black, slender and metallic “stick”. Whatever that thing was, the lilim knew it possessed the necessary strength to rip her head from her shoulders if she let her guard down once more.

“Le-Levi…” Lo-tan growled at her with a voice that is mixed with rage and fear.

“I know… I know that I may never be able to equal you in power but if you dare to insult my children one more time…” she seethed at her, her rage becoming more and more uncontrollable every second, “I assure you that I will make you regret your mistake of speaking of them with such derogatory words for all your life!” The succubus screamed with anger, her beautiful face distorted by her inner rage.

“How…how dare thou…How dare thou to attack thine own mother?” the Lilim did not take the threats of her own flesh and blood, “On your knees, now! “ immediately, the matron succubus felt an immense pressure from above and forcing her to remain on her knees. Her efforts to stand were futile as the force that is bearing down on her is too strong for her to even resist.

She lost the count of how many times she tried to get up was simply futile. The pressure was immense; she only managed to leave out a hard groan. When she finally was able to lift her head and face her mother she saw something unexpected. A third,red blazing eye appeared on her mother’s forehead.

“If thou not desire to share with thy mother the truth about thy children, I’ll take it by thine self!” The lilim exclaimed with an authoritative tone in her voice. From within Lotan’s third eye, a crimson beam was projected towards Leviathan, landing on the succubus own eyes.

Levi entered into some sort of trance. Images began to take form, but this time, they appeared inside Lo-tan’s head. She saw a trail, surrounded by many trees, at the left a huge lake, a park to be precise. In front of her, her daughter, the succubus Leviathan appeared while walking through the park, wearing a scowl on her face. She was able to hear her daughter’s thoughts.

“To hell with this world and its humans, I should go and fuck some assholes until there’s not a single trace of spirit energy inside of their rotten carcasses. Why do I need that much experience just for mopping a floor? I swear that I’ll…” But some estranges noises caught the attention of both mother and daughter. It was the voice, or better said, screams of a woman. Once more, curiosity killed the succubus.

Slowly making her way through the bushes and trees, the disguised succubus saw a young couple at the shores of the lake Lo-tan saw before. The young woman was pregnant and what both mother and daughter witnessed next took them by surprise like no other thing before.

The young man was hitting the girl’s pregnant belly, and what Levi heard next literally frozed the blood in the succubus veins.

“What are you waiting for? Hit it! Hit it with all your strength! We have to get rid of it now!” the young woman screamed madly.

“But…” The young man looks rather worried. It seemed he wasn’t totally agreed with what they were doing.

“Do you have any idea what my father will do to us if he finds out that I´m pregnant?” the woman yelled once more. She keeps staring at her partner, waiting for him to do something. Both of them remained still for almost three minutes. The succubus also kept looking at them with curiosity. But what came next literally terrorized the succubus.

“If you’re not going to do it then I’ll do it myself!” With an expression filled with rage and madness, the teenage girl raised her arm and violently brought her fist down on her belly. The succubus couldn’t believe it, a mother trying to get rid of her own offspring. Immediately she began to remember all that horror stories her mother used to tell her and her adoptive dark slime little sister.

“Most humans, my daughters, especially the ones from this strange world we’re trapped in, do not care about their own children and mates. They’re more than capable to get rid of their own descendants, just for money or because they feel their own children are bother. The same applies with their mates, for money, for a simple desire, craving and impulse. Human men and women are capable to abandon their mates or even take their lives.”

Little Levi always heard those stories covered head to toe with her blankets. Jennevieve was simply too small to comprehend her mother words. She simply stared at her while sucking her huge pacifier. Lo-tan kept going.

“Worst of all my children, there are those women, who, while consumed by lust, are capable to abandon their entire families without a care for the damage they create and they pain and suffering they leave behind. They abandon everything they knew, everything they forged, every life they created, just to satisfy their lust. At that precise moment my daughters, they simply ceased to exist, like the dark angels who attach an immense quantity of runes to their bodies. They only exist to quench their thirst for lust and that of their new masters. They lost the sense of who they are and what is their path in life.”

Levi stared at her mother with eyes wide open as a thriller traveled through her entire body. The lilim continued “We succubi, are often called slaves of lust, but be not tricked children. Lust is our tool, our weapon, our mastery and our ally. We are in no way its slaves but their masters. Those poor human women and men are really their slaves not us.”

Back to the lake, the succubus kept watching the scene while thinking, “You said all that, but why?”

For a moment, Levi thought “That’s not my business; leave the humans alone with their own issues…” But at the same time, fear and desperation were growing inside them. Totally synchronized with her daughters feelings, Lo-tan could feel how all that fear, slowly was turning into anger. But the last straw was reached when the young man said…

“Fine, Fine…I’ll do it…” And he bends to take a rock from the shore. Until this day, Leviathan barely remembers what happened then. What she knows, is that the next moment, she was holding the youngster’s wrist, slowly crushing it while she kept the girl on hold, driving her razor sharp nails through the flesh of her shoulder. She was in her full succubus form.

“Oh my God… oh my God! The demon has come to punish us! Aaah! Aaah!” But that scream, was the last thing that escaped from the youngster throat before Levi’s eyes shone in a purple light and he lost consciousness. She tossed him on the cold sand of the lake shore. The poor gal was too scared to talk.

“Let’s make a deal…” the succubus coldly said to the girl.

Re: Walking Among Us (Chapter 09 Posted)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:58 pm
by Vendettadabeast
Oh, now this is interesting,I like the new spin on how Levi adopted Robert,it totally makes sense and adds more drama and emotion to the story.

Re: Walking Among Us (Chapter 09 Posted)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:46 am
by Kmon13
Wow so that how Robert ended up in Levi's care interesting from the last one still I like how she made her introduction the Roberts former parents and how Lotan explained the world to her.

Keep it up.

Re: Walking Among Us (Chapter 09 Posted)

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:33 pm
by Hood
I finally received the corrected version. It's already posted.
Thanks a lot to WodanYmirthe2nd for the proofread.

Re: Walking Among Us (Chapter 09 Posted)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:12 am
by BlueSalamander
Oh damn very nice twist of fate there I like I like a lot

Re: Walking Among Us (Chapter 09 Posted)

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:07 pm
by Hood
Now you guys understand why Levi was so reluctant, in the old version about telling people how she got Robert?
Anyway, glad you like it