best sensei evar
More like your average "eroge sensei" if you ask me... But hey, not complaining though.
This one is actually not bad, it's mildly faithful to its mythical counterpart (well the Japanese adaptation of it) and thank goodness that for once in a blue moon the artist has decided to stay the hell away from the "mindless cavey monster" archetype (We're already got plenty of those thank you very much).
Lookswise she pulls off the whole "hot Chinese scholar" archetype quite nicely and behaviourwise she pretty much is the enbodiment of your average "eroge sensei", which is actually surprisingly pleasant (I feared much worse than this).
Overall, she's quite a nice entry (Not a favourite of mine, but I'm not disliking her either).
.P.S.: I still wish she was to be called "Bai Zé" rather than "Hakutaku", but hey... beggars can't be choosers...