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Blackninja First steps Chapter (4) part 1

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 10:11 pm
by Katsoro
warning adult ONLY contains human death (maybe some monster girls but I don't plan on it) some mild language, sexual themes, mild/high violence, human monster girl relationships, and some vary sad sens.

This is my first try at writing hopw you like it. Advice is welcome but I'm kind of lazy and don't like editing so if I don't take it, it's nothing personal or anything. The setting is mostly the MG Encyclopedia world with some content from my own custom MG would as wall as some Custom Profiles.
Custom Profiles used: Werecoyote.

Chapter (1) The biter hand of fate (edited by Tsar CUBE)
Spoiler: show
Men give their lives for all kinds of, lust, fame, land, revenge, some random chick they just met or maybe for love....but there are some who wont give it up... not without one hell of a fight first. -some random dude in a tavern

It was February seventh of the two hundred and ninety seventh year of the new demon lord Lilith's reign. An extremely overcast and dreary day in the new Germania Plains.

It was on this day that nineteen year old Katsoro's world got turned on its head. Katsoro was about four foot eight inches tall, his hair was black with green highlights and was vary unkempt and dirty, he had lightly tanned skin and his eyes were light brown with a slight glint to them. He was wearing a simple black wool tunic, that had been cut down so it only reached his waist and black wool pants with a lather belt around his waist.

Katsoro was laying on his belly in a small patch of grass, choking and crying, out in front of him was a small village. The village just an hour ago had been a lively human settlement made up of wood and mud brick houses, three stone granaries and a population of two hundred and sixteen people. now it was just a burning slaughterhouse, bodies of people and livestock scattered everywhere, the granaries' doors were broken down, their contents gone.

In the distance Katsoro could see the last of the bandits that had just pillaged, raped, killed and plundered everything, laughing at how much they had plundered. With them was a group of wagons loaded with all the village's wealth and food along with most of the village women. Katsoro tried to get up and run after them but his body was frozen in fear and shock. Only an hour ago he had stormed off into the plains due to having a vary heated argument with his father.

After cooling down Katsoro had headed back to the village only to find it on fire and bandits finishing off the last of the village men. Katsoro had always practiced fighting and thought of himself as being brave but when he was faced with the possibility of a brutal death at the hands of the bandits he had hid himself in the grass. But now that he had got himself back under control he was regretting hiding with all his heart.

After taking a deep breath Katsoro stood up and looked at his home in the middle of the village, it was a had three rooms, was wooden with a dirt floor and it was burning. And He could see the body of his father laying ten feet in front of it, lifeless, a large bloody cut running across his chest. Katsoro looked around disparately but he did not see any evidence of his mother or older sister.

After failing to find the bodies of his mother or sister, Katsoro left the patch of grass he was hiding in and started running towards his house, yelling and calling out “mom! Hana! Where are you?” but no one answered. Katsoro's blood started to run cold as the terrible realization that every one was either dead or taken as slaves dawned on him.

Katsoro was about to cry but stopped himself and started thinking as calmly as he could 'okay not everyone is dead, I know that those wagons had most of the women in them so there is a chance that mom and Hana are okay. And As far as I know they wont kill the women no the fact that they took them means they plan to sell them as slaves. What's more a few of village men wear off in the near by towns so they should be okay' Katsoro's thoughts stopped when he saw the village elder's body laying in a puddle of blood next to one of the granaries but with no wounds that Katsoro could see.

Katsoro quickly ran over to the elder's body to check if he was still alive but after turning him over he found that his throat was slit. Katsoro laid the elder's body back down and sat on the ground next to him not saying anything for a moment then said “ always said that violence can't solve anything well” Katsoro looked at the destroyed village and said “but....I don't give a damn anymore, this is it, I'm never running or hiding again I'll kill anything that gets in my way I'll-”

Katsoro was interrupted by someone sobbing. Katsoro listened and herd the sobbing somewhere behind him. He spun around looking to see were it was coming from but he didn't see anyone so he called out “Is anyone there?”. In response, more sobbing coming from under a broken cart. Katsoro ran over to the broken cart and turned it over to find Shampoo laying there crying. Shampoo was a seven year old Werecat, she had rad-orange hair, her eyes were light green, she was roughly four feet tall. Shampoo was wearing a simple fur strap as a bra and pink wool shorts.

Eight years ago Shampoo's mom had showed up badly hurt and hungry. The villagers were not too keen on having a Werecat staying there. However after Shampoo was born, no one could bring them self to chase her off into the unforgiving plains to die. So the villagers had let her stay their from then on. But a year later when Shampoo's mom died, the villagers almost abandoned her. Luckily Katsoro had convinced them to let her stay on the promise that he would find a way to get rid of her before she grew up and started attacking men. That or they would just have to feed Katsoro to her, most of the villagers still thought mamono eat humans.

Shampoo looked up at Katsoro and sobbed “ the they kil-”. “I know” Katsoro said grabbing Shampoo's head and held her as she cried into his arms. Katsoro looked at the burning houses and granaries; instead of crying again, his face twisted into a determined glare of rage. Katsoro looked back at Shampoo and said “I swear I will never hide or run from anyone or anything ever again so don't cry because I'll never leave you I'll always be here for you so don't cry.” Shampoo looked into his eyes sniffing and trying to hold back the tears. Katsoro gently wiped the tears from Shampoos eyes and added “I'll protect you”.

Shampoo nodded but continued crying into Katsoro's Chest. Katsoro and Shampoo sat there for another three hours until Shampoo stopped crying and Katsoro had to change his tunic, which proved problematic as all of his stuff had burned to the ground in his house. Katsoro sighed and said “Great I let almost all of the houses burn down, now I can't even get clean clothes” then took off his tunic and laid it out to dry. But after taking off his tunic Katsoro turned around to see Shampoo staring at him like a scared cat holding a rag she was going to use to whip her face off with.

Katsoro looked at Shampoo in confusion and said “What's wrong?” Shampoo shook her had and said “Ho? Nothing, it's just that you're actually really well built for someone so short, now it looks like your stocks have gone up again, I'll need to invest in you”. After Shampoo said this the blood vessels on Katsoro's forehead puffed up angrily and he stormed off to find a shovel saying “I'm NOT short! I'm just compact, there is a difference”.

After Katsoro had dug graves and Shampoo gathered any food and supplies she could find, they both set to the task of placing all the dead in the graves and performing the proper burial ceremonies for all the dead save for Katsoro's father who was unceremoniously dumped into a sallow grave. After this was done, Shampoo asked Katsoro “Why didn't we do anything special for you dad, Nya?” Katsoro turned to Shampoo shrugged and said “He is one that always said not to waste time on fancy graves and that burial ceremonies to prevent the dead from coming back as undead is a waste of time, so I didn't give him one. Besides he was the kind of guy that would not die even if you killed him, so for all I know he might just get back up so it's best this way”.

Shampoo shook her head, her arms held rigid strait down, her tail pointing up like a mad cat and said “No Katsoro you HAVE to performing the proper burial ceremonies, if you don't the dead will never find peace and will roam the land of the living and turn into a ghost and come back to haunt you, Nya”. Katsoro put his hand on Shampoo's head and said “Ho, so that's it, I see now you're afraid of ghosts, that's what this is all about isn't it? You think my dad will come back and haunt you right?”. Shampoo started crying that she was not afraid of ghosts but Katsoro now knew she was.

Unbeknown to Katsoro thirty feet behind him was a very pissed off ghost. Who now could not move on thanks to his dumb ass son, his story would be one of legend but that is a story for a different time.

Altogether one hundred and thirty two people wear dead and eighty four people wear missing. By the time Katsoro and Shampoo were done burying all the dead it was night time. Katsoro simply collapsed and fell asleep where he was. Shampoo curled up into a ball and laid down next to Katsoro and after some time was able to fall asleep too.

The next morning Katsoro woke up, a warm and soft felling in his arms. at first he was confused as to why it was so warm outside but the moment he felt something moving against him it became all too clear. He and Shampoo were snuggling together in a totally uncool fashion something Katsoro cloud NOT accept.

When Katsoro was a child he had always needed something to hold when he slept, like a pillow, an extra blanket or most of the time his older sister, who would beat the hell out of him every time she found him in her bed.

Katsoro almost went to tears from thinking about his family. The fact that they were gone was almost too much for him, however the fact that he looked like some total perverted Lolicon pansy right now using Shampoo for a hugging pillow was much more important. Shampoo woke up to the sound of Katsoro running around in embarrassment and shame like the headless chicken he was and yelling “it's nothing, I did nothing. Last night was just a by chance its not the norm itsnotlikeihaveaLoliconcomplexoranythingit'sjustyounohogodessitsnotmyfaultyouheremeitsnotmyfault”.

Shampoo did not try to make any sense out of what Katsoro was saying since he did it all the time when Hana found him in her bed using her as a hugging pillow. Needles to say, Shampoo was a heavy sleeper being a cat girl and was not much of a morning person.

After Katsoro calmed down and Shampoo woke up the rest of the way, they packed all the supplies Shampoo had gathered the day before into a pair of small fur bags and headed out into the new Germania Plains in search of the bandits, hoping to find a way to save the village women and hopefully find Katsoro's mother and sister.

Five hours later, Katsoro and Shampoo were in the middle of the new Germania Plains. The new Germania Plains were mostly flat lands with nothing but grass, a few small patches of trees and a handful of tiny streams. To the West was the Noemi Mountains, said to be crawling with Orcs and Ogres. To the North was the Demon Realm, home of Lilith and the source of all evil, that is if you are part of The Order.

To the East was the eastern Order, the lands of god and all that is good, that is if you are part of the Order and the kingdom of Ausfallen, a land torn by civil war and treachery. Finally to the South, were endless lands of swamp and forests simply known as the Slime Lands. Katsoro and Shampoo had started out by going North West following the tracks the bandits' wagons left. Sadly, Katsoro and Shampoo's tracking skills and sense of direction were the worst in the village.

So after a few hours, Katsoro and Shampoo were officially and totally lost. Shampoo was riding Katsoro piggyback, the bags they were using to carry the supplies in were tied together and hung over Katsoro's neck. Katsoro's face was covered in sweat and he was panting heavily.

“You okay Katsoro? Nya~” Shampoo asked Katsoro, a concerned look on her face. “Me? Oh yes, I'm fine just have two twenty pound bags, an eighty pound cat on my back, my home, family and friends are gone, I'm tired, ho, and I'm completely, totally and shitlessly lost” Katsoro replied a look of irritation on his face “I hungry Nya~” Shampoo said, clearly not hearing a word he said. Katsoro just looked over his shoulder at her but said nothing.

The silence was broken by a grumble from Shampoo's stomach, Katsoro glared at her and said “Piggy cat”. Shampoo looked in his eyes and asked “so I can have your food too? Nya~” Katsoro sighed and said in a irritated voice “I've been carrying you for five hours and in that time you ate half the food, were sleeping, using my clothes to blow your nose and being a general nuisance and now you want my food too?”.

Shampoo burped and said “Buuuuuut a girl needs her food and sleep Nya~” Katsoro sighed and said “make that two, ten pound bags and a one hundred pound cat.” Shampoo smiled and said “don't worry, I know where we are now Nya~”.

Katsoro looked at her dubiously and said “How's that? You got a map or some thing?”. Shampoo just smiled and said “we're fifty feet from those two girls, the ones with the BIG hammers Nya~”. Katsoro spun around and looked to see two Orcs coming towards them, both of them grinning ear to ear.

“Look at this, we found us a man, a nice cute one too” the first Orc said, she was about six foot tall and had a double headed stone war hammer. The Hammer's head was three feet long, one foot high and one foot wide, the shorter Orc was about five foot one inch tall and had a normal Orc single headed war hammer, half the size of the first one's.

Both of them had the biggest breasts Katsoro had ever seen, at least D cups, they looked so soft...and big...NO! NO! NO! what kind of shit am I thinking at a time like this? thought Katsoro while he stood there trying to get his mind and hormones under control. The taller Orc smiled at him and said in a sexy voice “hey there cutey, would you like to come home with me and be my sex slave? Don't worry I'll be real good to you”.

This was too much for Katsoro and he collapsed to the ground, blood coming out of his nose; his hormones now completely out of his control. Who cloud blame him most of the village girls would not look twice at him, saying he was “just too short to take seriously” or “you're cute and all but I need a MAN not a boy” Despite the fact he was nineteen, most men in the village had a wife or were looking for one by his age. So having the two hottest girls he had ever seen hit on him was way too much for him to handle.

Shampoo got off Katsoro's back, stretched her lags and waved to them and said “Um excuse me, this boy is lost and doesn't have any more food for me to eat, do you know a good place to get food and some rest? Nya~”. The tall Orc just looked at Shampoo puzzled. “Shampoo I don't think these are the people to ask directions from, I think these are the people to RUN from” Katsoro said and got back on his feet, getting ready to take off running. Shampoo looked at him puzzled and said “why? And what is it with men and asking for directions anyway? Nya~”

“Hmm, I don't know, maybe because they are going to beat the shit out of me, then rape me and use me as a sex slave for the rest of my life?” Katsoro asked sarcastically but Shampoo just looked back at Katsoro and bluntly said “and? What's so bad about that? Don't men love sex? It's not like you're still a virgin or anything like that Nya~”.

Katsoro stood there, not saying a word, his head turned red unable to speak. The short Orc giggled and said “well I gauss we should help the poor boy and take him back home with us, right big sis?” The tall Orc grinned and said “yes, let's get him”. Katsoro groaned and said “fuck, why me, why dose it got to be me?” then threw down the half empty fur bags, took a defensive stance and said “two on one and I don't even have a weapon, sounds like fun let's go girls”.

Chapter (2) Orcs Monster girls of honor
Spoiler: show
It is never hard deciding what happens next in a story, it is only hard finding a way to eloquently and properly say it.__Me

Completely lost, Katsoro was standing somewhere in the middle of the new Germania Plains two Orcs stood in front of him, war hammers ready to bit the shit out of him. Shampoo was running around laughing and singing, “His a virgin his a virgin but today he'll be a man his a virgin his a virgin but today he'll be a man Nya his a....” she stopped and looked at the Orcs puzzled then said, “whats a virgin Nya?”.

No one listened to Shampoo of course, no one really wanted to try explaining it. Katsoro didn't wait for the Orcs to make a move. Instead Katsoro ran at the short Orc yelling like a fool in sum kind of suicidal frontal attack. The short Orc simply lifted her hammer up, as if in slow motion and brought it strait down on the top of Katsoro's had with a loud smack.

Dissipate getting hit in the head with a eighty pound stone war hammer Katsoro didn't stop. he just capt coming at the short Orc charging into her and knocking her over. As the short Orc fall over she lost grip of her hammer but she was able to garb Katsoro by the had and pull him down with her.

However after Katsoro would not stand up and get off her she started yelling angrily, “GIT OFF ME DAMN IT!” blood was running all over her chest wait blood? The short Orc looked down to see Katsoro's stunned, his face bared in her breasts his nose bleeding uncontrollably. The Orcs could here Katsoro saying, “D cccccccccuuuuuuuup” like he was in some kind of trance.

The short Orc threw Katsoro back off her with a kick to the gut and the taller Orc met the top of his had with her hammer sending him flying past the short Orc and crashing to the ground. But Katsoro just rolled over and jumped back on his feet and just in time to doge a hammer swig aimed at his head from the short Orc.

Katsoro punched at the short Orc's face but instead hit her breasts instead resulting in a soft and sexy jiggle. “So sof-soft” Katsoro said, to over come by sexiness of the moment to see the tall Orc's hammer come slamming into his side sending him flying like a rage doll.

Katsoro crashed to the ground again but simply rolled over and jumped back to his feet rady to fight again. After resuming his fighting stance Katsoro ran back at the Orcs yelling, “I may be down but I'm not out.” The Orcs both held out their hammers ready to fight.

Katsoro charged the Orcs and trow a punch this time hitting the tall Orc in the hand successfully knocking her hammer out of her hand. But Just as Katsoro had disarmed the tall Orc the short Orc broped her hammer and grabbed him in a bare hug saying, “Now I've got you” and graining in victory. Katsoro's eyes flashed with green light and he said, “Ninja style move #001 quick escape” and then held his arms straight up and slid out of his tunic like a snake shading it's skin and jumped back laving the short Orc with his tunic.

~Serious ON~

Before the Orcs could react Katsoro took advantage of the fact they were now both disarmed and jumped into the air spinning like a knife and brought his lage down into the short Orc's had. The short i Orc sunk to the ground holding her head and whimpering in pain. The tall Orc picked her hammer back up and rushed at Katsoro swinging her hammer in a wiled attempt to hit him and ending the fight.

But Katsoro just retched behind himself caching the hammers head, then using it like a backwards vaulting hours he jumped over the hammer and brought his lags down garbing the Orc's head. Puling with his hands as hard as he could Katsoro was able to yanked the hammer out of the Orcs grip. Fulling back to the ground, Katsoro grabbed the handle of the hammer in his right hand and lifted it up, “This things Fricking heavy!” he said gasped then rushed at the renaming Orc.

The Orc tried to block Katsoro's attack but was to slow to stop it and Katsoro hit her on the head knocking her out in one blow.

The hole time Shampoo was standing there watching and crying, “DON'T ignored me I don't like to be ignored Nya”. Katsoro looked over at Shampoo smiled at her and said, “I was worried about you to, ho what why are there 4 of you? Whats up with that? every things spinning around” and with that Katsoro fall to the ground like a downed tree his head bleeding.

Katsoro looked up at the sky and said, “I see stars and birds why the hell is- Gaa bloods in my face” then wiped the blood off his face as the short Orc got back on her feet rubbing her head a pained look on her face.

The Orc looked at Katsoro and said, “ha what? did you think you took me out with that? sorry but I can't be defeated like that I'm a tough and brave Orc worrier. all I need to do is hit you one more time with my hammer and...” her hammer's handle was broken and the head was creaked down the middle. The Orc stood there silently looking at her broken hammer for a moment then said, “mmm my precocious hammer! it broken boo hoo” and with that she started crying uncontrollably like a lost kid.

Katsoro stuttered and said, “Erk it must have broken on my hard head. sorry about that it was a accident”. “you have one hard head Nya” Shampoo said graining.

Katsoro ignoring Shampoo got up and want over to the crying Orc then knelt down in front of her so he was at eye level and gently put his hands on her shoulders and said, “um sorry...about your hammer and hitting you in the head my bad”. The Orc looked at Katsoro still crying and said “it's not that you broke it it's that mother will get mad at me for braking my hammer again”.

Katsoro looked at the Orc is surprise and said, “what? But it's not your fault it broke well not kind of but if you tall her it was an accident. Wont-”. Katsoro was cut off as the Orc started crying harder and said “NO! I can't tall mother that it was an accident shell just spank me and yell at me for being so clumsy. This isn't the first time I broke a hammer so shell be really angry this time. Ho what am I going to do?”.

Katsoro pulled the Orc close and kissed her on the head. The Orc looked at him in surprise but before she said any thing Katsoro stood up and want back to the fer bags and dug out the handle of the shovel from the village. Why Shampoo packed it Katsoro had no clue Shampoo just did this kind of stuff.

Then want back to the Orc a completely serious look on his face held out the shovel handle and said, “ Here use this to replace the broken handle on your hammer then pack mud into the crack. That way your mother wont find out you broke it it's foolproof”. The Orc stopped crying and smiled then took the shovel head and said “Thank you I'll trasher it all my life”.

Katsoro blushed heavily and stood up saying, “Wa- it's not big deal. I don't need it it's just a you no it's-. Okay Shampoo it's time to go” he turned around and picked up the two fer bags. Clearly embarrassed by telling someone one of his 'foolproof' plans that never worked.

Katsoro stumbled over to Shampoo forgetting his tunic and said, “What are you waiting for? come on lats go”. Both Shampoo and the Orc were now both giggling at how embarrassed Katsoro was and how silly he had sounded. Just then the tall Orc cam to and sat up rubbing her head then looked over at her sister and said, “We lost?” the short Orc looked over at her sister and haply said, “yap! This boy just defeated us in battle and humiliated us”.

After hearing this the tall Orc stood up and grabbed her hammer then turned to Katsoro and said “come on sister were tough and brave Orc worriers so theirs only one thing we can do”. The short Orc stood back up then held up her hammer in a offensive stance and said, “I agree lats do this!”. By this point Katsoro was now panicked and stuttered, “Wha- what do you mean? What is THIS?”.

Nether Orc said a word they just started running at Katsoro. Shampoo smiled haply and said, “Don't worry this is just what always happens when you defeat a Orc Nya”. Katsoro's head was now filled with stories he was told as a kid about how Orcs would impale their enemies on posts and stand them up to slowly die and how Orcs would starch out their victims over a fire and burn them slowly to death and-.

With that Katsoro took off running for his life not wanting to know if the stories about Orcs were true The Orcs in hot pursuit hammers at the ready. Katsoro yelled to the Orcs over his shoulder as he ran, “I no your upset that I defeated you and broke you hammer and you must want revenge but please don't do this I'm to young to burn to death”. But the Orcs replied, “No way! You have defeated us so we must do this! So please stop running”.

Just then Shampoo called out, “What happened to never running away ever again Katsoro why aren't you standing and fighting Nya?”. Katsoro stopped in his tracks and turned to face the Orcs who had stopped as well. Just as Katsoro was getting ready to make his valiant last stand and fight to the death. The Orcs knelt down bowing their heads and holding up their hammers saying, “please accept this as a symbols of us loyalty to you Master”.

This was just too weird for Katsoro, the same Orcs that only seconds ago were trying to enslave him and turn him into a sex toy were now knelling down and calling him Master. When Katsoro said nothing the Orcs continued, “because you defeated us, you is Master now so we'll do anything and everything you want us too”.

Katsoro looked at the two kneeling Orcs suspiciously and said, “Um Okay so lat me get this strait you two the same girls that just moments ago wanted to bit the shit out of me, rap and make a sex slave out of. Are now my slaves because I hit you in the head?”.

The tall Orc smiled happily and said, “yap it only makes sense, you completely defeated us in battle and even spared are lives so we must serve you forever Master”. Katsoro stared in confession and said, “But all I did was hit you in the head, how dose that count as completely defeating you?”.

The tall Orc put her hands under her breasts pushing them up looking away pouting and said, “A loss is a loss my head hurts and Vriend said we lost so we lost”. Katsoro looked at her in confession and said, “Vriend?”. The tall Orc gasped in realization and said, “Ho no sorry Master I never even tolled you my name, my name is Beschermer and this is my little sister Vriend”.

Vriend looked up pervertedly smiling and said, “So Master, now that you understand would you like us strep down and take your virginity and have wild sex?”. At this Katsoro stumbled backwards almost falling over, blood pumping out of his nose stammering.

When Shampoo saw this she quickly garbed a bag of bloodstock, were she got it no one knows saying, “You going to need this Nya?”. Katsoro after regaining his footing and pinching his nose to stop the bleeding replied, “No I'm fine.....I think at lest but first” Katsoro stopped and wiped the blood off this face then continued, “do you know were we are?”.

Beschermer smiled, standing up and replied, “Yes Master of course I do we are in the Meddle of no Ware witch is the name we Orcs give too places were you can't see any landmarks”. Katsoro sighed in disappoint, resting his face in his hand and said ,“great so you're lost as well this is just perfect”.

Beschermer shook her head saying, “No Master, that's not true as long as we can see the sun is we know were we are”. Katsoro looked back at Beschermer saying, “and hows that?” Beschermer pumped her fists, a determined look on her face and said, “Because as long as you know what way is up you're never lost”. Katsoro was on the Virge of tears as he said, “that dose not help by any starch of the imagination is this the end am I doomed to just starve after only two chapters?

Beschermer patted Katsoro on the shoulder and said, “Don't worry Master, if we can just go in the direction the shadows point we'll get to were we need to go. Thats what my mom would tall me when we got lost as kids”. Katsoro took his face out of his hand and was about to speck but stopped when his eyes started to wonder down her body, her extremely sexy and hot body.

Beschermer's heir was light brown, eyes were aqua, her skin was a radish pink, she had a pig tail and big floppy pig ears. Her build was a little chubby but only slightly her wast however was nice and slim. Her breasts were definitely Ds at lest, they wear almost coming out of her bra although calling it a bra was being nice it was just a belt and a hard piece of lather. That and some lather shin guards, sandals, another belt around her wast and a lather loincloth, all held to gather with rope and buckles was all she had on.

Katsoro's gawking was interrupted by Vriend yelling, “HAY! don't just look at her! Master look at me too”. Katsoro stumbled back with a start saying, “No I wasn't I was just-” but stopped as he looked at Vriend. She was definitely a real looker too her hair was a grayish pink and she had the same aqua eyes, pig fetchers and skin color as Beschermer. But she was about three inches shorter and she did not have as thick limbs as her sister, however her breasts were just as big, soft looking and bouncy.

Seeing that Katsoro was now looking at her Vriend smiled and said, “Don't worry Master their Ds just like my sister's. You can touch them if you'd like”. At this statement Katsoro started blushing furiously and held his hands up in a defensive poster saying, “N-no thats not what I was thinking I was ju-”. But Vriend just grabbed his hand and pulled it over resting it on her breast.

The moment Katsoro felt Vriend's soft and worm breast his mind want blank and his hart started pounding like a war drum on Oger blood. Katsoro struggled and tried too move back from Vriend and her mind disabling soft breasts, but before he could pull away Beschermer want behind him pushing her breasts into his and back holding him in place.

Vriend smiled at Katsoro's reaction then stepped fore ward, gently grabbing his face pushing him back into Beschermer's breasts pining him in a Orc sandwich. Before Katsoro could utter any kind of protest Vriend moved her hands to his shoulders and stated kissing him.

This kiss was unlike anything Katsoro had experienced before, he could fell her tongue moving around in his mouth and her full lushes lips phrasing against his. Katsoro could fell his pants getting tight around his groin as he got the hardiest erection of his life, his hart almost bursting out of his chest.

Beschermer looked down at Katsoro's tight pants and smiled coyly saying, “Well well looks like Master needs some relief don't worry I'll take care of it” then reached down and started taking off his belt and pulling down his pants. Virend finely pulled out of the kiss breathing heavily her eyes glazed over with lust licking her lips then gazed into Katsoro's eyes and said ,“Delicious. Well Master would you like more? Would you like to have your first time with me?”.

By this point Katsoro's head was crimson rad and his mind was shouting off but he was able to stutter out a response, “Ho y-yes I would love more whit no! what am I saying? I mean not that I don't like it witch I do it's just that I think you no I mean Gaa”. Katsoro was cut off when Beschermer his pants down all the way and started pulling off his underwear.

Unbeknown to them Shampoo had ban watching the whole time covering her face with her pews but looking in between her fingers her face blushed rad saying, “That looks fu- fun Nya”. Still oblivious to their audience Beschermer completely pulled Katsoro's underwear off exposing his rock hard member.

Katsoro tried to protest but just as he started to say something Vriend unbuckled her top belt and lat her breast plat fall off exposing her full breast in all their glory. Vriend then grabbed Katsoro's head and pulled his face into her bar breasts.

Katsoro quickly forgot any plans of escaping his worm and soft breast prison and instead started to enjoy the soft sensation of Vriends breasts. After a few seconds of Vriend's embraces Katsoro's curiosity got the best of him so he reached up garbing hold of Vriend's breasts squeezing and fiddling them them.

The moment Katsoro grabbed her breasts Vriend lat out a sexy moan and grabbed his shoulders to steady herself blushing from the sensation. Vriends breasts were so big that with his palms centered on her nipples Katsoro's finger tips could not even reach the edge of them. Katsoro stopped fiddling Vriend's breasts and looked up at her face then pushed him self up into another kiss.

Vriend pulled out of the kiss and knocked Katsoro onto his back then moved up onto him so she was straddling him. Vriend smiled down at Katsoro then retched down and unbuckled her bottom belt and letting her loincloth fall down so Katsoro could get a clear view of her dripping wet womanhood. Then resting her hands on his chest moved herself over his erect member and slowly let herself down moaning in pleasure.

Katsoro could feel the worm and wet tightness of Vriend's pussy close over his member, it felt so good that he almost blacked out from the pleasure. Vriend continued pushing down so that their pubic heirs were rubbing then pulled back up in tall the head of Katsoro's member almost came out. Then pushed back down sending a mind racking wave of pleasure through Katsoro's body.

The pleasure was so intense Katsoro was actually knocked out but came right back to consciousness when Vriend moved back up. Before Vriend could move down again Katsoro wrapped his hands around her neck and pulled her down into another, more passionate kiss. And continued kissing her franticly as she started to rhythmical move her hips up and down sending wave after wave of pleasure through his body.

Before Katsoro knew what he was doing, he was moving his hips and driving his member deeper and deeper into Vriend's pussy. Within seconds both Katsoro and Vriend were crying and moaning in pleasure, wildly slamming into one another.

Katsoro then pulled Vriend down closer to himself hugging her tightly then all to soon they let out a final cry of pleasure and climaxed. Katsoro could fell his seed running into her as her worm pussy squeezed his member tightly milking every last drop of come.

After fishing Vriend slid off Katsoro laying next to him panting and said, “That felt so good Master” Katsoro trieing to catch his breath replied “It felt good for me to” just then a shadow came over him, he looked up to see Beschermer completely naked her pussy dripping wet pervertedly smiling and said, “It's my turn now Master”.

Katsoro snapped back to reality and started saying, “What a minuet, I just came for the first time and whats more-” but he was cut off as Beschermer knelt down kissing him and rubbing his member against her thighs. Within seconds Katsoro's member was back to full erection and his pules was back to a record hi.

Because Beschermer was so tall or because Katsoro was so short, Katsoro ended up with his face bared in her breasts effectively smothering him. After positioning herself and guiding his member into her pussy Beschermer got to work moving her hips. As Beschermer started rocking up and down Katsoro started disparately trying to push her up so her breasts were not smothering him, witch only resulted in him getting a good fell of her belly.

After a few seconds of this Beschermer finely pushed herself up letting Katsoro catch a breath. Gasping for air Katsoro looked up at Beschermer and in between paints and monies said, “What was that for? you almost of suffocated me”. Moaning in pleasure Beschermer replied, “Buuuuuuut Master's face fells so good against my boobs don't you like it?”.

Katsoro all rational thought walking out the door replied saying, “I love it I love the filing of you boobs but I can't breath like this I-”. He was cut off as Beschermer turnded to Vriend saying, “Sister, Master wants more boobs, come help me”. Hearing this Katsoro panicked saying, “No stop. Thats not what I meant what do you mean Help you? Your not going to-”.

Katsoro's attempt at stopping the Orcs failed miserably as Beschermer pulled him into a sitting position and Vriend crawled behind him warping her arms around him pushing her breasts into his back pining in yet another Orc sandwich. Once Vriend was in place Beschermer turned slightly to one side so that Katsoro's face was bared in her massive cleavage but in a way so he could still breath.

Beschermer then tucked Katsoro's arms against his sides and between her and Vriend's thighs and started pushing against him harder so as much as was possible of her and Vriend's skin was touching him. Once she was satisfied with her work, Beschermer began to slowly thrust her hips against Katsoro's driving his member into her.

Katsoro's body spasmed and shook in pleasure from this overwhelming sensation but was held still by his soft Orc prison. Within seconds Katsoro's rationality and anything resembling it went out the window and he started crying and moaning wildly, unable to think of anything but the amazing felling of the Orcs bodies rubbing agents his and the unbearable pleasure.

In the back ground Shampoo was still pretending she was covering her eyes and watching them a slightly envious and embarrassed expression on her face as Katsoro and the Orcs continued crying and moaning in pleasure oblivious to the world around them.

Chapter (3) The order and the archer
Spoiler: show
Friends cost trust and understanding, but enemies only cost a few words __me again

Katsoro looked up at the sun sweating and painting, it was the middle of the day now. He was still uncertain if what had just happed to him was a dreamed or real. But seeing as he now had two Orcs calling him Master and following him and every last drop of semen had ban milked out of him it was pretty obvious thats was not a dream.

Katsoro was still lost, although Beschermer insisted she new where they were and Vriend had said, “As long as we go in one direction were bound to find something.” The group was traveling in a awkward silence Katsoro still week form the Orc sandwich and Shampoo staying a good ten feet behind him so he would not see her red and embarrassed face.

Finley Katsoro could not stand it anymore and turned to look at Beschermer saying, “So um you two are sisters right?” Beschermer at first ignored him to busy staring at his back with a perverted, piloting expression but as soon as she noticed that Katsoro was talking to her she snapped out of it and said, “What? Sisters? Yes Master, me and Vriend are sisters, we had the same father and different mothers”.

Katsoro thought for a moment then said, “Then you two are half sisters?” Beschermer looked at Katsoro in confusion then said, “Half sisters? No Master we are sisters theirs no such thing as half sisters silly”. Katsoro looked away trying no to laugh but still ended up snickering.

Katsoro stopped snickering when Vriend stepped in front of him, a curious look on her face and asked, “whats so funny Master? Why are you laughing?” Katsoro was about to explain what half sisters were but just before he did he remembered what they just finished doing and ended up turning away from her covering his face in embarrassment.

Turning away turned out to be a bad idea because when he did he ended up looking directly at Beschermer's well endowed chest. Katsoro finely just looked up at the sky tacking a deep breath then changed the subject saying, “So are you two going to call me Master like that all the time?”.

Beschermer clenched her fist, took a determined stance and replied “Of course Master! You defeated us so you are stronger then us so we must be your slaves forever. It's only natural”. Katsoro looked back at
Beschermer saying, “How is that natural? Thats-” but he stopped when he realized what he was saying, 'What the hell am I saying? The hottest chicks I have ever seen are now my slaves FOREVER! Why the hell am I trying to talk them out of it? I must be losing it'.

Vriend looked around slightly worried then said, “By the way Master do you have the slightest clue were we're going?”. Katsoro looked back at Vriend a giant bid sweet running down the back of his head, and said, “But you were the one that said to just go in one direction”.

After he said this Katsoro realized just how week that sounded, his father had always told him that, “A real man never riles on others for directions, and never admits when he is lost.” Then again his father also said that his mother was a princess and the chef god was a woman, so it was obvious he was full of shit.

Katsoro sighed and started looking around, felling like a real idiot for running off into the plains with no plan. Well Katsoro scanned the plains for any kind of land mark, Beschermer and Vriend had completely forgotten about being lost and instead started lustfully eying Katsoro's ready for round two. Beschermer was the first to take atone coming up on Katsoro's left, interrupting this Tran of thought by saying, “Master how about we take a break? You look like you could use a rest”.

Katsoro turned to Beschermer questioningly but before he could spake Vriend grabbed his right arm saying, “Yes Master, lats rest over there under the trees” pointing off to her right. Katsoro looked in the direction she was pointing to see a small patch of trees and a tiny broken down adobe hut.

Katsoro face palmed at how obvious the hut and trees were then smiled at Vriend and said “Okay girls we can take a rest if you like, you've earned” completely obvious to the Orcs alterer motives or the meaning of what he just said.

Beschermer and Vriend both squalled in delight then each grabbed one of Katsoro's arms and practically dragged him to the trees leaving Shampoo, ho was staring up at a bird and drooling behind. Once they were at the trees the Orcs tossed the bags and there hammers to the ground and turned to Katsoro licking their lips lustfully.

Katsoro started backing away from the Orcs in fear saying “Okay...why are you staring at me like that? I'm not to sure I like that look in your eyes.” Virend smiled Lustfully and replied “Wall were taking a break Of course like you said we could.” By this point Katsoro had finely put two and two together and realized what the Orcs were about to do and turned to away to start running but the Orcs were ones step ahead of him and pounced on him before he could run.

Katsoro attempted to struggle and squirm but Beschermer simply started rubbing her breasts against his back, effectively draining his will to fight. Just as Vriend was starting to pull Katsoro's paints off they were interrupted by the sound of marching and armor rattling. Beschermer and Vriend turned irritated by the interruption but froze the moment they saw what it was.

Only a few feet away from Katsoro and the Orcs where a group of twenty solders clad in chain male with large religious symbols on the front. Taking advantage the situation Katsoro squirmed free of the girls grip and stud up to face the solders. The first to speck was the leader of the solders “Well well well what do we have here? A lost sheep fornicating with a pair of pigs.”

The moment the leader said this Katsoro eye looked with him and both their instincts told them this “Yeah, I won't be able to get alone with this person!!”. Then the air want cold and demonic energy started leaking out around them, Katsoro's demonic energy turned into a giant demonic wolf ready to rip out somethings throat. The solders demonic energy turned into a pissed demonic crab that was soon eaten by Katsoro's wolf much to the displeasure of the solder.

Of coarse no one saw this battle of demonic energy but Katsoro and the Solder. Katsoro retorted with a smirk saying “Ho, Is that so? Whats the matter jealous that I get to get it on with this two hot ass girls well you march around all day in a tin can?”. This statement instantly pissed all the solders due partly to the fact that most of them were in fact jealous.

The solders leader recomposed himself and in a southern sounding ascent replayed “Enough you are under arrest for Hersey and fornicating with the enemy and in the name of the chef goddess and my self Mugssy lea Crab I condemn you to die where you stand”. Katsoro angrily shouted back “For real? There are bandits on the lose killing every one and your arresting me for getting it on with some girls?”.

The solders leader Mugssy just gave Katsoro a blank stare and replied “There are no bandits in the New Germania Plains”. This only antagonized Katsoro how practically screamed back “Bull shit! My village was just attacked and destroyed just yesterday how the hell is it there are no bandits in the New Germania Plains?”.

This seemed to have an effect on Mugssy ho turned to his men and started murmuring to them, after a full minuet of murmuring and whispering Mugssy finely turned back to Katsoro and replied “Those men that attacked your village were not bandits son, they were clearly just captain Rent and this foraging party”.

Katsoro said nothing and Mugssy continued saying “The Order has recently decided to finely send a Crusading force of two thousand men to this heathen plains to hut down and purge this filthy monsters and restore Order and fear of the chief god” Mugssy then looked at the two Orcs and added “and you have just helped us by rounding up some of them”.

With that Katsoro want into his fighting stance and called out “ Beschermer Vriend” both the Orcs had there hammers at the Raddy and replied “Yes Master were right here” Not looking back at them Katsoro said “Take Shampoo and get out of here get as far away as you can go back to your clan or tribe or what ever and worn them about the Order”

“OK but what about you Master? Where will you go” Beschermer said a twinge of fear in here voice. Katsoro said nothing at first then said “Dead, but I'm taking this bastards down with me” He posed then added “this bastards are with the men that destroyed my home and killed my friends theres no way I'm not taking them out”.

Before Beschermer could say any thing Shampoo, completely oblivious to anything but a bird she was watching, walked right into the meddle of the standoff. The moment she came into sight one of the solders drew his sword and swung it at here yelling “Dame Monster die!”. Lucky for Shampoo Vriend had spotted her walking towards them and rushed in knocking the solders sword out of his hand with her hammer.

And with that Katsoro charged the solders barreling strait into Mugssy knocking him to the ground, Beschermer fallowed suite attacking the solders with her hammer. Well Katsoro and Beschermer attacked the solders Vriend scooped up the bewildered Shampoo and moved her out of the fight then turned and started swinging her hammer at the nearest solder.

Katsoro's struggle with Mugssy was short lived as the other solders knocked him off Mugssy and grabbed him. Katsoro easily broke there grip and started punching them but dissipate that he soon had eight more solders coming down on him. Mugssy quickly got back to his feet and drew his sword to cut Katsoro down but before he could a arrow slammed into him knocking him of his feet.

Every one stopped at this, in confusion Katsoro looked at the four Order archers that where standing in the back of the group and said “Um you do know you just team killed your own leader right?”. However the archers did not even have their bows out and looked as confused as Katsoro.

Just then one of the archers looked over at the adobe house and noticed there was a tall dark skinned woman standing on top of it holding a bow. The archer stood there for only a second before he started yelling “NO NO NO NOT FROM HER, NOT FROM THAT RANGE SHE DIDN'T” he finished just in time for two more arrows to take him and the guy next to him out sending them both flying.

And with that everything want into a frenzy, some solders started charging at the mysterious archer screaming. Others just started running away cursing, the remaining two archers tried to return fire but missed hopelessly. The hole thing was over in a mater of seconds, all the solders were all picked off one by one from a steady stream of arrows. All but the two archers that were able to escape due to the fact that they had lighter armor then the rest.

The mysterious archer jumped down from the adobe houses roof pouting and saying “Darn it! Two got away now I'll have to go chase them down.” Then walked over to the downed solders and Katsoro, once she got closer it became clear she was not a normal human. Her skin was light chocolate brown and was covered in tribal tattoos that resembled vines made out of crescent shaped blades. Although this was not the unhuman part what was unhuman was the the long skinny spaded tail coming out of her tail bone, the large purple wing coming out of her back and the curved ivory horn on the left side of her head.

Shampoo waved her paws above her head a serous and exited look on her face saying “It's a Amozoneuses nya!” Katsoro looked at the small werecat with a weirded out expression saying “I don't know what you were trying to say but I think you mispronounced it”. Shampoo looked back at Katsoro with a shocked expression and replied “HO my gosh! you don't think she's a Amoznus do you nya?”. The Amazoness on the other hand was ignoring all the mispronunciations and tyeing all the solders up in a slave line.

After completing her task the Amazoness turned to Beschermer and Vriend bluntly saying “Don't worry your mans safe from me I don't steal slaves, but I would advice leaving the plains. There have ban tons of the solders flocking the plains lately.” she posed then added “looks like they plan to die trying to wipe us out so it wont be safe to travel the plains in day time for awhile”.

Beschermer looked at the Amazoness with a concerned look and said “I understand but one thing I would like to ask”. The Amazoness looked eyes with Beschermer, the air started going cold and the tension started building finely Beschermer asked “Do you think theirs time for a quickie before the Order gets here?”. The Amazoness looked at Beschermer in shock then said “Ho! Don't mind me, by all means I would love to watch”.

Beschermer turned around to speak to Vriend but Vriend was already grabbing pulling Katsoro's arm saying “Come on Master we need to tack care your primary basic needs before the good guys get here to stop us”. Beschermer, realizing that her sister was beating her to the chases, bolted over to Katsoro adding in “Yes Master we must satisfy your lust quickly wall theres time left to wast”. Katsoro however was not going along with the Orcs plan and started protesting saying “What? primary basic needs, lust!? If any one's lusty here it's you two not me now lat go!”.

Vriend pouted saying “Ho come on Master! Just a quickie one round” Beschermer on the other hand tuck action saying “Don't worry master I'll get you lusty just what” and started fiddling her breasts and swinging her hips sexually. This erotic display was to much for the virgin minded Katsoro hows eye bolls nearly bust out of the sockets.

Katsoro, In a desperate attempt at averting the situation, stuttered out “But we can't do something like this with Shampoo watching so”. The Amazoness replied waving her hand dismissively saying “The WereCat's sleeping so go ahead and get it on I don't mind”. Katsoro clenched his fist yelling at the Amazoness “Well I do mind! And I'm not doing it in front of you!” he then turned to Beschermer and said “and you.....”.

However Beschermer's erotic display had devolved into a strep dance as she was slowly unbuckling her belts and letting them slid off. The moment Katsoro saw Beschermer's dance all the blood in his buddy started going to his head, almost cosing it to blow up. Luckily Katsoro was Abel to get a hold of himself and say “Okay thats enough you can stop now before I die from blood lose”. Of course this only encouraged the Orc to move slower and more erotically.

With the last of his self control Katsoro blurted out “Stop it Beschermer!” he posed and added “As your master I order you to stop now.” The moment this words left Katsoso's lips Beschermer stopped letting out a sexy moan as if some had just grabbed her breasts. Everyone stared at Beschermer in confession of her bizarre reaction, even Shampoo ho was pretending to catnap so she could watch, the awkward moment was broken when Beschermer looked at Katsoro with lust stricken eyes and said “Yes Master I would love to stop for you” then stood completely still, like some kind of sexy Orc statue.

After getting his hormones back under control Katsoro ran over to Shampoo scooped her up and tossed her over his shoulder like a sake of Otes. Then turned to the still frozen Beschermer and practically screamed “Put your cloths back on, we have a lot work to do” and marched off into the Plains and a new life, just as lost as before but at lest he had a painful boner now.

Spacial preview/part 1 Chapter (4) Welcome to Kinder Hoff
Spoiler: show
The only thing I'm scared of right now is a cup of tea_hayate the combat butler (I think....)

Katsoro looked up at the sky. It was almost black from all the clouds and he could smell the ran in the air. His ears drooped, and he said “This is just perfect. Now I'm going to get soaked, and seeing as how lightning likes to hit the tallest object I...”.

Looking back at Beschermer and Vriend, he continued “Well, I'm the last one that needs to worry about getting hit by lightning.”

Shampoo, riding on his shoulders asleep, woke up rubbing her head against his head. Happily she said “Well of course, silly. That's because you're the last male dwarf in the world, and even if it wanted to, lightning could never hit such a small target. Nya”.

With that, a small dark cloud formed over Katsoro's head, and the muscles on his forehead bunched up. He grabbed at the pint-sized werecat on his shoulders. Shampoo however, was a step ahead of him. She jumped off, scurried over to a tall scraggly tree and climbed up into the branches, chanting, “Short nya, short nya, short and small, short as a stump and small as a ball”.

Katsoro, now furious ran over to the tree and jumped up, trying to grab her. Once again Shampoo was too fast for him. She continued climbing up into the top branches and out of his reach. Katsoro shouted up at her, “Get down here now! You lazy overgrown kitten. It's time you served your only logical purpose, as an emergency food supply. Your lazy days are over!”

Shampoo, slung over a branch like a sleeping jaguar, waved her paw dismissively with a mischievous look, saying, “To much trouble. Nya. You should come up here and get me”.

This only fueled the fire. As they both knew, he could not climb trees, no matter how hard he tried. His limbs where too short and he weighed a lot for someone so small. That did not stop him from trying and he scrambled at the base of the tree trying to get a hold of the trunk. In the end, he ended up sliding back down.

Once it was obvious he was not climbing the tree, Katsoro, in his infinite knowledge, started kicking the tree angrily and screaming, “I'll knock this stupid thing down no matter how long it takes!” And with that Katsoro continued his assault on the tree.

Shampoo laughed at him, but this time it was her that was a step behind. The tree was tall, skinny and had no branches on the lower section. However, the fact that it was skinny meant that it would bend if shook and Katsoro's kicks were starting to shake it viciously--something Shampoo did NOT LIKE. Soon Shampoo was hugging her branch for dear life and screeching like, well... a scared cat, as the tree swung around crazily.

Finally, Shampoo lost her grip and went flying up into the air, then plummeted to earth. Fortunately Katsoro caught her by reflex, saving her a painful landing. Shampoo looked up at Katsoro's face with a mix of relief and admiration, whimpering, “”.

Katsoro's face want evil, and he said, “Punishment time.”

Shampoo's admiring expression turned into a look of shocked horror.

Shampoo tried to squirm away, but this time Katsoro held her firmly, and started noogieing her on both sides of her head, grinning evilly the hole time. Shampoo, franticly tried to get away, screeching out, “I'm sowy, I'm sowy, Katsoros not small his big, big and strong. Nya”

Katsoro, grained victoriously and let her go, but the second she reached the ground she added, “Big and fat like a pig. Nya”

Shampoo tried to run away again, but Katsoro caught her by the tall and pulled her back into another noogie. This time when Katsoro let her go she ran over to Beschermer and jumped up onto her shoulders, then looking back at Katsoro stick out her tung, taunting, “Naaaa try and climb this mountain shorty.”

Katsoro, growled at Shampoo but he could not gather the nerve to try sieging her position on top of Beschermer. Vriend, ho had been watching the whole statical finely spook up, “Master, just what kind of relationship dose Shampoo have with you?”

Katsoro, looked over at Vriend then replied, “Obviously she's my pet cat and emergency food supply.”

“Not well I hold fort Beschermer shorty. Nya.” Shampoo retorted, from her perch on Beschermer's shoulders.

Shampoo's moment of victory was short lived, because Beschermer lifted her off her shoulders and handed her over to a vary angry Katsoro. Shampoo only had enough time to cry out, “Traitor!” before she was once again in a head lock and being noogied by Katsoro.

A loud crack of lightning and a handful of rain drops ended Shampoo's punishment. As Katsoro let here go and started heading towards a small hill looking for shelter. The others where soon to fallow and Vriend spook up again saying, “Master I know of a small Village not to far from here called Kinder Hoff, It's kind of unusual and disorganized but we can get out of the rain there.”

Katsoro, stopped cold at the mention of Kinder Hoff, as a child he was always being told about this evil village only ten miles away from his home village called Kinder Hoff, the home of man eating monsters. Of course Katsoro never believed a word of it, that was in tall his best friend want to investigate the mysterious village and never cam back. In fact every time someone want missing the villagers would say that they “Want to Kinder Hoff” and never talk about them again.

Katsoro, trembled thinking about what might be waiting for him in Kinder Hoff, then looked at Beschermer and nervously asked, “Um you Monsters don't, well EAT people or anything right?”

Beschermer, head eternally in the gutter replied, “Huh? Ho of course Master all the time” thinking he was asking if mamono liked being eaten out or something to that perverted nature.

Hearing this, Katsoro fell to his knees in terror. His life seemed to flash before his eyes and he started thinking, 'Where did I go wrong? Just yesterday everything was fine everyone was alive, the biggest danger was a bad harvest or maybe a random Monster showing up or something. Now everyone is dead and I'm fallowing a pair of Orcs to my death, or worse!'

Katsoro's thinking was interrupted by a loud crack of lightning and Shampoo crying in fear. He turned to look at her, but before he knew what had happed she was half way into his tunic and hiding her face against his chest crying. Katsoro patted her on the head, his eyes softening and his mind calming then looked up at Beschermer and Vriend, “How far to Kinder Hoff?”

Six minuets later they had arrived in the outskirts of Kinder Hoff. As it turned out, Kinder Hoff was not some little village like Vriend said it was, it was actually a nicely sized and rather bustling town. Complete with a town hall, Central plaza and fountain, Market district, Stone rods and a grand cathedral standing high over everything.

The houses where mostly of mud brick construction, with wood frames and straw roofs, although some where stone or wood. However, two things seemed off about Kinder Hoff, first of all the houses where rather, short even though most where two satoris high. Some standing a mere ten feet tall. Second the town lacked any kind of defenses, no walls, no guard towers, nothing.

Katsoro, turned his head to the side thinking out loud, “What the hell? You could just walk right into town and no one could stop you.”

Beschermer, looked at Katsoro curiously and asked, “What do you mean Master?”

Katsoro, shook his head replying, “It's just that every time I want to one of the border towns with my family to sell are excess crops, there where high stone walls surrounding them with heavy iron gates and tons of guards checking everyone. Demanding there resin for coming to the city and such. But here I can't see a single gate or guard, like no one cares ho comes and gos.”

Beschermer, nodded then replied, “Well humans hide from us monsters in their walls coz they week, and scared of us. We monsters are the ones that invade cities so why would we need walls?” she paused then concluded, “We are terrifying monsters, see.” pointing at a figure siting on a wooden crate a few yards away.

The terrifying monster, was a small girl about the same hight as Shampoo. She had long gray hair, neatly divided into a pair of brads, her eyes were light blue and she was wearing a dark blue one piece dress with a tan shirt underneath it. Hardly a terrifying monster in fact if not for the coyote tall and ears she would pass as a human girl.

The coyote girl just stared at them with an apprehensive look like she would start running any second. Katsoro, looked back at Beschermer then asked, “So, what's she supposed to be, Shampoo's cousin?”

Beschermer, shook her head then replayed, “No, shes just a werecoyote. There just cowards that run at the first sign of danger. Although if you're all alone and there's more then one, they can be dangerous.”

Katsoro, rolled his eyes sarcastically saying, “Now I know it's her cousin. Right Shampoo?”

However Shampoo was gone like a bolt of lightning, running towards the werecoyote yelling, “Your mine! Flea bag. Nya!” The bugle singling the charge.

The werecoyote retorted, “No I'm not!” then took off running with Shampoo in hot pursuit. Katsoro, Beschermer and Vriend could only stand there speechless as the two girls ran around the streets as fast as they could. Shampoo charging like a starving predator insight of it's pray and the werecoyote running for here life like well, a coyote.

At first the coyote had the upper hand in speed and looked like she would escape but, she made the mistake of trying to climb onto the roof of a nearby houses. Thereby giving Shampoo the time she needed to pounce and tackle her. The werecoyote struggled and squirmed, desperately trying to escape but it was all in vane. Soon Shampoo had her prize subdued and was gloating triumphantly, siting in the middle of the street.

It was at this point that Katsoro, Beschermer and Vriend caught up and Katsoro got his first close look at the residents of Kinder Hoff.

Re: Blackninja First steps Chapter (4) part 1

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:56 am
by MonsterGirlLuver
There. You have a post. However, this fic does not seem like my cup of tea. Doesn't seem to have much comedy to it. My apologies but this is merely a bump. You're a good man (I assume) who doesnt need his fic at the bottom of the list and completely forgotten.

Re: Blackninja First steps Chapter (4) part 1

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 3:25 pm
by Katsoro
Thanks :) even if it's just a bump, it's nice to know I'm not completely ignored.